Aquarius woman how to understand that she is in love. The love horoscope of the Aquarius woman, or "Here and now." Aquarius woman in love. Who suits an Aquarius woman

Yes, she's a bit out of this world. Friends, relatives, work colleagues, and all her countless fans know about it. But it is precisely for this that they love and, without exaggeration, respect the unusual, original, and at the same time incredibly understanding woman of Aquarius. It seems that this is a psychotherapist from God. One of her words - and the discouraged friends are again inspired, filled with the desire to live and rush to new heights.

But few people manage to pick up the key to it. Moreover, even among friends, this lady feels like a lonely person. So how to win her heart, and what kind of man does she ultimately need? About everything in order.

There is one ancient legend. Like all legends, she is beautiful and sad. In a long time past times the ancient Greek Olympus was inhabited by the gods, who, of course, sometimes loved to feast and enjoy wine. Once they saw in the field the son of the local king - a magnificent, slender young man. He was so good-looking that the gods took him directly to Olympus, so that he served them and poured wine at feasts. The young man took it with enthusiasm - he poured generously and always gave the holiday a unique atmosphere.

How much time has passed, but one day that young man was gone. The gods were sad. They decided to perpetuate the memory of their best servant and created the constellation of Aquarius (Latin "Aquaris"). That's why symbol of this eleventh sign of the zodiac a young man appears, pouring water from his jug, helping people in their difficult life. Aquarius is adjacent to the mysterious fish on the right and the industrious Capricorn on the left.

Aquarius belongs to the air signs of the zodiac. These are sincere open people who easily make contact with any person, regardless of his oddities. Yes, Aquarius is a preacher of humanity, a person with principles and high concepts of honor. Lucky Colors- all shades of blue: from classic ultramarine to purple. Talisman stones- jade, obsidian, amethyst.

It's interesting that this unusual zodiac sign is ruled by two planets at once - Saturn and Uranus. Saturn is a majestic planet with rings, symbolizing limitations, limits. It is his influence that explains the Aquarian melancholy, which can really arise out of the blue. But Uranus is the planet of geniuses. Indeed, this planet is the only one in the whole solar system, which rotates against the motion of all the others. Moreover, it lies on its side (the axis of rotation is strongly inclined). Uranus is responsible for insights, brilliant breakthroughs, real revolutionary leaps that change the course of all future events for a long time.

That is why the fair sex, born under the sign of Aquarius, is always different from the environment. We talk about them: strange, out of this world. And at the same time, it is with such people that we strive to establish the closest friendly ties. These are Vera Brezhneva and Shakira, Isla Fisher and Yulia Mikhailchik, Rachelle Lefevre and Vera Glagoleva, Gia Karanji and Oprah Winfrey. Bright, extraordinary and at the same time - incredibly human girls. Stars with human face- here they are, true Aquarius.


Who is she, Aquarius woman: character description

Each Aquarius girl is quite worthy of a separate article written about her. Yes, it is unusual, and this is putting it mildly. Aquarius, even with all his desire, cannot be like everyone else - and these are not just words. Surely, every Aquarius tried to somehow adjust, format, download the necessary files and become an ordinary. But no - very quickly he realized that this was not for him.

Endless originality

You know what the typical Aquarius girl hates? Not gray weather. She doesn't like to repeat herself. And this means only one thing: Aquarius - original sign who constantly sets himself an invisible bar for creativity. She literally told herself: you have no right to be like everyone else. That is why many consider this girl harmful. In fact, he simply goes his own way because he does not like beaten paths.

Yes, you will never get the usual birthday greetings from an Aquarius girl or New Year. And she will not even read other people's poems - after all, what prevents her from writing her own. Aquarius is an artist of the original genre. He is in the eternal search for a more perfect, more interesting idea which should conquer and improve our sinful world.

Vera Glagoleva, actress and director

deep humanity

Do you want a mistress and a psychologist in one person? Then you need to stop your choice on the Aquarius woman. These ladies look at our world a little naively. They love pink glasses. And although they have repeatedly come across examples of obvious human uncleanliness, no one and nothing will make them believe that the world is cruel and evil.

Yes, the girl of this zodiac sign is trying to give her attention to everyone who just turns to her for help. That's why she devotes so much time to her countless friends. Just Aquarius loves to be needed, useful, valuable. But to put on airs, turn up his nose, suffer from megalomania - no, this is absolutely not his part.

