After which sign does Libra come? Zodiac sign after Libra. What is the zodiac sign Virgo

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g - Zodiac sign - Libra.

Basic properties:

The lives of people born under the sign of Libra are governed by a sense of justice, beauty and harmony, they are responsible, and have good business qualities. Thanks to tact, balance and generosity, they are always surrounded by people. These people have a strong influence on others and rarely have enemies.

Properties Description
Date of: Western astrology September 24 - October 23
Indian astrology October 18 - November 16
Constellation according to the Sun October 31 - November 23
Mascot: Heart, book.
Symbols: Libra, book.
Colors: Dark blue, green, sea wave and pastel colors.
Stones: Opal, lapis lazuli, coral, diamond, sapphire, pearl, beryl, moonstone, green jasper, crystal, peridot.
Metal: Bronze.
Essential oils: Eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, rose, sage, incense, rosemary, coriander, thyme, mint.
Calendula (marigold), roses, violets.

Temperament and character:

Temperamental, fluctuates in search of balance, the right moment; the right word on the way. No sign has more manic depressives and less heroic people, and no sign has a better sense of time. Libras emphasize the role of knowledge, love to accumulate facts, value information of any kind, and consider withholding information a crime. Like air, they want to circulate freely, they hate darkness, they despise poorly lit rooms, they need people around them, they know how to win them: with charm, affection, flattery, spontaneous hospitality, generosity, generosity, willingly provided services, understanding the point of view of other people. Both men and women try to seduce all their lives, expecting praise, affection, encouragement, admiration, approval in return; they cannot live without feeling popular, loved by everyone, including luck. They feel deceived if they believe that they are not loved. Dependence on the world around them interferes with their originality, they are better at working on other people's ideas, improving them. Full of rich intentions, good will, little willpower. The tendency is to avoid responsibility. They would rather sleep than fight. They cannot say “no” to anyone or anything. When choosing between temptations and temptations, the will fluctuates. This can lead to indifference, compromise, lack of responsibility, sometimes some difficulty, and ultimately a guilt complex. Libra is a sign of measure and moderation. They don't mind measuring, but they don't want to be mediocre. Their story - many points of view. They would rather lose the idea, but save lives. They hate hunting season. Libras need to learn to use their feelings to make decisions and overcome overpassivity. Libra women create the best clothing designs. They are the pinnacle of elegance. They are careful because they love to please and make a good impression. They pay attention to the cut of their clothes, but are not always sure of the color; they prefer gray, blue, pale green tones and all pastels, as well as all soft perfumes. Men are very concerned with fashion, sometimes in a snobbish way, and are sometimes effeminate in their clothes.

Love and marriage:

Libra is ruled by marriage; more than other signs, Libra needs an alliance with partners in order to feel complete. Libra is the bridge between Virgo, who is ruled by reason, and Scorpio, who is guided by desires. The bridge, hanging and swaying, also signifies the end of the human race, which means limited energy, short breathing, lack of physical strength. It follows from this that old age is not a strong point for Libra. They can experience her injections, although too softened. They do not fall in love at first sight, they are not enslaved by feelings. For Libra, Venus signifies extra love. Completing the individual and social portrait of Libra, it should be noted that the main feature is the ability to get along with people and be liked in society. Libras are sentimental, they cannot help but be tender, the need for social approval can make them prefer a beautiful face or an advantageous position to inner depth and compatibility, and they can marry only half after their heart. Libras are flexible and can find a common language with a person. Their body lacks the instinctive, the animal, so it must be supported by a super-abundant, sometimes pornographic imagination. They will do almost anything to not be lonely and have a dialogue. Libra women are gentle and charming, they can adapt with any man, sometimes even to the point of self-denial and masochism. These are ideal assistants who find happiness in their husband’s successes. But they also turn away and can look for happiness on the side; if they do not feel loved, they are quickly consoled. Libra men do not pretend to be conquerors, but often expect the first step from a woman. If a woman doesn't make the first move, they feel unwanted and rejected, give up and look for luck elsewhere. They tend to seduce everyone if they are sure that they are wanted, that they are the center of attention of the chosen one. There is no partner more charming, generous and adaptable. Otherwise, the scales become gloomy and cold. They are easy to influence. They rely on women to achieve success and purpose. Men and women sometimes fluctuate between two attachments that seem too necessary. It happens that they try to unite their whole life, to combine them; make both objects of love friends. To make a choice, Libra must first learn to love and make decisions based on feeling. In marriage, Libra loves the reliable shoulder of a partner and his manifestation of strength. In this case, they feel more confident and hesitate less when making a decision. Often marriage for them is a launching pad for social growth. Most suitable for Libra: Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini; Cancer and Capricorn should be avoided.

Choice of profession:

In youth they balance between several possibilities. They need help. They need to make several offers and not rush. You can’t push, it’s better to make several attempts than to push something. Spending a lot of time and energy, they get tired easily. Good at working with others. Great sense of teamwork. They give orders easily and naturally; at the first obstacle they can step aside and retreat. If they are at work, they do it well. They work best with finishing strokes. Their supernatural sense of time and the right moment is valuable. It cannot turn them into compromisers. There is a danger of amateurism. Best Uses: Anything fashion related, decorators, art dealers, antique dealers, book agents, theater agents, lawyers, judges. They are often embarrassed to demand what is due to them, collect debts, do not check accounts and are never slaves to money and property, but they know how to calculate their budget.

Attitude towards money:

Libra is quite attached to money. The material sphere often appears in topics of conversation. They either earn a lot, or spend most of their lives on the brink of survival. They prefer to spend money beautifully, on things that can make an impression among their friends.

Comfort preferences:

Libras love conditions for relaxation that harmoniously continue their activities and correspond to their little pranks. They appreciate what is currently fashionable in their environment. Their cozy elements make an impression.

Life planning:

Libras don't like to plan their life because it doesn't look very nice. By nature they are obligatory, but duties fetter their creative imagination, making it colorless and faded.


Libra's premonitions are often fatal. Telling others about their guesses is not always beneficial, so they rarely take advantage of this opportunity.


Libra is an air sign, which may be why they easily cope with what causes sleepless nights for others. They prefer roses and freesias. Their gardens are filled with pansies and autumn flowers. Sweet smells make them more confident. Warm tobacco smells give them confidence and determination. Libra will be pleased if you give them a bottle of the correct shape with rounded edges in blue-green packaging.

Days and numbers:

    Favorable numbers: 2, 6 (all numbers divisible by 6), 7, 8, 9, 15.

    Happy days: Friday, Saturday.

    Unlucky days: Tuesday, Sunday.

Those born from September 24 to October 2 - under the influence of Venus - are gentle, friendly, dreamy. Important years: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72.

Those born from October 3 to October 13 - under the influence of Saturn - are prudent, live without luxury and ambition. Important years: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72.

Those born from October 14 to 23 - under the influence of Jupiter - love to eat deliciously, are sensual, have a knack for literature, and love ceremonies. Important years: 8, 10, 20, 30, 32, 40, 48, 50, 56, 70, 74.


