Fast lightweight simple browsers. Which browser consumes the least RAM. When opening one tab

Not all users have a computer with the most powerful processor, motherboard and high-performance memory. Many laptop users still use Windows XP. On a weak PC, surfing is slow. How to act in such a situation? Use a different browser. Consider the most popular ones, and determine the browser for a weak computer that is right for you.

Which browser is the lightest

How to choose a browser that works fast on a weak PC? But first, a little clarification. There is no definition of "weak computer". It all depends on its characteristics: RAM, and processor clock speed. Let's proceed as follows. Consider popular free browsers. In them, we will launch the "Task Manager", which shows the load on RAM and CPU.


The official website is located at
Its distinctive feature is the presence of a portable version, so there is no need for installation. QupZilla is a fast browser that works with all versions of Windows. Supports modern standards so pages will display properly.
It has the necessary standard features that you expect from a browser: bookmarks and history. By default, the AdBlock plugin is installed to block ads.


Equipped with a quick access panel. Popular for its Turbo mode, which allows pages to load faster, saving time and bandwidth. This is important when using 3/4G internet. Works well if many tabs are open (more than ten). If the application overloads the RAM, due to the opening of a large number of sites, it will crash and reboot again.


The peculiarity of the browser is that it supports working with the cloud. Therefore, tabs and settings will be available on a PC, smartphone and tablet, regardless of the installed OS.

Google Chrome

Main advantages: ease of use, minimalistic interface and installation of additional extensions. It is convenient to work for those who have a Google account, where information about passwords and bookmarks is stored. Works on multiple devices under one account. Available.


The Chromium interface is similar to that of Google Chrome. These heaters are created on the same engine. According to the developers, it is designed for fast and safe surfing. This is a light version of Chrome. Supports modern web standards.

Comodo Dragon

Download it from the link: Download the portable version so you don't have to install Comodo on your PC.

The main feature is the protection of personal information and high speed. The browser allows:

  • stay protected while surfing;
  • download additional plugins;
  • prevent emergencies.

Browser for Windows XP

I would recommend using Chrome, but Microsoft has stopped supporting updates for it on this OS. Therefore, using it, you will not provide a reliable level of security. How to proceed? For example, on my second laptop, 2008 release, Opera is installed, which works quickly. Only I disabled additional, extensions. Alternatively, try installing QupZilla. He works fast.

Before turning on the browser:

  1. Close unused programs. Especially Skype and Photoshop, which consume a lot of memory;
  2. After working in the browser, delete temporary files and clean up the history. I recommend using the program.

Which browser is better

Which browser is suitable for a weak PC? We will launch the browsers discussed above in turn, and load the same pages into them. For example site
When opened, launch the "Task Manager". For quick access, use the key combination: "ctrl + esc + shift", and look at the parameters of memory, and processor load.
Here's what happened.

Many users experience CPU or disk usage while running a browser. Basically, the loads are small, but there are times when the values ​​rise to 100 percent. This situation can be caused by both one active browser and any of the launched ones (Yandex, Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla). Today we will tell you what steps you need to take in the first place to reduce downloads.

The reasons

There can be many sources of such a load. First of all, it is worth mentioning banal things - there are too many active windows (in one we watch a movie, in the other we process a photo, a file is downloading, etc.). High loading is also caused by viruses (advertising trojans, hijackers), which, in principle, are now focused on such applications. Do not discard the optimization of the system itself - an outdated build of Windows often starts to fail. In any case, there can be many sources, so it is worth performing standard operations.

Fixing 100 percent load

Operations to reduce workload can be divided into two stages - simple and complex actions. Simple actions are understood as reboot, cleaning, updating. Start with simple steps, although not all will be effective, but they will definitely not be superfluous in optimizing work. If simple things - restarting the browser and PC do not help, you need to do the following.

Browser and operating system cleaning

Checking system settings


If the browser still loads the processor up to 100%, it will need to be deleted, apparently its packages will fail somewhere. You can standardly demolish the program and clean up the residual folders in CCleaner (option Cleanup - Registry). You need to download a new install only from official resources. In rare cases, your “hardware” simply no longer pulls the configuration of such programs, so here you need to roll back the browser version to an earlier one. But the main thing to remember here is that older versions do not support many technologies (HTML5, video codecs, etc.).

