Internet. Harm and benefit. Benefits of the Internet. What is useful and dangerous Internet Internet benefits and harms from it

Class hour: "Internet - benefit and harm"


    Inform children about the dangers and benefits of the Internet.

    Develop awareness of bad habits.

    Motivate for a healthy lifestyle.

Goals : to give an idea about the Internet;

find out what tools and applications the guys use to work on the Internet;

acquaint children with the harmful effects of computer addiction;

to form a positive attitude towards such qualities of character as independence, curiosity, consciousness;

encourage children to live communication;

develop the skills to participate in the discussion;

develop an active life position.

Equipment: projector, computer, laptop, tablet, cell phones, modem, e-book, printer.

On the chalkboard, the title of the topic is incomplete, i.e. "Internet - ...".

The class hour begins with watching a video - an interview about the Internet filmed by the platoon cadets. The main question of the interview is “What is the Internet for you?”

There is such a network in the world

She can't catch fish.

It even includes children

To chat and play.

The information is taken

And what's not here!

What is the name of the network?

Well, of course, (Internet)

Educator:You probably already guessed that today we will talk about the Internet and computers. In our time, the Internet has penetrated so deeply into all areas of our lives that life without it is hard to imagine. We all live in a world where the computer is as commonplace as televisions, cars, electric lights. What we adults recently seemed to be a miracle of technology, for you children is not a miracle at all, but just a curious thing that you can fiddle with like with any new toy. Recently, however, the question of the influence of the Internet on human health, and the child in particular, has been of concern to everyone. That is precisely why your parents, when purchasing a computer - a thing that is undoubtedly very useful - must understand that they are responsible for whether the computer will benefit or harm you. This is what we will find out with you today: what are the benefits of the Internet and the computer, and what harm they can bring to health. And the topic of our class hour “Internet - ...” you will have to finish at the end of the lesson.

Don't go kidsInternet at night:Suddenly at you from the screenA skeleton pops up!He's terrible, he's not afraidHe will bite you something.And, digging in the jaws,On their own bones will go.

There you can seeevil spider-OH then babyWill eat for sure.He has huge clawsYou will be entangled in nets.The bones will crackleBut you'll have to be patient.And hang in a cobwebJust shorts and boots.

Let my notesAre you bored-But kids on the internetThey often disappear.many childrenLost on the internet.

Educator: Today our class hour will be held in the form of a round table. You are divided into two groups, some will prove the benefits of the Internet, others harm. In addition, we will have an expert group that will make their arguments and help you solve certain problems. Allow me to introduce you to the expert group: Belova G.F. - mother of our platoon, Shirshov Vyacheslav - student of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ilyasov R.B. - computer science teacher.

Educator: What is the Internet, the World Wide Web? How do you understand it?

What means can we use to access the Internet (children's answers).

What sites do you know which ones you use most often?

What operations can we perform with the help of those computers that you have on the tables. Please demonstrate (text printing, text printing, information transmission, correspondence, Bluetooth music transmission, projector video display, e-book reading, etc.)

Educator: The floor is given to the first group of guys, the Plus group, you have to prove to us that the Internet and computer technologies are useful.

Educator: Thank you. The floor is given to the second group, the “Minus” group, you must prove that the Internet and information technologies are not only useful, but also harmful.

(the guys answer, show a presentation)

Educator: Thank you. Indeed, guys, the Internet is a very useful thing. The Internet gives us a lot of information for compiling various documents (statements, abstracts, reports, written appeals, etc.); helps us learn about the latest technologies in various areas of our lives: in science, culture, education, etc. Classes on the computer develop memory, thinking. Well, let's say you're playing. In computer games, you need to memorize levels, names of heroes, navigate the map and make decisions quickly. During the game, the motor coordination of the child and the small muscles of the hand develop: after all, in any games you need to press the keys of the keyboard, manipulate the mouse. A computer can become an assistant, a teaching aid for a child. It develops his creative abilities, opens up a huge, interesting world for him. In this case, the positive impact of the computer depends on individual characteristics: for example, some children begin to learn languages ​​faster, while others draw wonderfully. In addition, there are good educational computer games for children - and this is a great way to learn something, and the ability to use the Internet can be a good school of communication, and in addition, you will learn how to search and select the information you need. Or maybe someone will be so carried away by computer programs or chats, forums that he wants to learn programming and write a program himself! And learn! And write! And become a good programmer!

