As in the network game tp on the map. how to teleport home in minecraft


If you are the administrator of the game resource where you intend to navigate, the appropriate commands are available to you that are suitable for this. When you wish to teleport to any gamer in this moment online, type in your console / tp and specify the nickname of the “addressee” separated by a space. If, on the contrary, you want him to be in the same place as you, enter your nickname after the above command.

As an admin of your server, you get the opportunity to set warp points (in other words, locations where some users will teleport when the appropriate conditions are created). On some resources, this privilege is also granted to ordinary gamers. Set the desired point with the /setwarp command and specify a name invented for it, separated by a space. When you want to be transported there, type /warp on the console and its name. When you want to teleport another - /warp plus the player's nickname and name separated by spaces given point. Regular gamers can only move others to their own teleportation points with the /warp invite command, then similarly specify the nickname and name of the warp.

Many of these admin privileges, if you are not endowed with them, you can assign yourself in a cheating way (if such methods are not prohibited on your game resource). Get the admin block by typing /give @p 137. Then you, in particular, will be able to move using the compass. Take this item in your hand, point it at the block you want to be on, and click on it with the left mouse button. In order to pass through some hard surfaces (for example, glass wall), click on desired point right-click the device.

When you want to teleport any user of the Minecraft resource where you play in such a situation (of course, if he is currently online), type any of the following commands: /summon, /tphere, /s or /bring and specify it Nick. The player will immediately be next to you. If he has already sent you a move request (using /call), and you don't mind teleporting him, type /tpaccept and again enter his nickname separated by a space.

To move more or less legal ways, install special mods (by transferring their installers to mods in your Minecraft Forge). In this regard, Minecraft Team Fortress 2 will especially come in handy for you. With this modification, you will be able to create teleports through which you will move yourself and transfer other players from one place to another (however, this will require their consent). You need two types of devices - blue and red. One is for input, the other is for output.

Craft the first part of the future teleport in this way. Arrange seven iron ingots on the workbench in the shape of the letter H. For the second part, you will need two red torches, redstone dust and iron ingots. Fill in last whole bottom row of the machine. Place four units of redstone dust in the middle and in the center cell of the top one. Insert torches into the remaining two slots. Now place in the middle vertical row of the workbench from bottom to top the first, second part of the teleporter and the desired dye - blue or red. Do required amount such devices and place them in different points of the playing space. Now let your friends move to you or to another location where there are teleports.

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Probably every minecraft player dreamed of instantly moving home from anywhere on the map. After all, sometimes you have to go so far from your native places that you can just get lost and eventually lose your built-up home forever.

Today you will learn with the help of simple methods.

To move home you need to do the following:

  1. Before leaving the house, open the console by pressing the "/" key located next to the right "Shift" button. You can also use the "T" button to turn on the chat, but before entering the code you need to put "/".
  2. Enter the code "/sethome" and press "Enter". As mentioned earlier, you should be at home at this moment, and preferably not stepping on objects such as a bed, stairs, stove or workbench.
  3. After that, you can safely go wherever you please. If you want to go home just enter the code "/home" and you instantly move to the previously marked place.

More difficult but effective method will find out the coordinates of the house and after using them to move around the map.

  1. To do this, go to the house and press the F3 button. In the inscriptions that appear, find the coordinates where you are, usually they are displayed like this x 70.22312 y 5.0000 z 45.65474 (numbers are taken at random). Remember, but rather write down the numbers on paper.
  2. To return home, you need to enter the following code in the console "/tp x y z" - of course, instead of the letters x y z, you must enter the coordinates separated by a space. For example, using the above numbers, the code would look like this: "/tp 70.22312 5.0000 45.65474".
  3. Using this method can not only teleport home, but also with the ability to fast travel like in Skyrim or Fallout. Of course, all this will look less impressive, since you will have to use a sheet with the recorded coordinates of each place. To do this, you just have to write down all the coordinates of places that are important to you, such as a house, a mine, a forest, a river, and an emergency shelter.

Now you know, how to teleport home in minecraft. Of course, this method does not always work in online mode, since each server has its own rules and restrictions.

In some cases, specially installed modifications or patches.

If you play Minecraft, then most likely you have already wondered more than once how to optimize movement in space. The thing is that the worlds in this game are very large in size, and if you travel on foot, then it can take you an incredibly long time. Accordingly, you should think about how to get or create transport: you can move on land on a horse, and on water - by boat. But all these options only speed you up a little, in fact, you can move quickly with the help of teleportation. In this article, you will learn how to teleport in Minecraft, what commands to use for this, and so on.


