Shredder armor. Biography of Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Shredder in the classic film trilogy

In this article you will learn:

Shredder from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universe – was invented by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.

The archenemy of the Ninja Turtles appeared in the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic in 1984.

Oroku Saki, as Shredder is called, comes from an ancient aristocratic family. He has a mother with a very bad character, two brothers, one of whom died, and the second serves as a lieutenant in the Japanese police (Shredder despises him).


Shredder was born in Japan. He had a brother, Oroku Nagi, but he died after an assassination attempt on Master Hamato Yoshi. Both were vying for the heart of a woman named Tan Shen. Nagi, in a fit of rage, wanted to kill the girl, but Yoshi stopped him, and in the fight he killed the villain. Seven-year-old, then still Saki, vowed to take revenge on his offender.


Saki joined the “Nogi” clan. He quickly earned respect, impressing everyone with his strength and by the age of 18, he was given the opportunity to open a new chapter of the Klan in the USA in New York. There Saki created his famous identity under the name "Shredder".

Shredder wants Hamato Yoshi to be expelled from the respectable clan in disgrace. Young Oroku Saki moves to America, following Hamato Yoshi and Tan Shen (the girl with whom both Shredder and Yoshi were in love and for whom his brother died), in order to kill them. Having carried out the attack, Shredder kills both, but Yoshi the rat remains alive (later mutates), attacking the killer, she leaves a scar on his face, which Shredder manages to cover with a mask.

Clan “Legs”

Shredder remains in New York and builds his criminal empire. The Legs clan, which once served good, now becomes a dark organization of murderers. He deals with drugs, smuggling, murders. Revenge was fulfilled in full. Saki and his own Nogi Clan flourished for fifteen years.

During this time, Saki began dating a hired killer. She bore him a daughter, Pimiko. For some reason, the mother of Saki's child abandoned him.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

For fifteen years, Shredder reigned in New York until... four mutant turtles, pupils and students of the mutant rat Splinter, appeared in the city. They were the ones who began to ruin Shredder's life.

In order to resist the turtles, Shredder created the mutants Bebop and Rocksteady, loyal subordinates and strong warriors. In the first battle, he still lost to the turtles, as in all subsequent ones, but Shredder did not lose hope of killing the rat that left a scar on his face and her students.

Meeting Krang

Soon, the villain met the alien Utrom Krang from Dimension X, with whom he began to make plans for world domination.

Their base was the Technodrome, a huge fortress that struck terror into the hearts of people.

However, no matter how much the villain tried to do evil or kidnapped O’Neil, the turtles always pursued him. The Legs clan was no longer so effective, and Shredder became obsessed with destroying turtles. It became his nightmare, his obsession.


The Turtles challenged Shredder to a decisive battle.

He met them on the roof, intending to destroy them personally. But the villain's strength was not enough. The charge he prepared for the turtles went off silently before Donatello pushed him down the building.

This is how Shredder died.


For the next three years, the Legs Clan worked to revive their fallen master. Finally, through a combination of Clan research technology and scientific knowledge, the answer was the discovery of a unique form of cloning. Genetically altered worms, capable of eating human remains, combined with each other and rearranged themselves, recreating the personality they had absorbed. Saki's three imperfect test samples were created before the technology reached perfection.

Having been reborn, the villain again took up his old ways. He almost killed Leonardo, after which his wars threw the turtle's body into April's antique shop. After this event, the trace of the turtles disappeared and they left the city.

Second death

But the persistent turtles returned, having found the hideout of the master of evil. Having destroyed many of Shredder's warriors, as well as his elite and several test samples, the greens met with the leader. The elder turtle Leonardo fought Saki alone. In this deadly battle, Shredder literally lost his head. His body was burned and his ashes were thrown into the water in the city's harbor.

End of the road

Loyal fighters of the “Nogi” clan revived Oroku Saki again. The worms that made up his body intertwined with the shark, turning him into a monster. He again tried to destroy the greens, but he was no longer the same Shredder. The clan used it for its own purposes. At some point, the villain admitted that he had taken revenge and prevented his clan from attacking the turtles. After that, he finally found peace.


  • Ninjutsu Master
  • High strength and speed
  • Strategist
  • High IQ
  • Master of Stealth Infiltration
  • Master of Levitation
  • Master of Kenjutsu and Iaido

The story that has captivated more than one generation of viewers, telling about incredible fighters from the sewer - the Ninja Turtles, has been around for thirty years, but few people know that it was invented by two simple but talented illustrators from New Hampshire. For many viewers, this story became real; more than once, many cautiously looked sideways at the drain holes and sewer hatches, imagining how familiar turtles with the names of famous artists of the Renaissance emerged from there.

For many generations there were no such children, no matter who knew the history of the appearance of green mutants, with a noble heart and a high sense of humor, always ready to come to the aid of all those in need. At the same time, it turns out that mass interest among viewers appeared with the release of an animated series on television in 1987, from which the image of the heroes of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles began to be formed. But few people know that the story began with comics in 1984, and the series that followed was already adapted for a children's audience and received many additional characters that were absent in the original.

Despite this, the concept of the entire franchise remains unchanged and lies in the story of the mutation, under the influence of a mutagen that fell into the sewers of Manhattan, of a number of animals that became intelligent creatures the size of an adult physically developed person. The first person to feel the changes was Splinter, a sewer rat who, after mutation, comprehended the ninja philosophy. It was Splinter who found four mutant turtles and taught them martial arts, instilling a philosophy of goodness and justice. At the same time, friends are faced with the forces of evil in the person of Shredder and his servants.

This concept unites all published works dedicated to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, be it cartoons or full-length films, comics or computer games, souvenirs or promotional materials, but unfortunately, not many can name the names of the creators of the thirty-year legend, which has not lost the interest of viewers , and their names are Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman. This is how it happened that the characters of a fascinating graphic work overshadowed the popularity of the authors, leaving them in the shadow of their glory.
Therefore, it is necessary to talk about the heroes of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” in order to get to know in detail the characters who have become a legend among all age groups of viewers for many years.

List of characters (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Leo is the unofficial leader of the team, distinguished by prudence and balance, preferring to think things through first and then take action, as a result of which he can be incredibly boring. A distinctive feature of Leonardo is the use of two katanas, which are very dangerous weapons, and the wearing of blue armbands. Splinter names him in honor of the author of the masterpiece works of art “The Last Supper” and “Mona Lisa”. In general, at the moment there are two options for the appearance of names for turtles: the traditional one is that Splinter found a color printed booklet dedicated to the Renaissance and took the names of his students from there; the second version, modern, presented in the 2014 film, tells the viewer that the names were given to April O'Neil.