But there is another side of the Internet, and it is important. We need a reasonable approach to the Internet, to computer technologies. The time spent at the computer should not exceed 45 minutes, remember that the computer is the most dangerous source of electromagnetic radiation, you must use those sites and browsers that will not harm you, but will benefit you. If you need information for an abstract, a report, you don’t need to download it mindlessly, you need to use it as educational material, not material for copying. Otherwise, you will forget how to think.

Educator: I will ask our experts to speak on this topic (expert presentation).

Educator: Now we will watch a video film of what can happen to those who are fond of the Internet, the computer without restrictions (watching the film "The Girl and the Internet").

Educator: Physical education: Stand up, raise your arms and head up, stretch, while rising on your toes. Lower your arms and head. Look at the neighbor on the right, smile at him. Look at the neighbor on the left and smile at him. Shut your eyes, open them sharply. Make circular movements with the pupils: first from right to left, then from left to right. Open your eyes. Sit down.

We spend a physical education session to the music “Girl Olya and the Internet).

Educator: I suggest that one participant from the group go to the board and complete the following task. The “Plus” group writes all the pluses in a column, the “Minus” group writes all the minuses of the Internet.

"Internet and Health"


Find folk recipes


Download gymnastics


No walk

"Internet and Time"

Forgot to do homework

Quick search (savings)

Forgot to eat

Instant answer to your question

Didn't take a walk

played too much

"Internet and Games"




Team spirit

Indifference to the fate of the hero of the game


"Internet and Education"

Thoughtlessly copying essays

Free education

The Internet will not be able to explain how a teacher, in many ways

Preparation for competitions (search for information about the Second World War, photos of those times - can only be found on the Internet)

(Or maybe this will replace a live meeting with a veteran)

In-depth study of subjects

Hobby Questions

"Internet and Communication"

No real communication

Quick answers when talking, despite the distance

New acquaintances

You can not only talk, but also see your


Educator: Most recently, I conducted a study in our class, in order to find out how close the concept of the Internet is to you. The results of the survey, I was clearly alerted:

(questionnaire results, slide show with diagram)

From the study, we can conclude that most of you freely use the Internet, primarily for entertainment. Have you ever thought that many dangers can lurk in the depths of this network?

The most important of them is Internet addiction, which is called the new plague of the 21st century. And anyone, both old and young, can fall into this addiction, and this is frightening. Watch a short excerpt from the film about this (showing the excerpt "The Boy and ...")

What alternative do those who prefer the Internet have? What can you do instead of sitting at the computer (children's answers)? Of course, we have a great opportunity to lead an active lifestyle, communicate with friends in the real world, play sports.

Today, many of you said that the Internet is communication. But can virtual communication replace real communication, live communication? Modern youth is gradually moving towards this, and this is also frightening.

What communication is more interesting for you? How does it differ from virtual communication (children's answers).

Our live communication, like a spark, conveys not only the light of our thoughts, but also the warmth of our hearts. Now, carefully passing this quivering light from hand to hand, and looking into each other's eyes, let's smile at each other (the guys pass the candle, the music “Give a smile to the world” sounds).

How pleasant is the live communication from heart to heart! How exciting it is! Remember this guys.

Educator: The power of the Internet is great. Lots of benefits from it. I want to remind you of the moment when, thanks to the Internet, you were shown on Channel 1 and Andrey Malakhov himself found out that in a small town, in the Republic of Bashkortostan, there is a cadet corps. Thanks to this, the country saw you, many began to recognize you by sight. I bring to your attention a small excerpt from the program “Let them talk” (view excerpt).

Educator: Dear guys, dear experts, what did we talk about today? Has there been a reason to think and change your behavior, to the Internet, to a computer, to a phone. What kind of communication should be followed.

Final word:

caregiver : So, what is the name of our class hour? Please add. Today we talked about the Internet, about its benefits and harms, about computers, about Internet addiction, and we did not seek to solve this problem, by all means, today and now. But discussing it, we learned to hear and listen to each other. During the discussion, we learned live communication - exactly what no computer can replace.