The question of which browser is the least burden on the system should be considered in terms of multimedia content or development tools provided by the browsers themselves.

If we talk about multimedia, it should immediately be taken into account that the processing tools provided by browsers by default in the main versions of programs are often supplemented by a sufficiently large number of special plug-ins. Take at least the same Adobe Flash Player, which is responsible for the high-quality reproduction of animation, graphics and sound.

Thus, the relevant question will not be so much about which browser eats the least resources, but about how resource-intensive an additional plug-in is, because the browser itself in its pure form may not work with some elements of web pages.

Basic performance parameters

If we consider the main characteristics of the most famous and most commonly used means of surfing the Internet, in the first place for any user or expert tester is the speed of launching the program itself from an executable file and the speed of opening pages.

Unfortunately, many users who are trying to figure out which browser loads less CPU or RAM often miss the application start options. So to say, in its pure form after installation, they all start quickly enough. This is due only to the fact that they do not have plug-ins connected, the cache is not filled, there is no browsing history, etc.

Over time, any, even the most sophisticated browser with a bunch of lotions turns into a clumsy bumpkin. The saddest thing is that even clearing the cache or deleting temporary files does not help. And if we also take into account the initialization of plug-ins at the start of the program, in general, it is worth thinking about the advisability of installing them.

Some applications have their own set that cannot be deleted, but can be disabled. For example, Chrome comes with built-in components like Adobe Flash Player or AdBlock. If everything is clear with the first plugin, the second sometimes causes legitimate criticism. It is responsible for blocking ads, pop-ups and banners, and may also prevent some automatically executed scripts and applets embedded in web pages from working. And all this takes a lot of time.

Opening pages with a preliminary content analysis directly depends on the content. Any of the modern browsers spends a fraction of a second on this. Again, it all depends on the plugins - the more there are, the slower the program runs. And incorrectly installed or incompatible add-ons slow down the system even more.

Which browsers use less memory?

But let's start checking the means of accessing the Internet themselves. Here you should take into account the consumption of RAM, virtual and physical memory. If you understand the question of which browser loads the system the least, you should pay attention to the basic default settings and the size of the allocated cache.

Cached data, although it allows you to increase the speed of opening the most frequently visited pages by saving some elements on the hard drive, nevertheless, it can clog the system too much and cause program freezing effects. This is due to the constant analysis of the loaded structural elements of the pages. With a sufficiently large number of them, more time is required for analysis and loading.

In this regard, Internet Explorer 11, Edge from Windows 10, Mozilla and Google Chrome show the best indicators, judging by the feedback from users and experts. Opera, although a very popular means of accessing the Internet, is much slower. In addition, today you can find so many versions of the program in unofficial sources that you do not always know whether this product is safe.

Best browsers: rating and reviews

If we consider modern browsers, we can make a list, in which, as one would expect, there are only programs of the most famous developers:

  • Internet Explorer;
  • edge;
  • Opera;
  • Chrome.

It would be possible to add here some programs like Amigo, Yandex Browser, 360 Safety Browser or something else. But they are specifically not included in the list, because they are built on the basis of Chrome and are not of interest as truncated or extended derivatives of the main product. Often, due to undeveloped technologies and algorithms, problems arise in them much more than in the parent product. This is evidenced by clearly unflattering statements from users.

Now let's dwell on the question of which browser loads the system the least.

Internet Explorer

Users have developed an extremely negative attitude towards IE, which is part of any Windows operating system, since the early versions of the program were so unfinished that it was not even necessary to talk about any convenience of working on the Internet.

Over time, developers from Microsoft revised the basic concept of the browser, resulting in the 11th version of the application. No matter what anyone says, Internet Explorer 11 outdoes both Mozilla and Chrome, and even more so Opera, in all respects. The load is minimal, the start is much faster than similar applications, clearing the cache and temporary files does not require user intervention, as it was before (it was necessary to clean the Temporary Files folders manually).


