Colleges and universities for future dentists. Best Medical Colleges College of Dentistry after 11

Specialty 02/31/05

Qualification –Dental Technician

Duration of training – 2 years 10 months

– specialist in the manufacture of dentures.

Beautiful, healthy teeth are every person’s dream. A snow-white smile is not common for all people. However, with some diseases of the dental system, with improper development of teeth and jaws, with damage to the hard tissues of the teeth, periodontal tissues and violation of the integrity of the dentition, with various injuries, etc. defects arise that not only disrupt the normal act of processing food in the mouth, but are also aesthetically unpleasant to perceive. Special dentures and orthopedic devices manufactured by dental technicians help eliminate these defects.

Based on the impression made by the doctor from the patient’s jaw, he makes removable (from plastic) and permanent (from gold, steel) dentures. The process of making dentures requires jewelry work. The quality of work of dental technicians must be very high, because the patient physically feels every mistake or negligence. For a master, such qualities as accuracy, precision of movements, a good eye, and a sensitive sense of touch are very important.

A worker in this profession must constantly be aware that he works for people, that the results of his work bring people joy and great benefit, relieve them from physical suffering, and make people more beautiful. Dental technicians work in dental laboratories located in special prosthetics institutes, in dental clinics and clinics. Provides dental and orthopedic care to the population, prepares various types of crowns, post teeth, bridges, dentures, plates and other orthopedic and orthodontic structures.

Personal qualities:

Observation, spatial reasoning, accuracy, resistance to monotony, manual dexterity, high level of tactile sensitivity, precision manipulation skills and keen vision.

A dental technician is a primarily technical profession, similar in essence to the professions of a jeweler and watchmaker. Despite the fact that the production of dentures and other devices and devices made by dental technicians is technical work, dental technicians can be classified as artists or sculptors, since any product is always individual and is modeled mainly by hand. Each product must be: functional, precise and aesthetic. Requirements for aesthetics from patients force the dental technician to master artistic modeling and color rendering.

Medical contraindications:

Diseases of the joints of the hands, poor vision, nervous diseases, dermatitis.

The dental technician rarely has to communicate directly with the patient, for example, when it is necessary to repair a removable denture or correct its color, when the patient can contact the laboratory specialist directly.

The work of a modern dental technician requires knowledge of physics and chemistry, mathematics and foundry. It uses metalworking and engraving skills, knowledge of electroplating and computer modeling.

Dental technician is a fairly popular field in modern dentistry, which has a fairly wide area of ​​application of the acquired professional knowledge and skills. Dental departments in hospitals or private dental clinics, specialized clinics or offices in children's institutions - all these structures will gladly accept a competent worker who has a good reputation in professional circles.

It turns out that the work of a dental technician is a completely unique occupation. His work requires high attention, precision and accuracy in actions, as well as a creative streak. Representatives of this profession deserve their own special holiday - Dental Technician Day. It’s impossible not to say something about that cohort of people for whom Technician’s Day is not just a date, but a personal holiday. These are hearing impaired and deaf dental technicians. For them, Technician's Day is perhaps the main holiday in life.

Place of work and career:

Dental clinics, dental laboratories

Field of professional activity of the graduate

production of dentures, orthodontic and maxillofacial devices in healthcare institutions, as directed by a doctor.

Objects of professional activity of a graduate

dentures, orthodontic and maxillofacial devices, dental laboratory equipment and apparatus, structural and auxiliary materials.

Main types of professional activities

  • Manufacturing of removable laminar dentures.
  • Manufacturing of fixed dentures.
  • Manufacturing of clasp dentures.
  • Manufacturing of orthodontic appliances.
  • Manufacturing of maxillofacial devices.


To become a surgeon, you will need a medical school, but to become a dental technician, studying in college after the 11th grade is the best option. At least, the statistics are such that a future dental technician after 11th grade chooses college to obtain a profession.

The work requires great skill, which is honed through practical training. A fair part of the educational process is devoted to them. In addition, this specialty is also a medical one, so students are given all the basic knowledge necessary for a physician. So, a graduate of the specialty Orthopedic Dentistry can not only make dentures, but also provide first aid,, if necessary, perform the duties of a paramedic, and also work as a medical hygienist for a dentist. Also, training in colleges is conducted face-to-face, for the same reason - the need for a large amount of practical work. This can only be done efficiently in person.

Where to go to study to become a dental technician after 11th grade?

