Self-education plan. Recommendations for self-study Where to start your self-education

Good day, dear readers of my blog! The key to successfully improving your skills is the ability to independently organize the process of learning and obtaining new information. This is very effective, and that’s why today I decided to raise the topic of self-education, where to start with an action plan.

Pros of self-education

  • The circle of acquaintances is expanding, as communication occurs with like-minded people from all over the world, and this contributes to the development of new ideas.
  • A person gains knowledge on the basis of new information that is relevant at a given time in a given society.
  • The material selected for study will fully comply with the request. There are a lot of unnecessary subjects in institutes that are not at all needed for any specific purpose, but are still considered basic. This wastes time and resources.
  • It's free. At most, pay a nominal fee for using any resource, although there are a lot of free valuable links, sites and applications on the Internet.
  • Time management. There is no need to adapt to the schedule of any system, no minutes are lost on the road, etc. That is, there will be a convenient individual schedule, with the ability to be distracted by force majeure situations.
  • The level of motivation is higher due to the fact that there is value and awareness of the efforts made. In higher education institutions, teachers play the role of motivator, especially when assessing the level of knowledge. Therefore, the focus of attention shifts to them, and responsibility for the level of material received and assimilated is lost.
  • The opportunity to gain knowledge and experience from the best and most successful people, whose ready-made material you choose yourself. And not from teachers who have already been appointed to teach you something, despite the lack of authority.


What is it, and what advantages of self-education have you already understood, now I want to introduce you to its variety:

  1. Household. Learning something during leisure time or to perform household chores.
  2. Cognitive. Replenishment of information about the surrounding world.
  3. Self-realization. Development of intellectual abilities, or physical fitness and endurance, spirituality and morality. About ways to develop your physical fitness, you can
  4. Professional. Improving your skill level in order to achieve success and advance in your career and gain social recognition and approval.

Where to start, action plan

Each person’s program is individual, depending on the type of self-education and goals. But there are conditionally several general points that people who decide to develop their own plan should take into account.

  1. Considering that a lot of important and fresh information comes from other countries, it is worth starting to learn English. It is universal and the whole world communicates on it, therefore, in order to keep abreast of the latest news and ideas, it is very important to study.
  2. There must be a gradual development of materials. Not just studying absolutely all the literature on the desired topic, but selecting high-quality information.
  3. Develop your ability to self-organize, do not allow yourself to be distracted and relax during the specially allocated time for learning. Take every opportunity to start reading. Even while traveling or waiting in line, organize yourself a productive pastime.
  4. Read abridged versions of popular books, this will save a lot of time.
  5. Communicate on forums, because in a conversation brilliant ideas arise, connections are established, the material learned is consolidated and experiences are exchanged. And also participate in webinars, Skype presentations, trainings, etc.
  6. Use all methods to obtain the necessary information, including all sorts of online courses. There are many online universities that offer a wide range of careers completely free of charge.
  7. In order to consolidate the acquired knowledge and transform it into skills and abilities, you should constantly apply them and try them in practice. Then an experience will be formed that will be remembered much better than just a theory.
  8. Improve your reading technique to process large amounts of material in the shortest possible time. I published an article on this topic, you can read it at.
  9. Take difficulties and problems as a chance for development. Because it is then, while trying to figure something out, that you are able to discover the truth for yourself. Use not only specialized literature, but also search engines such as Google and Yandex to find answers to your questions.
  10. Write down your goals and deadlines for their implementation. This will allow you to monitor the learning process and notice the slightest achievements. And draw up a calendar plan of classes so that the necessary amount of training is present for each day. We have already talked about how to achieve your goal.


That's all, dear reader! Stay focused on your goal and remember that with hard work you can achieve your dreams and achieve great things. Bye bye.

It's never too late to come to your senses and learn something new, especially if a person is organized enough to educate himself. Where to start?

First steps towards self-education

Already at a conscious age, people often regret their dishonest attitude towards studying at school or university. But there is always a chance to catch up or explore a new field of activity as an adult. You just have to be patient, willpower, and independently organize your own learning process.

The first step should be to draw up an action plan. In this list, it is necessary to indicate not only the goals set (whether it is an amateur level of playing the guitar or learning a foreign language), but also the time frame for their implementation. The planned date for completing the task will once again motivate you to take action.

So, the to-do list is ready. And to implement them you will need any available methods. This could be reading the necessary literature, watching a video on a topic, or visiting an interest group.

You should never miss an opportunity to expand your horizons. On your way to work or while walking your dog, you can listen to audiobooks or read educational sites instead of uselessly surfing the Internet.

Even with set goals, a person can gain knowledge in other areas. An erudite person views any problem or obstacle as an opportunity to learn something new. Do you want to cook a dish of Spanish cuisine? Or keep up the conversation about Swedish cars? You should not be lazy and look for information on the topic of interest.

The theoretical information obtained needs practice. What's the point of knowing how to change a faucet if you never try to do it yourself? Therefore, all acquired knowledge must be applied in practice.

