Latypov Nurali Nurislamovich: biography, career, personal life. Nurali Latypov: literary activity and biography of Latypov where

A famous member of the intellectual club “What? Where? When?" Nurali Latypov was born on July 1, 1954 in a family of Soviet intellectuals. Parents lived in the city of Margilan. Father and mother worked in the field of education as teachers in one of the local schools. The child grew up active and inquisitive. I learned to read and count early. In the school with a polytechnic bias, where he studied, priority was given to the exact sciences - mathematics and physics.

Nurali participated with interest and desire in all Olympiads in his favorite subjects, which were held at the school and city levels. He subscribed and carefully studied the magazines "Young Technician" and "Technology of Youth". Latypov not only showed interest in technology, but also designed new machines and mechanisms. In 1968, on the pages of YUT, drawings of an offshore platform on a steam cushion, designed by an inventor from Margilan, were printed.

Mind games

After school, Latypov received higher education simultaneously at two faculties - biological and physical - at Rostov State University. At the next stage, Nurali Nurislamovich took an active part in the brain study program. This topic was dealt with by an international organization of scientists from Eastern Europe called "Interbrain". Then he entered graduate school at the Department of Philosophy of Moscow State University. He graduated and defended his PhD thesis.

Latypov wanted to continue to engage in scientific creativity, but the political situation in the country has fundamentally changed. The intellectual community faced tasks of a different quality. In the 90s, Nurali was invited to work in the country's government as an adviser on national policy. The next position is a consultant on innovative technologies in the Moscow City Hall. The political career was not very successful. A successful analyst ran for the State Duma, but lost the election.

Essays on personal life

In the biography of Latypov, it is noted that for six years he was listed as an active participant in the intellectual game in the club “What? Where? When?". Nurali received the honorary prize of the "Crystal Owl" club for number one. He retained his love for the game for many years. At a later time, an active player watched from the side how young intellectuals live. Together with an old clubmate, Anatoly Wasserman, he published several books on various topics.

The personal life of Nurali Latypov is not of interest to the yellow press. He has been married for a long time. The family lives in Moscow. Husband and wife raised and raised two daughters. The famous intellectual and writer has already grown grandchildren. Soon they will replace the grandfather.

H Urali Latypov is a man of legend. First owner "Crystal Owl", the main prize of the intellectual TV quiz "What? Where? When?", well-known neurocybernetic scientist, political scientist, witty cartoonist, member of the Writers' Union of Russia, author of dozens of publicistic books containing honest and competent assessments of the surrounding reality, balanced and reasonable forecasts of the future. Among his works are unique manuals on the development of non-linear thinking, which makes it possible to make non-standard decisions and find a way out of any situation. It is probably a great success that he has a certain relationship to our city: his wife was born and raised here. Nurali Nurislamovich often visits his father-in-law with his mother-in-law in Yanaul. We decided to take the opportunity to meet this unique person. He chose the reading room of the library as the meeting place. Why - I realized later: he feels comfortable among books, for him this is a familiar environment. Came with my youngest son. While we talked with my father, Damir, politely declining the offer to sit in the Internet room, disappeared among the shelves with books.

On provincial customs and politics

- Nurali Nurislamovich, how do you like our provincial life, provincial customs?

- I come to Yanaul with pleasure. I like to relax here, work, communicate with people. Fortunately, I do not suffer from the capital's disease. I was born and raised in a small town. Parents were teachers, father is an honored teacher of the republic. They worked very hard, but there was still no full prosperity. The family had five children and a sick grandmother who needed care. So I have never been a darling of fate.

As for morals, unfortunately, they do not differ much. In the modern world, the Internet and television equalize everything. Shortly before departure, rested on Moscow river. Went here twice Buoy. You know, everything is the same. Young and elderly people come, turn on the music at full power, put out a lot of food, drink, scatter garbage ... You can eat, drink and listen to music at home, it’s even more convenient on the couch. In nature, it seems to me, you need to enjoy the silence, listen to the chirping of birds, the sound of water, the rustle of grass, but if you don’t know how to relax in this way, at least don’t interfere with others, don’t impose your conditions of rest!

Everywhere there is a surprisingly careless attitude to what we have. Both in Moscow and in the regions, people who have money and power are equally boorish to those who, in their opinion, are lower. This can be seen even on the road: those who have expensive cars demonstrate complete permissiveness. As the saying goes, "from rags to riches, without going into the shower along the way" ...

- Does it upset you a lot?

