Ships of the Inquisition. The most famous names of pirate ships in history, literature and cinema. Prizes for the drawing

Not long ago, the Allods Team studio announced the launch of a new project based on Allods Online - Pirates. While the new game is in development, we invite you to remember that. what ships are in Allods Online. Having counted all possible ship “externals”, we were surprised to find that there are ten of them, and this is an excellent reason to make a new top 10!

10th place
Empire/League Brig

The top ten is revealed by the color seen by the player who receives his ship for the first time. Although the standard equipment is not particularly sophisticated, the game allows us to show our imagination and decorate the ship a little ourselves. For example, you can change the color of the hull, customize the sails with an emblem, or add decorations to the bow and sides. Thus, with a little effort and time, you can get an original color for your ship.

9th place
Empire/League Corvette

During the "Shipbuilder's Chest" event, you can receive a module for improving the hull of the Corvette ship, which not only increases the number of guns on board, but also changes the ship visually. It is noteworthy that this color can also be modified independently. The equipment of the Corvette ship allows you to change everything on the ship that is on the Brig. So, if you are already used to seeing, for example, the coat of arms of the Empire on your sails, you can return it to this place even when you improve your ship.

8th place
Pirate ship

Who among us has not secretly dreamed of becoming a pirate, raising black sails with the well-known emblem, plowing the astral expanses and plundering cows? The line above is the color of the ship, which every self-respecting captain should have, even if he is the most law-abiding citizen. Pirate ship - a color for true romantics and dreamers! Despite the torn sails, the ship itself looks very solid. It is immediately clear that the pirates are doing very well, and there must be a lot of bottles of rum stored in the bins! At different times, this color could be obtained from the Shipbuilder's, General's and Souls' chests.

7th place
Prospector ship

On the seventh line is the prospector's ship that appeared last year in the Inventor's caskets. Since Imperial and Lygian ships have their own characteristic features, the same color in different factions always looks different, maintaining only a general stylistic direction. The prospector's ship most clearly demonstrates the differences between the two bitter rivals. The Imperial version looks like an ultra-modern bastion of science and technology, the crown of engineering, while the Lygian ship, with balloons and traditionally large sails, evokes thoughts of airships.

6th place
Ghost ship

In sixth place is the most unusual color in the game - the ghost ship from the Trader and Conclave caskets. It looks quite intimidating and, of course, not everyone will like it. However, one cannot help but admit that the color looks very extravagant and clearly stands out from all the others. If you happen to encounter a ghost ship in battle, do not be deceived by its torn sails, rotten sides and broken masts. An unknown force, walking like a cold wind along the corridors, piercingly moaning from the old cabins, creeping along the deck like a thick fog, still guards this ship!

5th place
Ship "Dawn"

The fifth place is occupied by the color, which we first saw in season 5.0, going through the next round of the plot. It was on the Rassvet ship that we set off in pursuit of Smeyanaya, who had escaped on the Eclipse. This is what the chief astrologer of Sarnaut, Anton Turishchev, tells us: “Dawn” travels through the astral plane faster than the wind, and it will easily take you to the desired island.” In the future, as the plot develops, we will see this beautiful ship more than once. It is noteworthy that the Imperial and Lygian versions are not at all similar to each other. Despite the fact that this color has been familiar to us for a long time, we were able to get it at our own disposal only this year from the Shipbuilder’s casket.

4th place
Demon Hunter Ship

In fourth place is the war color in dark colors, with the well-known symbols on the sails and a characteristic decoration on the bow. Everyone in Sarnaut is familiar with the ship of desperate warriors - demon hunters! When going on an astral hunt, to the lair of the octopus, or simply to the far corners of the astral plane, feel free to take the helm of this ship! His appearance alone terrifies demons and evokes respect among experienced astralonauts. This is one of the oldest colors that could be obtained from the Warlord, Mentor and Mentor caskets.

3rd place
Ship "Eclipse"

The bronze medalist of today's top is the famous ship "Eclipse", which at one time made a lot of noise in Sarnaut. Our color, of course, is somewhat smaller in size than Smeyana’s battleship, but this in no way detracts from its other advantages. Made in pleasant colors, with a lot of decorations and unobtrusive illumination throughout the ship, it will become the pride of any captain and a serious combat unit of the imperial or allied fleet! The color was in the caskets of the Commander, Jeweler and Sorcerer.

2nd place
Pryden ship

With the advent of a new race of half-humans, half-cats in Sarnaut, a lot has changed. New storylines, skills, costumes and, of course, ship colors have appeared! In second place in our top is one of the most beautiful creations of Sarnaut - the Pridean ship, which could be obtained from the caskets of the Shipbuilder, the Warlord and the Jeweler. Large asymmetrical sails, which flutter even on an imperial ship, which is not typical for ships of this faction, immediately attract attention. A successful color scheme is another plus in the treasury of advantages of this color.

1 place
Ship of the Inquisition

Well, the best color to date and the undisputed winner of the top 10 astral ships is the ship of the Inquisition! Majestic and solemn, it is worthy to be the ship of heads of state, the vanguard of any flotilla and the cherished dream of a young captain just beginning to conquer the astral plane! The ship boasts sparkling gold trim, blue sails and many small decorative details. The color could be obtained from the Warlord, Merchant and Conclave caskets, as well as in the pin code for the book on the Allods Online universe “The Game in the Halls of Death”.

Sometimes you look at the names of miserable buckets of branded bolts called “yachts” crowded in the marina and think “what do these people even know about the names of ships?!” Well, you can go and see for yourself, at the same time you can easily distinguish those that go on the sea a lot and often from those that are rotting away so that the owner can enjoy membership in the yacht club and pick up women.

I'll give you a hint: Most yacht names symbolize the qualities of their captains, and their size is usually (but not always) inversely proportional to the number of miles spooled on the log. Exceptions are usually noticed immediately by the features of the equipment and - usually - the work being carried out on board. On the pontoon yachts, barbecue work and sunbathing of busty beauties are carried out.

Ship names

But let's talk about names. The name of the ship is usually given on the slipway, and under this name it appears in the statements. And by and large you can forget about it, because it rarely turns out to be successful. The ship acquires its real name during operation, and is usually assigned for life. For example, one schooner got its name "this bitch", and it fully corresponded to her extremely bastard character. Her favorite pastimes were mud baths and diving - apparently she had submarines in her family, hence the mania for lying down on the ground right next to the pier.

