What does the dracaena symbolize in the house. Dracaena: is it possible to keep a flower at home. Where to place the flower

Dracaena is a fairly popular plant because it can decorate any interior and does not require special growing conditions. Having such a flower in their home, many do not even think about what kind of energy and strength it can have.

The impact on humans of dracaena marginata

This plant is especially popular in China and there it is called "bamboo of happiness." It is recommended to have it in your home to give happiness to its inhabitants. Dracaena energy helps to improve financial condition and attract positive energy. The magical properties of dracaena marginata are to strengthen friendships and love relationships, and it also gives people longevity. The plant has a calm character. Lush leaves on a bare stem - a symbol of organization and order. Dracaena helps clear the energy of thought, words and feelings. The properties of dracaena marginata are due to the combination of the energy of the Sun and Mercury. It is recommended to have it in your home for people who can be called "silent". The plant has a positive effect on human health. It helps to quickly heal wounds and cope with various skin diseases. It also has a positive effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal system and teeth.

In feng shui, dracaena marginata is recommended to be placed on the floor near the entrance to the house. In this case, the plant will show respect for the guests, and give good energy. "Happy Bamboo" is an ideal gift for loved ones on any occasion. Of great importance is the number of plant shoots in the composition:

  • three - help to attract happiness;

  • five - help ensure financial stability;

  • seven - improve health;

  • twenty one - give success in any endeavor.

There are compositions made up of 20 twisted stems. In this case, the plant is called the "Tower of Love"

Benefits Dracaena purifies the air of the room in which it is located. Removes from the air more than 70% of benzene, ammonia, formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and other harmful impurities that can be released from low-quality synthetic coatings, linoleum and chipboard. Dracaena process all these harmful compounds, and also destroy half of all existing microbes. Dracaena helps to avoid complications after diseases associated with the intestines and abdominal cavity. Due to the presence of dracaena in the apartment, the household will quickly heal wounds on the skin, any skin diseases will be cured faster. Dracaena imperceptibly for you will strengthen your musculoskeletal system. Under its influence, the spine straightens, it is easier for a person to keep a straight posture. The presence of dracaena in the house also favorably affects the condition of the teeth.

The popular name of dracaena - dragon tree, dragon tail - causes negative associations for some gardeners. However, this evergreen bonsai plant is not only not demanding in care and is best suited for interior decoration in indoor conditions, offices, industrial premises, but also attracts positive energy, well-being, success, love to the house.

Signs and superstitions associated with dracaena often do not have scientific confirmation, and the benefits of this plant are undeniable - it has excellent decorative effect, decorating office and room interiors, is able to partially absorb negative energy and purify indoor air.

Signs, superstitions and beliefs

Another name for this evergreen plant is the tree of happiness. Many admit that it itself becomes a talisman for the owner, as well as for everyone who lives in the room. Powerful energy protects from diseases, attracts well-being, prosperity to the family. That is why dracaena is bought not only to decorate the interior, but also as a gift, which is considered good form.

Dracaena variety Sander (bamboo of happiness) is widely used as a talisman. Powerful straight stems, reminiscent of bamboo, serve as a kind of "fence" from the evil eye, evil spirits and bad thoughts. However, for high-quality protection, there should be more than three such stems (an odd number). According to Chinese traditions, the number 4 does not bring happiness, so when planting Sander's dracaena to protect your home, choose plants with 5, 7, 9 stems.

You can keep dracaena at home and as protection from the evil eye. Many believe that the positive energy of the plant has a beneficial effect on the aura of the room, creating a kind of protective shell from negative thoughts.

Today you can find many beliefs associated with this exotic plant:

  1. The peacemaker tree is used to improve relationships within the family.
  2. If you place a pot in the bedroom next to the bed, the exotic owner will gain self-confidence, go up the career ladder, and learn to make the right decisions quickly.
  3. As a gift, this tree is presented to those who wish mutual and long-term love.
  4. She also “points” to those who treat the owners of the house badly - when a person with negative energy appears in the apartment, the leaves quickly dry out.

