Weapons and weapon systems specialty. Is gunsmith a profession? Who are gunsmiths in the modern world? Who are gunsmiths

Training mode Schedule Cost (for the entire course) Number of academic hours
Evening group
Tue., Wed., Thu. 18.00-21.00
55,000 rub. 144

Day group

Tue., Wed., Thu. 11.00-16.00

Weapon forging is one of the oldest crafts. The image of a blacksmith forging a combat blade can be seen with your own eyes at the courses of blacksmiths-gunsmiths at the Russian Academy of Crafts. And become that same blacksmith.

Completing the training will allow you to independently bring to life your ideas about creating blades; recreate historical military paraphernalia; participate in reconstructions with personally created objects.

The teacher adapts to the students’ requests and manages to devote individual time to each one.

During the course you will make 3 products: a training blade from raw material, a second one from tool steel (remains with you) and a final work (remains at the Academy).

What is included in the training program for blacksmiths-gunsmiths:

  • Introduction to the profession, safety precautions, history of blacksmithing
  • Basics of metal science
  • Construction of a forge, tools, basic forging operations.
  • Forge welding. Damascus. Principles of modeling the pattern of Damascus steel.
  • Making a model of an all-metal knife from low-carbon steel.
  • Making an all-metal knife from high-carbon steel.
  • Fundamentals of metalworking of blade products.
  • Fundamentals of heat treatment of metals. Practice.
  • Mastering different types of welding: forge, manual arc welding, semi-automatic welding in shielding gases.
  • Drawing and designing thesis, drawing up a technological map.

Conditions of education

Duration: 144 academic hours.
Document issued: certificate "Hand-forged blacksmith" with assignment of rank, certificate "Weapons production technology in blacksmithing"

To register, you must have your passport and a 3x4 photo with you. When registering for the course, you must pay 50% of the tuition fee. The remaining amount is due during the first month of classes.

Frequently asked questions about blacksmith-gunsmith courses:

I already know how to forge. Will I be bored during the first days of studying in your program?
We do not recruit large groups specifically so that the teacher has the opportunity to work individually with each student. Therefore, everyone, regardless of their initial level of training, gets from the training what they came for.

Do I need to buy anything for training?
There is no need to purchase anything. If you wish, you can bring personal protective equipment - goggles and a respirator.

I want to complete both of the Academy's blacksmith courses. Which one is better to start with?
We recommend that you first take a course in artistic forging and gain the skill of working with metal (any blacksmith should be able to forge). After this, learn to work with high-carbon tool steels, which are used in the manufacture of blades.

  • 17.05.01 Ammunition and fuses
  • 17.05.02 Small arms, artillery and rocket weapons
  • 17.05.03 Design, production and testing of ship weapons and information and control systems
  • 56.05.02 Radiation, chemical and biological protection

The future of the industry

Weapons are determined by the strategic tasks that the main geopolitical players will solve, the capabilities of the economy and the state of society. Therefore, the future of defense complexes today should be looked at not only from military or industrial positions. In many ways, modern civilization has reached its limits. The carrying capacity of the Earth's biosphere has been exceeded by more than 20%. In the 21st century, humanity will have to switch to a completely different regime of environmental management and work with resources.

The situation in the field of weapons has also become fundamentally new - the destructive power of conventional weapons has increased by 5 orders of magnitude from the beginning of the industrial revolution to the turn of the 21st century. The armed forces have acquired the ability to destroy humanity or throw it back many centuries.

According to a number of experts, in terms of conventional weapons the ratio of Russia's military potential to the total potential of NATO member countries is 1:60. This determines the severity, complexity and scale of the task of modernizing society, the economy and the defense complex of Russia.

As for the study of the World Ocean, this industry has good prospects. In July 2015, it was reported that the Government had allocated 87 billion rubles, which Russia would spend over 15 years on studying the World Ocean. These funds will be distributed to the programs “Expeditionary Research in the World Ocean”, “Applied Research of the Nature of the World Ocean”, “Comprehensive Research of the Antarctic” and a number of others.

“The development of the spaces and resources of the World Ocean is one of the main directions of development of world civilization in the third millennium,” experts say. Fleets of modern nuclear submarines, various types of effective mine and torpedo weapons, high-tech naval aviation technology, the use of space means to study the ocean - all this is there, but the moment when humanity, without loud slogans, moved from studying the World Ocean to its development has been missed.