This character is rightfully responsible for the intellectual side of the team; he has incredible mental abilities that allow him to analyze current events and effectively find all sorts of ways out of current situations. Using his high intellectual potential, Donatello provides the team with various technological devices, such as a van, a computer, an airship and other technological innovations.

He spends all his time with laboratory experiments and experiments, periodically enveloping the turtles' headquarters in smoke from explosions. In the traditional view, a mutant who is nothing different except for intelligence, in the IDW Publishing comics Donatello appears as a cybermutant, and in the 2014 film he is equipped with modern special equipment, expressed in a unique backpack, electronic multifunctional glasses and a headset with a video camera. In battle he uses a boken, a long bamboo stick, and wears purple headbands.

Raf has the greatest physical strength in the team, and at the same time has a difficult character, periodically wearing a hot-tempered, cruel tone. He wears a red headband, is quiet and gloomy, uses sai daggers in battle, and in extreme cases prefers shurikens or a fighting chain.

He considers himself undeservedly ignored when making important decisions, and often comes into conflict with Splinter and Leonardo, disagreeing with their conclusions and ideas. The willfulness he shows in making decisions leads, as a rule, to constant problems, sometimes of a global nature, but in the end he takes the side of his friends, repenting of his rash actions.

In the story, he has the short name Mike, orange headbands, and his main weapon is the nunchaku. He is distinguished by his carelessness and spontaneity, and has an incredible sense of humor, which results in constant teasing, practical jokes and jabs at his friends, often not understood by them. He does not like to work or participate in social life at all, preferring TV, video games, and other entertainment, including skateboarding; his main hobby is eating pizza. He is also cold towards training, therefore, as a rule, he does not participate in discussions of upcoming events and is not involved in most responsible operations. At the same time, in battle he is ruthless, thoughtful, and never reveals his allies, trying to conduct the battle within the framework of tactical necessity.

The image of Mike is due to his creation, he is the first character of the four who received a visual embodiment, while the creators of the graphic comic made him with a humorous slant, which influenced his character. Mike originally had no fingers, and Eastman drew the nunchaku simply strapped to his paws.

Trainer, mentor, spiritual father of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the first mutant to fall victim to the mutagen. He developed his abilities in martial arts to perfection, the skills of which he passed on to the turtles. Splinter, according to the developers themselves, has become a collective image of the sensei taken from the work “Daredevil” by Frank Miller.
There are several options for the appearance of Splinter in the history of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; it is traditionally believed that he was a pet of a ninjutsu master, involuntarily remembering all the training, and after mutating, reproducing them. According to the 1987 and 2012 animated series, Splinter is a martial arts practitioner who, having been expelled from his clan, ends up in the Manhattan sewers, where the whole story begins.

Jonathan Liebesman and Michael Bay decided not to complicate the storyline and made Splinter a simple rat who turns out to be the victim of a failed experiment in Dr. O'Neill's laboratory.
However, in all works, he is the opponent of Shredder, his archenemy, who goes by the name Oroku Saki. It is worth noting that Splinter dies in the finale of the fourth volume of comics from the company Mirage Studios, but the story of death, even from old age, was not liked by the audience and further in all the works, despite the company of the creator, this theme was not played up. Splinter's philosophy is the only source of morality on which the plot of the story is built.

A young promising journalist with irrepressible energy is constantly in the know, periodically gets into troubles that the Ninja Turtles have to sort out, risking their lives. The character appeared in 1984, while O'Neill had nothing to do with television; she was an employee of a company producing robots designed to hunt mice. April received her career as a TV presenter in the 1987 animated series. Despite minor differences in the various versions of the franchise, she is distinguished by the yellow color of her clothes, red hair, and her boundless love for the main characters, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.Actress Megan Fox was chosen for the role in the film, and she did an excellent job with her acting duties, accurately conveying the character’s character.

Shredder throughout the history of the turtles is a permanent villain, hiding his appearance and real name Oroku Saki under impenetrable armor. In history, he had several appearances; it is traditionally believed that he killed Master Hamato Yoshi, after which Splinter ended up in the sewer and began his path of revenge. According to another version, he seeks to expel Master Hamato from the clan, after which the fate of a mutant rat awaits him. At the same time, Shredder ranks 39th in the world ranking of villains.

It is worth noting that the prototype for Shredder’s costume was ordinary vegetable graters, and death overtook him in the first issue. But the popular comic grew into a second issue, and it was decided to resurrect the villain to continue the story.

Viewers first met these mutants in 1987 in the animated series. These two brutal, cruel creatures were created by Shredder and are his permanent assistants throughout history.

The appearance of the mutants corresponds to the evil characters, one is a black punk jock, the second is a blond man pumped up to incredible sizes, who does not even have the rudiments of intelligence. The 2014 film did not feature these characters in the plot, but according to the film's producers, Rocksteady and Bebop will definitely appear in the sequel.

Krang is the most unusual character in the history of turtles; he is a certain substance endowed with eyes and intelligence. In the end, it turns out that this is a representative of a race of aliens from the Tenth Dimension.
In 1987, the creators of the animated series made Krang an ally of Shredder, instilling in him anger, irritability, aggression and intransigence towards earthlings. Although before this, Krang appeared in the company of similar creatures, representatives of the Uthrum race, who had a completely friendly character.

His main task in history is the distribution of orders, which he carries out from the Technodrome fortress, while most of them remain unattended by the Shredder. In 2010, Krang reappears surrounded by his compatriots who pose a threat to the Earth, and in the 2014 film this character is not mentioned at all.

Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Publication history
Publisher Mirage Studios
Debut Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1
(October, 1984)
Authors Kevin Eastman
Peter Laird
Character Stats
View Man (Mirage Studios, TMNT 1987),
In the Morning (TMNT 2003),
Demon Tengu (TMNT: Ninja Tribunal),
Virtual Creature (TMNT: Back to the Sewer)
Krang, Bebop and Rocksteady (old cartoon series)
Baxter Stockman, Khan, Karai (new animated series)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Hamato Yoshi (Splinter), Slushur
Special powers
Ninjutsu Master
High strength and speed
High IQ
Master of Stealth Infiltration
Master of Levitation
Master of Kenjutsu and Iaido
Regeneration (Mirage only)

Biography of Shredder from the animated series (1987)

  • Real name: Oroku Saki Oroku Saki).
  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  • Height: 1 m 89 cm (6 ft 2 in).
  • Weight: 108 kg (240 lbs).
  • Eye color: Black.
  • Weapons: Own hands; shogun armor; Tengu sword.
  • Hobbies: Collection of ancient Chinese porcelain.
  • Favorite color: Purple is the color of power.