It was previously believed that such a tree could even speak of the impending death of one of the family members. If drops of scarlet juice appeared on the surface of the leaves, this indicated the death of someone close to the owner of the dracaena.

Dracaena in Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, any plant and even objects in the house have a certain effect on people and events. Home flowers and plants bring joy, improve mood, normalize human energy. Green color promotes peace, relaxation, calm, getting rid of gloomy thoughts.

In feng shui, the dracaena is called the "tree of luck", it is believed that it attracts success in work, business, gambling, as well as personal happiness to its owner. It is best to place a container with this exotic tree in the direction of the east, south or southeast - the sector of wealth. After some time, the space of the whole house will be charged for quick prosperity and an increase in profits.

Different types of dracaena affect certain feng shui areas:

  • the dragon tree attracts mutual love, fights negative energy and protects the residents of the house;
  • fragrant dacena fights against diseases, failures, energizes for success, helps in healing;
  • deremskaya - cleanses the apartment of bad thoughts, helps to cope with stress, irritability, relaxes, pacifies;
  • gozefa - suitable for Aquarius, as well as people born under the signs of water, balances the character of quick-tempered residents, helps to make balanced and deliberate actions.

Any kind of dracaena improves relationships, helps to quickly deal with family conflicts, maintain love and understanding. Moreover, the influence is exerted both on the person who planted and grown this tree, and on everyone who lives in this house.

Impact on relationships, family, home and career

Dracaena brings only positive changes to the house. If the tree is looked after, watered in a timely manner, and not allowed to dry out and wither, it “thanks” its owner with quick positive changes in life.

For example, dracaena marginata has magical properties that have been tested by several generations. It is believed that if the leaves begin to dry out, the mini-palm tree becomes painful in appearance, loses foliage, deforms, this indicates that a person with bad energy lives in the house, which the dracaena takes over.

If unwanted guests appeared in the apartment, the plant may lean in the opposite direction, indicating the negative impact of a person with a bad aura.

The complete death of a flower is considered a bad omen among the people. This is a sign of the imminent death of one of the family members, deterioration in material condition, illness and other serious problems. This exotic is recommended for those who suffer from insecurity, low self-esteem, lack of courage. But for those who are irritable, quick to punish, often make rash decisions, the tree will also help. It can balance the character and make a person wise.

Is it possible to give dracaena

Dracaena in the house - happiness in the family. Such folk wisdom allows you to give this flower not only to close friends, but also to colleagues, boss, parents. The meaning of dracaena in feng shui:

  • 3 stems in one pot guarantee happiness in the home;
  • 5 stems - quick profit, financial wealth, luck in business;
  • 7 stems - good health, absence of diseases;
  • 9 stems - success in undertakings, climbing the career ladder, luck in love affairs;
  • 21 stems - the maximum possible protection from other people's influence, success in work, family well-being, good health.

You can give a mini palm tree both in pots and in large floor vases. In this case, they are placed closer to the front door in order to protect the home from unwanted guests and the evil eye of others.

Is it possible to grow at home

Useful properties of greenery in apartments are invaluable. Choose "indoor dwellers" with minimal allergenicity, without a characteristic smell. Before decorating the interior with pots, find out how this or that plant is useful for humans and pets.

The benefits and harms of dracaena for the home:

  1. Any variety of this tree purifies the air, removes from it toxic compounds common in the atmosphere of the city - xylene, ammonia, formaldehyde. They are distinguished not only by cars, but also by linoleums, laminate, pieces of furniture made of chipboard and other synthetic modern coatings.
  2. In addition to chemical compounds, dracaena are able to "pull" pathogenic microorganisms from the air that cause intestinal infections and pulmonary pathologies.
  3. In the summer growth phase, the plant releases antibacterial components into the air, which accelerate the healing of skin wounds. Medicinal properties are inherent in all types of dracaena. It is also believed that this indoor palm has a positive effect on the condition of bones, teeth, spine and muscle tissue.

