The meaning of the name Lia, the origin, character and fate of the name Lia. Leah (female name)

The female name Leah is viscous, gentle, sonorous. Finding out the meaning of the name Leah is interesting to every bearer of it - both a teenage girl and a young woman. Naturally, the interpretation will differ in some features. For example, meaning of the name Leah for a girl it carries the energy of kindness, early awareness, intuitive understanding of being, femininity and bright dedication.

origin of the name Leah

The origin of the name Leah is a special story. Where did it come from and what is its name? This can be learned from many sources. There is a version that this was the name of the wife of the biblical Jacob and the sister of Rachel, that is, its etymology comes from Jewish, Jewish roots.

Translated from Hebrew, it can mean “tired”, if we consider the Akkadian roots, we get “cow”. The fact remains that girls are so often called in Jewish families today.

If you live in harmony with yourself, you are a hospitable host, a good friend and a sought-after professional.

However, any excessive pressure on you will irritate you. Criticism can provoke a harsh, rude reaction on your part, which will surprise even those who consider you a weak-willed and indecisive person.

It is important for you to learn to be brave and self-confident. Remember: you have a strong character, and the desire to help others is not at all a sign of weakness! You can be compared to a "cosmic mother" who intelligently and lovingly endows her children with self-confidence and the ability to find a better path in life.

In a world of struggle and fierce competition, there is always a need for someone who can calm and cheer up. Your benevolence, desire to please and great patience are as valuable as any other talent.

Significance for the child

In childhood, the girl is prone to frequent mood changes, which depends only on herself. She likes to sleep more. She is very curious and tries to achieve what she wants. She is not at all interested in books and studies. In the future, the same attitude will be manifested towards work.

Significance for an adult woman

The person in question is characterized by an explosive character and a tendency to pride. She easily makes new acquaintances. The advantage in her personality can be called the fact that she accepts people for who they are, and is not going to change them.

Respects other people's interests, hobbies and opinions. Leah does not like conflicts with others, so she tries to bypass them. If she's in trouble or Bad mood She doesn't show it to other people. Despite her emotional nature, adult Leah becomes reasonable and does not commit rash acts.

The owner of the name, born in winter period, is a very kind girl who will always come to the aid of others. At the same time, she is able to dissemble or cheat.

Summer girls, whose name is Leah, love to plunge into the world of dreams and reflections. They have the ability to manipulate, especially in relation to men.


The value in this case is true love, affection, tenderness in relationships, this is a desire to understand and accept a partner as he is. This means that its owner cannot plunge "in the pool with his head" without a trace.

She is necessarily guided by a sober mind, regardless of feelings, knows how to listen to her own heart and trusts her mind. It is such a harmonious tandem that allows her to never get into unpleasant situations.

A woman almost never suffers from unrequited love, because her ease, natural charm, the ease with which she travels through life, attracts members of the opposite sex to her. Men always see in her a true woman - romantic, flirtatious, shy and wise.

If unhappy love happens, she will not sit and wait for “weather by the sea”, but will take the situation into her own hands and try to conquer young man. If she fails after several attempts, she will leave this venture, suffer for a short time and forget about him.

The true meaning for the family can be expressed in one word - dedication. The family does not accept any restrictions on their own freedom in the good sense of the word. He does not like to take care of the house, host or bring comfort. She is interested in the world of her husband. This means that she wants to "grow" with him, to achieve heights in areas of interest to both of them.

She will make an excellent match with the man who will not restrain or limit her in any way, will allow her to remain self-sufficient, will indulge her little feminine weaknesses and will not force her to “cook borscht”.

In return, she will give him all the tenderness and warmth of her heart, he will never be bored with her, they will always find where to go on a trip or to come up with such a creative one, sitting in front of the TV in the evening.

In the event that misunderstandings and disagreements arise in the family that cannot be resolved through conversation, Leah will patiently wait for a change in the situation in better side but will not allow divorce.

For children, she is more like a girlfriend-sister than a mother. She loves them, adores them, indulges and indulges them in every possible way, but she can also insert a harsh word if she feels that the kids “sit on their heads”.