And in conclusion, I suggest you read poems about the Internet, about the computer that you composed (children read poems of their own composition).

caregiver :

The world has turned into a small screen

Where are the waves of wars, where is the fabulous comfort,

Where it is so beautiful to die from wounds!

Everyone is here! And we are with you, of course, here!

Do not go to the Internet for a long time -

You can get lost there unnoticed.

There is no return to the old life...

And I do not like the Internet for this.


caregiver : Our meeting has come to an end and I would like you to express your attitude to the class hour using emoticons:

Yellow - I liked it;

Green - learned a lot;

White was boring.

Allow me to give you a small memo - recommendations.

1. Use the real world to communicate.

2. Look for friends in reality. The virtual world only gives the illusion of belonging to a group and does not develop any real communication skills.

3. Fill your life with positive events, actions.

9. Have your own clear views, beliefs.

10. Avoid deceit and anonymity in virtual reality.

11. Learn to control your own time and time at the computer.

12. Find your favorite pastime, passion, hobby in real life.

13. Walk more, spend time outdoors, play sports.

14. Listen to the advice of your parents if they say that you spend too much time on the computer.

Thank you! Goodbye!

A few Internet security rules in verse

1st reader:

The Internet can be different: A true friend or a dangerous one.

And it all depends on you alone.

If you follow the rules you are different -

So for you communication in it will be safe!

Be obedient and read carefully, remember thoroughly

The set of rules that is set out here is not difficult for kids!

If you are not the first time you turn on the computer itself

And you can easily visit sites, chats without unnecessary phrases,

You consider yourself a master in it.

Suddenly, one day he decided in secret from his parents,

Slowly start an email address for communication on the network.

He indicated without permission the address, the street and the house, and the apartment in it.

Posted on the site you photos of the family.

I did not forget the secrets of the elders - I indicated everything in the questionnaire,

Everything I remembered, everything I knew!

I began to correspond, subscribed to the newsletter,

I downloaded different films.

In general, while there are no adults, you went to the Internet.

2nd reader:

And now you are sitting satisfied: you became instantly famous!

Everyone at school knows about you! What's in the school and in the area,

Famous all over the world! There are no secrets from friends -

Everyone has known this for a long time. Everyone is willing to write to you

And secrets are revealed. The whole world knows everything about you

And at the meeting he says:

“We know, we know, we have read, we have seen photographs.

We read that your dad was late for work,

And my mother's soup ran out of the pot onto the stove.

And we read everything about school problems and we know everything!”

3rd reader:

And by mail the bill came to you for the work of the Internet.

There are such numbers! What is mom for some reason

At once, the eyes became large and did not rise back.

Mom is crying slowly, and dad is walking around angry.

After all, they do not know the truth, why will they be recognized?

Why do they need to invest so much money in the account?!

Everyone at a meeting, immediately quickly tells them the same thing:

We know, we know, we read, we saw the photos!...

And the thief, unfortunately, will find everything without delay,

Where and what do you have.

Now remember, my friend!

The rules are not complicated: On the Internet, as in life,

You must understand everything:

Post information and photos with your mother together.

I have to deal with her!

If you want to go with mom or dad, it's up to you.

On the Internet, as in life,Safety observe!

What simple, but very important and necessary rules for using the Internet are mentioned in this poem?

What other tips and suggestions could you yourself give to your peers so that their stay on the Internet is useful and safe?

(It is not advisable to post personal information on the Internet, Do not respond to Spam (unsolicited e-mail), Do not open files sent by people you do not know. You cannot know what these files actually contain - they may contain viruses or photos / videos with "aggressive" content., Do not add strangers to your IM contact list (ICQ, MSN messenger, etc.), Remember that virtual acquaintances may not be who they say they are, It's never too late to tell adults if someone offended you.)

Causes of computer addiction:

1. Lack of communication.
When a person
(usually a teenager) can't find friends with the same interests. If he is too reserved or afraid of being misunderstood. He draws the wrong conclusion and begins to actively look for friends on the Internet.