As is already clear from the above, a dental technician is a medical worker, but his main responsibilities are the manufacture of various types of dentures. You can get a profession as a dental technician after 11th grade by enrolling in a secondary school - college, school, or the faculty of secondary vocational education of a university. For example, at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University. A.I. Evdokimov there is such a faculty and there are budget places in it. For the specialty of dental technician, college education after the 11th grade is offered, for example, at Dental College No. 1. Also in Moscow there is a reputable, respected Medical School No. 1, one of the oldest in the country. There are also good commercial educational institutions, such as Intercollege or MIIT Medical College, where paid training is provided.

Training to become a dental technician after 11th grade in college

If you decide to become a dental technician after 11th grade, it will be possible to enter an educational institution based on the results of the Unified State Exam. The college will value knowledge in subjects such as chemistry, physics, Russian, as well as biology and drawing. Of course, the future dental technician must have a creative streak, otherwise he will not succeed. This profession is associated with the production of small products, unique works of art. Since the technician makes his own prosthesis for each patient, which is suitable only for him and this prosthesis or crown must be not only functional, but also beautiful and fit perfectly into the structure of the jaw.

Admission to the specialty of dental technician after 11th grade, as a rule, occurs consciously. The young man has time to think about his choice and learn more about the profession. But not only school graduates can become a dental technician; it is not prohibited to get this profession at any age if you want to do just that.

Training to become a dental technician is also possible in training centers, but this is more suitable for those who already have qualifications. As a refresher course, courses are held on various current topics at government educational institutions, dental laboratories, and even at some commercial companies related to the dental services market.

The social significance of a dental technician is difficult to overestimate. Appearance is valued in modern society more than ever before. Therefore, everyone without exception wants to have healthy and beautiful teeth. And the first assistant in this matter is a dental technician. He not only makes crowns, but also removable and fixed dentures, increasingly fashionable implants, special maxillofacial and orthodontic devices. Therefore, the choice of this profession is completely justified.

If you want to become a dental technician after 11th grade, then you can already be called an adult. And you must understand that despite your good income, and this specialty is included in the list of profitable ones, the desire to help people should be at the forefront of your choice. And this profession will take a lot of work. To master all the intricacies, you will have to work hard, get used to the fact that your hands will look like the hands of a working person, because you will have to work with various materials, sometimes do dirty work, and you also need to be able to work patiently while sitting in one place, because this profession is quite sedentary and requires great care and perseverance. A dental technician will need the ability to find a common language with people, because he will work in a team with a dentist and take into account the wishes of clients when working. If you have any allergies, it is better to opt for some other profession.

If you decide to become a dental technician after 11th grade, this is a good choice. A profession in demand in society, a good potential income, an interesting, albeit sedentary job - all this allows us to think that with certain artistic abilities and naturally skillful hands, as well as with the help of patience and work, a graduate will grow into a good specialist who experiences joy in his daily work. labor. After all, this is one of the most important conditions when choosing a future profession. So that work brings joy and satisfaction from what is created and accomplished.

Aesthetic medicine today is at a very high level. Innovative and revolutionary technologies in modern dentistry make it possible to create a flawless smile. In the modern world, a smile is the hallmark of a successful person who takes care of his health. And today it is no longer a luxury, but quite affordable services that the population resorts to every day. Therefore, the profession of dentists, orthopedists and dental technicians is irreplaceable and is growing in popularity. There is a demand for specialists, and it is very high, despite the fact that universities and secondary specialized educational institutions graduate a large number of students every year. A qualified specialist will always be in demand in this market.

Prosthetic dentistry and training of dental technicians

So, in order to become a dentist, you need to receive an appropriate medical education, but to become a “dental technician” it is enough to graduate from a secondary specialized educational institution, enrolling in a college of dentistry, with a specialty in “Orthopedic Dentistry”. Our Intercollege also gives this opportunity to applicants. We train specialists on the basis of 11 classes. The training period is 2 years 10 months.

Orthopedic dentistry and the work of a dental technician involves the manufacture of dentures: crowns, bridges, implants, removable dentures. Dental technicians work closely with orthopedists.

At our college of dentistry in Moscow you will be taught:

  • Make crowns from different materials and removable dentures;
  • Manufacture stump pin inlays;
  • Repair removable dentures;
  • Manufacture of maxillofacial devices for defects of the maxillofacial area and much more.

