Viktor Rashnikov, Russian billionaire: biography, family, fortune. Current publications The adopted son of Viktor Filippovich Rashnikov

The Russian billionaire (born October 13, 1948) has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) since 2005, and the President of LLC Management Company MMK since 2006. From 1997 to 2005 he served as General Director of MMK, from 1991 to 1997 - First Deputy General Director, before that (1991-1992) he worked there as Chief Engineer. He has a Doctor of Technical Sciences degree, is the president of the Metallurg hockey club, writes RG

Start of a career at MMK

Viktor Filippovich Rashnikov was born in Magnitogorsk (Chelyabinsk region) into the family of a local metallurgical plant worker. In 1967 (or in 1968) he graduated from the mechanical department of an industrial technical school and got a job as a fitter in the sheet-rolling shop No. 5 of MMK, Kommersant reports. He remained in this job until 1970, while simultaneously studying at the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute. After graduating from the institute in 1974, Rashnikov received a diploma in the specialty “Metal Forming”.

In 1974, the future director of the metallurgical plant took the place of operator in the same sheet-rolling shop No. 5. Then his work biography developed as follows: 1974-1976 - foreman of crimping shop No. 1, 1976 - master of adjustment of shop No. 1, 1976-1979 - shift supervisor of rolling shop No. 9, 1979-1983 - head of rolling shop No. 9 , 1983-1985 - deputy head of the production department of the plant. In 1985, Viktor Rashnikov was appointed acting head of the section rolling shop.

To the top of business

In 1985-1986, the future billionaire held the position of deputy chief engineer of MMK, and already in 1990 he became deputy general director of the plant. In 1994, the specialist, rapidly moving up the career ladder, defended his second diploma at the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Academy, this time in the specialty “Production Management Organization”. In 1997, Viktor Rashnikov, at the proposal of the Prime-Leasing company and Inkombank, was approved for the position of General Director of OJSC MMK.

By 1999, in addition to OJSC MMK, he controlled CJSC Russian Metallurgical Company, the Russian Bread Company, Yuzhuralavtoban, the Abzakovo sports complex and several other enterprises with total assets of $1.5 billion. Beginning in 1998, there followed a series of elections of Viktor Filippovich to the boards of directors of a number of large industrial and commercial structures.

Under the leadership of Viktor Rashnikov, the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works managed to overcome the decline in production. Until 2002, production volumes at the enterprise even increased by 65 percent. It should be noted that, being the author of numerous scientific and technical developments, Viktor Filippovich actively implemented the rationalization proposals of MMK employees. In the third quarter of 2012, MMK’s net profit amounted to $82 million, writes RBC.

85.55 percent of shares in one hand

By the beginning of the new millennium, Rashnikov gained experience in political activity, defended his candidate and doctoral dissertations, became president of the regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and joined the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. By 2005, the plant's management, headed by a former fitter, gained actual control over almost 100 percent of MKK shares. At the same time, separate publications appeared in the media accusing Viktor Filippovich of using administrative resources and putting pressure on the largest shareholders.

At the beginning of 2005, Rashnikov left the post of general director, saying that he planned to focus on strategic issues of the further development of the plant. In April of the same year, he headed the board of directors of MMK. In 2006, Viktor Filippovich took over the post of president of MMK Management Company LLC, thanks to which the executive powers of the general director of the enterprise returned to him. At that time, Viktor Rashnikov controlled 85.55 percent of the shares of the Magnitogorsk plant, Vedomosti writes.

In 2010, the chairman of the board of directors of MMK occupied 71st place in the Forbes world ranking of billionaires with a fortune of $9.8 billion. The billionaire was awarded several state awards: the Order of Honor, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree and III degree, the medal For Labor Valor, and the Order of Peter the Great. He is a laureate of several State Prizes. Today, Rashnikov’s contribution to the development of the Russian metallurgical industry is recognized at all levels of government and a. In 2011, Viktor Rashnikov took 12th place in the ranking of Russian billionaires according to Finance magazine. At the moment, the businessman's fortune is $5.6 billion, Forbes reports.

Viktor Filippovich and his wife Tatyana Kuzmina have two daughters who work at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, two granddaughters and a grandson. In addition to hockey, the entrepreneur enjoys alpine skiing (according to some sources, a ski slope was built near Magnitogorsk with his funds). In 2008, he became one of the founders of the “Russian Olympians Support Fund”,

The richest people in the world are a special caste of the planet's population that lives at some distance from the rest of the people. Russian billionaires were no exception in this matter, whose wealth, according to experts, reaches colossal values, thanks to which the Russian rich are included in the elite club of world business in terms of their income. In principle, this fact is not surprising, since the Russian Federation is famous for its natural resources and the high level of intellectual development of specialists in various production and other fields.

This article will talk about one of the representatives of the Russian establishment, whose name is Viktor Rashnikov. It is worth taking a closer look at his person, since it was largely thanks to this man that the Russian metallurgy industry survived the 1998 default and the current sanctions from the European Union and the United States of America with minimal losses. Of course, people like Viktor Filippovich are always in the spotlight and do not always have a crystal clear reputation, but we will only touch on the main milestones of his biography, leaving various conjectures and rumors to other people.

Brief biographical excursion

The future modern billionaire was born on October 13, 1948 in the city of Magnitogorsk. In 1974, he defended his engineering degree (specialty: metal forming). Rashnikov’s home university was the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute. In 1994, Victor became the owner of a second higher education. His specialty was “organization of production management.”

In 1996, Viktor Filippovich was awarded the title of Candidate of Sciences for a scientific report on the topic “Improving end-to-end technology for the production of rolled steel in order to improve product quality.” The businessman also became a Doctor of Technical Sciences, having defended his dissertation, which was devoted to the effective improvement of the “steel - rolled products - metal products” system to ultimately obtain a rolled profile with a high degree of competitiveness.

Production activities

Rashnikov began his glorious career in 1967, when he came to the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works as an ordinary repairman. His first job was metallurgical equipment repair shop No. 2.

In 1974, Viktor Filippovich took the post of operator of sheet rolling shop No. 5. Subsequently, he also worked as a team leader for the delivery of hot metal in the crimping shop, an adjusting foreman, and headed the shift of rolling shop No. 9.

In 1970-83, Rashnikov was the head of workshop No. 9. And from 1983 to 1985 he worked as deputy head of the production department of the entire plant. In 1985, Victor was for some time the head of the section rolling shop.

Viktor Filippovich Rashnikov served as the head of the production department of the enterprise from 1985 to 1986, after which he served as deputy chief engineer of the plant for four years, managing production and supply of products.

Rashnikov became the first deputy general director of the metallurgical plant in 1990, and from 1991 to 1992 he worked as chief engineer.