The tone and color of the skin, especially around the eyes, speak about the well-being of Libra. This is a mirror of health. No sign has a lower tolerance to alcohol. Acids and citrus fruits are harmful, they should be consumed in moderation, replace vinegar with oil, citrus fruits with pears, ripe apples, moderate salt intake or natural salt metabolism is recommended. The weak spot is the kidneys. Libra's nervous system is not very strong. Organic disorders can cause hatred, dislike for spontaneity, dullness, and nasty surroundings at home or at work. Blood circulation is sometimes poor, extremities must be kept warm, energy is often below normal. Preventive measures: live in a temperate, even climate, in a harmonious atmosphere, there should be flowers around, especially roses and objects pleasing to the eye. Play tennis, ice skating, massage 1-2 times a month, avoid chemicals. In Libra, disappointment, even if it comes from excessive imagination, can cause a despondency that deepens to neurosis or affects the kidneys, the most vulnerable place in their physical constitution. During periods of stress, Libras may begin to seek relief in alcohol and pills, although by nature they are not inclined to addictions. This only makes matters worse, and your health deteriorates. The body tries to maintain chemical and hormonal balance through its own secretion and excretion, the poison in the blood is filtered and excreted in the urine. Long-term emotional disturbances lead to the production of toxins, which add to the stress on the kidneys. Therefore, if the scales of your mental state begin to swing, it is better to consult a specialist in order to restore the balance of consciousness and, accordingly, harmony in the body. As a rule, Libras are in good health, even when you can’t tell by their appearance. Their inherent desire for the golden mean usually leads to timely self-discipline, preventing serious violations. The onset of any disease usually manifests itself with typical symptoms: acute kidney and bladder disorders, skin rashes or severe headaches. If these symptoms do not go away, you should consult a doctor. Experienced astrologers recognize that Venus endows its children, including Libra, with an increased penchant for sweets and rich confectionery products. If this statement turns out to be true, periodic testing for diabetes should be carried out, as this is one of the diseases to which the bearers of this sign are prone. Libras born in the third decade should beware of overeating. The most effective therapy for most Libra ailments is complete rest and relaxation in a peaceful and harmonious environment of beloved, attractive friends. Libra responds to the healing sound of music, so you should experiment with different melodies and determine which ones have the most relaxing effect and bring Libra into a contemplative state. There is great restorative power in the beauty of flowers, beautiful works of art, and quiet conversations with people of a spiritual or artistic nature. With an unfavorable placement of planets (and only then), Libra may be predisposed to lumbago, anuria, inflammation of the bladder, cancer, kidney stones, uremia, Bright's disease, diabetes and ovarian cysts (in women). To clarify the readings, you need to consult an astrologer familiar with medical astrology.


Libras should avoid foods that they have a particular affinity for, namely gourmet food: dishes that require exotic seasonings and hot sauces, desserts and cakes. The safest thing to eat is simple food that provides the body with essential nutrients and vitamins. Epicurean recipes are best left for entertaining. It is important for Libra to dine among pleasant, peace-loving people, if possible, like-minded people. When a family includes inharmonious signs, this is not always possible. Therefore, you need to learn to distract yourself from annoying moments. Quiet soothing music will help you relax and “float” above the insignificant or unpleasant conversation around you. Libra mineral salt is sodium phosphate, which helps the acid-base balance in the body and facilitates the removal of toxins. When the planets are in an unfavorable position, Libra lacks this vital element. To replenish it, you need to include carrots, asparagus, beets, corn, brown rice, figs, apples, strawberries, peaches, blueberries, almonds and raisins in your diet. Libra herbs are thyme, watercress, violet and sorrel. The unfavorable influence of the poor placement of Venus can be compensated by supplementing the diet with vitamins A and E, iodine and copper. Vitamin E is especially important as it is an excellent detoxifying agent that helps the liver maintain its normal functions. It also plays a vital role in the treatment of skin and venous diseases such as hemorrhoids and varicose veins, helps regulate the menstrual cycle in women and prevents infertility in men. Its natural sources are sprouted wheat, soybean oil, malt and alfalfa. Iodine is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, whose hormones affect basal metabolism. Its sources are seafood, radishes and pumpkin. Copper promotes the production of red blood cells and enzymes necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system. It comes from radishes, oysters, cucumbers and lettuce.

Controlling your breathing in combination with exercise is a great natural way to oxidize the blood and eliminate sluggish circulation. The exercises below should be performed in a more or less relaxed state. Do not strain your muscles too much or overfill your lungs to the point of feeling constricted and suffocated. Time before 9 and after 17 o'clock; place: a well-ventilated room or a secluded place in the open air; duration from 3 to 5 minutes. Stand up straight or sit cross-legged. Throw your head back and raise your eyes to the ceiling or sky. Raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level, then up above your head, clasping your hands above your head. Take a deep breath, hold your breath and slowly tilt your body as much as possible from side to side several times without causing discomfort. The body needs to be bent at the waist. Throw your arms down and exhale quickly, contracting your abdominal muscles. Repeat 10 times.

Libra man:

All the problems of Libra men revolve around the question, what kind of partner am I and who are my partners? Libra men need an impulse to take their first steps. It is expressed in approval, positive assessment, moral and material support. She is very important to them. To one degree or another, Libra men are dependent on its presence or absence. Therefore, many of their actions and actions are aimed at ensuring the support of their partner. They are well able to determine his motives for behavior and use this understanding for their own purposes. For example, Libra men are often called the life of the party. This is done because they are sociable, friendly, and most importantly, they very skillfully avoid sharp corners in relationships. If Libra men are given confidence in support, then they will carry out their duties quite decisively, otherwise they may be in thought for quite a long time (to do it or not). That this quality of responsibility cannot be taken away from Libra. Especially in difficult conditions, they are not able to let you down, even at the cost of their own benefit. Of course, this quality depends heavily on honesty and integrity. These are precisely the qualities that Libra men can have in abundance. The other pole is those Libra men who have taken the path of crime. The main reason for such a choice is a demonstration of the ingenuity of one’s mind, something that was not appreciated by others to the desired extent. Most often among them are thieves in law, but not murderers and robbers. The reason here is simple, Libras love life very much and respect its manifestation in others.

Libra Woman:

Libra women are prone to obesity not because, as official medicine claims, they have a special metabolism. The fact is that metabolism is only a reflection of the emotional processes that occur in the human mind. The Libra woman is very principled and does not want to compromise her principles even in difficult situations. This is especially noticeable in conditions where there is no partner on whom you can completely rely. In a harmonious environment, her integrity, through which her strength of character is expressed, manifests itself less. She seems to be getting weaker. The Libra woman begins to look for a partner. But the appearance of the latter brings with it the problem of incomplete compatibility that needs to be solved. To do this, she enhances the manifestation of her character. At the same time, her integrity and desire for independence grow. The partner leaves, and the Libra woman again realizes that things were better with him. She starts searching again, and the circle closes. In it, with minor differences, she is ready to circle most of the time. This is how fluctuations arise, as a result of which the Libra woman changes, developing or degrading. Where it moves immediately affects the state of physical health. Changes in metabolism only reflect what is happening on more subtle levels. Using weight loss products only brings temporary relief. The issue of completeness is resolved by the fact that the Libra woman becomes pleased with herself and stops her tossing.


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Libra is one of the most harmonious, calm signs of the Zodiac. Being under the auspices of Venus, they value the sensual, emotional side in everything and everyone, instinctively striving for harmony. In addition, this is a sign of aesthetes. Pleasant to talk to, Libras attract people. But unfortunately, not every person with this zodiac sign can find happiness. Therefore, it is so important to figure out who suits Libra according to the horoscope.

A little about Libra

Those born between September 24 and October 2 are dreamy and friendly. Those born on October 3-13 do not strive for luxury and are prudent. During the period from October 14 to October 23, people who love food, are sensual, and are born are creative.

