Low GPA: is it all over or is there a chance of admission? Is it possible to enter college with C grades? What grades are needed to enter a technical school?

Not everyone has a rosy relationship with school teachers and subjects. And it is not always possible to fix the problem in time. As a result, students in grades 9 and 11 receive a poor certificate. Question: are they accepted into college with a bad certificate or is the only way for an applicant to go to a factory?

Don’t rush to bury yourself...

Don't panic, ladies and gentlemen! If your certificate has few points, this is not a reason to give up and prepare a factory uniform.

Today, in the vastness of our Motherland, there are adequate educational institutions where it is quite possible to enter with a bad certificate. Here are some tips from professionals on what to do if you have a bad certificate:

  1. If you are studying at a college or lyceum and finishing the 9th grade with not very good grades, do not rush to leave the secondary education system. Consider transferring to a regular secondary school, where you can significantly improve your grades due to the fact that the requirements in regular schools are often lower than in lyceums and colleges. As a result, it is possible to reach a quite acceptable number of points in the certificate.
  2. If you have bad grades in your certificate after 11th grade, this does not matter at all for universities, since they accept based on the results of the Unified State Exam, and not school certificates (even if there are few points in it) . If you score normal on each exam, you won't need a certificate at all. And the most skillful ones even manage to enter the budget. University management will be interested in your average certificate score (for example, 4.2 points - is it good or bad?) only in the case when several students with the same results for the Unified State Exam are vying for one place.
  3. But what to do if the Unified State Exam scores are not encouraging? In this case, where can you go with a bad school certificate? Try to choose Universities and specialties are not very popular, but where quite a lot of budget places are allocated . And if you don’t want to go astray and have definitely decided on a specialty that is quite popular, get ready to study on a paid basis. As a rule, paid full-time or part-time studies do not pay much attention to the certificate.
  4. You can enter a technical school or college not only after 9th grade, but also after 11th grade. In this case, the training will be much less, and after receiving a college diploma, you will be able to apply for admission to a university. And while studying in college, you will be able to improve your grades. In addition, at the time of graduation, you will already have a professional diploma, which guarantees that you will be awarded at least some specialty and diploma.

Remember that not all of us need a “nosebleed” to pursue higher education. Most of us will not need diplomas at all in life. And who said that IT specialists earn much more than an experienced and handy electrician, builder, welder, or any other specialist with a narrow focus?

The world has always been and will continue to need electricians, welders, installers and other blue-collar jobs, so it doesn’t always make sense to bother with studies and good grades. If you just need to pass, but you can’t make friends with the subject or the teacher, contact to our authors: they will help you quickly and efficiently solve your problem, without distracting from more important plans for the future!

The student graduated from high school and what school he attended. For example, if a student at a lyceum or gymnasium finishes poorly, cannot withstand a heavy workload and cannot cope with the program, he will be asked to choose another educational institution and will not be enrolled. In this case, you can transfer to a regular school, graduate from it and enter a university. Ultimately, it is not at all necessary to study at a school with in-depth study of subjects in order to pass the Unified State Exam well.

Write down what can be improved around you. Keep records right from the moment you start working. Think and observe. How to make a better and faster reception of a person, how to bring him up to date, how to establish interaction between employees of different departments. Even if you work as a janitor, think about everything that is around you. How to care for company machines, how to store shovels and brooms. Think about how a janitor can advance his career. Write everything that comes to mind.

The reform of the education system continues. It is unknown when and how it will end, but changes in it continue. The topic of this article will be the transition to new rules for admission to institutions providing secondary technical education, that is, to colleges (as former technical schools are now called).

Unlike universities, which accept only those who have completed secondary education (passed the Unified State Exam), you can enroll in college both after completing the 9th grade and after graduating from high school.

In the first case, admission is carried out on the basis of a certificate for the 9th grade, in the second - the results of the Unified State Exam will be the basis. Since 2013, the vast majority of colleges do not need to pass entrance tests or exams; now they accept students with a school certificate.

