Fortune telling mo. Ancient fortune telling. Tibetan Mo. What is Mo

We present to your attention a simplified virtual version of Tibetan fortune telling MO. When starting online fortune telling, mentally formulate a question and concentrate on it. Then, from the 12 cards offered to you, choose any two. In accordance with which cards you chose, you will receive an interpretation - an answer to your question.

Tibetan Fortune Telling Mo: Ancient Power

Unique fortune telling Mo, which originated in Tibet, goes back centuries, but despite everything remains popular at all times. This is not surprising: it has always been believed that it is this fortune-telling that helps us hear our inner self and clarify our own future. And if we have the right attitude towards life and have the right view of things, it is Tibetan fortune telling Mo will be able to help us by answering our innermost questions or giving a general description of the current state of affairs.

Initially fortune telling Mo involved working with a special cube that had specially marked edges: the cube had to be thrown twice, after which the prediction could be found out from the symbols that opened. The value of this fortune-telling has always been that the ancient power of this method could always suggest the right attitude to various circumstances of our life and give wise advice on which area is best to pay attention to.

Today, this method of fortune telling is ideal for people of different ages and social statuses, and if you also want to find out the right direction for your further movement, try it fortune telling Mo online! It will definitely show you the right path!

Fortune telling by Mo online: what's the secret?

If regular fortune telling requires you to use a special cube, then online fortune telling has already taken care of everything for you! You just need to collect your thoughts by thinking about the questions that you would like to clarify. The better you put your thoughts in order, the more effective fortune telling will be, so try not to use it if you are very upset, worried or angry about something. You must be calm and then Tibetan fortune telling Mo online It will definitely help you!

When you're in the mood, just hover your mouse over one of the 12 cards in the middle of the screen and click on it. You will receive the first fortune telling symbol. Then click select the second card and you will get the final part of the prediction. Now just read and decide where and how to move on!

Whatever fortune telling prophesies for you, always remember that this is just a hint from above, and that you create your own destiny.

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Tibetan fortune-telling MO, which has survived to this day, was born many centuries ago in Tibet. However, based on the name, it is clear what kind of area gave birth to it. This fortune telling was created in order to orient a person as best as possible in future circumstances. Thus, MO can answer both a specific question and shed light on the situation as a whole, focusing on problematic aspects of life.

MO fortune telling involves throwing a die with certain values ​​marked on its sides. There are exactly six of them, like the sides themselves: AH; RA; PA; ON THE; target audience; DHI.

The essence of fortune telling is extremely simple: a question is asked, the dice are tossed twice (this can also be done online), the dropped values ​​of the syllables are recorded (for example, you got the syllables: NA and CA or DHI and RA, or other values), then you get acquainted with the results obtained.

Tibetan fortune telling MO, among other things, provides for the possibility of independently tossing dice. To do this, the sides of the cube need to be numbered, assigning syllable values ​​to each side, for example, side “One” is the syllable “AH”, side “Six” is the syllable “DHI”, etc. Once the cups are tossed and the values ​​dropped are recorded, you can view the results in the table of values. An important point: before you start fortune-telling, we strongly recommend watching a video with meditation for maximum concentration on the issue that worries you.

You can truly understand what Tibet is, its culture and why it arose on this land only by visiting there. And the problem is not at all the amount of money for the trip. The fact is that people don’t go to Tibet just like that, but accept a spiritual invitation. If you are truly interested in the culture and knowledge of Tibet, then you yourself will be able to feel that you have received an invitation and this feeling will become in the future your guide to the world of secret knowledge.
In the Western world, Tibet is better known for the personality of the Dalai Lama and Tibetan medicine.

The basic concepts of Tibetan medicine are taken from Buddhist philosophy and are based on the fact that everything that happens, including various diseases, is associated with the human mind. Therefore, a person’s spiritual, energetic and physical health depends on the harmonious interconnection of all these spheres of life. This relationship is considered by Tibetan medicine as a whole, as one system.