Business and career

For her, only human relations, feelings and sincere emotions. She doesn’t care about her career at all, which means she’s not interested in conquering incomprehensible peaks, she doesn’t understand how you can exchange hours of work in the office for those moments when the weather changes outside, pleasant surprises happen, or you just want to invite friends, just like that, no reason to hang out.

She usually spends much more than she can afford, but the money itself "is" on her life path, so she does not attach much importance to their earnings.

This is a woman for whom there is no meaning to life without creativity, fantasies and imagination. Therefore, it can brightly and powerfully manifest itself only in creative professions. Here, nothing can hold her back, she will realize any idea, especially if she finds allies on her way.

It is worth noting that the bearer of this name is very fond of various wonderful little things made with my own hands. It is from such hobbies - beading, embroidery or quilling techniques - that bright celebrities are obtained who amaze not only their friends with their creations!


You are a closed person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one's own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the outside world.

Over time, this "shell" becomes thicker, and the opportunity to "go outside" becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the most durable shell may one day not withstand external pressure, burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intellect nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant they are, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of "interpenetration", without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to consider your individual qualities not as a product that can be "sold", but as a tool for teamwork. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot”, but the location of others is not a trifle.

You must pay Special attention First of all, the quality of the purchased items. Preference should be given to simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet.

The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like for a ball” doesn’t suit you at all. The number of appearance is “Four”. The practicality of the "two" is reflected, among other things, in her manner of dressing. You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the things you buy.

Preference should be given to clothes of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like for a ball” doesn’t suit you at all.

Numerology Of The Name Leah

The owners of this name number always take an active life position and always clearly know what they want to achieve. They are best oriented in complex and even extreme life situations, they cannot be embarrassed by drastically changed circumstances or taken by surprise by difficulties.

However, "long-playing" projects are not their forte - they quickly lose interest in the matter and let the threads out of their hands, which automatically strikes them out of the number of business people. The strong point of the “units” is the execution of assigned tasks, and the more difficult and difficult the task, the more likely it is that the “unit” will solve it faster and better than anyone else.

Men and women of the “one” are brave and confident in their abilities, they know how to earn money, but they are also easy to spend. They tend to make impulsive and rash decisions. In most cases, they are the soul of the company and reliable friends.


  • Planet: Sun.
  • Element: Fire, warmth, dryness.
  • Zodiac: Leo.
  • Color: Yellow, bright red, gold.
  • Day: Sunday.
  • Metal: Gold.
  • Mineral: Chrysolite, heliotrope, carbuncle, diamond (especially yellow).
  • Plants: Heliotrope, mistletoe, peony, ginger, laurel, cedar, lemon, wild rose, olive, almond, oak.
  • Animals: Lion, eagle, falcon, scarab.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Leah

Leah, your self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “life necessity”. You are extremely choosy in any relationships, whether it be friendship or a closer relationship.

In both cases, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him.

But if you still find a person who fits the “bar” you set, then you surrender to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can become pleasant surprise for a partner misled by your external closeness and aloofness.

Mystery of the name

An excellent characteristic of the mystery of the name Leah is those important components of the exo- and esoteric sphere that affect each of us, regardless of our desire.

  • Stone - rock crystal, diamond.
  • Name day - March 22, August 29.
  • Name horoscope or zodiac sign - Taurus, Sagittarius.
  • Color - Velvet sapphire, coral. Read more:

Name Forms

Diminutive variants can be - Liechka, Liusya, Lietta, Leushka, the only one will be short and at the same time shortened - Lee, the names of Seraphim, Lilia, Cornelia, Natalia, Amalia can be derived from this.

The full name remains the same - Leah, declines in accordance with the rules of the Russian language. The name Leah in Orthodoxy may refer to the names of Lydia and Natalia.

The name of a person is given to him from birth and determines his future life path. Many people have multiple names.

What does the name Leah mean? What are the character and fate of Leah? Worth sorting out.

The meaning of the name Leah

Leah - from Hebrew antelope. A fast and agile girl with a graceful figure. This is an easy-going person who is always more worried about the fate of his loved ones than personally for his own.

What does the name Leah mean?

Leah celebrates her name day on the first of January, this is the day of the beginning of the year, so the name means a quick start, a quick decision.