Many good ships that have sailed the oceans since time immemorial did not pay attention to what was written on their sides and stern. The crew and captain knew that it was better not to interfere with their voyage - these ships pulled their crew out of terrible storms and managed to stay afloat regardless of the number of cannonballs that made holes in their sides. Many troughs, on the other hand, had proud and arrogant names, but at the same time floated with the same grace as a refrigerator. And a sailor who wanted to be hired on a ship, unless of course he was a fool or was not so desperate as to go anywhere, usually tried to hear how the sailors were talking about the ship.

It should be emphasized that no matter how bad the sailor feels, he will never, I emphasize, never scold his ship. He would rather blaspheme, and few people can put a sailor to shame when it comes to swearing. So, the intonation with which the sailors talk about the ship says a lot about it, and if you’re lucky, you can hear its real name. Here, by the way, there is another point that is lost in the Russian language, but which is important to know: the ship/vessel is feminine, and they are referred to as “she”. A good ship for the captain - wife, daughter, girlfriend, goddess - choose any one.

And finally, the name of the ship that floats and does not pretend to be an iPhone is almost always short. The reason is that in those turbulent times of boarding battles, there were peculiar traditions - both the king, meaning all states, said “we,” and so did the captain, when asked “who is coming?” - he called the name of his ship, and during the battle he could yell “come to me!”, calling on everyone who could still fight to break through to it and with joint efforts throw the enemy into the sea. Now imagine that your ship is called “Admiral Ivan Ivanovich Molotoboytsev.” Yes, they will kill you before you say it, not to mention the fact that this may create confusion in the presentation.

There are ships that have gained fame for their names, and then, when a new ship is laid down, they are given the name of the one that has already retired. If you don’t remember the “Argo” paradox, this is one of the hopes of attracting good luck with the help of a name, or giving a ship the name of a glorious person. Few people know, but the Aurora was once a glorious ship of the Russian Imperial Navy, whose batteries destroyed the British in the Far East (of course, the tea-shoppers don’t like to remember this, because in that battle their marines lost their flag, and the admiral shot himself from such a shame) . And when the laying of new armored cruisers took place, one of them was named after the glorious sailing ship and - it crowned itself with even greater glory, becoming one of the symbols of the Revolution.

And while the winds will blow, beautiful ships will plow the seas, carrying glorious names like banners through the centuries.

If one day you take command of a ship, treat it like a woman. Find out about his history, watch how he walks on the waves, his weaknesses, his character, his secret name - and if you match the characters, you will understand why the Santa Clara was affectionately called "Nina", why the captains shared the fate of their ships , although they could have been saved... Well, if you don’t get along, then it’s better to change the ship, otherwise by the end of the journey only one of you will remain afloat.

"There are no towers in the world higher than the spiers of Mars, no cities greater than the Hives of Mars, and no people more dedicated to the search for knowledge than the Tech-Priests of Mars."

Let's talk about the Adeptus Mechanicus. Let's discuss who they are. What they believe. How they were found by the Emperor. Etc., etc....
Personally, here's what I found about them:
"When the Tech-Priests created the first temples and restored order to Mars, they laid the foundation for the army of the Cult Mechanicus, the Titan Legions. They created weapons capable of functioning in the hostile conditions of the planet. These were gigantic war machines, uninvited by the Titans. Since then, the Titan Legions have been the main force armies of the Cult Mechanicus.Now that Mars has become part of the Imperium, they serve the Emperor.

Not a single fighting machine in the Universe can compare in power to the Titan. The largest of the Titans are dotted with gun turrets and carry devastating weapons capable of destroying entire enemy armies. Inside the Titan, countless members of its crew are at their posts. Some of them control the engine, allowing the giant machine to walk across the battlefields. Others control the Titan's mighty weapons, targeting its turrets and deadly missiles. The Titan is a ground combat ship. Such a huge vehicle requires the support of infantry and tanks to make the most of its incredible firepower. Some Titans also serve as transports, their huge legs turning into mighty fortresses from which infantry can attack.

The creation of Titan takes many years. Behind every machine are centuries of hard work. It is believed that the largest and most ancient Titans contain part of the power of the Machine God himself. Their age and technological sophistication make them sacred relics. The Tech-Priests decorate the Titans with banners to emphasize their holiness. Before each battle, they sprinkle their vehicles with sacred oils and celebrate the Cult Mechanicus Mass before the entire Legion. During it, the sacred names of the Titans are mentioned, and the Charter of the Technicanum is quoted. For the Tech-Priests, Titan is not just a fighting machine, it is a manifestation of the Machine God, a holy and revered child of Technology. To serve in the Titan's crew means to personally serve the Machine God. This is the most honorable service for a mere mortal."

Factions of the Adeptus Mechanicus


There is a movement within the Mechanicus that is reminiscent of the Thorian movement in the Inquisition. That is, the idea of ​​summoning either the Omnissiah (the term used by the Mechanicus to refer to the Emperor) or the Machine God himself into a pre-built or greatly enhanced Avatar so that he could lead the Tech-Priests right to the very end of their Quest for Knowledge. However, such a philosophy is considered extremely dangerous by other fellow Tech-Priests.
Despite the fact that most of the members of this faction are united by a single goal, they are extremely divergent in how to achieve it.
Some seek the most capable of the servitors to create a host of flesh and metal for the Machine God. Generators raise monstrous creatures in giant incubatory bio-baths, believing them to be absolute organic perfections. There are also darker ones, those who are trying to create a completely mechanical design, touching on the dark and forbidden arts of AI (Savage Intelligence).
For the Adeptus Mechanicus, this is the same as the demonic entities that are so intolerant of inquisitors with a puritanical (or common sense) mentality.
It is not surprising that adherents of these principles welcome and maintain close ties with representatives of other similar philosophies, namely the already mentioned Thorians, Horusites and other Resurrectionist Cults who can assist in the great quest to manifest the Machine God among his adherents.
This is why the Inquisition knows so much about the Omnissiads. And that is why many secret agreements were concluded with the Mechanicus, designed to eradicate the heretical impulses of summoning the gods.
It is clear to the Omnissiads that the hour of His return is at hand. The xeno-heresies of the Necrontyr have revealed themselves so that righteous punishment can now be brought down on them; the skeptics from the factory world of Gryphonne IV were deemed unworthy and were purged; many renegade Dark Mechanicus were killed or captured during the recent siege of Cadia.


