Vladimir Mayakovsky - biography, information, personal life. Vladimir Mayakovsky - facts, poems, biography - One of the greatest poets of the 20th century

V. Mayakovsky was born in 1893. He studied a little at the gymnasium in Kutaisi, where he was already seen in the demonstrations of 1905. The following year, the family moves to Moscow, after the death of the head of the family. He studies at the gymnasium, gets acquainted with revolutionary students, performs their tasks. Since 1908 in the Bolshevik Party. Arrested several times for political reasons.

In 1909, while imprisoned in the Butyrka prison, he wrote his first poems, while rather weak, poetically. This time is the beginning literary biography. After being released from prison, he prepares and enrolls in the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Acquaintances took place here, in 1911, which influenced later life. With the futurists, under their leadership, Mayakovsky's first collection of poetry was published, in the anthology "Slap in the face of public taste." Now he rejects the former authorities - Bely, Blok. These years in his work are entirely a tragic theme, a protest against the traditions of Russian classics. This is reflected in the poems written at that time.

The first book - a statement about yourself, a completely new style of poetry, street, requiring reading poetry from the stands, at rallies, is called "I!". And followed by expulsion from the school in 1914 for public speaking. In 1915-1916, while living in Petrograd, he met the Brik couple. Love for Lily flares up, which becomes his muse, lyrical poems and poems are written.

After the first recognition of creativity, V. Mayakovsky makes a tour abroad, in each country he writes several topical poems. During the period of experiencing a series of failures with the production of his plays and a meeting at the Polytechnic Museum, he decides to die. Some hope of happiness stops him for a few days... He commits suicide on April 14, 1930.

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Biography of Mayakovsky for children

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky was born on July 19, 1893 in the family of a forester. He spent his childhood in Georgia in the village of Baghdadi. In 1902, the boy entered the gymnasium. During his studies at the gymnasium, he became interested in painting and politics. In 1905, Mayakovsky took an active part in student demonstrations. In 1906, the life of Father Mayakovsky was absurdly cut short, who died of blood poisoning, having pricked himself with a needle while stitching papers. The Mayakovsky family moved to Moscow, where the young man continued his studies at the gymnasium.

Vladimir's family had a small fortune, they barely made ends meet, there was nothing to pay for their studies, and in 1908 Mayakovsky was expelled from the gymnasium. Carried away by revolutionary activities, in the same year he joins the Russian Social Democratic Party of Bolsheviks. He began to make friends with young people close to himself in spirit and plunged headlong into revolutionary activity. Soon followed by several arrests and 11 months of confinement in a solitary cell in the Butyrka prison. It was there that his first poems were written. After his release, Mayakovsky becomes more and more interested in creativity every day and leaves the party.

In 1911, having entered the school of painting, Vladimir met David Burliuk, who founded the futuristic group. He saw a great talent in Mayakovsky, and in 1912 his debut poems were published in the futuristic almanac Slap in the Face of Public Taste. The year 1914 became Mayakovsky's debut, his first collection under the loud title "I" is published, where you can see the image of a rebel, a defender of the humiliated and offended.

With the outbreak of the First World War, Mayakovsky opened a new breath in his work. Soon the romanticization of this event fades into oblivion. Realizing the whole tragedy of events, new works are born: “Mother and the evening killed by the German”, “War is declared”, the poem “War and Peace”. Obvious signs of satirical talent were manifested in Vladimir from a young age, which can be clearly seen in his hymns of 1915. Also, Mayakovsky was not spared by the theme of love, which was vividly expressed in the poem "A Cloud in Pants".

With great hope that the world would still change for the better, Mayakovsky met the February Revolution of 1917. The first works, inspired by a high-profile event, result in a poetic chronicle. In 1919, he went to work at the Okna ROSTA telegraph agency, where his satirical artistic talent was manifested. At the same time, he does not leave work on the author's poems about love. Feelings for Lilia Brik inspired him to write the warmest, tenderest poem “I Love”. Unfortunately, this relationship turned to dust a year later, and Mayakovsky delves into the philosophical concept of love, love of life and community.

In his desire to achieve the ideal of personality, the poet defines the personality of Lenin as a man of the future, a man who will transform life.

On the tenth anniversary of the October Revolution, Vladimir Mayakovsky publishes the poem "Good." Contemporaries were skeptical about it, as the author ended it too optimistically, showing wishful thinking. Vladimir saw the shortcomings of life after the revolution, but still believed in his convictions, in his ideals. In his work, he fought those who distort his position. At the peak of satirical creativity, the plays "Bug" and "Bath" are born. He devoted this period of his life to the fight against bureaucracy, lack of spirituality and philistinism.

At the end of his years, Mayakovsky was drowning in loneliness, overshadowed by a misunderstanding of his contemporaries. The country dealt Mayakovsky a severe blow by removing from the publishing houses of magazines a sheet with congratulations and a portrait of the poet, timed to coincide with his twentieth anniversary as a writer. The whole situation was aggravated by an unsuccessful personal life. After a relationship with Lilia Brik, in Paris, the poet meets Tatyana Yakovleva. Unfortunately, these relations were not destined to take place, since Mayakovsky was not released from the country. On the verge of a nervous breakdown, Vladimir did not receive support from close people who called themselves friends. The last hope to start a family was assigned to Veronika Polonskaya, an actress of the Moscow Art Theater. Despite falling in love with the poet, the girl was in no hurry to enter into a serious life and create a family with Mayakovsky.

On April 14, 1930, the life of the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky was cut short by suicide. Unable to bear the loneliness and lack of understanding, he shot himself in the heart. In his suicide note, he asked that no one be blamed for his death. "The love boat crashed into everyday life" - these were last words that he wrote.