Tibetan medicine views disease not as a disease of a single organ, but as a disruption of the activity of the entire organism as a whole. After all, all processes are interconnected and not every disease is a manifestation of an imbalance in the entire system. Therefore, treatment is always carried out comprehensively - this includes medications of natural origin, conversations that restore the correct attitude to life and streamline the way of life itself, and massage.

However, a people who have reached great heights in the science of human knowledge cannot be talented only in medicine. Here we will consider one of the facets of cognition - fortune telling.

Tibetan fortune telling MO, has come to us from time immemorial, organically intertwined with Buddhist philosophy. As in other fortune-telling, this fortune-telling is intended to look into the future, find out what awaits a person, or, alternatively, give an answer to some question that interests the fortuneteller. Our website presents other online fortune telling related to the culture of the East, for example, Indian solitaire, online fortune telling for twins, and compatibility according to the Eastern horoscope

For many years, MO fortune telling has retained its appeal to hundreds of thousands of people, thanks to its amazing information content and accuracy. The wisdom of Tibet will help you suggest a way to change anything in your life.

Online fortune telling MO

For classic MO fortune-telling, special dice are used, on the six faces of which there are hieroglyphs. You can use ordinary dice with the names of the hieroglyphs printed on the edges: AH, RA, PA, NA, CA and DHI. The main thing is to observe the order of the hieroglyphs on the edges. Both in regular fortune telling and in online fortune telling MO, the main task is to concentrate as accurately and clearly as possible on the essence of the issue. You should not start fortune telling in a state of fatigue or, conversely, excessive excitement. Initially, MO fortune-telling involves conducting meditation immediately before it begins. If you know how to meditate, be sure to use this skill. You will be amazed at how accurate the results you will get from online fortune telling MO using preliminary meditation.
For our online fortune telling, as for fortune telling in real life, the dice are rolled 2 times. Thus we get a combination of two hieroglyphs. Let's say the hieroglyphs AH and DHI have fallen out, so to answer the intended question, it is necessary to interpret their combination.

To repeat free MO fortune-telling, click the “OK” button and the “Fortune” button will become active. After each fortune telling, the “Fortune” button is disabled. This is done so that you can think before the next fortune telling. After all, it is not recommended to repeatedly guess at the same situation.
You can guess again by asking the same question in the following cases:
- After the first fortune telling, something changed in the situation (someone took some action or circumstances changed). It doesn’t matter when this situation changed, an hour, a month or a year after the previous fortune telling for a loved one.
— If you need to clarify the answer, but for this you need to use a layout different from the original one;
- When the planned timing of the predictions changes, the question is posed differently.

Happy fortune telling!

If, during fortune-telling on MO cards, you get a combination of signs NA NA - rejoice! The long-awaited happiness has finally come into your life! The combination NA NA means “golden abode”, and literally from the Tibetan language it is translated as “a mountain of precious stones on a golden land”. Agree that these words speak for themselves. In the recent past, you have had to go through quite a few difficult moments. Moreover, these were not just moments, but a whole “life era” when everything fell out of hand, and you simply did not know what to do.

Now everything has changed! You have drawn the winning ticket. Moreover, they guessed not just three numbers, but won a real Jackpot! And now it’s up to you to decide how you will live further. All possibilities are open to you. You can earn a lot of money, advance well in your career, and create a wonderful, happy family. In what direction you start to act depends only on you.

You have not yet fully recovered from your recent troubles. And until you get rid of these memories, you will not be able to fully realize the happiness that has visited you now. Look at everything that happened to you from a slightly different perspective. You have received an invaluable gift - experience, thanks to which you will be able to avoid making some mistakes in the future.

There is only one piece of advice for you from the Higher Powers. Don't slow down! Consider all past mistakes and act. Now you have every chance to lay a solid foundation for a future prosperous life. Just don't miss the moment. You will have to wait a very long time for such a chance.

Most of the tasks that you have set for yourself will be implemented in the very near future. Your perseverance and hard work have planted the necessary quality seeds. Therefore, the results will not take long to come. You may ask, what about the other tasks? This is also not a question. All of them will definitely come true, but not now, a little later. Apparently you didn’t spend much time and effort on their implementation. And this will have to be compensated.