Viktor Filippovich headed OJSC MMK in 1997 and was the first person of the enterprise until 2005. By the way, he got this post thanks to the recommendation of the Prime-Leasing company.

The billionaire was also a member of the board of directors of OJSC Central Company FIG Magnitogorsk Steel and several banks.

Since 2006, he has held the post of head of MMK Management Company LLC.

It is also worth noting that already in 1999, Rashnikov also controlled the Russian Metallurgical Company, Yuzhuralavtoban, Russian Bread and several other enterprises, which were valued in total at about one and a half billion dollars.

Effective crisis manager

An important point: in 1998, Viktor Rashnikov, as the head of MMK, agreed with the Germans to obtain a fairly large loan, but obtaining it became very difficult due to the August default of the Russian economy. But still, in fairness, it should be said that it was Rashnikov who contributed to stopping the decline in production, and by 2002, production volumes were increased by 65%.

Political life

In 1994, Viktor Filippovich Rashnikov was first elected to the Legislative Assembly of his native Chelyabinsk region. Over time, he was successfully re-elected there more than once.

At the end of 1998, he became one of the key figures in the Fatherland party, which was then headed by Yevgeny Primakov and

In 2000, Viktor Filippovich was Putin's confidant during the election campaign for the presidency of the Russian Federation.

In 2003, Rashnikov was elected to the State Duma, but for unclear reasons he abandoned his mandate. He also took part in the 2007 parliamentary race, in which he was second on the United Russia list for the Chelyabinsk region. Worked on the Committee on Industry, Transport, Fuel, Energy and Communications.

Rashnikov took the post of president of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Chelyabinsk region in 1997, and three years later he became a member of the board of the coordinating council of domestic manufacturers.

In 2009, Victor began working in the government commission for the development of the metallurgical industry, which he headed

Family status

Rashnikov Viktor Filippovich, whose family is quite large, is married for the second time. The businessman's real wife is Tatyana Kuzmina. From his first marriage, Victor has two daughters, he also has two granddaughters and two grandsons. There is information that the oligarch’s younger brother headed a company that supplied ferrous scrap to a metallurgical plant.


Viktor Rashnikov is an ardent fan of alpine and water skiing. Some sources say that it was thanks to him that a ski slope covered with artificial snow was built near Magnitogorsk. Viktor Filippovich also greatly respects hockey. For almost 20 years he has been heading a hockey club called Metallurg.


In the early 2000s, Rashnikov gave 150 million US dollars to Chigirinsky in order to take part in the construction of the newest Rossiya hotel complex. But already in 2013, Victor was paid a penalty from the capital government in the form of the Renaissance Hotel for disrupting the project. The oligarch immediately sold the building, and, according to some financial experts, also for $150 million.

Supporting your brainchild

In 2009, Viktor Rashnikov (“MMK” is an enterprise that he almost completely owns) made a rather unconventional decision: he completely abandoned his dividends in the amount of 1.86 billion rubles. The manager considered that these funds should be used to support and various needs of the enterprise.


Viktor Rashnikov, whose biography is full of various events, has repeatedly found himself at the epicenter of scandals. Thus, the billionaire was charged with creating a corruption scheme that involved working with 39 intermediary firms at reduced export prices. Moreover, the founders of these companies were either Rashnikov himself or his associates. Viktor Filippovich also managed to arrange coal supplies to the plant at an inflated cost from Kuzbass. Money laundering took place with the help of Moscow banks and representative offices of foreign companies. It should be said that all this information does not have any serious documentary evidence and no legal proceedings have been conducted in this regard.

In 2014, Rashnikov actively supported the then governor and current head of the Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky. There was no scandal as such in this situation, but local oppositionists and the public were quite rightly worried that Dubrovsky would become an active lobbyist for Rashnikov’s financial interests. And all because, before being elected to office, the governor spent his entire life under the wing of Viktor Filippovich at the metallurgical plant. There were rumors that the oligarch not only poured money into Dubrovsky’s election campaign, but also paid for his protégé’s very expensive leisure time. It was known that Dubrovsky vacationed in the most expensive hotels on the planet, including the only seven-star Burj al Arab. In this regard, it became obvious to many that money from the region’s treasury could begin to flow into structures owned by Rashnikov.


On Metallurgist Day, which fell on July 15 in 2016, Viktor Rashnikov received an extremely unpleasant surprise - his house was robbed. According to operational data, at the height of the holiday, unknown persons entered the cottage of the head of the plant and took out all the valuables and a fairly large sum of money. At the moment, security forces are looking into how the attackers managed to sneak into a fairly well-guarded territory.


Viktor Rashnikov, whose yacht, according to 2015, was one of the largest in the world, is true to himself: he approached the acquisition of the vessel with all responsibility, as well as any other issue.

The yacht, called Ocean Victory, is 140 meters long. She left the shipyard in Italy in 2014. The design of the yacht was developed by Espen Oino, while the interior was handled by Alberto Pinto.

The vessel is equipped with a steel hull. The number of decks is seven. There are also six swimming pools, each up to eight meters long. There is also a helipad with a beach club. For a pleasant stay there is a SPA area. Ease of movement between decks is provided by an elevator. In addition, the yacht is equipped with a garage for a fourteen-meter sailing vessel.

Viktor Filippovich's yacht can reach a speed of 19 knots per hour (approximately 35 km/h). During development and construction, the creators paid attention to its environmental friendliness, using the most modern technologies and developments. Engineers made sure that the ship minimizes harmful emissions of harmful substances and elements.

Degree of wealth

Viktor Rashnikov, whose fortune today is about 3.8 billion dollars, was able to rise in a year from thirtieth to twenty-third place in the ranking of the most For comparison: Roman Abramovich with his 7.6 billion is in thirteenth position in the ranking, and Leonid Mikhelson is in the lead , with $14.4 billion in assets. In general, Russian billionaires, as before, can boast of high incomes and large fortunes.

Family Affair

In 2012, Rashnikov’s daughter, Olga, joined the board of directors of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. This lady is quite closed to society. Various media outlets quite often confuse her personal details. What is known for certain is that she was born in 1977 and has three children.

Initially, the oligarch’s daughter studied at a simple Magnitogorsk school, but then continued her studies in Switzerland, where she was able to become a bachelor of economics. After this, the girl continued to study science in Moscow, attending an Executive MBA course at the State University of Management. According to some reports, Olga owns three apartments, but this fact has not been confirmed.

Olga Viktorovna was not noticed at various parties of children of rich Russians either in her homeland or abroad. In addition, even in her native Magnitogorsk, she is rarely seen in public.