Temperament and character

Possessing a well-developed sense of time, they are not prone to exploits or heroism. Libra constantly doubts itself and hesitates. Knowing how to work with information, they accumulate it. Loving freedom, they have many acquaintances. People are attracted by charm, diplomacy, hospitality, generosity, and understanding. They tend to avoid responsibility, strive for silence and tranquility, therefore for peace in the whole world. Aesthetes, sociable, attractive. They are very cautious, but this quality develops into indecisiveness. Those who are inclined to compromise are not leaders. Disadvantages of Libra:

Personal life

They need a partner to feel harmonious. They are afraid of loneliness. Sentimental, tender and sensitive, but do not lose reason and self-control. Venus gives them the ability to love. But this sign analyzes itself and its partner too much.

Libras will not do something rash in the heat of the moment or offend a loved one, but this model of behavior deprives them of the opportunity to be active. Therefore, they often become victims of manipulative people.

They are not leaders and do not know how to take responsibility for relationships. Idealists and romantics are too demanding of people. Therefore, they are often disappointed and miss out on wonderful moments in relationships. Easy to captivate, difficult to captivate.

Spiritual and intellectual compatibility with a person is important. They do not give in unconditionally to passion. They are overly sociable and prone to flirting, which makes their partner jealous. Those inclined to self-sacrifice will not tolerate humiliation.

Libra Woman

Tender and charming, versatile personality. Full of interesting ideas, capable of inspiring a man and finding self-determination in his successes. It is important for these women to feel loved, otherwise they may break off the relationship, or seek happiness on the side. Able to adapt to any man.

Compatibility with other signs

So, before creating a couple with someone, dreaming of great love, every airy lady should figure out which sign is suitable for a Libra woman. If the man you meet according to the horoscope:

Libra Man

He is not a conqueror, not a winner and a hero, but a contemplator who awaits the woman’s first step, a decision. Otherwise, they feel rejected and will start making new acquaintances. These are doubtful individuals who weigh the pros and cons for a long time before making a decision. They are charming, generous, amenable to influence, and always count on someone to achieve success and goals. Idealists are looking for true love: a woman who can share their hobbies, desire for change and adventure.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign after Libra - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Signs of the Zodiac, planets that control the Signs of the Zodiac, characteristics of the Signs of the Zodiac, what is a typical representative of a zodiac sign, what is the sign of the zodiac. Astrology.

In this article Characteristics of the zodiac signs a brief and detailed author's description of the 12 Zodiac Signs according to the Solar Sign is described - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. The sequence of zodiac signs and how to find out Are you a typical representative of your zodiac sign?? As everyone knows, the Zodiac sign in astrology is determined by the position of the Sun in the horoscope. The sun sign gives the main characteristics that are noticeable to others. The sun is our Ego. But sometimes the character traits that the Sun sign of the zodiac gives are not so pronounced. What does this depend on? If the majority of personal planets - the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars - are located in a zodiac sign whose characteristics contradict the solar zodiac sign, then the influence of the Sun in the horoscope is noticeably reduced.

For example, according to the solar zodiac sign, a person is Libra, but most of the personal planets are located in the zodiac sign Scorpio. Then in a person, the characteristics of Scorpio will be clearly visible to others, especially if Mars or Pluto have intense aspects in the natal chart. Such a person can be harsh and rude and sarcastic, which is not at all characteristic of the zodiac sign Libra.

The same will happen if the element of the Solar zodiac sign and the element of most personal planets are dissimilar. For example, the Sun sign is the air element, and most of the personal planets are in the earth zodiac signs, then the person will be less characterized by the characteristics of the air element - lightness, openness, he will be more down-to-earth and practical.

The position of the ascendant in a certain zodiac sign and the planet in the 1st house also very noticeably influence the impression of people around a person. For example, if a person’s solar zodiac sign is Sagittarius, and his ascendant is in Scorpio, Mars or Pluto in the 1st house, then an astrologer can easily mistake such a person for Scorpio. Because he will express himself to the outside world in accordance with the planets in the 1st house and the sign of the ascendant - at first glance he will seem tough, domineering, or even overwhelming to others (if Pluto or Mars affects personal planets).

For these reasons, people sometimes do not recognize many of the characteristics of their sun sign. There are Sagittarians who are not attracted to travel, scandalous Libras, Leos who do not demonstrate their royalty, good-natured Scorpios, etc. Although the solar zodiac sign is very important, along with other planets in the horoscope, it can either be clearly expressed, or the characteristics of the solar zodiac sign will be muted by the influence of personal planets from other zodiac signs.

Sequence of zodiac signs

First comes Aries, after Aries Taurus, after Taurus Gemini, after Gemini Leo, after Leo Cancer, after Cancer Virgo, after Virgo Libra, after Libra Scorpio, after Scorpio Sagittarius, after Sagittarius Capricorn, after Capricorn Aquarius and after Aquarius Pisces. And again everything repeats itself - after Aries Pisces, etc.

Rulers of the zodiac signs:

All zodiac signs are influenced by the planet that rules that sign. Let us list the planets that rule the zodiac signs.

Mars is the ruler of the zodiac sign Aries

Venus is the ruler of the zodiac signs Taurus and Libra

Mercury is the ruler of the zodiac signs Gemini and Virgo

The Moon is the ruler of the zodiac sign Cancer

The Sun is the ruler of the zodiac sign Leo

Pluto is the ruler of the zodiac sign Scorpio

Jupiter is the ruler of the zodiac sign Sagittarius

Saturn is the ruler of the zodiac sign Capricorn

Uranus is the ruler of the zodiac sign Aquarius

Neptune is the ruler of the zodiac sign Pisces

The planet Mars, the ruler of the zodiac sign Aries, gives the Aries zodiac sign belligerence, ardor, assertiveness, because. Mars is the planet of war and fire. If you are a typical Aries, then you have the following characteristics of the Aries zodiac sign - you know how to defend your rights, you are a decisive and self-confident person. The Aries zodiac sign has an unpleasant trait in its character - selfishness, because the Aries sign comes first in the circle of the zodiac and is symbolically a newborn child, and small children think only about themselves. Planet Mars is the planet of instincts and people born under the zodiac sign of Aries live on impulse.

The zodiac signs Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus.

For the zodiac sign Taurus, the ruler of this zodiac sign, Venus, gives the following characteristic - love for comfort, for sensual pleasures, such as food, drinks, sexual sensations, beautiful and comfortable surroundings. And for the sake of a comfortable life, a typical representative of the zodiac sign Taurus can work tirelessly. But sometimes this leads to Taurus becoming an inveterate materialist and he ceases to be interested in spiritual life, he begins to believe only in what can be touched and felt physically.

Ruler of the zodiac sign Libra, Venus gives the ability to find a common language with almost any person. Characteristics of typical representatives of the zodiac sign Libra - they strive for harmony in relationships, they need a partner. But sometimes an excessive desire to please everyone, to compromise in any situation, results in hypocrisy in the character of the zodiac sign Libra. And sometimes it is not clear how a person of the Libra sign treats you - does he really feel sympathy for you or is he simply being a hypocrite out of a desire to please everyone?

What zodiac sign is Gemini

The ruler of the Gemini zodiac sign, Mercury, the planet of reason, information, movement, and communication, brings curiosity, mobility, and a love of communication to the character of a typical Gemini zodiac sign. But in the negative version, the excessive curiosity of the Gemini sign turns into superficiality - I know a lot, but not deeply. Also, the love of communication can make a person of the Gemini sign a gossip.

The zodiac sign Virgo, the ruler of this sign, Mercury, gives a tendency to analysis. Characteristics of typical representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign - they pay a lot of attention to little things, details, they are attentive, diligent, but excessiveness in this can make them unbearable pedants and bores.