2. Lack of hobbies.
If a person has a favorite hobby, or he plays sports. He simply will not have free time that he could devote to the Internet.

3. Failure.
When a person is met with failures everywhere: bad work, quarrels with friends, problems with parents. He will try to somehow realize himself. And he will find this way in computer games.

Treatment of computer addiction.

1. Psychologist.
Gather your strength and go to a professional psychologist, they repeatedly meet this problem and know the best ways to deal with it.

2. Close people.
The help of relatives will be very helpful, they should support and guide you on the path of healing.

3. Awareness of the beauty of real life.
The real world is much brighter than the virtual one, there are many interesting and exciting things in it. To help a person break away from the virtual world, take him to a bowling alley, skating rink, paintball, etc. He must feel how beautiful it is in the real world and try to get out.

We want the internet
“I have been your friend for many years!
You will know these seven rules -
Feel free to surf the internet! »

"If something is unclear
scary or embarrassing
Hurry up to the adults
Tell and show. »

"Just like everywhere else on the planet,
There is danger on the Internet.
We rule out the danger
If filters are connected. »

"I don't want to get into trouble -
I'll start the antivirus!
Everyone who goes online
Our advice will come in handy. »

"Sometimes you are online
Suddenly there are liars.
You don't trust scammers
Check the information! »

"Angry People on the Internet"
Spread their networks.
With strangers
Don't go to the meeting! »

« With rude people in the network
Don't start a conversation.
Well, do not blunder yourself -
Don't offend anyone. »

"So that the thief does not come to us,
And the stranger did not find us,
Your phone number, address, photo
Don't put it on the internet
And don't tell others. »

I remember a wonderful moment...

I remember a wonderful moment
I connected the Internet
Like an unearthly pleasure
Like knowledge, an unquenchable light!

In one minute, in a single moment
"Real" has been forgotten by me since then ...
What marvelous pictures
On my monitor were!

What sites were opened
Giving true Eden,
What files did I download
And day and night! .. But meanwhile

Running out of traffic...Enraged
The admin cut my way out,
And I closed the Nets Cape worthless
And the computer sadly turned off ...

Like an insignificant slave in a dungeon,
Like a brave lion locked up
I lived - without chat, without e-mail,
No cute sites, no network!

But time passed, and anger at mercy
Changed my Admin, lifting the ban,
And a marvelous thing happened -
I have been admitted to the Internet!

And the heart beats again, as it should,
With me again - gop tsa-tsa! -
My Internet, my joy,
And a computer, and traffic without end!

The Internet has appeared in our daily life relatively recently, but this has not prevented it from becoming firmly rooted in many areas of activity and becoming a technology that is used by almost half of the entire globe. Of course, with the advent of the World Wide Web, life has become easier: if earlier, in order to get the latest news every day, a person had to subscribe to a newspaper, and years later, to wait for a broadcast on TV, today, in one minute, you can launch a browser on your smartphone and read only about what happened over the past day, but also about everything that the soul desires. How exactly has the Internet affected our lives and is it really that good?

When the question of the benefits of the now popular network is raised, the first thing that comes to mind is unlimited access to almost any information in a matter of seconds. No need to go to the local library, look for a book that may not be there, go to another library, and in the end, having found it, try not to lose the book and not forget to turn it in on time. Now all you need is a suitable tariff with Internet access on your phone or a Wi-Fi router nearby - you're done! You get at your disposal not one, but hundreds of thousands of books at once in the form of a variety of specialized sites and forums, saving not only your money, but also precious time.

Moreover: who said that information can only be found in text form? The Web gives you access to any video you want, songs from your favorite artists, rare photos, and the latest in the gaming industry. No more queuing for movie tickets or doctor's appointments - with the advent of convenient public service portals and cinema websites, you can book a seat at the right time without leaving your home.

It would seem that such technologies only make life easier for a person, what could be wrong with that? However, having the opportunity to find what you need on the Internet, people automatically, without realizing it, stop relying on their own memory, do not try to strain the convolutions where the “search engine” can do all the work for you. Communication between friends from long-awaited meetings in reality is gradually turning into correspondence on social networks, expression of emotions by facial expressions - into various emoticons and pictures. In addition, the phenomenon of Internet piracy is gaining popularity, when the creators of films, games and music suffer huge losses because their work is illegally published in the public domain on the network. Imagine a rock band of young guys who have been rehearsing for a long time and managed to release their first real album, the songs from which, after a couple of hours, become public against their will. I do not think that with this kind of robbery, talented people have an increased desire to release their creations into the world.