Tests for applicants are reserved for a relatively small group of institutions where training is provided in professions that require specific abilities, a special character, or certain physical conditions.

We list the main groups of such specialties:

  • Training in any profession related to the fine arts. (Sculpture, drawing, design (including landscape), decoration, modeling, animation, etc.)
  • Training in professions related to music (vocals, playing any musical instruments, choreography, etc.).
  • Training in professions that require certain physical characteristics and/or specific character traits (law enforcement, fire safety, protection and rescue in emergencies, medicine, dentistry, obstetrics, some areas of education, etc.).

But, let us repeat, in order to enter college to study for the vast majority of professions, now (since 2013) no entrance tests (etc.) are required. Admission is carried out solely on the basis of indicators (average score) of the school certificate

Passing score

The passing score is easy to determine. It is enough to have a list of all enrolled applicants and the average scores of their certificates. The lowest average score will be “passing”.

It depends on several factors, such as the principles and procedure for calculating the average score (they may differ for different colleges, more on this below), the ratio of the number of applicants wishing to study at a given college and vacancies, and the average level of applicants.

It is clear that the passing score is calculated only for a specific college, in a specific year. Moreover, this is done already at the end of the admissions session, that is, after filling all the vacant educational places with former applicants who have now become first-year students.

The values ​​of passing scores for previous years are usually posted in the public domain on the websites of educational institutions.

The exact value of the passing grade, even in one college, for the same specialty, can change from year to year depending on a number of objective (demographic situation, for example, and subjective, such as a change in the number of admission places) factors.

True, these changes are rarely very significant, therefore, having found out the value of the passing score of the previous year and the grade in his certificate, a young man or girl can predict admission (or non-admission) to the institution of interest to him (her) with a fairly high degree of probability.

We also note that college management is given the right to independently determine which subjects of the school curriculum are important for training in their profile, and which are not of serious importance, and, accordingly, take (or not take) into account the grades of applicants’ certificates in any subjects.

Thus, in most cases, when considering certificates, grades in such disciplines as, for example, physical education are not taken into account. If the average score is the same and there is a lack of places, preference is usually given to applicants who have higher scores in socio-political disciplines (history, social studies).

Accordingly, the average score can be determined in different ways. You must use the one that is practiced specifically in this educational institution.

This is usually either the arithmetic average (the addition of all components and then dividing by their number) of all certificate scores, or the arithmetic average calculated for that group of subjects (disciplines), the grades for which are taken into account when enrolling in a given specific college.

Benefits and Advantages

There are special categories of applicants who have the right to benefits (advantages) when enrolling in colleges. Partially, such benefits are established by law and apply to all educational institutions in the Russian Federation. For example, benefits for applicants who are orphans or disabled people.

Some of the benefits can be established either by the management of the industry (for which this college trains specialists), for example, winners and prize-winners of Olympiads in major disciplines, or by the management of the college itself (an advantage for those who attended preparatory courses).

In controversial cases, when two (or more) applicants with the same average certificate score apply for one educational place, preference is usually given to those who:

  • Higher (on average) grades in 7 basic general education disciplines.
  • Higher scores in history and social studies.
  • Confirmed victories (prizes) at Olympiads and/or specialized competitions.
  • Availability of rights to preferential enrollment (disability, absence of parents, etc.)

In addition, college management is given the authority to maintain its own criteria for determining the most suitable applicant when two (or more) applicants have the same average score. Thus, many colleges give preference to applicants who have previously attended preparatory courses.


When choosing a college to continue your education and estimating the likelihood of your enrollment in it, we recommend, first of all, calculating the average score of your certificate and comparing it with the passing score of this institution for two or three previous (recent) years.

It will also be useful to familiarize yourself in detail with the rules for determining the best applicants (with the same average certificate score) in the chosen college.

Didn't manage to get into university right after school? Or do you want to quickly start your adult life? Go to college. This is an excellent opportunity to gain a profession in a short time and prepare for entering a university. How to go to college after 11th grade and what to pay attention to, read our article.