Communication with professionals will help you test your skills and acquire additional skills. New acquaintances often allow you to enrich yourself spiritually, physically, or establish the necessary connections.

It can become the key to new knowledge, promoting the development of memory, associative thinking, and the formation of connections between already familiar and fresh material. This provides a chance to travel, communicate with representatives of a different culture and gain access to additional sources of information.

All the proposed methods help you independently organize the process of self-education to your taste.


Fiction is the basis of any education. It helps to develop imagination, learn how to correctly use stylistic devices and write correctly. On the Internet you can find a lot of lists of books that, according to their authors, you need to have time to read in your lifetime or before a certain age. In fact, not all of these books need to be read. Look at their descriptions, various reviews and decide what will really be interesting to you.

Classical Russian literature is considered great throughout the world, so it should not be neglected. Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Chekhov - the works of these authors are studied in school years, but they wrote much more than what is included in the curriculum.

Don't forget about the world classics. "Jane Eyre" by C. Bronte, "Wuthering Heights" by E. Bronte, "Vanity Fair" by W. Thackeray, "Les Miserables" by W. Hugo, "Red" by F. Stendhal - beautiful, exciting works that make you experience everything with their heroes current events. Works by E.-M. Remarque, A. Haley and F. S. Fitzgerald will introduce you to the 20th century in its various manifestations. And Martin Eden, written at the beginning of the twentieth century by D. London, will show what heights self-education can help you achieve.

Sometimes you can dilute your reading circle with modern literature. Nowadays, there are worthwhile works, but you need to look for them wisely, and not grab the first bestseller you come across. Popularity is not always a sign of quality. “Terribly Close & Incredibly Loud” by J. Foer, “Simply Together” by A. Gavalda - easy-to-read books with meaning, you can start with them.

Read works in foreign languages. There are series of books where the original text goes simultaneously with the translation - this way you can understand how certain sentences are translated. It is more effective to learn a foreign language on your own, but many problems can arise here. So it’s better to start with parallel texts, or read the book in the original with someone who can definitely help you with the correct translation. Read your favorite work first, it will be easier to understand.

Read the Bible. An educated person should become familiar with it, even if he is an unbeliever. As with other religious texts: the Koran, the Vedas. This will help you better understand religion and judge it without taking words and events out of context. Without knowledge, it is impossible to formulate a clear position on an issue, much less criticize something.

History and historical works are important for understanding the flow of events and the relationships between them. On the other hand, they are monuments to great people and simply interesting literary works. Read biographies of your favorite writers and public figures, or their memoirs - they well convey the spirit of their time. Through E.-M. Remarque and A.I. Solzhenitsyn you can get acquainted with the world wars of the 20th century - not so much with the course of events, but with people’s feelings and experiences.

Psychology, sociology, philosophy, social psychology - you can read manuals on these topics, and if something arouses more interest, delve into more serious literature. These four sciences will help you understand yourself and those around you, find out what processes take place in society and what principles are used to build relationships between people. D. Myers "Social Psychology" is a good and interesting textbook for getting to know the human inner world. The study of philosophy should begin with the works of Greek thinkers: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.

Helpful advice

Read about what interests you. Books on handicrafts, science, technology. You may need someone to explain the basics - don't be shy about asking for help. Clarify everything that you don’t understand, in the future everything will fall into place and you will acquire a lot of invaluable knowledge.

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  • The best books in the world, 9 lists with a description of each work listed
  • 5 versions of lists from YOung JOurnalists website
  • A selection of the best books by contemporary authors, LiveLib website

A person’s self-sufficiency is reflected in the well-being of his life. It happens that already fully established people with a higher (or other professional) education, a prestigious job, a family, a strong friendship, are missing something; it seems that they have not yet done what they were born for. Often because of this, a person ruins his life: he quarrels with friends, loses his job, destroys his family. All you need to do is change yourself and add new things: knowledge, skills, abilities, without changing the surrounding society. Self-education will help you do this; it is difficult to obtain, but if you wish, it is possible to increase your level of literacy using your mental and physical potential.


First of all, you need to decide on the direction. If it is difficult to choose to learn several sciences at once, then it is worth going over in your memory all the desires from childhood, remembering what worked, liked, but was not possible to study in depth due to some life situations.

After the approved choice, sources of information are selected: books, websites, consultants, etc. It is important to check the scientific and humaneness of everything so that it does not carry falsehoods and rhetoric. There are often books that are duplicated in content, differing only in covers, therefore, it is useful to find people who are already knowledgeable in this area to receive important advice, correction of knowledge and skills.

Next, proceed to the education itself. Have a number of notebooks for notes, without being embarrassed like a schoolchild, because when a person writes, he remembers better. When learning something new, you should not “renounce” the whole world, forgetting about everything in the world, continue to lead your usual lifestyle, communicating with loved ones and colleagues at work.