The Mechanicus' quest for Knowledge can be seen as an inner, spiritual journey, not just a physical one. This idea seems attractive to many Tech-Priests, especially those too old or too busy to travel to the stars themselves.
For them, the meaning of the Search for Knowledge lies not in the search itself, but in the more mundane tasks of daily data entry, repairs, engineering work, and a million other similar tasks. To these members of the Adeptus Mechanicus, also called Imperio-Cognistics, the Imperium is nothing more than a giant super-cogitator, constantly processing vast amounts of data, which will eventually lead to the collection of all existing knowledge.
This view is most often referred to as the Divine Processing Order.
Followers of these beliefs are often presented as traditionalists, and sometimes even too conservative. For them, all tasks except those requiring direct participation, such as repelling an armed attack, are secondary in comparison with the calculation process.
Imperio-Cognistics consider themselves anti-viruses in a galaxy full of xenoviruses and corrupted programming (Dark Mechanicus and the forces of Chaos), and therefore view anything that is not their own technology as contaminated and extremely dangerous to use.
And the only form of change possible for them is modernization. Moreover, working inside such a huge “cogitator” as the Imperium, this can be either a personal action, for example, a tech-priest can insert a new memory chip into his brain, or a global one, for example, it can be the conquest of new worlds, increasing “memory” Imperium, and thereby increasing the speed of its data processing, which ultimately brings the Search for Knowledge closer to its logical conclusion.
But even the most radical of the Imperio-Cognistics view these changes in the Divine Processing Order as too critical and seek to slow them down whenever possible.


Among the Mechanicus there is a certain fear of intelligent mechanisms - AI or "Savage Intelligence". This fear of AI dates back to the Dark Age of Technology, when unnatural and perverted sciences were practiced and intelligent machines battled their human masters for supremacy.
Since then, according to the decree of the Emperor, it is forbidden to create or maintain machines capable of thinking for themselves.
However, at the end of the 34th Millennium, a newly initiated and talented Magos named Dezhio Khamri secretly disseminated the results of his research in the field of AI. His work was so compelling that several Tech-Priests joined him in his research into the forbidden science.
By the end of his first century as Magos, Khamri was fully confident that his theories were ready to be presented to the rest of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
How deeply he was mistaken. Within a matter of months, he became a hunted fugitive, and was eventually cornered and captured by the combined efforts of the Inquisition, the Mechanicus, and even the Order of the Iron Hands. He was taken into custody by the Adeptus Mechanicus, and his further fate remains unknown to this day.
Despite this, some unorthodox Tech-Priests are still eager to continue their research in the field of AI, hoping to understand and master the ancient artifacts they come across in the forgotten corners of the galaxy. Some even try to create copies of their findings in order to get sentient robot servants for themselves. And if they ever manage to succeed and mass produce their heretical creations, then the dark days of the Iron Men may well return
Entire Legions of thinking mechanical warriors then rebelled against humanity - who can guarantee that this will not happen again?


At first glance, this philosophy seems completely out of place in an organization that uses so much machinery and metal. For most of the Adeptus Mechanicus, flesh is weak and only a hindrance, but not for this faction.
The Organic doctrine considers biological matter as a simple mechanism. The brain appears to be a complex cogitator, and the body is a biological apparatus.
Supporters of this philosophy, as one might expect, are mainly Generators and members of the Adeptus Biologicus, who study and improve organic matter in every possible way, growing a lot of bizarre and terrible creatures in their incubator bio-baths.
Where the average Tech-Priest, at certain stages of his career, will enhance himself with bionic limbs, memory modules and other cybernetic implants, the Organic will most likely transplant various glands into himself, increase his muscle mass with the help of stimulants, and improve his senses with new ones. organs grown in laboratories.
Most Organics do not reject the ideas of their fellows just because they prefer metal over flesh. In some cases, Organics also use bionic implants, they just do not a priori reject the possibility of using biological components.
Although biological substitutes are considered unnatural, Organics are not persecuted by the Adeptus Mechanicus simply because they embrace the ideas of the Machine Cult and are adept at servicing the remaining biological components of the old Magos.


The factory world Sigies VIII is a large moon orbiting a gas giant in the binary star system Volcanis. The Vulcanis system is an important outpost of the Adeptus Mechanicus, located far from Terra in the galactic north and in close proximity to the Eye of Terror. During the Horus Heresy, Sigies resisted the forces of the heretics and was only saved through the intervention of the mysterious Eldar. Since then, it has been home to a secret faction of the Adeptus Mechanicus, whose supporters call themselves the Xenarites.
Xenarites study and even use xenotechnology, which is deeply condemned by other tech-priests. The saying goes: "If the Omnissiah wanted us to use xenotech, he would have given us hideous xenobrains." The Xenarites point out that the intervening Eldar came to the aid of the true followers of the Machine God, and that this is a sign that even they are submitting to his will. Therefore, studying them is the sacred duty of the Xenarites.
Aware of the antipathy harbored by their peers, the Xenarites operate secretively and routinely send Tech-Priests and Servitors to work in xenos-artifact locations, rather than bringing them to their Factory Worlds for research as required by doctrine. It is therefore not surprising that Xenarith expeditions often encounter resistance from alien life forms, local inhabitants, and other Tech-Priests and Inquisitors during their explorations. There are also open clashes with the Imperial authorities, sad incidents that force the Xenariths only to go deeper underground, hiding evidence of their activities and establishing stronger and stronger security around the places where they conduct their research.
Hieronymus Tezla became a Rune Priest on the Factory World of Sigies VIII. Rune Priests are trained in arcane areas of science such as intuitive mechanics, speculation and improvisation. Although more orthodox Tech-Priests view Rune Priests with great distrust, their skills are used when the methods described in scripture and teaching do not help. This approach suited the Xenarites, so Tezla was recruited before his training was complete. With an inquisitive mind and an innate gift for detecting xeno-artifacts, Tezla quickly became one of the main members of the faction. Among the Xenarites, Tezla became famous for his fearlessness during the study of the Fra'al ship that crashed in the Tamal sector, as well as for his plasma-warp theories. Moreover, his works on the study of ancient Ork force field generators on Polaris are officially recognized and approved for study.
Ten years ago, research into Eldar refugee artifacts discovered on a fragment of the meteorite AB/90120jk7m drew Tezla's attention to the primordial worlds of Halrubra's Frontier. He was last seen leading a heavily armed expedition to the moon of Eldraton IV, where he believed an undiscovered Eldar warp portal was located.