Shredder from the animated series (1987)

Oroku Saki was the younger brother of martial artist Oroku Nagi, a rival of Hamato Yoshi. Nagi made an attempt on Yoshi's life, but died himself, as a result of which Hamato became a blood enemy of the Oroku clan. Oroku Saki swore revenge on Yoshi. In his youth, he trained in the arts of the ninja, and soon became one of the Foot Clan's best assassins. Having received the nickname "Shredder" and having risen high in the clan hierarchy, he moved to the United States to take revenge on Yoshi.

The comic and animated series differ sharply in their depictions of revenge. In the comics, Shredder killed Yoshi and his wife, and the murdered man's pet rat, Splinter, later accidentally mutated (the first film adaptation adheres to the same version). In the animated series, Yoshi is Splinter. By setting him up - by making it so that Hamato Yoshi could not bow to his teacher - Shredder doomed his enemy to exile. Later, under the influence of Shredder's mutagen spilled in the sewers, Yoshi turned into a giant rat. In the 2003 animated series, Shredder is not human at all. He killed Hamato Yoshi only to find out the location of the Utroms.

According to the version of the first animated series, Shredder became an ally of the alien Krang from Dimension X. Shredder constructed a powerful moving citadel, the Technodrome, which later became stuck between dimensions. The villains are jointly trying to take over the world, simultaneously vying for power within their alliance and often weaving intrigues against each other.

Together with his friend-enemy Krang and mutant assistants Bebop and Rocksteady, Shredder also makes plans to destroy the Turtles, which invariably fail.


Oroku Saki is Japanese, a descendant of an ancient aristocratic family, one of whose ancestors was possibly a shogun (in one of the episodes, when the heroes move through time, Shredder meets his ancestor, who turns out to be a rather cowardly person).

Shredder is single. Among his relatives he has a mother and a younger brother. There was also Oroku Nagi's older brother, now killed. The mother who appears in one of the episodes has a difficult character. It is known that she smokes, to which habit she tries to persuade Shredder. He is afraid of his mother, and, although he has filial feelings for her, he prefers that she live separately - and as far away as possible.

Shredder's younger brother is a Japanese police lieutenant and a zealous campaigner. Shredder despises him and is quite capable of putting his brother's life in mortal danger.

Biography of Shredder from the animated series (2003)

Oroku Saki and Leonardo

The Shredder in the new animated series is not a person, but a criminal from the Utrom race.

There are three Shredders in the new cartoon:

  • Morning Shredder
  • Cyber ​​Shredder
  • Tengu Shredder

Morning Shredder

Morning Shredder

Shredder's real name is not Oroku Saki, but Ch'rell. He is a criminal in the morning. Ten thousand years ago, he was taken into custody by the Utroms, but during transportation several centuries ago, the Utroms' ship crashed on planet Earth, in feudal Japan. Ch'rell managed to escape. He took the name Oroku Saki or Shredder to frighten the inhabitants of the earth, because a separate story is connected with these names, in which Oroku Saki is called the main fate of the earth. In Japan, Ch'rell founds and leads the Foot Clan. Ch'rell is the main antagonist during the first three seasons of TMNT, portrayed as the most brutal and ruthless villain of the animated series. In the new series, Ch'rell is very similar to Krang, but here he has a blood-red body shade, 6 small legs and a purple scar across his left eye. At the end of the third season, he is captured and sent to eternal exile on an icy asteroid.

Tengu Shredder

Tengu Shredder

The demon Tengu wanted to take over Japan, but the Emperor of Japan hired five warriors: Kon, Juto, Chikara, Hisomi and Oroku Saki. Tengu quickly dealt with the four warriors, but Saki would have been able to win if Tengu had not offered to merge with him. And Oroku Saki agreed... However, he was defeated in his own castle.

There is no doubt that this Shredder is stronger than all the others. After several hundred years, he again began to walk the earth and bring death and destruction, since his servants resurrected him. Only after the turtles united with all their enemies (and even with the military), they were able to get close enough to him to enter into battle with him. He was finally destroyed by the spirit of Hamato Yoshi, caused by the turtles.

Cyber ​​Shredder

Cyber ​​Shredder

A virtual copy of Shredder in the Morning. Reborn from Virel's body. The Cyber ​​Shredder was the Turtles' main enemy throughout the seventh season. He is arguably the second most powerful of the Shredders. But he is also a strong opponent of turtles. The Foot Clan and Master Khan work for him. He fought mainly with Khan for territory. Shredder defeated Khan. Once took control of Baxter Stockman's exo-suit. The Cyber ​​Shredder died in "Wedding Bells and Bytes".


Shredder in the first film

In the first film, Oroku Saki and Hamato Yoshi (Oroku Nagi is not mentioned) lived in Japan and were in love with the same woman named Ten Shen, but only Yoshi achieved reciprocation. Yoshi and Shen move to the United States, and Saki follows them to New York, where he kills both. Splinter, Yoshi's rat, escaped during the fight and left scars on Han's face.

The cruel and unprincipled leader Saki nicknamed himself Shredder, began recruiting children from the streets and teaching them the art of fighting together with Tatsu. One day, Shredder ordered the destruction of April O'Neil, who learned about his criminal activities, but due to the intervention of the turtles, the plan fails. However, Shredder finds out the location of the turtles' lair and kidnaps Splinter.

In the end, Shredder fought the turtles and defeated all four. However, Master Splinter, freed by Danny Pennington and Casey Jones, intervenes and says that he knew who exactly Shredder was and that his Splinter master was Hamato Yoshi. Shredder removes his mask and reveals scars, which confirm that his real name was Oroku Saki. Shredder tries to kill the rat, but ends up on the edge of a building and falls into a parked garbage truck far below. Casey Jones then activates the garbage truck's press, destroying Shredder.



  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters
  • Comic book characters introduced in 1984
  • Fictional Japanese
  • Fictional ninjas
  • Supervillains
  • Characters with superpowers
  • Alien characters
  • Artificial beings

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)" is in other dictionaries:

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles Forever (cartoon, 2009) Turtles Forever Turtles Forever Genre Crossover, hand-drawn cartoon, fantasy, adventure... Wikipedia

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze ... Wikipedia

Real name Oroku Saki, comes from the ancient aristocratic family of Oroku, the younger brother of Oroku Nagi, the sworn enemy of Hamato Yoshi - master of teacher Splinter. His appearance is very picturesque and extraordinary: Shredder is a tall and muscular guy, with scars all over his face, wears a metal helmet-mask that only opens his eyes, a black tight suit with chrome protection and a red cloak over his main clothes.

