History of warcraft orcs and humans. Everything about the movie "Warcraft": background, plot, shooting. Gameplay or why this stupid worker doesn't move

Indeed, the history of the Warcraft universe cannot simply be recounted, but it is not so difficult to understand how it is organized and from which side it is better to approach it. The following review will have a navigational function, and may be useful even for those who are in the subject, but would like to expand their knowledge. My goal in this answer will not be to retell the contents of numerous sources, but to give the most general outline of events and show what place each source occupies in this outline.

Conventionally, the history of the universe can be divided into three sources: strategies, MMORPG World of Warcraft, books and comics. It seems that there are also board card games, but I don’t know anything about them, and the data of the three layers of the universe will be more than enough for you.

The story involved in the strategies can be divided into three parts, according to the parts of the games.

Warcraft I She is the first war. A recently released film was made on this part. Tells about the invasion of the Horde into Azeroth, about Medivh, about the fall of Stormwind, about the death of King Llane.

Game: Warcraft: Orcs & Humans

Warcraft II, the second war. Events after the fall of Stormwind, the story of how Anduin Lothar, Turalyon and Daelin Proudmoore fought back the Horde. Then - the counteroffensive of the Alliance in the homeland of the orcs, Draenor, where Ner'zhul, since nothing happened with Azeroth, wants to open portals to other worlds.

Games: Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness; Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal.

Warcraft III, the third war. The most intense and popular part of the game. The remaining orcs in Azeroth are kept in camps, and there is a short-term peace and tranquility in Lordaeron. However, not everything is so rosy, as on the northern continent of Azeroth, Northrend, Ner'zhul, imprisoned in the throne of ice, is gathering strength in order to unleash a third war.

Simultaneously with these events, the young slave Thrall begins to have strange dreams in which a stranger calls him to lead the orcs to Kalimdor, the western mainland of Azeroth. In this part of the strategy, we get acquainted with the most famous heroes of the universe, with whom Warcraft is now actually associated: Arthas, Illidan, Kael'thas.

Games: Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne

The explanations that I give for each part are not even a retelling, but almost randomly selected facts, in order to only give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat is happening in the series of games, and, of course, so as not to spoil.

The logical continuation of the history of strategies was the famous World of Warcraft, which is also divided, but not into parts, but into addons.

WoW Classic: The Forsaken (Undead that no longer obey Arthas) join the Horde, so we end up with two mutually unfriendly coalitions.
Alliance: Humans, Dwarves, Dwarves, Night Elves. Horde: Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, Forsaken. The main antagonists of this stage are the black dragons, the ancient gods and Kel'Thuzad, who again began to spread the plague across Azeroth on the orders of Arthas, now the Lich King.

WoW Burning Crusade: A new people appears in Azeroth, the Draenei, whom the Alliance accepts into its ranks. The blood elves, led by Lor "temar Theron, join the Horde. The Dark Portal through which the orcs entered Azeroth during the first war reopens. Antagonists of the add-on: Kael'thas, Illidan and the Burning Legion itself in the person of Kil'Jaeden.

WoW Wrath of the Lich King: Some death knights join the Alliance and Horde, who decide to fight the Lich King in his territory in this expansion. Players in this expansion will have to confront the Titans themselves, the creators of Azeroth, and the Lich King.

WoW Cataclysm: The distraught Aspect of the Earth, the black dragon Deathwing has awakened in the bowels of the Underdark and is determined to destroy all of Azeroth with the help of the cult of the black hammer. Recently, the Kezan goblins have found themselves with enemies in the Alliance ranks - several unexpectedly losing trades have forced some merchant magnates to abandon their comfortable position of neutrality. Old agreements with the Horde were renewed, and the Horde welcomed the goblins with open arms. Beyond the wall of Greymane, in the human city of Gilneas, meanwhile a strange frenzy has gripped the inhabitants. It turned people into bloodthirsty werewolves attacking everyone and everything. With this madness dealt with, the Gilneans began to call themselves Worgen, half-human, half-wolves, and found a home in the ranks of the Alliance.

WoW Mists of Pandaria: a new continent, Pandaria, was suddenly discovered in the southern part of Azeroth, previously hidden from view by a dense layer of mists. The Horde and the Alliance raced to this continent, unleashed a war on it, thereby awakening strange Sha creatures that personify our bad emotions and feelings. Some Pandaren decide to join the Horde and the Alliance. Garrosh Hellscream, who became the leader of the Horde in the era of Cataclysm, goes crazy and brings back the heart of the ancient god Y "Shaarj to life in order to strengthen his army and destroy the Alliance. Heroes of both factions must begin the siege of Orgrimmar, the main city of the Horde, in order to overthrow the tyrant.

WoW Warlords of Draenor: Garrosh escapes justice with the help of the bronze dragon Kairozdormu (the bronze dragons in the World of Warcraft have the ability to manipulate time). Garrosh travels back in time to a time before the orcs made their way to Azeroth. There, he finds his father, Grommash, and shares the technology Garrosh hoped to destroy the Alliance with. Grommash united all the disparate clans of the orcs of Draenor under his banner, making their leaders his warlords and began an invasion of Azeroth, but not in Azeroth during the first war, but in the time after the Pandarian campaign. Players become participants in the events of this most changed Draenor of the past.

And in August we are waiting for Legion, a new page in the history of Warcraft.

As you can see, the further the story of the game develops, the more confused and uninformative my retelling becomes. The reason for this is the complication of the story, the number of key characters increases several times. If for Warcraft I Garrona, Durotan and Lothar are important to us, then in Warcraft III Jaina, Arthas, Uther, Kel'Thuzad, Thrall, Medivh, Illidan, Mev and Kael'thas are equally important. Naturally, in order to adequately finish the stories of all these characters, the space of the game is completely insufficient. Therefore, the creators attract the third and last layer of sources - books.

At the moment, 22 books have been published, which are divided into three series.

I. Warcraft series
Includes books that are not connected by a common plot:

  1. With Blood and Honor is the very first novel in the Warcraft universe, written by Chris Metzen (dad of the entire Warcraft universe). The story is about Tirion Fordring. Timeline, if I'm not mistaken, after the second war.
  2. Day of the Dragon - tells about the events after the second war. The protagonist of the book, the magician Ronin, rescues the supreme aspect, Alexstrasza, from captivity of the Horde.
  3. Lord of the Clans - tells the story of Thrall (the same little orc that makes GRRR at the end of the film), about how he began to revive the Horde, freeing the orcs from the camps of the Alliance.
  4. The Last Guardian - narrates from Medivh the Guardian, with whom many are now also familiar thanks to the film.