Who to apply for?

Unlike universities, colleges train specialists in a narrow field. These are mainly blue-collar workers, mid-level employees and service sector workers. Here you will not only learn theory, but also gain practical skills.

Directions popular among applicants:

  • computer programming and information security;
  • vehicle maintenance and repair;
  • food industry;
  • service and tourism;
  • construction technology and engineering;
  • banking;
  • pedagogy and psychology;
  • medicine;
  • Architecture and design;
  • beauty industry;
  • economy;
  • jurisprudence.

Directions popular among employers:

  • Auto Mechanic;
  • System Administrator;
  • cook;
  • confectioner;
  • builder;
  • hairdresser;
  • nurse;
  • dentist;
  • cosmetologist;
  • primary school teacher;
  • Graphic Designer;
  • hospitality specialist.

The Ministry of Labor has developed a list of the most in-demand specialties based on secondary vocational education (SVE)

In 2017, guys most often applied for auto mechanic jobs

How to choose a college

Once you have decided on a direction, look for a suitable college. Here are the main criteria to pay attention to:

  • Availability of a valid license and accreditation in the chosen field. Without a license, the college has no right to conduct educational activities. If there is no accreditation, you will not receive a state diploma.
  • Status of educational institution: state or non-state. Budget places are allocated only to state colleges; commercial ones are admitted on a paid basis.
  • Contest. Here you need to take into account your average score on the certificate. If it is not high, it will be difficult to get into top colleges on a budget. In this case, choose an establishment with little competition for places.
  • Employment. Choose a college that helps you find a job after graduation. Find out what organizations the institution cooperates with.
  • Dormitory. If you are from out of town, find out where they are ready to provide places for everyone.
  • Reputation. Choose a trusted educational institution that has been operating for a long time. Read reviews on the Internet, chat with students on the forum or in thematic communities on social networks.
  • Admission to the University. Look for a college that cooperates with universities. Or choose a college at a university. Upon successful completion, it will be much easier for you to pass internal exams and enter this university on a budget. Such top universities as the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, REU named after. G. V. Plekhanova, MIIT, MIREA, MGUPI, State University of Medicine, RANEPA.

You can find a convenient search for colleges throughout the Russian Federation in the section

Getting into college is much easier than getting into university

College conditions

The duration of college is 2-4 years, depending on the specialty. If you apply on a budget, you will be able to receive a scholarship. To do this you need to successfully pass the session. Payments will be less than at the university, from 700 to 1000 rubles, depending on the type of scholarship.

If you are a conscript, you can count on deferment from the army. As long as you go to an accredited college. But after graduation you will still have to serve. The university will not have another deferment.

Features of admission to college

Acceptance of documents to colleges begins on June 20 and ends on August 15. If you need to take entrance tests, documents are accepted until August 10(and this is convenient considering that the last orders for admission to the university on the budget ends on August 8, 2018). Subject to availability, admission may be extended until October-November. Such deadlines make it possible to use college as a backup option if you do not get into a university.

Getting into college is much easier than getting into university. Unified State Exam results are not needed here, The competition is held based on the average score of the certificate. The higher the score, the greater the chances of admission. There are no benefits or special rights provided. Each educational institution decides on its own who to give preference in case of equal scores. More often see who has higher grades in core subjects college.

Some specialties require additional entrance examinations. In medical and pedagogical fields, it is necessary to undergo psychological testing. In majors related to architecture and fine arts, drawing is required. Creative exams are expected upon admission to music, theater and circus majors.

For admission you need to provide:

  • a statement indicating the chosen direction;
  • passport;
  • school certificate;
  • 4 photos 3 x 4 cm;
  • certificate f.086u (if required);
  • military ID if you are liable for military service.

If you did not pass the budget competition, you can enter the paid department. Tuition costs are lower than in universities. In government institutions from 15,000 to 100,000 rubles per year.

As you can see, going to college after 11th grade has its advantages. And this is not at all shameful, as some people think. The main thing is not to stop there, develop further.