Shredder's older brother made an attempt on Yoshi's life, but as a result he himself died. The then-little Schroeder declared blood feud against Master Hamato.

In Japan, the future villain lived with a very domineering mother and younger brother, a policeman. She also has an adopted daughter, Kerai, who later led the Fut clan instead of her father. He diligently studied oriental martial arts, became a master of ninjutsu and levitation, and is fluent in bows and swords. He joined the Foot clan, where he took not the last place among the leaders, but he never forgot about Yoshi’s revenge, and when he was given the opportunity to lead the American branch of the gang, he gladly grabbed this opportunity.

In the USA, he found the master Hamato Yoshi and killed him and his wife, all this was observed by Splinter, the rat Hamato (in the first issue of the cartoon, Splinter is Hamato’s student who turned into a rat), who attacked the killer and left terrible scars on his face. Subsequently, under the influence of the mutagen, Splinter acquired human qualities and, together with his named sons, the turtles, vowed to take revenge on Shredder for the murder of his master.

According to the first cartoon of 1987, Shredder entered into an agreement with the alien Krang, together they built a flying spaceship and planned to take over the world until their plans were thwarted. And according to the comics and later versions of the cartoon, Shredder is the leader of the Food gang, which terrified the whole of New York until Shredder was killed by the turtle Leonardo. Also in some versions of the comics, Shredder is presented as an alien.

shred- “to cut”, real name - Oroku Saki) is a fictional character, a supervillain in the comics about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, their archenemy. First appeared in the first comic “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”, No. 1, 1984 “Mirage Studios. Volume 01".

In 2009, Shredder was ranked 39th on IGN's list of the 100 Greatest Comic Book Villains.

Biography of Shredder from the animated series (1987)

Oroku Saki was the younger brother of martial artist Oroku Nagi, a rival of Hamato Yoshi. Nagi attempted to assassinate Yoshi, but it resulted in his own death, and as a result, Hamato became a blood enemy of the Oroku clan. Oroku Saki swore revenge on Yoshi. In his youth, he trained in the arts of the ninja, and soon became one of the Nogi Clan's best assassins. Having received the nickname "Shredder" and having risen high in the clan hierarchy, he moved to the United States to take revenge on Yossi.

The comic and animated series differ sharply in their depictions of revenge. In the comics, Shredder killed Yossi and his wife, and the murdered man's pet rat, Splinter, later accidentally mutated (the first film adaptation adheres to the same version). In the animated series, Yossi is Splinter. By setting him up - by making it so that Hamato Yoshi was unable to bow to his teacher - Shredder doomed his enemy to exile. Later, under the influence of Shredder's mutagen spilled in the sewers, Yossi turned into a giant rat.

According to the version of the first animated series, Shredder became an ally of the alien Krang from Dimension X. Shredder constructed a powerful moving citadel, the Technodrome, which later became stuck between dimensions.

Together with his friend-enemy Krang and mutant assistants Bebop and Rocksteady, Shredder also makes plans to destroy the Turtles, which invariably fail.


Oroku Saki is Japanese, a descendant of an ancient aristocratic family, one of whose ancestors was possibly a shogun (in one of the episodes, when the heroes move through time, Shredder meets his ancestor, who turns out to be a rather cowardly person).

According to the comics, Shredder is single, but has an adopted daughter, Karai. He also had an older brother, Oroku Nagi, who is now killed. According to the animated series, he has a mother and a younger brother among his relatives. The mother who appears in one of the episodes has a difficult character.

Shredder's younger brother is a Japanese police lieutenant and a zealous campaigner. Shredder despises him and, as a villain, is even capable of putting his life in mortal danger.

Shredder appeared in 118 episodes:

  1. First meeting with Shredder
  2. Something about rats
  3. Residents of Dimension X appear on Earth
  4. Another defeat of Shredder and Krang
  5. Return of the Shredder
  6. Very small turtles
  7. It came from the sewer
  8. Machines gone crazy
  9. Curse of the Evil Eye
  10. Killer Pizzas
  11. Baxter fly
  12. Invasion of the Punk Frogs
  13. No longer Splinter
  14. The most brilliant in New York
  15. Teens from Dimension X
  16. Cat from Channel Six
  17. Return of the Technodrome
  18. Deep underground
  19. Courtroom Turtles
  20. Attack of 50-foot Irma
  21. Turtles vs Mafia
  22. Sky turtles
  23. Old switch
  24. Turtles at the Center of the Earth
  25. April's Prank
  26. Big Mac attack
  27. Ninja sword out of nowhere
  28. 20,000 leagues under the city
  29. Great Glaciation
  30. Turtles, turtles everywhere
  31. Kawabanga, Shreddoghead
  32. Disappearance of turtles
  33. Pizza with a surprise
  34. Return of the fly
  35. Battle with the oakhead
  36. Mutagen monster
  37. Pizza Shredder style
  38. Super Rocksteady and the Mighty Bebop
  39. Goodbye lotus flower
  40. Turtles vs Leatherhead
  41. Michelangelo's birthday
  42. Guest from the past
  43. Come home!
  44. Creation of the Metal Head
  45. Turtles vs Terminator Turtles
  46. Gang assembled
  47. Shredderville
  48. Turtles vs flies
  49. Big robbery
  50. Big hack
  51. Big riots
  52. Invasion from Space
  53. Jungle Adventure
  54. Chinese turtles
  55. Shredder's Mommy
  56. Turtles and baby
  57. Rondo in New York
  58. Turtle Planet
  59. The Great Power of Music
  60. Caution, danger
  61. Super hero for a day
  62. Back to the childhood
  63. Be careful, Lotus!
  64. Return of the Giant Fly
  65. Bebop and Rocksteady Conquer the Universe
  66. Angry turtle
  67. The Rat People from Channel Six
  68. Big Zipp's Offensive
  1. Rhinoceros Man
  2. Rich man and poor man turtle
  3. Adventures in Dimension X
  4. The robber only took cufflinks
  5. Insect invasion
  6. Riot of legged soldiers
  7. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Easter Bunny
  8. Traveling in a time machine
  9. My brother is a criminal
  10. Mutant Man
  11. Garbage incident
  12. Napoleon Bonoquac: Swamp Giant
  13. Lord of the Flies
  14. Bigfoot is an alien
  15. Pirate radio
  16. Polarizoids are back!
  17. Planet of the Turtleholoids. Part 1
  18. Planet of the Turtleholoids. Part 2
  19. stumbling block
  20. Krengenstein is alive!
  21. Super Irma
  22. Adventure in the Turtle House
  23. Yurikawa Sword
  24. Shreki's Revenge
  25. The Disappearance of Leonardo
  26. Turtle Power Tower
  27. Rust never sleeps
  28. Real snow work
  29. Saving Venice
  30. Ring of Fire
  31. Turtles Adventure in Ireland
  32. Shredder's new sword
  33. Queen of Lost Atlantis
  34. Turtles on the Orient Express
  35. April is in a quandary
  36. Night of the Turtles
  37. Flying a Dragon
  38. Black Heart
  39. Night of the Scoundrels
  40. Neutrino Attack
  41. Escape from the planet of the Turtleholoids
  42. Revenge of the Fly
  43. Antlantis
  44. Krengozoid Invasion
  45. Shredder's Triumph
  46. Shredder threatens
  47. The Rat King's Evil Plan
  48. Turtles turn into cyborgs
  49. The turtles are following the trail
  50. Power of Three
  51. Second Power of the Turtles