The girl herself is assertive and restless. Has a strong temper. The meaning of the name Leah is closely related to lunar calendar.

So, winter lees more cold and reserved. Summer same - very active and mobile.

Origin and history of the name Leah

Leah - Jewish name. It has ancient roots. In the old days, they were called girls from a noble family. Leah's zodiac sign is Aries. The planet that rules it is the Sun. The color that most appeals to her is scarlet. Her tree is the date palm. The patron from the kingdom of animals is the antelope. Leah's stone is amber.

It was believed that if Leah would wear amulets of amber, she would not be afraid of adversity and loss, she would be under reliable protection kind. The origin and history of the name Leah is very interesting. So, in the Middle Ages, the name became common in the territory of Eurasia. In these times, girls were called Leah not only from a noble family, but also those who were the direct heirs of the family.

The character and fate of Leah

It is worth noting that Leah has a lot positive traits character:




Subtle humor;


With all these positive qualities character, Leah knows her worth. She rarely enters into an argument and very rarely comes into conflict with strangers. Leah quickly argues her point of view and believes that this is enough.

To negative traits Leah's character should be attributed to:

Internal stress;

Hidden aggression;

The need for protection.

It is rather strange that such a seemingly wise woman carries a time bomb inside herself, perhaps there are objective reasons for this? It is worth noting that Leah is quite cunning and inventive. She has great inner potential. She knows how to convince an opponent in a few seconds, win her over, make her accept her point of view.

At the same time, Leah's natural charm and charm help. She is a true woman who can pose as a weak and defenseless girl who needs the support of her strong man. At the same time, she leads him quite wisely and calculates almost every step he takes.

Leah knows how to feel a person so subtly that she can practically predict all his future actions. In choosing a profession, Leah should not limit herself on the way to the top in business. The girl is quite hardworking, so she can prove herself in any profession.

She can support and guide anyone. Colleagues admire her ability to work and the ability to always quickly anticipate a difficult situation. She is an irreplaceable professional. Leah often choose creative professions. They bring them a lot of pleasure, while girls often load much more responsibilities onto their shoulders than their colleagues.

Leas are quite successful in business and can hold a high position in society. They know how to morally support their loved ones. Never refuse to help other people. They have a rather subtle sense of humor, which helps them quickly resolve any conflict. At the same time, they are not supporters of sorting things out, it is enough for them to hear the point of view of a person once and accept it. At the same time, girls will defend their interests, trying not to harm others.

Leah's love

Leah has a rather cool disposition, so she tries to take the role of a leader in the family, while she can subtly find an approach to the needs of her other half. Leah is somewhat impulsive in her youth and may even make huge sacrifices for her family. With age, she rethinks values ​​and is already somewhat more balanced, does not make rash decisions.

She is always ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of her loved ones.. Friends find support and support in her. She is quite difficult to experience betrayal and does not understand the meaning of betrayal. She can even quarrel with her parents in order to create her own family. But this is not for long, because Leah is the true keeper of the hearth.

She is in no hurry to start a family, carefully looks at her future husband, but is also quite selective in relationships. She is always surrounded by male attention and care, because she can subtly and very flexibly convey to her soulmate what she really wants. Leah knows how to find an approach to anyone. If a conflict arises in the family, she first admits that she was wrong, but after that she will do everything in order to get the desired result.

The husband does not have a soul in her like relatives. But, if Leah becomes bored with him, if she doubts his love for herself even for a minute, this can be a reason for breaking off relations, so Leah's man must constantly pay attention to her and show her feelings.

Leah's children are babies endowed with love and care. She tries with early years instill in them good manners and give them an exceptional education. Leah takes care of them until adulthood. There are always many guests in her house. She is happy for everyone.

Thanks to good health and flexible nature Leah can rally a lot of people around her. can inspire. She fills the lives of loved ones with happiness. But, if someone neglected her trust, this person will never again be able to cross the threshold of her house. Leah is very creative person and can simultaneously perform several tasks, do several jobs. Resting girl on the seashore with family. She will always find something to occupy both children and adults, and at the same time she will have a wonderful rest.

The meaning of the name Leah: this name for a girl means “heifer”, “doe”, “graceful”, “mountain goat”.

