The ratio of the lengths of the ring and index fingers is associated with character and abilities. Finger length (ring and index)

In the topic Initial genetics, I saw a message saying that the athlete was cool, there the difference between the nameless and index was 2 cm .... so I read about it for a long time ... and so


Evolutionary psychologist John Manning from the University of Southampton (UK) and his study showed that the length of the fingers directly depends on which hormones (male - testosterone or female - estrogen) prevail in the mother's womb in the first three and a half months of fetal formation. The principle of operation of this mechanism is still unclear. However, it is obvious that it has something to do with the fact that testosterone receptors exist on the fingers of the embryo from the 8th to the 14th week of pregnancy. Thus, already at birth, children have different levels of the hormone testosterone. People with a prevailing ring finger have a lot of it, with a prevailing index finger - a little.

The most interesting thing is how it affects the character. So, men whose ring finger is longer than the index finger (that is, a lot of testosterone) are aggressive and hyperactive. They run fast, fence well, play football well and dance well, but they have difficulty expressing their thoughts. This, however, does not prevent them from being excellent mathematicians and enjoying success with the fair sex. They are generally characterized by high fertility. Scientists from the Technical University of Chemnitz (Germany) have revealed an interesting pattern: the longer a man's ring finger, the more sexual contacts he had throughout his life.

But women with a long ring finger, on the contrary, are infertile. This, however, according to scientists, is due not to physiology, but to their character, which is in many ways similar to men's. They are also very active and aggressive, like risk and sports, assertive and... bisexual. At the same time, ladies with a very long ring finger prefer homosexual contacts to heterosexual ones, scientists from the University of Berkeley (USA) say. In general, real Amazons, who also tolerate pain well.

Another thing is people whose index finger is longer than the ring finger or equal to it, who have little testosterone. Men of this type are very feminine. They run poorly, do not know how to navigate in space, they are bad at football, dancing and other types of activity that require at least some complex coordination of movements. And although they are very sociable, express their thoughts well, have high intelligence, for some reason they do not use success with the weak half of humanity. If they start a family, then it is a priori with a minimum number of children or without them at all, since these representatives of the human race also do not differ in fertility. But women with a prevailing index finger are real “darlings”. Soft, gentle, absolutely non-aggressive and non-assertive. Is it any wonder that they get married very quickly and have many children?

Well, have you already measured the difference? which one is longer ... so the conclusion of good athletes is nameless longer indicatively))

Forefinger is the second most important (after the thumb) finger in palmistry, as it is responsible for the self-awareness of a person.

It serves as a symbol of a direct connection between a person and his inner core. And the control of the world “in itself” occurs precisely with the help of the index finger, which in palmistry is also known as the finger of Jupiter.

It helps to coordinate the process of self-improvement, improves self-esteem, personal vision of oneself among the environment. The shape and length of the index finger directly affects human behavior, and it can serve as an indicator of the level of ambition and a sense of responsibility.

The character traits that this finger will point to depend on its relationship with the ring finger. If you put all the fingers together, and the index finger is the same length as the ring finger or half a nail shorter than it, then all the properties and qualities of a person’s character are in complete balance. But if the index finger on the hand is longer, this indicates a person striving to control people, a desire to rule and control. If the fingers of Jupiter on both hands are longer than the ring fingers, their owner is distinguished by innate authority.

The shape of the index finger and its characteristic features

The nail phalanx of the finger of Jupiter on the hand serves as a symbol of the sphere of implementation of unwritten laws. Her appearance shows how a person is able to navigate in space and do right choice. Everything will depend on the shape of the finger: conical, angular or spatulate.

By the middle phalanx of the finger, one can judge the manner of behavior. It is the basis for reflecting the perception of the surrounding world. Often the proportions of the middle phalanx are influenced by the importance of analysis and synthesis of the brain for the individual. The middle phalanx is identified with the drawing of the line of the mind in the palm of your hand.

As palmistry shows, the index finger did not just get the second name. If we recall Roman mythology, we can note that Jupiter is the god of the sky, daylight and thunderstorms. He is identified with the Greek god Zeus. Therefore, such character traits as ambition, lust for power, justice and authority are associated with the finger of Jupiter.

Any palmist will be able to find out the meaning of a person’s character by certain skin patterns. It is unique for each person, but there are certain types of patterns that the ancient Hindus gave their interpretation. These are arch, loop, loop with arch, curl, "peacock eye" and double loop.

The first pattern indicates a practical approach in the field of hobby and faith. The loop will tell about the ability to easily adapt to any situation. A loop with an arch speaks of the complex nature of a person, while highlighting his talent. The curl pattern is commonly found in leaders and active people who are self-confident, ambitious and persevering. Such a pattern on the finger of Jupiter contributes to the formation own ideas and plans. And the presence of a double loop indicates an internal contradiction.

The "peacock eye" is quite rare, but if you find it in yourself, know that you are under reliable protection from dangers and enemies.

A few more words should be said about the meaning of rings in palmistry. Many people love to wear them, and everyone has certain preferences. If you most often wear rings on your index finger, then this indicates strong-willed character, excessive pride. And if the decoration on the hand has big size, then there is also the desire for power. If you wear pewter or gold rings on your index finger, you can significantly increase your self-esteem and realize the most ambitious plans.

Characteristics of finger length

The long finger of Jupiter speaks of the persevering nature of a person who is ready to work in order to achieve his goal. Such people usually know well what they strive for and always achieve it with their work. People with a long index finger are distinguished by innate conservatism, the presence of high ideals, ambitious goals and plans. They are ready to give everything to live up to high ideals.

