What is the difference between a specialty and a master's degree? Master's and bachelor's degrees in comparison with specialist degrees. What is a bachelor's degree

What is a specialty

Specialty is a traditional type of higher education for Russia. Students in the specialty program study at the university for 5 years, and after that receive a “certified specialist” degree.

In 2003, Russia signed the Bologna Declaration and began the transition to the European higher education system. This is how a two-level system of higher education appeared in Russian universities: bachelor’s degree plus master’s degree.

How does a bachelor's degree differ from a master's degree?

Bachelor's degree - This is the first level of higher education, it lasts 4 years. During your studies, you will receive basic knowledge in your specialty and a bachelor's degree. A bachelor's degree is considered a completed higher education.

Master's degree - This is the second level of higher education, which lasts 2 years. Unlike a bachelor's degree, a master's degree gives the opportunity to choose a narrow specialization. For example, if you have a bachelor's degree in management, you can go to a master's degree in trade or tourism management.

Advantages of bachelor's and master's degrees

The diploma is recognized abroad.If you received a bachelor's degree in Russia and want to further study abroad, a foreign university will confirm your diploma. It is easier to get a job abroad with a bachelor's or master's degree than with a specialist's degree.

It's easy to change profession. Bachelor's and master's programs are structured in such a way that you can study for 4 years and then enroll in a master's degree in management. As a result, you will have two specialties. In addition, you can study for a master's degree at another university.

Deferment from the army. If a student enters a master's program in the year of graduation from a bachelor's degree, he will receive a 2-year deferment from the army. A specialist is not given such a deferment when applying for a master's degree.

Disadvantages of bachelor's and master's degrees

Mistrust of employers.Some employers are wary of bachelors because they study 1-2 years less than specialists. Therefore, specialists are more often hired.

Paid master's degree.Not all bachelors who studied on a budget will be able to complete a master's program for free. There are budget places for the master's degree, but there are much fewer of them than for the bachelor's degree. If you don’t have enough money for a master’s degree, you can take a break from studying, work and save up for a second diploma.

Pros and cons of the specialty

Employers appreciate it.Employers are willing to hire specialists because they study in a narrow profile, while bachelors receive general knowledge.

It's easier to get into graduate school.If you are going to study science or go to graduate school, choose a specialty. You can become a graduate student immediately after completing your specialty, while a bachelor will first have to complete a master's degree.

Takes longer.A specialist studies 1-2 years longer than a bachelor. If you regret this time and want to start working faster, choose a bachelor's degree.

It is difficult to confirm a diploma abroad.There is no specialty abroad, so it will be more difficult for you to confirm a specialist diploma for studying or working abroad.

What type of training to choose

It is impossible to say unequivocally what is better to choose: a specialty or a bachelor’s degree with a master’s degree. To make it easier for you to decide and see the difference between them, we have collected the pros and cons of each form of training in a table.


Bachelor's degree

Master's degree

Diploma of Higher Education




Training period

5-6 years

4 years

2 years

Opportunity to study for free

many budget places

many budget places

few budget places

Employers' attitude




Recognition of diploma abroad

hardly admit

easily recognized

easily recognized

A specialty is a traditional form of Russian higher education. Specialist training includes both basic education and in-depth special training within the chosen field. The standard duration of a specialist training program for full-time study is at least 5 years, and for part-time study - 6 years.

The qualification “specialist” is awarded based on the results of defending a diploma project or thesis at a meeting of the State Certification Commission and gives the right to enter a master’s or graduate school.

For a number of medical specialties (general medicine, pharmacy, medical and preventive care, pediatrics, dentistry), an additional condition is the successful completion of an internship.

According to the amendments made to the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” (Chapter II, Article 11), since 2011, “receiving higher professional education in shortened specialist training programs and master’s programs is not allowed.”


Admission to state and municipal higher educational institutions for specialist programs is carried out upon applications from persons with secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education, on a competitive basis based on the results of the Unified State Exam.


According to the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, the qualification “specialist” is considered the second stage of higher education, like a master’s degree. But the goals and objectives of training for master's and specialty programs are different. Specialists are prepared for professional activities in a specific narrow field. This involves independent production or socio-economic activities related to the analysis, design and organization of work in a certain area.

By choosing a specialty, a student can no longer study for a master's degree on a budgetary basis, since in this case a master's degree is legally considered a second higher education. But a specialist, unlike a bachelor, can go on to graduate school.

The prestige of a specialist diploma is quite high. Employers in Russia value it significantly higher than a bachelor's degree. But, on the other hand, the question remains about the recognition of such a diploma in Europe. Often specialists face problems when finding a job abroad, since in most European countries only a bachelor's or master's degree is recognized.

Specialists are granted a deferment from conscription into the army for the entire duration of their studies, but upon admission to a master's program, the deferment is canceled. In this case, a master's degree will be considered as a second higher education.

Higher education has long been an indicator of the intellectual and cultural development of any person, not only in Russia, but throughout the world. People receive higher education even in adulthood, because it opens up many opportunities for a person.