The same Internet Explorer became the progenitor of a new generation browser called Edge, which appeared only in Windows 10 (the version is not provided for systems below the rank).

This application rightfully occupies the top lines in all ratings. Most of the background processes when the program is launched are automated, the start is made within a couple of seconds, opening pages even without installing related plugins is very fast. By the way, you don’t need to install add-ons either - everything is included here.

Another thing is that this browser is somewhat inconvenient to set up, especially in terms of disabling extensions. And the default start page is a little annoying (news, weather, advertising, etc.). But all this can be turned off if you set a dummy at startup, like how it is done in IE.


The notorious Opera, although revered by many, has recently lost ground. Despite the convenient and fairly simple interface, the performance leaves much to be desired.

Even at startup, you may notice too long access to the hard disk, as well as when completely clearing the cache and deleting temporary files. True, in the pros you can write down the ability to quickly configure, disable or remove extensions. But this in no way can affect the overall rating.

Mozilla Firefox

Finding the answer to the question of which browser loads the system the least cannot do without this browser.

Light and fast - that's what you can say about it. However, not all users fully appreciate it. The fact is that the "Fire Fox" cannot be considered as the most primitive means of accessing the Internet. This browser is more suitable for web developers and can be used as a complete platform for building web applications. The toolkit here is much wider than everything that other favorites of the list offer.

Chrome and browsers based on it

Chrome is considered the fastest of all currently existing browsers. Developments based on it differ in speed only after the first installation, and over time they start to slow down incredibly.

And the speed of launch, and the speed of opening pages, and ease of setup or management - at their best. Plus - the largest number of developed plugins and extensions. The question is different. Should they be installed? This is already decided by everyone. Nevertheless, in all the main indicators in the lists of popularity, this browser is not inferior to Edge.

What to choose?

So, choose the lightest browser. Of course, preference (based on user feedback) could be given to Microsoft products, however, it is believed that installing Chrome would be the best option.

And here, not only technical characteristics or performance parameters with a minimum load on the system speak in favor of the choice. Looking more broadly, you can see that the latest version of the application supports RDP (remote desktop) technologies and can be used as the main client to connect to computers and laptops, even from mobile devices.

Thus, the balance in the question of which browser loads the system the least, is the easiest to manage and configure, clearly leans in favor of Chrome, although this assessment is based solely on ratings, no more.

When choosing a program to work on the World Wide Web, many are mainly interested in what is currently the fastest browser for Windows 7.

Although there are just a huge number of other criteria for choosing a browser.

To date, you can find and download many "self-written" browsers, that is, those that were developed by novice programmers, and not by teams of professionals.

So, their main drawback is the speed of work.

There is no mention of data security and safety.

In any case, today we will analyze all the main characteristics that will help you choose a program for accessing the Internet, and the main one will be the speed of work.

As for how this very speed will be tested, a very simple method will be chosen, which is to launch the browser or perform other operations on it with a stopwatch.

In particular, the speed will be tested on such operations as launching the browser itself, opening the website, signing in to the Google mail account, launching the video, and installation speed.

Testing will not be done on a new computer.

This choice is due to the fact that we want to achieve maximum objectivity of research.

Yes, such tests usually use "clean" machines, but we all do not have the opportunity to reinstall the operating system every month.

This would make it possible to make a completely “clean” machine out of the order of a used computer.

In general, the conditions will not be easy as close to reality as possible, they will be quite real. Go!

Useful information:

Pay attention to the utility. It is a tool that improves the security of using the Internet. The principle of operation of the program is based on encryption of DNS traffic between the user and the provider.


This browser was released in 1994. Until 2013, he worked on his own engine, then switched to Webkit + V8, which is familiar to many developers, which, by the way, is also used a little in Google Chrome.

It is the fifth most popular web browser in the world according to research by some sites. Users love the mobile version, which is called Opera Mini.

The main advantage of this program is its excellent ability to save traffic. This allows many users to pay less for internet.

You can download this browser absolutely free on the official website

This site has one big "Download Now" button, which allows you to start downloading.