“That’s not the word, it worries me. In a year we will celebrate the centenary of the October Revolution. It could not have happened if the landowners, nobles, bourgeois, and clergy had not gone too far. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin one would not have done anything, he was surrounded by "charged people." His rebellion was merciless. Those who, by their actions, provoked the revolution, emigrated safely from Russia, and ordinary citizens were left to sort everything out. Today we risk stepping on the same rake. The decile coefficient (characterizes the degree of social stratification and shows how many times the minimum income of ten percent of the most prosperous population exceeds the maximum income of ten percent of the least prosperous population) has reached catastrophic proportions. The group of the richest has long since brought their capitals, wives and children abroad.

By the way, all evening yesterday I was writing the final material for a new book (two books by N. Latypov are published in September: one in collaboration with A. Wasserman- "In the country of the wise minnows", the other - with S. Tushov- "Fifty shades of gray cardinal" - from the editor). In it, I appeal to the conscience of the rich and powerful gentlemen - for the purpose of self-preservation: “Go down to earth, see how the common people live. Do not step on his calluses endlessly, let him survive. Today, with the filing of officials of the economic bloc, the fight against the so-called shadow economy begins. Note, not with oligarchs, but with "garage" entrepreneurs who manage to organize the production of furniture, dishes, sew clothes, provide services, etc. in these same garages. For them, taxes and extortions from regulatory authorities are exorbitant. In his time, Lenin had the sense not to fight the so-called petty proprietors, but to organize the NEP. The country today is practically in a state of economic war. Today, the West has blocked everything that is possible and impossible for Russia, so those who are trying to survive, feed children, supply affordable goods to the market, and not run around the authorities for various kinds of benefits, cannot be touched today.

- No revolutionary sentiments are observed, our people are patient. We follow the instructions from above: “There is no money, but you endure” ...

- Yes, our people are patient, but for the time being. And then "rebellion, senseless and merciless" will follow. A well-known truth: Russians harness for a long time, but they drive fast. We need to correct the situation in time. There is a very wise saying: "The smart one will find a way out of any situation, the wise one will not allow such a situation." Unfortunately, today many do not understand very well that your compatriots, your people, your culture are in a distressed situation. Former rulers brought the matter to the handle. But Yeltsin's daughter received citizenship for special services to Austria. Note, merit is not before the Motherland. There, in the West, in America, our people are needed as long as there is something to pump out of Russia. The country will end - everyone will be kicked out of there in the ass with the knee. This is my point of view. And I say this not in order to wring my hands and lament, but in the hope of turning politicians towards reasonable decisions. I think I have a right to it. I am not just an armchair scientist - I worked as a front-line correspondent in almost all the hot spots of the country, defended Russia when it was in a difficult situation.

About big and amateur sports

- Today, anti-doping scandals occupy the first place in the news columns ...

– Yes, this is the same policy of double standards. Why does the West accept Russian money obtained by theft, while Western countries are closed to athletes convicted of doping? This is criminal logic. Of course, these scandals are very good at setting up the president, setting up the country. Unfortunately, almost everyone is involved in doping in world sports, but they use more modern drugs that are elusive by today's standards - their science allows them to do this more masterfully. In general, I think that we do not need such a big sport. There is no competition of noble athletes, there is a competition of chemical and biological technologies. A new type of doping is already emerging - genetic, which will be very difficult to identify. The system of world sports as a whole is flawed. Putin's desire to involve Russians in sports is understandable. It doesn't work very well with football. We are a northern country, we are blowing through skiing, biathlon, skating, hockey, at the same time we spend a lot of money on the development of football, we buy foreign players. Those billions of rubles that were given as compensation to Fabio Capello would be enough to build a dozen football schools. We need to get back to real amateur sports. And to develop those species that are traditional for our regions.

- By the way, Nurali Nurislamovich, how are you doing with a healthy lifestyle?

“I used to be a good handball player. While walking through life, I lost a little health - I take everything too close to my heart. I work very hard on my scientific and literary works. Such a lifestyle can hardly be called healthy. But I can say that I don’t drink, I can afford a glass of wine or a glass of beer in the company, I don’t smoke. This is all thanks to my father, who hated alcohol and cigarettes.

About things that are interesting

- What is the main thing for you? Who are you, Nurali Latypov?

- I'm a stranger. That's what they called me in graduate school. Not only because I loved to wander around cities and towns, across the seas and mountains, but also because I was strange: I wanted to do everything. Socrates said, "There are many things in the world that I don't need." That is, you need to concentrate on only one thing. And I am guided by the exact opposite maxim: "There are many things in the world that are interesting to me." I go on a broad front, I strive to cover everything. Of course, there are things that are incomprehensible to me. I will never have such golden hands as my father-in-law. My hands can only draw. And they do it well. Twelve Grand Prix received at international exhibitions of cartoonists. Directorial things are also good - he shot clips, a cartoon.