II. Warcraft Series: War of the Ancients Trilogy
It tells about the events after the Battle of Mount Hyjal (Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos) and at the same time about those events that took place several thousand years before the first war.

Books included: 1. Well of Eternity 2. Soul of a Demon 3. Schism

III. World of Warcraft series
Also includes books that are loosely connected by a common plot:

  1. Circle of Hatred - events a year before WoW, that is, after the first war. Tells how Jaina Proudmoore and Thrall tried to keep the peace between the Horde and the Alliance.
  2. Rise of the Horde is the kind of book everyone should read before going to the Warcraft movies. It tells about who the orcs are, why they needed to attack Azeroth. And he also introduces us to the draenei people, these are the same blue-skinned dudes who were killed at the beginning of the film.
  3. Dark Tides - tells about the events of Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness.
  4. Beyond the Dark Portal - tells about the events of Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal.
  5. Day of the Dragon - is in a sense a continuation of the "Night of the Dragon" and tells about the events between the Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King.
  6. Arthas: Rise of the Lich King - biography of Arthas, naturally.
  7. Stormrage is the only book that I can't localize in timeline that is about what the Emerald Dream is and about Malfurion Stormrage.
  8. Schism: Prelude to Cataclysm - tells the story of the events between Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm.
  9. Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects is a sequel to the previous book.
  10. Wolfheart - tells about the events after Cataclysm, about how the leaders of the Alliance tried to protect Ashenvale from Garrosh, who was already starting to go crazy.
  11. Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War - tells the story of Jaina Proudmoore, the events before Mists of Pandaria.
  12. Dawn of the Aspects - tells about the events after Cataclysm, about what happened to the five Aspects after they abandoned their immortal power in the name of defeating Deathwing.
  13. Vol "jin: Shadows of the Horde - captures the events of Mists of Pandaria, specifically update 5.1.0 tells us about Vol'jin, who at the end of this addon becomes the new leader of the Horde.
  14. War Crimes - talks about the events after Mists of Pandaria, about what happened to Garrosh after the Siege of Orgrimmar.
  15. Illidan - The book was released in 2016, and as far as I understand, is a biography of Illidan Stormrage.

As you can see, the devil will break his leg in these books, and there are also manga and comics, which I won’t even write about here.

“The life of the elderly is a feat,” V.Yu. once said. Scheucher, and although he spoke about people, nevertheless, the same can be said about computer games, in particular about the game Warcraft 1. At the moment, the game is already over 16 years old - for a person this is only the beginning of life, for a computer game - the last breaths before oblivion. But unlike other games, Warcraft 1 still clings to life, because it is remembered, played and not forgotten ....


In those ancient times, the world of personal computers was ruled by the great MS DOS. Somewhere in the depths of Microsoft Corporation, its successor Windows was just beginning its life, but the power of DOS was unquestioning. To maintain its power on users' computers, DOSa had assistants - computer games, but there were no worthy strategies among them: the mighty strategy knight Dune 2 was old and decrepit and could not cope with the role assigned to him, because his methods were already outdated.

But on January 15, 1994, a new mighty knight from the kingdom of Blizzard in America appeared, who, with his appearance and inner beauty, was able to win many players around the world. His name is Warcraft: Orcs & Humans. This game opened up completely new possibilities for the player, new worlds, forced the player to strain his convolutions. But its main feature - the possibility of a network game was simply stunning.


The graphics of Warcraft: Orcs & Humans are extremely nostalgic for anyone who remembers the cd, dir and cls commands, but for everyone else it causes a terrible desire to delete the game from the hard drive. Although before you try and remove it, you will need to run it, and for this you will have to get acquainted with the DOS culture, but more on that later. The Warcraft Orcs Humans game supports the mighty 320*200 resolution. The appearance of the characters and buildings suggests a waste of time - for players who first launched the game and an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba wonderful time in the distant 90s for those who already played it at one time. People who saw the first Varik for the first time will feel like they are in the gaming world of consoles, because the graphics of the Warcraft: Orcs and Humans game have gone not far from their ancestors. The quality of the graphics is clearly demonstrated by the screenshots of Warcraft 1, which are presented on our website.


Startup problems are almost guaranteed for anyone with a non-DOS operating system, in other words, problems are guaranteed for everyone. But you should not immediately free up by deleting the 8 MB of disk space that the game occupies. Let's start chemistry. First of all, the mighty Setup.exe requires you to enter a specific word on a specific line on a specific page from the Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual. And after all, the first letter suggests how he mocks! Anyway. You can download this manual from our website using this link. Now that the keyword is entered, you can set up the game configuration, however, this is optional.

Now you have a new problem - run the War.exe file Method one: try running the game in compatibility mode for Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP and so on. It may work for someone, but in our case it was a waste of time. The second way is to run the game through the Dos emulator. We used the DosBox emulator version 0.74, which can be downloaded for free on the official website of the developers (thanks a lot, guys, for the wonderful work), or on our website at this link. In the description of the program on our website you will find detailed instructions on how to run a Dos game on Windows using Warcraft as an example. Now you can start playing the game and have a cake from the fridge as an aperitif and a reward for your efforts!


The first impression of the game is formed by the introductory video, which will give many players the feeling of a well-deserved rest in front of the computer, forgotten since childhood, after an excruciatingly long and boring day at school - once again simple graphics and anticipation of the game until the moment mom returns. After reading the description of the mission and remembering that it would be necessary to learn English, because it is almost impossible to find a Warcraft 1 crack, we move on to the game, but wait, what is it? Our units don't want to move. But Blizzard tried to accustom you to using hot keys, they didn’t want to - now learn, because there is no other way. But this is a trifle, compared with the first attempt to select two units! What the hell? Is it possible to allocate only one unit at a time? Don't worry, you can select up to 4 units! To do this, just press Ctrl and select with a rectangle the area in which the units you need are located. The innovations do not end there: to scroll the map you need to use the right mouse button or the direction arrows. Another problem is that your base will be smashed to pieces, and your squad will stand nearby, armed to the teeth, and smoke bamboo (beat the buckets, suffer garbage) until you order to attack. It should also be noted that for the most part, the units and buildings of humans and orcs differ only in appearance - it was easier to build a balance of Warcraft 1.