The Intercollege curriculum for the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry” includes both general professional disciplines, such as human anatomy and physiology or first aid, and professional modules, namely:

  • Technology for manufacturing removable laminar dentures with partial or complete absence of teeth;
  • Foundry in dentistry;
  • Manufacturing technology of clasp dentures;
  • Manufacturing technology of orthodontic appliances;
  • Manufacturing technology of maxillofacial devices and more;

Dental College in Moscow after 9th and 11th grades

Unfortunately, it is impossible to enter a dental college in Moscow after 9th grade. This field of activity requires advanced competencies. You can only study in the Orthopedic Dentistry program if you have a high school diploma. At Intercollege, the specialty profile provides, in addition to serious theoretical knowledge, meaningful educational and work practice. Our students take it in real clinics and, as graduates, already have developed skills, so getting a job after graduating from college is not difficult. Full-time education to become a dental technician in Moscow costs 57 and a half thousand per semester, evening - 47 and a half thousand.

Intercollege - a prestigious college of dentistry in Moscow

Almost every person dreams of a beautiful snow-white smile. But, unfortunately, only a few can boast of naturally healthy and straight teeth. Therefore, most people who want to have a perfect smile have to turn to dentists and dental technicians for help. Moreover, if the health of teeth depends on the dentist, then the beauty of a smile depends to a greater extent on the dental technician.

Almost every person dreams of a beautiful snow-white smile. But, unfortunately, only a few can boast of naturally healthy and straight teeth. Therefore, most people who want to become the owners of a perfect smile have to seek help from dentists and dental technicians. Moreover, if the health of teeth depends on the dentist, then the beauty of a smile depends to a greater extent on the dental technician.

By the way, many people mistakenly believe that dentist, dentist and dental technician are the names of the same profession. In fact, a dental technician is an independent specialty, which is fundamentally different from the specialty “dentist” not only in professional responsibilities, but also in the requirements for the personal qualities of a specialist. But today we’ll talk about what these differences are.

What is a dental technician?

A dental technician is a qualified specialist, an employee of a dental laboratory who produces dentures, maxillofacial and orthodontic devices, various implants, etc.

The name of the profession comes from the Old Slavonic zѫb (that which grows in the mouth) and the ancient Greek τέχνη (art), which in turn comes from the Proto-Indo-European word tek "s (hew, finish). Figuratively speaking, representatives dental technician professions can safely be called sculptors in the field of dentistry. The history of the profession goes back to ancient times (already in the 7th century BC in prehistoric Italy, mammalian teeth were used to make dentures), but it was identified as an independent specialty only at the beginning of the 20th century.

An interesting fact, since the work of a dental technician is somewhat similar to the work of a jeweler and watchmaker, in Germany today representatives of this profession are not classified as medical workers, but as precision mechanics specialists, on a par with jewelers and watchmakers.

In the process of development of prosthetics, the profession of dental technician was divided into several narrow specializations. For example, a ceramist makes dentures from metal ceramics, an orthodontic technician specializes in devices for correcting bites, and a renter specializes in the manufacture of removable jaws.

But regardless of specialization, professional activity of a dental technician includes the development of a model of teeth (or a tooth) based on a cast made by an orthopedic dentist, the selection of materials and designs for prostheses, modeling the product, casting the model from wax and then from metal, metal-ceramics or nylon, equipping the prosthesis with the necessary fasteners, its grinding and polishing In other words, the responsibilities of a dental technician include the entire process of making dentures, crowns, implants, etc.

What personal qualities should a dental technician have?

Our beautiful, luxurious smiles are “born” not in the dentist’s chair, but in an inconspicuous laboratory, where dental technicians pore over many small details, like jewelers. Therefore, these specialists, first of all, must have developed fine motor skills, perseverance and patience. In addition, perform your duties efficiently dental technician jobs Personal qualities such as:

Let us note that a dental technician can successfully perform his job only if he has extensive knowledge in areas such as chemistry, physics, mathematics, anatomy, materials science (that is, knowledge of the variety and properties of materials used today in dental prosthetics) , metalworking, milling and engraving. He will also need the skills of a foundry worker, welder, electroplating chemist and computer scientist (modeling prostheses in 3-D graphics).

Benefits of being a dental technician

Main advantage of being a dental technician is in demand today. After all, the services of these specialists are sought both out of necessity and for aesthetic reasons, when the teeth seem to be healthy, but you also want them to have an impeccable appearance. At the same time, a good master can easily get a job both in specialized clinics and in dental departments of hospitals or private dental clinics.