According to people who know Viktor Rashnikov’s daughter closely, she has a rather narrow circle of friends and practically does not lead a social life. It is noted that she is very pleasant in conversation, does not overuse jewelry and decorations, and dresses very elegantly and sophisticatedly. He treats his subordinates very strictly, but does not go beyond what is reasonable. Olga also speaks three foreign languages ​​perfectly and also teaches her children to learn. For this purpose, a professional nanny was called from abroad.

Rashnikov himself claims that he is not against the participation of both of his daughters in the metallurgical business. However, he does not represent any of them at the helm of a metallurgical enterprise, because this industry is an exclusively male prerogative, which takes a lot of effort and time, and a woman is still the keeper of the family hearth and must pay serious attention to the family.

Today's day

Rashnikov Viktor Filippovich (Forbes quite rightly ranks him among the richest people in Russia) in May 2016 was once again re-elected to the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. Let us remind you that the revenue of this enterprise last year amounted to almost 6 billion US dollars.

Earlier this year, Rashnikov said that hot-rolling production at MMK’s existing plant in Turkey could be launched only after confirmation of the economic feasibility of this event. So far, Metalurji only operates a cold rolling shop.

Also among Rashnikov’s achievements, it can be noted that this year an agreement was signed between Magnitogorsk and Gazprom for the supply of pipes.

In addition, as the head of the Metallurg hockey club, Viktor Filippovich openly stated that he was ready to help the Russian Hockey Federation in the construction of the newest hockey stadium in the Urals. In particular, he said that the plans include the construction of a training skating rink close to the existing ice arena.


  • Viktor Filippovich has a medal “For Labor Valor”. He also has the Order of Merit and Honor.
  • In the summer of 2002, Rashnikov was thanked on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • As part of the award. Peter the Great in 2000, Victor received the title of laureate “For his great contribution to the development of the Russian economy.”
  • In 2001, he was awarded for increased production and high quality of steel produced in the oxygen converter shop.
  • In 2002, he was awarded a prize for the technological re-equipment of the energy sector based on energy-saving technologies, and also received the Kosygin Prize.

This luxurious palace complex, located in the elite village of Riita on Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway in the Moscow region, was discussed immediately after its publication in Architectural Digest. The magazine does not disclose the name of the owner, but, as journalists found out, 6,000 square meters of palace-type real estate, as well as the surrounding territory, belong to a person whose full name completely matches the data of the head of the board of directors of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, Viktor Filippovich Rashnikov.

The initials are the same

The cadastral value of a plot of 278 acres, as Dozhd journalists found out, is 142 million rubles. This is confirmed by Rosreestr data. Owned by Viktor Filippovich the site has been located since 2005, the main attraction is a luxurious mansion with an area of ​​5,000 square meters and a cadastral value of 130 million rubles.

There is no one to ask directly, “Is this your palace, Viktor Filippovich?”: Press Secretary of Magnitogorsk Dmitry Kuchumov stated that he gives comments only about the activities of the plant, and to contact directly Viktor Rashnikov the journalists couldn't.

Viktor Rashnikov became chairman of the board of directors of MMK in 2005. He began his career there, in 1968, as a simple mechanic. The breakthrough in his career coincided with perestroika: in 1991, Rashnikov became deputy general director, and in 1997 he himself headed the plant. After that, as Dozhd reports, he began buying up shares of Magnitogorsk Metallurgical and by the 2000s acquired a controlling stake in one of the world's largest steel production enterprises; Rashnikov owns 87.27% of the shares of MMK through the company Minta Holding Limited.

In parallel with business, Viktor Rashnikov also built a political career: in the 2000 elections, he was the candidate’s confidant Vladimir Putin, was twice (in 2003 and 2007) elected to the State Duma from the United Russia party, but then refused his deputy mandate. Rashnikov was also successfully elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region (five times, to be precise). Combining legislative activity with entrepreneurial activity, Viktor Rashnikov does not receive a salary in parliament, and, accordingly, does not submit income declarations to the Legislative Assembly. However, according to the publication, in 2007 he declared 293 million rubles. It is not possible to obtain more recent data, even by appealing to the Anti-Corruption Law. “We called on deputies to submit declarations, but we can’t do anything more. We hope that deputies realize the degree of responsibility to voters.”,” the head of the press service of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region commented on this situation at one time. But there is Forbes data: the magazine estimates Viktor Rashnikov’s fortune at $3.8 billion, placing him in 23rd place in its ranking of the country’s richest businessmen.

Strictly confidential construction

The palace in the village of Riita, as mentioned above, was the first to be assessed by experts from the specialized architectural magazine Architectural Digest (the September publication in the Russian version repeats the article from the June Italian issue of 2015). According to the publication, the palace (that’s what the author of the text calls it Gilles Dyer) was designed by a famous French architect of Lebanese origin Joseph Karam. Both Arab sheikhs and Russian oligarchs who want to acquire luxury real estate while maintaining maximum confidentiality often approach him with orders. Foreign media indicate that Joseph Karam’s portfolio also includes an estate near Moscow with an area of ​​65 thousand square feet. The French architect involved many performers in its creation: artists, cabinetmakers, art forging masters, sculptors, drapers, etc. According to AD, orders were distributed to hundreds of art and craft workshops.

Dozhd found another mention of these luxurious interiors on the specialized portal Archreview: there they name the author of the palace-style estate design Olga Terentyeva. Dozhd tracked down the designer, but was unable to obtain additional information - Olga refused to comment, citing confidentiality requirements.

The Karam Architecture company operated in Russia from 2005 to 2015, but had to cease operations due to the financial crisis and the resulting lack of new orders. The project in the Moscow region, however, was successfully completed: as a source familiar with the activities of Karam Architecture told Dozhd, this happened back in 2010 (“six years of design and titanic work,” writes AD). The development of the project, according to this informant, was carried out in France, and directly in Russia Karam carried out general design supervision.

A broker from the KalinkaGroup country real estate department was asked to evaluate luxury real estate and the Dozhd plot Innu Leshchiner. In her opinion, the cost of such a house with a plot can reach up to 70 million dollars; you can try to sell it for 80-90. True, it will be very difficult to find a buyer right now.

There is something to see

According to the description given in AD, the palace in Riita consists of 118 rooms, decorated and furnished by French and Italian craftsmen. The owner’s artistic preferences are reflected in the collection of paintings and art objects: in particular, the publication writes about a painting by a Russian avant-garde artist of the early twentieth century El Lissitzky, vases made by Russian masters of the 19th century (presumably, their auction value may exceed $2.5 million) and other rarities.

Large living room of the estate “It is crowned by a thirteen-meter-high dome, and the rotunda underneath, decorated with marble columns, opens into the private rooms and apartments of the owner himself, his daughters and grandchildren. The perfection of decoration, carefully calculated showiness and emphasized luxury are reminiscent not of today, but of an idealized past.”, - Dozhd quotes from an enthusiastic description in AD.

