The meaning of the name Nurlan is a complete description. History of origin and interpretation of the name Nurlan. Nurlan in business, in society



Origin of the name(Arabic, Turkic, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Muslim)

General characteristics of the name “Nurlan”

The name "Nurlan" has its origins in Arabic and is translated as « sparkling", "brilliant". In Turkic languages, “nur” means “light”, “ray of the sun”, and “lan” means “lion”. This name has gained incredible popularity in Kazakhstan, thanks to its euphony and good meaning encrypted in it. Nurlan is the name of a self-confident man, capable of achieving goals and at the same time flexible. The Nurlans know well what they want from life. They also know how to implement their plans in the shortest possible time.

Nurlan in the family

Nurlan is quite serious about choosing a life partner , Even such an aspect as the financial situation of the chosen one cannot hide from his inquisitive gaze. He often marries for convenience, reasoning that family is one thing, but romantic relationships are something completely different. For this reason, he often starts affairs on the side, which proceed stormily and passionately. Nurlan’s love of love usually does not affect his family life, since he is clever enough to cleverly hide his adventures from his wife. Nurlan prefers to control both the family budget and the behavior of household members, teaching the latter to regularly report on their expenses and actions.

Nurlan in business, in society

As a highly social person, Nurlan has every chance to successfully realize himself in life. Most of all, his soul lies in military affairs. Nurlan gravitates towards working in law enforcement agencies. May show interest in technical professions, such as engineer, designer, mechanic, computer scientist. Nurlan, as a rule, does not remain an inconspicuous person in the work team. This man confidently and firmly achieves the top in his career, while often ignoring the opinions of his colleagues. However, despite this, Nurlan is respected in the team, because people love strong and confident men. And Nurlan has no shortage of strength and self-confidence.

Characteristics for children

Nurlan in childhood

Those around him never cease to be amazed at the lively mind of little Nurik. The child demonstrates great curiosity and is also very inventive in pranks, so you definitely won’t get bored with Nurik. In his thirst for adventure, the boy forgets about his own safety, so it is better for parents not to leave him unattended for a long time. At school, Nurlanchik loves to win, but he learns with ease, thanks to his excellent memory and ingenuity. More drawn to exact sciences and natural history. Nurik can become an excellent student, but under one condition - if the teachers can find the treasured key to the boy's hot heart.

Persistent, hardworking, sociable, a little despotic - this is Nurlan. The meaning of the name is of interest to boys and men who wear it. This information will also be useful to mothers and fathers who have named or are planning to name their child this way. So what can you tell us about this?

What is the origin and meaning of the name Nurlan

Where did it come from, what does it mean? The answers to these questions should be found out first. What is the origin and meaning of the name Nurlan? Researchers have no doubt that it has Arabic roots.

The name consists of two words. The first is “nur”, it is translated into our language as “light”, “radiance”, “sunbeam”. The second is “lan”, this word means “lion”. It is easy to guess that the meaning of the name Nurlan is “light lion”. Parents choose it for their son if they want him to grow up strong and brave, and his path to be bright.


Patron planet - Moon.

Zodiac signs - Aquarius, Libra.

The talisman plant is an aster.

Totem animal - lion.

Talisman stone - smoky quartz.

Favorable colors - yellow, orange.

Element - Water.

Lucky number is 11.

In childhood

What is the meaning of the name Nurlan for a child? What should parents who plan to name their son this name know? Outwardly, the boy looks more like his mother, but he inherits his character from his father. He grows up as an indecisive child. Little Nurlan finds it difficult to choose from several options. He obeys his parents and hardly gives them any trouble.

From the first years of life it becomes clear that the child has extraordinary thinking. The boy does not have any problems with his studies; he acquires knowledge easily. With age, he develops organizational skills. In adolescence, Nurlan can become a leader in a company of peers. This guy loves the spirit of competition. However, he will not tolerate comparisons with anyone. Parents should not set other boys as examples for him, this will only anger him.


What does Nurlan become as an adult, the meaning of the name, character and fate of which are discussed in the article? His indecision is a thing of the past; this guy has no shortage of self-confidence. Strong-willed, persistent, hardworking, diligent - this is how you can describe this man in a few words. This person is difficult to manipulate; he makes all decisions based on his own opinion. Those around him may be annoyed by his reluctance to listen to their advice. However, it should be noted that Nurlan knows how to argue his position. In most cases, he manages to convince his opponents that he is right.