Interesting Facts and dates from life

Date of birth: July 19, 1893
Date of death: April 14, 1930
Place of birth: Baghdati, Kutaisi province, Georgia

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky- popular Soviet poet, Mayakovsky V.V.- playwright, director, journalist and artist was born in Baghdadi (Kutais province) on July 19, 1893. His father, Vladimir Konstantinovich Mayakovsky, was an ordinary forester, and his mother came from a poor Kuban Cossack family. She moved to Kutaisi province with her family.

In 1902, Mayakovsky began studying at the Kutaisi gymnasium, he managed to finish four classes, after which his father died and in 1906 the whole family moved to Moscow. Here Mayakovsky continued to study at the classical gymnasium, he failed to finish it, due to lack of money, the family could not pay for his education. Perhaps this event was one of the reasons for Mayakovsky's revolutionary ideas. After being expelled from the gymnasium, he met rebel students, and then joined the RSDLP.

He was an activist in the Marxist movement and in 1908 he was arrested for the first time. Over the next year, he went to prison 2 more times. He was mainly accused of having links with anarchists, working at underground printing houses, he was also accused of organizing the escape of political prisoners from the Novinsky Women's Prison.

Each time he was released due to lack of evidence and being underage. Altogether, he served 11 months during this period.

In prison, he began to study literature. It was in the dungeons that he wrote his very first uncertain poems, which he himself later considered very bad. However, his notebook with handwritten notes has been preserved, which contains his first poems written in prison. In 1910, after his release, he took up painting.

He entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Two years after entering, he began to publish his poems in various almanacs. Because of the revolutionary and provocative nature of his poems, he was again expelled from the school, but he had already managed to become infected with the ideas of futurism. Together with a group of associates, he went on a trip to Russia to promote the ideas of futurism. At this moment, his work is already becoming completely independent and original.

Mayakovsky protested against Russia's participation in the First World War. In his work, he tries to draw the attention of society to how senseless and cruel any war is. In 1915, the play Cloud in Trousers became public. This play predicted an imminent revolution, which was destined to purify society.

It was this work that became the key to the development of the writer Mayakovsky, who established himself in the need for an immediate revolution. He, of course, greeted the October Revolution with enthusiasm. New policy the state becomes for him one of the most important lines in his work. He advocates communist ideals, sometimes too zealously.

Even Lenin did not always speak with joy about Mayakovsky's work, he criticized his poem "150,000,000", which seemed to him too "futuristic". In fairness, it should be noted that the leader of the revolution was generally skeptical of futurism.

Mayakovsky actively works not only as a writer, but also as an artist. In 1919 he began working on a series of propaganda posters. For 3 years he managed to draw 1100 different posters, which were distinguished not only by their catchy brilliance, but also by the conciseness of the plots. Mayakovsky positioned himself as a "worker poet", for whom the brush is a tool.

Since 1920, he began to work on works with the propaganda of the world revolution. Now his futurism is becoming more individual, he joins the LEF together with Pasternak, Tretyakov and Aseev. His work is recognized not only at home. During an exhibition in Paris, his posters and advertisements for "Rezinotrest", "Mosselprom" and other enterprises were highly appreciated, he received a silver medal and a diploma.

In 1923, his style of versification was formed with a characteristic ladder, which he used to simplify the perception of the poem, believing that punctuation alone was not enough.

During this period, he actively works in various fields, writes poetry for children, agitation and propaganda poems, draws posters, and also acts as a correspondent for several Soviet newspapers. His travels to Europe were used to accumulate information and then use it to create poems about the bourgeoisie.

He also performed on stage, reading his poems to the townsfolk, he was well aware that a simple listener needed entertainment and skillfully used the techniques of the colloquial genre to work with the audience, read notes from the audience, improvised and joked a lot.

Closer to the 30s, he works in the genre of dramaturgy. He wrote his best plays during this period. These were "Klop" and "Banya". satire on modern life became interesting for all viewers. In these plays, he used the usual artistic techniques: resurrection, time travel. "Klop" was somewhat in opposition to the authorities, they began to criticize him. During this period, a decline in his work began, due not to a lack of ideas or poor performance.

The anger of the ruling party forced many of his colleagues to turn away from him, and he failed to attract public attention to his retrospective exhibition "20 years of work." Then the performance based on the play "Bath" failed and was scolded by critics, he began to have problems in his personal life, he was seriously ill. Probably, all these misfortunes that fell upon him at one moment became an unbearable burden for him. He committed suicide on April 14, 1930.

Mayakovsky's persecution did not end there. After his death, censorship puts all creativity under a ban. For six years, they tried to hide his legacy, but after the petition of Lily Brik, Stalin personally lifted this ban. Posthumously, he received even greater recognition. Mayakovsky was an advanced artist, avant-garde artist and bearer of the ideas of futurism, he was not only one of the best craftsmen of his time in terms of implementing his ideas in creativity, he was also the most successful in terms of promoting these ideas to society.

He became a beacon of freedom and craving for experiments in creativity for many artists and writers of the USSR. He was the herald of the revolution, which was recognized internationally, in Japan, Germany, England and other countries.

Important milestones in the life of Vladimir Mayakovsky:

Born in Baghdadi in 1893
- Entered the Kutaisi gymnasium in 1902
- Moved to Moscow after the death of his father and entered the gymnasium in 1906
- Joined the RSDLP (b) in 1907
- He was expelled from the gymnasium and arrested for working in an underground printing house in 1908
- Began studying at the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in 1911
- Publication of a collection of poems "I!" and the production of "Vladimir Mayakovsky" in the "Luna Park" in 1913
- Publication of the poems "Man", "War and Peace", acquaintance with Sergei Yesenin in 1916
- Acquaintance with Lenin and the beginning of creative work with the Soviet government in 1917
- The play "Mystery Buff" and writing the first script for the film "Not Born for Money" in 1918
- Publication of the collection "All Composed by Vladimir Mayakovsky" in 1919
- Publication of the futuristic poem "150,000,000" in 1921
- Presentation of the poem "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" in 1924
- Travel to USA, Mexico and Europe in 1925
- Staging "Bedbug" and the beginning of persecution by the authorities and the press in 1929
- The failure of the play "Bath" and increased pressure from critics and authorities in 1930
- Suicide of the poet April 4, 1930