World peace

It is difficult to imagine a more peaceful creature than the Aquarius girl. This lady does not like to raise a scandal, throw tantrums, scream all over the street. Although sometimes she behaves eccentrically, but this is either from a lack of attention, or from an excess of it. Yes, this lady is concerned about the problems of the whole of humanity. Believe me, she really cares where the world is heading, and what place our society occupies on this stage.

It is impossible to communicate with an Aquarius if you do not know how to support any topics. Moreover, the interlocutor must be ready for any turns. Dramatically change the topic of conversation, and even see your own logic in this - this is in the spirit of Aquarius.

Freedom without borders

All air signs of the zodiac do not tolerate pressure and stop such attempts literally immediately. But in the case of our heroine, love of freedom just rolls over. She herself does not put pressure on anyone, but she will not allow others to communicate with her, not only in an orderly, but even in a teacher's style.

For an Aquarius girl, there is no concept of boundaries. The thing is that she will never do something that directly contradicts her internal constitution. And she trusts her completely. That is why all other actions are completely normal for her. And what others think - believe me, this really does not interest Aquarius.

Attitude towards work and money

Aquarius is a bad accountant. A person who is interested in heavenly things rarely descends to earth. Therefore, some financial difficulties often accompany representatives of this zodiac sign. But they have learned to deftly get out of such difficulties, besides, they have true friends for this.

In fairness, the stars bring to your attention that Aquarius hates to borrow, as well as to lend. But be that as it may, the lady's friends are always ready to help her, just as she is to them.

As for work, a typical Aquarius woman masters several professions in her life. It’s just that this lady has been looking for herself for quite a long time, she wants more recognition and true pleasure from work than money and career development. Aquarius is an almost disappearing person who sincerely believes that money is nothing compared to eternal spiritual values.

What kind of man does an Aquarius woman need?

A typical Aquarius woman can spend hours talking about what she appreciates in people, regardless of their gender. In her mouth, the word “man” sounds much more often than “guy” or “man”. Yes, at times Aquarius generally resembles a sexless creature that considers its companion as a friend.

And in this approach lies the answer to the question. The Aquarius girl does not have a standard approach to the opposite sex. An original woman needs an equally interesting man. Moreover - for her, he must first become the best Friend, and then - everything else. Aquarius is far from traditional games into a lady and a knight, she doesn't care if you have a car or what your bank account is. This selfless woman in every sense is deeply concerned about the personality of her soul mate, namely, how much you can trust her with the most intimate.

Therefore, the star portrait of the chosen one of Aquarius can be painted with such colors:

  1. He is a Person. For Aquarius, you can not comment on this phrase, because each lady will put her own, unique meaning into it.
  2. He is an Associate. For Aquarius, relationships with a person are unthinkable, psychological picture which she is not interested.
  3. He is selflessly devoted to her. I must say, this lady has very peculiar ideas about male, and indeed about human fidelity. Under certain conditions, she will close her eyes even to physical treason. But never spiritually.
  4. She is always sure that he needs. Moreover, it is all that is needed. Aquarius is a fan of the exclusivity of the moment, she is turned on by the mere thought of "no one but me."
  5. Finally, he must infinitely respect and understand her. Aquarius will not be able to share a roof with a stranger, she does not enter into marriage as a deal or some kind of game, where everyone has their own role.

How not to behave with Aquarius

The Aquarius girl is a subtle, sentimental nature. And you can't tell it from the outside. A joker, a bright star, a talented actress, almost a clown who knows how to make laugh even in the darkest situations.

One might think that one could behave just as frivolously with her, and in many respects this is true. Here are just a few important points to consider that you definitely should not violate:

  1. Do not try to laugh at the views of Aquarius or, God forbid, criticize them. This person gives his beliefs, that very inner constitution, an almost sacred character, so neglecting the ideas of Aquarius is a sure way to lose him forever.
  2. Further - one should not criticize the friends of this lovely lady. Also jealous of them. Yes, she has many friends among the representatives of the stronger sex. And this can be very annoying for almost any man. But do not dramatize - Aquarius is indeed one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac.
  3. Finally, never pressure an Aquarius. Otherwise, you have a real chance to meet another version of this person.