Cult of the Micro-Omnissiah

The Helican subsector contains the star around which the planet Glavia orbits. Glavia is the only M-class planetoid in its star system. It is considered the second of the eight planets in the system, although, due to its extremely elliptical orbit, its actual position varies between the first and second. Glavia has one natural satellite - a small moon, Galath, colonized by the Adeptus Mechanicus, and also hosts a metallurgical colony.
The Adeptus Mechanicus outpost located on Galata plays an important role in the formation of Glavia's reputation, being the center of a Mechanicus sub-cult called the Cult of the Micro-Omnissiah.
Despite the fact that the local techno-priests, like all their colleagues, are extremely secretive, we still managed, after lengthy negotiations, to get an audience with one of the techno-magos. From what we managed to find out, the following became clear. The cult teaches that the Machine God Omnissiah lives in the souls of all machines, and therefore the smaller the machine, the closer one can get to the Omnissiah, and the more ideal the machine itself becomes.
Local tech-priests work with micro-forges, creating some of the most sophisticated and minute machines in all the Imperium. In particular, the crowning glory of their creations are nanogenic machines, so small that they cannot be distinguished by the naked eye. Because of this obsession with micro-technology, the Cult is constantly in need of the silicon mined from Glavia. Silicon is widely used in the creation of micromachines. Also, with the help of nanogenic technologies, the techno-priests sew into the pilot’s body the Glavian biocircuits for which Glavia is so famous.
However, the Cult installs significantly fewer biocircuits than might appear at first glance. The Tech-Priests of the Micro-Omnissiah are primarily concerned with the internal control systems of Imperial Navy ships. However, thanks to their micro-forges, they have also earned a reputation as the finest needle weapon manufacturers in the entire Imperium and are rumored to have a contract to supply needle weapons to the Officio Assassinorum.

P.S. This is general information about the tech-priest factions; in conclusion, I can tell you about the black ships of the Adeptus Mechanicus, used by the Inquisition itself.

Black Ships of the Inquisition

The Inquisition is the most powerful force within the Imperium, moving across the galaxy eradicating heresy and treason. To ensure her movement, she commands Black Ships, these are powerful ships that everyone fears. Constructed exclusively by the Adeptus Mechanicus on Mars, the Black Ships are the most mysterious warships in the service of the Imperium. In ancient times, the Grand Masters of the Inquisition felt that relying on the Imperial Navy or Space Marine forces was wrong and a new ship was requested.

Combining many of the features of a Space Marine strike cruiser with the full-size hull of a battle cruiser, the Black Ship (so called due to its notoriety) is capable of deploying a company-sized ground force with subsequent orbital support. Typically operating alone, or supported by the Imperial Fleet or Space Marine escort, this ship can serve as the core of a devastating battle force against heretics and rebellions.

These rare vessels usually act solely in the interests of the Inquisition, but at times, when its interests intersect with those of the Imperial Navy, the Black Ship may join the fleet's battle group. And while it may be the rare admiral who enjoys the Inquisition's meddling, the Black Ship is always a worthy addition to any force.

Due to the mysterious nature of their work, rare operations involving the Black Ship are made public. Although the death of the "Ecclesiarch Nevsky" while repelling the Tyranid attack on Horathia III stands out noticeably. The Nevsky and its escort destroyed all three hive ships before being destroyed by the remaining drones. The destruction of the hive ships stopped the flow of reinforcements to the war-torn planet and the Imperial Guard, along with Deathwatch teams from the Nevsky, exterminated the tyranid hordes.

It is speculated that some Space Marine Chapters requested such vessels on Mars for themselves, but all their requests were rejected.

About unsubscribed
Throughout the Imperium, the Adeptus Mechanicus deal with technology at every level, from conventional waste processing plants on Hive Worlds to Predator battle tanks. The design and maintenance of absolutely any device is the duty of this powerful organization. But their main contribution remains the formation and maintenance of the Legions of Titans and Guardians of Technology - armies that are of the greatest value in the blood-soaked 41st millennium. But among all their creations, the most powerful weapons of the Ordinatus stand out.

Centurio Ordinatus

These incredible engines of destruction do not belong to any of the Titan Legions or Skitarii regiments, but are under the control of a unit known as the Centurio Ordinatus. It decides which of these unique, highly specialized machines can be sent into battle, as many are incredibly old or only survived in a single copy. Awakening the spirits of these weapons requires an incredible amount of preparation and zealous maintenance.

The Ordinatus guns themselves are the strangest and most awkward war machines developed by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Almost all of them were built for a specific battle or campaign, and many have never been used since. One of the most striking examples of this kind is the Ordinatus Priam. This huge tunnel-cutting machine was created during the Horus Heresy, when the siege of Priam, a city captured by hordes of traitors, was underway. Passing through the hot mantle of the planet, undetectable by any means of detection, he allowed four elite shock companies of the Imperial Guard to wrest the city Generatum Vulcanis from the hands of the bewildered enemy. With the power cut off, and therefore with the shutdown of most protective structures, the heretics were doomed. The Ordinatus Priam itself suffered irreparable damage due to the failure of several heat sinks.

The Ordinatus vaults contain weapons and devices that at first glance seem less exotic and more sought after, but despite this, the Ordinatus give permission to use their treasures only in the most important battles of the Imperium and exclusively for specific operations. Since the Emperor's ascension to the Golden Throne, the names of the Ordinatus have struck awe into the hearts of the enemies of humanity, who saw the terrifying capabilities of their creations.

On the sidelines of the Cult Mechanicus, the Ordinatus are revered as living embodiments of the Machine God, and their creations, even within the Adeptus Mechanicus, are considered the height of perfection and technical thought. To this day, their treasures await their time in vast vaults, carefully packed, covered with holy runes, anointed with the finest oil, polished to a shine and blessed by the Lord Centurio Ordinatus. Their crews are the best of the best Guardians of Technology, fanatical warriors serving the living gods.
Ordinatus Technologies

Ordinatus war machines are indestructible, their power is terrifying, they mercilessly make their way through hordes of enemies, leaving mountains of corpses and twisted metal in their wake.

All of them are equipped with plasma generators that supply energy to their engines and guns, despite the fact that these generators have one significant drawback - they are very unstable and if destroyed, the Ordinatus weapon explodes, turning into a huge ball of superheated plasma, sweeping away in its path both our own and others.

The Ordinatus' impenetrable defense is provided by powerful force shields, also called dispersion fields. Fragments, energy charges and bolts are reflected from the field, unable to harm the machine. Unfortunately, the spirits that control these fields require such incredible amounts of energy that they eventually overload the generators. If this happened during a battle, this alone could change the outcome of the battle.

In pursuit of his mortal enemy, the Ork warchief Ghazkull Thrakka, who was attempting to escape his defeat on the hive planet Armageddon, Commissar Yarrick found himself on the Squat world of Golgotha.

Despite Yarrick's help, the planetary defense forces were overwhelmed by a horde of orcs led by Ghazkull, and Yarrick himself was captured. In an attempt to humiliate his nemesis, Ghazkull, he kept the Commissar alive as his prisoner.