Interesting facts from the biography of Vladimir Mayakovsky:

Many colleagues considered Mayakovsky's "ladder" to be a kind of fraud due to the line-by-line principle of payment for poems.
- The poet's father died due to blood poisoning after a needle prick, and therefore Mayakovsky retained a panic fear of germs for life and constantly washed his hands
- The poet was a very gambler and visited many casinos during his trips to Europe
- There are versions that he committed suicide due to an extremely unsuccessful game of Russian roulette
- He lost his first fee for a collection of poems in billiards.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky is the most famous Russian futurist poet. The time of his creative flowering fell on a dramatic period in the history of Russia, the time of revolutions and.

The childhood and youth of the poet Mayakovsky

Vladimir Mayakovsky was born on July 7 (19), 1893 in the town of Bagdati (now in the territory of the Imereti region, Georgia). His father served as a forester, and his mother came from the Kuban Cossacks. In 1902, Vladimir was sent to the gymnasium of the city of Kutaisi. There he first became acquainted with the propaganda materials of Russian and Georgian revolutionaries. Four years later, Mayakovsky's father died, and the family moved to Moscow. Vladimir transferred to Moscow Gymnasium No. 5, but studied there for only about a year and was expelled for non-payment. In 1908 Mayakovsky joined the RSDLP. In the same year, he was arrested for the first time for illegal activities. In subsequent years, the young man was arrested several more times.

The beginning of Mayakovsky's poetic activity

Even in the gymnasium, Mayakovsky began to write poetry. But the lines written by him in his early youth have not been preserved. The poet himself later admitted that he considered his early works to be bad. In 1910, after 11 months of arrest, Mayakovsky left the party to devote himself entirely to poetry. Soon Mayakovsky's friend Evgenia Lang encouraged him to take up painting as well. For some time, Mayakovsky studied at the MUZhVZ school, but did not complete the training course.

In 1912, Mayakovsky's first publication, the poem Night, was published in the collection A Slap in the Face to Public Taste. The following year, the poet's own collection "I" was published. Makovsky's manuscript was provided with several drawings and lithographically reproduced. In 1913, the tragedy Mayakovsky was also staged, in which the young poet played himself.

In 1914, Vladimir Mayakovsky clearly expressed his anti-war position. When the poet was drafted into the army, he helped to be sent not to the front, but to a unit located in St. Petersburg at the Automobile Training School. Despite government restrictions, Mayakovsky continued to publish. In 1915, he met the Brik couple and soon began to live with them. In the summer of 1917, Mayakovsky was commissioned.

The perception of the revolution by V. Mayakovsky

Mayakovsky enthusiastically accepted. Mayakovsky later said that the years of the Civil War were the best in his life. On the anniversary of the Revolution, based on Mayakovsky's text, the premiere of the play "Mystery Buff" staged by Meyerhold and with costumes by Kazimir Malevich was held in Petrograd. In the post-revolutionary years, recognition came to Mayakovsky. His new poems were published in large editions. The poet's admiration for Soviet power is manifested in "Poems about the Soviet passport", the poem "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" and in the "Soviet alphabet". In 1919-1921, Mayakovsky collaborated with the ROSTA agency (now the TASS agency) and produced propaganda posters "ROSTA Windows", accompanying satirical images with his own poems.

The specifics of V. Mayakovsky's work

It is generally accepted that Mayakovsky is the most prominent of the Russian futurists. His works are distinguished by such features: the use of a short verse and line breaks ("ladders"); mixing lyrical and satirical element; the use of emotionally colored, including obscene, vocabulary; autobiography and identification of the author and the lyrical hero.

The last years and the death of Myakovsky

In the twenties, Mayakovsky's poem "Good" was published, as well as the plays "Bug" and "Bath". From 1922 to 1928, he headed the LEF association, which included former futurists. At the end of the twenties, sharp criticism of futurism in general and Mayakovsky's work in particular appeared more and more often on the pages of the government press. In 1928, Mayakovsky finally broke up with Lilya Brik. Other love affairs of the poet were also unsuccessful. By 1930 Mayakovsky was suffering from a deep depression. In early April 1930, the poet began planning suicide.

On April 14, 1930, Mayakovsky shot himself in the heart. Over time, more than once there were suggestions that Mayakovsky was killed. This version is allegedly supported by Vladimir Vladimirovich's conflict with. However, the biographers of the poet are sure that he took his own life. Tens of thousands of people attended the funeral of the poet. Over time, Mayakovsky became the most recognizable poet of the first years of Soviet power, and his works were included in the mandatory program for Russian literature for decades.

The brilliant works of Vladimir Mayakovsky are truly admired by millions of his admirers. He deservedly ranks among the greatest Futurist poets of the 20th century. In addition, Mayakovsky proved to be an extraordinary playwright, satirist, film director, screenwriter, artist, and editor of several magazines. His life, multifaceted work, as well as personal relationships full of love and feelings, remain an unsolved mystery even today.

The talented poet was born in the small Georgian village of Baghdati ( Russian empire). His mother Alexandra Alekseevna belonged to a Cossack family from the Kuban, and his father Vladimir Konstantinovich worked as a simple forester. Vladimir had two brothers - Kostya and Sasha, who died in childhood, as well as two sisters - Olya and Luda.

Mayakovsky knew the Georgian language perfectly and since 1902 he studied at the gymnasium in Kutaisi. Already in his youth, he was captured by revolutionary ideas, and while studying at the gymnasium, he participated in a revolutionary demonstration.