The moon is the ruler of the zodiac sign Cancer. The Moon is the planet that is responsible for the subconscious, this planet of emotions. Characteristics of a typical zodiac sign Cancer - the Moon gives deepening into oneself. Cancer feels its vulnerability and is ready to hide in its shell from others. But the Moon is also the planet of motherhood and people of the Cancer sign, especially women, are inherently caring. Typical representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign have increased emotionality and sensitivity, but in the negative version this turns into hysteria and an inability to hear others; only Cancer’s own emotions begin to interest them.

The sun, the ruler of the Leo zodiac sign, gives typical representatives of the Leo zodiac sign royalty, generosity, pride, a protective attitude towards others and the desire to show themselves and shine in society. The typical zodiac sign Leo cannot go unnoticed. With negative development, people of the Leo sign become unbearable in their desire to always be in the center, and excessive royalty degenerates into permissiveness - I am a king and everything is possible for me.

What zodiac sign is Scorpio

The planet Pluto, the ruler of the Scorpio zodiac sign, is responsible for transformation, sexual instincts, destruction of the old, gives typical representatives of the Scorpio zodiac sign endurance, mystery, and increased sexuality. In the negative version, these influences result in jealousy, unbridledness and the desire to destroy everything, even to the detriment of oneself. People of the Scorpio zodiac sign are called upon to bring out everything negative in others; they can hurt where it hurts most.

What is the zodiac sign Sagittarius

Jupiter is the ruler of the zodiac sign Sagittarius, the planet of great benefic, the planet of expansion, optimism and good luck. Jupiter endowed typical representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius with inexhaustible optimism, faith in a better future; typical Sagittarius will not remember their failures for long. The main characteristic of the zodiac sign Sagittarius - Sagittarius can expand their horizons, both through travel and through acquiring new knowledge. That's why Sagittarians love to teach and give advice so much. A negative trait of people of the Sagittarius zodiac sign is tactlessness and excessive love of teaching others, giving advice, even when they are not asked for it.

What is the zodiac sign Capricorn

Saturn, the ruler of the Capricorn zodiac sign, the planet of patience, responsibility and discipline, gave all these qualities to typical representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign. But Saturn is also the planet of time and limitations, and people of the Capricorn sign are often too serious, which makes them pessimists. They can see life in black tones. Although their ability to manage time and their inherent ambitions help them achieve their goals.

What is the zodiac sign Aquarius

Uranus, the ruler of the zodiac sign Aquarius, the planet of freedom and revolutionary spirit, makes typical Aquarians extraordinary personalities, incomprehensible to others. The main characteristic of people of the Aquarius zodiac sign is a love of freedom. Freedom in relationships (sometimes from relationships) is important to them, and freedom to move wherever they want; they cannot stand restrictions and boundaries. But an excessive love of freedom can leave them completely alone.

What the planet Neptune, the ruler of the zodiac sign Pisces, gives, cannot be felt physically; it is something that cannot be clearly expressed in words. Neptune endowed typical representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign with inspiration, compassion, and creative abilities. But with a negative option, people born under the zodiac sign of Pisces can have their head in the clouds, break away from reality and live in their own imaginary world, in a world of dreams and illusions.

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LIBRA (24.09-23.10) – ZODIAC SIGN


As a rule, these are pleasant people, friendly, but they can also be gloomy, and they really don’t like being bossed around. They are very intelligent, but at the same time surprisingly naive; they themselves can talk for hours, but at the same time they are also good listeners. These are active people, but they rarely do anything hastily. Perhaps this confused you? There is some kind of change in qualities in this sign that surprises even them.

The symbol of this sign is the golden Libra, so their main goal is to achieve balance in everything. As a result, they may be depressed, confused, and irritable, although they usually make a full impression. Their usual state is a change of mood. They have a Venusian smile that can melt you, these people can be very hard to resist. They are often in a state of indecision when they need to make a decision. Their behavior can also be different: they can talk for too long, listen well, reconcile quarrels, debate.

This sign always strives for harmony. However, some Libras can abuse food, alcohol, and love. This sign is also known as "lazy Libra", which means that they can work very hard; painstakingly and persistently, and then suddenly they fall off in their chair and a period of laziness begins. This state of theirs is also natural, because... they need to restore their strength and during such periods it is useless to persuade them to work. After regaining their strength, they return to work.

So, it is not a dual sign like Gemini, but it can be said about them that they can represent two people in one. They instinctively feel that they need to alternate periods of activity with rest; they have very strong emotions. A philosophical approach to sorrows and joys allows them to smooth out their own problems. These are, as a rule, physically and mentally healthy people. The biggest danger to their health is overuse of everything. Sensitive parts of the body: chest, legs. But they should never forget about rest.

Their character is composed of equal parts of kindness, tenderness, justice, clear argumentation, stubborn unwillingness to capitulate, philosophical logic and indecision. And they always strive for the truth, a straightforward answer, after weighing all the possibilities. But their long deliberation on different sides can be annoying, because... they can remain in an indecisive state for a long time. They never make hasty decisions. If the decision is made by them, then it will be final.

There are rarely eccentric people among Libras; they are very meticulous in their work, honest, and extremely responsible. They do everything as it should, so as not to have to redo anything later. They do not like extremes, for example, the manifestation of anger. They have a fantastic ability to concentrate and penetrate deeply into the essence of a subject. They are born with a love of books. They love the harmony of sounds, flowers, poetry, and are greatly influenced by art. These are lovers of everything beautiful, in a word, these are aristocratic souls.

To truly understand this changing Air sign, you need to solve the riddle of Libra: when Libra falls, their optimism turns into panic, which is aggravated by depression. When Libra is balanced, there is harmony between a rich intellect and a loving, compassionate heart. It’s not for nothing that this sign is autumn, because... winter is too cold for them and summer is hot. They should be in the middle in a balanced state.



This person will give you a lot of advice. He always has solutions to all your problems and questions. You don't have to assume that he meets your girlish dreams. He will change some of them and object to others. His habit of rationalizing everything, including love, can drive you crazy. I must warn you that once Libra has cast its spell on you, you will have a hard time leaving the relationship. Trying to free yourself from it is the same as getting out of a bear trap. If you try to leave him, he will persuade you to stay with such logical and clever arguments that it is useless to try to defeat him. He will become so pleasant and gentle that you will forget about his annoying shortcomings. And your heart will turn to him again. And from now on, consider that your fight is lost. His dreams will become your dreams and you will do everything for his happiness. You will be waiting for a smile on his face, and few can resist his smile. Libra's charm is not the same as Scorpio's hypnotic attraction. Libra's attraction is real and logical. There is nothing supernatural about it.

His behavior is full of contradictions. You may have to yell at him or stand on your head to get his attention. Don't be so naive as to think that love with him will be smooth and calm, even though he is ruled by Venus. However, when he remains in a state of balance, life with him is pleasant, easy and fun. It is a huge stress for him to make any decision, and even after making it, he can change it without good reason.

The words “love” and “Libra” are practically synonymous. It was Libra who invented the love story and reduced it to an art that cannot be compared with the novels of Leo, Scorpio and Taurus. This already says something! He will use any trick to woo you and can win over almost any woman. However, having acquired it, he does not always know what to do with it next. Having carefully processed and charmed her, he begins to hesitate. Should he take advantage of her defenseless state or marry her, or maybe both or neither. A mental struggle begins. And this is where the difficulties begin. He will not lose interest in women until he is 90 years old. This may just be interest if he is happily married, but he will never get tired of love itself. Even if it takes the form of a simple thought: “What would it be like with another woman?”

Since love is surprisingly easy for him and comes to him early, he is often surrounded by girls whom he cannot get rid of. Libras don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, although very often they don't even realize how they can hurt a person when they are in a bad mood. He doesn't like to say "no" and rarely realizes that dragging out an affair is more cruel than a quick and honest breakup. And prolonged agony can even be painful. And only Aquarius can make this or that decision with great reluctance.