Just don't think that Warcraft 1's gameplay is all about flaws: You're dealing with the founder of the genre, so have some respect for the old. After all, it was Warcraft 1 that gave the world what you love so much in modern strategies. So, the Warcraft 1 game has a lot of VARIOUS missions that even modern games can envy: from the banal - destroy the enemy base, ending with the rescue of wounded hostages. Further, in Warcraft 1, for the first time, the ability to improve (upgrade, pump) buildings was used, which was a very useful innovation. Despite the shabby appearance, Warcraft 1 boasts a fairly large variety of units that you can create. Regarding resources, everything is simple - gold and wood - simple and tasteful. The advantage of the game, without a doubt, is the fact that you will finally accustom yourself to using hotkeys - without them it will be very difficult in the game. In general, the gameplay of Warcraft 1 will show you how the strategy genre was born. And if you make a small comparison with modern games, you will understand where modern strategies take their roots from, and what exactly each of them brought to the gaming world.


I would like to immediately note that from the text that will follow below, you will learn much more than you would learn if you played the game. Many of the events of Warcraft 1 will be based on the knowledge of the Warcraft world that books and other games in the Warcraft series have given us.

Orcs entered the lands of Azeroth through a portal opened by the wizard Medivh. Inside Medivh, at that moment, there was a struggle between his human essence and Sargeras, the great dark titan. So the orcs penetrated Azeroth, but not everyone wanted war: the young leader Durotan was against it, for which, together with his clan, he was sent into exile in distant regions, several more clans voluntarily followed him. The rest of the orcs, eager to destroy the human race, deployed their main base in the Black Marsh, not far from the human kingdom of Stormwind. When the orcs finally settled in the new lands, it was decided to attack Stormwind.

But the war was not only outside, but also within the armies themselves. Within the human army, conflict flared up between King Llane and his general, Lothar. The king underestimated the strength of the orcs and believed that they would never take Stormwind. The commander was more far-sighted and therefore offered to strike as quickly as possible. As a result, everyone went his own way: the king remained in the palace, and Lothar, enlisting the support of the magician Kadagra, went to storm the fortress of Medivh, which was crowned with success - the dark magician was killed. But this could not change anything - the horde had practically captured Stormwind. At the same time, Durotan and almost all of his family were killed on the orders of Gul'dan - the leader of all the orcs. The surviving son of Durotan was captured by the people, namely, by the commander Adelas Blackmoore. Ogrim, his old friend, found out about the death of Durotan, in order to take revenge on the guilty, he killed Blackhand, the leader of the horde, Gul'dan's assistant, and he himself led the orcs to storm Stormwind, which fell under the onslaught of the horde. So the plot of the Warcraft 1 game is downloaded.


Usually in this section we write about the huge number of players who play this game around the world, about hundreds of fan sites dedicated to the game, about the patches that the developer is still releasing stubbornly. But this is irrelevant for the Warcraft 1 game - you will not find any Warcraft 1 patches on the Internet, much less Nocd for Warcraft 1, and the sites in Runet dedicated exclusively to Warcraft 1 can be counted on the fingers. But ... But the game Warcraft 1 became the foundation of a colossal building - the world of Warcraft, which embodied all the best for which we love strategy and even RPG. Without Warcraft 1, there would not be billions of hours spent by gamers in the world of Warcraft, millions of hours spent chatting with friends and fans on forums and specialized sites, thousands of hours spent by true fans reading books about the history of Warcraft, hundreds of hours of Warcraft gameplay videos, tens of hours spent in WOW, just hours spent on passing Warcraft 1, and, most importantly, there would not have been those 10 minutes that you read this article, for which we are sincerely grateful to you.

If you want to try the game on your own skin, then for sure there will be a need to download Warcraft 1. It is possible to download Warcraft 1 torrent, but most likely the game will be presented as an anthology of 5 games. You can also download Warcraft Orcs and Humans on our website. In addition, on our website you will also find Warcraft 1 codes that can help you complete the most difficult missions of the game.


Warcraft Orcs and Humans is without a doubt an icon of video games, the founder of a new trend in the world of strategy, if not the entire genre. But let's be honest, Warcraft 1 will be of interest to you only in two cases: if you have ever played it and want to remember your childhood, and if you want to get to know the origins of computer games better. In all other cases, there are much more worthy candidates to have a good time, incl. beloved girl (boyfriend). Although, about the fact that the game Warcraft 1 will most likely not interest you - this is just our opinion, and if you refute it by your own example, then we will only be happy, because the game Warcraft Orcs and Humans is really worthy of respect.

You can do this Bye do not realize, but the release of the movie "Warcraft" - an epoch-making event. This is a completely new chapter in the fantasy genre and cinema in general. We are so damn excited that we can't even express it. Now we will explain why you should share our feelings.

For years since the 2000s, everyone has been praying that the Blizzard studio, which created Warcraft, will finally release the film. Their game videos were beyond praise, this is one of the laws of the universe. There have been a lot of rumors - more than the release date for Attack on Titan season 2, you know. In the end, it worked out: things went on in 2014, when a trailer was shown at a geek convention.

Important point: This isn't a World of Warcraft movie, it's a Warcraft movie.. The difference is that the first one is an online game, MMORPG, with a huge map and an incalculable number of players. It is many times more popular than ordinary Warcrafts, but it all started with them back in the tube 90s. There were 3 strategies - Orcs & Humans, Tides of Darkness and the most popular Reign of Chaos.

The action of all games, both online and offline, takes place in one world, and the essence is the same - the war of the Alliance against the Horde. Each part is a plot continuation of the previous one. Only after the release of 3 strategies, in 2004, did World of Warcraft appear. And then it began.

The film is based on just 1 part of the strategy - Orcs & Humans. At its core - the story of how orcs, controlled by demons and entities in the form of gnomes, first entered the human world. That is, there will be no level 80 trolls and sexy elves in the film. Well, at least the likelihood of that is oh so small. But this does not mean that there will be nothing to look at: the graphics, judging by the trailers, are 3 levels above heaven.

In fact the world of Warcraft is incredibly gigantic vast. Not only in terms of locations: its origin and relationship between races has a huge backstory, which pulls on a two-volume novel.

"Children, today I will tell you about what Warcraft is. Is it a long story? Oh yeah". By the way, if your life breaks down after that and you want to try, we are not responsible.

Prehistory of the world

The plot of the series "Warcraft" begins with the birth of the universe. According to the legend, there were thousands of worlds with a variety of races. Above all of them (literally) lived Titans, which ruled this galaxy. The titans were noble and bright, did good and only good, wanted to make the world a better place for all.

And there were Nathrezim, demons, dreadlords. They were infuriated when there was silence, smoothness and grace around, they were for anarchy, chaos, and that's all. All in all, their hobby is destroying worlds.