“Riita” is indeed a village with history; in Soviet times, the party elite rested there. Today, the village on Rublevsko-Uspenskoye Highway is built up with mansions of the new Russian elite, designed, according to the website, “in various architectural designs.” The design of the Palladian-style palace, which is believed to belong to Viktor Rashnikov, clearly expresses a nostalgia for imperial Europe: there is a swimming pool in the style of the Parisian Grand Palais, and benches made of Carrara marble, vases from the Regency era, furnishings in the spirit of the Second Empire. The office of the owner of the mansion, decorated in the French Empire style, copies the office of Napoleon the First in Malmaison.

If Dozhd’s assumptions are correct, and the palace in Riita really belongs to Viktor Rashnikov, Napoleonic plans in Rublev's reality there is someone to build for: after all, we can already talk about a dynasty of billionaires. Rashnikov’s two daughters, according to him, are successfully engaged in business. The youngest of them, Olga, is on the board of directors of MMK; her personal capital, according to Forbes, is $3.5 billion (30th place in the ranking of billionaire heirs). The grandchildren are also growing up. This is where you start thinking about real estate. You need to live somewhere! And, preferably, to live well - inhaling the “healing air of centuries-old pine forests” and crunching on French bread at the Napoleonic table.

OJSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works" is one of the world's largest steel producers, the leader of Russian ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Previously bore the names: Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works named after. I.V. Stalin, Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works named after. V. I. Lenin, PA Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works named after. V. I. Lenin." Incorporated in 1992.

Today, MMK's assets include a large metallurgical complex with a full production cycle (from the preparation of iron ore raw materials to deep processing of ferrous metals).

In 2015, MMK produced 12.2 million tons of steel and 11.2 million tons of commercial metal products. MMK Group's revenue for 2015 amounted to $5.839 billion, EBITDA - $1.668 billion.


In 1974 he graduated from the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute with a degree in Metal Forming, in 1994 he received a second diploma in the specialty “Production Management Organization”.

He began his career at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works in 1968 as a mechanic in the metallurgical equipment repair shop. He worked as an operator, foreman, foreman, shift supervisor, workshop manager, and head of the production and supply department.

In 1991, he was appointed chief engineer and first deputy general director of MMK.

In August 1993, he became one of the founders of JSC Investment Company Inreko (supply and sales activities).

In 1994-1997 - First Deputy General Director of OJSC MMK.

Back in 1996, Rashnikov defended his PhD thesis at the Magnitogorsk State Mining and Metallurgical Academy in the form of a scientific report on the topic “Improving end-to-end technology for the production of rolled products from structural steels in order to improve product quality.” In 1998, Rashnikov presented a doctoral dissertation at the same educational institution, transformed into Magnitogorsk State Technical University, on improving the “steel-rolled-metal products” system to produce competitive rolled steel and products made from it, and received the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences.

In 1997 - acting General Director of OJSC MMK. In the same year, at a meeting of shareholders, MMK was proposed by the Prime-Leasing company (representing the interests of Trans World Group) and representatives of Inkombank for the position of general director of the enterprise. On the same day he was appointed general director of OJSC MMK. He also became a member of the board of directors of MMK.

On March 13, 1998, he was elected to the board of directors of OJSC Central Company FIG Magnitogorsk Steel.

Since March 1999 - member of the board of directors of OJSC Inkombank, member of the Supervisory Board of OJSC Credit Ural Bank. Member of the Board of Directors of CJSC Magma, created by OJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works and CJSC Tyazhpromexport.

In 2000, Rashnikov was a confidant of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation.

Since June 2002 - member of the board of directors of JSCB Rosbank. At the elections to the State Duma in 2003, he was included in the federal list “Unity and Fatherland - United Russia”. On December 7, 2003, he was elected as a deputy, but refused the mandate.

Since April 2005 - Chairman of the Board of Directors, since 2006 - President of MMK Management Company LLC.

Awarded the title of laureate of the national Peter the Great Prize “For outstanding contribution to the Russian economy” (2000). Recognized by numerous government and public awards. Among them are the medal “For Labor Valor” (1986), the Order of Honor (1995), the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland” IV degree (1998) and III degree (2004), the Order of Peter the Great (2004), Orders of the Russian Orthodox Church: Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh (2001), Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow (2005). Three times he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region. He is the President of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Chelyabinsk Region, President of the International Club of Managers named after Peter the Great. Member of the Bureau of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Chairman of the Russian part of the Russian-Moroccan Business Council. Honorary citizen of the Chelyabinsk region. Awarded the medal “For Labor Valor”, the Order of Honor, the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, IV degree. Honorary citizen of the Chelyabinsk region.

In 2010, the Russian magazine “Finance” estimated Viktor Rashnikov’s fortune at $8 billion (14th place in Russia). The American economic magazine Forbes, dated March 10, 2010, estimates Rashnikov’s fortune at $9.8 billion (71st place in the world).

He enjoys alpine skiing, water skiing and hockey. Since 1999 - President of the Metallurg hockey club (Magnitogorsk). Vladimir Putin prefers to ski at the MMK recreation center in the Chelyabinsk region.

Victor Rashnikov is married. Has two children. Rashnikov’s youngest daughter Olga joined the board of directors and strategic planning committee of Magnitogorsk in 2012. Viktor Rashnikov’s younger brother Sergei was the general director of the company ZAO UK Profit, which supplied scrap to MMK.

He owns a 118-room palace in the Moscow region (the elite village of Riita), the cost of which market experts estimate at $70-90 million (4.6-5.9 billion rubles).


General Director of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) Viktor Rashnikov found himself at the center of a scandal that started on the Russian Internet. The scandal started with the opening of the Magnetic Claw website, which contains documents compromising the management of the enterprise.

In particular, the creators of the site claim that the work of the plant was made dependent on a system of 39 intermediary firms created with the participation of V. Rashnikov and his deputies.

Magnetic Claw, citing data from the Federal Tax Police Service for the Chelyabinsk Region, claims that in 1997 alone, settlements with intermediaries led to the plant losing 50 million US dollars.

"Magnetic claw", 01/10/2000

What do you pamper your daughters with? Chocolate, cosmetics, suit, fur coat. Who's wallet allows what. Viktor Filippovich’s wallet approved the gift of three apartments to his daughter in the center of Magnitogorsk. Moreover, the last two fell on the fragile girl’s shoulders one after another. The first one went to Olga Rashnikova on December 6, 1998. But, after consulting his wallet, Viktor Filippovich decided not to skimp and on December 7, 1998, gave his daughter another apartment. Thus, Olga Viktorovna became the owner of apartments No. 94, 95 and 96 in building No. 24 on Naberezhnaya Street in Magnitogorsk with a total area of ​​210 meters.