Harm to humans is excluded, dracaena is suitable for indoor cultivation. Its tissues do not synthesize substances-allergens, toxins or harmful poisons. If a puppy or house cat accidentally eats the leaves, there will be no harm. However, keep pets away from eating tough leaves that leave cuts and abrasions in the mouth.

If you place a flower in a pot next to office equipment, it begins to absorb magnetic radiation. Therefore, a decorative palm tree is often used in offices and other production rooms.

In the conditions of apartments / offices, almost all types of dracaena rarely produce flowers. But if flowering does begin, the owners expect a sharp improvement in well-being, happiness, love or mutual sympathy. Take care of your green friend, do not forget about watering, cleaning leaves, top dressing, and you can feel the positive impact of this exotic mini-palm tree on yourself and your loved ones.

Which is often called a palm tree. It is found in many homes, however, superstition has not bypassed it either. Therefore, the main question of how safe a plant called dracaena is, whether it is possible to keep it at home, and what threatens non-compliance with a number of recommendations for growing, remains open.

Dracaena at home: signs and superstitions

Starting a houseplant, people are increasingly looking for information about how safe it is from the side of energy and magical features. Dracaena has also acquired a number of superstitions and signs that do not always please the owners of this plant. To believe in them or not is an individual matter. But everyone needs to know about them.

There are many different beliefs and signs associated with the dracaena plant.

The main signs and beliefs include the following:

There are more sad signs associated with dracaena:

  1. If the plant dies for no apparent reason, wait for the death of one of the spouses.
  2. If you see “bloody tears” on the dracaena during its drying, then we can say with confidence that one of the spouses will die from violence.

However, the good beliefs outnumber the bad ones. Therefore, you can not worry about this, and know that the plant in itself cannot harm a person.

The benefits of dracaena for the home

In addition to how this plant affects the family, many are also interested in the question of what is its use for the room. Dracaena is an excellent "producer" of oxygen and a destroyer of carbon dioxide. In view of this, the plant is an ideal option for breeding not only at home, but in public places and offices.

Indoor dracaena saturates the air in the room with oxygen.

In addition, this flower copes with harmful magnetic radiations that are present in our lives thanks to household appliances and computers.

Dracaena and Feng Shui

As for the Chinese teachings, according to Feng Shui, dracaena is recommended to be placed in different zones, depending on your own needs:

  1. If you put the dracaena in the southern, eastern or southeastern sector of the apartment, you can activate material well-being.
  2. Placing the plant in the northern part of the home helps to get rid of bad energy.
  3. Western stay promises the owner the acquisition of love.

The best option for placing dracaena, according to the followers of Feng Shui, is the living room. In this room, family and guests most often gather, which means that there is also the largest accumulation of negative energy.

The tropical plant dracaena under natural growing conditions is a large multi-meter tree. At home, this flower grows much smaller, but retains its specific qualities and features. Dracaena are popular for their exotic look, beautiful multi-colored foliage and unpretentious care. Because of this, they are often used to decorate apartments, houses and offices.

Dracaena are trees or succulent shrubs that belong to the genus of the Asparagus family. According to various data in nature, there are from 40 to 150 species. Most of them grow in Africa.

This evergreen tree has a tree-like, straight and even trunk, which thickens with age due to the activity of stem meristems. As an indoor culture, dracaena is grown because of its beautiful leaves. In some plant species they are narrow, in others they are quite wide. But all the leaves have the original color. In young trees, they are directed upwards. With age, the leaves first deviate to the sides, and then bend down. They are located in bunches on the upper rosettes of the trunk. The lower leaves fall off as the tree grows, leaving behind scars on the trunk.