In 1906, his father died suddenly. The cause of death was blood poisoning, which occurred as a result of a finger prick with an ordinary needle. This event so shocked Mayakovsky that in the future he completely avoided hairpins and pins, fearing the fate of his father.

In the same 1906, Alexandra Alekseevna moved to Moscow with her children. Vladimir continued his studies at the fifth classical gymnasium, where he attended classes with the poet's brother, Alexander. However, with the death of his father financial position families deteriorated significantly. As a result, in 1908, Vladimir could not pay for his education, and he was expelled from the fifth grade of the gymnasium.


In Moscow, a young guy began to communicate with students who were fond of revolutionary ideas. In 1908, Mayakovsky decided to become a member of the RSDLP and often propagandized among the population. During 1908-1909, Vladimir was arrested three times, but due to his minority and lack of evidence, they were forced to release him.

During the investigations, Mayakovsky could not calmly be within four walls. Through constant scandals, he was often transferred to different places conclusions. As a result, he ended up in Butyrskaya prison, where he spent eleven months and began to write poetry.

In 1910, the young poet was released from prison and immediately left the party. The following year, the artist Evgenia Lang, with whom Vladimir was on friendly terms, recommended that he take up painting. While studying at the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, he met the founders of the Gileya Futurist group and joined the Cubo-Futurists.

The first work of Mayakovsky, which was printed, was the poem "Night" (1912). At the same time, the young poet made his first public appearance in the artistic basement, which was called "Stray Dog".

Vladimir, together with members of the Cubo-Futurist group, took part in a tour of Russia, where he lectured and read his poems. Soon there were also positive reviews about Mayakovsky, but he was often considered outside the futurists. believed that among the futurists Mayakovsky was the only true poet.

The first collection of the young poet "I" was published in 1913 and consisted of only four poems. This year also marks the writing of the rebellious poem "Nate!", In which the author challenges the entire bourgeois society. The following year, Vladimir created a touching poem "Listen", which struck readers with its colorfulness and sensitivity.

attracted brilliant poet and dramaturgy. The year 1914 was marked by the creation of the tragedy "Vladimir Mayakovsky", presented to the public on the stage of the St. Petersburg theater "Luna-Park". At the same time, Vladimir acted as its director, as well as the leading actor. The main motive of the work was the rebellion of things, which connected the tragedy with the work of the futurists.

In 1914, the young poet firmly decided to voluntarily enlist in the army, but his political unreliability frightened the authorities. He did not get to the front and, in response to neglect, wrote a poem "To you", in which he gave his assessment of the tsarist army. In addition, the brilliant works of Mayakovsky soon appeared - “A cloud in pants” and “War is declared”.

The following year, the fateful meeting of Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky with the Brik family took place. From now on, his life was a single whole with Lilya and Osip. From 1915 to 1917, thanks to the patronage of M. Gorky, the poet served in an automobile school. And although he, being a soldier, did not have the right to publish, Osip Brik came to his aid. He acquired two poems by Vladimir and soon published them.

At the same time, Mayakovsky plunged into the world of satire and in 1915 published in the New Satyricon a cycle of works called Hymns. Soon two large collections of works appeared - “Simple as a lowing” (1916) and “Revolution. Poetochronika (1917).

The great poet met the October Revolution at the headquarters of the uprising in Smolny. He immediately began to cooperate with new government and participated in the first meetings of cultural figures. It should be noted that Mayakovsky led a detachment of soldiers who arrested General P. Secretev, who led the automobile school, although he had previously received the medal “For Diligence” from his hands.

The years 1917-1918 were marked by the release of several works by Mayakovsky dedicated to revolutionary events (for example, “Ode to the Revolution”, “Our March”). On the first anniversary of the revolution, the play "Mystery Buff" was presented.

Mayakovsky was also fond of filmmaking. In 1919, three films were released, in which Vladimir acted as an actor, screenwriter and director. At the same time, the poet began to cooperate with ROSTA and worked on propaganda and satirical posters. In parallel, Mayakovsky worked in the newspaper Art of the Commune.

In addition, in 1918 the poet created the Komfut group, the direction of which can be described as communist futurism. But already in 1923, Vladimir organized another group - the Left Front of the Arts, as well as the corresponding magazine LEF.

At this time, several bright and memorable works of the brilliant poet were created: “About this” (1923), “Sevastopol - Yalta” (1924), “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin” (1924). We emphasize that during the reading of the last poem at the Bolshoi Theater he himself was present. After Mayakovsky's speech, a standing ovation followed, which lasted 20 minutes. In general, the years civil war turned out for Vladimir best time, which he mentioned in the poem "Good!" (1927).

No less important and intense was the period of frequent travel for Mayakovsky. During 1922-1924 he visited France, Latvia and Germany, to which he devoted several works. In 1925, Vladimir went to America, visiting Mexico City, Havana and many US cities.

The beginning of the 20s was marked by a stormy controversy between Vladimir Mayakovsky and. The latter at that time joined the Imagists - implacable opponents of the futurists. In addition, Mayakovsky was a poet of the revolution and the city, and Yesenin in his work extolled the village.

However, Vladimir could not but recognize the unconditional talent of his opponent, although he criticized him for his conservatism and addiction to alcohol. In a sense, they were kindred spirits - quick-tempered, vulnerable, in constant search and despair. They were united even by the theme of suicide, which was present in the work of both poets.

During 1926-1927, Mayakovsky created 9 screenplays. In addition, in 1927 the poet resumed the activities of the LEF magazine. But a year later he left the magazine and the corresponding organization, finally disappointed in them. In 1929, Vladimir founded the REF group, but the following year he left it and became a member of the RAPP.

At the end of the 1920s, Mayakovsky again turned to dramaturgy. He is preparing two plays: Bedbug (1928) and Bathhouse (1929), designed specifically for the Meyerhold theater stage. They thoughtfully combine the satirical presentation of the reality of the 1920s with a look into the future.

