Archangel Michael. Our Archangels: Who is God - Michael, the Power of God - Gabriel, the Help of God - Raphael, the Light of God - Uriel, Prayer to God - Salafiel, the Glory of God - Yehudiel, the Blessing of God - Barachiel - saint-modest.rf

The authorities cast out demons, the Beginnings send lightning, the Archangels teach.

Thanks to Hollywood, we are well aware of the demons of the army of the devil, and know very little about the army of God. Despite the fact that the angels of the Lord are much more powerful, stronger and very little like figurines of children with wings, looking at us from the counters with tenderness.

For example, seraphim - the closest angels to the Lord - are huge creatures with six wings the size of a multi-storey building, several faces and many eyes. And the prophet Daniel, who pacified the lions, even lost consciousness when he saw an angel in front of him! “His body is like a topaz, his face is like a kind of lightning. His eyes are like burning lamps, his hands and his feet are like shining brass.” Seeing such a guardian angel near him, he suddenly wants to sin - so that, God forbid, not to upset him! By the way, only five ranks of angels are allowed to be depicted in icon-painting canons.

The army of the Lord has a strict hierarchy. Nine ranks, divided into three faces: the upper (seraphim, cherubim and thrones), the middle (dominations, powers, authorities) and the lower (beginnings, archangels and angels). There is no sinful envy between them and the desire to “sit another”. Angelic ranks are different colors of a single picture of the great artist - the Creator. The chief apostle of languages, Paul, told about them to his disciple, Dionysius the Areopagite, who, on the basis of the stories, compiled the book “On the Heavenly Hierarchy”.


Seraphim means "fiery", "fiery". Of all the ranks of heaven, the Seraphim are the closest to God. They feel in all their strength and depth incomprehensible to us that God is Love - merciful, immeasurable, which humbled Himself for the sake of the human race to the cross and death. This love always leads the seraphim into sacred awe and horror, makes their whole being tremble. They cannot endure this great Love. They cover their faces with two wings, their legs with two wings, and fly with two, crying out in fear and trembling: “Holy, holy, holy, Lord of Hosts!” When the prophet Isaiah, seeing the Lord sitting on the throne surrounded by seraphim, began to lament: “Oh, I am a cursed man, with unclean lips,” one of the seraphim flew to him. “He has in his hand a burning coal, which he took with tongs from the altar, and touched my mouth and said: Behold, he will take away your iniquities and cleanse your sins.” Burning with love for God, they kindle the fire of this love in the hearts of people, inspiring them to preach. It is they who "burn the hearts of people with their words."


It was a cherub with a fiery sword that expelled Adam and Eve from paradise, who set out to rip off the veil that hides the secrets of Divine Wisdom. For the cherubim, God is the luminous Wisdom, in which it is at least dangerous to doubt, because their jealousy is so great. Cherubim incessantly delve into the Divine mind, sing of it in their songs, contemplate the Divine mysteries, penetrate them with trepidation. In the Old Testament, cherubim are depicted crouching over the Ark of the Covenant. Cherubim look with tenderness, fearfully at the Divine Wisdom, explore it, learn from it and, as it were, cover its secrets with their wings, keep them. They are extremely strict towards those who dare to penetrate the unknown mysteries of heaven, as if saying: “Be afraid to test with your mind what you have to believe!” Cherubim - "multi-eyed". From the incessant contemplation of the Divine Wisdom, they see and know everything perfectly and bring knowledge to people (from the word “know” - to know).


Has it ever been that a clap of thunder, or a flash of lightning, or the height of mountains, or the greatness of worship, made you want to fall on your knees or burst into tears, or simply soar into the sky? Such holy minutes are not without the influence of the Thrones.
No, of course, they are not like earthly thrones made of gold, silver or ivory. Heavenly Thrones - reasonable, living bearers of the greatness and glory of God! They feel, contemplate God as the King of Glory, who creates judgment and truth, "the Great, Strong and Terrible God." Thrones are not only filled with this majesty and glory, but they also make others feel it. As if pouring it into human hearts, filling us, mere mortals, with waves of greatness and glory. They seem to connect us to their mood. Yes, if the Thrones visited us more often, we would have fewer troubles. They would send us a feeling of the greatness of God and our own insignificance, we would not be so exalted, not knowing our own prices, almost considering ourselves a god. But alas, the glory of God in its entirety is available only to the Thrones.


If for the Seraphim God is Love, for the Cherubim it is Wisdom; for the Thrones - the King of Glory, then for the Dominions God is the Provider. Dominations contemplate God precisely as a Provider, they sing of His care for the world. They penetrate into the manifold cares of God, as He dresses "the clouds of heaven, prepares rain for the earth, grass and cereals vegetate on the mountains for the service of men." The Dominions marvel at how God, so great, embraces everyone and everything with His care; keeps and protects every blade of grass, every midge, the smallest grain of sand.
Contemplating God as the Provider - the Builder of the world, the Dominion and people are taught to organize themselves, they teach us to take care of the soul, to provide for it. They inspire a person to dominate his passions, over various sinful habits, to oppress the flesh, giving scope to the spirit. Dominions must be prayerfully invoked to help those who want to free themselves from any passion or habit, but cannot do this due to weakness of the will. Dionysius the Areopagite suggests praying to people who want to get rid of such weakness: “Holy Lords, strengthen my weak will in the fight against sin, let me rule over my passions!”. “And, believe me, such a prayerful invocation will not remain fruitless,” Dionysius writes further. “Now help and strength will be sent to you from the host of Dominions.”


For the Forces, God is the Miracle Worker. “You are God, work miracles” - this is what constitutes the subject of their constant praise and glorification. Remember, when we are witnesses of some obvious miracle of God, for example, the sight of a blind man, the restoration of a hopelessly ill person, then we come to indescribable delight and tenderness. And it is given to the Forces to see such miracles that our mind cannot even imagine. They can delve into the very depths of these miracles, their highest goal is revealed to them.


Like red-hot iron, the Authorities are imbued with the fire of God's omnipotence and become its bearers. The authorities are unbearable for the devil and put his hordes to flight. Therefore, it is important for those demon-possessed and those who have despondency to pray daily: “Holy authorities, with the power given to you by God, drive away from the servant of God (name) or the servant of God (name) the demon who torments him (or her)!”. Called upon in simplicity of heart, the Authorities will come to the rescue, and the demon-possessed will feel lightness in his soul.


“I saw four angels standing on the four sides of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth,” testifies St. John in Revelations. “It is given to them to harm the land and the sea.” Lightning often strikes blasphemers, hail breaks one field, not another. Who gives the unreasonable element a reasonable direction? Started. They are peoples towards the highest good goals, which the Lord Himself indicates and predetermines. They raise, as much as they can, those who willingly obey them, to God, as to their Beginning.


These are heavenly teachers. They teach people how to arrange their lives in accordance with the will of God. Different paths of life are before man: there is the path of monasticism, the path of marriage, and there are various kinds of service. What to choose? Here the archangels come to the aid of man. To them the Lord reveals His will concerning man. Archangels know what awaits a person on this or that path of life. They deviate from one path, and direct a person to another, teach them to choose the right path. Whoever has broken his life, hesitates, you need to call on the help of the archangels: “Archangels of God, determined by God Himself to teach us, admonish, teach me which path to choose, I’ll go stink, but please my God!”

According to the teaching of the Orthodox Church, there are seven Archangels.

Archangel Michael (Who is God?)

(Hebrew מיכאל‎, Michael - “Who is like God”; Greek Αρχάγγελος Μιχαήλ) is the main archangel, who is one of the most revered biblical characters.

For fidelity, he was appointed by God as an official over all the ranks of holy angels. Therefore, it is depicted in a warlike form, with a spear or a flaming sword in his hand, having a defeated spirit of malice under his feet. The white banner adorning the top of his spear means the purity and fidelity of the angels to the King of Heaven. The cross, with which the spear ends, makes it clear that the battle with the kingdom of darkness and victory over it is done in the name of the Cross of Christ, is done through patience, humility and self-sacrifice.

Michael's name is mentioned several times at the end of the Book of Daniel:

  • “But the prince of the kingdom of Persia stood against me for twenty-one days; but behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, and I stayed there with the kings of Persia” (Dan. 10:13).
  • “However, I will tell you what is written in the true scripture; and there is no one to support me in this but Michael your prince” (Dan. 10:21).
  • And also in the prophecy about the Last Judgment and the role of Archangel Michael in it:
    “And at that time Michael will rise, the great prince, who stands for the sons of your people; and a time of trouble will come, such as has not happened since the existence of people, until now; but at that time all of your people will be saved who are found written in the book.
    (Dan. 12:1)
  • Christian tradition also identifies the following references to unnamed angels with the actions of Archangel Michael:
  • appearance to Balaam: “and the angel of the Lord stood in the way to hinder him” (Numbers 22:22);
  • appearance to Joshua: “and behold, a man stood before him, and a naked sword was in his hand,” and further on he is called the Leader of the host of the Lord (Josh. 5:13-15);
  • the destruction of 185 thousand soldiers of the Assyrian king Sennacherib (2 Kings 19:35);
  • salvation of the three youths in the fiery furnace: “Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who sent his angel and delivered his servants” (Dan. 3:95).

Archangel Gabriel (Fortress of God)

(heb. גבריאל‎ - the power of God) Mentioned in the following biblical books: Dan. 8:16, 9:21 and Luke. 1:19, 1:26.

Sometimes he is depicted with a paradise branch in his hands, which he brought to the Virgin Mary on the day of the Annunciation, and sometimes with a lantern, inside of which a candle burns, and with a mirror (mirror) from a jasper, as a messenger of God's fate about the salvation of mankind.