There was a guy among the Titans Sargeras- a local hero like Ilya Muromets. Sargeras destroyed the Nathrezim and imprisoned them in the Twisting Nether- a place that connected all the worlds subject to the Titans. It's cold, empty and generally not the best place to spend a vacation.

Because of his "work", Sargeras had to spend a lot of time with the Demons, who, of course, took full advantage of their position and brainwashed the Titan. In the end, they won: the hero sincerely believed that the goal of the Titans, to establish world peace, was useless, and went over to the side of Evil. Then his beard caught fire and he decided release all demons, which he managed to imprison in the Whirlwind.

The Nathrezim united under his leadership and organized an interest club - steel Burning Legion. Together they wreaked havoc on various worlds and dominated the races.

Main characters. Orcs

Now about the main races of the film - Orcs and Humans. Let's start with the first ones, who, contrary to belief, are not villains. Everything is complicated there: they are not like that - life is like that.

Orc Abode - . It is a quiet and picturesque place (well, it was), ideal for peaceful creatures, which Orcs originally were. Their nobility knew no bounds, they were engaged in shamanism and did not know troubles at all. The chief shaman was Nerzhul, he had his interns-followers.

After emissaries of the Burning Legion reached Draenor. One of them set Nerzhul against the allies(with the gift of persuasion, the demons are fine), and then he began to slowly teach the Orcs black magic and introduce them to their ideals - chaos, war and destruction.

Nerzhul himself was able to resist, but his disciple Guldan took the side of the Demons and tricked her into dragging the entire Orc race onto it - in the name of the Airborne Forces of glory, power and gold. To become stronger, all Orcs had to drink the demonic blood of Mannoroth the Destroyer, which they did.

Immediately after drinking, the Orcs became a little Hulks: their skin turned green(and it was brown, and this is important - this is how you can distinguish between those who are under a curse and those who are peaceful), their eyes turned red and they became obsessed with the idea of ​​war. Over time, all this resulted in the fact that Orcs began to destroy themselves.

Among the Orcs were " abstentions"from drinking the potion - the Frostwolf clan, led by Durotan. He was a highly respected member of society, so they did not destroy him for "treason", but simply expelled him.

Noble Durotan was no fool. He understood that if he did not stop his relatives and did not save them from the demonic curse, the world would come to an end. Therefore, in the First War, Durotan teamed up with the People: he wanted to stop the war, save both peoples, and first of all - your own.

Main characters. People

People lived on earth Azeroth. Demons have long tried to take over the world of this race, but it's useless: They may have demons, but Azeroth has dragons and powerful mages. So Sargeras, the leader of the Nathrezim, devised cunning plan to conquer Azeroth.

The plan is this: Sargeras enters battle with Aegwynn, guardian of the world of People, Aegwynn wins with the dragons, satisfied and calmed down, and titan dies. But that's exactly what he needed..

By and large, the guy did not care about his earthly existence, and death even played into his hands: at the time of his death, his soul was able to move into Aegwynn. At first he showed no signs of life and was quiet, waited. Then Aegwynn suddenly realized that she was beginning to age, and decided that she needed an heir.

Aegwynn gives birth to a son, Medivh and gives him all his strength to protect Azeroth. Is it true, along with magic, the soul of Sargeras also passed to him. As a result, we have the main defender of the Human world, who, in fact, was a pawn in the hands of Sargeras.

As Mediva grew up, his inner Sargeras was able to contact Guldan, the traitor Orc of his race. Together they opened a portal from the world of Orcs to the world of Humans- from Draenor to Azeroth. The orcs finally found someone to take their anger out on. And the First War began.

An important point: you cannot assume that Orcs are bad, and Humans are good. The moral of Warcraft is that there are no unequivocal heroes and one hundred percent villains, each has its own truth. It is not the Orcs against the Humans that are fighting, but the Alliance against the Horde. There are still those who seem to be out of business. They diligently keep neutrality, but in fact they hate everyone.


All action will take place in Azeroth, in Stormwind, in Human territories. The lands of the Orcs, according to the plot, have suffered greatly from their militancy and are no longer suitable for life. There is even a panoramic video that completely immerses you in Stormwind (for a fuller picture, we recommend watching through Chrome).
The world of Azeroth consists of 4 major continents: Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Northrend and Pandaria. Plus, there are two more large archipelagos above Azeroth - Zandalar and Kezan.

The running time of the film is only 2 hours, and in general, it is foolish to hope that at this time you will have time to lay down the whole story of the enmity between Orcs and Humans. That's why we're here: all this backstory is unlikely to be included in the tape, but it is important for the deepest understanding of the film. In general, we tried.

Warcraft "a takes place in the fantastic worlds of Azeroth and Draenor. At first it was assumed that the first consisted only of the eastern kingdoms of Lordaeron and Azeroth. But the re-invasion of the Burning Legion forced the inhabitants of Azeroth to map the long-forgotten kingdoms of their world, including the homeland of the mysterious Night Elves Kalimdor (both the Wastelands of the south and the rich forests of Ashenvale to the north.) In search of the source of the Undead plague, the people of Lordaeron and the night elves of QuelThalas find themselves in the snowy wilderness of the Ice Rift - the home of the Lich King Nerzhul. In other words, the lands of Azeroth are very diverse and serve as a home for many races: Humans, Orcs, Dwarfs, Elves, Trolls and Dragons The following is the timeline of the Warcraft universe from the creation of Azeroth by the Titans to the advent of World of Warcraft:

prehistoric times

Distant past:

The universe is created. In the following millennia after her birth, the Titans mold the worlds, putting in order the formless infinity of the Great Beyond Darkness. The most powerful of the Titans, Sargeras guards a myriad of their creations. However, Sargeras succumbs to the influence of evil entities from the Abyssal Wasteland and decides to destroy the works of his brothers. To achieve this goal, he subjugates the Eredar and the Nathrezim. Over time, the Eredar and Nathrezim also acquire servants, enslaving various creatures, such as the Lords of Hell. The army of Sargeras, now known as the Burning Legion, sets out on a path of destruction, destroying every world it discovers.

Millions of years ago:
Having defeated and imprisoned the Old Gods of the primitive world of Azeroth, the Titans establish order in it. Then they continue to work on the physical properties of Azeroth.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago:
The Titans create the lifeforms that will eventually inhabit Azeroth. Dragons appear first, then Kaldorei, Humans, Dwarfs and other creatures.