For our tests, the latest version downloaded from the official site will be taken.

Speed ​​tests gave the following results:

  • Browser startup time - 3 s;
  • Website opening time - 2 s;
  • Video start time - 2 s;
  • Installation time - 1.3 minutes (from launching the installer program to closing it).

By the way, the design of the installation window for this program is very beautiful, but at the same time minimalistic.

The installation process itself takes very little time.

The user only needs to press one button and nothing else - he does not choose a path, does not read a bunch of license terms, does not watch presentations, and so on.

On the one hand, this is, of course, good, because a simple user does not need all this.

But some will say that this is bad, because "who knows what they write in the license there."

But since we evaluate the speed of work, then in this regard, Opera shows itself perfectly.

Other Advantages and Disadvantages of Opera

In addition to speed when choosing a program for accessing the Internet, it will also be useful to know about the following advantages of Opera:

  1. Saving traffic. A proprietary feature of this browser.
  2. The presence of Turbo mode, which allows you to work even faster on slow computers and still save traffic.
  3. Own express panel with bookmarks. In other browsers, this function must be installed additionally. Yes, there are bookmark bars, but they are not as functional.
  4. Hot keys of management. In fact, this browser can be controlled without a mouse.
  5. Ease of work. Opera is not loaded with plugins for privacy and other similar functions, so it can work many times faster.

The disadvantages of Opera include the following:

  1. On older machines, it may not work at all. On the other hand, nothing from the modern standard user set already works on them. And who now uses such old computers?
  2. Incorrect work of some scripts. In defense of Opera, we can also say that not all scripts that exist today work on other browsers.
    Complaints about the instability of work - restarts, throws out, and so on. It also occurs not so often - whoever is not lucky will have to restart.

Google Chrome

This browser was released in 2008 - relatively recently.

Its direct ancestor is the Safari browser, which then also tried to be adapted for Windows, but these attempts were unsuccessful - it turned out to be too slow, and it often restarted.

Safari is originally designed for Mac computers. Google Chrome runs on its own engine called Chrominium.

Last year, this browser was the first in many polls in Runet.

You can download Google Chrome on the official website - (a very non-standard link that could be shortened).

There is also a single button that needs to be pressed.

By the way, here, on the download site, you can read the license agreement, as well as set Google Chrome as the default browser and check the box for sending work reports to Google.

By the way, many refuse the latter.

To do this, you just need to uncheck the box highlighted in green in Figure 4.

Testing the speed of this browser gave the following results:

  • Browser startup time - 4 s;
  • Website opening time - 5 s;
  • Authorization time in the Google mail account - 1 s;
  • Video start time - 1 s;
  • Installation time - 1.5 min.

When installing here, by the way, some additional content is downloaded, which makes the whole process a little longer.

Otherwise, Google Chrome performs really well, but still a little worse than Opera.

And despite the fact that it is this browser that many authors of such articles call the fastest.

As you can see, tests in real conditions gave a different result.

Advantages and disadvantages of Google Chrome

Also, users who choose a program to access the Internet will be very useful to know about the following benefits of Google Chrome:

  1. Safety. This is given great attention here. Google Chrome has a huge number of additional programs and scripts that protect against all sorts of attacks and viruses. In addition, this browser has its own database with these same viruses and malicious sites.
  2. Mode "Incognito", which allows you to quietly be on different sites. This means that the site will not leave a cookie or any other information about the stay of a user working in Incognito mode.
  3. stability at work. It is very rare to hear about Google Chrome that it is reloading or failing to withstand a large number of sites.
  4. Your "Task Manager", which makes it possible to see how many resources a particular site consumes, as well as a plugin.
  5. Normal work with extensions. It is also very rare to hear complaints about this.
  6. Voice search control.

The disadvantages include the following:

  1. No support for NPAPI plugins since version 42.0. A lot of modern plugins work on this platform. And users are faced with the difficulties of installing them or even with the inability to complete this task.

Otherwise, Google Chrome performs just fine.