In conclusion, I would like to say that over the past couple of decades, Internet technologies have given a tangible impetus to the development of mankind, but do not forget that these technologies become useful only when they are used wisely and for their intended purpose, with respect for themselves and others. people.

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For a long time there has been a heated discussion on such questions: how is the Internet useful for a person? Is it harmful to our health?

Today, no one can imagine their existence without the Internet. He entered our lives too quickly and sat down too firmly there. The Internet for people is already a necessity that is needed like air.

Let's give you some statistics:

95% of teenagers use Internet;

85% of adults use the Internet;

Every seventh person is registered in facebook;

By 2016 nearly 3 billion of people use the Internet;

If for a moment imagine the Internet as a separate country, then it would occupy the 5th place in terms of economic level, thereby ahead of Germany.

How useful is the Internet for a person?

Undoubtedly Internet- a huge achievement of mankind. With its help, we can watch movies, find new acquaintances, communicate with relatives and friends who live far away, look for answers to questions that interest us, solve complex and incomprehensible tasks for us, find useful and interesting information, learn various events and news. The Internet helps us to become developed and erudite people.

One of the main advantages of the Internet is considered to be "blurring". We can communicate with people who live on other continents and in other countries, while finding new friends, and possibly love.

Some people, in order to become more educated, study foreign languages ​​on their own, watch various trainings, online courses, etc. Many even manage to get through Internet for a good job with a decent salary, and this is not the limit. The Internet itself is already considered a good source of income. Today, there are many professions associated with it.

How does the Internet harm a person?

“With the naked eye” it is clear that the Internet can bring a lot of good and useful things to a person. But, unfortunately, it brings no less harm. First of all, the main problem is Internet addiction. It has already been proven that 10% of people are dependent on Internet. They consider it as important and necessary as family, home, water and food. In some countries, Internet addiction is already regarded as a national problem.

Also, one of the most common problems was poor vision and deterioration of the musculoskeletal system in people due to a long stay at the computer.

The disadvantages of the Internet include the fact that there are many scammers. They, in turn, can take your personal information and use it for their own purposes.

If we compare the benefits and harms of the Internet, then the benefits, of course, "outweigh" the harms, but this is only if you use Internet wisely.

Internet and children.

Today, children use the Internet much more often than adults. Of course, it also brings a lot of useful things for them: new friends, communication, reading books, watching historical and documentary films, and much more.

Everyone knows that the younger generation is increasingly doing their homework using the Internet. Why do you need to "puzzle" over a complex problem, if you can just "get into the Internet" and find the right solution with the answer?

But the main problem is not this. Internet it is simply teeming with such information that can simply harm the healthy psyche of a small child - this is pornography, violence, blood, murder, etc. In addition, children are completely immersed in the virtual world, forgetting about their "live" and "real" friends.

In addition to this, children are more vulnerable than adults. It is much easier for them to “sick” with Internet addiction. Due to the long stay at the computer, children are prone to obesity, insomnia, and poor eyesight.

In order for you to be able to avoid all this problems, negotiate with your child a specific time spent at the computer, and also carefully monitor what he is browsing on the World Wide Web.

You can't forget about yourself either. You should also control your time at the computer, give your eyes a rest, get up more often and walk "back and forth."

Take care of your health, walk on the street more often, communicating with “real” people!

Harm and benefit.


The Internet makes life easier for many people. In human work, it is very practical and convenient, if earlier this work was done within two or even three days, today with the help of the global network you can do all the work in just an hour.

Many people with disabilities can now only use a computer and the Internet to do work at home and thus earn a living.

The Internet also plays a cognitive role, you can travel around the world without leaving your computer. Before you opens the whole globe with its heavenly corners. Now you do not need to spend a lot of money and buy various encyclopedias, you just need to open a search engine and write down the question you are interested in.