Who is suitable for Aquarius, and who is not very

Remember one important truth: if Aquarius is friends with everyone, this does not mean that such a lady can get along with almost any man. Not at all. In fact, picking up a pair of Aquarius is a thankless task. After all, it will take years for this, and the result is really unpredictable. Here's what the stars say:

  1. Aquarius has a very good chance of compatibility with representatives of his own air element. She will find understanding in and. And although the everyday side of their union will be in question, but spiritually, the tandem has very solid chances.
  2. Aquarius gets along well with fire signs. Favorable union with progressively thinking, changeable, who, like Aquarius, is always busy thinking about the future. That's just his assertiveness can hurt the case a little, but everything is fixable, right? Aquarius girl will also be interesting, but she can be annoyed by his narcissism. And the stubborn one will surely try to reforge our heroine in his own way, but will receive an uncompromising rebuff. The stars remind again - this approach in the case of Aquarius guarantees failure.
  3. Water representatives (, and) can give Aquarius family comfort. But ensuring mutual understanding is an impossible task.
  4. Finally, the earth signs ( , and ) are the worst combination. It's just that these men need, rather, a virtuoso housewife who moonlights as a mistress at night according to the approved tariff rate. And the Aquarius woman will quickly become annoyed by their overly correct and predictable rules of the game.

Aquarius in bed

Let's face it: Aquarius is not crazy about sex, romance novels does not read and does not dream of stormy nights for days on end. But of course, nothing human is alien to our heroine. Moreover, one should not forget that she is a master of the original genre. Light improvisation, an unexpected change of rhythm and logic, multiplied by her mysteriousness - this is her Aquarius answer to the question of what men want.

An Aquarius woman is a real gift for a man who wants to get a lover and friend all rolled into one.

The Aquarius woman has a sharp mind and a rebellious nature. She has her own opinion on everything, and she does not consider it necessary to keep it to herself. She is determined and extravagant. She loves to shock the audience and often does. Her extravagance is not a banal bad taste, but, on the contrary, a tastefully chosen style that is simply not the same as everyone else.

Aquarius woman never adapts to the situation. Her rebellious nature simply does not allow this to be done. She is creative and never applies standard methods work or problem solving. The Aquarius woman loves to travel, make new acquaintances, not forgetting old friends. She does not tolerate monotony and boredom.

Despite the name of the zodiac sign, the element of Aquarius is air. It influences the character of this sign. Aquarians are slightly frivolous and windy. Freedom for them is one of the main values. They love to always be on the move.

Aquarians are advised to choose a home on outdoors. Most suitable for them is a house on a hill. If they settle in an apartment, then only on the upper floors. Enclosed spaces deprived of air will cause them depression and health problems. If a woman or an Aquarius girl is unlucky and she got such housing, then air conditioning can solve the problem. He will make the air fresh, and in such a room the lady will feel good.

Aquarius women working in the office need to put their desk closer to the window. This will make her feel comfortable.

Women of this sign need to spend more time on fresh air. Walks, picnics, hiking - these are the options for recreation for her.


For each sign of the zodiac, there are amulets that suit him better than others. Here are the amulets for the Aquarius woman:

  • Figurine of an angel. She will attract happiness for a woman and protect her from everything bad. Suitable materials for a figurine, it is crystal or glass. If life is planned significant event, the angel can be carried with you, wrapped in colored fabric. The figurine of an angel is good gift for the ladies of this sign.
  • Butterfly. Such a talisman will attract good friends and colleagues and reliable partners to the life of the Aquarius woman. As an amulet, a dead butterfly does not fit. She keeps in herself negative energy that can be transferred to humans.
  • . This gem is suitable for the Aquarius woman of creative professions. Thanks to the stone, inspiration will not leave them. Lapis lazuli can be presented as a gift to actresses, singers and other talented ladies.
  • . This stone will bring good luck.
  • . Helps strengthen positive sides character. Zircon can be presented as a gift to Aquarius ladies with a complex character, and it will change for the better.
  • . It relieves fatigue and stress.
  • . Enhance charm. Jewelry with amethyst is a good gift for Aquarius women.
  • . Such gems are suitable married women of this sign and women in position. With their help, mommy will give birth to a healthy baby.
  • . The stone prolongs life and improves health.

The nature of Aquarius-woman

If a woman has the zodiac sign Aquarius, then she has a bold strong-willed character. She also has such aspects of character as strength and perseverance. She is always in the center of all events. Women of this sign follow new events and news. They want to be aware of everything that is happening around. They like to receive new information and grow intellectually.

Aquarius women are responsive and kind. They cannot pass by someone else's grief and will always help a person in trouble. They are generous and will always help out friends and loved ones in financial plan. No need to think about how to communicate with the lady of this sign. It is easy to get in touch with her. She is able to support any conversation on a wide variety of topics.