Dracaena - meaning

In the countries of Central and South America, this plant is called " happiness tree". The name appeared thanks to the legend of the Aztecs, according to which, who fell in love with the daughter of the high priest, the war was given the task of growing a tree from an ordinary stick in five days. Only in this case the girl's father agreed to give his daughter in marriage to him. All five days the warrior watered the stick stuck by the priest, and, fortunately, leaves appeared on it. As a result, the dracaena grew, and the warrior and the priest's daughter got married. Since then, many have believed that if, on a full moon at midnight, a part of the trunk is cut off from the dracaena and planted, then this bring happiness in love.

Other signs and beliefs are also associated with dracaena:

It is believed that these beautiful ornamental leafy plants help to improve life, increase energy, help maintain optimism, warm and benevolent relationships in the house.

According to Feng Shui, dracaena sensitive to negative thoughts and begin to wither in an unfavorable psychological environment. Therefore, if you keep the plant in the conditions necessary for it and properly care for it, but it still fades, then you should think about the psychological situation in your home.

Single people who want to start a family are advised to purchase this houseplant and grow it in their home.

Dracaenas have some useful properties- have a good effect on people prone to depression, help cleanse the body of toxins, neutralize benzene, formaldehyde and other chemicals.

A tropical plant has female energy and may not take root well in the house and refuse to grow in male flower growers who have a tough character .

In the photo, dracaena Compacta

Dracaena - types

All types of plants are divided into two groups:

  1. Trees with strong trunks and comprehensive hard leaves.
  2. Shrubs with slender flexible stems and belt-shaped leaves.

The most popular for growing at home are only six species of these beauties.

In the photo, the dracaena is bordered (Marginata)

Dracaena bordered - photo

The most famous indoor variety of this exotic tree, which grows up to 6 meters in nature. The bordered view of flower growers is called - dracaena marginata.

In room conditions, a slender tree is different:

  • bare trunk, which gradually lengthens;
  • narrow pointed hard leaves located on the tops of the shoots;
  • contrasting border on the leaves;
  • leaf length up to 70 cm.

Marginata has several varieties that differ in foliage color:

  1. Variety Colorama combines several shades of white, pink and green.
  2. Bicolor- a variety with light foliage and a pink border. The main color is white and green.
  3. Tricolor characterized by foliage, which is dominated by a red tint. Also available in gold and white.

Under natural conditions, dracaena Marginata blooms and forms fruits. In a potted plant, it is not necessary to wait for the formation of inflorescences.

In the photo, dracaena deremskaya

Dracaena deremskaya - photo

A tall, slow-growing plant that can reach up to 3 meters at home. Is different:

  • powerful trunk;
  • densely decorated foliage located along the trunk;
  • variegated leaf plates up to one and a half meters long;
  • leathery, smooth, linearly expanded leaves.

The following varieties are distinguished, differing in the color of the leaf plates:

  1. Shriveriana variety with leaves, along the edge of which there is a wide white-yellow border.
  2. Bausei distinguished by a wide white stripe in the middle.
  3. Warneckii has gray-green leaf plates and narrow white stripes along the edge.
  4. Janet Craig Compacta- This is a miniature kind of tree. It has a straight dwarf trunk and elastic leaves.

Dracaena deremskaya is very unpretentious in maintenance and care. To ruin this type of plant, you need to try very hard.

In the photo, fragrant dracaena

Fragrant dracaena - photo

The plant is popular due to its wide leaves and the pleasant smell that the inflorescences that open on an adult tree emit. Is different:

  • sheet plate width of 10 cm;
  • thick, unstable trunk;
  • impressive size.

The following varieties are distinguished:

  1. Lindenii it is distinguished by creamy-white stripes along the edges of the leaves.
  2. Lemon lime has a thin trunk and grows quickly. Requires support.
  3. compacta- a compact palm-shaped tree. Leaf blades are dark green in color.
  4. Victoriae distinguished by beautiful leaves of light yellow color, in the middle of which there is a green stripe.
  5. Massangeana is the most popular variety among fragrant dracaena. Decorative leafy plant in length reaches one and a half meters. It has large arched leaves, which are located in a bunch at the top of the stem. The leaf plate is distinguished by a light green color and a yellow stripe in the middle. To give the dracaena an attractive appearance, several branches are formed on its trunk.