As you can see, its speed is not too inferior to Opera, therefore, given all the other advantages, it is not surprising that this particular browser is called the best to date.

Mozilla Firefox

In 2014, in all foreign surveys, this browser took a strong first place. But then the two programs described above took the leading positions from.

Still, what contribution the “cunning fox”, as many users call it, has made to the development of browsers in general deserves respect.

By good tradition, the site has one big “Download for free” button.

The site no longer has any license agreements. And in general, the download occurs automatically and this process does not delay anything.

In the installer window, you can use additional settings. The settings window is shown in Figure 6.

As you can see, you can specify in it where the program shortcuts should be installed, the installation path, and whether this browser should be made the main one.

Advice: When installing, be sure to use the advanced settings window, because otherwise, program shortcuts will appear on the taskbar, on the desktop and in the Start menu, which users often do not need! In addition, installation information will be sent to Mozilla, and the browser itself will become the default browser.

To open this very window of additional settings at startup, click the "Settings" button, highlighted in Figure No. 7.

The installation itself also begins with downloading additional files. This, of course, makes the process longer.

Mozilla Firefox uptime tests yielded the following results:

  • Browser startup time - 5 s;
  • Website opening time - 3 s;
  • Authorization time in the Google mail account - 1 s;
  • Video start time - 2 s;
  • Installation time - 1.35 min.

Advantages and disadvantages of Mozilla Firefox

The benefits of Mozilla Firefox are as follows:

  1. Reliability at work. There are plugins that can "kill" absolutely all browsers except Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Security and privacy at the highest level. This is the only browser of its kind that can block the collection of information about a particular user by sites, including Google. This makes it possible not to see annoying ads that are generated at the request of this user.
  3. Version updates happen in the background.
  4. In addition, the widest base of plug-ins and extensions mentioned above should also be included here.

The disadvantages of Mozilla Firefox are:

  1. Immunity of some modern scripts.
  2. Frequent complaints about slow operation, especially at high loads.

From all this, we can conclude that Mozilla Firefox clearly cannot be considered the fastest browser for Windows 7.

Yandex browser

This is the youngest modern browser among those used by several million people. Users first heard about this browser in 2012.

Now, in 2017, Yandex is actively promoting its product using contextual advertising. Here, of course, everything is aimed at working directly with Yandex services.

So in this browser by default there is already mail, a translator, a disk, money and everything else that only the most popular Russian search engine offers.

By the way, the engine in Yandex.Browser is the same Chromium. Many users say that this program has its own quick launch panel, which is called "Scoreboard" here.

This is considered a feature of Yandex.Browser, but for a simple layman, this is practically the same bookmarks bar that is in the same Opera.

True, there it is much more functional.

You can host 20 different sites on Tablo.

An interesting feature of this browser is the work with mouse gestures.

This means that there is a certain set of gestures that are formed by certain cursor movements and perform certain functions.

There are also a huge number of extensions and plugins, most of which are taken from the already beloved Google Chrome.

This is due to the fact that these two browsers run on the same Chromium engine.

You can download Yandex.Browser on the official website -

Although, if you visit the site several times, you will definitely see an advertisement for this browser and you can follow the link to download it.

This site also has a great big "Download" button.

The results of testing the speed of this browser gave the following results:

  • Browser startup time - 11 s;
  • Website opening time - 4 s (the first launch, by the way, gave a result of 24 seconds);
  • Authorization time in the Google mail account - 4 s;
  • Video start time - 2 s;
  • Installation time - 2.10 min.

During installation, it is also possible to make Yandex.Browser the default browser and make it possible to send data to Yandex specialists.

To do this, check the box marked in green in Figure 9.

Most users prefer to uncheck these boxes, which is not at all surprising.

As you can see, in terms of speed, Yandex.Browser clearly loses to the same Mozilla Firefox.

Advantages and disadvantages of Yandex.Browser

The advantages of Yandex.Browser are as follows:

  1. Developers pay great attention to security. So the program automatically checks a particular site for suspicion. It has its own criteria for suspiciousness (Web of Trust), as well as programs installed by default to block phishing attacks and ads.
  2. Own system for viewing documents in such formats as .pdf, .doc and others.
  3. Your translator.
  4. Turbo mode, like in Opera.