Of course, it is impossible not to note the entertainment function of the Internet. Today there are many online games, interest forums and much more.

There are millions of online stores on the Internet that provide us with a variety of goods. Without leaving your home, now it is possible to place an order for the product you like, in addition, it has all the guarantees as in a specialized store.

All of the above are just a small part of the benefits of the Internet in our lives. In fact, its possibilities are not limited. He will tell you about everything and bring a lot of positive emotions.


    First, the Internet is a place for advertising. Advertising banners, advertising images, and now audio advertising... All this is what can be found on the Internet. The corruption of society. On the Internet you can find (even if you do not set yourself this goal) a huge amount of extremist videos, pornography ... When moving from one page to another, a student can get to a page with erotic content. Moreover, a window with such a site opens regardless of the desire of the Internet user. What kind of culture among young people can we talk about when there is no difference between the age of users for advertisers? The Internet is a collection of viruses. Viruses are malicious programs that enter your computer through the Internet. When an Internet virus enters a computer, its activity is blocked. You will not be able to use the programs you need, or inform your friends via the Internet about a virus, or download an anti-virus program to remove a virus from your computer.

    The Internet, forcing a person to sit at the computer longer, makes him feel uncomfortable from a long stay in front of the computer. Both the eyes and the brain suffer from this. The eyes get tired of the contrast that bright Internet pictures create, and the brain loses its activity due to fatigue and exposure to waves. The Internet is a copyright graveyard. There were cases when university professors found their theses on the Internet, although they themselves did not post them there.

  • The information that is on the Internet is not verified by philologists or linguistics specialists, which means that it contains a lot of errors. And a person, having read the same word, incorrectly spelled, several times, will remember it in the wrong spelling, and will continue to make mistakes.

  • Summing up, I can’t even say for sure whether I consider the Internet a negative or a positive thing that is present in our lives. I can say one thing for sure: if you are reading this article now, then you are using the Internet. Now it only remains to hope that you, like me, have brains, and you will be able to clearly delimit the expanses of the Internet into “good” and “bad”.

Today it is difficult to imagine human life without the Internet. The World Wide Web has completely taken over the world, giving people an infinite number of possibilities. The number of network users is increasing every day, and the issue of security is naturally being discussed: what are the benefits and harms of the Internet and what threats does the virtual world hide and how to foresee them.

The benefits of the Internet for humans

The Internet began its history in 1969, during the height of the Cold War with the Soviet Union, when the US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - ARPA, solved the problem of connecting computers located far from each other using telephone lines to exchange information in the event of a nuclear conflict.

The first system connected 4 located in different parts of the United States, and a year later the network began its full functioning. From year to year it improved, became wider, gradually turning from military and completely classified into accessible to many users. So, by 2016, the number of users reached 3 billion people.

Undoubtedly, the World Wide Web serves as a limitless useful information resource and can be considered one of the main achievements of mankind. The Internet allows people to search and transmit information at high speed to solve from the most mundane to the most important tasks.

The use of the Internet is also great in the development and training of a person: modern technologies make it possible to master entire layers of information, up to obtaining an education or even mastering a profession online. Yes, and you can also work remotely: both privately, providing, for example, Skype consultations, and organizing the work of large projects with the participation of remote employees, who can also be found on the Internet.

Thanks to the Internet, a person has received incredible opportunities for communication. One of its most powerful properties was the "erasing of boundaries" - live communication at a great distance has now become habitual.

More interesting facts about the benefits and dangers of the Internet - in the video:

Is the internet harmful

Despite all its benefits and range of possibilities, the Internet can cause serious harm to health and cause many negative consequences.

Influence on the psyche

Web surfing. The influence of the World Wide Web on the human psyche is clearly seen, primarily in the search for information. Technologies are built in such a way that, using hyperlinks, to keep the Internet user as long as possible on sites, diverting their attention to chaotic reading of unnecessary information that distracts from the urgent tasks and goals of a person.

Such a need to receive quick information that does not require “chewing” forms the habit of consuming it superficially, automatically, which leads to information clogging.

