Biography. Sergei Parshin Voice acting by Sergei Parshin

Born on May 23, 1916 in the village of Setukha, now Zalegoshchensky district of the Oryol region, in a peasant family. Graduated from high school. In 1936 he graduated from the Kherson Aviation Pilot School of Osoaviakhim. Then for a long time he worked as a pilot instructor in flying clubs in Dnepropetrovsk, Cheboksary and Grozny. Since 1941 in the Red Army.

Since September 1941 in the active army. In 1943 he completed advanced training courses for officers.

By March 1944, the squadron commander of the 943rd Assault Aviation Regiment (277th Assault Aviation Division, 13th Air Army, Leningrad Front), Captain G.M. Parshin, made 138 combat missions to attack enemy concentrations of manpower and equipment. On August 19, 1944, for the courage and bravery shown in battles with enemies, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

By February 1945, he made another 96 combat missions to attack enemy positions. On April 19, 1945, the commander of the 943rd Assault Aviation Regiment, Major G.M. Parshin, was awarded the second Gold Star medal.

Since 1946, Major G.M. Parshin has been in reserve. He worked in the Civil Air Fleet, then as a test pilot. Awarded the Order of Lenin (twice), the Red Banner (four times), Suvorov 3rd degree, Alexander Nevsky, Patriotic War 1st degree, medals and a foreign order. Died on March 13, 1956 while on duty. He was buried in Moscow, where a street was named after him. The bronze bust was installed in the village of Zalegoshch, Oryol region.

A rare photograph taken by pilot Georsh Parshin on March 1, 1944 has been preserved. This photo is a brilliant evidence of Parshin’s accuracy. The photo shows a German tank engulfed in fire. With a well-aimed blow, Parshin set it on fire, and then, as he said, “for the record,” he clicked on the film.

It is difficult to say whether Georgy Mikhailovich managed to take photographs of all the tanks he destroyed, but it is known for sure that in addition to the one that burned on March 1, 1944, he burned 10 more.

Best of the day

Georgy Parshin very quickly became one of the best attack pilots in our Air Force. So, if usually attack aircraft were above the battlefield for about 20 - 25 minutes and made only 2 - 3 attacks, more experienced pilots, such as G. M. Parshin, G. M. Mylnikov, V. A. Aleksenko and others, carried out 5 - 6 attacks each and “hung” over the battlefield for up to 35 minutes.

When, presenting the pilot for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the regiment commander summed up the results of his attack flights, the numbers turned out to be respectable. In addition to 11 tanks, Parshin destroyed more than 80 carriages and 6 locomotives, blew up several enemy ammunition depots, suppressed the fire of more than 50 batteries, and smashed over 100 German vehicles on the roads.

On June 9, 1944, Georgy Parshin made the first flight in a new aircraft - an attack aircraft, on the side of which was written: “Revenge of the Barinovs.” This aircraft was built at the expense of mother and daughter - Praskovya Vasilievna and Evgenia Petrovna Barinov and was presented to Captain Parshin as the best pilot of the division. The Barinov mother and daughter, who worked during the war in the 27th clinic of the Oktyabrsky district of Leningrad, contributed the values ​​they inherited to the defense fund and asked to build an airplane that would be called “The Barinovs’ Revenge.”

They, Leningrad women who suffered all the horrors of the blockade, had something to take revenge for. Praskovya Vasilievna’s son died in 1942 at the front, her husband died of hunger. The patriots presented their gift to the famous pilot of the Leningrad Front, Georgy Parshin, and he honorably justified the trust placed in him.

Georgy took revenge not only for the Leningraders. He also had his own personal scores to settle with the enemy. His family was also in trouble. In the Oryol region, the Germans burned his native village of Setukha and shot his father. Thus, the personal grief of individual Soviet people was intertwined with the suffering and anger of the entire people. And this caused fierce hatred of fascism. Georgy Mikhailovich Parshin fought on this machine for himself, for the Barinovs, for his people...

Captain Parshin taught his subordinates to deliver extremely accurate strikes against enemy targets. By the end of the war, having personally shot down 10 enemy aircraft in air battles, he became one of the best Aces among attack aircraft pilots.

One day, six German fighters managed to shoot down his plane. The pilot, finding himself in territory occupied by the enemy, continued to fight. Wounded, he did not sit out in the forest. Together with the air gunner, Parshin went out to the road. Here they killed a German officer riding a motorcycle. Then they quietly approached three enemy sappers who were digging a trench, disarmed them and captured them. With three "tongues" Parshin and the shooter crossed the front line.