Women of this sign have a highly developed intuition. Sometimes they can tell exactly what will happen next. This helps them avoid many troubles.

Aquarius women are devoid of prejudice. For them there are no stereotypes, models and rules of behavior. They act as they see fit, without focusing on anyone. No wonder they say that Aquarius ladies are rebels who can break all existing stereotypes.

Women of this sign do not like obligations and value their freedom. Therefore, with the conclusion of marriage, they pull to the last.

Aquarius women do not know what betrayal and lies are. They have their own secrets that are not revealed even to the closest people, but they are not prone to deception. They are also not capable of cheating on their loved one.


Aquarius women are no different good health. They often experience ailments that are usually associated with their pace of life. Frequent attendance at events, meetings with friends, search new information, the desire to increase the intellectual level - all this requires large energy costs. This cannot but affect health, so women of this sign often feel unwell.

The weak points of the ladies of this sign are the heart, blood vessels, joints, ligaments and organs of vision. often suffering and nervous system. Aquarius women may experience psycho-emotional disorders, neuralgia and other similar problems.


Every Aquarius woman has a creative beginning, so the ladies of this sign can opt for creative specialties. It can also realize itself in activities in which innovative methods of work and creative thinking can be applied.

Aquarius women are responsible workers. They can be entrusted with any task and not be afraid for its implementation. They will do everything on time.

This zodiac sign endows women with an oratorical gift. They can in a matter of moments win over the audience and convince the crowd of the correctness of their judgments. They make excellent public relations officers and good politicians.

Suitable professions for Aquarius-ladies are a teacher, a kindergarten teacher and others. She easily connects with children. The Aquarius woman in the profession of a teacher is always looking for a new interesting presentation of information so that her lessons are not only informative, but also not boring.

Aquarius women are good trade workers. They easily sell goods and conclude the most profitable contracts for the supply of products.

Women of this sign can become good business women, but they will not have big profits. Their main task, which they set for themselves, is the acquisition of new knowledge. Money doesn't matter to them.

Love and family

As the Aquarius woman loves, no other lady of any other zodiac sign loves like that. She is full of surprises and does not like boredom. She likes boring conversations on a variety of topics, so the ideal partner for her is an intellectually developed man who can easily support any conversation.

Aquarius-ladies do not like talking about relationships. Even close people she does not dedicate to her experiences. It is useless to try to bring her to a heart-to-heart conversation. If she considers it necessary to start such a conversation, then she will do it herself.

Women of this sign, like men, value their freedom. A wedding for her is a serious and responsible step, which she puts off until the last moment. Even ladies who have fallen in love are in no hurry to get married, preferring to live in a civil marriage. If, nevertheless, she agreed to the wedding, then she will advocate for equality in the family. With a woman of this sign, you will not get a family where a man becomes the head. She doesn't like to obey.

The Aquarius woman does not like to do household chores. She believes that she can spend this time with much more benefit. Therefore, her house is often a mess. Not every partner is ready to endure this, so he needs to think carefully before starting a family with her.

The lady of this sign does not cheat on her husband. If she chose him as a spouse, then he suits her in everything. She does not restrict his freedom. If the partner of a woman of this sign had some hobbies before the wedding, then she will not force them to give up after the marriage. She herself is also not ready to sacrifice her hobbies or communication with friends for the sake of her husband.

The Aquarius woman is a good mother. She will pass on to her children all the knowledge that she herself possesses. She will read books to them, take them to museums and so on. The only gap in her upbringing is that she will not instill in them a love of cleanliness, because she herself does not pay due attention to housekeeping.

Aquarius woman in a relationship

How to conquer an Aquarius woman - this question sometimes arises in men. There are 10 commandments for this:

  1. You can conquer a woman of this sign with the help of having common interests. Find them and we can assume that half the battle is done.
  2. If the woman is Aquarius, then the right way to conquer her is to amaze her with his extravagance. The lady of this sign loves unusual people and will not leave such a man without attention.
  3. A man must be interesting. This is one of the options for how to fall in love with the person of this sign. An ordinary person will not please a woman or girl of this sign. Communication with a man should be varied and exciting.
  4. A man must have intelligence so that he can support any topic of conversation. Chat with the lady more often, she likes it.
  5. There is no need to forbid her something or dictate any conditions. She won't tolerate it.
  6. You can't be a hypocrite. Only a strong man can fall in love with a woman of this sign.
  7. Great progress needs to be made in professional activity. Money for a woman of this sign is unimportant, but success is of great importance to her.
  8. A man should value friendship. This is important for a woman of this sign.
  9. You can not deceive the lady of this sign. She does not tolerate lies and feels it keenly, so you need to be extremely honest with her.
  10. Consider all her preferences. For example, Aquarians love the colors of a cold palette. If a man chooses the colors of the clothes of this colors, then the lady will turn her attention to him. This is a sure way to please an Aquarius woman.