People with a short index finger suffer from a sense of internal contradictions. In addition, the shorter it is, the lower the self-esteem. The owner of such a finger does not feel his own individuality. These are insecure individuals. positive side in this case is the ability to hide their own feelings in public.

As palmistry shows, very often the index finger can be twisted. If the curved finger goes towards the middle one, this indicates that a person evaluates his position in terms of work, family and personal status in society. When characterizing the finger on the hand, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the hills of the palm, the line of the heart. So you can reveal in more detail the individual traits of a person.

MOSCOW, September 6 - RIA Novosti. The difference in the proportions of the index and ring fingers in men and women is indeed determined by the ratio of male and female hormones in a very narrow "window" of the time of embryonic development, the authors of an article published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences report.

As a rule, in men, the ring finger is longer than the index finger, while in women, on the contrary, it is shorter or the same length. It is believed that the ratio of the lengths of these fingers may be associated, for example, with the risk of obesity, prostate cancer, autism, ability to play football, stock trading and music, as well as a number of other diseases, physiological and psychological characteristics person.

Previously, the proportions of fingers in a particular person were associated with the effect of androgens, hormones responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics, on the fetus in the womb. However, as Martin Cohn and Zhengui Zhen of Florida State University point out, the supporting studies relied mainly on adult observational statistics. Kong and Zhen were the first to discover the mechanism by which the ratio of female and male hormones determines the proportions of fingers in the developing embryo.

"The fact that the growth of developing fingers is directly controlled by androgen and estrogen receptors (female hormones) confirms that finger length ratio is a lifelong consequence of the hormonal environment at the most early stages our development. It's not only understanding the roots of one of the rather strange gender differences - it's fascinating to realize that our fingers can tell what signals we received in a particular period of prenatal development, "Kon said, quoted by the press service of the university.

The scientists used the fact that this "asymmetry" among the sexes occurs not only in humans, but also in mice. They studied the process of development of mouse population embryos, in which the ratio of the lengths of the second and fourth fingers to hind legs especially close to human statistics.

The authors of the article found that already by the 17th day of development of mouse embryos, the difference in the lengths of the “blanks” for future fingers on the right hind paw was significant. At the same time, for the left hind limb, a statistically significant difference was found only on the 21st day of life of the mice. The authors of the article note that a similar asymmetry in the development of the left and right limbs is also observed in humans.

Kon and Zhen showed that in a short "window" from the 13th to the 17th day of embryo development, the growth of future fingers is controlled by androgens and estrogens: if at the beginning of the "window" the number of active receptors of these hormones on the "blanks" is approximately the same, then after over the next two days, androgen receptor activity increases in males and decreases in females. In addition, by the middle of the "window" in females, estrogen receptors on the future fourth finger were higher than on the second. The same picture, only with androgen receptors, was observed in males.

Scientists tested their assumptions about the role of hormones by blocking their receptors in embryos. By blocking the receptors for testosterone, one of the androgens, the researchers produced males with "female" finger proportions. By adding testosterone or estrogen, they could "lengthen" or shorten the fourth finger. The article emphasizes that the effect of hormones on newborn mice was no longer possible to achieve such an effect.

"We have more and more evidence that a number of adult diseases may have 'prenatal' roots. Our data show that the ratio of finger length reflects the effects of androgens and estrogens on the fetus, and this factor can be used to find causes (diseases ),” Cohn said.

In ancient times, all the fingers of a person served only one purpose - to grasp something more firmly in order to better hold it. There were no special names for them. Later, when a person comprehended the processes of socialization, the diversity of labor expanded. In some activities, the fingers had to be used separately from each other. It was at this point that the concept of the hand was divided. The names of all five fingers appeared, depending on the characteristics of each.

Therefore, the first was called large because of its size, the index received such a nickname from its own main function, middle - at the location, little finger - as the smallest of the entire series. Here with the fourth finger somehow did not work out. Therefore, he received the name "nameless". Although the importance of its use is in no way affected.

Since ancient times, many traditions have been associated with the nameless, during which its name has changed. For example, in the East, the 4th was usually called medicinal. The fact is that healers had a habit of mixing medicinal solutions and drugs with just his help. Obviously, it was convenient.

If the ring fingers are longer than the index fingers, then you have great physical potential.

With the advent of the science of palmistry, even more attention began to be paid to the human hand. Each line, skin crease, and even more so the shape and length of the fingers have a certain meaning. Even at first glance, a small mole can have an impressive impact on a person's life. In accordance with the knowledge of palmistry, the fourth finger of the hand is subject to Apollo, which gives its owner innate creative inclinations, talent in art, as well as a high need to create his own family.

In addition to these characteristics, a person has a highly developed entrepreneurial streak and good intuition in professional activity. If the ring fingers are longer than the index fingers, this indicates an increased physical potential of its owner. Therefore, among such people, many achieve heights in professional sports or train at a good amateur level. However, the activity of both cannot be taken away.

High hormone levels

Many, looking at their hand, are wondering what it means if the ring finger is longer than the index finger. According to palmists, this is due high level a sex hormone called testosterone. It is thanks to him that the owners of the long phalanges of the ring finger have such qualities as purposefulness, focus on results, increased endurance and developed fantasy. The hormone affects both sexes, so it is believed that it makes a person sexually attractive.

Another explanation for these characteristics is that, perhaps, when exposed to the skin receptors of the ring finger, the body reacts with an increase in hormone levels. With such information, the peoples of some Asian states Special attention gave massage to this particular area of ​​the hand.