Without a diploma, people are not hired for good jobs; people have to work all day long for a small salary. And with a diploma, a completely different life awaits a person. Education in Russia is divided into several programs: specialist, bachelor's, master's and postgraduate programs. The first two are the most popular, and in order to get a master's or graduate degree, you must first study as a specialist or bachelor.

People born in the USSR received precisely this form of education. And even now the specialty remains in many universities in Russia and the CIS countries. This form of education is considered traditional for all countries that were formerly part of the USSR. It is because of this that many employers value her very much.

A specialist is considered a qualified professional in his field. This is explained by narrow and targeted training in a specific profession. Training in this program lasts 5 years, two of which students study general education disciplines. At the end of their studies, students write a thesis that they will have to defend. After receiving a specialist's diploma, a person can undergo postgraduate studies without going through a master's program.

A specialist diploma is not always recognized in other countries, with the exception of the CIS. A graduate of a prestigious Russian university will not be able to get a job in Europe with his diploma. This is a very big disadvantage of such education.

Foreign education is divided into two levels: bachelor's and master's degrees. In Russia, such a system appeared relatively recently and is not recognized in the same way as a specialty. Initially, it was planned to transfer all universities in the country to a two-level education system. However, many technical and medical specialties cannot be taught in 4 years, which are given for undergraduate study. Because of this, some universities still teach students using a single-level system.

Bachelor's degrees are widespread abroad and are recognized in almost all countries. This allows Russians who have received a bachelor's degree to go to another country and work there in their specialty, or even continue their studies in a master's program at a foreign university.

After graduation, students are awarded a bachelor's degree, and they can continue their studies in master's programs any university, if desired. At the same time, it is possible to choose a narrower specialty or even change it slightly. Retraining for a similar specialty will take only one year.


  • Education. Despite the fact that many employers distinguish between these two degrees of education, they are both higher education, as indicated by Russian laws and the corresponding diploma. Even though a person is a specialist, even a bachelor, many doors are open for him, and he has enormous opportunities for realizing his knowledge.
  • First courses. The training in the first two years is the same for both bachelor's and specialty degrees. The first two years of study are also associated with general education disciplines, which are given to students of both levels of education equally.


  1. Type of educational system. Bachelor's degree implies a two-level education system, i.e. first a person studies for a bachelor's degree and then for a master's degree. While the specialty consists of one level.
  2. Studying time. The duration of the bachelor's degree program is 4 years, during which the student receives his main specialty. This specialty can be made more narrow and the degree can be upgraded to a master's degree by enrolling in the appropriate department. The duration of mastering the specialty program takes at least 5 years. A person who has received a specialist degree is a full-fledged specialist in his profession.
  3. Postgraduate studies. Upon completion of the specialty program, you can immediately go to graduate school. While you won’t be able to do this after a bachelor’s degree, you will have to first study for a master’s degree.
  4. Employers. Russian employers prefer to hire graduates with a specialist degree. This is due to the USSR education system, which is familiar to everyone, which is considered more complete and of higher quality.
  5. Opportunity to change profession. After completing a bachelor's degree, a person has the opportunity to change his profession in just one year, while specialists need 3 years to do this. Also, bachelors can change their profession to a narrower one by enrolling in a master's program.
  6. Recognition in foreign countries. In foreign countries, a two-level education system is common, which is why bachelor's degrees are more recognized in them. Bachelors have the opportunity not only to get a job, but also to continue their studies in a master’s program in any country. While specialists will have to try very hard just to be hired.


The Bachelor's degree is more modern and internationally recognized, making it a more attractive choice for study. And the specialty, despite the recognition of Russian employers, is already noticeably outdated. There are not many differences between them, but they are quite significant.

Since 2009, Russia has officially operated a two-level higher education system “bachelor’s (4 years) – master’s (2 years)”, which corresponds to the principles of the Bologna system, widespread in Europe and North America. However, until recently, higher education in Russia (and the Soviet Union) was structured according to a completely different system: all universities trained students in specialty programs for 5–6 years, after which students could study in master’s or graduate school. But the specificity of the educational space of our country is such that many universities continue to train specialists today, so the current education system can be called “three-stage”. Let's see what the difference is between the “old” and “new” systems.

Advantages of Master's and Bachelor's degrees

Two-level system “bachelor’s – master’s” has a number of advantages. The main thing is the opportunity, after 4 years of undergraduate study, to more clearly outline your interests and needs and, based on this, choose a narrower master’s specialty, and in some cases even get two different specialties, which is an important advantage in the labor market. In addition, you can go to another university to study for a master's degree - the admission conditions are the same for everyone.

Another advantage is the simplification of recognition of bachelor's and master's degrees abroad. A very common scheme is when a person completes a bachelor’s degree in Russia and enrolls in a master’s program at a foreign university (in this case, however, you have to pay for the second stage of education).