Video on the topic

The criteria for the effectiveness of any training are also considered to be the student’s ability to develop independently: to study additional literature, to carry out assigned tasks creatively, showing his own personality and charisma, to actively explore the area in which a person is going to apply his knowledge. We should also not forget that the learning process is closely related to the development of mental processes within a person. How can you determine that self-education is effective?

Since a person can learn and listen to the knowledge gained only when he is in a normal psychological state: nothing worries him, he is calm and ready to devote time to himself, then, of course, it is necessary to very clearly monitor how emotionally stable a person is at the time of learning.

Let's define the main indicators of personal growth:

  • peace of mind;
  • careful attitude towards one's own health;
  • adequate reaction to the surrounding world;
  • understanding and accepting oneself as a person;
  • an adequate understanding of your capabilities;
  • interest in self-perception and self-knowledge;
  • the need to develop knowledge and receive additional education;
  • active life position;
  • positive attitude;
  • perseverance and standing up for your beliefs.

This is all very important, since a person’s state of mind affects his activities and attitude towards the world and people around him. A person must understand why he is studying and set specific goals.

Because if there is no goal and nothing to strive for, then the whole point of self-education disappears, since you can confuse the already accumulated knowledge and thoughts in your head. And this will interfere with a person’s personal and career development.

Be sure to analyze any of your activities. Why are you doing it? And what will you get in the end? Any process must have a progressive outcome, otherwise there is no point in wasting time and effort on achieving vague goals.

Video on the topic

Many people complain about the ineffectiveness of education at school or university, explaining that the knowledge acquired is fragile and completely unnecessary in real life. The fact is that modern education teaches, first of all, to acquire knowledge, i.e. it is the basis for further self-education.

What is self-education?

In a sense, we encounter self-education almost every day. For example, you didn’t understand some foreign word in the game and you decided to look up its meaning on the Internet. This is already situational self-education, but it does not have one very important characteristic - systematicity. Such searches for information on the Internet are random and ineffective.

Self-education is a path that permeates the entire life of the most purposeful and successful people; This is a purposeful activity motivated by a person’s professional or personal interests. In the process of self-education, it is not enough just to read textbooks and books on interesting topics (although this, of course, is a very important aspect of full-fledged self-development). It is important to follow a certain strategy, a system that would determine the productivity of this process. You need to find for yourself the goals and objectives of self-education, methods and means of its implementation. Thus, the features of self-education are:

  1. lack of an educational institution;
  2. absence of a teacher/teacher;
  3. presence of internal motivation;
  4. freedom to choose sources and methods of studying information;
  5. the presence of a certain system;
  6. self-control.

Why is self-education effective?

With a properly constructed system of self-education, topics and problems that a person studies without the participation of teachers and the control of outsiders are absorbed much more firmly than the knowledge acquired during training in an educational institution. This happens because the problem being studied is initially close to the person. Agree, a person is unlikely to choose a topic that is uninteresting and unnecessary to him for self-education. That is, a person has internal motivation, which, perhaps, plays a decisive role in the strong assimilation of knowledge. In addition, the systematic nature of classes and methods of self-control can be adjusted to your own life schedule and individual character traits.

Topics for future articles are found by the authors themselves - for this, it is often enough to live an active day and communicate with other people. Today, talking with the lovely accountant Tatyana from the next office, we touched on the topic of self-education, what it is, and what a passion for self-education can lead to. Tatyana and I decided that the opportunities for self-education today are enormous))

It is clear that she and I were not the first to discover this truth, but when I came home and opened my mail, I read and saw a cry from the soul, which I quote in the original for complete clarity:

If you think about it, there are so many opportunities for self-education now! You can learn on your own any language, the history of any country, geography, physics, chemistry - whatever. All textbooks are online, collections of scientific articles with the most advanced developments and discoveries are published, there are online audio materials - books in original languages, radio broadcasts... Study - I don’t want to! And for some reason, the majority of people really don’t want to. Strange.

It is rightly said that brevity is the sister of talent; the entire topic of the article is revealed in a few phrases. It would seem, what else to write about? Believe me, we are so frivolous about the opportunities that exist in our lives, or rather, they run past our lives, since we don’t pay any attention to them, that it’s time to think about the opportunities we missed, and after some time... then it's time to regret it.

Look, today almost everyone has a computer with Internet access, but we do not use even a tenth of the opportunities with which we could improve our lives. Everything around us seems to be a deception, a scam, unworthy of us personally dealing with it. Is that what the majority thinks?

But we have learned very well, and we know how to complain about low wages, how to make jokes in the comments to an article about current events in the country, how to spend an evening, or even a day, wandering around social networks and spending pointless time. The opportunities and prospects that the Internet provides us today, in connection with gaining access to an unlimited flow of information and information, can help in increasing the level of our own development and acquiring new knowledge and skills. But not everyone likes it.

It’s boring, someone will definitely say... And someone is already making the most of what others consider boring. And since we are all very different, each will be right in his own way and will defend his own point of view.