On August 19, 1944, Parshin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. And exactly 8 months later - April 19, 1945 - he was awarded the second Gold Star.

After the war, Georgy Mikhailovich worked in civil aviation, then became a test pilot.

1916 — 1956

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (08/19/1944, 04/19/1945), test pilot, major.
Born on May 23 (10th century), 1916 in the village of Setukha, now Zalegoshchensky district, Oryol region, in a peasant family. Russian. Member of the CPSU(b)/CPSU since 1942. He worked as a mechanic at a factory. In 1936 he graduated from the Kherson School of Civil Air Fleet Instructor Pilots, and then the Higher Parachute School. He worked as an instructor pilot in flying clubs in the cities of Dnepropetrovsk, Cheboksary, and Grozny.
In the army since 1941. In 1941 - instructor pilot of the 28th reserve aviation regiment.
Participated in the Great Patriotic War from January 1942 as a pilot in the 65th Assault Aviation Regiment (Central Front). In December 1942-April 1943 - flight commander, deputy commander of the aviation squadron of the 765th assault aviation regiment (North Caucasus Front). In 1943 he graduated from Lipetsk advanced training courses for officers. Since August 1943 - commander of the air squadron of the 943rd attack aviation regiment (Leningrad Front).
For the courage and heroism shown in battles with the Nazi invaders, the commander of the air squadron of the 943rd Attack Aviation Regiment, Captain Georgy Mikhailovich Parshin, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on August 19, 1944, with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. "(No. 4345).
At the final stage of the war, he was assistant commander for the air rifle service, navigator and commander of the 943rd assault aviation regiment (Leningrad and 3rd Belorussian fronts). In total, during the war, he carried out 253 combat missions on the Il-2 attack aircraft to attack concentrations of enemy manpower and equipment; its crew shot down 10 enemy aircraft in air battles.
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 19, 1945, the commander of the 943rd assault aviation regiment, Major Georgy Mikhailovich Parshin, was awarded the second Gold Star medal (No. 40).
After the war, he commanded a regiment in the Leningrad Military District. Since 1946 - in reserve.
He worked as a pilot in the transport detachment of the Ministry of Aviation Industry.
In 1950-1951 - test pilot at aircraft plant No. 30 (Moscow); tested production Il-28 bombers.
On August 26, 1951, Parshin had an accident while testing the Il-28 jet bomber. The crew had to eject, the commander suffered a serious spinal injury, and the navigator and radio operator died.
After a long treatment, he was cleared to fly only on aircraft with dual controls.
Since 1952 – test pilot at the Scientific Testing Institute of Aircraft Equipment; was involved in testing various systems and equipment on aircraft.
He died on March 13, 1956 while performing a test flight on an Il-28 aircraft.
B.A. Lopukhov recalls:
“One clear winter morning, Parshin asked me for permission to go to his friends at the Flight Research Institute. And two hours later, a pilot I knew came to me and was dumbfounded:
— Zhorka crashed on a plane...
- How?! We don't have flights!
It turned out that friends persuaded Georgy to do some filming on an Il-28 plane. It was apparently inconvenient for the Hero to refuse twice, although he was completely unprepared for the flight. Result: for an unknown reason, at an altitude of three thousand meters, the plane went into a dive..."
Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union A.A. Shcherbakov. (second graduate of the School of Test Pilots 1951-1953) at that time mainly flew to film tests. Like any novice tester, he was looking forward to the opportunity to replace someone on a complex machine. On this day, an opportunity presented itself. He was allowed to fly on a high-speed fighter... And when he returned, intoxicated by the first flight in a new machine, he was told what had happened.
“Parshin replaced him during filming and crashed, barely rising above the airfield... He had barely gained altitude when the car turned over and went into the ground almost at a right angle. Halfway there it began to level out, but it was too late, and it hit so hard that the engines flew out of the wing two hundred meters..."
Together with G.M. Parshin, the following died on the Il-28: cameraman Rostovtsev, radio operator S.P. Goryunov. They were supposed to film the MiG-19 refueling from the Tu-16.
Lived in Moscow. He was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow.
Awarded the Order of Lenin (1944), 4 Orders of the Red Banner (1943, January 1944, July 1944, 1945), Order of Suvorov 3rd degree (1945), Order of Alexander Nevsky (1944), Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree (1943), medals , foreign order.
A street in Moscow is named after him. The bronze bust was installed in the village of Zalegoshch, Oryol region. There is a memorial plaque installed on the house where he lived in Moscow.