In the Bible it is called an angel, but in the tradition of the Christian church it acts as an archangel - one of the highest angels. In the Old and New Testaments, he appears as a bearer of joyful gospels. He announces to the priest Zechariah in the temple, while offering incense, the birth of John the Baptist, the Virgin Mary in Nazareth - the birth of Jesus Christ. It is considered the guardian angel of the chosen people. Kabbalists consider him the teacher of Patriarch Joseph. According to the teachings of Muslims, the Prophet Muhammad received his revelations from him. It is depicted on icons with a candle and a jasper mirror as a sign that the ways of God are not clear until the time, but are comprehended over time by studying the word of God and obedience to the voice of conscience.

Archangel Gabriel is commemorated in the Orthodox Church on March 26 and July 13 (according to the Julian calendar).

Archangel Raphael ("God's help and healing")

(ancient Hebrew רפאל‎, Rephael - “the Lord healed”). Mentioned in the book of Tobit (3:16; 12:12-15).

Physician of human ailments. He holds a vessel with medicine in his left hand, and a pod in his right hand, that is, a clipped bird feather for anointing wounds.

Archangel Barahiel ("Praise of God")

Not mentioned in the Bible, known only from the "revelation" of Amadeus of Portugal.

The Holy Archangel Barachiel, the distributor of God's blessings and intercessor, asking us for God's good deeds: is depicted as carrying white roses on his chest on his clothes, as if rewarding, at the command of God, for the prayers, labors and moral behavior of people and foreshadowing bliss and endless peace in the Kingdom of Heaven. White roses are a symbol of God's blessing.

Archangel Salafiel ("servant of prayer")

(ancient Hebrew שאלתיאל‎ - “prayer to God”). Mentioned only in the apocryphal 3rd Book of Ezra (3 Ezra 5:16).

A prayer book that encourages people to pray. He is depicted with his face and eyes bowed down, and his hands pressed with a cross on his chest, as if tenderly praying.

Archangel Yehudiel (Praise God)

This name is known only from the "revelation" of Amadeus of Portugal, his name is not mentioned in the canonical texts.

Depicted holding a golden crown in his right hand as a reward from God for useful writings holy people, and in the left hand - a scourge as a punishment for sinners for laziness.

Archangel Uriel ("the light of God, or God is the light")

(ancient Hebrew אוּרִיאֵל‎ - “the light of God, or God is light”). Mentioned in the apocryphal 3rd book of Ezra (3 Ezra 4:1; 5:20).

According to the apocrypha - the Third book of Ezra, the archangel Uriel was appointed by God to guard Paradise after the fall and exile of Adam. According to Orthodox theologians, Uriel, being the radiance of divine fire, is the enlightener of the darkened, the unbelievers and the ignorant, and the very name of the archangel, corresponding to his special ministry, means "Fire of God" or "Light of God."

According to the icon-painting canon, Uriel "is depicted holding a naked sword in his right hand against his chest, and a fiery flame in his left."

Archangel Jeremiel ("Height of God")

Mentioned only in the Third Book of Ezra (3 Ezra 4:36.).

The Biblical Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nikifor reports the following about him:

In the 3rd book of Ezra (4:36) the Archangel Jeremiel (the height of God) is also mentioned. He was present at the first conversation of the Archangel Uriel with the priest Ezra and answered the latter's question about the signs preceding the end of the sinful world, and about the beginning of the eternal kingdom of the righteous.

Based on the meaning of the name (Jeremiel - “Height of God”), theologians believe that he is sent from God to man in order to promote the exaltation and return of man to God. He is depicted holding a scale in his right hand.


According to St. John Chrysostom, "the whole air is filled with angels." They are so close to us that they surround us everywhere, they look at us from everywhere and "come before the priest during the performance of the terrible Sacrifice." You can recognize the presence of a Guardian Angel by your inner mood. When your soul is light, your heart is light, quiet, peaceful, when your mind is occupied with contemplation of God, when you repent, you are touched, then, therefore, the Angel is near.

Why can't an angel appear in a visible way? In order not to frighten, not to confuse us with his appearance, for he knows how cowardly, timid and timid we are in front of everything mysterious. An angel once appeared to the prophet Daniel in a visible way and he told what happened to him at the same time. “On the twenty-fourth day of the first month,” says the prophet, “I was on the banks of the great river Tigris, and lifted up my eyes, and saw: behold, a man clothed in linen, and his loins were girded with gold. His body is like a topaz, his face is like a kind of lightning; his eyes are like burning lamps, his hands and feet are like shining bronze, and the voice of his speech is like the voice of a multitude. And I looked at this great vision, but there was no fortress left in me ... And I heard the voice of his words; in a daze I fell on my face and lay with my face to the ground, and became dumb, my insides turned in me, and there was no strength in me, and my breath stopped in me. Daniel, who embarrassed the lions and had strength higher than human, could not bear the presence of the celestial and fell down lifeless. The angel needed to encourage the prophet so that he would not die of fear.

Archangels are called great evangelizers, announcing the great and glorious. Archangels reveal prophecies, knowledge and understanding of the will of God, strengthen the holy faith in people, enlightening their minds with the light of knowledge of the Holy Gospel, and reveal the sacraments of pious faith. The names of the Archangels are known from the Holy Scriptures. Each of them has a special ministry. Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Selaphiel, Yehudiel, Barahiel, Jeremiel.

Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael (who is like God) is the leader of the heavenly host.

They say that Satan takes great credit for making the painters NOT DESIGN themselves defeated under the feet of the Patron of the human race. On this drawing under the feet of the Archangel Michael is the defeated devil.

Dan. 10, 13; 12, 1.
Jude. Art. nine.
open 12:7-8.

"Michael, one of the first princes, came to help me." (Dan. 10:13)

Oh, the great Archangel of God, Archangel Michael, the conqueror of demons! Defeat and crush all my enemies, visible and invisible, and pray to the Lord Almighty, may the Lord save and save me from all sorrows and from all illnesses, from mortal ulcers and vain (sudden) death.

Holy Archangel of God Michael! Drive away from me with your lightning sword the spirit of the evil, sad, tempting me, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

When Satan rebelled against God, saying "I will exalt my throne above the stars of God... I will be like the Most High" (Is. 14:13-14), then the Archangel of God Michael opposed him, answering: "Who is like God? No one is like God!" . And then the whole angelic world was divided.

"And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought against them, but did not stand ... And the great dragon, the ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole universe, was cast down to the earth, and his angels were cast down with him, and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ, because the slanderer is cast down." (Rev. 12; 7-10).

Since then, God has blessed this zealous Archangel to participate in spiritual battles as the Archangel of the incorporeal forces and called him Michael, which in translation means Who is God. Who is equal to God.

The book "A Guide to Painting Icons of Saints" says that the holy Archangel Michael "is depicted trampling (trampling underfoot) Lucifer and, like a conqueror, holding a green date branch in his left hand on his chest, and in his right hand a spear, on top of which white banner, with the image of a red cross, in commemoration of the victory of the Cross over the devil. (Academician V.D. Fartusov, Moscow, Synod. Type, 1910, p. 226).

Russian Chrysostom, Archbishop Innocent of Kherson wrote as an edification: “He was the first to rebel against Lucifer (Satan), when he rebelled against the Almighty. It is known how this war ended - the overthrow of the morning star (Satan) from heaven. for the glory of the Creator and Lord of all, for the salvation of the human race, for the Church and her children.

... Therefore, for those who are adorned with the name of the first of the Archangels, it is most fitting to be distinguished by zeal for the glory of God, fidelity to the King of Heaven and the kings of the earth, the constant war against vice and wickedness, constant humility and selflessness "(Seven Archangels of God, M., 1996, p. .5-6).

Commemoration of the Holy Archangel Michael church calendar takes place on November 8 (O.S.) and September 6 (O.S.).

Holy Archangel Michael, help me defeat enemies, visible and invisible, and adversaries who fight against my soul and body. And pray to God for me a sinner. Amen.

Archangel Gabriel.

Archangel Gabriel (from Hebrew - the husband of God). One of the highest angels, in the Old and New Testaments, appears as a bearer of joyful gospels. He announces to the priest Zechariah in the temple, while offering incense, the birth of John the Baptist, the Ever-Virgin in Nazareth - the birth of the Savior of the world. According to the Bible, he is considered the guardian angel of the chosen people. Kabbalists consider him the teacher of Patriarch Joseph; according to the teachings of the Mohammedans - from him Mohammed received his revelations and was carried away to Heaven by him. It is depicted on icons with candles and a jasper mirror as a sign that the ways of God are not clear until the time, but are comprehended through time by studying the word of God and obedience to the voice of conscience.

Mentioned in canon books:
Dan. 8, 16 and 9, 21;
OK. 1, 9 and 26.

"The Archangel Gabriel was sent from God." (Luke 1:26)

Oh, the great Archangel of God Gabriel! You announced to the Most Pure Virgin Mary the conception of the Son of God. Raise to me, a sinner, the terrible day of my death, and pray to the Lord God for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive my sins, and the devils will not keep me in tollhouses for my sins.

Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, bringing unspeakable joy from Heaven to the Blessed Virgin Mary! Fill my heart, grieved with pride, with joy and joy, and save me from all troubles and serious illness, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

When the holy prophet Daniel received from God a prophetic vision of future fate world, and wondered what it means, then he heard the voice of God: "Gabriel! Explain this vision to him!" (Dan. 8:16). Another time, as the prophet says: "Gabriel .., having quickly arrived, touched me ... and admonished me ... and said:" Daniel! Now I have come out to teach you understanding." (Dan. 9; 21-22).

And indeed, the holy herald of the mysteries of God explained everything to the prophet Daniel and, enlightening him, gave the understanding of seventy weeks, after which the Savior of the world was to be born.

Later, the holy Archangel Gabriel was sent by God to announce to Zacharias the birth of John the Baptist, and to the Blessed Virgin Mary to predict the birth of the Savior from Her (Luke 1:5-38). “This same Archangel, according to God-wise men, was sent to strengthen the Savior in the Garden of Gethsemane and to proclaim to the Mother of God Her all-honorable Assumption. Therefore, the Church calls him a minister of miracles,” writes St. Innocent, Archbishop of Kherson (cited essay, p. 7 ).