Not always a man seeks to conquer the lady of this sign. Despite the bright appearance, the stronger sex sometimes bypasses her. How then can a woman find her man? To do this, she needs to take a closer look at her surroundings. Maybe there is someone nearby who is worthy of her attention, who simply does not dare to express his sympathy.

What kind of man does an Aquarius woman need to have a strong relationship? He must be highly intelligent and good feeling humor. The Cavalier must be strong, but not despotic, cheerful, but not unleashed, sociable, but not windy. Lady Aquarius in a relationship is honest herself and her partner should also be the same. If a man has all these qualities, then their relationship with the Aquarius woman will be ideal.

To please the lady of this sign does not mean the imminent creation of a family. You also need to know how to keep the Aquarius woman near you. Falling in love, she does not forget about herself. It cannot be limited in freedom. She should be able to spend time with friends and family. She shouldn't be bored. If she is interested in a relationship, and she feels free, then there is every chance that they will last a very long time.

The lady of this sign loves surprises. What to give an Aquarius woman to surprise her? Best gift for the ladies of this sign, it is a work of art. It is not necessary to buy expensive paintings by famous artists. She will be pleased even with a drawing drawn by herself. She doesn't like standard gifts. You can please her only with an extravagant present. A hand-painted scarf, a hand-made teddy bear - that's what she will appreciate more than an expensive phone.

The best flowers for Aquarius are rare flowers that are hard to come by. Women of this sign will not be surprised by roses, lilies, or any other popular flowers. They will be happy with calathea, red azalea, arrowroot and any other rare flowers.

Quarrels happen in any couple. If there was a breakup, how to return the Aquarius woman? If the lady of this sign leaves, then she does not plan to return. This is a feature of how Aquarians part. If a man begins to think about how to make peace and how to return his beloved, then he needs to be prepared for a long process. If you broke up, then give her time to comprehend the whole situation. A man does not need to go far, and when the passions subside, he can make attempts to reunite.

The surest way to make peace with your lady of the heart is to talk heart to heart. Tell her about your feelings and experiences. Perhaps the woman did not plan to leave, just a quarrel went too far. Having learned about the experiences of her lover, she can immediately return to the relationship.

Reconciliation can contribute to the detachment of a man, as it is not surprising. If a lady feels that she is not interested in a man, this can hurt her pride. Then she will no longer think about how to part with her beloved, but will try to return and keep him.

If the quarrel was not serious, then he would not have to think for a long time how to make peace with his beloved. In this situation, she breaks up not seriously, but in a temper. With a little thought, she herself can take a step forward, forgetting about disagreements.

How do Aquarians part if love is gone forever? They do it quickly, not expecting the feelings to return again. They believe that if love leaves, then it will not return. In this case, return it or not return it, everything will be useless.

Another feature of how people of this sign part is that they do not waste time on empty talk. They can leave without words, leaving a message in the form of a note or message. Therefore, it is very difficult to build with Aquarius love relationship.

Famous Aquarius Women

Talented and sometimes brilliant people are born under the sign of Aquarius, so Aquarius celebrities are a natural phenomenon. This applies to women and men. Famous people of this sign are found in science, in acting and singing, and so on.

Famous Aquarius women: singer Anna German, actress Irina Muravey, Bulgarian seer Vanga, artist Yoko Ono, poetess Agnia Barto, ballerina Anna Pavlova, philosopher and esoteric Helena Roerich and others.

Ladies Aquarius are interesting all-rounders developed personalities having natural charm. Building relationships with a woman of this sign is difficult, but they will never be boring and monotonous. There is no need to part with her, because she may not want to return.

The Aquarius woman is not an ideal hostess, but faithful wife. It all consists of contradictions and it is sometimes difficult even for her relatives to understand her, but if she disappears from the life of a loved one, friends or colleagues, this will become an irreparable loss for them.