The night elves (Kaldorei) awaken and found a great society in the heart of Kalimdor. They play with primitive magic and inadvertently spread it across Azeroth.

The brothers Malfurion and Illidan Stormrage are born.

Tyrande Whisperwind is born.

The demonic Burning Legion, attracted by the energy generated by the Kaldorei experiments, launches a massive invasion of Kalimdor in order to deplete the natural reserves of magic. The night elves, unable to drive off the raging Demons on their own, team up with the ancient Dragons. The ensuing clashes are so apocalyptic that much of Kalimdor's landmass is shattered and submerged. Fearing the Legion's return, the night elves vow never to use magic again.

For his crime against the night elves, Illidan is imprisoned in a cell deep underground.

Alexstrasza the Lifegiver, Malygos Spellweaver, Nozdormu the Eternal, and Ysera the Dreamer, collectively known as the Four Kinds of Dragons, combine their magical powers to create the Demon Soul, a powerful artifact that can both control dragons and fight the Burning Legion . Neltharion the Earthguard (later known as the Deathwing) was not involved in the creation of the Demon Soul, as a result of which he retained his powers, becoming the most powerful of the dragons.

Alexstrasza, Ysera, and Nozdormu help the night elves become a powerful race in case the Legion returns. Alexstrasza places a magical acorn in the new Well of Eternity, from which the mighty Nordrassil World Tree grows. Ysera links the World Tree to the Emerald Dream and makes a pact with the Kaldorei druids. Nozdormu casts a spell on Nordrassil: as long as this oak tree stands, the night elves will be immortal.

A small group of night elves, unwilling to stop experimenting with magic, are expelled from Kalimdor. Traveling through the newly formed eastern lands, they establish the kingdom of Quel'Thalas and begin to call themselves the High Elves. They are constantly attacked by gangs of local trolls.

In Lordaeron, the humans found the Empire of Arathor.

The high elves, on the verge of defeat in the ongoing war with the trolls, seek help from the people of Arathor. In exchange for military support, they agree to teach people magic. The combined army succeeds in destroying most of the trolls in Lordaeron.

Due to human negligence in the use of magic, agents of the Burning Legion find their way back to Azeroth once again. The Order of Tirisfal is founded. The mighty Guardians of Tirisfal are bound to wage war against agents of the Legion unknown to the common populace.

Due to internal divisions and expanding borders, the Empire of Arathor breaks up into seven autonomous states: Alterac, Azeroth, Dalaran, Gilnis, Kul Tiras, Lordaeron, and Stromgarde.

Aegwynn, Guardian of Azeroth, is born.

Guardian Aegwynn defeats Sargeras, Lord of the Burning Legion in single combat. The malevolent spirit of Sargeras fuses with the soul of her unborn son.

Muradin Bronzebeard is born.

Kaen Bloodhoof is born.

Kiljaeden, assistant to Sargeras, makes a deal with Ner'zhul, the leader of the orcs from Draenor. In exchange for submission to the Legion, the Orcs (especially Ner'zhul) will gain immense power and the ability to conquer new worlds.

Exiled from Azeroth, the Burning Legion continues to subjugate the orc clans from the world of Draenor with the help of Ner'zhul. Once noble clans of orc shamans begin to unite, turning into a furious Horde.

Guldan is born.

The Horde defeats the Draenei and other races of the world of Draenor. This massacre temporarily quenches the bloodthirstiness of the Orcs, but soon the clans begin to conflict with each other.

Antonidas is born.

Anduin Lothar is born.

Uther the Lightbringer is born.

Guldan, having shown extraordinary abilities for the magic of the orcs, becomes a student of Ner'zhul.

Aegwynn gives birth to a son, Medivh, who is destined to be the last of the Guardians. Keltuzad is born.

Prince Llane of Azeroth is born.

Under the guidance of Kiljaeden, Guldan begins to study demonic magic. Khadgar is born.

Ner'zhul, repentant of his decision to help subdue the orcs to the Legion, breaks his pact with Kiljaeden. The demon vows to take revenge on the shaman and invites Guldan to continue the work begun by Nerzhul. Guldan immediately agrees and forms the Council of Darkness to control the Horde, which begins to search the Abyssal Wasteland for new worlds not yet conquered by the Horde.

On the day of Medivh's twelfth birthday, the full power of the Guardian is revealed, because of which he falls into a coma. Grom Hellscream is born.

Prince Llane reaches the age of Ascension. Medivh wakes up from her coma. Despite his strength, he is actually subordinate to Sargeras. Medivh heads to the tower of Karazhan to continue his studies.

Medivh contacts Guldan and the Council of Darkness for the first time.

Medivh and Guldan come to a fatal agreement: Medivh will open a portal between Azeroth and Draenor and show Guldan the tomb of Sargeras; in turn, the Horde will subjugate the human states and kill Medivh's enemies. Neither side realizes that this agreement plays into the hands of Kiljaden.

Medivh, drugged by the spirit of Sargeras, opens a Dark Portal and the Horde invades Azeroth. The orcs attack Stormwind Tower but fail to destroy the fortress. The leaders of the Horde begin to conflict with each other.

Prince Llane takes the throne, becoming the new king of Azeroth. Realizing that the Horde needs a new leader to unite the clans (and give Guldan even more power), the Council of Darkness appoints the Black Hand of the Destroyer as leader of the Horde.

Aegwynn, sensing Sargeras' influence on her son, confronts Medivh. However, Magus banishes her from Karazhan. Aegwynn informs King Llane of Medivh's involvement in the appearance of orcs in Azeroth and of his dark power. In view of the inevitability of war with the Horde, mobilization begins in Azeroth. Prince Arthas is born, son and heir of King Terenas of Lordaeron. Thrall, son of Darotan, is born.

The mage Khadgar comes to Medivh in Karazhan. Sent by the Kirin Tor, he becomes Medivh's apprentice and spies for Dalaran. Darotan, leader of the Frostwolf clan, meets secretly with Orgrim Doomhammer to discuss Guldan's actions and his detrimental reign to the Horde. After the meeting, Guldan's assassins kill Darotan and his companion, leaving little Thrall alone in a dense thicket. A group of human hunters led by Lieutenant Aedelas Blackmoore find Thrall and take him with them to Durnholde Keep. Blackmoore makes a slave and a gladiator out of a small orc. Jaina Proudmoore is born.

Warcraft: Orcs and Humans

Medivh is killed by his best friend Lord Lothar and his own apprentice Khadgar. Guldan, having moved into Medivh at the time of his death, fell into an unconscious state. Deprived of a leader in the person of a sorcerer, the Black Hand could not resist Orgrim the Hammer of Doom.