Meyerhold compared Mayakovsky's talent with the genius of Molière, but critics greeted his new works with devastating comments. In "Bedbug" they found only artistic flaws, but even accusations of an ideological nature were made against "Banya". Many newspapers carried extremely offensive articles, some of which had headlines "Down with Mayakovism!"

The fatal year of 1930 began for the greatest poet with numerous accusations from his colleagues. Mayakovsky was told that he was not a true "proletarian writer", but only a "fellow traveler". But, despite the criticism, in the spring of that year, Vladimir decided to take stock of his activities, for which he organized an exhibition called "20 years of work."

The exhibition displayed all the multifaceted achievements of Mayakovsky, but brought continuous disappointment. She has not been visited former colleagues poet according to the LEF, nor the top party leadership. It was a cruel blow, after which a deep wound remained in the soul of the poet.


In 1930, Vladimir was ill a lot and was even afraid of losing his voice, which would put an end to his performances on stage. The personal life of the poet turned into an unsuccessful struggle for happiness. He was very lonely, because the Briks, his constant support and consolation, went abroad.

Attacks from all sides fell on Mayakovsky with a heavy moral burden, and the poet's vulnerable soul could not stand it. On April 14, Vladimir Mayakovsky shot himself in the chest, which caused his death.

Grave of Vladimir Mayakovsky

After the death of Mayakovsky, his works fell under an unspoken ban and were hardly published. In 1936, Lilya Brik wrote a letter to I. Stalin himself with a request to help preserve the memory of the great poet. In his resolution, Stalin praised the achievements of the deceased and gave permission for the publication of Mayakovsky's works and the creation of a museum.

Personal life

The love of Mayakovsky's life was Lilya Brik, whom he met in 1915. The young poet at that time met with her sister, Elsa Triolet, and one day the girl brought Vladimir to the Briks' apartment. There, Mayakovsky first read the poem "A Cloud in Pants", and then solemnly dedicated it to Lilya. Surprisingly, the prototype of the heroine of this poem was the sculptor Maria Denisova, with whom the poet fell in love in 1914.

Soon, an affair broke out between Vladimir and Lilya, while Osip Brik turned a blind eye to his wife's passion. Lilya became Mayakovsky's muse, it was to her that he dedicated almost all of his love poems. He expressed the boundless depth of his feelings for Brik in the following works: “Flute-Spine”, “Man”, “To Everything”, “Lilichka!” and etc.

The lovers together participated in the filming of the film Chained by Film (1918). Moreover, since 1918, Briki and the great poet began to live together, which fit perfectly into the marriage-love concept that existed at that time. They changed their place of residence several times, but each time they settled together. Often, Mayakovsky even supported the Brikov family, and from all trips abroad he always brought luxurious gifts to Lily (for example, a Renault car).

Despite the poet's boundless affection for Lilichka, there were other lovers in his life, even those who bore him children. In 1920, Mayakovsky had a close relationship with the artist Lilya Lavinskaya, who gave him a son, Gleb-Nikita (1921-1986).

1926 was marked by another fateful meeting. Vladimir met Ellie Jones, an emigrant from Russia, who bore him a daughter, Elena-Patricia (1926-2016). Also, a fleeting relationship connected the poet with Sofya Shamardina and Natalya Bryukhanenko.

In addition, in Paris, an outstanding poet met with an emigrant Tatyana Yakovleva. The feelings that flared up between them gradually grew stronger and promised to turn into something serious and lasting. Mayakovsky wanted Yakovleva to come to Moscow, but she refused. Then in 1929, Vladimir decided to go to Tatiana, but problems with obtaining a visa became an insurmountable obstacle for him.

The last love of Vladimir Mayakovsky was a young and married actress Veronika Polonskaya. The poet demanded that the 21-year-old girl leave her husband, but Veronica did not dare to make such serious changes in her life, because the 36-year-old Mayakovsky seemed to her contradictory, impulsive and unstable.

Difficulties in relations with a young lover pushed Mayakovsky to a fatal step. She was the last one Vladimir saw before his death and tearfully asked her not to go to the scheduled rehearsal. No sooner had the door closed behind the girl than the fatal shot rang out. Polonskaya did not dare to come to the funeral, because the poet's relatives considered her to be the culprit in the death of a loved one.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (1893 - 1930) - the famous Soviet poet of the 20th century, publicist, playwright, artist. In addition, he is a talented film actor, director and screenwriter.


Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky was born in Georgia on July 7 (19), 1893 in the village of Bagdadi, Kutaisi province.

  • His father, forester Vladimir Konstantinovich Mayakovsky (1857–1906), came from Zaporozhye Cossacks. He knew countless cases and anecdotes and transmitted them in Russian, Georgian, Armenian, Tatar languages, which he knew perfectly.
  • The mother of the poet Alexandra Alekseevna Mayakovskaya (1867-1954) is the daughter of the captain of the Kuban infantry regiment Alexei Ivanovich Pavlenko, a participant in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, holder of the St. George medal "For Service and Courage", as well as other military awards.
  • Father's great-grandfather Kirill Mayakovsky was the regimental captain of the Black Sea troops, which gave him the right to receive the title of nobleman. Subsequently, the poet wrote in the poem "Our Youth": "My pillar father is a nobleman."
  • By paternal line grandmother Efrosinya Osipovna was a cousin of the famous writer and historian G.P. Danilevsky.

Mayakovsky's children

While working at the "Windows of GROWTH" (1920), Vladimir Mayakovsky met the artist Lilia (Elizaveta) Lavinskaya. And although at that time she was a married young lady, this did not prevent her from becoming interested in a stately and charismatic poet. The fruit of this relationship was their son, who received a double name Gleb-Nikita. He was born on August 21, 1921 and was recorded in the documents under the name of Anton Lavinsky, his mother's official husband. The boy Gleb-Nikita himself always knew who his biological father was. Moreover, despite the lack of paternal attention (the children of Vladimir Mayakovsky did not occupy him, he was even afraid of them), he deeply loved the poet and read his poems from a young age.