The disadvantages include the following:

  1. The imposition of Yandex services, which many users do not like. Although, on the other hand, this browser was created precisely for this.
    A lot of people don't like the interface.
  2. Difficulties in setting. Many functions that are in the same Opera or Mozilla are simply not here in Yandex.Browser.

In general, from all this we can conclude that Yandex.Browser is far from the fastest and most optimized browser.

Very often there is a desire to use the browser that is least demanding on computer resources, but it is not always possible to test or simply find out which modern browser consumes fewer computer resources, the most consumed resource when surfing the Internet is RAM.

Therefore, in this review, browsers will be tested with an emphasis on considering the use of RAM. The tested browsers are Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3, Opera 10.53, Google Chrome 5.0.375.55, Safari 5, Firefox 3.7a6pre, Opera 10.60 Beta, Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, Google Chrome 6.0.432, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, Opera 10.60, K- Meleon 1.5.4, SeaMonkey 2.0.5, Mozilla Firefox 3.6.6, TheWorld Browser, ChromePlus 1.4.1, Firefox 4.0 beta 4, SRWare Iron 5.0.382, Google Chrome 6.0.472.55, Firefox 3.6.9, Opera 10.62, Opera 9.01. It should be noted that these are not all browsers presented in the world, but many of the presented ones are the most used.

Table 1 presents the data obtained based on the testing. The testing itself consists of 2 stages.

The following pages were used for testing:

According to these links, 9 html pages without graphics, javascripts and other media data were downloaded and saved to the hard disk in the "html" folder, these pages will be used to check the browser's RAM usage on bare text. The total size of the "html" folder is 508 KiB. Also, the same pages with graphics and java scripts were downloaded and saved to the hard disk in the "html_js_pic" folder, they will be used to find out how memory consumption will change in the presence of javascripts and graphics. The total size of the "html_js_pic" folder is 4.63 MiB.

At the first stage the browser was initially loaded, settings were made: the initial page was changed to an empty one (if it was possible). Then the browser was closed, a minute later it opened again, measurements of the memory used were taken after the browser was started. After that, 9 html pages were loaded into it without graphics and javascripts, full page loading was expected, if there were errors with the encoding, then the encoding was first changed to the correct one manually (through the available menu in browsers), and only then the used RAM was measured, as well as peak RAM usage. After the measurements, the browser was closed. Further actions were repeated for each browser.

At the second stage the browser was loaded again, 9 html pages from the "html_js_pic" folder were loaded into it, graphics and javascripts were loaded. Then a full load was expected, after a full load each page was scrolled from top to bottom and then from bottom to top to check the correct display. The next step was to measure consumed RAM and peak RAM usage.

Start- data on the used RAM by the browser after the start
9 html- data on the used RAM when 9 "bare" html pages are loaded
9 html+pic+js- data on the used RAM when 9 html pages with graphics and javascripts are loaded
Max. 9 html- data on peak used RAM with 9 "naked" html pages loaded
Max. 9 html+pic+js- data on the peak used RAM with 9 html pages loaded with graphics and javascripts
Table 1 - RAM usage by browsers