With her originality and originality, the Aquarius woman can captivate any man. But she is in no hurry to get married, because she appreciates personal freedom and prefers to drag out love relationships before the wedding, she is a little alarmed by formal and binding relationships, such relationships that the practical Taurus woman appreciates.

And he decides to take such a step only out of great love or ... for practical reasons. But the Aquarius woman will allow her husband to be himself, she will not teach how to live and impose her tastes on home. In its own way characterization Aquarius woman original and innovator, including in family life. She does not accept everything traditional and conservative in the family way. The Aquarius woman is active, and at the same time practical, so she easily becomes a leader and authority in the house. In the family, she is rational, democratic and loyal at the same time. This is her advantage. And in the manifestation of feelings, she is restrained and even cool. This is her shortcoming, with which her man is difficult to reconcile. The Aquarius woman carefully chooses her husband, although she can fall in love recklessly. He never limits his interests to his family, therefore, at work or in public life can achieve excellent results.

Aquarius woman, characteristics of preferences

Aquarius woman in love

Aquarius is an air sign and it fits perfectly. She easily falls in love, but often her feelings are shallow and fragile. The Aquarius woman loves variety and often changes the object of love. Relationships, where there are too many feelings and dependencies, are boring and painful for her, she wants interesting communication, experiments. Her strongest ties are based on friendship, mutual trust and respect. The Aquarius woman will not allow any dictate and suppression of her own will over herself. Changing herself, she will not perceive as a tragedy, betrayal of herself, she is objective and respects someone else's freedom. Aquarius woman breaks up easily and even after parting keeps a good relationship with your husband or partner.

What interior suits an Aquarius woman

Aquarius is an air sign and, above all, he needs space. Often the Aquarius woman herself does not know what she prefers in the interior, so the mixture of styles and colors is hallmark this zodiac sign. But, nevertheless, with some dispersion of her interests, regarding the interior, she prefers everything natural and natural (parquet on the floor, furniture made of natural wood, linen tablecloths and bamboo curtains). In furniture and furnishings, in general, she appreciates, above all, simplicity and comfort.

What scent does an Aquarius woman prefer?

This is a characteristic of a person who values ​​freedom and independence the most. She is constantly looking for something new, unusual and interesting. Therefore, her tastes, even in aromas, are changeable. But there is something, interest, to which, she is constant. These are perfumes with the aroma of roses and delicate citrus fruits. And, oddly enough, these fragrances evoke opposite feelings in her: they excite, intoxicate, and as a result, pacify and soothe. AT characteristics of an Aquarius woman there are such features as an attraction to everything unusual, romantic. And what could be more romantic than the sea, the sea. Perhaps that's why she likes the smells of the sea, the feeling of coolness. sea ​​shore. The Aquarius woman will suit the aromas of mysterious sandalwood, exotic nutmeg or the unusual aroma of palmarosa. Characteristics of the Aquarius woman includes such qualities as originality and eccentricity, so Ghost fragrances, Givenchy Odligue by Givenchy, Donna by Nautilus will suit her. She will love the bottles, packed in boxes of purple-crimson or cold blue shades, with the presence of silver sequins.

Talismans of Aquarius woman

The talismans of the Aquarius woman, who loves everything unusual, including travel, can be toy cars, airplanes, boats - they contribute to good luck on the way. The flying bird is the talisman of those who travel more in their thoughts, creative people. AT characteristics of an Aquarius woman there is such a trait as a commitment to white metal products, it is from this that talismans should be made. The talisman picture should have blue sky, beautiful clouds, flying birds, balloons, planes, white snow. Abstract designs with wavy lines and zigzags are also possible.

Aquarius woman and alcohol

One of the manifestations Characteristics of an Aquarius woman is that she sometimes drinks not for pleasure, but to calm down when she is worried about some event. A glass of light wine helps her come to her senses, the main thing is not to increase the dose of this sedative. And don't worry for all sorts of petty reasons, otherwise the sedative can become a habit.

Aquarius woman daughter-in-law

Characteristics of the Aquarius woman- this is a characteristic of a person whose soul is wide open and at the same time a very mysterious woman. She does not tolerate when her personal freedom is restricted and taught to live. Can be stubborn, intractable and capricious when someone else's opinion is imposed on her. It is better for her to let her be herself and not control her actions and behavior, but try to make friends - in friendship she is a very faithful person.