The first thing you should think about if you want to know how to teleport in Minecraft is the coordinates of the point you want to get to. This is the most difficult moment in the whole procedure, so you should pay attention to it. Special attention. The only way find out exactly where you are - press the F3 button. After that, information will appear on the screen, among which it will be quite easy to find the values ​​​​of three points along the X, Y and Z coordinates that you need. However, please note that there is variability with the Y coordinate - you can record not only your position, but also the point where your character is looking. Thus, you can mark for yourself the most important points in the world to move there at any time. And, of course, you can just travel randomly, discovering more and more new areas of unexplored territory. But so far you don't know how to teleport in Minecraft. You only have an idea about the points and their coordinates.


Now that you know the coordinates of at least one point, you can learn how to teleport in Minecraft. To do this, you need the tp console command, for which there are special conditions that allow you to assign a specific location for the teleport. That is, you will not be able to prescribe this command without additional options- it doesn't work that way. After you have entered the command itself, you will need to enter three numbers separated by a space, each of which is part of the coordinates of the point you are going to. The order for numbers is standard - first the X coordinate is written, then Y, and at the very end - Z. After that, you can activate the command by pressing the Enter button, and your character will instantly be at the point you specified. Now you know how to teleport to coordinates. Minecraft, however, offers you another one to use.

Teleport to player

Having marked the most important points in your world, you can now figure out how to move around the Minecraft map - how to teleport to a house, to a chest, to a farm, and so on. However, you won't be able to do the same with other characters if you're playing online. In this case, you need to use another command, or rather, other parameters. The command remains the same - tp, but after it you need to type the nickname of the player you want to move to.

The issue of teleportation worries almost all users minecraft games. Regardless, in fact, that minecraft gives us the opportunity to move around on animals, on boats and the like water resources, it is still quite difficult to overcome huge distances. Also, if we provide for the precedent that on the famous servers there is a chance to be destroyed by other users or to be killed by various mobs, then we have to resolutely refuse to walk around the world of minecraft. But do not forget about such a wonderful thing as teleportation. This feature is available, but it does not work on all servers.

Traditionally, classic servers do not have this function, for the following reasons: people there, as a rule, erect their buildings, fight with each other, and the teleport function will only interfere with the usual game for everyone. In such a situation, you need to contact moderators or admins to teleport you to your friend or other player. Since there is no such ability, then you need to run around the whole world. However a large number of people completely forget about the teleport on spawn. This is a special place where all players show up, trade with each other, exchange blocks, talk and so on. Roughly speaking, this is the center of the server.

You just need to use the command /spawn to be there. Although, practice shows that the administration of almost all servers turn off this feature for guests in order to limit the list of possibilities, and to protect spawn from a rather large number of characters at the same time. In this scenario, you need to acquire a specialized status on the official website of a particular server by logging in under your own account in system. How to teleport to a player in minecraft? If you want to teleport to another player on a server with the teleport function enabled, then you will need to enter the command /tp Nick1 Nick2, where Nick1 is your nickname and Nick2 is the nickname of the player you wish to teleport to.

But there is a limit here too. Most servers categorically prohibit direct teleport to another player. In such a situation, you must first request invite (permission) to teleport to the desired character. After he confirms this, then you will be able to use the command that is indicated above. Among other things, specialized groups are being created that have a single house or a plot of land where they are given the opportunity to gather together. But that's another story.

Good afternoon. Today we will talk about a very useful and interesting server plugin for minecraft. To be more precise, I will tell you how to teleport to a friend in minecraft.

How to quickly get to a friend in minecraft

You already know that different plugins are created for servers in the game that add different commands and features. One of these is teleport. And if in other games the teleport is not available to everyone, then in our favorite game we can calmly register a command and quickly get to your friend.

But there is one feature. Admins using the "/tp" command do not have to wait for the player's confirmation. That is, they can freely teleport to anyone. Ordinary players, after they write "/call player nickname", will have to wait for confirmation of the teleport request.

I already talked about how to install the plugin on my server in my other article. If you are interested, then you can go to the forum of our portal and find it. There you can also find the answer to any question you are interested in, as well as ask your own and our editors will be happy to answer it.

Today I told you about the teleport in the game. There was a sailor with you. Until we meet again on our portal, as well as enjoy the game!