Another dad would have calmed down for a long time after such gifts, but not the dad who is the director of MMK. On December 23, 1998, three Magnitogorsk apartments are exchanged for 1 Moscow apartment, with a total area of ​​232 square meters. At the same time, the discrepancy between the market value of an apartment on Tverskaya and the estimated price of apartments in Magnitogorsk is striking. It is known about the apartment on Tverskaya that on June 10, 1997, it was purchased from JSC Mospromstroy LLC Dergus Litz for 744,320 US dollars (3,200 per meter).

On November 26 of the same year, another notarial document was issued, according to which Evgeniy Semenets, a resident of Magnitogorsk, becomes the owner of the apartment. It is said that the cost of the apartment was paid for by Dergus Litz LLC. The unprecedented generosity of Dergus Litz LLC turned out to be contagious. And in December 1998, Evgeniy Semenets himself made a broad gesture towards his fellow countrywoman Olga Rashnikova.

In the exchange agreement with Rashnikova, the apartment on Tverskaya was valued at only 1 million 929 thousand rubles (based on inventory value). And this is after the August crisis, when the dollar was worth about 20 rubles. And Olga Rashnikova valued three Magnitogorsk apartments at only 400 thousand rubles cheaper and honestly undertook to pay the difference to Sements.

Let's assume that the entire chain with the acquisition and subsequent exchange of prestigious real estate was planned for a specific person. Such a complex scheme can be explained by a reluctance to “shine” real income, especially if these incomes were not obtained in a completely legal way. Another option is also possible - a certain company decided in this way to thank the right person who showed her some kindness. Real estate often appears in high-profile scandals as a veiled bribe.

Everything is confusing, and only specialists from the competent authorities can understand these schemes. At the moment, one thing is clear: twenty-one-year-old resident of Magnitogorsk Olga Rashnikova has become a real Muscovite. And she owned a huge five-room apartment in the center of Moscow, the estimated real price of which was 700 thousand US dollars.

RIA News, 12. 01.2000

The name of Viktor Rashnikov was associated with a scandal in 1997, when he and his childhood friend, Chairman of the Board of Directors of MMK Rashit Sharipov, removed MMK Director Anatoly Starikov. Sharipov, being the head of the Magnitogorsk Steel financial and industrial group (which was created by Starikov as a holding structure that controls the shares of Magnitogorsk and is controlled by Magnitogorsk) owned at that time 30% of the shares of MMK and wanted to gain full control over the enterprise, for which it was necessary to remove Starikov. Soon a situation favorable for Sharipov arose: Starikov tried to take out a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for the strategic development of MMK. Sharipov, Rashnikov and JSB Inkombank presented the situation to the shareholders in a light unfavorable for Starkov, accused him of violating the interests of the plant and achieved his removal. Viktor Rashnikov became the new general director of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works.

“Kommersant” No. 172 (3256), 09/14/2005, , July 21, 2002

But appetites grow while eating. And it seemed to Rashnikov that it was not enough to rob only the enterprise. At the moment we can talk about how he and his administration are stealing from every (!) employee of the plant. The fact is that the enterprise has introduced a special payment procedure, in which employees receive only half of their wages in cash, and the other half goes in the form of cards for shopping in the OJSC “Class!” department store chain.

The OJSC with such a life-affirming name owns 13 stores. In all these stores, trading is carried out using cards. Prices for goods there are much higher than in other retail outlets in Magnitogorsk. However, a person who received his salary with cards is forced to go shopping in one of these 13 ill-fated stores. MMK employees are deprived of the opportunity to choose a store for their purchases. Cards are imposed, a store is imposed, an assortment of goods is imposed, a price is imposed for it. Income received from trade in the “Class!” network scroll through “KUBank”. Needless to say, the list of founders of OJSC “Class!” and “KUBANKA” still has the same painfully familiar name - Rashnikov. Besides her, it was interesting to find another name among the founders - the son of the mayor of Magnitogorsk V.G. Anikushina., 01/12/2000G.

At the end of the 90s, the entire stake in MMK was divided between several owners: the state, the administration of the enterprise, the Magnitogorsk Steel financial and industrial group, some industry enterprises and workers. Subsequently, the shares were bought at cheap prices from the company's employees. The purchase was carried out by shell companies that were established by MMK management, in particular Rashnikov, and whose authorized capital was paid for with MMK shares. Rashnikov tried to seize 30% of the shares of the Magnitogorsk Steel financial and industrial group. He was supported by the Minister of Industry and Energy Viktor Khristenko, who at that time was the vice-governor of the Chelyabinsk region for economics, actually controlled the state stake in MMK (23%) on behalf of the state and covered up the scams of the MMK management. To obtain the remaining 30% of the shares of the financial industrial group, Rashnikov and the management of MMK created in advance a failed construction plan at MMK Stana-2000. For construction, a loan was taken out from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which Khristenko lobbied for. Because of the loan, a split began between the chairman of the board of directors of MMK and the general director of the financial and industrial group Sharipov and Viktor Rashnikov, who was the general director of MMK. Sharipov opposed the enslaving loan, the collateral for which was a 30% stake in the financial industrial group. Realizing that it was impossible to repay the loan, Sharipov wrote off MMK shares in favor of companies controlled by entrepreneur Iskander Makhmudov. Rashnikov, through the court, declared the transactions void - the prosecutor of the Chelyabinsk region, Anatoly Bragin, also helped him in this. A criminal case was opened against Sharipov on charges of fraud. Later, the A-Capital company became the nominal holder of 30% of the shares of the financial industrial group.

Vedomosti, March 27, 2007

In May 2002, Rashnikov tried to introduce amendments to the plant’s charter through the board of directors, strengthening the position of MMK’s management. The changes provided for the issue of an additional issue of shares and the possibility of converting preferred shares into voting shares. However, the state and Southern Kuzbass, whose shares in MMK could have been diluted as a result of this additional issue, united their votes and blocked Rashnikov’s initiative.

In August 2002, OJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works released consolidated financial statements in accordance with international standards. The document stated that some members of Viktor Rashnikov’s family have a serious financial interest in Profit CJSC, which provided 85% of the scrap supplies to the plant. In 2001 alone, the plant purchased $63 million worth of scrap from Profit.

"Vedomosti", 06.08.2002

Rashnikov’s name is often mentioned in connection with the Minister of Industry and Energy Viktor Khristenko. According to media materials, it is known that Viktor Khristenko owns a large stake in MMK. At the auction for the sale of the state stake in MMK in December 2004, Viktor Khristenko and Viktor Rashnikov, through third parties, acted as the buyer of this block of shares.