And yet, if I can plant even a small seed in the “fertile soil”, I am sure that changes will definitely occur in each of us, and for the better.

There have always been opportunities for self-education

There have always been opportunities for self-education: Remember, at school we were always given homework, students had and still have to acquire additional knowledge during theoretical studies in educational institutions, a long time ago it was completely normal to enroll in some kind of club or section and reveal your talents one after another. All this was free, or did not require as much money as it does today.

Yes, today it is more difficult and complex than before... But did you know that difficulties strengthen and make our character stronger? Why should we suddenly assume that having paid money and sent ourselves or our child to a music school, we must study there until retirement? What if this is not what we thought was our life’s calling? What should I do?

Try and move on. But first, you need to try to determine your strengths and weaknesses, I described a good way in the article, so that the journey does not take too long and does not become costly in terms of money. After identifying your strengths, take two or three areas in which you are interested and comfortable. And start studying.

That is, you can independently master both new directions and those that you have forgotten over time, or if you understand that there is no career growth in the workplace, you can develop yourself within the framework of your profession. So let’s think together about what you can teach yourself:

Health and healthy lifestyle

Since a modern person today must have a number of certain virtues, skills and abilities, you can start with yourself, thereby improving the opinion of others about yourself and reinforcing your confidence in your abilities. You can increase your knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, play sports, find like-minded people online, and discuss the results achieved with them. A huge amount of practical advice can be found on how to dress stylishly and look beautiful. Look for such information if you realize that it is exactly what you need.


To improve your communication skills, you can work on your pronunciation skills. Take a public speaking course, this will significantly increase your weight in the team and increase your value in the eyes of management. To begin with, take 45 sayings in a single text (read aloud).
Save it so you don't forget..

On Thursday the fourth at four and a quarter o'clock, the Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria, but thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but never got caught, and then the protocol about the protocol was recorded as a protocol, as the interviewed Ligurian traffic controller eloquently, but not purely, reported, yes did not complete the report, did not complete the report, and reported so much about the wet weather that, so that the incident did not become a contender for a judicial precedent, the Ligurian traffic controller acclimatized in unconstitutional Constantinople, where the tufted laughter laughed and shouted to the Turk, who was blackly stoned with a pipe: don’t smoke, Turk, pipe, buy a better one a pile of peaks, it’s better to buy a pile of peaks, otherwise a bombardier from Brandenburg will come and bombard him with bombs because someone with a black snout dug up half his yard with his snout, dug up and dug up; but in fact the Turk was not in business, and Klara was sneaking to the stall at that time, while Karl was stealing corals from Klara, for which Klara stole the clarinet from Karl, and then in the yard of the tar widow Varvara, these two thieves stole firewood ; but it’s a sin - not laughter - not to put it in a nut: about Clara and Karl in the darkness, all the crayfish were making noise in a fight - so the thieves had no time for the bombardier, and no time for the tar widow, and no time for the tar children; but the angry widow put the firewood into the barn: once firewood, two firewood, three firewood - all the firewood could not fit, and two woodcutters, two woodcutter-woodcutter, for the emotional Varvara, expelled the firewood across the width of the yard back to the woodyard, where the heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died; the heron's chick clung tenaciously to the chain; well done against the sheep, against the well done the sheep itself, to which Senya carries hay in a sleigh, then carries Senka Sonya and Sanka on a sled: sleigh hop, Senka on the side, Sonya on the forehead, everything in the snowdrift, and Sashka only knocked off the bumps with his hat , then Sasha went along the highway, Sasha found Sasha on the highway; Sonya - Sashka’s friend was walking along the highway and sucking a dryer, and besides, Sonya the turntable also had three cheesecakes in her mouth - exactly like a honey cake, but she had no time for a honey cake - Sonya, with the cheesecakes in her mouth, would over-mix the sexton, - over-mix: it buzzes like ground beetle, buzzing and spinning: was at Frol's - Frol lied to Lavra, will go to Lavra to Frol Lavra will lie, that - the sergeant with the sergeant, the captain with the captain, that the snake has a snake, and the hedgehog has a hedgehog, and he has a high-ranking the guest took away the cane, and soon again the five children ate five honey mushrooms and half a quarter of a quadruple of lentils without a wormhole, and one thousand six hundred and sixty-six pies with cottage cheese from curdled milk whey - about all of this, around the bell the bells were ringing, so much so that even Konstantin, a Salzburg unpromising man, stated from under an armored personnel carrier: just as you can’t ring all the bells, you can’t beat them again, so you can’t talk all the tongue twisters too quickly; but trying is not torture.