The half-orc Garona slays King Llyn. Stormwind Tower has been captured by the Horde.

The future reincarnation of Medivh returns to Karazhan and takes the magical energy of the tower. Medivh plans to use this energy to fight the Burning Legion when it returns. His mission is completed, and Medivh returns in 617 and begins to prepare for a fight with the Legion.

After five years of grueling war, the Horde finally conquers the realms of Azeroth and KhazModan and claims Blackrock Spire as their base. Lord Lothar leads the refugees to the northern lands of Lordaeron. Once there, he convinces the rulers of seven states to unite in the fight against the Horde. Individual states of the Aratorian Empire once again become the Alliance of Lordaeron.

Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness

Orgrim Doomhammer, leader of the Horde, sends his powerful fleet to the shores of Lordaeron. The unstoppable Horde reaches the heart of Lordaeron and successfully destroys the ancient high elf kingdom of Quel'Thalas.

The Alliance forces counterattack, but Lord Lothar is killed during the siege of Blackrock Spire. Enraged by the death of their beloved commander, the Alliance warriors crush the Spire and push the Horde back to the threshold of the Portal of Darkness.

The Dark Portal is destroyed, the Horde is defeated.

Nekros Skullbreaker uses the Demon Soul to gain control of the red dragons and use them to further the plans of the Horde.

Renegade orcs are rounded up and driven into internment camps.

Dragon Day

Nekros, a Dragonmaw sorcerer, continues to use Alexstrasza and the entire red dragonflight. With their help, he inflicts pinpoint strikes on the Alliance forces, and then again retreats to his base in Grim Batol. Nekros controls Alexstrasza with the Demon Soul artifact. Kirin Tor makes one last attempt to neutralize the threat from the Orcs: the mage Ronin, the elven hunter Veriza and the dwarf Folstad are instructed to destroy the Demon Soul, thereby freeing the dragons. They successfully cope with the task, not only destroying the last major clan of orcs in Azeroth, but also frustrating the plans of the dragon Deathwing, who hoped to defeat his brothers with the help of an artifact and declare Azeroth his possessions.

Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal

The old orc shaman Nerzhul rallies the remaining clans on Draenor and reopens the Dark Portal. He orders to steal several artifacts from Azeroth that will allow him to open numerous portals in Draenor. The Alliance sends its troops through the Dark Portal, led by the mage Khadgar. The goal is to disrupt Nerzhul's plans. The two armies fight across the vastness of the world of Draenor for months.

Drawing strength from the stolen artifacts, Ner'zhul opens several portals in Draenor. But before he can lead the orcs through them, the energy of the artifacts is out of control and begins to destroy the very fabric of the world of Draenor. The heroes of the Alliance, realizing that they will be trapped, destroy the Portal of Darkness so that Azeroth is not destroyed by the raging elements.

The world of Draenor is being torn apart. His remains would later be known as Outlands.

Ner'zhul and the other Darkmoon orcs are captured by Kiljaeden as they enter the Abyssal Wasteland. Ner'zhul is transformed into the Lich King, imprisoned in a cube of ice, and thrown back to Azeroth, into the glaciers of the Northern Rift. Ner'zhul's sorcerers are gutted and turned into Liches, completely subject to his iron will.

As more orc camps open up, the Alliance is unsettled. Only a few scattered clans have escaped the wrath of the people and drag out a miserable existence in the harsh conditions of the wild.

Spider War: Nerzhul's undead are trying to defend their bases in the Northern Rift from the warriors of the mysterious empire of Az'el-Nerub. The spidery nerubians are eventually broken by the Lich King's countless fighters and the Dread Lords. Finally, Nerzhul can call the icy continent his own.

Thrall's Story: Leader of the Clans

Thrall, a young orc raised by humans as a slave and gladiator, escapes and sets out to find his stolen heritage. Thrall successfully unites several renegade orc clans and stirs them up in rebellion against the local Alliance authorities.

With the imminent threat of the emergence of a new Horde, the Alliance is becoming less and less cohesive. The tension between the leaders of the states is growing. Thrall becomes the new Warchief of the Horde and helps his tribesmen rediscover the abandoned shaman culture. An invigorated Horde is finally shedding the last traces of the Legion's demonic influence. Civil war is raging in the Alliance, when a new, unprecedented enemy appears - the Burning Legion has returned ...

WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos

Led by a mysterious prophet, Thrall leads the Horde across the sea into the lands of Kalimdor.

The Prophet travels to Lordaeron to warn King Terenas of the Undead Plague and the Legion's approach. But the king refuses to do anything, believing that the internal affairs of the Alliance are of much greater importance.

Ner'zhul, lord of the undead, begins to infect the lands of Lordaeron with his plague. The noble paladin Arthas, having witnessed the corruption of his homeland, decides to even the score and goes to the Northern Rift. Once in the icy desert of the roof of the world, he submits to the will of Ner'zhul. As a Death Knight, Arthas returns to Lordaeron, slays King Terenas, and betrays the kingdom to Scourge.

The army of the undead completely destroys the night elf kingdom of Quel'Thalas, including its capital, the Silver Moon. At this time, Arthas, using the energy of the Sunwell, resurrects the wizard KelThuzad in the guise of a Lich. On the hill overlooking Dalaran, Kel'Thuzad summons Archimonde the Defiler to Azeroth, one of Sargeras' two lieutenants, who continues to ravage Dalaran with his demonic spells.

The Burning Legion begins their invasion of Azeroth by conquering Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas, killing most of the surviving inhabitants of these lands. In Kalimdor, the Horde splits, with Thrall following the prophet while Grom Hellscream and his Warsong clan establish a new settlement. They inadvertently make enemies of the night elves as they desecrate the forests of Ashenvale.

As a result of cunning machinations by Mannoroth the Destroyer and Tichondrius the Darkener, the Warsong clan kills Cenarius, one of the main defenders of Ashenvale and the World Tree.

Escaped from the ruins of Lordaeron, Jaina Proudmoore and her loyal people agree with Thrall to save Grom from Mannoroth's bloody obsession.

Grom Hellscream dies fighting Mannoroth. But before dying, he manages to kill the demon and free himself and the Horde from the curse of the Burning Legion.

Hoping to defeat the night elves and absorb the magic of the World Tree, the Burning Legion invades Ashenvale.

Tyrande frees Illidan from prison.