Origin of the name Leah: Jewish. Leah is first mentioned in the Bible.

Diminutive form of the name: Leica, Lila.

What does the name Leah mean? A person of mood, she performs impulsive actions, guided by her own feelings. Colleagues and employer do not take her seriously. The meaning of the name Leah in marriage is selfishness. This girl seeks to marry an economic man and early teaches children to be independent.


  • Zodiac - Aries
  • Planet - Sun
  • Leah's color is scarlet
  • Auspicious tree - date palm
  • Treasured plant - camel thorn
  • Patron - antelope
  • Talisman stone - amber

Characteristics of the name Leah

Positive features: The name Leah gives reliability, complaisance, charm, kindness, a sense of humor. The girl is modest and self-confident. A girl with this name knows her own worth and will never allow herself to be offended.

Negative Traits: This girl cannot get rid of a strange internal tension - it seems that she is in eternal readiness for someone's aggression.

Personality of the name Leah: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Leah? She masterfully knows how to use the passion of some men to see in a woman, first of all, weakness. She beautifully portrays a sentimental, tearful simpleton who does not muddy the waters and looks with horror at the cruel world that torments her. In fact, this "sheep" knows how to stand up for himself in a way that no one ever dreamed of!

Leah and her personal life

Compatible with male names: The union of the name with Gennady, Evstigney, Yermil, Joseph, Isaac, Lavr, Manil, Mina, Nile is favorable. The name Leah is also combined with Peacock, Solomon. Complex relations of the name are likely with Panteley, Sazon, Fedot, Firs, Erast.

Love and marriage: A woman named Leah seeks to take a leading position in the family, but she does it imperceptibly, unobtrusively. She Leah attaches great importance to caring for loved ones and is ready to make sacrifices for them.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: The girl, named Leah, is hardworking, stubborn. She will check all the facts before making a decision. He is a very meticulous and punctual worker. She Leah can work both in a bank, accounting, in a notary's office, and in a theater. She is prudent and often says: “I told you…” Thanks to her analytical mind, Leah is able to understand any problem and situation.

Business and career: For her has special meaning Job. She Leah is smart and careful in everything that concerns her career, and this helps her to secure a comfortable existence. Moreover, she can reach a high position, but this will be associated with the need to take on her shoulders a heavy responsibility.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Leah: The girl's health is quite strong, but there may be problems with digestion.

Leah's fate in history

What does the name Leah mean for female fate?

  1. Liya Akhedzhakova is a modern theater and film actress, known for her roles in the films Twenty Days Without War, Office Romance, The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath, Promised Heaven, etc.
  2. Liya Zelikhman (1910 - 1971) - an outstanding Soviet music teacher (piano), Honored School Teacher of the RSFSR. She brought up Grigory Sokolov, People's Artist of the RSFSR, laureate of the first prize at the International Tchaikovsky Competition. Another of her students, opera director, People's Artist of Russia Yuri Alexandrov, calls Liya Zelikhman a "great teacher".
  3. Lea de Putti (1897 - 1931) - nee - Amalia Putti; famous former Hungarian silent film actress. She became famous for her role as a vamp woman.
  4. Leah Kebede is an Ethiopian fashion model, fashion designer and actress. Since 2005, she has been the World Health Organization Ambassador for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health.
  5. Liya Eliava (1934 - 1998) - Soviet and Georgian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the Georgian SSR (1976).
  6. Leah Solomyanskaya (1907 - 1986) - according to documents - Rachel Solomyanskaya, also among relatives - Ruva and Ralia Solomyanskaya; Soviet cinematographer, film writer, screenwriter, journalist.
  7. Liya Slavina (1906 - 1988) - Soviet psychologist, student of Vygotsky.
  8. Leah Bugova (1900 - 1981) - Soviet theater actress, People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1946).
  9. Leah Dizon (Ria Didzon) is an American-born Japanese pop singer and model.
  10. Liya Bondarko (1932 - 2007) - Soviet and Russian linguist, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Phonetics and Teaching Methods foreign languages Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University.
  11. Liya Yakhontova (1925 - 2007) - Russian mineralogist and teacher. Corresponding member Russian Academy natural sciences (1992). Member of the Scientific Council and Chairman of the Commission on Mineralogical Problems the latest technologies RANS, honorary member and member of the coordinating council on ecology of the Russian Mineralogical Society. Published more than 220 scientific works, including 4 monographs.
  12. Liya Panova - Honored Coach of Russia, ballet dancer. She was a soloist at the Mariinsky Theatre, was a member of the ballet troupe of the theater and often danced in tandem with her husband Panov Valery. After leaving the theater, she studied choreography with the stars of the national team figure skating: with Irina Rodnina, Alexei Ulanov, Sergei Chetverukhin, Volkov. Considered one of the city's best choreographers in artistic gymnastics.
  13. Liya Moiseevna Rozina (Russian actress)