Voice acting

  • James Avery (English)
  • Nikolay Burov (TVIN)
  • Mikhail Chernyak (TVIN)
  • Evgeny Rybov (MTV)
  • Viktor Petrov (2x2, first squad)
  • Vyacheslav Bogachev (2x2, second cast)

Biography of Shredder from the animated series (2003)

The Shredder in the new animated series is not a person, but a criminal from the Utrom race.

There are three Shredders in the new cartoon:

  • Morning Shredder
  • Tengu Shredder
  • Cyber ​​Shredder

Morning Shredder

Shredder's real name is not Oroku Saki, but Ch'Rell. Ch'Rell is a cruel and merciless sociopath who went to war from planet to planet, destroying and ruining everything in his path. He was subsequently caught by the Utroms and taken into custody, but he managed to escape and cause the spaceship to crash into Earth. Traveling to 11th-century Japan, the Utroms used their technology and what was left of their ship to create exoskeletons resembling a human skeleton to blend in with the local population, but Ch'Rell stole one of them and created his own version of the Shredder, based on on the legends he heard about the Shredder-Tengu (Mighty Demon). To make it easier to carry out his plans for conquest and revenge, Ch'Rell formed the Foot Clan and created the Tengu sword - capable of emitting destructive waves, which was later lost. Once, already in our time, before leaving Japan, Shredder met an orphaned girl named Karai, adopted her and trained her, and subsequently made her the head of the Japanese faction of the Foot Clan. Moving to the United States, he settled in New York City under the guise of Oroku Saki, a billionaire and philanthropist, while secretly forming a criminal organization and recruiting Dr. Baxter Stockman, Khan's thug, and a gang of Purple Dragons to assist him in his criminal activities. . One of the few who dared openly oppose him was Hamato Yoshi, Splinter's original owner, and Shredder ended up killing him. Many years passed, and everything was fine, until one day several Purple Dragons stood in the way of the Turtles, who wanted to steal a large sum of money. At the same time, the Turtles managed to foil Stockman's plan to use mouse robots to rob banks throughout New York. But what really angered Shredder was that when he finally found the Tengu sword (as well as one of the Utroms' exosuits, which proved they were still alive), the Turtles got it. He sent Stockman and Khan to deal with them. Khan caught Raphael, but let him get away, as the invisible Foot Stockman ninjas were sent after him so that Raph would lead them to the shelter, unknowingly. However, in the end the ninjas were defeated. From Khan's interrogation of Raphael, Shredder learned that the Turtles were not aware of the existence of the Utroms, and he decided that they could be useful.

Ch'Rell is the main antagonist during the first three seasons of TMNT, portrayed as the most brutal and ruthless villain of the animated series. In the new series, Ch'Rell looks a lot like Krang, but here he has a blood-red body color, 6 small legs, and a purple scar across his left eye. At the end of the third season, he was captured and sent into eternal exile on the icy asteroid Morgal-Tal.

In an alternate future where the turtles failed to defeat Shredder, he is the ruler of the entire world. Donatello kills him to avenge his brothers.

In the movie "Turtles Forever", the teleporter in Shredder's Technodrome (from the 1987 animated series) teleported the turtles, the Technodrome with Shredder, Krang and all the wars into the dimension of the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Shredder teleported Ch'Rell to Earth. A new suit was created for Ch'Rell. Ch'Rell traveled to the original dimension of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. There he caught the Ninja Turtles of that dimension and, due to the fact that he began to flatten them in his hand, all dimensions began to be destroyed. Bebop and Rocksteady were at the Technodrome and pointed the Technodrome's main weapon at Ch'Rell, after which he was disintegrated by a beam coming from the Technodrome.

Tengu Shredder

The demon Tengu wanted to take over Japan, but the Emperor of Japan hired five warriors: Kona Shisho, Juto Shisho, Chikara Shisho, Hisomi Shisho and Oroku Saki. Tengu quickly dealt with the four warriors, but Saki would have been able to win if Tengu had not offered to merge with him. And Oroku Saki agreed. However, he was defeated in his own castle (some time after the “victory” over the demon).

There is no doubt that this Shredder is stronger than all the others. He was the main enemy of the turtles throughout the fifth season. After several hundred years, he again began to walk the earth and bring death and destruction, since his servants (Mystic Ninjas) resurrected him, not wanting to obey Karai, who proclaimed herself the new Shredder. He struck his first blow against the Foot clan, which Karai led after the death of Oroku Saki. Tengu-Shredder decided to teach the impostor a lesson, as a result, many warriors of the Foot clan died, including the Elite Guard of the Foot clan (after season 5 they did not appear again). Only after the turtles teamed up with all their enemies (Karai, Chaplin, Agent Bishop with his military personnel, Stockman, Khan and the Purple Dragons, as well as the Fighters for Justice, in whose ranks Nano will be included), they were able to get close to him close enough to engage in battle with him. He accumulated a huge mass of dark energy and transformed into a stunning dragon when the pillars stopped the plans. The turtles took advantage of the power of the medallions and also turned into dragons. Immediately, they staged an epoch-making battle over the rooftops of New York, in which the turtles won an unconditional victory. First, Michelangelo crushed the glove with claws with his teeth, then Leonardo crushed his helmet with his foot. He was finally destroyed by the spirit of Hamato Yoshi, caused by the turtle medallions.