Submissive to Arthas and the Lich King, Illidan steals Guldan's skull, transforming him into a night elf/demon hybrid. Imbued with the artifact's energy, Illidan kills Tichondrius and prevents Archimonde's plans from being fulfilled. Furion kicks his unpredictable brother out of Kalimdor, and Illidan leaves in anger.

Night elf leaders Furion and Tyrande unleash a magical storm across Kalimdor, while Thrall and Jaina desperately fend off Archimonde's attack. Finally, breaking through the defenses, the demon rushes to the World Tree to absorb its magic, but is destroyed by the forces of the spellcasters and the Tree itself.

The prophet turns out to be Medivh - a magician who once opened the Portal of Darkness. He came to hand over the reigns of Azeroth to the truce-clad humans, orcs and night elves. Azeroth began to slowly revive.

Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne

The orcs who settled in the desert land of the southern part of Kalimdor call it - Darotar. This area was so named by Thrall, the leader of the Orcs, in honor of his father who fell heroically in battle.

A group of Lordaeron survivors, led by Jaina Proudmoore, also settle in the Wasteland, erecting the fortress of Theramore on one of the islets.

The remnants of the high elves decide to take revenge on the Undead and the Legion for losing their homeland during the invasion. In keeping with this intention, they call themselves the Blood Elves.

Arthas has a vision of Ner'zhul's Frozen Throne in the Northern Rift as the Lich King orders him to return to the snowy continent immediately.

Kiljaeden the Treacherous appears to Illidan and orders him to destroy the Frozen Throne, as the demon lord realized that the Lich King had betrayed him. To achieve this goal, Illidan raises the ancient Naga race from the sea and sails to the Broken Isles of the Vortex. The Naga are the descendants of Queen Azshara's Highborne and are now averse to following Illidan. The Broken Isles region is home to the legendary Tomb of Sargeras. Illidan lays claim to the demonic artifact Eye of Sargeras within her, with which he plans to end the Scourge by destroying Icecrown Glacier from afar. Arriving in the ruined Dalaran, he tries to implement his plan. However, Malfurion, Tyrande, and Maiev's ruler Darksong destroy the Eye before the spell could be completed. Realizing that he cannot kill Ner'zhul from afar, Illidan decides to flee Azeroth. He opens a dimensional portal to Outlands and leaves. However, Maiev, overcome with anger, in an effort to capture the traitor, follows him. Furion and Tyrande return to Kalimdor.

Kael and his loyal blood elves approach Grand Marshal Garithos' base and await instructions. While on a few minor quests for Garithos, the blood elves stumble upon a group of Naga led by Lady Vashi. Vash offers his help to the blood elves, since they have a common enemy - the undead. However, Garithos disapproves of such an alliance and imprisons the elves as traitors.

Awaiting execution, Kael and his elves are freed from Lady Vashoe's Dalaran dungeon, and both races escape to Outland through the same portal that Archimonde used to enter Azeroth.

Arriving in Outland, the Naga and the blood elves rescue Illidan from Maiev's army and converse with their leader. Illidan decides to destroy the Lord of Hell Masteridon and take over Outland to hide from the wrath of Kiljaeden. While Illidan's armies (with the help of the surviving draenei) are on this mission, they can't hide from Kiljaeden. The demon orders Illidan to return to the Northern Rift and destroy the Frozen Throne or risk the consequences of betraying the demon lord.

As the Lich King's power has waned, a group of Dreadlords seize control of most of the Scourge in Lordaeron and attempt to overthrow King Arthas. As they destroy the capital of Lordaeron, Arthas flees the city and heads for the Northern Rift to protect the Lich King from Illidan's forces.

Sylvanas Windrunner, former Ranger General of the army of Quel'Thalas, becomes an undead Dark Ranger. With the weakening of Nerzhul, Sylvanas once again becomes independent and seeks to leave his mark on history. Now, having won one of the Dread Lords to her side, she is able to overthrow the other two and completely free herself from the influence of the Scourge. Calling themselves "The Forlorn Ones," Sylvanas and her followers hid in the plaguelands of Lordaeron, contemplating their actions against King Arthas and the Scourge.

Arthas, who has reached the Northern Rift and is trying to get to the Frozen Throne before Illidan, comes to the aid of the Lord of the Crypts named AnubArak. Having overcome many dangers in the gloomy dungeons of Azel Nerub, the Death Knight successfully reaches the Snowcrown Glacier. After defeating Illidan's army and opening the dungeon, Arthas comes face to face with Illidan. Arthas gains the upper hand and enters the glacier. Immediately after the release of the Lich King, Arthas' body is taken over by a former prisoner. Two evil beings united. Sitting on top of a glacier, they contemplate their next move.

Meanwhile, in the Orc city of Orgrimmar, MokNathal, known as Rexxar, teams up with Thrall and the Horde to protect Darotar, as the army of people begins to violate their borders. Confident that these armies will be stationed in Jaina's stronghold on Theramore Isle, Thrall sends Rexxar with a report to the sorceress, hoping that she can explain the behavior of the people invading their domain.

Ancient and powerful druids join forces to grow a new world tree on the island of Kalidar, off the northern coast of Kalimdor. They call it Teldrassil, which means "Earth's Crown" in their language. On the branches of Teldrassil, the night elves make their homes. They re-arrange their world, planting trees and flowing rivers, drowning in the endless night that has descended on the elven lands since the beginning of time. The night elves flock to Kalimdor as a sanctuary, and the forests of Ashenvale are cleansed of the last traces of the daemonic Legion.

And the story of the epic confrontation between humans and orcs. The human kingdom of Azeroth stood for many years, until a portal opened, and a horde of mighty green warriors poured into its lands. What drives them, and will people be able to survive?

The orc Durotan of the Frostwolf clan speaks to his pregnant wife, Draka. She says they are having a boy. Delighted, Durotan tells Drake to hide (disguise) his belly for a while. A general gathering of all clans has been announced. At a general meeting, at which the half-orc orc master Garron is present on the chain, the warlock Gul Dan declares to the orcs, inhabitants of the depleted world of Draenor, that he can open the gates to another world richer in resources. To do this, he uses captive draenei, sucking the life out of them, and using this power to open a portal. The life force of the captured draenei is not enough to ferry the entire horde, so it is announced that the best will go. Their mission will be to find more captives to transport the main body of the horde. A large troop of orcs crosses the other side of the portal, among them Durotan, Breka and their clan. While crossing the portal, Breka goes into labor pains, and when she arrives in the new world of Azeroth, she begins to give birth. Although many orcs are unhappy that a pregnant orc decided to cross over with the best squad, Gul Dan takes the birth. Alas, the baby is blue and not moving. Gul Dan sees a deer come out to stare, takes the life force from that deer and gives it to the baby. He comes to life.