Aquarius woman mother in law

Like all Aquarians, this woman is unpredictable. It can caress the daughter-in-law for no reason, it can offend, without any apparent reason. But in her characterization, as a sign of the Zodiac, there are many positive traits, for example, such as the ability to sympathize and if you help in something, then help “to the fullest”. Using these qualities, the daughter-in-law can acquire in her person a reliable friend and assistant.

This is a unique woman. It always belongs to everyone and belongs to no one. Aquarius will never compromise. She is not satisfied with concessions and half-heartedness. She needs either everything, or nothing ... Although women of this sign, as a rule, marry very early, they will never marry the first person they meet.

If your wife is an Aquarius

Before putting a wedding ring on her finger, a woman of this sign will try to find out everything possible about the groom, about his potential, his way of life and goals in it.

But, unfortunately, even with such a reverent approach to this difficult question, in marriage and family life they are mostly unhappy, happy, these women are very rare.

For some reason, they are afraid to devote their entire lives to one person, to completely surrender to him, to dissolve in him, because this is tantamount to giving up freedom, which is their main vital value.

Their marriage can be successful only in one case, if the spouse of Aquarius does not encroach on her freedom. The husband needs to leave her opportunities for all sorts of research, various experiments, leisure activities in a friendly circle.

The Aquarius woman is always on the lookout. She strives to find her ideal man, which is often very different from the ideal accepted by our society.

She prefers to do as she pleases, but from her husband she will demand perfect consistency, thoroughness and decency. At the same time, without even thinking to repay with the same coin.

What kind of mother and wife will Aquarius be

If real and sparkling love has knocked on the heart of a woman of this sign, then she, of course, will be very devoted to this person. But still, even a woman in love needs her beloved freedom.

An Aquarius wife is completely faithful to her husband. She will never go to the left, she will not cheat on him. If suddenly she becomes disappointed in her husband and decides to divorce, then she will not pull the rubber, she will file for divorce quickly and without hesitation.

The husband of a woman born under the sign of Aquarius will never be offended. She cooks beautifully, order and comfort always reign in her house. She takes very good care of herself and her partner.

For this woman, children are the most important thing. She brings them up very diligently. Teaches culture, mutual respect and understanding. For her, children are a very expensive gift from above, which must be greatly appreciated and which must be carefully monitored.

The Aquarius woman is a paradox. Understanding it fully is like lassoing the wind. Her life is a series of inconsistencies and complete confusion. This woman can be of two kinds: either shy, sensitive, gentle and patient, or irresistible, energetic and extravagant. If you decide to date or conquer an Aquarius woman, this article is just for you. She will give you some tips on how to understand your chosen one.


Part 1

how to take care of an aquarius woman

    Aquarius women are variously described as bohemian, eccentric, quirky, and even a little weird. Use it to your advantage. Aquarius women want love, but not the banal version of it often seen in Hollywood movies.

    Stimulate her feelings. The Aquarius woman wants her senses to be stimulated. Of course, not all at the same time. She wants to do extraordinary things that will tickle her senses every second. Here are a few original ideas For dates, please note:

    • Invite her to visit the museum contemporary art or glass blowing workshops. This will help stimulate her visual senses.
    • Invite her to taste exotic dishes different countries. This should stimulate her senses of taste and smell.
    • Take her to a concert of unusual music. It can be for example a concert of Vietnamese folk or a famous rock band. But a concert of classical music is unlikely to impress her.
  1. Don't try to bind her. Aquarius women are freedom-loving creatures. It is unlikely that she will want to be tied to home life or family, especially at the beginning of a relationship. Therefore, you should not talk about how much you want children and a quiet home life. Stay away from it for now. All you need now is to concentrate on improvisation and inner freedom.

    • Don't rush the relationship in the beginning. Your perseverance during the development of relationships can frighten her away. Remember, she hates being stuck. Do not let her know that you have big plans and hopes for her, even if you do. She will not be controlled by you.
  2. Be prepared to face her unpredictable nature. Not in the sense that today she says one thing, and tomorrow she does something completely different. But the fact that she is constantly studying, experimenting and comprehending something new. Be prepared for this. Despite the fact that Aquarians are very harmonious people, they can be social butterflies and "aimlessly" flutter through the expanses of society.

    • Aquarius Women social personalities and love to be around people. Meeting new and interesting people is one of their favorite pastimes. Let her think that she has such an opportunity.
    • Also don't be surprised if she decides to meet her male friends without you. She will be friends with them until they fall in love with her. But it will still seem to you that she devotes too much time to other guys. Suppress this feeling: jealousy will not bring anything good to your relationship with her.
  3. Let the courtship progress at a moderate pace. Despite the fact that Aquarius is an air sign, they do not tolerate the rapid development of relationships. This means that at the very beginning you need to slow down. Don't expect to win her favor in a week. It will take some time before she lets you into her soul. But once she does, it will mean special trust in you.