Mayakovsky's son received a double name due to parental disagreements in choosing a name for the boy. The first part - Gleb - he received from his stepfather, the second part - Nikita - from his mother. Mayakovsky himself did not take part in raising his son, although he was a frequent guest of the family in the first few years.

The life of Nikita-Gleb was not an easy one. With living parents, the boy grew up in an orphanage until the age of three. According to those social views, this was the most appropriate place to educate children and accustom them to the team. Gleb-Nikita has few memories of his own father. Much later, he would tell his youngest daughter Elizaveta about one special meeting between them, when Mayakovsky took him on his shoulders, went out onto the balcony and read his poems to him.

Mayakovsky's son had a fine artistic taste and an absolute ear for music. At the age of 20, Gleb-Nikita was called to the front. All Great Patriotic war he passed as an ordinary soldier. Then he married for the first time.

American daughter

In the mid-1920s, a radical change took place in relations between Mayakovsky and Lilia Brik, and the political situation in Russia itself was then difficult for the revolutionary poet. This was the reason for his trip to the USA, where he actively toured, visited his friend David Burliuk. There he met the Russian emigrant Ellie Jones (real name - Elizabeth Siebert). She was a reliable comrade, a charming companion and translator for him in a foreign country.

This novel became very significant for the poet. He even seriously wanted to get married, to create a calm family haven. However, the old love (Lilia Brik) did not let him go, all impulses quickly cooled down. And on June 15, 1926, Ellie Jones gave birth to a daughter from the poet - Patricia Thompson.

At birth, the girl was named Helen-Patricia Jones. The surname came from the husband of the immigrant mother, George Jones. This was necessary so that the child could be considered legitimate and remain in the United States. In addition, the secret of birth saved the girl. Possible children of Mayakovsky then could have come under persecution by the NKVD and Lilia Brik herself.


From the age of four, Volodya loved to be read to, especially poetry. And his mother read to him Krylov, Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov. And when she could not respond to his request, she cried. What he liked, he easily memorized and then expressively recited by heart. When he grew up, he began to climb into empty churi (large clay jugs for wine) and read poems from there. The jugs resonated and the voice sounded loud, booming.

In 1898, on his birthday, which coincided with his father's birthday, he learned Lermontov's poem "Dispute" and spoke to numerous guests. By this time, his first impromptu, associated with the acquisition of a camera, also dates back: “Mom is glad, dad is glad that they bought the device.”

At the age of six, Mayakovsky learned to read on his own, without the help of adults. I did not like the first book "Agafya the Poultry House" by the children's writer Claudia Lukashevich. “Fortunately, the second one is Don Quixote. Here is the book! I made a wooden sword and armor, smashed the surroundings ”(V. Mayakovsky. “I myself”). Usually the boy took a book, stuffed his pockets with fruit, grabbed something for his dog friends, and went into the garden. There he lay down on his stomach under a tree, and two or three dogs guarded him lovingly. And I've been reading for so long.

Volodya Mayakovsky - 1st grade student

Fun games and a wide scope of children's imagination were facilitated by the fact that Ananov's house, to which the Mayakovsky family moved in the autumn of 1899, was located on the site of an ancient Georgian fortress. The first artistic and visual impressions of the poet also belong to the Baghdad period. In the summer, many guests came to the Mayakovskys, including young people. Among those who came was a student of St. Petersburg University B.P. Glushkovsky, the son of Yulia Feliksovna Glushkovskaya, a Kutaisi acquaintance of the Mayakovskys, who also studied at the school of "encouragement of the arts." The future poet watched as he sketched into the album the figure of the protagonist of Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin". In 1900, when Volodya was seven years old, Alexandra Alekseevna took him to the city of Kutais to prepare him for entering the gymnasium. Mother and son settled in the house of Yulia Feliksovna Glushkovskaya, who began to give Volodya lessons.

And already in 1902, Mayakovsky passed the exams for the senior preparatory class of the Kutaisi classical gymnasium, and in the fall he began to study there. At this time, the elder sister was preparing to enter the Moscow Stroganov School and took drawing lessons from the artist S.P. Rubella, who graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. She showed him her brother's drawings, and he began to study with Mayakovsky for free.

In 1906, after the death of his father, the family moved to Moscow. Mayakovsky studied at the Moscow gymnasium. Communicated with Bolshevik students, joined the party, co-opted into the Moscow Committee of the RSDLP (b) (1908). He was arrested three times. And in 1909 he was imprisoned in solitary confinement in the Butyrka prison. After leaving prison, where he began to write poetry, Mayakovsky decides to “make socialist art”: “I interrupted party work. I sat down to study."

The beginning of the creative path

In 1911, after several attempts to enter any art educational institution, Mayakovsky becomes a student at the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in Moscow. Through David Burliuk, one of the leaders of the Gileya group of futurists, who studied there, Mayakovsky got acquainted with the world of the Moscow literary and artistic avant-garde. Burliuk, whom Mayakovsky introduced to his poems, highly appreciated them and recommended that he continue his poetry studies. From the end of 1912 to the beginning of 1923, Mayakovsky took part in art exhibitions contemporary art, performs with the reading of his poems, participates in public speaking together with Burliuk and other members of the Gileya group. The first publications of Mayakovsky (poems Night, Morning) appeared at the end of 1912 in the edition of Gilea.

Mayakovsky also participated in the writing of the manifesto of the same name, from which the position often quoted by the artistic opponents of the futurists was taken - "throw Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Pushkin from the steamboat of modernity." The authors of numerous memoirs emphasize Mayakovsky's love for the classics, brilliant knowledge of Pushkin's poetry, etc., trying to balance declarations of this kind. They were typical of many leftist movements in the art of the early 20th century. In May 1913, 300 copies of Mayakovsky's first collection with illustrations by the author and his comrades in the School of Painting were printed by lithographic method in the amount of 300 copies.