"Kommersant" No. 172 (3256), 09.14.2005

Rashnikov's name did not leave the newspaper pages in 2005, when an auction was held to sell the state stake in MMK. The auction was attended by MMK management, the Mechel steel group, which owned about 17% of MMK shares, Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works, etc. As a result, the auction for the sale of the state-owned stake in the plant was won by U.F.G.I.S. Structured Holdings bought the stake at a starting price of $790 million, and another company of the OFG group, UFGIS Trading Ltd, bought out Mechel's stake for $780 million. Mechel received another $90 million as compensation for waiving any claims against the management and shareholders of Magnitogorsk. The companies that bought the state stake acted in the interests of Rashnikov.

"Vedomosti", 02/09/2005

Rashnikov's name appeared in the press at the beginning of 2007, when data from the FFMS reports were made public. Based on the documents, it turned out that Rashnikov and key managers of MMK do not have shares in the plant. In October 2006, 20.71% of MMK shares were in the trust management of the Settlement and Fund Center, 42.27% were managed by Mekom LLC, 33.93% were held by U.F.G. Structured Holdings Ltd. Reports submitted to the Federal Financial Markets Service indicate that Steelnet Investment Management SA in 2002 became a shareholder of A-Capital CJSC, which in April 2003 was the owner of 22.30% of MMK shares. Among Rashnikov’s main partners at that time was Andrey Morozov, vice president of the company that manages MMK.

"Vedomosti" No. 16 (1790), 01/31/2007

In 2007, MMK fell into the sphere of interests of Rosoboronexport. FSUE Rosoboronexport planned to build a special steel holding company and MMK was to come under the control of Russpetsstal CJSC. Public-private partnership was proposed as one of the forms of interaction. But MMK had a strong lobby in the person of the head of the Ministry of Industry and Energy, Viktor Khristenko, and he was able to refuse the offer to enter into a public-private partnership with Russpetsstal. With the help of Khristenko, Rashnikov managed to evade deals with Alisher Usmanov’s Gazmetal and Evrazgroup., 08/23/2007

Rashnikov, together with Alexey Mordashov (Severstal), lobbied for amendments to the Tax Code, according to which the sale of scrap ferrous metals became subject to VAT. The losing side was the scrap collectors, the largest of which was Viktor Makushin’s company MAIR. In the Duma, Rashnikov’s interests were supported by deputy Pavel Krasheninnikov.

"Version", 01/21/2008

On the seventh of May last year, 2007, the reputation of Magnitka finally collapsed - the famous award-winning plant, which became the property of a certain Viktor Rashnikov. The entire Chelyabinsk region and the entire city of Magnitogorsk know how it happened: by order of the management of the enterprise, the police beat up labor veterans who gave 50- 30 years.

A group of plant pensioners, from whom the company’s shares were taken into trust and not returned, have been regularly picketing since 2005 demanding the return of their only fortune, earned over 50, 40 and 30 years of work in the hot shops of this hazardous production. There were a lot of shares, and now they are expensive. It would be enough for a peaceful old age and to raise grandchildren.

Dividends were not paid to grandparents for many years. And then they announced that the shares had been sold externally. They were informed about this by letters from a certain JSC Mekom in 2005. Having received such letters, the veterans became worried, went to find out the truth and found out that they had become victims of fraud by Magnitogorsk top management. In order to take possession of the shares of veterans who transferred documents into trust management, their signatures on the transfer documents were forged, and the securities themselves were allegedly given by them to someone free of charge.

Since 2005, veterans have conducted an independent investigation into stock fraud, doing the work that should have been done by the Investigative Committee, the police and prosecutors at all levels. And they found out that the actions of the highest ranks of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works fall under Art. 159th. This is a fraud. Definitely. However, as the veterans were told, Art. 159 part 1 (light), the statute of limitations for fraud has already expired, and there is no point in opening a criminal case. Law enforcement agencies turned away the elderly. And not at all because the statute of limitations for the act has expired. And part 1 does not fit this crime - here is part 4, heavy, for which they give 10 years. Everything is much worse: both Magnitogorsk and Chelyabinsk believe that the owner of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, Viktor Rashnikov (85.55% of shares owned, $400 million in dividends in 2007 alone, a strong 14th place among billionaires on the Forbes list ) is a person who enters the most important offices of the country. Legends about this are spreading throughout the region purposefully. The Kremlin can cover everything. Even the theft of other people's shares.

Stringer,June 18, 2008

Viktor Rashnikov is considered one of the partners of the owner of the ST Development company, Shalva Chigirinsky, on investment projects. Journalists predicted financial losses for Rashnikov in connection with his investments in the reconstruction of the Rossiya Hotel, which was carried out by Chigirinsky. In 2008, the Supreme Court decided that the investment contract of ST Development LLC for the reconstruction of the hotel was invalid, and people immediately started talking about the fact that the losses suffered by Chigirinsky would affect his relations with investors. In particular, for Rashnikov, a connection with Chigirinsky could result in both reputational and financial losses.

RIA “New Region”, 08/22/2008

The daughter of the “owner of Magnitka” and the plant’s director for finance, who will most likely join the board of directors of MMK at the upcoming annual meeting of shareholders on May 25, is absolutely closed to the public. It is useless to search for information on her or her older sister Tatyana on social networks. On the VKontakte network there is a page for Viktor Rashnikov, marked “real”. But there are no family photos there either. So it is unclear how “real” Vladimir Filippovich is on the Internet.

Rumor has it that Olga Rashnikova is now an independent lady. I kind of broke up with my husband, Ilya Melnikov. An indirect confirmation of this is the fact that a little over a year ago Melnikov was removed from his post as director of the MMK trading house. Then information about Melnikov’s resignation immediately gave rise to rumors that Viktor Rashnikov was preparing the plant for sale and was therefore removing his people from management. But Olga Rashnikova, who was appointed director of finance at the plant a month before her husband’s resignation, continued to work. As a result, rumors about the sale of MMK died down.

And now Olga Rashnikova should join the board of shareholders of MMK. And although there is one extra person on the list of candidates for the board of directors (1 person per 10 seats), no one doubts that Rashnikova will not be “extra.”

URA. RU, April 26, 2012

Magnitogorsk announced the name of its owner: 85.55% of the plant’s shares belong to the chairman of its board of directors, Viktor Rashnikov. Until 2009, he has the right to buy another 7.37% of Magnitka shares from one of the Deutsche UFG companies.