After some time, Yarrick, showing miracles of ingenuity, escaped from shameful captivity and returned to Golgotha ​​with help - a punitive expedition of the Guardians of Technology and the Titans. From the very beginning of the campaign, the armies of the Imperium suffered defeat after defeat due to the overwhelming numerical superiority of the Ork hordes. In an attempt to break the Orks in the Squats' captured workshops, they constructed the Golgotha, a machine that scattered the cursed Ork hordes across the planet with the terrifying volleys of its Hellfire missiles in one week. Thus the Orcs were expelled from the homeworld of the Squats, and the Ordinatus of Golgotha ​​to this day fights on the front lines of all battles of the Imperium, where the enemy tries to win with numbers.

Hellfire rockets

Hellfire is a collective term for a powerful multi-component acid-viral weapon of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Its deadly filling burns through armor and flesh with equal ease. There is an opinion that it is better to die from a rocket explosion than to survive the impact, its effect is so destructive. "Golgotha" can carry only six missiles of this type and make only one or two launches per hour.

With just one missile carrying several cluster warheads, you can clear a huge area. Thanks to an excellent guidance system, missiles can be fired at any point on the battlefield within a radius much greater than the line of sight of the Golgotha ​​with perfect accuracy. Target illumination is necessary for "Golgotha" only when conducting barrage fire.

Enemies caught by surprise by Golgotha's volley do not even have time to understand what happened to them before their flesh completely burns and drips from their bones...


The Ordinatus of Armageddon took the first blow from the forces of Chaos during the War for Armageddon. Many cities were wiped off the face of the planet by the machines of destruction of Chaos - the Lords of Pain of Khorne, the Lords of Battle and the daemon weapons of Chaos - before the genius of the Adeptus Mechanicus, Geronimus Andersen, found a way to stop these engines of destruction with the help of the Ordinatus. Andersen decided to install a powerful weapon removed from the spaceship onto the chassis, and thus the Imperial forces were able to easily destroy any enemy, regardless of the size and thickness of the armor.

Of course, in the 41st millennium it is already difficult to come up with a completely new technical solution, and this project was no exception. The prototype of the machine was the famous Cyclops - the Squat Titan Killer. It is reliably known that at least four Chaos Titans and two squads of demonic weapons were destroyed in the battle for Hive Tartarus. Deprived of the support of these machines, the Chaos assault troops powerlessly crashed against the two-kilometer walls of the hive.

The Ordinatus of Armageddon participated in wars with all enemies of humanity without exception and showed that their war machines are truly the best of the best.
Nova gun

The principle of the Nova cannon is similar to that used in the Plasma Annihilator installed on the Imperator-class Titans. However, there is one significant difference - at the moment of expansion of the primary plasma during a shot, the Nova can clearly focus and control the energy of the explosion, which allows the crew to fire in three different ways:
feed plasma into the expansion chamber in small portions, and thus fire in long bursts, or pump all the plasma into the chamber at once and fire one devastating salvo. In addition, with the help of such an incredible amount of energy, it is possible to fire a plasma beam, which simultaneously burns a wide area.

During the Horus Heresy, civil war broke out on Mars, the homeworld of the Adeptus Mechanicus. The traitor armies led by Magos Solomon Abbadon rebelled against the Emperor's authority and attempted to overthrow the rightful rulers of the planet. The Imperium, naturally, retaliated and sent a space armada to destroy Abaddon's unholy collaborators and raze his own stronghold of Jericho, which served as a base for the Separatists during attacks on factories and bases of forces loyal to the Emperor.

This task turned out to be almost impossible, and all attempts by the Imperials to destroy the rebel fortress ended in failure due to a powerful ancient artifact found during the Great Crusade that defended Jericho. The vortex field generator, according to some assumptions created by the mysterious C'tan, made any attacks from orbit useless. Any ship that approached within attacking distance was instantly torn to pieces and sent into warp. But one day, quite by accident, during battles in the mountains a few kilometers from Jericho, it turned out that the vortex field protected the fortress only from attacks from space.

Castellum Jericho, as the citadel was also called, was considered an impregnable fortress and was protected by walls half a mile thick, the top of which was buried in the clouds. The central bastion was made of the highest strength metal alloy known to mankind.

When all known methods of assault were tried and none of them brought results, it became clear that some kind of non-standard solution was needed to capture the fortress. The solution was found by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Using unique technology, the Ordinatus of Mars created an acoustic resonating weapon. With the first impact of the sound wave, the walls of the citadel were turned to dust, and the infamous tower bent and crumpled like a piece of tin foil, filling the surrounding space with the piercing howl of tearing metal. So the vile Jericho was swept away from the face of Mars, and the apostate Solomon Abaddon was severely punished for his betrayal.

Acoustic Destroyer

It's not just buildings that are vulnerable to the waves of the Acoustic Destroyer. The effect of a sound wave is in many ways similar to the effect of powerful blast waves. Constantly changing the frequency of radiation, the weapon destroys buildings and destroys enemy personnel and equipment. The damage caused by this machine is truly terrible - sound waves pierce the eardrums, tear off the skin from the bodies of victims, and bones, joints and internal organs are simply torn apart, all electronic equipment explodes or fails, and force and vacuum fields are turned off, making equipment fortified and all their defenders as new victims of an acoustic shock.
Only the heavy armor of the Titans, the fortified walls of citadels, forests or other shelters provide some protection from the acoustic effects of this terrible creation of the Ordinatus.

The origin of the Titans begins on Mars. In ancient times, many different clans fought wars in the dry, scorched wastelands that stretched between the warring Hive Cities. In order to lay siege to the Hive, something was needed that could cross the vast distances of the uninhabited dusty wastes, something that could lead an army. It was then that huge walking machines were created, carrying naval guns capable of crushing any Hive. As the idea of ​​Titans gained popularity, many weapons and strategies were created to combat them.

At their core, Titans are most similar to the dreadnought ships of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Titan's design resembles a battery of siege weapons. Their method of movement allows them to move on any surface, be it the dusty wastelands of Mars, rocky labyrinths, or deserts. The Titans carry the same weapons as the Imperium Fleet, only slightly reduced in size.

When the Emperor set out on his Great Crusade, he took the Martian Titan Legions with him. Following the founding of new Cousin Worlds (or the discovery of old ones), several different Legions of the Adeptus Titanicus were founded, and Titan production began throughout the Imperium. Like the Space Marine Chapters, the houses and clans of the Adeptus Titanicus remain faithful to their traditions, battle tactics and heraldry. For example, the War Griffon Legion, based on the Forge World of Griffon IV, is known for its gray and yellow color scheme.