Features of poetry

In the first verses, the imagery of Mayakovsky is quite traditional compared to other futurists, and in them the anti-aestheticism common to the group of cubo-futurists, an appeal to shocking topics and, along with them, features of originality gradually appear: urban imagery; dynamism and a sharp change in intonation; the widespread use of motifs, the source of which was the fine arts, primarily modernist painting. Somewhat later, features appeared that were preserved in Mayakovsky’s poetry in the 1920s: the common use of occasionalisms (words associated with a specific occasion, occasion, and not registered as a language norm) and the use of compound rhyme common to most futurists.

A few examples of Mayakovsky's occasionalisms:

  • Yellow-eyed (from yellow-eyed)
  • Capital (from capital)
  • sun-faced (sun, face)
  • to see (to see)
  • Linked (from link)
  • Sklyan (from glassy)
  • Winged (from wing)

Mayakovsky, together with Burliuk, V. Kamensky and other members of the Cubo-Futurist group, actively participates in the "futuristic tour" around Russia - collective performances with lectures and poetry reading. Elements of theatricalization and outrageousness (provocative demeanor, unusual clothes, make-up) were strong in the performances. In subsequent appearances positive feedback Mayakovsky was considered outside the context of the Futurist group.

In 1914, at the Luna Park Theater in St. Petersburg, with the participation of the author, Mayakovsky's tragedy Vladimir Mayakovsky was staged, in which the poet played the main role - the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky. According to Chukovsky's memoirs, "the play was supposed to have a different title, but the censor, to whom Mayakovsky handed over the play, had not yet come up with a title, took the name of the author for him and subsequently did not allow him to change it, but this only made the poet happy." The original names of the tragedy - Railway, Rise of things; the motif of the rebellion of things connects it with the poetics of other Russian futurists (Khlebnikov). The allegorical characters of the play (An old man with dry black cats, a Man without an eye and a leg, a Man without a head, etc.) are also comparable to the characters in Khlebnikov's plays. The play in verse is not well suited for stage production. Its first edition continues the tradition of the futuristic book in the field of playing with fonts of various styles and sizes.

Travel and social activities

In 1915, Mayakovsky's famous poem "A Cloud in Pants" was completed. Further poetry of Mayakovsky, in addition to anti-war topics, also contains satirical ones. In the work of Mayakovsky, scripts for films take their due place. He starred in three of his films in 1918.

The great poet met the October Revolution at the headquarters of the uprising in Smolny. He immediately began to cooperate with the new government and participated in the first meetings of cultural figures. It should be noted that Mayakovsky led a detachment of soldiers who arrested General P. Secretev, who led the automobile school, although he had previously received the medal “For Diligence” from his hands. 1917 - 1918 were marked by the release of several works by Mayakovsky dedicated to revolutionary events (for example, "Ode to the Revolution", "Our March"). On the first anniversary of the revolution, the play "Mystery Buff" was presented.

Mayakovsky was also fond of filmmaking. In 1919, three films were released, in which Vladimir acted as an actor, screenwriter and director. At the same time, the poet began to cooperate with ROSTA and worked on propaganda and satirical posters. In parallel, Mayakovsky worked in the newspaper Art of the Commune.

At this time, several bright and memorable works of the brilliant poet were created: “About this” (1923), “Sevastopol - Yalta” (1924), “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin” (1924). We emphasize that during the reading of the last poem, I. Stalin himself was present at the Bolshoi Theater. No less important and intense was the period of frequent travel for Mayakovsky. During 1922-1924 he visited France, Latvia and Germany, to which he devoted several works. In 1925, Vladimir went to America, visiting Mexico City, Havana and many US cities. The beginning of the 1920s was marked by a heated debate between Vladimir Mayakovsky and Sergei Yesenin. The latter at that time joined the Imagists - implacable opponents of the futurists. In addition, Mayakovsky was a poet of the revolution and the city, and Yesenin in his work extolled the village.

During 1926-1927, Mayakovsky created 9 screenplays. In addition, in 1927 the poet resumed the activities of the LEF magazine. But a year later he left the magazine and the corresponding organization, finally disappointed in them. In 1929, Vladimir founded the REF group, but the following year he left it and became a member of the RAPP. At the end of the 1920s, Mayakovsky again turned to dramaturgy. He is preparing two plays: Bedbug (1928) and Bathhouse (1929), designed specifically for the Meyerhold theater stage. They thoughtfully combine the satirical presentation of the reality of the 1920s with a look into the future.

Meyerhold compared Mayakovsky's talent with the genius of Molière, but critics greeted his new works with devastating comments. In "Bedbug" they found only artistic flaws, but even accusations of an ideological nature were made against "Banya". Many newspapers carried extremely offensive articles, some of which had headlines "Down with Mayakovism!"

Lilia Brik

Brik was two years older than Mayakovsky, and this, albeit formal, difference was noticeable: it was she who led in their relationship, while the poet played the role of a follower, a subordinate. Brik and Mayakovsky met in the summer of 1915, the future muse of the poet at that time had been married to Osip Brik for three years. Lily "stole" Mayakovsky from her sister Elsa, whom he then met. Actually, it was Elsa who brought Mayakovsky to the St. Petersburg apartment of the Briks on Zhukovsky Street. The poet read the freshest poem "A Cloud in Pants", received an enthusiastic reception, was fascinated by the hostess, the feeling was mutual. Osip helped publish Cloud, all three became friends, and Mayakovsky, not wanting to part with his new hobby, lingered in Petrograd. Gradually, the Brikov house turned into a fashionable literary salon, and soon an affair began between the poet and the new muse, which was calmly received by Lily's husband.