It is quite natural that people are willing to pay quite large sums for a beautiful smile, which helps them achieve success in life. Therefore, it is not surprising that good dental technicians have a high level of income (the average monthly salary of dental technicians in Russia is 50-70 thousand rubles).

Well, the most important advantage of this profession is the moral satisfaction that a specialist not only helps people who have problems with their teeth, but makes them happier and more self-confident.

Disadvantages of being a dental technician

If speak about disadvantages of the dental technician profession, then, first of all, it is necessary to note the harmful working conditions.

  • Firstly, when making dentures, a specialist has to work with chemicals harmful to his health, and in some cases, radioactive ones (in particular, the whiteness of artificial ceramic teeth is achieved by adding inclusions of uranium).
  • Secondly, a dental technician spends almost all of his working time in a sitting position, which negatively affects the musculoskeletal system of the technician. Well, working with small parts causes excessive eye strain, which can cause deterioration in the specialist’s vision.

We cannot remain silent about the fact that in the process of his work, a dental technician needs to be extremely careful. And not only because the functionality and aesthetic appeal of prostheses depends on his work. Quite often, a specialist has to redo a failed prosthesis or implant at his own expense.

Where can you become a dental technician?

Get a profession as a dental technician It is possible either in one of the specialized universities, or in a technical school or college. Future dental technicians also have the opportunity to master this specialty in special training centers and dental laboratories. However, you need to understand that the huge amount of knowledge that a true professional has behind him will require you to either combine the acquisition of practical skills with self-education, or enroll in training centers already having a diploma in a related specialty in your pocket.

In addition, we should not forget that dentistry is constantly evolving: new technologies, materials and tools are constantly appearing, so a specialist has to constantly study new products and regularly attend exhibitions, seminars, master classes, etc.

It is quite natural that if you want not only to get a diploma, but also to achieve professional success (and therefore material well-being), then you need to choose best medical educational institutions in Russia, regardless of whether it is a university, technical school or college. For example, the best medical colleges that train professionals in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry” include:

  • Medical College of Volgograd State University;

It is still prestigious to receive a medical education in one of the educational institutions of the capital. This is evidenced by huge competitions for admission to medical universities in Moscow and other cities of Russia, as well as a huge number of secondary school applicants who have chosen medicine as their defining field of activity for the rest of their lives.

During the Soviet Union and at the end of the last century, the word “college” was just settling in the consciousness of our compatriots. Medical schools covered the entire segment of secondary specialized education with a medical focus. With the division of mid-level educational institutions into schools and colleges, the list of specialties that graduates of medical secondary educational institutions receive has expanded, the approach to the educational process has changed, the technical potential of institutions and the qualification level of teaching staff have significantly increased.

A unified system of secondary medical education has been integrated into Russian healthcare since the 40s of the last century. Today it is still possible to enter medical college after 9th grade. Even having a certificate of completed secondary education with high grades in subjects does not in all cases guarantee admission to a higher educational level. If you are not confident in your abilities, start by studying at one of the medical colleges in Moscow, which today train nurses and paramedics, obstetricians and massage therapists, laboratory assistants and dental technicians, and other specialists.

A few words about the content of education

The image of a medical school graduate in a white robe and with a syringe in his hands has sunk into oblivion. The knowledge of a person who has graduated from a medical secondary school is quite extensive, as evidenced by the list of subjects taught. Physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, histology, cytology, biophysics - after graduating from college, you will have access to the knowledge gained in these and other specialties.

Studying at medical college is not only interesting. The responsibility that comes with the opportunity to give people health requires enormous mental effort and time. The study of pharmacology, pediatrics, surgery and other medical fields is carried out in modern laboratories, where optimal conditions are created for working with people suffering from various pathologies. Graduates of medical colleges in Moscow and other cities are given military ID cards along with their graduation certificate, since the scope of their work is not limited to everyday medical practice, but also covers a full list of activities carried out in emergency situations.

What to choose: medical college or school

The Russian system of secondary medical education is represented by 2 types of educational institutions:

  • technical schools (schools);
  • colleges.

The fundamental difference between the options lies in the educational level: most schools provide people only with a basic education, while colleges provide the opportunity to obtain the most in-depth knowledge in most subjects. Graduating from college opens the doors to many medical universities in Moscow, and beyond. Many medical secondary educational institutions conduct educational activities at institutes, clinics, and other departments, for example:

  • Medical College of MIIT at Moscow State University of Transport;
  • at the Moscow Department of Health, etc.