Let's just say I'm a writer, a scientist and an artist at the same time. And all this I do with pleasure. With pleasure, I switch from writing scientific articles to drawing, then to literary creativity.

Born into a Tatar family in Uzbekistan. Graduated from Rostov State University (faculties of biology and physics), full-time postgraduate studies at the Department of Philosophy of Natural Sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Lomonosov. Specialization: neurophysiologist (neurocybernetics), methodologist. PhD in Philosophy.

He worked as a political observer of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, adviser to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation I. S. Silaev, vice-president of the Bank of Moscow, adviser on innovative technologies to the former mayor of Moscow Yu. M. Luzhkov. Currently an expert at OOO LUKOIL-Engineering.

Winner of the Golden Calf literary award, 12-time winner of the Grand Prix of international cartoon exhibitions. Author of a number of inventions in the field of electronic communications.

From 2007 to 2010, he participated in the TV show “The Opinion of Experts” on the Stolitsa TV channel, being the host of the “View of Nurali Latypov” section.

He was nominated to the State Duma in 2003 on the list of the SLON party.


  • Regularities of science mathematization (dissertation).
  • Vacuum, elementary particles and the Universe (co-authored) Moscow State University, 2001. ISBN: 5-211-04484-3.
  • Fundamentals of intellectual training. A minute to think. Publishing house "Peter", 2005. ISBN: 5-469-00174-1.
  • A guide to twists. Intelligence training. Publishing house "Veche", 2010, 408 p., ISBN: 978-5-9533-5124-9. The book attempts to focus the best practices for developing brain capacity and increasing intelligence efficiency. The book successfully combines the theory and practice of training a person's creative abilities.

Member Name: Nurali Nurislamovich Latypov

Age (birthday): 1.07.1954

City: Margilan, Uzbek SSR, USSR

Education: Rostov University, Faculty of Physics and Biology, Postgraduate study of Moscow State University

Family: married, 2 daughters

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Reading this article:

Every fan of the games of the elite club knows the name of the legendary Nurali Latypov, who in 1984 became the first owner of the prestigious Crystal Owl prize. But who is this expert in real life?

Nurali Nurislamovich was born in Uzbekistan, in the city of Margilan in a family of ethnic Tatars. While studying at school, the boy was distinguished by an inquisitive mind and invented something all the time.

In 1968, when Nurali was only 12 years old, he achieved his first recognition - his invention in the form of a steam cushion ship was published in the popular magazine "Young Technician". Then the boy was noticed at the Olympiads in physics and mathematics, where he confidently won victories.

After graduating from school, huge prospects opened up for Nurali - his knowledge allowed him to enter any university of the Soviet Union. The young man chose Rostov University, where he studied simultaneously at two faculties - physical and biological.

At the same time, the young man became a member of the international organization for the study of the brain of the CMEA countries called "Interbrain". After receiving the basic diploma, he also completed postgraduate studies at the Department of Philosophy of Natural Sciences of Moscow State University with a specialization: methodologist and neurophysiologist-neurocybernetics. Received the title of candidate of philosophical sciences.

Despite such a track record, Nurali did not engage only in science. Political activities are also present in his life.. It began as a political observer of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (abbreviated as the Central Committee of the Komsomol), and then Latypov was:

  • Advisor to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Ivan Stepanovich Silaev;
  • Adviser to the Deputy Prime Minister for Regional and National Policy Sergei Mikhailovich Shakhrai;
  • Adviser on innovative technologies to Moscow Mayor Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov.

In addition to everything else Nurali was noted in the position of vice-president of the Moscow Commodity Exchange and Vice President of the Bank of Moscow. In 2003, a well-known expert tries to get into the State Duma as a deputy of the SLON party, but is defeated.

In 2011, Nurali was offered to become an expert of the LUKoil-Engineering company, and he accepted this offer. In this capacity, the politician spends 3 years, and then moves to the post of director of the Laboratory of Nonlinear Solutions.

It should be noted that political unrest does not occupy all the time of this illustrious person. He writes a lot, for which he was even awarded the Golden Calf literary prize, and he also draws!

Nurali has as many as 12 prizes of various denominations at the Grand Prix of international cartoon exhibitions. Invention also survived as a hobby, as a result of which Latypov is the author of a number of inventions in the field of electronic communications.

Books by Naruli Latypov:

Unfortunately, the game of “What? Where? When?" took a short time in Nurali's biography - only 6 years in the period from 1980 to 1986, was in the team of Andrei Kamorin.

But in 2007, the intellectual club entered his life again - the connoisseur was invited to television as the host of the Nurali Latypov's View section in the TV show "Connoisseurs' Opinion".

In his personal life, a politician, writer, TV presenter and famous intellectual is very happy. He has been married to a musician for a long time, they have two incredibly beautiful daughters.