“Elzochka, don’t make such scary eyes. I told Osa that my feeling for Volodya was verified, firmly, and that I was now his wife. And Osya agrees, ”these words, which struck Elsa to the core, turned out to be true. In 1918, Briki and Mayakovsky began to live together, in the spring of the following year they moved to Moscow, where they did not hide their progressive relationship at all. Lilya, together with the poet, worked in the ROSTA Windows, Osip worked in the Cheka.

Mayakovsky's love for Brik (to whom he devoted all his poems) was emotional; by nature, he needed constant shaking, which increasingly tired Lily. Regular scenes, leaving-returns - the relationship in a couple was not cloudless. Brik allowed herself to speak disparagingly of Mayakovsky, calling him boring, and eventually ceased to be faithful to him. This, however, did not prevent Lily from keeping the poet on a short leash, making sure that Mayakovsky did not leave her anywhere. In the will, he indicated Brick as one of the heirs, and she got half the rights to his writings.

Veronika Polonskaya

The last strong hobby of Mayakovsky, the actress of the Moscow Art Theater Theater Veronika Polonskaya, was 15 years younger than the poet. Polonskaya, married woman(her husband was the actor Mikhail Yanshin), she could hardly endure the scenes that Mayakovsky arranged for her. He demanded that Veronica leave her husband, became furious, not getting what he wanted. Relations were constantly in the stage of a break, in the end it all ended on April 14, 1930, when the poet committed suicide.

Death and legacy

The fatal year of 1930 began for the greatest poet with numerous accusations from his colleagues. Mayakovsky was told that he was not a true "proletarian writer", but only a "fellow traveler". But, despite the criticism, in the spring of that year, Vladimir decided to take stock of his activities, for which he organized an exhibition called "20 years of work." The exhibition displayed all the multifaceted achievements of Mayakovsky, but brought continuous disappointment. Neither the former colleagues of the poet at the LEF, nor the top party leadership visited her. It was a cruel blow, after which a deep wound remained in the soul of the poet.

In literary circles, rumors circulated that Mayakovsky had written himself. The poet was denied a visa for a trip abroad. Two days before his suicide, on April 12, Mayakovsky had a meeting with readers at the Polytechnic Institute, which brought together mainly Komsomol members; there were many boorish shouts from the seats. The poet was haunted everywhere by quarrels and scandals. His mental state became more and more disturbing and depressing.

Since the spring of 1919, Mayakovsky, despite the fact that he constantly lived with the Briks, had a small boat room on the fourth floor in communal apartment at the Lubyanka. It was in this room that the suicide took place.

On the morning of April 14, Mayakovsky had an appointment with Veronika (Nora) Polonskaya. The poet met with Polonskaya for the second year, insisted on her divorce, and even signed up for a writers' cooperative in the passage of the Art Theater, where he was going to move to live with Nora. In 1990, 82-year-old Polonskaya, in an interview with Soviet Screen magazine, recalled:

“I could not be late, it angered Vladimir Vladimirovich. He locked the doors, put the key in his pocket, began to demand that I not go to the theater, and generally left there. He was crying… I asked him if he would see me through. “No,” he said, but promised to call. He also asked if I had money for a taxi. I had no money, he gave twenty rubles ... I managed to reach front door and heard a shot. I rushed about, I was afraid to return. Then she entered and saw the smoke from the shot that had not yet dissipated. There was a small blood stain on Mayakovsky's chest. I rushed to him, I repeated: “What have you done? ..” He tried to raise his head. Then his head fell, and he began to turn terribly pale ... People appeared, someone told me: “Run, meet the ambulance ... I ran out, met. I returned, and on the stairs someone said to me: “It's too late. Died…"

The suicide letter, prepared two days earlier, is clear and detailed (which, according to the researchers, excludes the version of the spontaneity of the shot), begins with the words: I loved…". The poet calls Lilya Brik (as well as Veronika Polonskaya), mother and sisters as members of his family and asks to transfer all the poems and archives to the Briks. Briks managed to arrive at the funeral, urgently interrupting their European tour; Polonskaya, on the contrary, did not dare to attend, since Mayakovsky's mother and sisters considered her to be the culprit of the death of the poet. For three days, with an endless stream of people, the farewell went on in the House of Writers. Tens of thousands of fans of his talent were escorted to the Donskoy cemetery in an iron coffin to the singing of the Internationale.

The poet was cremated in the first Moscow crematorium, opened three years earlier, near the Donskoy Monastery. The brain was harvested for research by the Brain Institute. Initially, the ashes were located there, in the columbarium of the New Donskoy cemetery, but as a result of the persistent actions of Lilia Brik and older sister poet Lyudmila, the urn with the ashes of Mayakovsky was transferred on May 22, 1952 and buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

  • The greatest love in the life of the poet and his muse was Lily Yuryevna Brik. Mayakovsky was friends with her and her husband, Osip, and then moved to live in their apartment. Lily and Vladimir began a stormy romance, and her husband actually succumbed to her friend.
  • Mayakovsky was popular with women. However, the poet did not officially register any of his relationships. It is known that in addition to his daughter Patricia, Mayakovsky also has a son from a connection with the artist Lilya Lavinskaya - Gleb-Nikita, a Soviet sculptor.
  • After the death of his father from blood poisoning (he pricked himself while sewing papers), Mayakovsky was haunted by a phobia of dying from an infection all his life.
  • The poetic “ladder” invented by Mayakovsky and which became his calling card caused indignation among his colleagues. After all, the editors paid at that time not for the number of characters in the work, but for the number of lines.
  • After Mayakovsky read a poem about Lenin at the Bolshoi Theater, the audience applauded for 20 minutes, Stalin was present at this production.
  • Mayakovsky stood at the origins of Soviet advertising, for advertising activities the poet was criticized by some contemporaries.



    https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayakovsky,_Vladimir_Vladimirovich http://v-mayakovsky.com/biography.html