In the current situation, we can only say one thing - work! And the more you do, the faster you will be able to see the fruits of your labor. But nothing is given to anyone just like that. Also, don’t take on several things at once. You won't succeed anyway. You won't be able to profit from everything at once. Solve your problems gradually, step by step, only then will you be able to see what and where you have achieved. And one more small nuance. The more you think, the less you rush, the more results you can achieve.

If you want to know how your family relationships will develop, then there will be no negative predictions here either. Only the most pleasant surprises await you. Be sure that you are loved and feel that you are very loved. But there is no need to relax. Give your family as much attention as possible.

A very pleasant surprise awaits you at home in the very near future. Your family will want to please you and will prepare a surprise for you that you can remember for a long time. But you should also fuss. Think about what you can do to please your loved ones. Despite the fact that you love them very much, people sometimes really need signs of attention that do not allow them to forget about why you live together. You can love in silence, but people really need to be told about this love, or at least reminded.

All issues related to property will be resolved quickly and easily. Now you are on the horse, and this will continue as long as the dropped symbols ON ON help you. However, in addition to the fact that you need to resolve property issues, you also need to be a bit of a caretaker. When to buy, how, for how much, how profitable it is. Only when you are able to cover all aspects of a given issue will you be able to fully realize yourself in this field.

You have every chance of success, but most likely you have no experience. If you cannot solve the issue yourself, contact one of your friends. Well, if you don’t want to, then learn yourself. Otherwise, you won't succeed.

If you are interested in how your personal life will develop, then the forecasts here are the most optimistic. I especially want to be happy for those who already have a loved one whom they want to please, pamper and give pleasure. Whatever you come up with, whatever romantic dates you plan, you will succeed. Your loved one will be simply delighted. A romantic trip can make a special impression, no matter where, the main thing is together. This will greatly strengthen your relationship.

If your personal life is just starting to take shape, then you will have to put in much more effort. But they will by no means go to waste. Whatever you do, everything will only benefit you. Be patient and keep surprising the person you like. Even if no one has paid any attention to you until now, it’s all for show. I already like you, I just don’t have the courage to show it.
Your relationships with friends promise you the brightest prospects. Perhaps you've been feeling a little uneasy lately because you haven't been communicating as closely as you used to. But don’t worry, in the future you will still have a lot of time for communication and free rest.

Now is the time to invite your friends over and have a party. If the weather permits, it is best to spend time somewhere outdoors, in the fresh air. This brings people together and creates a fun, friendly atmosphere. And most importantly, outdoor recreation is very good for health.

The combination of signs NA NA suggests that even with your ill-wishers, your relationships will develop only for your benefit. There will be no nagging or gossip. You may ask how this can be. After all, just recently it was difficult to fight off all sorts of attacks and nagging, and these sidelong glances after you are already quite boring.

Don't be surprised, that's life. Everything flows and changes. Now there has been such a period of complete luck in your life that your ill-wishers have almost completely lost all interest in you. It is also worth noting the fact that some of your “former” ill-wishers may become your most faithful friend in the future. Don't smile skeptically. The eternal rule of nature that opposites attract has not yet been canceled.

You've worked hard, now it's time to plan your vacation just as well. And for this you have every opportunity. All your work projects have been implemented and are working safely. And without requiring your presence at all. The only thing you should be advised to do is check again before you go on vacation that your affairs are in complete order, especially in the little things. It will be completely unpleasant if, because of some trifle, they start constantly tugging at you.

If you are just planning to relax on the weekend, then it is best to do this in the good company of your true friends. Communication with each other will be the best vacation for you.
As for your health, here, as in all other areas of your life, the combination of symbols ON ON foretells only the best for you. However, you shouldn’t smile cheerfully and suddenly stop taking care of yourself. You are working very hard now and you are very tired. And, as you know, such a busy schedule first of all unsettles the nervous system. And all diseases come from nerves.