If Libra feels that they are not being fair to someone, then there will be no end to their painful indecision. To be unjust for them is the same as to kill. His reluctance to be cruel may push him into an unsuccessful marriage. Thus, Libra may miss true love in their life. The natural tendency of the Libra man is to value every third woman as his only partner. And very often his friendship and love are inappropriate. But surprisingly, Libras don't suffer from a broken heart very often. He may forget you with insulting speed and perhaps less than another man will allow himself to regret a past love. He might have a few bruises from the explosion, but he won't have any long-term worries. Exceptions are rare.

It is much easier to imagine a soft-hearted Libra man in the clutches of a determined woman who has convinced him that leaving her is a great sin. Caught in such a snare, Libra will be an unhappy prisoner. But both of these extremes are exceptions. Most Libras remain free enough to enjoy romance to the fullest, without allowing themselves to be tied down by sentimental ties. They are not too interested in your secrets, although at first glance it seems that he is interested in everything connected with you. But look more closely and you will understand that he does not notice what is happening under his own nose. Everyone can notice, but not him.

And although he can reason a lot, the purpose of his reasoning is not to understand another person, but to talk about abstract things and strive for balance. His questions are not aimed at finding out the reason, he just wants to sort the facts into pieces. He will discuss the pros and cons with amazing logic and rationalism. His conclusions will be very fair, accurate, reasonable and practical. But he has no desire to find out the personal motives and feelings hidden beneath the surface. He is only interested in facts. Deep penetration into the character of Pisces, Scorpios, Aquarius, in his opinion, only spoils the clear picture that he strives for. He instinctively feels that such psychological research is not suitable for him. The way it is.

If you look extravagant, he concludes that you are a splurge. Therefore, you cannot be relied upon in this regard. And the fact that spending money can calm you down from some kind of shock does not occur to him. He's not a psychiatrist. If you are greedy, he may think that you just need someone's approval that you are good with money. But he has no desire to discover that you have a secret fear of losing your independence if you find yourself without money. Libra is the judge. Always remember that Libra argues out of abstract curiosity. It seems like he's trying to get something out of you, but he's not. He is absolutely not a gossip, as he might seem. And it is almost impossible to get the secret out of him. Therefore you can trust him.

But as far as your personal experiences are concerned, you will have some difficulty with him. You can pour out your soul to him, but you will suffer from the fact that he does not notice your inner experiences. He wants you to feel good, but he rarely understands your deepest desires. And just because he is a master of love and love techniques does not mean that he penetrates deeply into your moods.

It is quite difficult for him to cope with his own. Nothing can be more annoying than you rushing to him to complain that someone hurt you, you are looking for sympathy. What will you get in response? His first question will be: “What did you do to make him do this?” And then he will start telling you what you were wrong about until you cry with resentment. And even so, he will not take your side if he believes that you are really wrong. And many troubles stem from this lack in Libra - a lack of understanding of the soul of their partner. And this seems incredible given that he has such intuition, such logic, such a clear mind. He will not be a miser; on the contrary, typical Libras are quite generous. He is happy to spend money on things that bring beauty and happiness. Get ready to be a good housewife, because... his home will be a center of hospitality at any time of the day or night.

Don't take him to places where there are a lot of people, because he physically doesn't like large gatherings. Crowds of strangers disturb his balance. All Libras have an instinctive aversion to physical contact with crowds. His social life will be filled with intelligent, bright personalities, but again it should not be a crowd, otherwise he will not have enough air. Libra may unexpectedly leave you alone in the theater because he is overcome by claustrophobia - a typical Libra tendency.

The biggest danger in living together with them and the closest road to divorce from him is a mess in the house. For him, it is extremely important how the house is run. Don't forget about this, otherwise he will quickly move away from you. He himself may not be very tidy, but he believes that you should clean up after him. He may not complain, but gradually a secretary with delicate taste may become more and more attractive to him. He needs harmony in everything to maintain balance. His home should be a beautiful, quiet oasis in a chaotic world. You need to be smart enough to understand why he began to disappear from the house or why he sleeps when he is at home. Since he is weak even in analyzing his soul, you must analyze more often yourself. He may not even suspect that his bad condition is caused by the fact that he saw you covered in glitter cream. He may not even realize that he doesn't like the orange color of his bathroom curtains. So get yourself in order as well as your home and one day realize that your husband is a wonderful person.

Children get a lot of good things from him, he will always explain to them why he punishes them. And this will not make the child angry. He will charm children with his charm. But oddly enough, the Libra man does not have a great desire to have children. For him, his wife will always come first. And of course, if you fall in love with this man, you must offer him absolutely everything yourself, even a marriage proposal. But pay attention to one subtlety, because of which he forces you to make decisions: if something turns out wrong, he will quickly say: “Well, you decided, not me!” Know what you are doing. When you hear such a phrase, you should say: “Yes, I decided, if I left the decision up to you, we would still be standing under the street lamp talking about love and would have gotten pneumonia long ago!” Naturally, he will immediately begin to argue with you, but as soon as he gains his balance and smiles at you, you, like in the old days, standing under the lantern, say again: “I love you!”



Every woman has a little of a man in her and every man has a little of a woman in her. This feature applies most to Libra. A Libra woman can be as gentle as a forget-me-not, speak in a quiet and gentle voice, and wear dresses with lace. But for all her femininity, pleasant manners and elegance, she can wear trousers with amazing ease and they suit her very well. Her mental processes operate with masculine logic, she can be a good partner for you in any discussion. She may even out-compete a man in conversation, although the feminine side of Libra is usually very tactful to show her obvious victory over a man, at least until marriage or until the honeymoon ends. During your courtship, she will never beat you at chess, but she will not hide her sharp mind behind her dimples.

Sooner or later you will have to face the power of her mind, mental abilities at any moment, as soon as the slightest opportunity to discuss arises. Everything she talks about is assessed by her from all sides - all the positive aspects and the negative. She can even conduct a discussion in the form of a monologue. At the same time, she will smile at you every third word. Libra can convince you with apt logic and you won't lose much except your pride. But you won't regret it, influenced by her charm. She is usually right because her final decision is very carefully thought out.

Apart from the typical Libra tendency to weigh everything twice to make sure she hasn't missed anything, she may well satisfy a man who needs either romance or cooperation or both. Her tendency to debate is based on a sincere desire for a fair and correct decision. On the other hand, most of her opinions are presented with diplomatic tact, which softens the blow. The desire to always be fair makes her weigh everything. You may be tired of such a serious approach, but this is very important in serious and important issues. The Libra woman does not believe that what she thinks is always correct and final, your opinion deserves the same respect as hers, until you come to the only correct decision based on her arguments and yours.

Most Libra women work. They need money to purchase nice things that can be bought with it. Libras need a lot of beautiful feathers to decorate their nest. They love to dress beautifully, wear expensive perfume, love classical music and, of course, you. And you, apparently, are surprised that there is something masculine in her. Yes, there is a part of the masculine in her, but you will hardly notice her masculine mind under her pretty hairstyle. Libra does not do well in an ugly environment, which is why she must earn money for herself to get out of this situation. If there is one thing on earth that she treasures above all else, it is the man she loves, cares for and respects. Loneliness absolutely harms her. Her greatest need is cooperation with a man, both in work and in love. She is literally unable to live alone.