Like all forces of the Imperium, the Titan Legions were tested in their loyalty to the Imperium during the Horus Heresy. Many clans and houses of the Adeptus Titanicus were under the rule of Warlord Horus. This led to almost half of the Titan Legions coming under the control of Chaos. By the way, it is interesting that the Plunder-class Titans are still in the service of Chaos, and are practically not used by the Imperium. Very often, Chaos Titans are possessed by demons, which only increases the destructive power of these machines.

The Orks and Eldar build their own Titans, although their machines are very different from the Imperial ones.

Orcs build "Gargants", which they worship even more than humans worship their Titans. As hulking and unwieldy as they are ugly, Ork Gargants are surprisingly resilient. Orcs duplicate all systems, and each component of the Gargant lives a separate life. To neutralize the Gargant, you must tear it apart, smash it into pieces. The production technology of Orc Gargants is overcomplicated by the Orcs themselves. Dozens of overseers command hundreds of Grots, driving them throughout the structure. Unlike Imperial Titans, Gargants have no classes. Orcs believe that “they must shoot deadly and must shoot guns everywhere.” Most often, Gargants are protected by unreliable homemade Ork force fields and are armed with weapons salvaged from crashed Space Hulks, Escorters and Cruisers. The power of the Gargants is such that if a Gargant and an Overlord-class Titan collide in battle, it is safe to say that soon a mountain of debris that was once a Titan will rise next to the Gargant. But Gargants are slow. The smart Imperial Princeps will cut circles around the Gargant on Titan, tearing it to pieces with the fire of its guns.

The Eldar Titans are also very different from the Imperial ones. They look more like scaled-up Phantom Lords than Titans. Imperial Titans are slow and devastating, while Eldar Titans are agile, fast and deadly. They easily outmaneuver even the Imperial Scout Titans. Their speed makes it virtually impossible for Imperial Cannons to capture a target, and an enemy who does not know the weaknesses of these machines is doomed. But the Eldar Titans are fragile. Wraithbone, which is so hated by infantry for its toughness, is very sensitive to hits from tanks and Titans. Caught in the crosshairs of such a weapon, the Eldar Titan is defenseless and will be destroyed.

There are also giant Tyranid Bio-Constructions. But these are not Titans, rather they are just very large living creatures. They are much smaller than Imperial Titans, and can easily be destroyed in open combat. But the nature of these creatures allows them to develop tremendous speed and inflict terrifying damage in close combat. And their ability to move through difficult territory will give a hundred points ahead even to the Eldar.

Names of pirate ships from the thematic section (site) “Jolly Roger” (spirited from the pirate site):

"Brig" Black Ghost. Once belonged to a famous pirate. The traders were afraid of this ship like fire. He is famous for appearing literally out of nowhere and carrying out his attacks.

Pirate frigate "Le periton"(Periton)

The mighty flying deer Peryton could perhaps be compared with the Greek Pegasus. As ancient legends testify, the beast had one distinctive feature.
It cast a human shadow, thanks to which scientists believed that the peryton was the spirit of travelers who died far from home. Winged deer were often seen in ancient times on the islands of the Mediterranean Sea and near the Strait of Gibraltar. It was believed that perytons fed on people. They attacked the confused sailors in a herd and devoured them. Not a single weapon could stop the powerful and terrible beast.

"El corsario descuidado" Translated from Spanish - "The Careless Corsair". The young owner of this beautiful brig with red sails never knew defeat. He won battle after battle, climbing higher and higher on the financial ladder. There was a hunt for him - each of the powers wanted to get the head of the corsair.
One day, a young pirate, after another successful robbery, filled the hold of his ship to capacity. The ship was moving slowly and was constantly sagging. And a leak in the stern of the brig was not welcome...
The Careless Corsair stopped abruptly and staggered. "What's happened?" - thought the young pirate. Looking overboard, he realized that the end of his exploits had come. The bottom of his ship was torn to pieces by the reefs. The team has already managed to dismantle the spare boats.
The young pirate stood at the bow of his ship, not believing what was happening. Tears welled up in his eyes and his head hung down. "From what?!" - The pirate raised his hands to the sky. - "For what?"
“For carelessness,” answered the boatswain standing nearby, who did not want to leave his captain.
The ship was going down.

Frigate "Omnipresent Death" - This is the storm of the Caribbean. The unknown pirate who sails on it plundered all the colonies of the new world. When meeting this ship at sea, the traders simply pray to stay alive, which does not happen. Since there is no money in the colonies, he is now heading for the waters of Madagascar to a paradise for pirates
the most romantic name
Corvette "Violet" - named after the captain's daughter. This name was given to her by her father in honor of the most magnificent flower.
the most majestic name
The battleship "Peter I" is a thunderstorm from the Russian State for Britain. This is the flagship of the squadron containing 6 other ships.

Corvette "Victoria the Bloody Baroness"- the ship is named after a pirate girl who is known for her hot temper and incredible cruelty. She sailed on this ship herself. Sleek, fast as the wind, corvette, with white sails and incredibly beautiful. But, as always expected, justice prevailed - the pirate was executed, and the ship itself was given to the Spanish governor.

Frigate "Black Revenge" the horror of all sailors, its captain is a real devil, his ship develops unprecedented speed, and the hull is impenetrable to cannonballs, according to rumors the boatswain on the ship can break a small ship with 1 blow...

Corvette "Luck Prize" it was ridden by an unknown pirate who
luck was with us. His Corvette was quite powerful and fast. To catch up and break.

Frigate "Bad Girl"
This is the popular name of the ship, since no one knows its exact name.
In the waters of the Caribbean archipelago, a certain captain appeared who robbed ships, leaving only two witnesses: one without eyes, the other without a tongue... Apparently in order to terrify people... I must say that the “couples” succeeded in doing this with interest ... From the words of the “lucky ones” a picture of the attacks was compiled.
Everything happened in cloudy weather, early in the morning before sunrise, when there was still fog over the water... The dead silence was broken by a girl’s laughter piercing to the bones. It was heard from everywhere, now on one side, now on the other... From this sound, people’s eardrums burst, blood flowed, some of them, unable to bear it any longer, were thrown overboard, while others, out of panic, could not move from their place. The frigate approached silently, without a single shot. The “girl’s” team took the cargo and the surviving people, and also quietly set sail, leaving two witnesses... No one else saw or heard anything about the captured people...
Apparently the pirate captain made a deal with Lucifer himself, who would get the souls of people...

the most majestic name
battleship "Sentence"
The captain of this pirate ship was a man of honor, so he always gave his victims a choice - to surrender, and then they would be given life, or to give battle and then let the Devil judge them... By their actions, people themselves signed a Verdict.