The Holy Archangel Gabriel, as explained in the "Guide to the Painting of Icons", "is depicted holding a lantern with a candle lit inside in his right hand, and a stone mirror in his left." (Fartusov, p. 226). This mirror of green jasper (jasper) with black and white spots on it, illuminated by the light of truth, reflects the good and bad deeds of the peoples, proclaims to people the mysteries of God's economy, the salvation of mankind.

The name Gabriel, received by the Archangel from God, means in Russian the Fortress of God or the Power of God.

Holy Archangel Gabriel, bring joy to me and the salvation of my soul. And pray to God for me a sinner. Amen.

Archangel Uriel.

Archangel Uriel (fire of God).

3 Ezd. 4, 1; 5, 20.

"Archangel Uriel commanded me." (3 Ezra. 5:20).

Oh, the great Archangel of God Uriel! You are the radiance of the Divine fire and the illuminator of those darkened by sins, enlighten my mind, my heart and my will with the power of the Holy Spirit, and guide me on the path of repentance, and implore the Lord God, may the Lord deliver me from the hell of the underworld and from all enemies visible and invisible.

Holy Archangel of God Uriel, illumined by the light of God and abundantly filled with fire and fiery hot love! Throw a spark of this fiery fire into my cold heart, illuminate my dark soul with your light, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

The name of this Archangel of God is known thanks to the third book of Ezra, the last book of the Old Testament.

The Holy Archangel Uriel was sent by God to the pious and learned priest Ezra, who lived in the 5th century BC, to give him an answer about the signs and time of the end of this world.

“I am allowed to tell you about these signs, and if you pray again and weep, as now, and fast for seven days, you will hear even more of this.” (3 Ezra 5;13) - The holy messenger of God Uriel spoke to Ezra. So, after each nightly conversation, the Archangel reminded the priest: "Pray unceasingly to the Almighty, and I will come and speak with you." (3 Ezra 9:25).

And the Lord spoke to Ezra through His heavenly messenger: “The more you experience, the more you will be surprised, because this age is quickly hastening to its end and cannot contain what is promised to the righteous in future times, because this age is filled with unrighteousness and infirmities. ." (3 Ezra. 4:25).

According to the Tradition of the Orthodox Church, the holy Archangel Uriel was appointed by God to guard Paradise after the fall and exile of Adam. According to the teachings of the Holy Fathers, Archangel Uriel, being the radiance of the Divine Fire, is the enlightener of the darkened, unbelievers and ignoramuses. And the very name of the Archangel, corresponding to his special service, means the Fire of God or the Light of God.

According to the iconographic canon of the Orthodox Church, the holy Archangel named the Fire of God "is depicted holding a naked sword in his right hand against his chest, and a fiery flame in his left." (Fartusov, p. 226).

“As an Angel of light, he enlightens the minds of people with the revelation of truths that are useful to them; as an Angel of Divine Fire, he kindles hearts with love for God and destroys unclean earthly attachments in them,” explains Vladyka Innokenty, Archimandrite of Kherson. (Cit. Op., p. 10).

Holy Archangel Uriel, enlighten my darkened mind and defiled by my passions. And pray to God for me a sinner.

Archangel Raphael.

Archangel Raphael (God's help).

Mentioned in a non-canonical book:
Tov. 3, 16; 12, 12-15.

"Raphael was sent to heal." (Tov. 3;16)

O great Archangel of God Raphael, received a gift from God to heal ailments! Heal the incurable ulcers of my heart and many diseases of my body.

Holy Archangel of God Raphael! You are a guide, a doctor and a healer, guide me to salvation, and heal all my mental and physical illnesses, and lead me to the Throne of God, and implore His goodness for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive me and save me from all my enemies and from evil people, otnyh and up to the century. Amen.

The Bible contains a beautiful life story of a godly family. This is the book of Tobiah, which is especially edifying. Here we see the invisible service of the angels of God to us.

Tobit, the father of Tobiah, and the bride of Tobiah were seriously ill. And the Lord sent the holy Archangel Raphael for healing. When Tobit, miraculously clear, wanted to give the stranger half of his estate in gratitude, Raphael told them: “now God has sent me to heal you and your daughter-in-law ... I am Raphael, one of the seven holy angels who lift up the prayers of the saints and rise before the glory of the Holy One ... Bless God forever. For I came not of my own free will, but of the will of our God; therefore bless Him forever." (Tov. 12:14-18).

"Very instructive are the words spoken by this Archangel when he was separated from Tobit's family. "A good deed is prayer with fasting and almsgiving and justice, for almsgiving delivers from death and can cleanse every sin ... your charity was not hidden from me, but I was with you" (Comrade 12; 8-9; 13). Therefore, whoever wants to be worthy of the heavenly help of Raphael, first of all, he himself needs to be merciful to those in need. - Instructs Archbishop Innokenty of Kherson (Cit. Op., p. 9).

Raphael in Aramaic means Healing of God or Healing of God.

The "Guide to the Painting of Icons" briefly explains that: "The Holy Archangel Raphael, the doctor of human ailments: is depicted holding a vessel (alavaster) with medical agents (medicine) in his left hand, and a pod in his right hand, that is, a clipped bird feather for anointing wound." (Fartusov, p. 226).

Holy Archangel Raphael, heal my ailments, both spiritual and physical passions. And pray to God for me a sinner. Amen.

Archangel Selaphiel.

Archangel Salafiel (prayer to God).

Mentioned in a non-canonical book:
3 Ezd. 5, 16.

"An angel of God called from heaven." (Gen. 21:17).

O great Archangel of God Salafiel, who gives prayer to those who pray! Teach me to pray with a fiery, humble, contrite, heartfelt, concentrated and tender prayer.

Holy Archangel of God Salafiel! You pray to God for the believers, pray to His goodness for me, a sinner, may the Lord deliver me from all troubles and sorrows, and from illnesses, and from vain death, and from eternal torment, may the Lord grant me the Kingdom of Heaven with all the Saints, in ages of ages. Amen.

The Holy Archangel Salafiel, whose name in Aramaic means the Angel of Prayer, Prayer to God, or the Prayer Book of God, according to the Orthodox Church, appeared to Hagar in the desert when Abraham sent her with her son to Egypt, to their homeland. "She went and got lost in the wilderness ... there was no water ... and she left the lad under one bush and went ... For she said: I do not want to see the death of the lad. And she ... raised a cry and wept, and God heard the voice of the lad ... and the Angel of God from heaven called to Hagar, and said to her, "What is the matter with you, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God heard the voice of the lad from where he is; rise, lift up the lad and take his hand ... And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water alive, and went and filled the bottle with water and gave the lad to drink. (Gen. 21:14-19).

“And so the Lord gave us a whole face of prayer angels, with their leader Salafiel,” writes Vladyka Innokenty of Kherson, “so that with the pure breath of their mouths they warm our cold hearts to prayer, to instruct us when and how to pray, to offer up our very offerings to the throne of grace. When you see, brethren, on the icon of the Archangel, standing in a position of prayer, with his eyes lowered down, with his hands applied with reverence to his Persians (to his chest), then know that this is Salafiel. (Cit. Op., pp. 11-12).

The book "Guidelines for the Painting of Icons" says: "The Holy Archangel Salafiel, a prayer book, always praying to God for people and arousing people to prayer. He is depicted with his face and eyes bowed (lowered) down, and his hands pressed (folded) in a cross on chest, as if tenderly praying." (Farusov, pp. 226-227).

Holy Archangel Salafiel, excite me day and night to the Divine doxology. And pray to God for me a sinner. Amen.

Archangel Yehudiel.

Archangel Yehudiel (Praise God).

"He will command his angels about you - to guard you in all your ways." (Ps. 90:11).

Oh, the great Archangel of God Jehudiel, zealous defender of the glory of God! You excite me to glorify the Holy Trinity, awaken me lazy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and implore the Lord Almighty to create a pure heart in me, and renew the spirit of rights in my womb, and with the Master’s spirit will confirm me to worship God in spirit and in truth.

Holy Archangel of God Yehudiel, ever-present companion and intercessor of all those who strive on the path of Christ! Wake me up from the heavy sleep of sinful laziness, and enlighten me and strengthen me with a good feat, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

According to the sacred tradition of the Orthodox Church, God sent the Archangel Jehudiel to precede the people who profess the one true God in conquering the land of the pagan peoples.

Moses, after forty days of fasting and prayers, ascended Mount Sinai, where God gave him the Law, which the entire Old Testament Church had to observe. And Moses conveyed to the people of God the words spoken by the Lord: “Behold, I am sending my angel before you to keep you on the way and lead you to the place that I have prepared for you; watch yourself before Him and listen to His voice; do not be stubborn against Him, because he will not forgive your sin, for my name is in him." (Ex. 23; 20-21).

Then God revealed to people that not only every person, but even a people, needs the constant help of the Angels of God on the way to the place that "God has prepared for those who love Him." (1 Cor. 2; 9).

The name of the Holy Archangel Jehudiel translated into Russian is the Glorifier of God or the Praise of God, because he really, as the inscription on the fresco of the Cathedral of the Annunciation says, "has the ministry of approving people who work in honor or, for the glory of God, ask for retribution."

As explained in the "Guide to the Painting of Icons", the Archangel of God Yehudiel "is depicted holding a golden crown in his right hand, as a reward from God for useful and pious works to holy people, and in his left hand a scourge of three black ropes with three ends, as a punishment for sinners for laziness to pious labors." (Fartusov, p. 227).

“Each of us, from young to old, is obliged to live and work for the glory of God,” writes Archbishop Innokenty of Kherson. “The greater the feat, the higher and brighter the reward. In the right hand of the Archangel is not just a crown: it is a reward for every Christian working in the glory of God." (Op. cit., p. 13).

Holy Archangel Jehudiel, confirm me for every work and work. And pray to God for me a sinner. Amen.

Archangel Varahiel.

Archangel Varahiel (God's blessing).

This name is known only by tradition. It is not found in the Bible and the Gospel.