Leah in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of the name into different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On the English language translated as Leah (Leah, Lee), on German: Lea (Lea), on French: Lea (Lea), Lee (Le), in Spanish: Lia (Leah), in Italian: name Lia (Leah).

Version 2. What does the name Leah mean

Hebrew name, translated as "heifer", "heifer".

This is a type of unassembled, poorly organized and somewhat reckless women who are more concerned with themselves than with work or family. These are women of mood who are thrown from one extreme to another. In the morning they like to sleep a little longer, do not bother themselves with studies, they are not inquisitive, they read little, but they are curious like cats. The character of these women is not one of peace-loving ones, so expect some kind of explosion. This, however, does not apply family life- they rarely divorce, even if the marriage obviously did not work out. On the contrary, showing enviable patience, Leah will try to maintain the appearance of a family. As a rule, they are useless hostesses, they do not like to cook and do not know how, often they are simply not neat. Household problems are of little interest to Leah, she is more attracted to meeting friends, shopping in search of a suitable blouse or visiting a hairdresser.
She strives to live in a big way, although she is often constrained by means. Leah has countless friends, and they are always dedicated to all the details of her life. "Winter" women can become stubborn, as they say, from scratch. They are kind, but they can deceive. When they get married, they cannot adapt to family responsibilities and live their own lives.
Like all Leahs, they love feasts and friendly parties. “December” Leah is full of some unconscious desires that she herself is not able to determine. She is sensitive, loves the sun, trips to the warm sea. Leah, like no one else, knows how to use moments of joy and does not deny herself any of them.
She never imposes anything on anyone, because she has a developed sense of respect for others and there is absolutely no desire to command. She is always on her own. "Summer" women are somewhat melancholic, they may have serious difficulties with partners. Their defenselessness and helplessness are often feigned - these women, when it suits them, are able to brilliantly play the role of the weak, in need of a firm male hand. For such women there is no too strict rules and hard limits. They are women in every sense of the word.

Notable people named Leah

Leah Akhedzhakova

born: 1938-07-09

Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia

Numerology Of The Name Leah

Name number: 2

Those who are lucky enough to be born under a deuce do not have to worry about having good friends and social recognition - personal talents, diligence and the ability to understand people will certainly lead the deuce to personal success. Violence and rudeness are alien to her, but she easily finds a way to the hearts and souls of people through understanding and goodwill.
Having met a person under the sign of a deuce, take care of him: most likely, you have found a good friend, mentor, and in some cases, quite possibly, a life partner. Do not rush to judge the deuce in a modest manner, because what is inside, the deuce does not open to everyone.

The meaning of the letters in the name Leah

L- artistic and inventive personalities. In actions they prefer to be guided logical thinking. They know how to position themselves. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and treat other people with disdain. Parting with loved ones is extremely difficult. They are overly capricious and demanding heightened attention to your person.

And- fine spiritual organization, romanticism, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. The fair sex pays a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and work with people. Very economic and prudent.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are able to hide many secrets. In addition, they are excellent interlocutors and romantic natures with a rich imagination.

Name as a phrase

  • L- People
  • And- And (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
  • I- (YA = A) Az

The name of a person is given to him from birth and determines his future life path. Many people have multiple names.

What does the name Leah mean? What are the character and fate of Leah? Worth sorting out.

The meaning of the name Leah

Leah - from Hebrew antelope. A fast and agile girl with a graceful figure. This is an easy-going person who is always more worried about the fate of his loved ones than personally for his own.

What does the name Leah mean?