The most profound title
Bomber ship "Bell"
The motto of this ship is: "Its call is not for him"
The ship was created specifically to combat coastal fortifications and is equipped with the most powerful and long-range guns.
When a “ringing” was heard from one of the sides of this ship, it could only mean one thing - the echo of the fatal salvo would ring in the ears of the survivors for a long time.
The name of the ship was given by Peter I during the construction of the Azov Fleet

Frigate "Cerberus".
For a long time, the pirate island of Bermuda was a refuge for corsairs. But this skeleton did not have strong protection in the form of a fort or other fortifications. Its only protection was numerous rocks and reefs. But over time, maps of this island were drawn up and in calm weather these natural obstacles were no longer dangerous. A large number of pirate ships were sunk off the coast of Bermuda by English and Spanish squadrons. The corsairs were in deep despair and even wanted to leave this island forever. And in these most difficult times for them, the black frigate under the banner of the Jolly Roger single-handedly began to resist all the ships trying to attack the Pirate Settlement. Like a ghost, he appeared from the fog and crushed his enemies. This ship always stood guard over the island of Bermuda, like a watchdog, it did not allow any enemy to approach the island. The crew of this ship was numerous, characterized by incredible rage and thirst for blood. The team was led by their captain and two lieutenants loyal to him. For this, the corsairs christened the black frigate with the name “Cerberus” in honor of a three-headed dog with a snake tail, and snake heads on the back. Just like the mythical dog guarding the exit from the kingdom of the dead Hades, so this frigate stood guard over the pirate island.

Battleship "Shakespeare".
This battleship is the flagship of the British squadron of the island of Jamaica. In the entire Caribbean Sea, and indeed beyond its borders, there is not a single ship that could compare with it in firepower or speed. It was named "Shakespeare" after the English playwright William Shakespeare. Each of the battleship's battles was a work of art, and "Shakespeare" was the author of these works. When you watch his fight, you immediately remember one of William’s dramatic plays. Just as sad, but still great.

Schooner "Black Widow".
After the death of a famous pirate in an unequal battle with Spanish battleships, his wife, being the daughter of a captain and first-hand familiar with maritime affairs, is a desperate and brave woman, having sold her house and all her property, buys a schooner, and, having hired a team of brave men, goes to sea to take revenge. to her husband's killers

Schooner "Alkonavtika".
This name was given to the ship because of the wild passion of its captain and crew for rum, wine, ale, and, indeed, for all liquid substances that contain alcohol. It was impossible to see the staff of this ship without drinking. Not a single corsair can remember when at least one member of the Alkonautika ship’s crew was sober, or at least hungover. Even the ships of England or Spain do not attack them when they meet them on the open sea. Because of the friendly attitude of these pirates towards others, they became welcome guests on all the islands to which pirates were allowed to sail.

Brig "Horizon".
Being a philosopher, the captain of this ship often liked to think on board his ship, looking at the sea stretching across the entire horizon. He said that at the most inopportune moment a ship belonging to any nation could appear on the horizon. The captain did not know whether he would be friendly or hostile. And this circumstance did not depend on anyone except God alone. For the mystery and unpredictability that the horizon combined, it was decided to call this brig “Horizon” by that name.

Frigate "Zodiac"

No one knows where it came from or where it was built, since its mizzen carried oblique sails, which made it even faster. Attacking exclusively at night and even in a storm, he did not leave anyone a single chance of salvation. They say that after his appearance, Morgan himself began to feel uncomfortable in the archipelago.

Corvette "Angels tears"
Got its name after the tragic story that happened to one corsair
For a long time, one fearless, daring and noble corsair on his corvette "Sword of the Apocalypse" terrorized the entire Spanish coast of the New World. From Belize to Cumana, in all cities, squares and taverns there were notices with a promised reward for his head. But they couldn’t catch this “El Diablo”. And yet, one day he fell into a trap laid for him. Having withstood a terrible battle with superior forces and miraculously remained afloat, the "Sword of the Apocalypse", almost completely broken, with the remnants of the crew headed to their lagoon to lick their wounds, but along the way a fierce storm broke out. With the last of their strength, fighting the elements, the already wounded crew did everything possible to save their beloved ship. Realizing that all efforts were in vain, the captain commanded: “Everyone in the boats!” Abandon ship! - The crew rushed to carry out the order, and soon the boat with the surviving sailors began to move away from the sinking corvette. And only after moving some distance away, the sailors suddenly noticed that the captain was not with them. And the captain, standing on the bridge, looked out to sea and sank into the water together with the ship. Soon the sea completely swallowed the ship.
“A real captain never leaves his ship,” said the boatswain. - But we must survive.
They managed to get to land and for a long time in taverns the surviving sailors retold this story and swore that when the last little creature disappeared across the water, they saw an angel in the sky.

Longboat "The Bold and the Beautiful". The captain of this ship considers himself the most daring pirate of the Caribbean, and his longboat – the most beautiful ship of all time. I thought... Until one day I collided with the Spanish Golden Fleet on the high seas. The pirate was daring. The longboat was beautiful.

Manowar "Leviathan". This masterpiece was built by the British at the Portsmouth shipyard. The best shipbuilders of the country participated in its creation. A huge amount of money was invested. The construction of the ship was very difficult and slow. And the result... completely justified itself. And Leviathan was born. A vessel of unprecedented power and beauty. Manowar was sent to the Caribbean to strengthen English naval forces. And soon became the strongest ship in these waters. It's not even a ship, it's a force of nature that humiliates a person. Sea monster. Leviathan.

Corvette "Shaving the Water". This ship belongs to one of the most dangerous pirates in the Caribbean. A man nicknamed Raven. No one knows the true history of this ship, except for the captain himself. The Water Shaver is known to be the fastest ship in the Caribbean. Not a single ship can compare with it in speed. When people see how a corvette plows the sea, it seems that the ship is shaving water. Like a sharp razor it cuts through the waves.

Frigate "Beloved". The captain of this ship, Nicholas, was a privateer in the service of France. He honestly and devotedly served his country, carrying out the most difficult assignments of the governor of island N. At one of the audiences with the governor, he met his daughter, the charming Jacqueline. Soon the girl was kidnapped. But Nakolas found and rescued Jacqueline from the clutches of the scoundrels. Nicholas and Jacqueline fell in love and wanted to get married. But Jacqueline's strict father forbade the wedding until Nicholas became rich and famous. Nicholas accepted these terms. And thanks to his determination and courage, he soon received the title of baron and the rank of admiral of the French fleet. And the governor had no choice but to marry off his only daughter to a privateer. And there was a wedding. Not a single person in the Caribbean had ever seen or heard such a wedding. Even the famous Versailles has faded. And in honor of this event, the governor presented his son-in-law with a magnificent frigate. Without thinking twice, Nicholas named him “Beloved” in honor of his beloved wife.