Unfortunately, you can see the spectacular flowering of a plant only at home or in nurseries. A peduncle grows from the center of its rosette, reaching about a meter in length. It reveals fluffy flowers that resemble pompoms in appearance.

External attractiveness and unpretentiousness in care have made this type of plant very popular among flower growers.

Dracaena bent (Reflex) - photo

In the photo, dracaena Reflex (bent)

The name of the flower was formed due to its leaf plates, curved in the shape of an arc. They gather in bunches and grow only at the ends of the shoots. "Reflex" is different:

  • branches extending from the very base of the trunk;
  • lanceolate leaves;
  • green foliage with pronounced veins and a light border;
  • an interesting form of a leaf plate, the length of which reaches 11-16 cm.

The main value of this species are bright leaves with rich color.

Popular varieties:

  1. « Song of Jamaica". A tree with dark green leaves with a white border.
  2. « Song of India» is distinguished by green leaves with cream stripes.

Due to the weak stem and the exactingness of high humidity in room culture, this type of dracaena is the least common.

In the photo, Dracaena Sander or bamboo

Dracaena sander - photo

Flower shops often sell a popular plant - "good luck bamboo". It consists of spirally curved cuttings connected together. Many people think it's bamboo. In fact, the correct name of the plant is Dracaena Sander or Sanderiana.

Found this beauty in the humid tropics of Africa. In the second century BC, it began to be widely grown in China. "Good luck bamboo" is considered a talisman that brings prosperity to the house.

Sandera's appearance is an upright stem, on which leathery leaves are located 3 cm wide and up to 20 cm long. At home, "good luck bamboo" can grow up to one and a half meters. May have varieties with variegated leaves. In nature, it blooms with white and pink flowers.

The plant is quite unpretentious. Able to grow in water or a special substrate in the form of helium balloons. Prefers good lighting and ventilated areas.

In the photo, dracaena Surculosa (Godsefa)

Dracaena Godsefa or Surculosa - photo

Decorative and deciduous plant of an uncharacteristic species for dracaena. It is a bush up to 60 cm high, on which pointed oval leaves are located. Each leaf plate is covered with cream specks and specks. Its color depends on the variety:

  1. Panctulata has a dark background, on which a small dotted pattern is located.
  2. Milky Way or "Milky Way" it is distinguished by a bright white stripe around which dots are located.
  3. Juanita also has a white, but more washed-out stripe.
  4. Florida Beauty- the most common "Godsefa". It has yellow spots of various sizes. As the tree ages, the spots lighten.

At a young age, the plant blooms with yellowish-green fragrant flowers. After them, red berries appear.

Godsefa does not require special care and growing conditions, so it is quite easy to grow it at room conditions.

From the entire range of these indoor decorative leafy plants, you can choose the most suitable for the interior of your apartment, house or office. It can be a fairly large tree or a compact shrub with green or variegated leaves. Among other things, room Dracaena flower is one of the powerful green "filters". So, for example, bordered dracaena absorbs and neutralizes trichlorethylene, formaldehyde, benzene, xylene through its leaves and roots.

Dracaena is an evergreen plant from the asparagus family, has an extravagant appearance, as well as longevity. This indoor flower is popularly called a dragon tree, and many domestic amateur flower growers prefer to keep such an unpretentious, highly decorative plant at home.

Signs and superstitions

Some signs and superstitions, well-known among the people, are very closely connected with dracaena, the meaning of which It is highly desirable to pay attention when arranging an ornamental plant in the interior:

  • traditionally, dracaena are considered plants that bring love and happiness to the house, as well as material well-being;
  • according to esotericists, the plant is able to neutralize the negative energy in the apartment and has a positive effect on a person, effectively coping with depressive states;

  • the tree of happiness has a positive effect on mood, gives strength and helps to cope with sudden difficulties;
  • one of the most common beliefs associated with dracaena says that a houseplant must be in the house of single people who want to find family happiness as soon as possible;
  • dracaena is considered to be a peacemaker plant, so indoor culture helps to extinguish family quarrels, as well as conflicts between fathers and children;
  • any type of Dracaena, according to flower growers, brings harmony, as well as comfort and well-being to family relationships.