At the same time, when the flow of information comes to a halt, a person feels emptiness and seeks to make up for the deficit that has formed again. This is how Internet addiction is harmful. In 2017, the World Health Organization recognized the phenomenon of Internet addiction as a mental disorder, the consequences of which harm every tenth user.

The Internet can also easily replace real communication for a person, which actively affects his relationship with real society. There is a separate phenomenon of SMS addiction, as a result of which a person begins to be afraid of real communication.

Gambling users also run the risk of falling into the trap of harmful gambling addiction, which is fraught with serious consequences, up to cases of suicide as a result of losing.

The possibilities of Internet services are so wide that they affect the most subtle weaknesses of human nature. including the passion for shopping. The availability to make quick purchases of inexpensive goods without getting up from the couch develops oniomania, or shopaholism.

Impact on the nervous system

During active work in the network, the nervous system processes enormous amounts of information. Today, one Internet user daily passes through the brain such a large amount of information that it can harm the information overload of the nervous system, with the consequences of fatigue, insomnia, neurosis, apathy, increased anxiety.

In the most serious cases, this can lead to chronic diseases of the nervous system, therefore, when spending time on the Internet, it is extremely important to structure it and periodically give yourself breaks for relaxing rest.

Visual impairment

Spending a long time in front of the screen of the gadget, a person strains his eyesight several times stronger, and it's not just the small text in front of his eyes. The human eye is similar to a camera in its properties. In order to make a clear frame, consisting of flickering small dots, he needs to constantly change focus, which increases the consumption of the main pigment of vision - rhodopsin, leading to myopia and other eye diseases.

Myopia is extremely rare for artists, as they constantly look from the canvas to distant objects, which benefits the prevention of visual impairment.

This can be adopted in working with gadgets. The simplest exercise will be to change the focus of vision from a near to a distant object - this will be a useful prevention of the harm of myopia.

For people who spend a lot of time on the Internet, experts recommend purchasing useful "", which have special filters built in that bring the color parameters of the screen closer to the spectral sensitivity of the eyes.

Influence on the musculoskeletal system

Constant stay on the Internet in a static position in front of a computer is harmful to the metabolic processes in the body. Intervertebral discs lose their natural properties of mobility and are more susceptible to deformation, which leads to the rapid development of osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia.

Prolonged work at the PC can also lead to a disruption in the transmission of a nerve impulse from the fingertips to the brain due to impaired sensitivity of the nerve endings and the occurrence of constant muscle spasms of the hands and forearms.

A strong overstrain of the tendon-ligamentous apparatus, muscles of the hands and forearm leads to harm in the development of carpal tunnel syndrome - a pinched nerve in the carpal tunnel may even require surgical intervention.

The benefits and harms of the Internet for children

There is an active debate on the issue of the benefits and harms of the Internet for children, in which supporters of modern technologies argue about the value of the Internet for the beneficial development of a child, while skeptics see only the harm of the impact of the temptations of the network.

Benefits of the Internet for the younger generation include:

  • An inexhaustible resource of useful and informative information and the development of skills to navigate it correctly. Thanks to the Internet, you can develop a child's curiosity and teach him search algorithms;
  • The Internet can become a useful "simulator" of memory and attention, a child's logical thinking;
  • Developing games on the Internet, with the right "dosing" and selection, have the ability to be of great benefit in expanding erudition and horizons, learning foreign languages ​​- since the Internet contains a lot of useful materials on all necessary subjects of knowledge - for any age.

At the same time, it is important to remember the cases when the Internet can become harmful to the health of the child:

A long stay in front of a computer screen reduces the physical activity necessary for development, forms incorrect posture properties, and visual impairment. To avoid such consequences, parents should take seriously the issue of organizing a place at the computer. You need to adjust the height of the chair to keep your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent at right angles. The arms, bent at the elbows, should also lie on the table at a right angle.

To prevent eye diseases and deterioration of vision, while working at the computer, the child needs to take regular breaks, as well as periodically perform exercises for the eyes.

Influence on the psyche. It is the responsibility of an adult to keep track of what a small child is viewing on the Internet: this will prevent the risks of encountering information harmful to mental development, for example, of a violent nature, for which, due to his age, he will not be ready.