"My angel is with you, and he is the protector of your souls." (Jer. 6).

O great Archangel of God Barahiel, coming to the Throne of God and from the Throne bringing blessing to the house of God's servants! Ask the Lord God for mercy and blessings, may the Lord bless from Zion and from His holy mountain, and multiply the abundance of the fruits of the earth, and give us health and salvation, victory and overcoming enemies, and save us for many years.

Holy Archangel Varahiel, bringing blessing from the Lord to us! Bless me to lay the foundation for a good correction of my negligent life, so that I will please the Lord my Savior in everything, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Barahiel - Blessing of God.

The book "Guide to the Painting of Icons" says the following about him: "The Holy Archangel Barahiel, the distributor of God's blessings and intercessor, asking for God's favors for us: is depicted as carrying white roses on his chest on his clothes, as if rewarding, at the command of God, for prayers, labors and moral behavior of people and heralding bliss and endless peace in the Kingdom of Heaven. (Fartusov, p. 227). These white roses mean the blessing of God. What could be purer and more fragrant than white roses, from which rose oil is extracted? So the Lord, through His Archangel Varahiel, sends His blessing from the depths of his clothes for prayers and labors to people.

“Inasmuch as the blessings of God are different,” writes St. Innocent of Kherson, “then the ministry of this Angel is diverse: through him the blessing of God is sent to every deed, to every good worldly occupation.” (Cit. cit., p. 14).

Holy Archangel Barahiel, intercede for me mercy from the Lord. And pray to God for me a sinner. Amen.

Archangel Jeremiel.

Archangel Jeremiel (the height of God).

Mentioned in a non-canonical book:
3 Ezd. 4, 36.

“To this Jeremiel the Archangel answered me” (3 Ezra 4:36)

“In the III book of Ezra (4; 36) the Archangel Jeremiel (the height of God) is also mentioned,” writes Archimandrite Nicephorus in the “Biblical Encyclopedia” (M., 1891, p. 63). He was present at the first conversation of the Archangel Uriel with the priest Ezra and answered the latter's question about the signs preceding the end of the sinful world, and about the beginning of the eternal kingdom of the righteous.

“How and when will it be? - asked the righteous Ezra. - Jeremiah the Archangel answered me: “when the number of seeds in you is fulfilled, for the Almighty weighed this age on the scales, and measured the times by measure, and numbered the hours, and will not move (push back) and will not speed up (shorten) until then, until a certain measure is fulfilled” (3 Ezra 4;33:36-37)”. In other words, this temporary world will cease to exist when the number of holy righteous from among people reaches the number of angels who have fallen away from God.

Ezra asked the holy Archangel Jeremiel: “Show me: whoever has to come is more than what will be ?!” (3 Ezra 4:45). With the help of two synonyms - smoke and rain - the Heavenly messenger revealed to the priest that two of the three parts of the time that God had given to this world had already passed, from its creation to its death, and that a third part remained. Recall that Ezra lived at the end of the fifth millennium from the beginning of the universe (or from the creation of Adam), which corresponds to the 5th century BC.

Then the righteous Ezra asked Jeremiel: “Do you think that I will live to see these days? And what will happen these days? To this he answered and said: “I can partly tell you about the signs that you ask me about, but about your life I was not sent to speak with you” (3 Ezra 4:51-52). And the Archangel of God told Ezra about many events that should happen before the end of the world, calling them signs. For a person who knows how to understand the meaning of unfolding phenomena, they will indicate the nearness of the end of this world.

The name of the holy Archangel Jeremiel means in Russian the Height of God or the Elevation of God. He is sent from above from God to man in order to promote the exaltation, the return of man to God. The Archangel of God not only opens up the gloomy perspective of the sinful world, they say, the farther the worse, but also helps to see in the dying world the holy grains of eternal life. (see John 12:24).

Interviewed by Tofiliy Dymny

Legends about the role of the personality of Peter I in the economic development of Arkhangelsk, as a rule, have nothing to do with reality

Instead of studying history, we often rape it for the sake of stereotypes. As in the Soviet years, Russian schoolchildren give mythologized assessments of the role of historical figures.

In the last issue of the newspaper we published an article "Petrovsky or Lomonosovsky?"(No. 6 (15) dated April 12 of this year). Calls to the editor were, as they say, more than enough. Citizens expressed different opinions, sometimes opposite and categorical. But everyone wanted to know the truth about the attitude of Peter the Great towards Arkhangelsk, and today a well-known northern local historian, publicist, member of the Presidium of the Arkhangelsk Regional All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical Monuments and Ivan Moseev.

- Now all official Russian historians claim that Arkhangelsk is not the birthplace of the Russian fleet, because Peter I created the first fleet not in Arkhangelsk, but in Voronezh. Is it so?

– Today, the myth that it was Peter who built the first Russian shipyards and ships has been brought to the point of absurdity. Arkhangelsk, as the recognized homeland of the domestic navy, in the history of Russia is no more! All of Russia considers Pereslavl-Zalessky to be the birthplace of the fleet. The layman blindly believes the official historical myths and does not think about the fact that in Arkhangelsk, long before Peter built the first ships in Voronezh, there were already shipyards and, of course, a huge fleet of fishing and merchant Pomeranian ships at that time. Peter could not have created his own fleet without Arkhangelsk and the Pomors. It was impossible to recruit experienced and shipbuilders from the landowning peasants of central and southern Russia. Therefore, having no sea experience of the Pomors, Peter I would have been swimming in his amusing ponds for many years to come.

Shipyard of Arkhangelsk during the years of Peter I

“But the role of the tsar in the history of our region is difficult to overestimate. Or have we been misled here?

- Many Arkhangelsk residents who fell under the influence of the mythology of Peter I are sure that it was with him that the rapid flowering of Arkhangelsk began. But this profound delusion. Do the inhabitants of Arkhangelsk know that even the Solombala State Shipyard was founded not by Peter I at all, but in 1581? And in 1602, Tsar Boris Godunov built sea ships at this shipyard. So the shipyard in Solombala worked long before Peter's arrival in Arkhangelsk. Peter simply used a ready-made Pomor resource and at the same time killed many people. The consequences of his reforms were especially hard on Arkhangelsk.

Construction of ships in Arkhangelsk. Early 18th century

– What decrees of Peter the Great hit Arkhangelsk especially hard?

- According to the decrees of Peter I in 1719 and 1724. The free Pomeranian black-mossed peasantry was deprived of its freedoms, granted by Ivan the Terrible, and transferred to the category of state peasants. By his decrees, Peter forbade the Pomors to build traditional marine fishing vessels and demanded that ships be built in the manner of foreign ones. Many of these European vessels were not adapted for navigation in our northern seas. This also undermined the marine industries. In addition, not everyone could afford to build European hookers and schooners.

- And what happened to the Pomeranian crafts in this case?

– Peter handed them over to his profitmakers and monopoly companies. This meant that the indigenous Pomors were forbidden to fish and kill sea animals, which caused famine in Pomorie during lean years. In the middle of the XVIII century, the peasants of the Kovskaya volost wrote:

“For lack of salmon crafts we have ... we are not able to pay per capita money, and at the extreme we have come to despair and we are suffering a great famine, we eat for ourselves ... rotten wood and white moss”.

- Everyone knows that there has never been in Pomorie. How did Peter feel about this fact?

- Peter did not stand on ceremony with people, he was of little interest that Pomors were not serfs. If he needed slaves, he simply turned his subjects into them. In 1712, Peter I took 500 Pomors to serve in the Navy, in 1713 - 550, in 1715 - 2000. Moreover, he took the best, young workers, dooming their families to a starvation, ruin and poverty. Thousands of families then lost their breadwinners. In a nominal decree to the Arkhangelsk governor dated October 9, 1714, Peter I writes:

“In the Sumy jail, on the Mezen and in other places where there are the best workers who go to the sea for fishing and animal trade on kochs, recruit 500 sailors, and so that they are not old, not crippled, namely, that they should not be over 30 years old".

Cruelty and contempt for the subjects, mockery of the traditional culture of the indigenous people were an integral feature of Peter I.

– Is it true that Peter I did not consider the Nenets reindeer herders to be people at all and treated them literally like animals?

- Here is what the “enlightened autocrat” wrote with his own hand to the Arkhangelsk vice-governor P.E. Lodyzhensky on January 11, 1717:

"Mr Lieutenant Governor. Upon receipt of this decree, look for two people of Samoyeds (i.e. Nenets) young guys who would be a bad face and funny, from 15 to 18 years old, in their dress and attire, as they walk in their usual way, who must be sent as a gift Granduca florensis. And as soon as you find them, then immediately give them to the one who announces our letter to you. Peter".

The fact that the Nenets are not animals, but people, did not bother Peter I at all. But this cannot but excite the modern inhabitants of Arkhangelsk. After all, honoring Peter I in Arkhangelsk is insulting both for the Pomors and for the inhabitants of the Nenets autonomous region, with which Arkhangelsk is establishing relations.

– Why is the image of Peter still popular in Arkhangelsk?

The film "Peter and Peter" is just a few answers to hundreds of questions about the real deeds of the one who today is called Peter the Great. This is an attempt to raise the most necessary questions and search for truthful answers to them, and not the stupidity and obvious lies that our historians and politicians give. The film is based on the materials of Academician N.V. Levashova, E.T. Byda and some other authors...

The names of the Archangels are known from the Holy Scriptures. Their names also appear in the full name of today's holiday. Many of us have a question: what is the ministry of each of the Archangels and whether it differs from one to another. Let's try to answer at least partially.