Information sources:

  • "AVIATION". Encyclopedia / Scientific publishing house "Big Russian Encyclopedia", TsAGI named after prof. NOT. Zhukovsky. Moscow, 1994 /
  • “The past has no options” / B. Lopukhov, “Air transport” No. 33-34 1994 /
  • “About those who go to heaven” / A. Merkulov, DOSAAF Publishing House. Moscow, 1968 /
  • Parshin Georgy Mikhailovich / Heroes of the Country /


  • V.P.Tarasenko
  • A.A.Simonov

", the charming cat Snowball from the cartoon "Stuart Little" - these characters are known all over the world. For the Russian viewer, People's Artist of Russia Sergei Parshin breathed life into them, or rather the voice. The recognized stage master is adored by fans of the Alexandrinsky Theater; his photo is posted on the website in the leading artists section.

Fans of dynamic stories are familiar with Sergei Ivanovich as the father of the main character in the drama “Shadowboxing”, General Remezov from the popular series “Albanian Alias”, and the owner of the auto repair shop Valery Shaakhov from the first season of “Streets of Broken Lanterns”. Even the scoundrels performed by Parshin turn out to be soft and charming in their own way.

Childhood and youth

Sergei was born into a family in which no one had anything to do with art. Mother Sofya Petrovna is from Smolensk, father Ivan Dmitrievich is from the Oryol region, he served in naval aviation. In 1948, when shale deposits were discovered in Estonia, young people from all over the Union went to work in the mines. The parents met in the city of Kokhtla-Jarve, Sergei was born in 1952, and six years later his brother Alexander was born.

According to the actor’s recollections, his parents worked a lot, and household chores fell on Sergei’s shoulders. It was at that time that he learned to cook well. In addition, the future actor read a lot, played sports - football, boxing, basketball, skied, stood in the hockey goal.

Mining boys collected collections from pieces of slate, on which imprints of prehistoric plants and birds were preserved. Sergei had one too. Parshin later tried to convey memories of the life of miners and their hard work in the film “Mirror for a Hero.”

The acting biography was predetermined by chance. On the instructions of a teacher of Russian language and literature, Parshin learned a poem, the subsequent reading of which shocked the teacher and the class. For the next lesson, the class teacher invited a teacher from the theater studio, which Sergei Ivanovich compared with. The woman literally brought the boy into the studio by the scruff of the neck.

Subsequently, Parshin played everything that was possible on the school stage, and as a result, plans to enter the Institute of Physical Education were not destined to come true. “Dietrich” said in an impatient tone that the young man should go to theater school. Sergei chose the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. The student was incredibly lucky - he ended up on a course with the greats and Irina Meyerhold.


Immediately after graduation, Parshin was invited to the troupe of the Academic Drama Theater named after, on the stage of which he played more than 80 roles. One of the first successes was the image in the production based on the fairy tale by Carl Gozzi “The Green Bird”. The young artist’s comedic talent and thirst for entertainment were fully revealed in him.

The actor has a wide performing range: Jordan from Airport, Borkin in Chekhov's Ivanov, Skotinin in Minor, Philurg in Aristophanes' Lysistrata.

For the role of the Mayor in The Government Inspector directed by Valery Fokin, Sergei Parshin was awarded the Golden Spotlight and the State Prize of Russia. For the embodiment of the character of taxi driver Nikolai in the play “Izotov” based on the play by Mikhail Durnenkov, the actor received the second “Spotlight”.


Sergei Parshin's filmography is no less memorable than his theatrical works; the actor did not complain about lack of demand. Sergei Ivanovich played one of the leading roles - His Serene Highness - in the popular television series “Young Russia” about the times of the construction of the Russian fleet.

In the melodrama about the fate of women, “Winter Cherry,” beloved by millions, the artist appeared in the image of a cheerful and rude roommate of one of the main characters, performed by. With another actress from this film - - Sergei worked in the family comedy “Mom will be against” about two already adult young people who are completely dependent on their mothers and are not adapted to life.

Viewers remembered the chemistry teacher from the TV series “Pure Sample,” whom Parshin described as a “cute nit.”

“It’s more interesting to play negative roles, because you delve into yourself in an attempt to somehow justify your character,” said Sergei.

However, for the sake of the theater, Sergei Ivanovich is always ready to give up filming in films. According to him, unlike young people, he has no desire to earn more.