Cyber ​​Shredder

A virtual copy of Shredder in the Morning. Reborn from Virel's body. The Cyber ​​Shredder was the Turtles' main enemy throughout the seventh season. The second most powerful of the Shredders, but is also a strong opponent of the Turtles. The Foot Clan and Master Khan work for him. He fought mainly with Khan for territory. Shredder defeated Khan. One day, he took control of Baxter Stockman's exo-suit. Cyber ​​Shredder died in the final episode of the animated series "Wedding Bells and Bytes" from a decompiler shot.

Shredder from the animated series (2012-16)

Oroku Saki was a master of ninjutsu and a friend of Hamato Yoshi, they both fell in love with the same woman who chose Yoshi, and they had a daughter. Saki did not accept this, started a fire in their house, stunned Yoshi, killed his wife and kidnapped his daughter, giving her the name Karai and raising her as his own. Having learned that Hamato Yoshi is alive, he moves to New York and hires the Purple Dragons and the psycho scientist Baxter Stockman there. He wants to find the refuge of the turtles and destroy them.


Shredder is a thin but tall, muscular and fit man with a shiny, chrome plated armor, wearing a red outfit over it with a dark blue cape hanging behind his back. His signature on his helmet, Kuro Kabuto, is perhaps the most noticeable aspect of his appearance and his face mask, which is partially burned and disfigured, to the point that he has very little vision in his right eye. Unlike previous incarnations of Shredder, who held Tekko-kagi into his hands, this version uses customized, partially mechanical, built-in gauntlets. His armor is also larger and more massive than in previous versions, with the possible exception of Ch'Rell, although the armor is streamlined and smooth at the same time. The spikes on it are larger, longer and larger than most previous versions (though once again the bearing bears some resemblance to Ch'Rell). As noted earlier, this Shredder "suffers" from a burn on the right side of his face; significantly greater injury than the scratch (from Splinter), which makes it clear that his right eye is completely blind.


Shredder in the classic film trilogy

Excerpt characterizing Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

“Well, come to us in the evening, you’ll pawn the Pharaoh,” said Zherkov.
– Or do you have a lot of money?
- Come.
- It is forbidden. I made a vow. I don’t drink or gamble until they make it.
- Well, on to the first thing...
- We'll see there.
Again they were silent.
“You come in if you need anything, everyone at headquarters will help...” said Zherkov.
Dolokhov grinned.
- You better not worry. I won’t ask for anything I need, I’ll take it myself.
- Well, I’m so...
- Well, so am I.
- Goodbye.
- Be healthy…
... and high and far,
On the home side...
Zherkov touched his spurs to the horse, which, getting excited, kicked three times, not knowing which one to start with, managed and galloped off, overtaking the company and catching up with the carriage, also to the beat of the song.