You just need to learn how to alternate work and rest correctly. If something isn't working out for you at work right now, don't take it to heart the way you do. It didn’t work out now, it will work out later, but you can’t restore your nerves. If you continue to be so nervous, you may become seriously ill. Although here too the combination of symbols NA NA gave you a royal gift. You will get better very soon, and without making any effort.
You now have every chance to achieve great results in self-improvement. You are confident in yourself, you know how to make plans for the future, which will certainly come true. Now you are able to plan and program your own destiny. And that's just wonderful. But there is some danger in this for you too. Try not to start feeling like God. You can do a lot of stupid things.

Don’t take on global issues; choose several small tasks and try to figure them out. Follow gradually from bottom to top, so you will reach the top faster.
You are just lucky! Any specific thing you have in mind will definitely come true. Most likely, you have already been preparing for a long time and carefully to fulfill your result. Therefore, the first results will not take long to appear. Although it is still not so close to the full implementation of the specific business you have planned. Will have to wait. However, this is not the main thing! And the main thing is that sooner or later, you will get everything you want in full!


Tibetan fortune telling, called Mo, has existed in Tibet for many centuries and still exists today, organically merging with the local Buddhist culture. Like any other fortune-telling, Mo's fortune-telling aims to clarify for a person the future that awaits him, be it an answer to a specific question or a characteristic of the general state of affairs. Over the long period of its existence, this system has not lost its attractiveness for people of different ages and different interests. Ancient Tibetan wisdom will tell you the right attitude to certain circumstances of your life and advise you on which area of ​​life it is advisable to pay attention to.

For traditional fortune telling Mo, you can use a regular dice, marking its faces for example as follows: 1 - AH, 2 - RA, 3 - PA, 4 - NA, 5 - CA, 6 - DHI - here it is important to observe the location of the symbols in relation to each other . It doesn't make much difference whether you throw the dice with your left or right hand, towards you or away from you. Another thing is much more important: before you start fortune telling, try to concentrate properly. Your thoughts should be completely immersed in the problem that worries you. Remember: the better you can concentrate on fortune telling, the more accurate the result will be. You should not guess when you are very tired, anxious, or sick. The original Tibetan Mo system of divination involves several preliminary meditations that must be performed immediately before divination. If you know how to meditate, take advantage of it; if not, just try to put your thoughts in order and slowly start fortune telling.

This system in its original version involves the use of a cube with specially marked faces. According to the conditions of fortune telling, the dice are rolled twice and, judging by the symbols that fall out, the prediction is recognized. Since the die is rolled twice, the resulting symbol consists of two parts. Let's say the first dropped edge bears the sign RA, the second - DHI. The symbol you received is RA DHI. Now you open its meaning in the symbol table and go to the section that relates to your symbol, where you will find out the prediction.

Before starting a fortune telling, take some time to think about the questions that you want to clarify. Try to put your thoughts in order and slowly start fortune telling. Then stop the first cube (hover your mouse over the cube and click on it). And then the second one in exactly the same way.


The predictive meaning of Mo's fortune telling symbols consists of three parts:
1. description of the general situation, your tasks and plans for the future;
2. family relationships, property issues and personal life problems, relationships with friends and ill-wishers;
3. rest, advice on health, self-improvement and specific activities.

1. AH AH - Clear sky 19. CA AH - Flower of luck
2. AH RA - Sun rays 20. CA RA - Flaming Sword
3. AH PA - Good moon 21. CA PA - Emptiness of the mind
4. AH CA - Clear Star 22. TA TA - Banner of Glory
5. AH NA - Golden Land 23. TA NA - Demon Sickle
6. AH DHI - Vajra Saraswati 24. CA DHI - Tree of blessings
7. RA AH - Bright light 25. ON AH - Golden Mountain
8. RA RA - Fire of joy 26. ON RA - Fire of suffering
9. RA PA - Lord of Death 27. ON PA - Precious vessel
10. RA CA - King of Power 28. ON ​​CA - Crumbling Mountain
11. RA ON - Withered tree 29. ON ON - Golden Abode
12. RA DHI - Door of Wisdom 30. NA DHI - Western Treasury
13. PA AH - Nectar of Peace 31. DHI AH - Primordial Wisdom
14. PA RA - Drying Pond