Above all nine Angelic ranks, the Lord placed the Archangel Michael, whose name from the Hebrew language means - who is like God.
The veneration of the Holy Archangel Michael in the Orthodox Church dates back to the most ancient times. According to the meaning of the word, Michael is an Angel possessing extraordinary, unparalleled spiritual strength. The Holy Church presents a majestic historical picture of the divinely luminous deeds of the Archangel of the Saints Heavenly Forces incorporeal, everywhere depicting him as the first in the rank of the mountain hosts, an agent and a fighter for the glory of God and for the salvation of the human race.
The first battle-bearing feat was accomplished by the holy Archangel Michael in heaven. Satan, once the brightest of all the spirits of heaven, rose up against God, took it into his head to humiliate the glory of the Lord, made the first apostasy in the whole universe and dragged along with him many other spirits. Then the holy Archangel Michael, as a faithful servant of God, having gathered all the angelic ranks and hosts, who were not carried away by the pernicious example of satanic exaltation, loudly called out: “Let us become good before the Creator of us; and do not think contrary to God. And standing in the first place in the host of incorporeal spirits, he began to sing a solemn song: “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts!” (Thu.Min. November 8th). Following this, the spirits of malice were cast out from heaven.
The Revelation of St. John the Theologian tells of the battle in heaven: And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought against them, but they did not stand, and there was no longer a place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast out to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."(Apoc. 12, 7-9).
But as a consolation, believers are given to see in Revelation that this primordial struggle with the enemy of our salvation will end in the perfect victory of the Lamb (Rev. 19 and 20), and that in the struggle with the serpent we have the highest defenders and patrons, headed by the holy Archangel Michael.
When on earth the fate of God was revealed in a special way over the chosen people of the Jews, then the Church points to the holy Archangel Michael as the guardian, champion and defender of the people of God.
In the prophet Daniel, Archangel Michael also appears as a special protector and patron of the Jewish people, always standing up for the defense of the Church from all her enemies (Dan. 10, 13, 21; 12, 1).
The Church in its hymns and prayers calls the Archangel Michael ethereal angels the first, the clerk and champion, and the angels the chief leader, among the regiments of the angelic elders, the celestial ranks mentor(service 8 (21) November).
Therefore, the Archangel Michael is depicted in a militant form, with a spear and a sword in his hand, having a dragon under his feet, that is, the spirit of malice. The white banner that adorns the top of his spear means the unchanging purity and unwavering loyalty of the Angels to the King of Heaven, and the cross with which the spear ends makes it clear that the battle with the kingdom of darkness and victory over it by the Archangels themselves is done in the name of the Cross of Christ, done through patience, humility and self-denial.
The Apostolic Scripture tells that the Archangel Michael argued with the devil about "the body of Moses" (Jude 9), and served as his burial, but the devil opposed it. Archangel Michael, the guardian of the Jewish people, contrary to the evil desire of the devil, hid the grave of the prophet Moses, so that the Jews, prone to idolatry, could not worship him as God.
The archangel of the power of the Lord, the Archangel Michael, appeared to Joshua at the capture of Jericho: “ Jesus, being near Jericho, looked, and sees, and behold, a man stands before him, and in his hand is a drawn sword. Jesus went up to him and said to him: Are you ours, or one of our enemies? He said no; I am the captain of the host of the Lord, now I have come hither. Jesus fell on his face to the ground, and bowed down and said to him, What will my master say to his servant? The captain of the host of the Lord said to Jesus, Take off your sandals from off your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy. Jesus did it"(Josh. 5, 13-15). This appearance of the holy Archangel Michael inspired Joshua with hope for heavenly help. Soon the Lord Himself appeared to Joshua and taught him the method by which Jericho, the first strong city in the land of Canaan, was successfully taken.
Antiquity was so deeply convinced of the authenticity of the appearance of the Archangel Michael to Joshua that on the site of the appearance, back in the early days of Christianity, a monastery was erected in the name of the holy Archangel Michael.
The Holy Archangel Michael premier rank Chief, servant of the glory of God and governor of the Angels all-praise, helped the Israelites in their battles with enemies on the way to the promised land and accompanied Moses throughout his difficult life.
September 6 Art. Art. Orthodox Church celebrates a holiday called “Remembrance of the miracle of the Archangel Michael, who was in Khonekh (Colossae).
In Phrygia, near the city of Hierapolis, there was a temple in the name of the Archangel Michael and with it a healing spring. The pagans, dissatisfied with the fact that the temple serves as a place of special veneration for Christians, decided to destroy it. To this end, they connected two upland rivers into one channel and directed the course towards the temple. But through the prayers of St. Archippus, who lived at this temple, the holy Archangel Michael appeared and, with a blow of his staff, opened a cleft, which absorbed the water that was lowered onto the temple, and this place was called Hona (hole, cleft). Russia was also honored with the apparition of the Archangel Michael, like other countries. It was in 1608 in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra during the invasion of the Poles to Russia, when the Archangel Michael appeared to Archimandrite Joseph, who at that time was the rector of the Lavra, with a beaming face, with a scepter in his hands and said to the enemies who had been besieging the monastery for several months: “Soon Almighty God will reward you with vengeance.” And the enemy, having stood at the walls of the monastery without any success, was forced to retreat in shame.
Defense of Russian cities Holy Mother of God always carried out by Her appearances with the Host of Heaven under the leadership of the Archangel Michael. Therefore, the faith of Orthodox Christians in the help of the Archangel Michael in all troubles, sorrows, needs is strong.
Archangel Michael in the Old Testament is referred to as "the great prince, standing for the sons of the people", he stands before the Throne of the Lord. In the Old Testament, the Holy Archangel Michael was the Guardian Angel of some leaders and rulers of the people of Israel, in the New Testament the Orthodox Church recognized him as a champion and intercessor for everyone, she encourages each and every true Christian to cry out to the first of the Angels for help and intercession before God. The Church recognizes the Archangel Michael with its Divine adornment, and the peace of the valley by a fence and affirmation(service 6 (19) September). She teaches that the holy Archangel Michael bypasses the whole earth with a divine fortress, seizing from the fierce those who call on his divine name (ibid., pes. 3), calls him a divine preacher, a non-contemptible representative of the faithful, a guide and punisher of the lost (pes. 3), a prayer book for saving people (pes. 3). In a word, she makes everyone cry out to the great Archangel of God: under the shelter of your divine wings, resorting to faith, Michael, divine mind, observe and cover through all life: and at the hour, Archangel, terrible mortal, you appear helper, most favorable to all of us"(service on 8 (21) November).
So, Archangel Michael is the winner of adversaries, the deliverer from all troubles and sorrows, the protector of all Orthodox Christians from visible and invisible enemies and evil spirits.
They pray to Archangel Michael for deliverance from sorrow, at the entrance to a new house and at the foundation of the house, for the patronage of the throne and the state, for the salvation and preservation of Russia.

Those who are adorned with the name of the first of the Archangels, that is, with the name Michael, are best distinguished by zeal for the glory of God, loyalty to the King of Heaven and the kings of the earth, constant war against vice and wickedness, constant humility and self-denial.

Prayers to the Archangel of God Michael

Prayer 1st

The holy and great Archangel of God Michael, the inscrutable and all-important Trinity, the first primate in the Angels, the kind of human guardian and guardian, crushing with his host the head of the prideful day in heaven and always put to shame his malice and deceit on earth!
We resort to you with faith and pray to you with love: be an indestructible shield and firmly take away the Holy Church and our Orthodox fatherland, protecting them with your lightning sword from all enemies visible and invisible. Be a wise mentor and companion to all Orthodox Christians, wearing them from the Throne of the King of the reigning enlightenment and strength, joy, peace and consolation. Be the leader and companion invincible to our Christ-loving army, crowning it with glory and victories over the adversaries, may all those who oppose us know that God and His holy Angels are with us!
Do not leave about the Archangel of God, with your help and intercession, and us, glorifying today holy name your; behold, if we are many sinners, we both do not want to perish in our iniquities, but to turn to the Lord and be revived from Him for good deeds. Illuminate our minds with the light of God, so that we can understand that there is a good and perfect will of God for us, and lead everything, even it is fitting for us to do and even despise and leave. Strengthen by the grace of the Lord our weak will and our feeble will, and having established ourselves in the law of the Lord, we will stop the rest of the earthly thoughts and lusts of the flesh, and for the sake of the perishable and earthly, eternal and heavenly madness to forget. Above all of these, ask us from above for true repentance, unhypocritical sadness according to Bose and contrition for our sins, let us perform the remaining number of days of our temporary life in blotting out the evils we have committed. When the hour of our death and liberation from the bonds of this mortal body approaches, do not leave us, the Archangel of God, defenseless against the spirits of malice in heaven; ascending to the heavens that used to block the souls of mankind, yes, guard you, we will without fail reach those glorious villages of paradise, where there is sorrow, no sighing, but life is endless, and we will be able to see the bright face of the All-good Lord and our Master and give glory to Him, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen(from the service with an akathist).

Prayer 2

O Saint Michael the Archangel, light-like and formidable voivode of the Heavenly King! Before the Last Judgment, weaken to repent of my sins, deliver my soul from the net that catches me and bring me to the God who created it, sitting on the Cherubim, and praying for her diligently, but with your intercession I will follow to the place of the deceased.
Oh, the formidable voivode of the Heavenly Forces, the representative of all at the Throne of the Lord Christ, the guardian, who is firm in all people and a wise armourer, strong voivode of the Heavenly King! Have mercy on me, a sinner who demands your intercession, save me from all visible and invisible enemies, moreover, strengthen me from the horror of death and from the embarrassment of the devil, and make me shamelessly present to our Creator at the hour of His terrible and righteous judgment. Oh, all-holy great Michael the Archangel! Do not despise me a sinner, praying to you for help and your intercession in this world and in the future, but make me worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with you forever and ever. Amen.(From an ancient manuscript).

Troparion, tone 4

Heavenly armies of the Archangel, we implore you forever, unworthy, but with your prayers protect us with the roof of your insubstantial glory, preserving us, falling down diligently and crying out: deliver us from troubles, as the clerk of the higher powers.