Disadvantages of master's and bachelor's degrees

Firstly, there is still low demand for bachelor's degree graduates in the labor market. Employers are in no hurry to hire bachelors, believing that they are significantly inferior to specialists. This point of view is not without meaning: although the state never tires of repeating that a bachelor’s degree is a full-fledged higher education, in fact it is almost never possible to fit a 5-year program into 4 years and the training of bachelors lags behind specialists.

The problem could be solved if all bachelors who wish to continue their education could enroll in a master's program for free. But this is impossible, since the new two-level system has significantly reduced the number of free places in the master's program - and this is the second thing. There are budget places, but the competition for them is several times greater than for free places in bachelor’s programs, especially for prestigious specialties in well-known universities. Studying for money turns out to be quite expensive - the cost of paid master's programs in Moscow varies from 50 thousand to 300 thousand per year. A way out of this situation may be the opportunity to work for several years between bachelor’s and master’s degrees (this is allowed by law) and save up money for the second level of higher education.

Advantages and disadvantages of specialty

The main advantage of a specialty remains its high prestige in the eyes of employers and comprehensive training (specialists study for at least 5 years, and sometimes 6). Also, a specialty is more convenient for those who plan to engage in scientific work and study in graduate school - a specialist can immediately enroll in this form of study, while a bachelor must first complete a master's degree.

What are the disadvantages of the specialty? The first is the difficulty of recognizing a specialist’s diploma abroad, where such a form of training does not exist. The problem can be solved, but it will require more effort. The second is the impossibility of studying in a budget-funded place in a master's program, since according to the law, for a specialist this will be the second higher education with all the ensuing consequences - tuition fees and the absence of a deferment from the army.

Conflict of transition from specialty to master's and bachelor's degrees

Thus, it is impossible to unambiguously determine which is better – a specialist’s degree or a bachelor’s degree with a master’s degree. In Russia today, both the first and second systems operate, but those entering a university cannot choose which of these forms to study.

Initially, it was planned that the specialty would eventually give way to a two-level system, but after the introduction of the principles of the Bologna system, it became clear that in a number of specialties (primarily technical and medical specialties), it is impossible to prepare a full-fledged graduate in 4 years. Therefore, many technical specialties still study according to the specialty program, while most humanities and natural science specialties have switched to “bachelor’s – master’s” degrees.

This state of affairs creates a conflict situation. The bachelor's degree was intended to completely replace the specialty, but today it turns out that they exist in parallel, creating confusion in the educational market and the labor market. Moreover, the bachelor's degree in most universities has not become a new, more modern form of education (for example, few places have introduced a 100-point system for assessing academic performance; with the exception of a few leading universities, bachelor's degrees are studied the old fashioned way - receiving from 2 to 5 points). Thus, Most often, a bachelor's degree is the same specialty, but without one year of study.

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The transition to the Bologna education system introduced innovations, replacing the one-level higher education familiar to everyone in Russia with a two-level one. Now training for most specialties is possible only through the bachelor's and master's degree systems, and only a few (medical, engineering, military) remain available in the familiar form of five-year education.

To answer the question “which is better, a bachelor’s degree or a specialist’s degree,” it is necessary to consider the advantages and disadvantages of these two forms of education.

Features of the Bachelor's Degree

The bachelor's degree is the first stage of two-level education according to the Bologna system. The undergraduate program allows students to gain general knowledge in their chosen field. Among its advantages, the following should be noted:

  • After just four years of study, graduates receive a diploma of higher education and can choose either to continue their studies at the second stage (master's degree) or to build a career.
  • It is possible to quickly change professions by taking special courses, without the need to retrain for several more years.
  • A bachelor's degree is recognized in foreign countries, which gives its holder the opportunity to enroll in a master's program at a foreign university or immediately find a job in a foreign country.
  • The disadvantages of a bachelor's degree include:
  • Impossibility of employment for a number of positions in the educational sector in Russia and in government bodies without passing the second stage;
  • Inability to enroll in graduate school and defend a dissertation.

Features of the specialty

The difference between a specialty and a bachelor's degree is that a specialty is a five-year form of education familiar to residents of our country, at the end of which the graduate receives the title of certified specialist. The specialty program involves obtaining both basic knowledge and specialized training in the chosen profile. The advantages of this type of education include the fact that graduates of the specialty:

  • are more quoted on the Russian labor market than bachelors;
  • have the opportunity to teach at Russian universities and the right to hold positions in government agencies.

Now about the disadvantages:

  • A “specialist” diploma gives you less chance of enrolling in a foreign master’s program or getting a job there.
  • Entering a master's program after completing a specialty does not provide a deferment from the army, while a bachelor's degree + master's degree is a six-year deferment.

As you can see, both directions of higher education have both their pros and cons. Therefore, the question of what to choose, a bachelor’s degree or a specialty, is decided by each future student for himself, depending on his goals. Bachelor's and master's degrees are largely focused on obtaining theoretical knowledge, which means they are more suitable for those who want to develop in the scientific field. A specialty provides highly specialized knowledge and skills for professional activities.