Returning from the review, Kutuzov, accompanied by the Austrian general, went into his office and, calling the adjutant, ordered to be given some papers related to the state of the arriving troops, and letters received from Archduke Ferdinand, who commanded the advanced army. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky entered the commander-in-chief's office with the required papers. Kutuzov and an Austrian member of the Gofkriegsrat sat in front of the plan laid out on the table.
“Ah...” said Kutuzov, looking back at Bolkonsky, as if with this word he was inviting the adjutant to wait, and continued the conversation he had begun in French.
“I’m just saying one thing, General,” Kutuzov said with a pleasant grace of expression and intonation, which forced you to listen carefully to every leisurely spoken word. It was clear that Kutuzov himself enjoyed listening to himself. “I only say one thing, General, that if the matter depended on my personal desire, then the will of His Majesty Emperor Franz would have been fulfilled long ago.” I would have joined the Archduke long ago. And believe my honor, it would be a joy for me personally to hand over the highest command of the army to a more knowledgeable and skilled general than I am, of which Austria is so abundant, and to relinquish all this heavy responsibility. But circumstances are stronger than us, General.
And Kutuzov smiled with an expression as if he was saying: “You have every right not to believe me, and even I don’t care at all whether you believe me or not, but you have no reason to tell me this. And that’s the whole point.”
The Austrian general looked dissatisfied, but could not help but respond to Kutuzov in the same tone.
“On the contrary,” he said in a grumpy and angry tone, so contrary to the flattering meaning of the words he spoke, “on the contrary, your Excellency’s participation in the common cause is highly valued by His Majesty; but we believe that the present slowdown deprives the glorious Russian troops and their commanders-in-chief of the laurels that they are accustomed to reaping in battles,” he finished his apparently prepared phrase.
Kutuzov bowed without changing his smile.
“And I am so convinced and, based on the last letter with which His Highness Archduke Ferdinand honored me, I assume that the Austrian troops, under the command of such a skillful assistant as General Mack, have now won a decisive victory and no longer need our help,” said Kutuzov.
The general frowned. Although there was no positive news about the defeat of the Austrians, there were too many circumstances that confirmed the general unfavorable rumors; and therefore Kutuzov’s assumption about the victory of the Austrians was very similar to ridicule. But Kutuzov smiled meekly, still with the same expression, which said that he had the right to assume this. Indeed, the last letter he received from Mac's army informed him of the victory and the most advantageous strategic position of the army.
“Give me this letter here,” said Kutuzov, turning to Prince Andrei. - If you please see. - And Kutuzov, with a mocking smile at the ends of his lips, read in German to the Austrian general the following passage from a letter from Archduke Ferdinand: “Wir haben vollkommen zusammengehaltene Krafte, nahe an 70,000 Mann, um den Feind, wenn er den Lech passirte, angreifen und schlagen zu konnen. Wir konnen, da wir Meister von Ulm sind, den Vortheil, auch von beiden Uferien der Donau Meister zu bleiben, nicht verlieren; mithin auch jeden Augenblick, wenn der Feind den Lech nicht passirte, die Donau ubersetzen, uns auf seine Communikations Linie werfen, die Donau unterhalb repassiren und dem Feinde, wenn er sich gegen unsere treue Allirte mit ganzer Macht wenden wollte, seine Absicht alabald vereitelien. Wir werden auf solche Weise den Zeitpunkt, wo die Kaiserlich Ruseische Armee ausgerustet sein wird, muthig entgegenharren, und sodann leicht gemeinschaftlich die Moglichkeit finden, dem Feinde das Schicksal zuzubereiten, so er verdient.” [We have quite concentrated forces, about 70,000 people, so that we can attack and defeat the enemy if he crosses Lech. Since we already own Ulm, we can retain the benefit of command of both banks of the Danube, therefore, every minute, if the enemy does not cross the Lech, cross the Danube, rush to his communication line, and below cross the Danube back to the enemy, if he decides to turn all his power on our faithful allies, prevent his intention from being fulfilled. Thus, we will cheerfully await the time when the imperial Russian army is completely ready, and then together we will easily find the opportunity to prepare for the enemy the fate he deserves.”]
Kutuzov sighed heavily, ending this period, and looked attentively and affectionately at the member of the Gofkriegsrat.
“But you know, Your Excellency, the wise rule is to assume the worst,” said the Austrian general, apparently wanting to end the jokes and get down to business.
He involuntarily looked back at the adjutant.
“Excuse me, General,” Kutuzov interrupted him and also turned to Prince Andrei. - That's it, my dear, take all the reports from our spies from Kozlovsky. Here are two letters from Count Nostitz, here is a letter from His Highness Archduke Ferdinand, here is another,” he said, handing him several papers. - And from all this, neatly, in French, compose a memorandum, a note, for the sake of visibility of all the news that we had about the actions of the Austrian army. Well, then, introduce him to his Excellency.
Prince Andrei bowed his head as a sign that he understood from the first words not only what was said, but also what Kutuzov wanted to tell him. He collected the papers, and, making a general bow, quietly walking along the carpet, went out into the reception room.
Despite the fact that not much time has passed since Prince Andrei left Russia, he has changed a lot during this time. In the expression of his face, in his movements, in his gait, the former pretense, fatigue and laziness were almost not noticeable; he had the appearance of a man who does not have time to think about the impression he makes on others, and is busy doing something pleasant and interesting. His face expressed more satisfaction with himself and those around him; his smile and gaze were more cheerful and attractive.
Kutuzov, whom he caught up with in Poland, received him very kindly, promised him not to forget him, distinguished him from other adjutants, took him with him to Vienna and gave him more serious assignments. From Vienna, Kutuzov wrote to his old comrade, the father of Prince Andrei:
“Your son,” he wrote, “shows hope of becoming an officer, out of the ordinary in his studies, firmness and diligence. I consider myself lucky to have such a subordinate at hand.”
At Kutuzov's headquarters, among his comrades and colleagues, and in the army in general, Prince Andrei, as well as in St. Petersburg society, had two completely opposite reputations.
Some, a minority, recognized Prince Andrei as something special from themselves and from all other people, expected great success from him, listened to him, admired him and imitated him; and with these people Prince Andrei was simple and pleasant. Others, the majority, did not like Prince Andrei, considered him a pompous, cold and unpleasant person. But with these people, Prince Andrei knew how to position himself in such a way that he was respected and even feared.
Coming out of Kutuzov’s office into the reception area, Prince Andrei with papers approached his comrade, the adjutant on duty Kozlovsky, who was sitting by the window with a book.
- Well, what, prince? – asked Kozlovsky.
“We were ordered to write a note explaining why we shouldn’t go ahead.”
- And why?
Prince Andrey shrugged his shoulders.
- No news from Mac? – asked Kozlovsky.
- No.
“If it were true that he was defeated, then the news would come.”
“Probably,” said Prince Andrei and headed towards the exit door; but at the same time, a tall, obviously visiting, Austrian general in a frock coat, with a black scarf tied around his head and with the Order of Maria Theresa around his neck, quickly entered the reception room, slamming the door. Prince Andrei stopped.
- General Chief Kutuzov? - the visiting general quickly said with a sharp German accent, looking around on both sides and walking without stopping to the office door.
“The general in chief is busy,” said Kozlovsky, hastily approaching the unknown general and blocking his path from the door. - How would you like to report?
The unknown general looked contemptuously down at the short Kozlovsky, as if surprised that he might not be known.
“The general in chief is busy,” Kozlovsky repeated calmly.
The general's face frowned, his lips twitched and trembled. He took out a notebook, quickly drew something with a pencil, tore out a piece of paper, gave it to him, walked quickly to the window, threw his body on a chair and looked around at those in the room, as if asking: why are they looking at him? Then the general raised his head, craned his neck, as if intending to say something, but immediately, as if casually starting to hum to himself, he made a strange sound, which immediately stopped. The door to the office opened, and Kutuzov appeared on the threshold. The general with his head bandaged, as if running away from danger, bent down and approached Kutuzov with large, fast steps of his thin legs.
“Vous voyez le malheureux Mack, [You see the unfortunate Mack.],” he said in a broken voice.
The face of Kutuzov, standing in the doorway of the office, remained completely motionless for several moments. Then, like a wave, a wrinkle ran across his face, his forehead smoothed out; He bowed his head respectfully, closed his eyes, silently let Mac pass by him and closed the door behind himself.
The rumor, already spread before, about the defeat of the Austrians and the surrender of the entire army at Ulm, turned out to be true. Half an hour later, adjutants were sent in different directions with orders proving that soon the Russian troops, which had hitherto been inactive, would have to meet the enemy.
Prince Andrei was one of those rare officers at the headquarters who believed his main interest was in the general course of military affairs. Having seen Mack and heard the details of his death, he realized that half of the campaign was lost, understood the difficulty of the position of the Russian troops and vividly imagined what awaited the army, and the role that he would have to play in it.
Involuntarily, he experienced an exciting, joyful feeling at the thought of disgracing arrogant Austria and the fact that in a week he might have to see and take part in a clash between the Russians and the French, for the first time since Suvorov.
But he was afraid of the genius of Bonaparte, who could be stronger than all the courage of the Russian troops, and at the same time could not allow shame for his hero.
Excited and irritated by these thoughts, Prince Andrei went to his room to write to his father, to whom he wrote every day. He met in the corridor with his roommate Nesvitsky and the joker Zherkov; They, as always, laughed at something.
-Why are you so gloomy? – Nesvitsky asked, noticing the pale face of Prince Andrei with sparkling eyes.
“There’s no point in having fun,” Bolkonsky answered.
While Prince Andrei met with Nesvitsky and Zherkov, on the other side of the corridor, Strauch, an Austrian general who was at Kutuzov’s headquarters to monitor the food supply of the Russian army, and a member of the Gofkriegsrat, who had arrived the day before, walked towards them. There was enough space along the wide corridor for the generals to freely disperse with three officers; but Zherkov, pushing Nesvitsky away with his hand, said in a breathless voice:
- They're coming!... they're coming!... move aside! please the way!
The generals passed by with an air of desire to get rid of bothersome honors. The face of the joker Zherkov suddenly expressed a stupid smile of joy, which he seemed unable to contain.
“Your Excellency,” he said in German, moving forward and addressing the Austrian general. – I have the honor to congratulate you.
He bowed his head and awkwardly, like children learning to dance, began to shuffle first with one foot and then with the other.
The general, a member of the Gofkriegsrat, looked sternly at him; without noticing the seriousness of the stupid smile, he could not refuse a moment’s attention. He narrowed his eyes to show that he was listening.
“I have the honor to congratulate you, General Mack has arrived, he’s completely healthy, he just got a little sick,” he added, beaming with a smile and pointing to his head.
The general frowned, turned away and walked on.
– Gott, wie naiv! [My God, how simple it is!] - he said angrily, walking away a few steps.
Nesvitsky hugged Prince Andrei with laughter, but Bolkonsky, turning even paler, with an angry expression on his face, pushed him away and turned to Zherkov. The nervous irritation into which the sight of Mack, the news of his defeat and the thought of what awaited the Russian army led him, found its outcome in anger at Zherkov’s inappropriate joke.
“If you, dear sir,” he spoke shrilly with a slight trembling of his lower jaw, “want to be a jester, then I cannot prevent you from doing so; but I declare to you that if you dare to act up in my presence next time, I will teach you how to behave.
Nesvitsky and Zherkov were so surprised by this outburst that they silently looked at Bolkonsky with their eyes open.
“Well, I just congratulated,” said Zherkov.
– I’m not joking with you, please remain silent! - Bolkonsky shouted and, taking Nesvitsky by the hand, walked away from Zherkov, who could not find what to answer.
“Well, what are you talking about, brother,” Nesvitsky said calmingly.
- Like what? - Prince Andrei spoke, stopping from excitement. - Yes, you must understand that we are either officers who serve our tsar and fatherland and rejoice in the common success and are sad about the common failure, or we are lackeys who do not care about the master’s business. “Quarante milles hommes massacres et l"ario mee de nos allies detruite, et vous trouvez la le mot pour rire,” he said, as if reinforcing his opinion with this French phrase. “C”est bien pour un garcon de rien, comme cet individu , dont vous avez fait un ami, mais pas pour vous, pas pour vous. [Forty thousand people died and the army allied to us was destroyed, and you can joke about it. This is forgivable for an insignificant boy like this gentleman whom you made your friend, but not for you, not for you.] Boys can only have fun like this,” said Prince Andrei in Russian, pronouncing this word with a French accent, noting that Zherkov could still hear him.
He waited to see if the cornet would answer. But the cornet turned and left the corridor.