Parshin talks with pleasure about his work on Leningrad Television. Young viewers of the Soviet Union liked its soldier Ivan Varezhkin from the program “Tale after Tale.” The actor very much regretted that when he came to power, “his daughter needed the channel,” and one of the most powerful children’s editorial offices in the country closed.

Personal life

Sergei Parshin’s first wife was classmate Tatyana Astratyeva. For the sake of her husband, the wife sacrificed her own career and devoted her life to her family and raising her sons Ivan and Alexander. She worked a little as an art critic at the House of Fashion Models and, together with Sergei, taught at the theater institute.

Alexander lives abroad, works in the field of computer technology. followed in the footsteps of his parents, now he is the star of the series “Sea Devils”. The grandchildren from his first marriage - Evgenia and Kolya - live with their mother in Germany; a son, Andrei, was born into Ivan’s second family.

Sergey Parshin and his wife Natalya Kutasova

Tatyana died of cancer in 2006, and before her death she asked her husband not to be alone. Two years later, Sergei Ivanovich married the actress of the Theater on Vasilyevsky Natalya Kutasova. The artists had heard about each other before, greeted each other when they met, and became close on the set of the film “Love under Supervision,” in which they played the parents of Natalya Shamina, who played the main role.

Sergey Parshin now

In the melodrama “Labyrinths” about a woman who dreams of having a child and her husband, who already has an heir from his mistress, Sergei Parshin played the father of the main character Maria. Arkady Mikhailovich, a high-ranking official, puts pressure on Sergei's son-in-law, so he cannot leave his wife and reunite with his beloved woman and son. Parshin played the on-screen wife.

In March 2018, the premiere of the family saga “One Life for Two” took place with the participation of Sergei Ivanovich. The plot is based on the novel “Black and White Dance” by Anna and Sergei Litvinov. The narrative covers the life of several generations of two families from the Great Patriotic War to the 80s. Sergei played the main role of the aged Yegor Kapitonov.


  • 1980 – “Young Russia”
  • 1985 – “Winter Cherry”
  • 1987 – “Mirror for the Hero”
  • 1992 – “June 22, exactly at 4 o’clock”
  • 1993 – “Makarov”
  • 1997 – “Streets of Broken Lanterns”
  • 2004 – “Death of an Empire”
  • 2005 – “Shadowboxing”
  • 2013 - “Mom will be against”
  • 2017 – “Labyrinths”
  • 2018 – “One life for two”
Ivan Parshin is a Russian theater and film actor, who became famous for his role as Agent Bison from the TV series “Sea Devils.” He also does voice-over work for foreign films.

Childhood and youth of Ivan Parshin

Ivan was born on June 1, 1973 in Leningrad, in the family of the famous Soviet and Russian actor and TV presenter Sergei Parshin (“Young Russia”, “Winter Cherry”, “Uncut Pages”, etc.). His mother Tatyana Astratyeva (died of cancer in 2006) was a director at the School of Russian Drama.

The father often took his son to filming and behind the scenes, so Ivan was familiar with the world of art from an early age. And if Sergei Parshin’s youngest son Alexander (born 1978) did not want to become an actor, although he had a successful debut in the drama “June 22, at exactly 4 o’clock...”, then Ivan, who graduated from technical school after school and was going to work at the plant named after Kalinin, nevertheless tried his luck and submitted documents to the Moscow Art Theater School. Soon Lev Durov called his father and said that Ivan had made it to the third round. But the young man did not move to Moscow - he was accepted into St. Petersburg State Technical University, to the course of Dmitry Astrakhan.

Career of Ivan Parshin

Ivan received his first film role long before entering university. In 1985, he appeared in a cameo role in the historical film Into the Shooting Wilds, which also starred his father.

In his senior year at the theater academy, Ivan’s mentor, Dmitry Astrakhan, invited his student to play a role in his melodrama “You Are the Only One for Me.” The main roles in the touching film about love were played by Alexander Zbruev, Marina Neyolova and Svetlana Ryabova. It was in the role of Lesha Kolivanov that many viewers remembered Parshin.

In 1995, Parshin, who was in his final year, was accepted into the troupe of the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg - and the oldest national theater in Russia. The actor’s father, Sergei Ivanovich, served in the same theater, as well as the grandmother of TV presenter Ivan Urgant, Nina Nikolaevna Urgant. His first performance on this stage was “The Winter's Tale”, where he got the role of Florizel.

While working at the theater, Ivan not only worked on stage, but also took an active part in the life of the theater: for example, he several times acted as captain of the Alexandrinsky team at the St. Petersburg theater football tournament.