Leah celebrates her name day on the first of January, this is the day of the beginning of the year, so the name means a quick start, a quick decision.

The girl herself is assertive and restless. Has a strong temper. The meaning of the name Leah is closely related to the lunar calendar.

So, winter lees more cold and reserved. Summer same - very active and mobile.

Origin and history of the name Leah

Leah is a Hebrew name. It has ancient roots. In the old days, they were called girls from a noble family. Leah's zodiac sign is Aries. The planet that rules it is the Sun. The color that most appeals to her is scarlet. Her tree is the date palm. The patron from the kingdom of animals is the antelope. Leah's stone is amber.

It was believed that if Leah would wear amulets of amber, she would not be afraid of adversity and loss, she would be under the reliable protection of the family. The origin and history of the name Leah is very interesting. So, in the Middle Ages, the name became common in the territory of Eurasia. In these times, girls were called Leah not only from a noble family, but also those who were the direct heirs of the family.

The character and fate of Leah

It is worth noting that Leah has a lot of positive character traits:




Subtle humor;


With all these positive qualities of character, Leah knows her worth. She rarely enters into an argument and very rarely comes into conflict with strangers. Leah quickly argues her point of view and believes that this is enough.

Leah's negative character traits include:

Internal stress;

Hidden aggression;

The need for protection.

It is rather strange that such a seemingly wise woman carries a time bomb inside herself, perhaps there are objective reasons for this? It is worth noting that Leah is quite cunning and inventive. She has great inner potential. She knows how to convince an opponent in a few seconds, win her over, make her accept her point of view.

At the same time, Leah's natural charm and charm help. She is a true woman who can pose as a weak and defenseless girl who needs the support of her strong man. At the same time, she leads him quite wisely and calculates almost every step he takes.

Leah knows how to feel a person so subtly that she can practically predict all his future actions. In choosing a profession, Leah should not limit herself on the way to the top in business. The girl is quite hardworking, so she can prove herself in any profession.

She can support and guide anyone. Colleagues admire her ability to work and the ability to always quickly anticipate a difficult situation. She is an irreplaceable professional. Leah often choose creative professions. They bring them a lot of pleasure, while girls often load much more responsibilities onto their shoulders than their colleagues.

Leas are quite successful in business and can hold a high position in society. They know how to morally support their loved ones. Never refuse to help other people. They have a rather subtle sense of humor, which helps them quickly resolve any conflict. At the same time, they are not supporters of sorting things out, it is enough for them to hear the point of view of a person once and accept it. At the same time, girls will defend their interests, trying not to harm others.

Leah's love

Leah has a rather cool disposition, so she tries to take the role of a leader in the family, while she can subtly find an approach to the needs of her other half. Leah is somewhat impulsive in her youth and may even make huge sacrifices for her family. With age, she rethinks values ​​and is already somewhat more balanced, does not make rash decisions.

She is always ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of her loved ones.. Friends find support and support in her. She is quite difficult to experience betrayal and does not understand the meaning of betrayal. She can even quarrel with her parents in order to create her own family. But this is not for long, because Leah is the true keeper of the hearth.

She is in no hurry to start a family, carefully looks at her future husband, but is also quite selective in relationships. She is always surrounded by male attention and care, because she can subtly and very flexibly convey to her soulmate what she really wants. Leah knows how to find an approach to anyone. If a conflict arises in the family, she first admits that she was wrong, but after that she will do everything in order to get the desired result.

The husband does not have a soul in her like relatives. But, if Leah becomes bored with him, if she doubts his love for herself even for a minute, this can be a reason for breaking off relations, so Leah's man must constantly pay attention to her and show her feelings.

Leah's children are babies endowed with love and care. She tries from an early age to instill in them good manners and give them an exceptional education. Leah takes care of them until adulthood. There are always many guests in her house. She is happy for everyone.

Due to good health and flexible nature Leah can rally a lot of people around her. can inspire. She fills the lives of loved ones with happiness. But, if someone neglected her trust, this person will never again be able to cross the threshold of her house. Leah is a very creative person and can simultaneously perform several tasks, do several jobs. Resting girl on the seashore with family. She will always find something to occupy both children and adults, and at the same time she will have a wonderful rest.