The Pavlograd Hussar Regiment was stationed two miles from Braunau. The squadron, in which Nikolai Rostov served as a cadet, was located in the German village of Salzeneck. The squadron commander, captain Denisov, known throughout the cavalry division under the name Vaska Denisov, was allocated the best apartment in the village. Junker Rostov, ever since he caught up with the regiment in Poland, lived with the squadron commander.
On October 11, the very day when everything in the main apartment was raised to its feet by the news of Mack's defeat, at the squadron headquarters, camp life calmly went on as before. Denisov, who had lost all night at cards, had not yet come home when Rostov returned from foraging early in the morning on horseback. Rostov, in a cadet's uniform, rode up to the porch, pushed his horse, threw off his leg with a flexible, youthful gesture, stood on the stirrup, as if not wanting to part with the horse, finally jumped off and shouted to the messenger.
“Ah, Bondarenko, dear friend,” he said to the hussar who rushed headlong towards his horse. “Lead me out, my friend,” he said with that brotherly, cheerful tenderness with which good young people treat everyone when they are happy.
“I’m listening, your Excellency,” answered the Little Russian, shaking his head cheerfully.
- Look, take it out well!
Another hussar also rushed to the horse, but Bondarenko had already thrown over the reins of the bit. It was obvious that the cadet spent a lot of money on vodka, and that it was profitable to serve him. Rostov stroked the horse’s neck, then its rump, and stopped on the porch.
“Nice! This will be the horse!” he said to himself and, smiling and holding his saber, ran up onto the porch, rattling his spurs. The German owner, in a sweatshirt and cap, with a pitchfork with which he was clearing out manure, looked out of the barn. The German's face suddenly brightened as soon as he saw Rostov. He smiled cheerfully and winked: “Schon, gut Morgen!” Schon, gut Morgen! [Wonderful, good morning!] he repeated, apparently finding pleasure in greeting the young man.
- Schon fleissig! [Already at work!] - said Rostov with the same joyful, brotherly smile that never left his animated face. - Hoch Oestreicher! Hoch Russen! Kaiser Alexander hoch! [Hurray Austrians! Hurray Russians! Emperor Alexander, hurray!] - he turned to the German, repeating the words often spoken by the German owner.
The German laughed, walked completely out of the barn door, pulled
cap and, waving it over his head, shouted:
– Und die ganze Welt hoch! [And the whole world cheers!]
Rostov himself, just like a German, waved his cap over his head and, laughing, shouted: “Und Vivat die ganze Welt”! Although there was no reason for special joy either for the German, who was cleaning out his barn, or for Rostov, who was riding with his platoon for hay, both these people looked at each other with happy delight and brotherly love, shook their heads as a sign of mutual love and parted smiling - the German to the cowshed, and Rostov to the hut he occupied with Denisov.
- What is it, master? - he asked Lavrushka, Denisov’s lackey, a rogue known to the entire regiment.
- Haven't been since last night. That’s right, we lost,” Lavrushka answered. “I already know that if they win, they’ll come early to brag, but if they don’t win until morning, that means they’ve lost their minds, and they’ll come angry.” Would you like some coffee?
- Come on, come on.
After 10 minutes, Lavrushka brought coffee. They're coming! - he said, - now there’s trouble. - Rostov looked out the window and saw Denisov returning home. Denisov was a small man with a red face, shiny black eyes, and black tousled mustache and hair. He had an unbuttoned mantle, wide chikchirs lowered in folds, and a crumpled hussar cap on the back of his head. He gloomily, with his head down, approached the porch.
“Lavg’ushka,” he shouted loudly and angrily. “Well, take it off, you idiot!”
“Yes, I’m filming anyway,” Lavrushka’s voice answered.
- A! “You’re already up,” Denisov said, entering the room.
“A long time ago,” said Rostov, “I already went for hay and saw the maid of honor Matilda.”
- That's how it is! And I puffed up, bg"at, why"a, like a son of a bitch! - Denisov shouted, without pronouncing the word. - Such a misfortune! Such a misfortune! As you left, so it went. Hey, some tea!