Upon completion of one of the medical colleges opened on the basis of the institute, the graduate receives benefits in the form of automatic enrollment in the 2nd or 3rd year of a capital university. Persons who studied at the expense of the capital's budget, for example, are guaranteed employment in public medical institutions in Moscow.

(Secondary Vocational Education): health section

A complete list of areas in which training is conducted in medical colleges and schools in Moscow is given in the classifier of specialties of secondary vocational education, in the section “Healthcare”:

Specialty in secondary education Number Medical profession
Midwifery 60102 obstetrician, midwife
Laboratory diagnostics 60640 medical laboratory technician qualification
General Medicine 60101 paramedic
Medical and preventive care 60105 sanitary paramedic
Medical optics 60606 Optical technician (manufacture and repair of glasses, lenses, and other corrective devices)
Medical massage 60502 masseur
Nursing 60501 nurse.
Orthopedic dentistry 60203 Dentist
Preventive dentistry 60205 dental hygienist
Pharmacy 60301 pharmacist

Rules for admission to medical colleges in Moscow

Students of the capital's medical colleges can become:

  • citizens of Russia;
  • citizens of a foreign country;
  • stateless persons;
  • Russian citizens living abroad.

Training in medical colleges in Moscow is provided on a free (budgetary) and paid (contractual) basis. To enter the college you must have one of the following documents:

  • Certificate of General Education (9 grades);
  • certificate of secondary (general) education (11 grades);
  • diploma of primary, secondary or higher professional education (issued upon completion of a medical school, college, university).

The basis for a person’s admission to the Moscow Medical College is an application filled out in the form established by the educational institution. In the direction of the State Employment Service, citizens of the Russian Federation are given the right to repeatedly enroll and study at a vocational educational institution, if circumstances so require, namely:

  • in the absence of the opportunity to work in a previously acquired profession;
  • in the presence of occupational diseases;
  • when assigning disability.

Documents for admission to Moscow Medical College

Applications from applicants entering the medical secondary school for full-time study are accepted until August 25th. Acceptance of documents begins on June 1st. Applications to the college for full-time and part-time (evening) studies are also accepted until August 25, however, if there are free places in the college after enrollment in the 1st year, documents are accepted until December 25 of the current year.

The list of documents presented to the admissions committee includes:

  • identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation);
  • educational document (original and copy);
  • photo: 6 pcs, size 3.5 x 2.5;
  • medical certificate (form 086у);
  • medical insurance certificate (copy);
  • documents certifying the right to benefits.

All state documents must be presented in Russian.

Exams for admission to medical college

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, for admission to medical colleges and schools, it is necessary to pass examination tests in the following subjects:

Usually the number of applicants to the best medical colleges in Moscow exceeds the number of allocated budget places. In such cases, the admissions committee takes into account the average GPA, rounded to the nearest hundredth. If several applicants have the same indicator, they look at the grades in the certificate in specific subjects - Russian language, biology, as well as the score earned when passing the Unified State Exam in biology.

Some educational institutions are inventing additional methods for selecting applicants, such as in Moscow, where in addition to the above entrance exams, applicants are asked to undergo psychological testing.

Attention: students studying at medical colleges in Moscow are entitled to a deferment from the army until they reach the age of 20.

Duration of study at medical colleges in Moscow

Having chosen one of the medical specialties for yourself, you should pay attention to the fact that some medical colleges in Moscow offer training in the same area for different time periods. This is justified by the level of training of specialists, which involves mastering basic knowledge (training period of about 2 years) and in-depth study of specialties (up to 4 years).

The main requirement for the rules for admission and enrollment of applicants to the 1st year is strict compliance with the standards set out in the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In addition to the established rules, medical schools and colleges establish their own admission regulations, which do not run counter to the law. All you have to do as an applicant is to fully mobilize yourself - follow the news, ask questions to the admissions committee and read the materials posted on our website.

Passing score for admission to medical college

As already mentioned, the prestige of medical education in modern Russia has been raised to the highest level. For most graduates of domestic schools, gymnasiums, and lyceums, enrolling in one of the medical universities in Moscow is considered practically impossible. Secondary specialized education is relatively accessible. Based on the results of the 2013 intake, the average Unified State Exam score in most medical institutes was set at 200 points or more. You can become a student at one of the medical colleges after the 9th grade or with a complete secondary education with a minimum or average number of points (based on the results of the Unified State Exam, State Examination).

Famous medical colleges in Moscow