Learn to type quickly

Taking a touch typing course will improve your productivity, especially if you type on a computer. Re-read about this method of learning in the article In fact, there is nothing complicated. In a nutshell, download the program from the official website (link in the article), install it on your computer, and take 10 or 11 lessons for free. Then pay Shahidzhanyan 200 or 300 rubles on his cell phone, and train for another 90 lessons in a row. The course is so exciting that I remember typing at night to get ahead. To be honest, everything progressed with difficulty, since having made 3 mistakes, I had to retype the text again, and with each lesson the texts became longer and longer. But it’s so exciting to type better than others, or than you did yesterday! I envy those who are still learning.

Second degree

Using the power of the Internet, you can get a second or additional higher education. does the impossible - teaches us from a distance. This is where you have to work hard on your own - we know that you won’t be able to copy on the Internet, you’ll have to rack your brains.


Books, e-books, e-magazines... An excellent source of knowledge - we always turn to books when there is a need and need. By the way, you can buy the books you like online quite inexpensively; you can go to Ozone and look at the catalogue. Look at what those people you like and would like to emulate are reading.

Financial literacy

It’s strange why people always count money so carefully at their work, and do not do this at all in home accounting? And accounting, as such, may be completely absent at home. Take a notebook, draw columns in it: date, receipt, expense, name, balance - and you will be happy! You will finally find out how much money you spend per month on food or other expenses, and you will be able to draw appropriate conclusions. Take part in webinars by different authors, compare, expand your knowledge on how to become a financially literate person - they don’t teach this in school. Don't let poverty into your life - learn to count.

Extra skills

This will be everything that you consider additional, for example, you write articles with talent, but you don’t know how to optimize photos at all. Learn, and with additional skills, you will have the opportunity to earn additional income. For those who want to learn any craft (knitting, embroidery, cooking, confectionery) - there are a huge number of interesting people and courses online that will be an indispensable source of information for obtaining effective results. Find examples online where experienced craftsmen successfully sell their work, and you will see that demand still exceeds supply. As an example, I can cite Nelly Fedosenko, she always writes very interestingly about new business ideas; for some of you, her newsletter will probably be a source of inspiration and new ideas.

New profession

It happens that the profession, as they say, has become boring, and you want something new. See how other people can make money using their time online and on social media. , for example, the profession of a content manager, or a social network administrator, and bring tangible benefits not only to other people, but also to yourself as a financial benefit.

Teach others!

Surely you know well something that other people don’t know. Perhaps you are an experienced accountant, or an experienced lawyer, and know how to translate laws into Russian and explain what to do in a particular difficult situation. It is possible that you know better than others not only how to do repairs well, but also how to explain how, for example, you can hang wallpaper correctly. Create your own website, share useful and free information with people, and conduct paid consultations via Skype. If you win people over and convince others that you are a competent specialist, then there will be no end to clients. Use this opportunity, don't miss it.

Foreign languages

Probably only in Russia the majority of its citizens speak only one language - their native language. Meanwhile, learning a foreign language via the Internet is quite possible - you just need to want and do it. Find yourself a teacher from whom you would like to learn. Today, learning a foreign language is not difficult: we have at our disposal ample opportunities for textual information, audio and video, if you wish. Amaze yourself, your family and friends with your abilities in learning a foreign language.

Strengths are those that make money

I once read a good phrase:

Strengths are those that bring in money.

Undoubtedly, this is something to strive for, since an adult is often motivated by rather prosaic things. And yet, realizing that the possibilities for self-education are endless, staying outside the ongoing processes will not be to the taste of many. If there is interest and a person thinks about how to apply the acquired knowledge, then self-education begins to work. And if he finds a combination of self-education with his deep creative programs, then he turns out to be a unique specialist.

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Nikolai Alexandrovich Rubakin

Everyone seems to agree that education plays a fairly important role in our lives. We may have different opinions about what education should be, both in terms of the goals it pursues and the methods by which they are achieved, but we all agree that we need it. It is very difficult to get by without knowledge, skills and abilities in this life. However, people’s opinions regarding self-education are no longer so clear; some see a need for it, while others do not. Intuitively, of course, we all understand that we need self-education, that we need to teach ourselves something new, that it is correct and useful. But at the same time, quite a considerable number of people, judging by their lifestyle, believe that they can completely do without self-education. But let's think about it, what is self-education anyway? And is it really possible to do without it?

Self-education is the acquisition by a person of the knowledge, skills and abilities he needs from his point of view through independent studies outside of any educational institution and without the help of a teacher. Although, in my opinion, having a teacher for self-education is quite acceptable. I believe that the main thing is that a person himself wants to learn something, master something, learn something. And how he will do it, with the help of what or who - this is not so important. In any case, the initiative in this matter must come from the person himself - he must want to learn, using all the opportunities available to him.

In general, if you take a deeper look at the process of self-education, you can discover a lot of interesting things in it that have to do with human qualities, capabilities, desires and needs. This is all we will talk about in this article. After reading it, you, dear friends, will learn about self-education all the most important things that, from my point of view, you need to know about it in order to start doing it and do it correctly.