A Libra woman who comes to an astrologer usually asks the question: “When will I meet someone and really love him?” For her, marriage is a joint venture. And the rules there are as strict as at any job. You are the president, you are treated with respect, she is the chairman of the commission that keeps you from making mistakes, and in a very feminine way. It is designed for collaboration. She will be involved in all your interests. Your entertainment is her entertainment, and she will always obey you if you want to change your career or move to another city, or make new friends. Here you are completely the master. Its role is to smooth out unpleasant situations and protect you from impulsive actions and ill-conceived decisions.

We must pay tribute, she has no desire to hang like a stone on your heart; rather, she wants to remove all the stones from your path. She will not want to impose her decisions on you, for which she would then be responsible, and in most cases she will prompt you gently and unobtrusively. The average Libra woman is highly intelligent and analytical. This can help you in solving your business problems. She rarely lets her emotions stop her from making a fearless decision, and she can give you better advice than your banker. Her ability in this area makes up for many of her shortcomings.

Moreover, she offers her pearls of wisdom with such charm and friendliness that it will not shock you. Her iron hand is wearing a velvet glove and she can steer you away from the wrong path so gently that you will think that it was entirely your thought. Aries, Scorpios, Leos, Taurus usually put such a woman on a pedestal and idolize her. And rightly so, because she idolizes them too. Strangers coming to your home for the first time may think that in front of them are Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (but two Libras will have difficulty getting along).

You will reap great rewards by living with a Libra. She will never open your mail, it simply won’t occur to her. She will not reveal your secrets and will not put you in an awkward position in front of your boss. It is possible that she will charm him with her smile. Even if Libra loses balance, sooner or later they come to harmony. There will be moments when you may think: is she an angel or a devil? But the angel appears in her more often, you will not lack physical confirmation of her love, because she is sentimental like old lace and very sensual. And although she is aware of her shortcomings and speaks sincerely about them, her smiles, gentle touches and frequent kisses will hide them, as well as her masculine intelligence.

Your home will look like a picture from a magazine. Most Libras use silver in the house and pay a lot of attention to such attributes as good wine, pleasant music, and a varied menu. Considering her intelligence, what else would you like to have? Being a woman is her main calling. And here she strives for perfection. The masculine side of her mind will rarely bother you unless you are one of those men who believe that a woman should be a slave and say nothing but “yes” and “no.” Your Libra woman will talk a lot more, she loves to talk, but will also be a good listener if you need an audience.

This woman is strong and soft at the same time. And not every woman can maintain such a balance. Her gentle manner and ability to smooth out angry lines on your face may make you think that she is weak and helpless and that she will also be defenseless and feminine when trouble comes. And here you are wrong. In moments of crisis, it will be made into 9 parts of steel. You may not notice this because... there was no such case.

Open your eyes when your family is in difficulty. And you will see who will save your ship from wreck. The truth should not insult your manhood; no one but you knows how much you need her hand extended to help when you need good advice. She will never belittle your role, be grateful to her for this, you can always rely on her. And besides, how good she looks when she works in the garden in trousers or walks around the supermarket in them. There is nothing wrong with a woman wearing trousers if she can also wear an evening dress or silk peignoir with the same ease and grace when you are together. And this applies to Libra. One of her most valuable qualities is her ability to hide her sharp mind behind her charming femininity.

She will love her children and take care of them, but frankly speaking, they will be in 2nd place after you. They are junior partners and you are the president, and she never forgets that. But if you spoil the children, she will interfere. Her children are always well-groomed. But one of the reasons why she had a child is that she wants to make you happier, she gives birth to children mainly for you.

A Libra woman can sometimes go to extremes: either eat too much or drink too much wine. There may be times when she will be silent for a long time, and sometimes she will talk too much. Such moments never last long. Her Libra usually comes into balance on its own, but you can help her with this. When one of the bowls has sunk too low, add some love to it and it will rise. If another is depressed from excess sadness, ease it with understanding and sympathy.

What other woman can look like a princess when you take her to the ball, and then can completely transform, put on heavy boots, zip up her jacket and help you cut wood for the fireplace? If there is no song dedicated to her yet, write your own music at a waltz tempo and dedicate it to your Libra woman.


As a rule, these are pleasant people, friendly, but they can also be gloomy, and they really don’t like being bossed around. They are very intelligent, but at the same time surprisingly naive; they themselves can talk for hours, but at the same time they are also good listeners. These are active people, but they rarely do anything hastily. Perhaps this confused you? There is some kind of change in qualities in this sign that surprises even them.

The symbol of this sign is the golden Libra, so their main goal is to achieve balance in everything. As a result, they may be depressed, confused, and irritable, although they usually make a full impression. Their usual state is a change of mood. They have a Venusian smile that can melt you, these people can be very hard to resist. They are often in a state of indecision when they need to make a decision. Their behavior can also be different: they can talk for too long, listen well, reconcile quarrels, debate.

This sign always strives for harmony. However, some Libras can abuse food, alcohol, and love. This sign is also known as "lazy Libra", which means that they can work very hard; painstakingly and persistently, and then suddenly they fall off in their chair and a period of laziness begins. This state of theirs is also natural, because... they need to restore their strength and during such periods it is useless to persuade them to work. After regaining their strength, they return to work.

So, it is not a dual sign like Gemini, but it can be said about them that they can represent two people in one. They instinctively feel that they need to alternate periods of activity with rest; they have very strong emotions. A philosophical approach to sorrows and joys allows them to smooth out their own problems. These are, as a rule, physically and mentally healthy people. The biggest danger to their health is overuse of everything. Sensitive parts of the body: chest, legs. But they should never forget about rest.

Their character is composed of equal parts of kindness, tenderness, justice, clear argumentation, stubborn unwillingness to capitulate, philosophical logic and indecision. And they always strive for the truth, a straightforward answer, after weighing all the possibilities. But their long deliberation on different sides can be annoying, because... they can remain in an indecisive state for a long time. They never make hasty decisions. If the decision is made by them, then it will be final.

There are rarely eccentric people among Libras; they are very meticulous in their work, honest, and extremely responsible. They do everything as it should, so as not to have to redo anything later. They do not like extremes, for example, the manifestation of anger. They have a fantastic ability to concentrate and penetrate deeply into the essence of a subject. They are born with a love of books. They love the harmony of sounds, flowers, poetry, and are greatly influenced by art. These are lovers of everything beautiful, in a word, these are aristocratic souls.

To truly understand this changing Air sign, you need to solve the riddle of Libra: when Libra falls, their optimism turns into panic, which is burdened by depression. When Libra is balanced, there is harmony between a rich intellect and a loving, compassionate heart. It’s not for nothing that this sign is autumn, because... winter is too cold for them and summer is hot. They should be in the middle in a balanced state.



This person will give you a lot of advice. He always has solutions to all your problems and questions. You don't have to assume that he meets your girlish dreams. He will change some of them and object to others. His habit of rationalizing everything, including love, can drive you crazy. I must warn you that once Libra has cast its spell on you, you will have a hard time leaving the relationship. Trying to free yourself from it is the same as getting out of a bear trap. If you try to leave him, he will persuade you to stay with such logical and clever arguments that it is useless to try to defeat him. He will become so pleasant and gentle that you will forget about his annoying shortcomings. And your heart will turn to him again. And from now on, consider that your fight is lost. His dreams will become your dreams and you will do everything for his happiness. You will be waiting for a smile on his face, and few can resist his smile. Libra's charm is not the same as Scorpio's hypnotic attraction. Libra's attraction is real and logical. There is nothing supernatural about it.

His behavior is full of contradictions. You may have to yell at him or stand on your head to get his attention. Don't be so naive as to think that love with him will be smooth and calm, even though he is ruled by Venus. However, when he remains in a state of balance, life with him is pleasant, easy and fun. It is a huge stress for him to make any decision, and even after making it, he can change it without good reason.