"Vedomosti", 05/17/2012

“The top of the Russian Forbes list conducts business through companies registered abroad. Alexey Mordashov controls Severstal through the Cypriot Frontdeal Ltd, Viktor Rashnikov holds 87% of Magnitogorsk shares through two companies from Cyprus - Mintha Holding Ltd and Fulnek Enterprises Ltd. Vladimir Lisin owns 77% of NLMK shares through Fletcher Holding Ltd. Viktor Vekselberg’s main company, Renova Holding, is registered in the Bahamas.”, 26.05.2009

In Magnitogorsk, as many people work in small businesses as at the famous Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. But to please the local kings, small businesses are purposefully destroyed. Apparently, the steel kings perceived the words of ex-President Putin “where small businesses develop, there are fewer poor people” with irritation. If people are poor, they go to the plant’s doorstep to beg for work.

The Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works today employs about 40 thousand people. Every fourth working resident of Magnitogorsk. But every fourth resident of Magnitogorsk today also works in a small business. There are also 39 thousand small entrepreneurs. But a powerful war is going on against them. Because today their business also wants to take over the management of the plant, the relatives of this management, and various subsidiaries of the plant, which were headed by these managers. They say that the owner of the plant, Viktor Rashnikov, leaving, as usual, for his Alps, where he lives, admonished the new mayor of Magnitogorsk, Evgeny Karpov, his protege: “the plant is for me, the city is for you and Morozov.” Andrey Morozov is a State Duma deputy from United Russia, a former deputy director of MMK, and, like Rashnikov, a billionaire.

For the last two years, the city of Magnitogorsk has been shaking from pickets organized by small businesses. The administration was picketed by stallholders who were expelled from their homes, and representatives of large shopping centers picketed. More than fifty pickets were held by Palladians, protesting against the demolition of shopping centers: in Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Moscow and Yekaterinburg, where the presidential envoy for the Southern Urals is located.

The press of the Southern Urals, including the supposedly bold compromising portal, as they say, is all “sucked” by the Magnitogorsk plant, and therefore tries not to notice the desperate situation of small businesses due to the monopoly position in the city.

Another center of resistance to slavery, which Magnitogorsk embodies under the leadership of the plant's mayor Karpov, is small business. The mayor, Evgeniy Karpov, who was placed at the head of the city by Rashnikov, is fighting small businesses in a peculiar, capricious, feminine way. Today I will allow it, tomorrow I will forbid it!

RUSPRES, 06/24/2013

“- There, one worker works for almost five people with a reduced salary. Labor standards do not stand up to criticism, there is no safety: all injuries at work are recorded as domestic, some are intimidated, others are fired retroactively. There are many injuries and mutilations. But the statistics are cleared to zero. If I let it slip, I get a wolf ticket forever. And there is only one enterprise for the whole city: Magnitogorsk has been operating under Magnitogorsk for a long time. Mayors and deputies are either former employees of the plant or real ones. Moreover, the governor of the Chelyabinsk region, Dubrovsky, is Rashnikov’s man, and previously held a position among the plant’s top managers.

Most residents of Magnitogorsk know how Rashnikov earned his fortune, continues Romanov. - Many minority shareholders who “lost” their securities suffered from it. They have an evidence base, everything is confirmed, only the courts are playing for time, and veterans have been fighting for the return of their stolen shares for more than ten years. Disperse them - yes. Please initiate criminal cases. It is easy to increase pressure on relatives. Agree, understand, correct, apologize - never. “They threaten, they break windows, they smear paint on the car and the door, they call at night,” lists the misfortunes of Valentina Davydova, who also lost her shares in the plant. “Many people can’t stand it and stop fighting, and some leave. As a result, only 12 people out of, in my opinion, 9 thousand deceived shareholders are now ready to defend their rights.,June 25, 2015

Viktor Rashnikov immediately rose seven positions in the top 200 richest businessmen in Russia. If in 2015 he was in 30th place on the Forbes list, now the owner of MMK occupies 23rd place. All thanks to the fact that over the past calendar year his fortune increased from 3.5 to 3.8 billion dollars.,April 14, 2016

In Thailand, in the Mu Ko Similan national park, a 31-year-old worker died on a moored super-class yacht belonging to the Russian billionaire, president of the Metallurg hockey club (Magnitogorsk) Viktor Rashnikov. The legs of the man, who, according to preliminary data, was a citizen of Bulgaria, was grabbed by an iron chain while raising the anchor, causing him injuries incompatible with life.

According to the publication, the tragic incident occurred on board the 140-meter yacht Ocean Victory. The man, who received numerous leg wounds, lost a lot of blood in a short time and fell into a coma. Doctors who arrived at the scene urgently transported the victim to the nearest hospital in Phuket, but they could not save his life.,March 14, 2016

Rain learned the name of the alleged owner of an estate near Moscow with a total area of ​​6,000 m2, a report about which was published in the September issue of Architectural Digest (AD) magazine. The plot on which the house was built is located in the elite village of Riita on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway. The territory belongs to the full namesake of the chairman of the board of directors of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK), billionaire Viktor Rashnikov.

According to an extract from Rosreestr received by Dozhd, the cadastral value of a plot of 278 acres is 142 million rubles. It has been owned by Viktor Filippovich Rashnikov (the same name as the head of MMK) since 2005. There is also a mansion on the site with an area of ​​five thousand square meters, the cadastral value of which is 130 million rubles.

Such a house together with the plot can cost up to $70 million, estimates broker of the KalinkaGroup country real estate department Inna Leshchiner. The estate can be sold for 80-90 million dollars, however, it is impossible to find a buyer for such an object at the present time, the expert adds.

The palace has 118 rooms, writes AD. Furniture, lamps and decoration are made by French and Italian craftsmen and companies. The owner of the house collects paintings and art: AD writes about two vases made by Russian masters of the 19th century. Two other vases from the same period were sold at auction for $2.7 million. The Italian issue of AD contains photographs of the painting hanging above the owner's desk. Its author is El Lissitzky, a Russian avant-garde artist of the early 20th century.

TK "Rain", 09/01/2016

In parallel with business, Viktor Rashnikov also built a political career: in the 2000 elections he was a confidant of candidate Vladimir Putin, twice (in 2003 and 2007) he was elected to the State Duma from the United Russia party, but then refused to be a deputy mandate. Rashnikov was also successfully elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region (five times, to be precise). Combining legislative activity with entrepreneurial activity, Viktor Rashnikov does not receive a salary in parliament, and, accordingly, does not submit income declarations to the Legislative Assembly. However, according to the publication, in 2007 he declared 293 million rubles. It is not possible to obtain more recent data, even by appealing to the Anti-Corruption Law. “We called on deputies to submit declarations, but we can’t do anything more. We hope that the deputies understand the degree of responsibility to voters,” the head of the press service of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region commented on this situation at one time. But there is Forbes data: the magazine estimates Viktor Rashnikov’s fortune at $3.8 billion, placing him in 23rd place in its ranking of the country’s richest businessmen.