So, let's think again about whether it is really possible to do without self-education in this life, as some people believe? Of course you can get by; in this life you can do without a lot of things if you want. The only question is, what will it be like, this life of yours, if you prefer to do without such important things as self-education? Most likely, not the most successful and interesting, because without new knowledge and without the ability to use it, you will simply be weaker than those who know more than you and whose thinking is better developed. And then, why do without it, if it does not require anything special from a person, except perhaps his time and certain volitional efforts? We still spend our free time on something, for example, on the same entertainment. Why not spend it on self-education, because learning new things is also very fun and interesting? You only need to feel this interest, this joy, this pleasure from self-education in order to become seriously interested in it and become addicted to it. And self-education is necessary because the knowledge that a person can gain by studying at school, institute, university and other educational institutions is unlikely to be enough for him in the modern, constantly changing world. As a matter of fact, the need for new knowledge existed before, but not as acute as it is now, since the world did not change as quickly as it does today.

But from my point of view, it is not even the need for new knowledge that makes self-education important, but elementary human interest and curiosity. Think about it, aren’t you interested in learning more about this world, revealing its secrets, finding something new that you don’t know about yet, even without any practical application of the knowledge gained, but simply for yourself, to fill your inner world? new ideas about the external world? This is so exciting! You know, they say that most people are not curious and lazy, so they are not interested in anything except what is related to their basic needs and they do not strive for anything new. But I don't think so. I believe that curiosity can simply fall asleep in a person due to various circumstances, which is why he squeezes himself into certain limits in order to feel comfortable. However, if you awaken in a person his sense of curiosity, his inquisitiveness, his interest in everything new and unknown, then self-education will become one of the meanings of life for him. We have already done this with some people - awakening their interest and curiosity, after which they radically changed their lives, starting to actively educate themselves and strive for something. I often have to work with people in this direction. So don’t rush to give a definite answer to the question of whether you need self-education or not. Let's take a better look at what it can give a person from a practical point of view.

Education and self-education

But first, friends, let's talk a little about how self-education differs from education, from the standard education with which most of us are familiar. This is very important, because a person’s attitude towards himself and his life will depend on understanding this difference. So, education is, first of all, the transfer of knowledge to a person with the help of a teacher, with the goal of teaching him something that, in the teacher’s opinion, the student should know. And only then education is the process of a person’s assimilation of the acquired knowledge. That is, you see, in education, the teacher is put in first place, who teaches something to other people or an individual in a certain way. Whereas in self-education the focus is on the student himself, that is, the one who learns something on his own. The student in this case is both a student and a teacher at the same time, and all responsibility for the process of acquiring knowledge lies with him. And this allows a person to decide for himself what and how he will learn. It is not at all necessary that self-education should take place exclusively without a teacher; what is important is who manages this process - the student or the teacher.

It should also be noted that education often allows the student to acquire knowledge that he may not need. Whereas other knowledge, which he needs to a much greater extent, may not be given to him for one reason or another. In other words, in education, it is not the student who makes the rules, but those who teach him. It's not that it's bad, it's just not always good for everyone. Therefore, ordinary education may simply not be enough for a person. Or it may not meet his goals. Let’s say the state needs engineers and it influences the education system in such a way that it produces more engineers for the country. But the fact is that you yourself may not be interested in being an engineer, no matter what the reasons, you may be interested in, say, becoming an economist or a lawyer, or, for example, a psychologist, but not at all engineer Because you don’t want to prepare yourself for the labor market, you don’t need a job! You want to create jobs yourself, you want to work for yourself, so you may need an appropriate education. But at the same time, you are forced to adapt to the existing model of education, to the rules that apply in it, to teaching methods, to teaching material, to the current knowledge test, and so on and so forth. And if choosing who to study for and who not to study for, today, in principle, is not a problem - you don’t want to be engineers, for God’s sake, you can study for whoever you want by enrolling in the appropriate educational institution, then that’s what concerns teaching methods, and I I would even say, the rules of training, then it will be much more difficult for you to choose them. And in general, the quality of your education does not always depend on you.

I remember when I was studying - I asked a lot of questions to my teachers and professor when I disagreed with something or was just interested in clarifying something. But I was usually, so to speak, silenced and forced mainly to listen and remember, and not to think and reason, much less argue. Not all teachers and teachers did this, but nevertheless, I was not satisfied with such an education in which it was impossible to take a step to the left or a step to the right in one’s reasoning, it was impossible to discuss this or that topic from a critical position, and besides, I wanted to know more, I wanted to find out why something works the way it does. But in the end, I was forced to behave in the way that was needed by my teachers and the education system as a whole. This is the peculiarity of education - you are taught, according to a program developed by someone, what is needed primarily by someone else, and not by you, with little or no consideration for your interests, desires and life goals.

But self-education can be for you the way you yourself want to see it. You can teach yourself whatever you want and the way you see fit to do it - using a variety of sources of information, and not those that were selected by someone for some purpose. This is a huge difference between education and self-education. Self-education is based on freedom of choice, and education is mainly based on the needs of society for certain specialists.