The words “love” and “Libra” are practically synonymous. It was Libra who invented the love story and reduced it to an art that cannot be compared with the novels of Leo, Scorpio and Taurus. This already says something! He will use any trick to woo you and can win over almost any woman. However, having acquired it, he does not always know what to do with it next. Having carefully processed and charmed her, he begins to hesitate. Should he take advantage of her defenseless state or marry her, or maybe both or neither. A mental struggle begins. And this is where the difficulties begin. He will not lose interest in women until he is 90 years old. This may just be interest if he is happily married, but he will never get tired of love itself. Even if it takes the form of a simple thought: “What would it be like with another woman?”

Since love is surprisingly easy for him and comes to him early, he is often surrounded by girls whom he cannot get rid of. Libras don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, although very often they don't even realize how they can hurt a person when they are in a bad mood. He doesn't like to say "no" and rarely realizes that dragging out an affair is more cruel than a quick and honest breakup. And prolonged agony can even be painful. And only Aquarius can make this or that decision with great reluctance.

If Libra feels that they are not being fair to someone, then there will be no end to their painful indecision. To be unjust for them is the same as to kill. His reluctance to be cruel may push him into an unsuccessful marriage. Thus, Libra may miss true love in their life. The natural tendency of the Libra man is to value every third woman as his only partner. And very often his friendship and love are inappropriate. But surprisingly, Libras don't suffer from a broken heart very often. He may forget you with insulting speed and perhaps less than another man will allow himself to regret a past love. He might have a few bruises from the explosion, but he won't have any long-term worries. Exceptions are rare.

It is much easier to imagine a soft-hearted Libra man in the clutches of a determined woman who has convinced him that leaving her is a great sin. Caught in such a snare, Libra will be an unhappy prisoner. But both of these extremes are exceptions. Most Libras remain free enough to enjoy romance to the fullest, without allowing themselves to be tied down by sentimental ties. They are not too interested in your secrets, although at first glance it seems that he is interested in everything connected with you. But look more closely and you will understand that he does not notice what is happening under his own nose. Everyone can notice, but not him.

And although he can reason a lot, the purpose of his reasoning is not to understand another person, but to talk about abstract things and strive for balance. His questions are not aimed at finding out the reason, he just wants to sort the facts into pieces. He will discuss the pros and cons with amazing logic and rationalism. His conclusions will be very fair, accurate, reasonable and practical. But he has no desire to find out the personal motives and feelings hidden beneath the surface. He is only interested in facts. Deep penetration into the character of Pisces, Scorpios, Aquarius, in his opinion, only spoils the clear picture that he strives for. He instinctively feels that such psychological research is not suitable for him. The way it is.

If you look extravagant, he concludes that you are a splurge. Therefore, you cannot be relied upon in this regard. And the fact that spending money can calm you down from some kind of shock does not occur to him. He's not a psychiatrist. If you are greedy, he may think that you just need someone's approval that you are good with money. But he has no desire to discover that you have a secret fear of losing your independence if you find yourself without money. Libra is the judge. Always remember that Libra argues out of abstract curiosity. It seems like he's trying to get something out of you, but he's not. He is absolutely not a gossip, as he might seem. And it is almost impossible to get the secret out of him. Therefore you can trust him.

But as far as your personal experiences are concerned, you will have some difficulty with him. You can pour out your soul to him, but you will suffer from the fact that he does not notice your inner experiences. He wants you to feel good, but he rarely understands your deepest desires. And just because he is a master of love and love techniques does not mean that he penetrates deeply into your moods.

It is quite difficult for him to cope with his own. Nothing can be more annoying than you rushing to him to complain that someone hurt you, you are looking for sympathy. What will you get in response? His first question will be: “What did you do to make him do this?” And then he will start telling you what you were wrong about until you cry with resentment. And even so, he will not take your side if he believes that you are really wrong. And many troubles stem from this lack in Libra - a lack of understanding of the soul of their partner. And this seems incredible given that he has such intuition, such logic, such a clear mind. He will not be a miser; on the contrary, typical Libras are quite generous. He is happy to spend money on things that bring beauty and happiness. Get ready to be a good housewife, because... his home will be a center of hospitality at any time of the day or night.

Don't take him to places where there are a lot of people, because he physically doesn't like large gatherings. Crowds of strangers disturb his balance. All Libras have an instinctive aversion to physical contact with crowds. His social life will be filled with intelligent, bright personalities, but again it should not be a crowd, otherwise he will not have enough air. Libra may unexpectedly leave you alone in the theater because he is overcome by claustrophobia - a typical Libra tendency.

The biggest danger in living together with them and the closest road to divorce from him is a mess in the house. For him, it is extremely important how the house is run. Don't forget about this, otherwise he will quickly move away from you. He himself may not be very tidy, but he believes that you should clean up after him. He may not complain, but gradually a secretary with delicate taste may become more and more attractive to him. He needs harmony in everything to maintain balance. His home should be a beautiful, quiet oasis in a chaotic world. You need to be smart enough to understand why he began to disappear from the house or why he sleeps when he is at home. Since he is weak even in analyzing his soul, you must analyze more often yourself. He may not even suspect that his bad condition is caused by the fact that he saw you covered in glitter cream. He may not even realize that he doesn't like the orange color of his bathroom curtains. So get yourself in order as well as your home and one day realize that your husband is a wonderful person.

Children get a lot of good things from him, he will always explain to them why he punishes them. And this will not make the child angry. He will charm children with his charm. But oddly enough, the Libra man does not have a great desire to have children. For him, his wife will always come first. And of course, if you fall in love with this man, you must offer him absolutely everything yourself, even a marriage proposal. But pay attention to one subtlety, because of which he forces you to make decisions: if something turns out wrong, he will quickly say: “Well, you decided, not me!” Know what you are doing. When you hear such a phrase, you should say: “Yes, I decided, if I left the decision up to you, we would still be standing under the street lamp talking about love and would have gotten pneumonia long ago!” Naturally, he will immediately begin to argue with you, but as soon as he gains his balance and smiles at you, you, like in the old days, standing under the lantern, say again: “I love you!”



Every woman has a little of a man in her and every man has a little of a woman in her. This feature applies most to Libra. A Libra woman can be as gentle as a forget-me-not, speak in a quiet and gentle voice, and wear dresses with lace. But for all her femininity, pleasant manners and elegance, she can wear trousers with amazing ease and they suit her very well. Her mental processes operate with masculine logic, she can be a good partner for you in any discussion. She may even out-compete a man in conversation, although the feminine side of Libra is usually very tactful to show her obvious victory over a man, at least until marriage or until the honeymoon ends. During your courtship, she will never beat you at chess, but she will not hide her sharp mind behind her dimples.

Sooner or later you will have to face the power of her mind, mental abilities at any moment, as soon as the slightest opportunity to discuss arises. Everything she talks about is assessed by her from all sides - all the positive aspects and the negative. She can even conduct a discussion in the form of a monologue. At the same time, she will smile at you every third word. Libra can convince you with apt logic and you won't lose much except your pride. But you won't regret it, influenced by her charm. She is usually right because her final decision is very carefully thought out.

Apart from the typical Libra tendency to weigh everything twice to make sure she hasn't missed anything, she may well satisfy a man who needs either romance or cooperation or both. Her tendency to debate is based on a sincere desire for a fair and correct decision. On the other hand, most of her opinions are presented with diplomatic tact, which softens the blow. The desire to always be fair makes her weigh everything. You may be tired of such a serious approach, but this is very important in serious and important issues. The Libra woman does not believe that what she thinks is always correct and final, your opinion deserves the same respect as hers, until you come to the only correct decision based on her arguments and yours.