Ivan’s third film was again the project of Dmitry Astrakhan. In this comedy melodrama called “Everything will be fine,” Parshin appeared only in an episode, but was still remembered by the audience.

Ivan Parshin in the series “Sea Devils”

The next ten years Parshin devoted more of his time to the theater, but appeared on screen quite often - mainly in episodic and supporting roles.

In 2006, Parshin was approved for the main role in the series “Sea Devils”. In the crime-adventure saga about special forces soldiers who are ready to fulfill their duty in any conditions, Ivan played captain-lieutenant and radio operator Boris Tarasov, nicknamed Bison. The series was a great success among the audience, so filming of subsequent seasons soon began - in them Ivan repeated his role as a brave marine.

Between filming the popular series, Parshin managed to travel to the set of other projects. At the same time, the roles played by Ivan were radically different from each other: in the military drama “The Disappeared” (2009) Parshin played a simple groom Stepan, in the spy film “The Legend of Olga” (2009) he played a persistent American reporter, in the thriller “Retribution” (2011) - the enterprising director of a fashion house, and in the historical film “The Passion of Chapai” (2012) - the red commander Zhukov.

In 2014, two short series were released, marked by the appearance of Parshin in bright supporting roles: “One Again for All” (in which Ivan played Viktor Boytsov, Zhenya’s ex-wife was actress Karina Razumovskaya) and “Talyanka” (the role of collective farmer Viktor Motorin).

In 2015, the viewer could see Parshin in the next season of “Sea Devils” and in a small role in the 24-episode crime saga “The Plague” about the difficult era of the 90s.

Parshin’s voice was played by actor Woody Harrelson in the comedy “Anger Management” (2003), in the animated film “Hunting Season” (2006) by the Canadian beaver O’Toole, and in the comedy “Bride Wars” (2009) by actor Chris Pratt.

From the 1st year of the institute right up, Ivan has been dubbing foreign films and animated projects. For example, actor Woody Harrelson spoke in Parshin’s voice in the American comedy “Anger Management” (2003), in the animated film “Hunting Season” (2006) - Canadian beaver O’Toole, and in the comedy “Bride Wars” (2009) - actor Chris Pratt .

Personal life of Ivan Parshin

In 1996, Ivan began dating a girl named Venus. A year later, they left for Germany, where their children were born - son Nikolai (born 1998) and daughter Evgenia (born 2001). In 1999, Ivan and Venus got married.

The family lived in the town of Osnabrück. Ivan developed his construction business, and Venus raised children. Soon after Evgenia’s birth, longing for his homeland and his favorite business took over - Ivan returned to Russia. He hoped that his wife would follow him, but she chose to stay in Germany. The actor regularly visited his family several times a year.

Little is known about the actor’s further personal life. The actor’s father admitted in an interview that in 2010 Ivan had a son, Andrei, from his second marriage. Apparently, the relationship with his first wife had exhausted itself and Parshin met new love in Russia.

Ivan Parshin now

At the beginning of September 2017, a new season of the acclaimed series about special forces “Sea Devils” was released. Northern Frontiers” - in it Parshin still plays the role of Bison, now a captain of the 2nd rank. Filming continued for the next season of the series, “Sea Devils. Borders of the Motherland."

The premiere of the drama “Dawn on Santorini” with his participation was planned for 2017 - about the unusual story of the girl Nina and her dreams of meeting her prince. Ivan met the director of the film, Alexei Prazdnikov, back in 2007, on the set of “Sea Devils - 2”: in one of the episodes of Prazdnikov he played the French journalist Vincent Anjou.

Biography of Parshin V.G.