BrowserRAM usage, KiB (1 KiB = 1024 bytes)
Start9 html9 html+pic+jsMax. 9 htmlMax. 9 html+pic+js
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.338 696 60 320 79 520 60 664 92 560
Opera 10.5342 344 63 724 120 552 63 836 120 656
Google Chrome 5.0.375.5537 300 201 156 252 344 250 072 310 456
Safari 5.041 656 72 156 119 676 96 492 126 532
Firefox 3.7a6pre42 904 63 968 91 220 71 284 98 163
Opera 10.60 Beta49 640 70 724 122 484 70 840 122 600
Microsoft Internet Explorer 722 004 40 372 62 900 41 668 64 152
Google Chrome 6.0.43238 684 211 220 258 616 288 424 317 528
Microsoft Internet Explorer 839 152 137 076 157 924 137 596 158 696
Opera 10.6044 680 66 788 117 716 67 292 117 816
K-Meleon 1.5.418 084 35 044 64 156 38 352 72 024
Sea Monkey 2.0.535 732 57 652 80 732 59 068 90 748
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.638 992 56 144 65 088 56 612 75 488
The World Browser 800 51 624 112 252 52 052 113 788
ChromePlus 1.4.131 168 83 404 132 060 99 260 161 516
Firefox 4.0 beta 440 668 86 344 128 768 92 072 135 356
SRWare Iron 5.0.38237 964 89 288 129 836 106 932 149 396
Google Chrome 6.0.472.5535 108 82 390 123 196 97 908 145 604
Firefox 3.6.940 960 64 288 82 752 65 720 94 212
Opera 10.6238 988 60 704 108 524 60 708 108 892
Opera 9.01 57 684 64 156

The consumption of RAM by the Opera browser can be significantly reduced by changing the default settings: General settings... (Crtl + F12), Advanced tab -> History - Uncheck "Remember the contents of visited pages", Memory cache: 4 MB, Disk cache - Disabled , after these actions, the result in the test "9 html + pic + js" has changed: 89132 KiB, peak usage: 95756 KiB.


  • Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3: In test 9, html did not recognize the encoding, I had to manually change the encoding in 4 pages. In test 9 html+pic+js, 2 pages were recognized in the wrong encoding, the encoding was changed manually.
  • Opera 10.53: In test 9, html froze trying to load missing images and javascript. In this mode, a long wait for a full download when using proxy servers.
  • Google Chrome 5.0.375.55: 2 processes used at start. In 9 html mode, 4 pages were displayed in the wrong encoding. Encoding changes are made manually. There are 11 processes running, 10 of them are child processes. Google Chrome has a built-in Task Manager that allows you to see the consumption of both RAM and virtual memory, the indicators for using the total RAM in Google Chrome do not match the Task Manager of the Windows operating system. Google Chrome shows the use of RAM by the browser - 101121 KiB, at the same time, it also shows the processes and the total consumption of RAM by the processes, there the data converges with the Windows Task Manager - 215180 KiB, including the About Memory tab. In test 9 html+pic+js, the encoding was incorrectly recognized on one page - Google Chrome readings in test 9 html + pic + js - the total RAM consumed by the browser is 142982 KiB, the total RAM consumed by the browser processes is 265704 KiB.
  • Safari 5.33: When loading html in Test 9, Safari consumed all of the computer's CPU power. When displayed, the wrong encoding was displayed in 4 pages, the encoding was changed manually. Long attempt to load missing images and scripts when using a proxy server. In test 9 html+pic+js, a page with the wrong encoding was recognized, the correct encoding was set manually.
  • Firefox 3.7a6pre: As with Firefox 3.6.3, not all pages in test 9 html were rendered in the correct encoding, the encoding was changed manually in 3 pages. In test 9 html+pic+js was chosen by the browser incorrectly on page 1 encoding. The correct encoding is set manually.
  • Opera 10.60 Beta: When loading in test 9 html, Opera 10.60 Beta behaved the same way as Opera 10.53, sometimes it hung when loading pages.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7: In test 9, html could not display the correct encoding everywhere, the correct encoding was set manually in 3 pages. There were freezes at the time of loading pages. Test 9 html+pic+js doesn't have the correct encoding on 2 pages. The coding is changed to the correct one in manual mode. Also, not all pages were displayed correctly.
  • Google Chrome 6.0.432: The situation is similar to the Google Chrome 5.0.375.55 browser, 2 processes are running at the start. In test 9 html, the number of pages with incorrect encoding is 4. Encodings are changed to the correct ones manually. The Google Chrome task manager showed the total use of RAM by the browser - 103856 KiB, the total use of RAM by Google Chrome processes - 225924 KiB. In mode 9 html+pic+js, the browser selected the wrong encoding on one page, the encoding was changed to the correct one manually. The Google Chrome task manager showed a total browser RAM usage of 148669 KiB, and a total RAM usage of the browser processes was 273632 KiB.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 8: 2 processes were used at the start. In mode 9, html could not display the correct encoding on 3 pages, the correct encoding was set manually. There were freezes at the time of loading pages. In mode 9 html+pic+js encoding is not recognized correctly on 2 pages. Encoding changed to the correct one in manual mode. Also, not all pages were displayed correctly. 4 child processes were created by the browser. There were 5 Microsoft Internet Explorer processes in Task Manager in total.
  • Opera 10.60: In test 9, html froze trying to load missing images and javascript.
  • K-Meleon1.5.4: In test 9 html 4 pages were rendered with incorrect encoding, the encoding was changed manually. In test 9 html+pic+js, the browser encoding is incorrectly selected in 2 pages. Encoding changed to correct manually. One page not displaying properly - Apple Safari
  • SeaMonkey 2.0.5: In test 9, 4 pages of html were displayed in the wrong encoding, the encodings were manually changed to the correct ones. In test 9 html+pic+js 2 pages were displayed in the wrong encoding, changes to the correct encodings were made manually.
  • Mozilla Firefox 3.6.6: In test 9 html, the encoding of 4 pages was displayed incorrectly, I had to change the encodings manually. In test 9 html+pic+js, 2 pages were recognized in the wrong encoding, the encoding was changed manually. The Mozilla Firefox browser page was displayed incorrectly.
  • TheWorld Browser In test 9 html encoding is incorrectly set in 3 pages. Encoding changes are made manually. In test 9, html+pic+js are displayed in the wrong encoding for 2 pages. Encodings are changed to the correct ones in manual mode. Incorrect display of some sites.
  • ChromePlus 1.4.1: In the "9 html" test, 4 pages are displayed with the wrong encoding, changes to the correct encodings are made manually. In the "9 html + pic + js" test, the Yandex page was displayed in the wrong encoding, the encoding was changed to the correct one manually, also in this test, sometimes the browser opened the same page in two tabs, the extra tabs were closed manually.
  • Firefox 4.0 beta 4: In the "9 html" test, 4 pages were displayed with the wrong encoding, changes to the correct encodings were made manually. In the "9 html+pic+js" test, the Yandex page was displayed in the wrong encoding, the encoding was manually changed to the correct one.
  • SRWare Iron 5.0.382: In the "9 html" test, 3 pages were displayed with the wrong encoding, changes to the correct encodings were made manually, 4 pages were not displayed at all by the browser. In the "9 html+pic+js" test, 3 pages were not rendered.
  • Google Chrome 6.0.472.55: In the "9 html" test, 4 pages with incorrect encoding, changes to the correct encodings were made manually. In the "9 html + pic + js" test, the Yandex page is in the wrong encoding, the encoding was changed manually.
  • Firefox 3.6.9: In the "9 html" test, 4 pages with incorrect encodings, changes to the correct encodings were made manually. In the test "9 html+pic+js" 2 pages are in the wrong encoding, the encoding is manually changed to the correct one.

The Opera 9.01 browser was used as an example, it is already very old, but it consumes very little RAM, there are no comments about performance, the data on the RAM used, discussed in Table 1, indicate the least use of RAM.

An interesting fact is that wherever the encoding mismatch ran, the main page of was, in all cases.

For those who want a more modern browser and use less computer resources, it is worth taking a closer look at Mozilla Firefox 3.6. and loaded with graphics and javascript, it should be noted that the memory consumption of the browser will change dramatically when using plugins, the test used the Mozilla Firefox browser of the standard installation.

For connoisseurs of fast loading and response to actions and having enough RAM in the computer, you should take a closer look at the Opera and Google Chrome browsers, the Opera browser has a fast response and high quality animation and smoothness for any actions in the browser, Google Chrome also gives a quick response on actions in the browser, but scrolling pages and other actions use a minimum of animation, which ultimately increases the speed of the browser.

Microsoft Internet Explorer should only be used as a last resort, one of the reasons can be found in the Remarks.

This test presents the results only for testing the consumed RAM.

Testing browsers Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, K-Meleon, SeaMonkey, TheWorld Browser