Targeted self-education

I, friends, divide self-education into targeted and non-targeted, or as I prefer to say in the second case - free self-education. Free self-education I call self-education that is free from any goals, obligations, from any need to learn something for a specific purpose and is built solely on interest and curiosity. But targeted self-education is always aimed at solving a specific problem or task. That is, let’s say you need to improve your qualifications or learn something new for work, for some business, for some task - you set yourself a goal to learn something specific within a certain period of time. For example, if you need to learn a foreign language to work with foreigners, you either study it yourself, using books, videos, or sign up for special courses and learn the language there. The main thing is that you know exactly why you are doing this and you have certain deadlines that you need to meet. With deadlines, of course, not everything is so simple - you can never calculate one hundred percent how long it will take you to learn something properly, but they are important for discipline, because a person needs to strive to meet them . Next, we will proceed from these two approaches to self-education - from targeted and non-targeted self-education.

Self-education plan

Thus, in order to achieve a specific goal with the help of self-education - to learn something and then apply your knowledge to something - you will need to draw up a detailed plan for self-education and start working on it. Let's look at what the plan should be for targeted self-education, while non-targeted, that is, free self-education, in principle, does not need a plan.

There is nothing complicated here - you just need to define specific goals that you want to achieve, then select the necessary educational material and determine the time during which you will study it. Well, let's say, if you decide to learn a foreign language, then you need to spend a certain amount of time studying every day, for example, two hours, and stick to this schedule until you notice real positive results from your learning. If you want to study psychology, then you need to understand where to start studying it, what books and other sources of information are best suited for this, and who you can talk to about this so that they can help you navigate this issue. You can, of course, start reading everything, but this is not a very effective way of learning, and sometimes even harmful, since, firstly, it will take you a lot of time before you understand and learn something, and secondly, it is possible that due to studying everything in a row, you will get a mess in your head and you will simply get confused in the knowledge you have acquired. Still, in any training, including self-study, there must be some kind of system so that all the knowledge that a person receives fits in an orderly manner in his head and forms a holistic picture of what he is studying, and is not separate pieces of information , which does not really explain anything, and sometimes is completely contradictory. You should also understand that depending on what exactly you want to study, your self-education can be divided into theoretical and practical. In any case, one should strive to test theory with practice so as not to have a false idea of ​​one’s own education.

So I repeat, it is not difficult to develop a self-education plan - you will just need to find all the necessary educational materials - books, articles, video / audio materials, it is also possible to find the right people who can teach you something, and then begin to actively learn what what interests you, moving from simple to complex. Once again, I want to note that self-education does not necessarily mean that a person teaches himself independently - he may well resort to the help of other people, those who will become his teacher, the main thing is that the initiative to learn something comes from him, then yes, from a student. Naturally, for this sometimes difficult task you need to find time, energy, information, and people. And, of course, you also need to stock up on patience; after all, learning is not easy, and teaching yourself is even more difficult, especially if you have not done this before. But from my own experience I can tell you that you just need to start doing this once and in the future self-education will become a common thing for you - you will learn not only out of necessity, but also out of desire. And now let's talk about this.

Free self-education

Free self-education does not pursue any specific goals and does not adhere to any specific time frame during which a person needs to learn something - it satisfies our curiosity and allows us to acquire knowledge, as they say, in reserve. With free self-education - we enjoy learning something new, we do not force ourselves to study - we want to learn, we want to understand a lot and know everything. This is how I understand this process, in which a person, one might say, learns for the sake of learning itself. The main thing here, I repeat, is to be curious. To strive for new knowledge. Just like children, who are interested in everything and want to know about everything - this is how a person should be. Unfortunately, for many adults, curiosity is, well, not completely discouraged, but at least driven somewhere very deep. Therefore, many adults have little interest in anything; they do not know how to enjoy acquiring new knowledge and skills. Only a few of them are not just ready, but want, really want to constantly learn. But I hope that after this article, people’s desire will become even stronger.

I believe, friends, that the primary thing is a person’s desire to learn, and then some kind of need for it. Although you and I understand perfectly well that our desires depend on the external environment, on our needs, on the conditions in which each of us finds ourselves. However, the difference between when you yourself want to learn something, just for the sake of interest, to expand your horizons or to improve your life, and when you are forced or forced to do it, is still significant. In one case, we understand why we want to educate ourselves, because we want it, and in the other, we learn something not so much for ourselves as for others. Unfortunately, most people are used to studying for someone or something - because they are taught to do so. For example, a person can imitate learning for the sake of a diploma and other waste paper, rather than actually learning for the sake of knowledge. Further, this habit of learning for the sake of someone, and not for oneself, forces people to look for an external, rather than internal, incentive to learn, to self-education. Let’s not now deal with why we are taught to study for someone else, I have already said this in part above, we’ll just conclude for ourselves that very few people engage in self-education of their own free will, and a much larger number of people do it out of necessity or otherwise speaking, under the influence of external factors. However, if a person teaches himself, he is undoubtedly engaged in self-education. And it will certainly benefit him.