Vladimir Gavrilovich PARSHIN is one of the oldest Svobodnaya and Amur river fleet captains, a veteran of the Soviet-Japanese War, a labor veteran, and the author of publications on the history of the river fleet.
Born in Blagoveshchensk in the family of a river worker who took part in the civil war. In 1932-42. together with his parents he lived and studied in the Khabarovsk Territory (Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, etc.) and on Sakhalin (Okha, 1938-39). Since 1942 - in the village of Bolshaya Sazanka, Seryshevsky district. He began his career at the age of 14, in May 1943, at the MTS collective farm named after. Lenin village of Bolshaya Sazanka. In Jan. 1944 came as a cabin boy to the river fleet at Surazhevskaya pier (city of Svobodny, Amur region).
In Aug. - Sept. 1945 participated as a cabin boy in the crew of the legendary steamship "Kharkov" in the Soviet-Japanese War. The steamer was assigned to the Amur Military River Flotilla and participated in the operations of the 2nd Red Banner Army on the Amur. At the age of 17, he was awarded the first medal “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” He was subsequently registered in the Navy.
After the war, in 1945-1949, he was a ship driver and helmsman on a number of ships. In 1949, at the age of 20, he became the third navigator of the famous Amur passenger, double-deck steamship Akademik Krylov, then the youngest navigator in the Svobodnaya river fleet. In 1953 he graduated from the Command Staff School, and then also from the trainee department and the evening and correspondence department of the Blagoveshchensk River School. In the 1950s-1960s, he was a navigator (second, first assistant captain) on the ships "Argunets", "Mazuruk", "Kotovsky", "Saratov", as well as the captain of the river ships "Uran", "Chernenko", "Grodekov" ", "Tomsk". For more than 20 years, from 1944 to 1966, he sailed on ships along the Zeya, Selemdzha and Amur rivers (all the way to Nikolaevsk-on-Amur).
In 1966, he moved to work from the electronic warfare fleet in a river port, where, until his retirement in 1989, he worked as a captain of the RT motor ships, a ferry captain, a raid captain, a port dispatcher, and a deputy. chief engineer of the port.
For his labor activity he was awarded the medals “For Labor Distinction” (03/2/1955), “Veteran of Labor” (12/16/1987), “300 Years of the Russian Navy” (06/7/1996), and as a war veteran the “Zhukov Medal” (02/19). 1996) and many anniversary medals. As a war veteran, he was also awarded the Badge “Veteran of the 2nd Red Banner Army” (09/2/1997). His name, as a war veteran, is indicated in the 2nd volume of the regional book “Soldiers of Victory”, as well as in the Internet project “Winners” ". For his career, he was repeatedly rewarded with medals, Certificates of Honor, diplomas, thanks, cash bonuses, and valuable gifts.
He had been married since 1952 to Parshina (nee Afonina) Valentina Fominichna (1929-1996), and raised two sons.
Since his retirement, he has been collecting materials on the history of the local river fleet and river enterprises, and published (in 1990-2003) materials in a number of local and regional publications. newspapers, incl. in the newspapers “Amurskaya Pravda”, “Amurskaya Gazeta”, “Zeya Lights”, “Svobodensky Vestnik”, etc. In 1996 he compiled a “Brief Chronicle of the History of the Svobodnensky River Port” (in typewritten edition).
During the ongoing historical search, I discovered the names of five previously unknown Amur residents - Heroes of the Soviet Union, including two river workers V.A. Suslov (Svobodny) and S.I. Golukovich (Blagoveshchensk). He was one of those who took part in the preparation of materials for the region. books “Amur Heroes” (V.G. Parshin’s name is indicated in the 1st volume).
Illness, disability, and deteriorating eyesight did not allow him to continue his work and complete his planned book about the Svobodnensky river fleet and Svobodnensky rivermen.
He died at the age of 78 in the city of Svobodny and was buried at the Udarnenskoye cemetery.
The obituary was published in the newspaper "Zeya Lights" (In memory of a comrade. Parshin Vladimir Gavrilovich // Zeya Lights, January 24, 2007, No. 9-10, P. 15)

- "Soldiers of Victory. 1941-1945", Volume 2, page 124 (Blagoveshchensk, 2003)
PARSHIN Vladimir Gavrilovich, born February 20, 1929 in Blagoveshchensk. Participated in the war with Japan from August 9 to September 3, 1945 as part of the Red Banner Amur Flotilla of the 2nd Far East Front. Ship driver.

Website of the Project "Winners" (Pobediteley.Ru) -
Vladimir Gavrilovich
Russia/Far East/Amur Region:
PARSHIN Vladimir Gavrilovich
Born 20.02.1929

Website of the Union of Pensioners of Russia:
...Parshin Vladimir Gavrilovich was a cabin boy in the river port...

Register of Amur veterans awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” -

Svobodnaya Gazeta + website:
Publication: “The material is taken from archival documents “A Brief Chronicle of the History of the Svobodnensky River Port and Fleet,” compiled in 1996 by Vladimir Gavrilovich Parshin...”

- "Names in the history of the city of Svobodny." Svobodny: PC "Design-Print", 2017. p.129 (ship captains); p.132 (local historians...).

- "Svobodnensky Biographical Dictionary", Book 2. Free: PC "Design-Print". 2018, p.31 (Parshin Vladimir Gavrilovich...)