Dracaena: Bamboo of Happiness (video)

The rather rare flowering of dracaena is also closely related to signs, and promises the owner a career take-off and major financial success. But only sad signs are associated with the death of a houseplant. However, the magical properties of the tree of happiness are well known, which means that the decorative culture is useful, and putting this plant in a living room is not only possible, but necessary.

Is it possible to keep at home

When growing ornamental crops in indoor floriculture, it is important to remember that, like any living creature, a plant is able to process the energy of people located in the immediate vicinity, as well as domestic animals and other plants. Among other things, according to experienced flower growers, dracaena is quite jealous and is able to expel people she doesn’t like from home. It is also worth considering that a tropical plant is characterized by the presence of female energy and often takes root very poorly in many male flower growers with a tough character.

How to grow dracaena at home (video)

Benefit and harm

The undeniable benefits and some harm that characterize indoor dracaena, should be taken into account when choosing this ornamental plant for interior design of residential premises:

  • Dracaena of any kind and variety purify the air and help remove toxic compounds such as benzene, ammonia, formaldehyde, xylene and toluene, which are emitted by any low-quality synthetic coatings, including linoleums, laminates and chipboard;
  • a highly ornamental indoor plant well destroys almost all harmful microorganisms and very effectively reduces the level of pathogenic microflora that can cause pulmonary and intestinal diseases;
  • the active substances of dracaena promote the speedy healing of wounds on the skin and accelerate the cure of any skin diseases.

According to some reports, indoor dracaena, regardless of the variety, strengthens the musculoskeletal tissues very well, allows you to quickly straighten the curved spine, and also has a very beneficial effect on the posture in general and the condition of the teeth.

In the interior and feng shui

When choosing a type and variety for interior decoration, you need to remember some botanical features of decorative culture:
  • the most demanding for care, as well as indicators of humidity and lighting, are Fragrant Dracaena, Fragrans, Deremskaya and recurved Dracaena, as well as some variegated-colored varieties;
  • Fragrant dracaena has unusually fragrant flowers and during the active flowering phase, it is not recommended to place an ornamental culture in the bedroom and children's room, since the aroma of the plant can provoke dizziness;
  • highly decorative small-leaved species "Song of India" has proven itself in interior design and is easy to form, allowing you to create a variety of spectacular flower arrangements;
  • some species and varieties of dracaena have flexible stems, due to which it is possible to form braids and shrub compositions from them.

When choosing a variety of dracaena, it is very important to determine in advance the place of its location in the interior. For growing on window sills, it is recommended to choose growing varieties of dracaena Deremskaya, Lime or Marginata Tricolor. To beautifully decorate corner areas or decorate the interior on a large scale, Fragrant Dracaena, Marginata and Songs of India are best suited.

However, in any case, one should not forget about the needs of decorative culture in high-quality lighting and a sufficient level of air humidity. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, all the useful properties of room dracaena are very high. Three stems of this ornamental culture can bring happiness and good luck, five stems allow you to attract wealth and positive energy, seven stems improve health, and eight stems of dracaena guarantee success in any endeavors. Many flower growers know that the composition, which includes twenty stems of the tree of happiness, is called the "tower of love" and that such a gift is a gesture of care and sincere friendship.

How to water dracaena (video)

To achieve wealth and well-being, it is recommended to place the indoor flower in the southern, eastern or southeastern part of the room. The most favorable decorative culture affects everyone who was born under the sign of Capricorn or Aries, but other signs of the zodiac are not deprived of the attention and positive impact of this very beautiful and unpretentious tropical plant.