Kontakion, tone 2


Archangel Gabriel is the herald of the mysteries of God.
The name Gabriel in Hebrew means: the man of God, the fortress of God, the strength of God.
Archangel Gabriel is one of the seven Archangels sent by God to proclaim to people the great deeds of God.
He explained to the prophet Daniel the prophetic visions about kings and kingdoms (Dan. 8), about the time of the coming of the Savior. . . " while I was still continuing the prayer, the husband Gabriel, whom I had seen before in a vision, quickly flew in, touched me about the time of the evening sacrifice and admonished me, spoke to me and said: « Daniel! now I have come to teach you understanding. At the beginning of your supplication, a word went out, and I came to proclaim it to you, for you are a man of desires: listen therefore to the word and understand the vision. Seventy weeks are appointed for your people and your holy city, so that the crime is covered, sins are sealed and iniquities are blotted out, and eternal righteousness is brought, and the vision and the prophet are sealed, and the Holy of Holies is anointed. Therefore, know and understand: from the time the command comes out about the restoration of Jerusalem, until Christ the Master is seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; and the people will return and the streets and walls will be built, but in difficult times. And after the expiration of sixty-two weeks, Christ will be put to death, and will not; but the city and the sanctuary will be destroyed by the people of the leader who will come, and its end will be like a flood, and until the end of the war there will be devastation. And he will confirm the covenant for many for one week, and in the middle of the week the sacrifice and offering will cease, and on the wing of the sanctuary there will be an abomination of desolation, and the final predestined death will befall the desolator"(Dan. 9, 21-27).
The Archangel Gabriel also instructed the holy prophet Moses in the desert, when writing the book of Genesis, passing on to him the revelations of God about the first generations and years, starting from the creation of the world.
The Archangel Gabriel announced to the priest Zechariah the birth of John the Baptist from his barren, elderly wife Elizabeth. . . " then an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing on the right side of the altar of the incense burner. Zechariah, seeing him, was embarrassed, and fear fell upon him. The angel said to him: Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will call his name: John; and you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, for he will be great before the Lord; he will not drink wine and strong drink, and the Holy Spirit will be filled even from his mother's womb; and he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God; and he will go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to restore the hearts of the fathers to the children, and in the disobedient mindset of the righteous, in order to present to the Lord a people prepared. And Zacharias said to the Angel: Why do I know this? for I am old, and my wife is advanced in years. The angel answered and said to him: I am Gabriel, who stands before God, and I was sent to speak with you and announce this to you."(Luke 1, 11-19).
The Archangel Gabriel also appeared to Righteous Anna and Joachim, who was fasting in the wilderness, and announced to each of them that they would have a daughter, chosen from the ages as the Mother of the Messiah, coming to save the human race.
This great Archangel was appointed by God as the custodian of the Mother of God Mary, who was born of the barren, and when She was brought into the temple, He fed Her, bringing Her food daily.
This same intercessor of God, having been sent by God to Nazareth, appeared to the Blessed Virgin, betrothed to the righteous Joseph, and announced to Her the conception of the Son of God by the fall and the action of the Holy Spirit in Her. . . " In the sixth month, the Angel Gabriel was sent from God to the city of Galilee, called Nazareth, to the Virgin, betrothed to a husband named Joseph, from the house of David; the name of the Virgin: Mary. The angel, having entered to Her, said: Rejoice, Blessed One! The Lord is with you; blessed are you among women. She, seeing him, was embarrassed by his words and wondered what kind of greeting it would be. And the angel said to her: Fear not, Mary, for you have found grace with God; and behold, thou shalt conceive in the womb, and thou shalt bear a Son, and thou shalt call his name: Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father; and shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom shall have no end. Mary said to the Angel: How will it be when I do not know my husband? The angel said to her in response: the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you, therefore the Holy One who is being born will be called the Son of God."(Luke 1, 26-35).
The Archangel Gabriel appeared in a dream to Joseph the Betrothed, explaining to him that the Maiden remained innocent, for what was conceived in Her from the Holy Spirit ... " The Nativity of Jesus Christ was like this: after the betrothal of His Mother Mary to Joseph, before they were combined, it turned out that She was pregnant with the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband, being righteous and not wanting to publicize her, wanted to secretly let her go. But when he thought this - behold, the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said: Joseph, son of David! do not be afraid to take Mary your wife, for what is born in her is from the Holy Spirit; she will bear a Son, and you will call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins"(Matthew 1, 18-2 1).
And when our Lord was born in Bethlehem, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the shepherds guarding their flocks at night and said: do not be afraid; I proclaim to you great joy, which will be for all people: for today a Savior is born to you in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord; and here is a sign for you: you will find a baby in swaddling clothes lying in a manger"(Luke 2, 8-12).
The Archangel Gabriel warned Joseph the Betrothed about the plans of Herod and ordered him to flee to Egypt with the Child and the Virgin: “. . . Behold, the Angel of the Lord appears in a dream to Joseph and says: Arise, take the Child and His Mother, and flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you, for Herod wants to seek the Child in order to destroy Him. He got up, took the Child and His Mother by night and went to Egypt» (Mt. 2, 13-14).
« After the death of Herod, behold, the Angel of the Lord appears in a dream to Joseph in Egypt and says: Get up, take the Child and His Mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the soul of the Child have died. He got up, took the Child and His Mother and came to the land of Israel» (Matthew 2, 19-21).
The myrrh-bearing women heard from him the joyful news of the Resurrection of Christ.
According to God-wise men, the Archangel Gabriel was sent to strengthen the Savior in the Garden of Gethsemane and to proclaim to the Mother of God Her all-honorable Assumption.
The laudatory song of the Mother of God “It is worthy to eat” was also taught to the monk of the Athos monastery by the Archangel Gabriel.
Therefore, the Church calls the Archangel Gabriel the minister of the miracles and mysteries of God, the herald of joy and salvation, the herald and minister of Divine omnipotence.
On March 26 (April 8), the celebration in honor of the Archangel Gabriel is the day of the Council, because on the next day of the Annunciation, Christians gather together to glorify the holy Archangel with sacred songs, as the heavenly messenger of the great mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God. The Holy Archangel Gabriel is one of the seven spirits, who bring the prayers of the saints and enter before the glory of the Holy"(Tov. 12:15).

The Holy Church depicts the Archangel Gabriel with a paradise branch in his hand, which was brought by him to the Mother of God, and sometimes in his right hand with a lantern, inside of which a candle burns, and in his left hand with a jasper mirror. They are depicted with a mirror because the Archangel Gabriel is the messenger of the fate of God about the salvation of the human race. They are depicted with a candle in the lantern because the fates of God are hidden until the time of their fulfillment and, by the very fulfillment, are comprehended only by those who steadily look into the mirror of the word of God and their conscience. Therefore, those who bear the name Gabriel are worthy of that “faith of God, for which, according to the word of the Savior Himself, nothing is impossible”

Prayers to Archangel Gabriel

Prayer 1st

Holy Great Archangel Gabriel! Stand before the Throne of God and be illuminated by illumination from the Divine light, enlightened by the knowledge of the incomprehensible Mysteries about His eternal wisdom! I whole-heartedly pray to Thee, guide me to repentance from evil deeds and to affirmation in my faith, strengthen and protect my soul from deceitful temptations, and implore our Creator for the remission of my sins.
Oh, Holy great Gabriel the Archangel! Do not despise me a sinner, praying to you for help and your intercession in this world and in the future, but my helper will always appear to me, let me unceasingly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the power and your intercession forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 2

Oh, Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, always stand before the Throne of the Most High, joyful evangelist and zealous helper of our salvation! With the mercy characteristic of you, accept this laudatory singing, brought to you from us unworthy. Correct our prayers, and bring me, like incense, to the Heavenly Altar of the censer; illumine our minds with the light of knowledge of the mysteries of our saving faith; inflame our hearts with love for Christ our Savior, turn and strengthen our desires on the saving path of His Gospel commandments; Yes, in this age we will live quietly and piously for the glory of God, but in the future we will not be deprived of the eternal Kingdom of God, if we receive, let us be worthy of the grace of Christ our God, the intercession of His Most Pure Mother, the Immaculate Virgin Mary and your powerful prayers to the Lord God for us, and yes let us glorify with you and other bodiless powers of heaven and all the saints of the One in the Trinity of the glorious God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.(From an ancient manuscript).

Troparion, tone 4

Heavenly armies of the Archangel, we implore you forever, we are unworthy, but with your prayers protect us with the wings of your insubstantial glory, preserving us, crouching diligently and crying out: deliver us from troubles, like the clerk of the higher powers.

Kontakion, tone 2

Archangel of God, servant of Divine glory, chief of angels and mentor men, ask for useful things for us and great mercy, like the incorporeal Archangel.

Another kontakion, tone 2

In heaven in vain the glory of God and on earth from on high giving grace, the chief of the angels, the wise Gabriel, God's glory to the servant and peace of the Divine champion, save, observe the crying ty: be an assistant yourself and no one is against us(July 13/26; Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel).

Ying kontakion, tone 8

Blessed and Honest, and Omnipotent, Uncountable and Terrible Trinity you are, Archangel, glorious servant and prayer book; now unceasingly pray for us to be saved from all troubles and torments, let us call you: rejoice, cover your servant(March 26/April 8; Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel).