Nurlan is a man of action. He always knows exactly what he wants from life. This man chooses a goal, develops a clear plan, and then begins to implement it. He doesn't need advice or help. Nurlan loves to compete with other people; competition has a positive effect on him. He takes every opportunity to improve his situation.

His excessive stubbornness can harm this man. From time to time he should still listen to the opinions of others.


What does the name Nurlan mean when it comes to choosing a profession? Even at school, it becomes clear that he is a technician. This guy likes to study exact sciences more than humanities. Nurlan’s inclinations should certainly be taken into account when choosing a profession.

Mechanic, engineer, designer, programmer - professions that are ideal for him. Nurlan can also connect his life with sports and the army. Colleagues treat this man with respect, but from time to time they conflict with him due to the fact that he is guided only by his own opinion. Self-confidence helps the owner of the name quickly move up the career ladder.

Love, family

Nurlan is a man who takes starting a family very seriously. He chooses his wife not with his heart, but with his mind. Nurlan can enter into a marriage of convenience, seduced by the high position of the lady.

This man is not known for his fidelity; from time to time he indulges in affairs on the side. However, he cleverly hides his adventures from his wife. In the family, this person is a despot; he likes to keep everything under control. Household members are forced to constantly report to him.


Nurlan cannot complain about his health. He has been actively involved in sports throughout his life, has no bad habits, and watches his diet.

Characteristics by letter

What else can you tell about the meaning of the name Nurlan, a full description of which is given in the article? The letters that are present in a name can tell a lot about their owner.

  • "N". Sharp mind, creativity, health care.
  • "U". Generosity, the ability to empathize with other people. Fearfulness, vulnerability.
  • "R". Excessive self-confidence, activity, energy.
  • "L". Pettiness, stinginess, greed. Great ingenuity, original thinking, artistry, gift of transformation.
  • "A". Power, strength, leadership. Reluctance to obey anyone.

Version 1. What does the name Nurlan mean?

Meaning: Nur is translated from the Kazakh language - ray, radiance, light. Lan translated from the Turkic language means lion. Leo is a symbol of power and strength

Numerology of the name Nurlan

Name number: 2

Those who are lucky enough to be born under a deuce will not have to worry about having good friends and public recognition - personal talents, diligence and the ability to understand people will certainly lead a deuce to personal success. Violence and rudeness are alien to her, but she easily finds her way to the hearts and souls of people through understanding and goodwill.
When you meet a person under the sign of two, take care of him: most likely, you have found a good friend, a mentor, and in some cases, quite possibly, a life partner. Do not rush to judge the deuce in a modest manner, because the deuce does not reveal to everyone what is inside.

The meaning of the letters in the name Nurlan

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

U- these people are introverts by nature. They are very secretive and prefer indoor gatherings. As a rule, they do excellent work at school and college. It's hard to make new acquaintances. Avoid the opposite sex. To achieve a goal, they can use all resources and complete the task.

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided by logical thinking in their actions. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

Name as a phrase

  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)
  • U- Uk (Ouk, Decree, Indicate, Order)
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • L- People
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Name Nurlan in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Nurlan in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

What does the name Nurlan mean? For a long time, people have been interested in the meaning of this name. What happens if you name your child Nurlan? After all, each of us is given a name at birth that accompanies us throughout our lives. Even after death, it is customary to indicate information about the person on the memorial. And what is constantly with us cannot but affect our character and behavior. So let's go back to the secret of the name Nurlan.
Scientists, philosophers, astrologers - they all struggled for centuries, trying to decipher male and female names. Nowadays, many books have been published with the meanings and secrets of the name Nurlan, and the list is constantly updated, as new proper names appear over the years, and old ones go away and are forgotten. By the way, in ancient times, babies were given names that were even scary to pronounce. This was done specifically to ward off evil spirits. Later in Rus', children were called by two names, one was pronounced only in church and was hidden from everyone. It was believed that Nurlan is the name of a guardian angel who will protect a person all his life. Today there is a special fashion for names. Many mothers and fathers carefully choose the name of their future baby, turning to Old Slavonic lists. Some people first study the meaning of the name, and only then choose the appropriate one. And there are fewer and fewer people who come up with names themselves. Here everything is limited to the flight of your imagination. But then the character of the owner of a unique name will be determined by phonetics - sound combinations and syllables. IN meaning of the name Nurlan there are many ancient roots and sources that today are irretrievably lost...