In Stormwind (the capital of the people of Azeroth), news of the destruction of the outposts of people flock. Anduin Lothar, the queen's brother and commander, learns that a stranger tried to inspect the corpses from the fortifications. it turns out to be Khadgar, a young mage from the Kirin Tor who has renounced his oaths. He discovers traces of some kind of acid-green magic on the corpses and demands to contact the supreme keeper of magic Medivh. With permission from the king, Llane Wrynn, Khadgar and Lothar travel to Medivh at his home of Karazhan. Medivh is busy building a healthy golem and is skeptical of Khadgar's information. He, freed from attention, sees a mysterious spirit that brings him to a bookcase. The magical mark on Khadgar's arm begins to glow, pointing to a specific book. He takes it, Medivh appears and arranges a show of power. It turns out that Medivh is a very strong magician who swore to protect people at all costs. Medivh reluctantly agrees to follow the capital.

Convinced that Khadgar was telling the truth, Medivh begins to take what is happening seriously. An exploratory squad is formed, consisting of Medivh, Khadgar, Lothar, his son Callan, and others. Examining the remnants of the attack, Medivh becomes convinced that fel magic was used, and says that this is all very bad, since fel is a terrible magic, the opposite of the Light. The squad is ambushed by orcs who physically outnumber the forces of the alliance, and only the intervention of Medivh with strong magic saves the squad from destruction, and turns defeat into victory. As a result of the pursuit mission, the party captures Garrona the half-orc and her overseer, thereby freeing her from slavery. The overseer is killed by Lothar. To the surprise of people, Garrona can speak human. She tells of Gul Dan's plans to open a portal for the rest of the horde. Khadgar, studying the book he found, discovers that Gul Dan must have been assisted by someone on this side of the portal, and tells Medivh about it. Medivh cannot believe this and destroys the book.
Meanwhile, Durotan begins to realize that the depletion of his world is being caused by Gul Dan's magic, and tries to contact the king of humans to consider a joint action. Rynn's squad comes to the meeting with Lothar and Kallan, and a squad of orcs along with Durotan and his friend Orgrim, Doomhammer. During the negotiations, they are ambushed by orcs, as Orgrim has betrayed Durotan. Seeing that things are taking a bad turn, Medivh blocks the passage with a force field, but thereby cutting off part of the detachment of people and leaving them to fight with the orcs. Lothar is forced to watch as his son is defiantly killed by Blackhand, the strongest and most brutal warrior of the horde.

An emaciated Medivh is taken to Karazhan. His servant Morrows places him in a pool of healing magic. Medivh opens his eyes, and Khadgar, who delivered him, sees that his eyes radiate an acid green color. Alarmed, Khadgar travels to the Kirin Tor's mage retreat Dalaran. There, having penetrated inside a magical object, the essence of which even the magicians themselves do not understand, he learns from an unknown creature that Medivh is afflicted with filth. However, the same being says that there is Light in the Filth. Meanwhile, Medivh is completely subservient to the will of the Fel and kills Marrows. The water color of the pool of healing magic changes from light blue to poisonous green.

Lothar drowns grief over the loss of his son in wine. Garrona tries to calm him down, and a love affair develops between them. At a meeting on how to proceed, Medivh appears and convinces the king to send the rest of the army to attack the portal, saying that together with the orcs of Durotan and his magic, they can close the portal once and for all. Enraged by his suicidal attack plan against overwhelming numbers and in an unstable state, Lothar tries to pounce on Medivh, but is stopped and taken into custody. Medivh's plan is approved.

Meanwhile, Blackhand demands Gul Dan's permission to destroy the Frostwolf clan. Given such permission, Blackhand's warriors follow the order to "kill the strong, take the weak prisoner." A repentant Orgrim helps Breka and her child escape and frees Durotan from captivity. However, the Frostwolf clan is destroyed. Breka, fleeing from the chase, manages to let the cradle with the small orc swim down the river before biting her pursuer with her teeth, receiving a mortal wound in the process.

Everything is ready to open the Portal, but Durotar, hoping to show the orcs the true nature of Gul Dan and delay the call of the horde, challenges him to a mortal battle with Mac Gor. In battle, Gul Dan uses fel magic at first covertly and then openly, breaking the rules of the duel and killing Durotar, which causes disgust on the part of the orcs. However, after killing several of them with the same magic, he prevents a riot.
Khadgar arrives in the capital to stop the attack on the portal and warn of Medivh's treachery. however, he does not have time, and all he can do is free Lothar and teleport to Karazhan with him.

Alliance troops attack the Horde. Guldan opens a portal to Draenor and new orc warriors appear to help repel the attack.
Khadgar and Lothar fight Medivh and the giant stone golem he has revived. After luring Medivh into a trap and pinning him down with a petrified golem, the pair watch as the battle between light and filth takes place in the dying Medivh. As a result, the light wins, and with the last of Medivh's strength, he casts a spell that will replace the portal to Draenor with a portal to Stormwind.
Feeling the support of the Guardian, the perked up warriors of the Alliance break through to the portal, take up all-round defenses and begin to evacuate the captives through it. However, there are too many orcs, and Gul Dan gave Blackhand the power of fel, thereby endowing him with incredible power.

Medivh dies. Without his support, the portal closes. The corruption tries to inhabit Khadgar, but he turns it into light, becoming the new guardian, but he is unable to activate the portal.
Caught in a hopeless situation, losing his people, and seeing the approaching Blackhand, the king demands from Garrona that she kill him, thereby becoming the hero of the orcs. After agonizing hesitation, Garrona stabs the king with a dagger right in front of Blackhand's nose. Orcs glorify her, elevating her to the rank of a full-fledged warrior.

Appearing on a griffin, Lothar tries to recapture the body of the king, which he almost succeeds, but at the last moment he is knocked down and he loses consciousness for a short time. When he comes to, he sees Blackhand nearby and challenges him. Using agility, he defeats and kills Blackhand. Gul Dan wants to kill Lothar, but under the influence of Garrona and afraid of completely losing control of the horde, he lets him go. Lothar flies away with the king's body. He sees with what weapon the king was killed and understands who did it.

At the funeral of the king in Stormwind, representatives of all races of Azeroth, people, dwarves and elves gather. Lothar becomes the new leader of Stormwind.

At the end of the film, young Thrall is pulled out of the river by a man.