    There is a big difference between the concepts of “research” and “development”. Development begins with a prototype, developed technologies and ensures the practical activities of mankind. To achieve success in this area you will:
  • maximum possible automation of underwater work,
  • high technological level of robotic systems,
  • creation of an underwater network information space.

Weapons and weapon systems

Code: 170100


testing and operation of equipment (by area and type);

small arms, artillery and missile weapons;

means of destruction and ammunition;

high-energy devices of automatic systems.

Qualification: engineer.

Area of ​​professional activity: fields of science and technology, including a set of means, techniques, methods and methods of human activity aimed at comprehensive research, development, production and experimental testing of the latest models of artillery, small arms and missile weapons, highly effective designs, technologies and equipment for defense and dual use.

Objects of professional activity:

  • highly effective samples of small arms, cannon, artillery and missile weapons for various purposes, weapons and ammunition;
  • technological processes for the production of weapons and ammunition systems, pulse devices and high-performance equipment;
  • special range, bench and laboratory equipment used for experimental development, research and testing of weapons samples and their constituent elements;
  • testing, operation, repair and quality control of artillery, small arms and rocket weapons, special equipment.

Types of professional activities:

  • design (developmental)
  • scientific research;
  • production and technological;
  • testing ground;
  • organizational and managerial.

Job profile: Development of modern promising technology that operates in extreme conditions and a wide range of parameters (speeds, temperatures and pressures) - from ultra-low to ultra-high, when used from the upper layers of the atmosphere to ultra-great depths. As well as the development of high-precision aircraft that acquire high speed and change it and the trajectory of movement through the application of powerful short-term mechanical impulses. The scientific basis of the specialty is the fundamental issues of explosion and impact physics.

Graduates are engaged in the design of explosive devices for various purposes, the study of the effects of explosive and shock loads on humans in conditions of the increased danger of terrorism, the development of probing devices for studying the planets of the solar system, methods for protecting spacecraft from the effects of meteorite particles, technical means for penetrating probing devices for studying the soil of planets solar system, the creation of new promising materials with unique properties, the use of pulsed processes during ultra-deep drilling of wells in highly efficient technologies for pulsed processing of materials (pulse pressing and welding, explosive synthesis of diamonds), gas and oil production, in rocket and space technology, etc. , including issues of ensuring environmentally friendly technologies and more.

Possible positions and places of work: mechanical engineers at enterprises, design bureaus and research institutes of mechanical engineering with in-depth design and technological training.

Main basic disciplines:“Strength of materials”, “Ballistics of missile and barrel systems”, “Design of special vehicles”, “Applied mechanics of continuous media”, “Fundamentals of ballistics and aerodynamics”, “Shot production technology”, “Fundamentals of technical operation of military equipment”, etc.

ATTENTION! This specialty is outdated. We invite you to familiarize yourself with similar new specialties.


In the process of studying in this profile, students will master:

  • analysis of the current technical state of weapons and forecasting of their development;
  • development of new principles and methods used in the design of small arms, cannon, missile and artillery weapons;
  • development of databases and programs aimed at information processing of relevant types of weapons;
  • formation of goals and objectives during design;
  • creation of tactical and technical specifications for selected projects;
  • design of automated programs;
  • development of technological processes for the production of components and parts;
  • ability to solve and analyze design problems;
  • principles of analytical design of samples and individual elements of weapons;
  • use of computer and information technologies;
  • estimating the costs of manufacturing weapons equipment;
  • skills in managing the production processes of weapons and monitoring the quality of their manufacture;
  • planning and carrying out technological, design, scientific, testing and research work;
  • methods for assessing the business and professional qualities of employees.

Who to work with

The professional field is engineering. Graduates can become test engineers and ammunition designers. The main places of work are factories that are part of the country's military-industrial complex. There they can serve as supervisors of the production process or monitor the technical condition of manufactured weapons. In the field of design, specialists create new types of weapons or their individual elements. Recent students often begin their professional growth at testing sites and at various research institutes.

weapons engineer, weapons engineer

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  • - an Englishman who proposed a system of breech-loading needle weapons, in the design of which the Hamburg citizen Zons also took part. K.’s proposal was taken advantage of in Russia in 1867 for remodeling...

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  • - R....

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  • - gunsmith m. One who makes weapons...

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  • - ...

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  • - weapon "...

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  • - ...

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  • - noun, number of synonyms: 4 detailer locksmith spooner...

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