Self-education is, first of all, openness to new knowledge, it is the desire to receive this new knowledge, it is the love of knowledge. This openness, this desire, is sorely lacking in many people. On the one hand, people are designed in such a way that they can do many things only under pressure, even if we are talking about something that is useful for themselves. And self-education definitely benefits anyone. But on the other hand, our education system also often discourages people from learning something on their own, because it is incorrect, I believe, to motivate learning, so many people learn something only through external incentives. Although there are exceptions, when people are taught in such a way that then they spend their entire lives happily learning something new. A person must be taught to strive for knowledge - this, I believe, is the most important task for education. Everyone is drawn to pleasure and entertainment, but few want and are able to learn and enjoy it. Therefore, if you instill in a person an interest in learning in childhood, then there is a high probability that he will study all his life, he will constantly educate himself, regardless of external conditions and incentives.


Do you need any motivation for free self-education? Undoubtedly. Only this should be predominantly internal motivation, so that a person does not force himself, wanting to learn something new, but does it with passion and dedication. What is behind motivation? Behind motivation are emotions, and behind them are either internal or, which is much more common, external factors. Something should excite, excite, catch, irritate a person. Often, difficulties in his life lead to a person’s self-education, and not curiosity or interest. But at the same time, engaging in self-education in order to solve his problems, a person can fall in love with this business, and subsequently study no longer out of necessity, but out of interest and for the sake of pleasure. So sometimes a hard life and various problems only benefit people. After all, when a person’s life is going very well, then of course he may have an interest in studying if he is a sufficiently curious and purposeful person, but most often in such cases people prefer not to strain themselves too much, either mentally or physically. And it’s a completely different matter when something in a person’s life is not going the way he would like, then he begins to ask questions and look for something that can help him - information, knowledge, people who can help him. teach. So internal motivation caused by unfavorable external factors is a very fertile ground for self-education.

What to study?

Knowledge is power. And thinking is the ability to use this power. This is my belief. In our time, when a lot of knowledge very quickly becomes outdated and even more knowledge is, let’s say, not of very high quality or downright harmful - a person without a well-developed thinking is like a ship without a captain - anyone can carry him along, anyone can knock him off course. to no avail, anyone can impose their point of view on him, mislead him, and so on. See for yourself how often many people make decisions that are harmful to them, which from the outside look quite stupid. But a lot of useful knowledge is available to people today - the Internet, libraries and even smart people who know a lot and can teach a lot - all this is around us. It would seem - take it and use it. But, unfortunately, not everyone can take advantage of this goodness. And not only because people don’t have time for this, time can be found, but because in the ocean of information you need to be able to navigate. Now, if earlier a lot of knowledge was inaccessible, so some people who knew a lot had an advantage over other people who had less knowledge, today those who succeed are those who know how to work with information. So thinking needs to be developed - it is this that will make you stronger and more adapted to the modern world.

Well, in connection with the above, I cannot help but offer you my service in the form of a program for developing thinking. Lately I have been paying a lot of attention to this issue, because I believe that in the future it is quality thinking that will be valued above all else. It’s not that thinking wasn’t important for humans before, it’s just that in the future it will become our only advantage over artificial intelligence systems, which are slowly beginning to displace us from many areas. Already today, some computer programs can completely replace people, and in the future the role of humans in solving various kinds of problems will decrease even more. But it’s not only this, it’s also about our own attitude towards ourselves. I think I will not be mistaken if I assume that most of you, dear readers, would like to think very well in order to quickly and effectively solve your daily tasks and cope with various problems that constantly arise in the life of every person. Therefore, smart people have always had an interest in thinking, and in particular in ways of its development. However, not the smart ones either. I understand all this and, as I have already said, I show great interest in thinking, in the ways of its development. And so I developed a special program and continue to develop and improve it, which allows you to develop thinking in a very interesting way - through the ability to pose questions and look for answers to them. On the one hand, it is not new, because Socrates at one time got to the bottom of the truth or refuted it with the help of well-posed questions, but on the other hand, I developed my program based on my own idea of ​​​​what questions and in what sequence a person should to ask himself in order to come to the knowledge, thoughts, decisions he needs, or to create new useful knowledge. So I have the right to say that my program for the development of thinking has no analogues today. As a matter of fact, if these analogues existed, then what would be the point of creating something similar. Being a parrot is unpleasant and often unprofitable.

And concluding the conversation about self-education, perhaps, I will say the most important thing - everyone should do this, always and in any available way. I believe that while we are learning something new, as in childhood, when we were interested in everything, when we were actively exploring the world around us, we, friends, live. It doesn’t matter how old you are, where you live, what you do, what interests you have - study, educate yourself, learn more new things, communicate with smart people from whom you can learn something and thus maintain in yourself the love for life that you have Our life is not so long that we would deny ourselves this great happiness.