Impact on socialization. The properties of a long stay in the game reality of the Internet can affect the harm of replacing real communication, which is necessary for social development. Therefore, it is so important to control the frequency and time of using electronic devices: from 3 to 5 years, these should be short intervals, a few minutes a day, and by 7 years, the time can be increased to half an hour.

The benefits and harms of the Internet for students

Opinions about the benefits and harms of the Internet for schoolchildren differ greatly among both parents and teachers.

Despite all the disagreements, it is undeniable that the Internet is a great assistant in educational affairs. With its help, the child can easily find the information he needs, analyze an incomprehensible topic in more detail, or find the keys to solving certain problems.

The educational resources of the Internet will be useful in the development of attention, memory, imagination, as well as associative, logical thinking of the child, and will greatly simplify the learning process.

In connection with the increase in the time of using the Internet at the computer screen, it is important to maintain the conditions for the prevention of violations of the load on the spine and vision. Time must be controlled within one and a half to two hours, with regular breaks.

Prolonged exposure to a screen can also cause endocrine disruption, high blood pressure, headache and temporal pain, fatigue, and muscle and joint pain in the body.

Why is the Internet dangerous for teenagers?

  • Sites related to the subject of sex and erotica. There are countless sites and resources on the Internet that promote unhealthy sexual relationships. This can cause great harm to both the psyche of a teenager and his normal sexual development;
  • Sites that disseminate information of a violent nature, propaganda of narcotic drugs and other similar content can negatively affect the formation of a value orientation: in this case, a live connection with a parent who has authority in the eyes of a teenager is important;
  • Online games can form an addiction, the dangerous signals of which are: a child spending a lot of time on the Internet (more than 5 hours a day), a depressed state, aggressive behavior, unwillingness to leave virtual reality in the real world;
  • Gambling. may lurk in a teenager's need to be independent from parents: ill-formed, it can lead to the addictive influence of online games for money;
  • and online dating sites, useful for identity formation, can also encourage social isolation. At the same time, this may strongly indicate that in real life a child may have serious problems in terms of communicating with his peers.

Important! Technologies of social manipulation can also be dangerous during adolescence, when children are at risk of joining communities, including exploiting destructive moods (nonconformity, suicide, and others). In this regard, it is important for parents to be in contact with the child in order to be able to convey information about the essence of such associations on the Internet and how to avoid the risks of their influence.

Tips for parents: how to keep your child safe on the Internet

If the child is still quite small, the easiest way to control his "virtual walks" on the Internet is with the help of special parental controls. It can be both special applications and built-in browsers and plug-ins. With their help, you can block access to unwanted sites on the Internet, dangerous videos and photos, as well as receive electronic notifications about your child visiting certain sites.

Modern phones and tablets also come with built-in parental control apps that can be easily found in the settings. Moreover, many manufacturers equip their products with special “pills” that are aimed at protecting children from harmful information on the Internet.

How to make the most of your time on the internet

There are a huge number of options on how to make your time on the Internet as productive and useful as possible. The main thing is to find your optimal resource for your goals and interests.

One of the most enjoyable options for spending time on the Internet is communication: with the help of useful social communication tools - blogs, chats, and other social services - the lack of communication is filled

Studies show that the trend of replacing real relationships with online communication, characteristic of the 90s of the twentieth century, has changed to a trend of strengthening real relationships with the help of the Internet.

The Internet also helps to find your target audience from like-minded people, as an environment for the possibility of self-expression of a person.

There are many useful resources on the Internet for self-study. Being at home, in front of a computer screen, a person can easily improve their erudition, learn a lot of new information, learn a foreign language and much more.

The most productive and rewarding way to spend time online can be work. The ability to work remotely using the Internet covers more and more areas: you can work for a company or become a freelancer with the ability to independently organize your time, without geographic reference to the place of work, or open your own business on the Internet. The possibilities of the network are really unique for this.


There are many opinions on the topic, what are the benefits and harms of the Internet. Weighing all the pros and cons, everyone finds their own use case for this technology. However, only one thing is indisputable - the uniqueness of the Internet, which opens up almost unlimited possibilities for a person. The ability to choose only the most necessary and useful resources for oneself will help not to get lost in them.

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