Most Libra women work. They need money to purchase nice things that can be bought with it. Libras need a lot of beautiful feathers to decorate their nest. They love to dress beautifully, wear expensive perfume, love classical music and, of course, you. And you, apparently, are surprised that there is something masculine in her. Yes, there is a part of the masculine in her, but you are unlikely to notice her masculine mind under her pretty hairstyle. Libra does not do well in an ugly environment, which is why she must earn money for herself to get out of this situation. If there is one thing on earth that she treasures above all else, it is the man she loves, cares for and respects. Loneliness absolutely harms her. Her greatest need is cooperation with a man, both in work and in love. She is literally unable to live alone.

A Libra woman who comes to an astrologer usually asks the question: “When will I meet someone and really love him?” For her, marriage is a joint venture. And the rules there are as strict as at any job. You are the president, you are treated with respect, she is the chairman of the commission that keeps you from making mistakes, and in a very feminine way. It is designed for collaboration. She will be involved in all your interests. Your entertainment is her entertainment, and she will always obey you if you want to change your career or move to another city, make new friends. Here you are completely the master. Its role is to smooth out unpleasant situations and protect you from impulsive actions and ill-conceived decisions.

We must pay tribute, she has no desire to hang like a stone on your heart; rather, she wants to remove all the stones from your path. She will not want to impose her decisions on you, for which she would then be responsible, and in most cases she will prompt you gently and unobtrusively. The average Libra woman is highly intelligent and analytical. This can help you in solving your business problems. She rarely lets her emotions stop her from making a fearless decision, and she can give you better advice than your banker. Her ability in this area makes up for many of her shortcomings.

Moreover, she offers her pearls of wisdom with such charm and friendliness that it will not shock you. Her iron hand is wearing a velvet glove and she can steer you away from the wrong path so gently that you will think that it was entirely your thought. Aries, Scorpios, Leos, Taurus usually put such a woman on a pedestal and idolize her. And rightly so, because she idolizes them too. Strangers coming to your home for the first time may think that in front of them are Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (but two Libras will have difficulty getting along).

You will reap great rewards by living with a Libra. She will never open your mail, it simply won’t occur to her. She will not reveal your secrets and will not put you in an awkward position in front of your boss. It is possible that she will charm him with her smile. Even if Libra loses balance, sooner or later they come to harmony. There will be moments when you may think: is she an angel or a devil? But the angel appears in her more often, you will not lack physical confirmation of her love, because she is sentimental like old lace and very sensual. And although she is aware of her shortcomings and speaks sincerely about them, her smiles, gentle touches and frequent kisses will hide them, as well as her masculine intelligence.

Your home will look like a picture from a magazine. Most Libras use silver in the house and pay a lot of attention to such attributes as good wine, pleasant music, and a varied menu. Considering her intelligence, what else would you like to have? Being a woman is her main calling. And here she strives for perfection. The masculine side of her mind will rarely bother you unless you are one of those men who believe that a woman should be a slave and say nothing but “yes” and “no.” Your Libra woman will talk a lot more, she loves to talk, but will also be a good listener if you need an audience.

This woman is strong and soft at the same time. And not every woman can maintain such a balance. Her gentle manner and ability to smooth out angry lines on your face may make you think that she is weak and helpless and that she will also be defenseless and feminine when trouble comes. And here you are wrong. In moments of crisis, it will be made into 9 parts of steel. You may not notice this because... there was no such case.

Open your eyes when your family is in difficulty. And you will see who will save your ship from wreck. The truth should not insult your manhood; no one but you knows how much you need her hand extended to help when you need good advice. She will never belittle your role, be grateful to her for this, you can always rely on her. And besides, how good she looks when she works in the garden in trousers or walks around the supermarket in them. There is nothing wrong with a woman wearing trousers if she can also wear an evening dress or silk peignoir with the same ease and grace when you are together. And this applies to Libra. One of her most valuable qualities is her ability to hide her sharp mind behind her charming femininity.

She will love her children and take care of them, but frankly speaking, they will be in 2nd place after you. They are junior partners and you are the president, and she never forgets that. But if you spoil the children, she will interfere. Her children are always well-groomed. But one of the reasons why she had a child is that she wants to make you happier, she gives birth to children mainly for you.

A Libra woman can sometimes go to extremes: either eat too much or drink too much wine. There may be times when she will be silent for a long time, and sometimes she will talk too much. Such moments never last long. Her Libra usually comes into balance on its own, but you can help her with this. When one of the bowls has sunk too low, add some love to it and it will rise. If another is depressed from excess sadness, ease it with understanding and sympathy.

What other woman can look like a princess when you take her to the ball, and then can completely transform, put on heavy boots, zip up her jacket and help you cut wood for the fireplace? If there is no song dedicated to her yet, write your own music at a waltz tempo and dedicate it to your Libra woman.

Refined and sophisticated, intelligent and sociable, Libra can easily achieve success in almost any field of activity, if only they can overcome their laziness in time.


It is strange that among animals and semi-animals in the Zodiac there is such a constellation as Libra. Over two thousand years ago, the autumnal equinox was located in this constellation. The equality of day and night could be one of the reasons why the zodiac constellation was named Libra. One of the Greek myths explains the appearance of this zodiac constellation as a reminder to people of the need to strictly observe laws.

The goddess of justice Astraea weighed the destinies of people with the help of Libra. According to myth, she was the daughter of the almighty Zeus and the goddess of justice Themis. On behalf of her parents, she regularly “inspected” the Earth, armed with scales and blindfolded, in order to judge the law-abiding and mercilessly punish all deceivers and liars. So Zeus decided that his daughter’s Libra should be placed in heaven.

  • Libra Stone: opal, emerald, sapphire.
  • Metal sign Libra: bronze.
  • Libra totem: dove, book, eagle, dragon.
  • Favorable numbers for Libra: 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15.
  • Ruling planet: Venus.

Qualities of Libra

Positive qualities: honest, sincere and attentive, have a refined sense of aesthetic beauty, reasonable in behavior, good friends.

Negative qualities: in the pursuit of pleasing other people, they often lose their individuality; they are often lazy and gloomy.

Love and family

Libras are eternal seekers of love and romance. Representatives of this sign strive to build ideal relationships. They believe in fate and chance, they hope one day to hear the laughter of a stranger and suddenly understand that this is exactly the person destined for them by fate. Often this approach is the reason for unsuccessful unions.

Libra men are in constant search for the woman of their dreams, which is why they are often called flighty and fickle.

Libra Woman capable of subtly capturing any mood of a partner, she can find an approach to almost any man and become his faithful companion. But sometimes internal contradictions make her cold and uninitiative. In her husband, she wants to see, first of all, an intellectual ally who will share her views on life. Libra women become good housewives and caretakers of the family hearth.

Compatibility of Libra with other signs

  • Harmonious relationships: with Leo, Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini.
  • Troubled Relationships: with Capricorn.
  • Difficult relationships: with Cancer, Taurus.

Parents - Libra

  • are proud of their children, especially their appearance and talents;
  • patient and loyal, instilling in children respect for people;
  • any conflicts are resolved in a peaceful and harmonious way.

Libra Child

  • has many talents and abilities in different areas;
  • neat, hates sloppiness and dirt, his room is clean;
  • tries to maintain friendly relations with everyone.

Libra likes it

  • beautiful and sophisticated things, old paintings and antiques;
  • read adventure books, watch romantic comedies;
  • spend time in the company of true friends and acquaintances.

Libra doesn't like it

  • being in the company of ill-mannered and eccentric people;
  • when their personal freedom and independence are limited;
  • to do something hastily and in a short period of time.