Caravel "Circle of Life". Lions are predators. They eat antelope. Antelopes are herbivores; they eat grass. The lions die, and grass grows in this place. The antelope eats this grass. And this means that all life is closed in a circle. Circle of life. Back in the 17th century, this was noticed by one scientist and researcher who was studying the nature of South Africa. And on the same day, he named his caravel “Circle of Life”.

"Pandora" Possessing the divine flame stolen by Prometheus, people stopped obeying the celestials, learned various sciences, and emerged from their pitiful state. A little more - and they would have won complete happiness for themselves...
Then Zeus decided to send punishment on them. The blacksmith god Hephaestus sculpted the beautiful woman Pandora from earth and water. The rest of the gods gave her: some - cunning, some - courage, some - extraordinary beauty. Then, handing her a mysterious box, Zeus sent her to earth, forbidding her to remove the lid from the box. Curious Pandora, as soon as she came into the world, opened the lid. Immediately all human disasters flew out of there and scattered throughout the Universe.

So the appearance of my “Pandora” on the horizon promised only grief and disaster to unwary merchants

Corvette "Black Scorpio" (Black Scorpio)
Powerful and swift, he appears from nowhere and disappears into nowhere; like a scorpion, he stalks his victims and attacks like a ghost, leaving them no chance. When they realize what is happening, it is already too late - their fate is sealed...
This ship and its captain appeared in the Caribbean Sea to take revenge... To take revenge for the beautiful girl whose life so quickly ended, cut short in the dungeons of the Holy Inquisition. An unquenchable thirst for revenge so strongly enveloped the soul of the young captain and enslaved his mind that he stopped seeing the world in any other colors other than black and killed... He killed without looking back and indiscriminately, he killed for the sake of killing. His ship, a magnificent corvette - swift as a panther, powerful as a lion and dangerous as a scorpion... Black Scorpio...

Schooner" Weightlessness"
At that time, weightlessness was not known, ships did not fly into space, but there were magnificent sailing ships, an endless ocean and endless love, the fire of which was fanned even more by the fresh sea breeze. Two people, two halves of one heart, were now in the same captain’s cabin, and their ship, as if on wings, as if weightless, was rushing into the distance of the sea, towards infinity...

Frigate" Dead water"
A terrible pirate ship, which seems to have gathered on board the most notorious thugs from all over the Caribbean archipelago. The captain of the ship is devoid of any compassion, and his heart must have long ago turned into a hard, cold stone like marble. When they saw this ship on the horizon, the sailors preferred to jump into the sea before meeting it face to face.
These pirates do not leave a single living soul behind, but throw all their bodies into the sea... The water in these places will remain dead for a long time...

Manowar "Judas"
It was a huge manovar that was part of the Spanish punitive expedition in the New World. He brought a lot of trouble to the enemies of the Spanish crown. This powerful ship became a terrible weapon in the hands of the Holy Inquisition.
But one day, having sailed to carry out his next assignment to the Bermuda Islands, “Judas” never returned... No one knows what happened to him to this day...

Frigate" Transcendentis" ("Going beyond") lat.

The ship lived up to its name, instilling confidence in its crew and terror in the enemy crew.

Corvette" Grin" - on the bow of the ship there was a huge wolf's head with a terrible grin.
Only her appearance terrified cowardly traders and made even experienced warriors shake.
Combined with excellent performance and a dedicated team led by a captain, it spread terror throughout the archipelago for a long time.

Frigate " Black revenge", the horror of all the sailors, huge guns and a bunch of skeleton pirates who have outlived their lives. Both the lugger and the battleship are afraid of him. He reaches a speed of 19 knots in seconds, 2 hundred 48-caliber guns, how can you not be afraid of him?..”

From General's Chest you can get it Hunter- Sarnaut's innovative combat mechanism! In addition, this casket contains special spells for your transport.

The war between the League and the Empire continues unabated. Scientists and magicians are racking their brains over new designs and spells, trying to outpace their enemies in the arms race.

This time, another leap in the development of combat mechanisms took place in the secret laboratory of the MANANAZEM Research Institute. The rebels managed to implement the order, which was supposed to greatly strengthen the position of the Empire on military lines. However, by the will of fate and the machinations of the League’s intelligence officers and saboteurs, the secret schemes became not so secret. So the armies of both factions received at their disposal a fundamentally new combat mechanism - Hunter!

He does not get damaged when falling from a height, does not sink and does not reduce speed in water, and the most powerful combat skills will not leave the enemy the slightest chance of survival!

Buy Warlord's Chests you can in the Curiosity Shop.

Attention, this offer is limited in duration, hurry up!

Hunter access code

Allows you to get your hands on the Stalker, a unique means of transportation and combat.

Part of the Stalker's cipher

By combining 100 parts of the code, you can get at your disposal a unique combat mechanism - the Hunter!

Legendary Warlord's Scroll

If you bring this document to the Very Respected Goblin in the Curiosity Shop, you can get a new ability that can be used while riding: reduces the time it takes to call ground transport by 20%!

O. W. Goblin will exchange 1 such scroll for 10 parts of the Hunter's code.

Great Commander's Scroll

If you bring this document to the Very Respected Goblin in the Curiosity Shop, you can get a new ability that can be used while riding: 2% of mana and health are restored every two seconds!

Having collected 10 of these scrolls, you can exchange them for the Legendary Commander's Scroll, and O.W. Goblin will also exchange 1 such scroll for 1 part of the Hunter's cipher.

General's Elder Scroll

If you bring this document to the Very Respected Goblin in the Curiosity Shop, you can get a new ability that can be used while riding: the horse and rider become invisible for 6 seconds.

After collecting 10 of these scrolls, you can exchange them for the Great Commander's Scroll.

Junior Scroll of the General

If you bring this document to the Very Respected Goblin in the Curiosity Shop, you can get a new ability that can be used while riding: increasing the speed of the horse to 13 meters per second for 12 seconds.

After collecting 10 of these scrolls, you can exchange them for the Elder Scroll of the Warlord.

You can get all this by opening the General's Chest, which is sold in the Rarity Shop.

Other useful items that can be found by opening the Warlord's Chest:

When you open each Chest you will receive a special currency - collectible coin, for which you can buy goods from the assortment of the Very Respected Goblin.

Daily Casket Draw

By opening the Warlord's Chest, each player automatically participates in a unique drawing for the rarest relics of Sarnaut. The three characters who open the most Chests during the day become winners and receive unique drawing of an Inquisition ship. In addition, participants in the drawing who take prizes will receive gold coins and crystal chips.

Prizes for the drawing

1 - 3 places

Inquisition ship blueprint