The month of November was chosen for the feast of the Angels because it is the ninth from March, which was once the beginning of the year, and the number nine corresponds to the nine orders of the angels.
According to the Holy Scriptures and tradition, the following Archangels are known: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Yehudiel, Barachiel and Jeremiel. But they are not called Archangels in the proper sense, but belong to the rank of Seraphim, while they are called Archangels as leaders of the angelic forces. They are the highest of the Seraphim, the closest to God (Denisov L. Apparitions and miracles of the seven holy Archangels. M., 1901).
« Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come and from the seven spirits who are before his throne”- we read in the Revelation of St. John the Theologian (Apoc. 1, 4). These seven spirits are the seven Archangels.
Archangel Raphael is a healer of human ailments, a guide, a doctor of God.
The name Raphael, translated from the Hebrew language, means help, God's healing, God's healing, healer of human ailments (Tov. 3, 17; 12, 15).
Archangel Raphael, doctor of human ailments, comforter of the mourners, is mentioned in Holy Scripture. There is a whole book called "The Book of Tobit", which describes how the Archangel Raphael, in the form of a young man, accompanied the righteous Tobiah, protected him from unexpected misfortunes on the way, freed Sarah, the daughter of Raguilov, from the evil spirit of Asmodeus, gave her to Tobiah's wife, son of Tobit, took off the thorn from Tobit (Tov.3, 16-17; 5,4-6; 6,8-9; 7,2-3; 11, 6-7, 10-13; 12, 6-7; 14, 15, 18).
Departing from the house of Tobit, Tobias and Raphael came in the evening to the Tigris River. When Tobiah wanted to bathe, a fish appeared from the river that wanted to devour him, but Raphael said to Tobiah: “ Take this fish, cut it open, take out the heart, liver and bile, and save and X". Tobias did just that. To his question - why this liver, heart and bile from fish? Raphael replied: If someone is tormented by a demon or an evil spirit, then the heart and liver should be smoked in front of such a man or woman, and he will no longer be tormented, but anoint a person who has a thorn in his eyes with bile, and he will be healed».
When they came to Yekbatany, where Sarah, the daughter of Raguel, lived, whose seven suitors were destroyed by the evil spirit Asmodeus, they were well received in the house of Raguel. Raguel gave Sarah, his daughter, to wife Tobias. Tobias, entering the bedroom, took the incense burner, put the heart and liver of the fish, and smoked. The demon, hearing this smell, fled to the upper countries of Egypt.
When Tobias with his wife Sarah and Raphael went on their way back to Nineveh, where Tobit lived, Raphael said: “ I know, Tobias, that your father's eyes will open: you just anoint his eyes with bile, and he, sensing the causticity, will wipe them off, and the thorns will fall, and he will see you».
Tobias put gall on his father's eyes and said: Cheer up, my father!"His eyes were stuck and he wiped them off, and the thorns were removed from the corners of his eyes and he saw his son Tobias.
When Tobit wanted to give half of the brought silver to Tobiah’s companion in gratitude, Raphael, having called Tobit and Tobiah aside, said to them: “ Bless God, glorify Him, acknowledge His greatness, and confess before all living things what He has done for you… It is proper to keep the secret of a king, but it is commendable to announce the deeds of God. Do good, and evil will not come upon you... Now God has sent me to heal you and your daughter-in-law Sarah. I am Raphael, one of the seven holy angels who lift up the prayers of the saints and rise before the glory of the Holy One… I came not by my own will, but by the will of our God; therefore bless him forever».
The words spoken by the Archangel Raphael when separated from the family of Tobit are also very instructive: A good deed is prayer with fasting and almsgiving and justice. Better a little with justice than a lot with unrighteousness; it is better to do alms than to collect gold, for alms deliver from death and can cleanse every sin. Those who do alms and works of righteousness will live long. Sinners are the enemies of their lives". Tobit and Tobiah were confused and fell on their faces to the ground, because they were in fear. But Raphael said to them: Don't be afraid, the world will be yours. Bless God forever... So, glorify God now, because I ascend to the One who sent me, and write all that has happened in a book. And they got up and saw him no more».
Therefore, whoever wishes to be honored with the heavenly help of the Archangel Raphael, he himself must be merciful to the distressed. Moreover, the virtue of mercy and compassion should distinguish those bearing the name of Raphael - otherwise they will not have a spiritual union with the Archangel.
The Holy Church depicts the Archangel Raphael holding a vessel with medical remedies in a slightly raised left hand and leading Tobias with his right hand, carrying a fish caught in the Tigris River.

Prayer to Archangel Raphael

Oh, Holy Great Archangel Raphael, stand before the Throne of God! You, by grace, from the Almighty Physician of our souls and bodies given to you, the righteous husband Tobit healed from bodily blindness, and his son, Tobias, traveling to him, saved you from the evil spirit. I pray to You with all my heart, be my guide in my life, save the enemy from all visible and invisible, heal my spiritual and bodily illnesses, direct my life to repentance for sins and to do good deeds. Oh, holy great Raphael the Archangel! Hear me a sinner praying to you, and vouchsafe in this and future life give thanks and glorify our common Creator in endless ages of ages. Amen.(From an ancient manuscript).

Troparion, tone 4

Heavenly armies of the Archangel, we implore you forever, we are unworthy, but with your prayers protect us with the roof of the wings of your insubstantial glory, preserving us, crouching diligently and crying out: deliver us from troubles, as the clerk of the higher forces.

Kontakion, tone 2

Archangel of God, servant of Divine glory, chief of angels and mentor men, ask for useful things for us and great mercy, like the incorporeal Archangel.


Archangel Uriel is the fire or light of God, the enlightener of the darkened and the ignorant, the enlightener of spiritual and bodily feelings, the mentor of the lost, the stimulus to prayer.
The name Uriel, translated from Hebrew, means the light or fire of God, the enlightener (3 Ezra 5:20).
Uriel, being the radiance of the Divine fire, is the enlightener of the darkened. As an Angel of light, he enlightens the minds of people with the revelation of truths that are useful to them; as an Angel of Divine fire, he ignites hearts with love for God and destroys in them impure earthly attachments.
The Archangel Uriel is written in the Third Book of Ezra (3 Ezra 4:1-50; 5).
Archangel Uriel was sent by God to Ezra to offer him three likenesses and show him three ways:
« If you explain one of them to me, then I will show you the path that you want to see, and I will teach you where the evil heart came from. Then I said: Speak, my lord. He said to me: go and weigh the weight of the fire, or measure the breath of the wind for me, or return to me the day that has already passed. What man, I replied, could do what you demand of me? And he said to me: if I asked you how many dwellings are in the heart of the sea, or how many springs are at the very foundation of the abyss, or how many lived above the firmament, or what are the limits of paradise, you would perhaps say to me: “into the abyss I never descended, and into hell also, and never ascended to heaven. Now I asked you only about the fire, the wind and the day that you lived through, and about that without which you cannot be, and you did not answer me. And he said to me: you cannot know what is yours and with you from youth; how could your vessel contain the way of the Most High and in this already noticeably corrupted age understand the corruption that is obvious in my eyes?"(3 Ezd. 4, 4-11):
Further to Ezra's question: Show me: what is to come more than what has passed, or what has come to pass more than what will be? What has passed, I know it, but what will come, I do not know."(3 Ezra. 4, 45-46).
Archangel Uriel answered this to Ezra: Stand on the right side and I will explain the meaning to you by the likeness. And I stood and saw: behold, a burning furnace passes before me; and when the flame passed, I saw: there was smoke. After this, a cloud filled with water passed before me, and it poured out heavy rain; but as soon as the rush of rain stopped, drops remained. Then he said to me: think to yourself: as rain is more than drops, and fire is more than smoke, so the measure of the past exceeded, but drops and smoke remained."(3 Ezra. 4, 47-50).
With these words, the Archangel Uriel pointed out to Ezra that the time for the arrival of the Redeemer on earth was near, that from his time to the coming of the Savior there were few years left, much less than from the creation of the world to the time of Ezra, who lived in the fifth century BC. So, Archangel Uriel is the servant of the light of truth, the enlightener of the darkened, the mentor of the lost, the stimulus to prayer.
People devoted to the sciences are your Archangel! Do not forget, following his example, to be servants not only of the light of truth, but also of fire. Divine love. As the apostle Paul said: Mind [bo] swears, but love creates» (1 Corinthians 8:1). The holy Archangel Uriel is depicted holding a naked sword in his right hand, against his chest, and a fiery flame in his left, lowered down, which marks a particularly strong zeal for the God of this Archangel.


Archangel Selaphiel (Salaphiel) is a prayer book of God, always praying to God for people and encouraging people to pray, a prayer book for the salvation and health of people.
The name Selaphiel, translated from Hebrew, means prayer to God, the prayer book of God, inciting to prayer.
This Archangel is written in the Third Book of Ezra: “ And it came to pass on the second night that Salathiel, the leader of the people, came to me.. .” (3 Jer. 5:16).
Archangel Selaphiel appeared to Hagar in the desert when she was praying in deep sorrow. He told her: “. . . the Lord heard your suffering. . ." (Gen. 16:11).
According to the belief of the Church, the holy Archangel Selaphiel also appeared to Hagar in the desert of Beersheba, when Abraham expelled her. The book of Genesis says this: Abraham got up early in the morning, and took bread and a skin of water, and gave Hagar, laying on her shoulders, and the lad, and let her go. She went and got lost in the desert of Beer-sheba; and there was no water in the bottle, and she left the lad under one bush and went, sat down at a distance, at a distance of one shot from her bow. For she said: I do not want to see the death of the lad. And she sat down at a distance opposite him, and raised a cry, and wept; and God heard the voice of the lad from where he was; and an angel of God called from heaven to Hagar and said to her: What is the matter with you, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God heard the voice of the boy from where he is; Arise, lift up the boy and take him by the hand, for I will make of him a great nation. And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of living water, and she went and filled the bottle with water and gave the boy to drink. And God was with the lad; and he grew up... "(Gen. 21, 14-20).
So, the Lord gave us a whole face of prayer angels, with their leader Selaphiel, so that with the pure breath of their lips they would warm our cold hearts to prayer, so that they would instruct us about what, when and how to pray, so that they would lift up our very offerings to the throne of grace.
The holy Archangel Selaphiel is depicted with his face and eyes bowed down and with his hands folded in prayer on his chest, as happens with a person praying tenderly.
Seeing the Archangel himself in such a position of prayer, let us try ourselves during prayer to always be in a position appropriate for the one who is praying.