    Part 2

    Aquarius women in love
    1. Challenge her, but don't try to bang your head against her wall of stubbornness. Since Aquarius women are very smart by nature, they like to listen to fresh opinions and try out their own conclusions in practice. Among other things, Aquarius women are very stubborn people. They don't often change their mind and vision of things. Therefore, be prepared to back down in an argument, even if you are right.

    2. Don't crush her ambitions. Like a person with lofty ideas, she may strive for power and a good position. In this she is not like other signs. Let her babysit and nurture her ambitions. For a while, it will be her brainchild.

      • Aquarius women strive for equality between the sexes. In a relationship with Aquarius, do not try to offer her a secondary role. This will surely infuriate her.
      • Don't expect her to be an exemplary housewife. If you still have hope for this, then you will be bitterly disappointed. Despite the fact that Aquarius women are very loving and tolerant creatures, they are not always attracted to the role of a housewife. And some don't even consider it.
      • Aquarius women are always full great ideas suitable for implementation. Sometimes they just need a little help with the details. Due to the fact that their ideas are often lofty, they do not always care about practical details. This is your chance to be practical and help her realize her ideas. If she allows it, of course.
    3. Don't be surprised if she tells you about her male friends or former lovers. Love for Aquarius personifies a kind of ideal quality that does not tolerate possessive manifestations and jealousy. Love for them is a pleasure and a holiday. When talking about her exes and friends, she expects you to treat them with the same respect, even if they pose a "threat" to you. Realize that her love for you is unconditional, even if she doesn't show it the way you would like.

      • She won't marry you if you don't marry her. best friend. She treats her friends with high reverence, almost on par with her loved one. Her motto is "Loved ones come and go, but friends stay forever." Therefore, in order to win her love, you will have to become her friend.
    4. Add thrills, especially in bed. Aquarius will easily leave you if you become bored. Routine is not for her. Therefore, learn to give your relationship a special flavor. Let her feel that you are always on the edge and she will always want to be near you.

      • She is not one of those who are afraid to try something new in bed. She loves to go beyond what is permitted. This applies to both positions and script, as well as location. small love games in public place(but hidden from the eyes of the townsfolk) - what she wants.
    5. Find out who she's especially compatible with. Aquarians are well suited to Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries.

      • The partnership with Libra promises to be very bright and cheerful. Excellent intellectual compatibility with minimal tension between partners is a good guarantee of a long-term relationship.
      • With "Gemini": this is such a union in which in one moment all the senses of Aquarius will be active, and in a second she will be completely confused, albeit in a good way. Aquarians find Gemini irresistible, which contributes to unconditional love from their side.
      • Aquarius will have a very passionate union with Sagittarius. Sagittarians need more more space than Aquarius, which gives her the freedom she so dreams of. Relationships will be unusual, but successful.
      • With "Aries" you get a relationship based on physical attraction. In such a union, there is a great risk of burning to the ground, but Aquarius will always be attracted to the independence of Aries and his success in trying to direct her thoughts in the right direction.
      • Communication is the key to her heart.
      • Become her friend first.
      • Aquarians may seem cold, but they just need time to get to know you better.
      • Beware of showing fake interest, as the Aquarius woman will immediately recognize it. With her, you better be extremely honest, sincere and transparent. She loves these qualities and always expects them.
      • You will never know what's on her mind.
      • Be her intellectual stimulus and awaken her love of learning and trying new things.
      • Be enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the different subjects that interest her.
      • Don't hurt her feelings. She is vulnerable and may lose interest in you.
      • Stir up interest with witty verbal arguments.
      • Do not stick and do not be jealous.
      • She loves to help people.
      • She does not tolerate criticism. You will have to be extremely tactful when you say that she did something wrong.
      • Do not suffocate her with your care and do not be helpless.
      • Always think outside the box when planning or communicating with an Aquarius.
      • In a conversation with her, show interest in her radical ideas and thoughts.
      • She loves intellectually savvy partners. It's time to start studying Shakespeare and Keats.
      • Use the manner of saying funny things in a deadpan calm tone.
      • Don't be available 24/7.
      • Don't chase her.