Snapbox (Snapbox Holdings Ltd., Cyprus, the final beneficiary is the owner of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works Viktor Rashnikov) demanded that City Palace LLC, the former owner of the Evolution Tower, pay dividends in favor of Snapbox in the amount of 50% of the net profit from the sale of the property complex towers "Evolution". Let us recall that in 2015 the Evolution Tower was sold to Transneft, the deal was valued at $1 billion. The company’s net profit of $267.6 million was decided by the only participant of City Palace LLC, the Folsten company, to be distributed among its owners: Snapbox Viktor Rashnikov and the Frantal company, a subsidiary of the Snegiri group of the brothers Alexander Chigirinsky.

However, the completion of the payment in favor of Snapbox was prevented by a notification received from Cypriot lawyers - it indicated that the Snapbox accounts to which the money should have been received were arrested by a Cypriot court, at the request of Alexander Chigirinsky.

Thus, only Frantal received its share of the dividends, and Rashnikov’s company filed a lawsuit. Snapbox's lawyers wanted to present the decision to pay dividends directly as an assignment of the claim between Volsten and Snapbox, and argued that they had the right to claim direct payments from City Palace. As an additional argument, the plaintiff’s lawyers cite a payment in favor of Frantal, which they consider an abuse of rights on the part of City Palace.

Lawyers for City Palace LLC, in turn, stated that Snapbox does not have the right to demand payment of dividends directly from City Palace, either by law or on the basis of a contract. Moreover, the decision of Volsten to pay dividends directly does not at all constitute a transaction on the assignment of claims according to Russian law. It is also impossible to refer to the final recipient of dividends - this is not based on current legislation, and the law enforcement practice cited by the lawyers of Rashnikov’s company is not at all related to issues of dividend payment.

The Moscow court, having considered both positions, agreed with the defendant City Palace LLC - Snapbox’s claims were denied.

Let us remind you that at the moment, the Snegiri group and Shalva Chigirinsky have filed two unrelated lawsuits against the structures of Viktor Rashnikov and his partner Nader Nader in the court of Limassol (Cyprus). As part of the legal proceedings regarding the sale of shares in the Evolution Tower and the Rossiya Tower in Moscow City, the assets of Rashnikov and Nader have already been arrested - three villas in the south of France.

“Komsomolskaya Pravda”, 10/04/2016

Russian billionaires, the head of Nafta-Moscow Suleiman Kerimov and the owner of MMK Viktor Rashnikov got into trouble when selling their yachts. Their former boats were seized at the request of the Geneva prosecutor, reports the Yachtharbour resource and Swiss media.

The Ice yacht (90 m), previously owned by Kerimov, according to media reports, could have been detained in November in Gibraltar (according to geoservices, it is located in the marina of the port of Tangier in Morocco), and Rashnikov’s former boat Ocean Victory (76 m) was detained on December 2 arrested in the Netherlands.

The reason for the arrest turned out to be an investigation into money laundering against the buyers of these yachts from the clan of the permanent president of Equatorial Guinea, Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, who is considered one of the most corrupt in Africa. On October 18, 2016, a preliminary investigation was opened in Switzerland into a case in which the president’s son is involved.

According to Alexander Zakharov, a partner at Paragon Advice Group, if a yacht was purchased with funds obtained illegally as a result of corrupt practices, then as a general rule there is a risk of arrest and confiscation in a number of countries. “Money obtained illegally in most countries can be frozen and confiscated at any stage of its legalization,” Zakharov noted.

He noted that law enforcement agencies may have questions for both buyers and sellers. “The money spent on yachts may have been obtained illegally,” Zakharov said.

Nafta Moscow and MMK did not provide any comments regarding the sold yachts of Kerimov and Rashnikov.,12/09/2016

Sberbank and Maginvest, which belongs to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) Viktor Rashnikov, invested 2 billion rubles in the venture fund of AFK Sistema Sistema VC, Vedomosti writes. As a result of the transaction, investors became owners of a share of 20% of the fund.

According to Sistema VC President Alexey Katkov, as a result of the deal with Sberbank and Maginvest, the startups in which the fund invests, in addition to financial support, will have access to industry expertise in banking and metallurgy. The Sistema VC fund is interesting both as a financial investment and as access to the technologies available to the fund, Rashnikov told the publication through his representative.

Almost any mention of this person is accompanied by amounts and a place on the Forbes list. Take the latest news:

Billionaire Rashnikov has the largest yacht in the world.

Rashnikov bought a house on the ruble street and a villa in Nice?

Tired of it! After all, our fellow countryman is not a walking wallet, but an extraordinary personality with a strong character. Komsomolskaya Pravda found rare facts from the life of Viktor Filippovich.


Galina Egorovna is 97 years old. She calls herself an ordinary woman without education. In her youth she worked as a nurse in a hospital. But my husband didn’t let me go to work: I don’t need money, as long as the children are well-fed and healthy. In her interviews, Galina Rashnikova admits that she once again does not tell anyone who her eldest son is.


When Viktor Rashnikov was 12 years old, his father became the hero of a newspaper publication. “The courage and determination of foreman Philip Rashnikov helped prevent a serious accident and disruption of the production plan in the second crimping shop of the Magnitogorsk plant,” wrote the factory’s newspaper. Philip Rashnikova worked at MMK all his life, and his photo often hung on the honor board.


Everyone who knows Viktor Filippovich well says that he has the gift of infecting those around him with his hobbies.

One day, someone gave Viktor Rashnikov a mountain bike with a gearbox, which the birthday boy really liked. He introduced his wife Tatyana to cycling. The rest of the family followed her, including the little ones.

One fine day, seeing a team of cyclists of different ages wearing identical T-shirts, the residents of a Ural village thought that a bicycle race had started in their area.


Viktor Rashnikov is the only president in Russian hockey who has headed the club for more than two decades.

It all started in the mid-90s. Then Rashnikov, being deputy director of MMK, unofficially began to help the factory hockey team. Today Magnitogorsk Metallurg is a five-time champion of Russia and a two-time winner of the Gagarin Cup.

Viktor Rashnikov's passion for hockey has always been so great that during his student years he often missed the first couple to watch broadcasts of super series with the Canadians. They say that he recently canceled a business trip related to the placement of shares on the London Stock Exchange in order to attend several matches.


Rashnikov calls the “People's Director” of Magnitogorsk Ivan Romazan his second father and teacher.

Romazan headed MMK from 1985 to 1991. Then the plant achieved the highest production indicators in the entire history of the enterprise. The director's heart stopped beating 25 years ago. In Magnitogorsk, the sports palace, school No. 59 and a hockey tournament bear his name.