Archangel Yehudiel is the patron of ascetics and monastics, the glorifier of God, strengthening the workers for the glory of God and interceding for retribution for their deeds and labors, a companion and mentor in work, an intercessor on the way, an assistant to those in need of something for the glory of God.
Each of us, from young to old, is obliged to live and work for the glory of God. On our sinful earth, every good deed is not done otherwise than with difficulty, and many with great and heavy. But our Lord and Master will not forget any work of ours and any work of love in His name (Heb. 6:10).
The name Jehudiel, translated from Hebrew, means - glorifying God, praise God.
According to the belief of the Church, based on Holy Tradition, the holy Archangel Jehudiel is one of the seven Archangels who, by the Command of God, patronized the Israelites on their way during their 40-year wandering, and also the name of Jehudiel is assigned to that Angel who preceded the Israelites in a pillar of fire and cloud at exit from Egypt, protecting them from their pursuers: " And the Angel of God, who went before the camp of the sons of Israel, moved, and went behind them; the pillar of cloud also moved away from their face and stood behind them; And he entered into the middle between the camp of the Egyptians and between the camp of the children of Israel, and was a cloud and darkness to some, and lighted up the night to others, and they did not come near each other all the night."(Ex. 14, 19-20).
When Moses, after forty days of fasting and prayers, ascended Mount Sinai, God appeared to him and, handing the tablets of the covenant, gave him a law that the people of Israel were to observe. And the Lord said: Behold, I am sending My Angel before you to keep you on the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared for you; watch yourselves before him and listen to his voice; do not resist Him, for He will not forgive your sin, for My name is in Him"(Ex. 23, 20-21). "... When My Angel goes before you and leads you to the Ammorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, the Hivites and the Jebusites, and I will destroy them from before you, then do not worship their gods, and do not serve them."(Ex. 23, 23-24).
So, the ministry of the Archangel Jehudiel is to strengthen people who work for the glory of God and intercede for retribution for their deeds.
The holy Archangel Yehudiel is depicted holding a golden crown in his right hand, and in his left a scourge of three black ropes with three ends - this marks the reward from God to pious and holy people and the punishment of sinners.



Archangel Jeremiel - the inspirer of good and kind thoughts, the lifter of souls to God, the offering to God is the mercy of God.
The name Jeremiel in Hebrew means - elevation to God, the height of God.
About the holy Archangel Jeremiel in the Third Book of Ezra it is written as follows: Have not the souls of the righteous inquired about the same thing in their gates, saying, “How long shall we hope in this way? And when is the fruit of our retribution?" Jeremiah the Archangel answered me: “when the number of seeds in you is fulfilled, for the Most High weighed this age on the scales, and measured the times with a measure, and numbered the hours, and will not move and speed up until a certain measure is fulfilled.”(3 Ezra 4, 35-37), that is, the next age will come only when the number of dead righteous reaches a certain limit. This answer is given to them by the Archangel Jeremiel. All nine Angelic ranks will gather on the day of the Last Judgment of the Lord, when " The Son of Man will come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him», « Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory; and he will send his angels with a loud trumpet, and they will gather his chosen ones from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other (Matt. 24:30-31). And then the elect will hear the words of the Savior of the world: « come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world» (Matthew 25:34).

Prayer to the Holy Angels

To you, as an intercessor and guardian of my belly, as a cursed one, crouching, I pray: grant me with your prayers a day's stay, charitably and unskillfully from evil deeds and thoughts. Open the hearing with my ear, so that I can hear and understand the deeds and words of God, soulful, so that I can see the inner eyes, obsessed with sinful darkness. Pray for me, who has been sinning all the hours, that the sword of the Lord's wrath will not girdle me: you have greatly exceeded my iniquity on my head, and like a heavy burden you have weighed down on me. But you, my Lord, Lord, look upon me, and have mercy on me, and lead my sinful soul out of prison, before I even leave from here, and I will not come to Your terrible Judgment. Receive your holy angels praying for us, even around your throne they will be taken out with fear, and with those prayers, more than the Most Pure Mother, deliver me the Terrible Onago and Your terrible judgment. You are the Lamb of God, take away the sins of the whole world, crucified on our cross for the sake of salvation; listen to my prayer, and send the Guardian Angel of my soul and body, so that we instruct, I will get rid of all enemies visible and invisible, and I will be able to receive Your mercy, with all who have pleased You from the ages, as You are our God, and I resort to You, and I hope in You, even if I sin more than a person, but I don’t retreat from You, nor raise my hand to another god, I pray to You, Lord Jesus Christ, I will bless You, and I worship You from the One Trinity, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.(From the canon).

Troparion to the Disembodied Forces, tone 4

Heavenly armies of the Archangel, we implore you forever, we are unworthy, but with your prayers, protect us with the roof of your immaterial glory, which preserves us who fall diligently and blatantly: deliver us from troubles, as the officials of the higher powers.

Kontakion to the Incorporeal Forces, tone 2

Archangels of God, servant of Divine glory, chief angels and mentor men, ask us useful and have great mercy, like incorporeal Archangels.


We magnify you, Archangels and Angels and the entire host, Cherubim and Seraphim, glorifying the Lord.

Prayers to the Holy Archangels for every day of the week


Holy Archangel of God Michael, with your lightning sword, banish from me the spirit of the evil one that tempts me.
O great Archangel of God Michael the conqueror of demons! Defeat and crush all my enemies, visible and invisible, and pray to the Lord Almighty, may the Lord save and save me from sorrows and from all illness, from deadly ulcers and vain death, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Holy Archangel Gabriel, bringing unspeakable joy from Heaven to the Most Pure Virgin, fill my heart, grieved with pride, with joy and gladness.
Oh, the great Archangel of God Gabriel, you announced to the Blessed Virgin Mary the conception of the Son of God. Raise to me a sinner the day of the terrible death of the Lord God for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive my sins; and the demons will not hold me in the ordeals for my sins. O great Archangel Gabriel! Save me from all troubles and from a serious illness, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

O great Archangel of God Raphael, received a gift from God to heal ailments, heal the incurable ulcers of my heart and many diseases of my body. O great Archangel of God Raphael, you are a guide, a doctor and a healer, guide me to salvation and heal all my mental and bodily illnesses, and lead me to the Throne of God, and beg His goodness for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive me and save me from all my enemies and from evil people, from now to eternity. Amen.

Holy Archangel of God Uriel, illuminated by Divine light and exceedingly filled with the fire of fiery hot love, throw a spark of this fiery fire into my cold heart, and illuminate my dark soul with your light.
O great Archangel of God Uriel, you are the radiance of the Divine fire and the enlightener of those darkened by sins: enlighten my mind, my heart, my will by the power of the Holy Spirit, and guide me on the path of repentance, and implore the Lord God, may the Lord deliver me from the hell of the underworld and from all enemies, visible and invisible, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Holy Archangel of God Selaphiel, give prayer to the one who prays, teach me to pray with a humble, contrite, concentrated and tender prayer. O great Archangel of God Selaphiel, you pray to God for the believers, implore His mercy for me, a sinner, may the Lord deliver me from all troubles and sorrows, and illnesses, and from vain death, and from eternal torment, and the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven will vouchsafe me with all Saints forever. Amen.

Holy Archangel of God Jehudiel, the companion of all who strive on the path of Christ, excite me from heavy laziness and strengthen me with a good feat. O great Archangel of God Yehudiel, you are a zealous defender of the glory of God: you excite me to glorify the Holy Trinity, wake me, the lazy one, to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and implore the Lord Almighty to create in me a pure heart and renew the right spirit in my womb, and by the Dominant Spirit will confirm me and the truth to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.


Holy Archangel of God Barahiel, bringing a blessing from the Lord to us, bless me to make a good start, correct my negligent life, and please the Lord my Savior forever and ever. Amen.

What you need to know about archangels.


Archangel Michael (who is like God) was the first to rebel against Satan when he rebelled against God. After that, the proud angel, who had departed from the Lord, was cast out of heaven. It is considered the supreme archangel, the patron saint of the heavenly host, the archangel. Depicted in a warlike form, with a spear or sword in his hand, having a dragon under his feet, that is, the spirit of malice.


Archangel Gabriel (the power of God) reveals the secret knowledge of the Creator: he shows the secrets of the coming prophet Daniel, brings the Good News to the Virgin Mary and warns her of her imminent death, announces to Zacharias the birth of his son, John the Baptist (Zacharias pays for unbelief with dumbness).

Archangel Gabriel is often depicted on icons with a blossoming paradise branch or lily. There are also images with a spherical mirror in hand, and sometimes with a candle inside the lamp. He is often depicted on the northern doors of the iconostasis. Archangel Gabriel is one of the shield holders on the Coat of Arms of the Russian Empire.


Archangel Raphael (God's help and healing) - the archangel of mercy and help to those in need, the archangel of mercy and compassion. Raphael is considered the patron saint of healers and all those who care about the weak of this world. That is why on icons he is traditionally depicted holding a vessel (alavastre) with medical agents (medicine) in his left hand, and a pod in his right hand, that is, a clipped bird feather for anointing wounds.


Archangel Uriel (Light of God) is traditionally depicted with a sword in his right hand, and in his left hand with a flame. As an angel of light, he enlightens the minds of people with the revelation of truths; as an angel of divine fire, he ignites hearts with love for God and destroys in them impure earthly attachments. Uriel is considered the patron of sciences and all good knowledge. But one should not be blinded by scientific light, one should not forget about divine fire. The mind is puffed up, love alone creates (1 Cor. 8, 1).


Salafiel (servant of prayer) is an archangel who warms hearts for prayer, encourages and helps in prayer. A person is weak and vain, it is not so easy to open one's heart. Archangel Salafiel is often depicted on icons praying, giving Christians an example of righteous prayer.


Archangel Egudiel (God's praise) is depicted holding a golden crown in his right hand, and a scourge of three red ropes in his left. The work of this archangel with a host of his angels is to encourage with the reward of eternal blessings and protect in the name of the Holy Trinity and the power of the Cross of Christ people who work for the glory of God. Every deed is done through labor, and many deeds are done with special and difficult labor, but every good deed will be done properly under the protection and patronage of this archangel. A good deed is a feat. And the harder the job, the higher the reward. That is why Egudiel is depicted with a crown - a reward for any honestly working Christian.