Collection and preparation of raspberries. Raspberry yield and fruit harvesting Planting raspberries - how to choose the right site

Raspberries are very tasty and healthy, they contain a lot of vitamin C and are good for preventing cancer. In addition, it is low in calories. If you grow raspberries and want to know how to pick them, read the following tips on how to pick raspberries the right way.

IN middle lane In Russia, raspberries ripen in the second half of July. The harvest ripens gradually, and the time of ripening of the berries depends on weather conditions. The warmer and drier the weather, the faster it happens. Accordingly, in cool and humid weather, ripening occurs more slowly. The first harvest of raspberries is usually insignificant. A large harvest is harvested at the second stage, when the bulk of the berries ripen. On last stage After fruiting, the yield level drops again, since only small berries remain on the middle and lower branches.
Berry picking should be done in dry and sunny weather. It is not recommended to collect early in the morning when there is dew on the berries. After rain, berry picking is delayed until the berries are dry. Harvesting after rain is only allowed if there is heavy rainfall. But in this case, the raspberry fruits are immediately processed. The berries are harvested at the stage of removable ripeness. The ripeness of raspberries is considered to be the period when the fruits have acquired their characteristic color. If the berries are intended for transportation, they are removed without waiting for full ripeness. Raspberries that have reached full ripeness are harvested if they are intended to be used for immediate consumption.
Raspberries are removed from the bush with part of the stalk. The stalk is separated by pinching off with two fingers. In some varieties, the berries are bunched together or the stalk is too short. In this case, they can be cut with small scissors or torn off without the stalk.
When picking raspberries, you should try not to touch the berries themselves. Their skin is very thin and delicate and can easily become wrinkled with the slightest careless handling. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to use a certain technique for picking raspberries.
Take the shoot with your left hand and, supporting it, place your right hand, palm up, under the berries. Then with two fingers right hand(thumb and index finger) grab the stem and pinch off the berry. Carefully transfer the berries that have fallen onto your palm into the prepared container. In this way, you can hold no more than 5-6 berries in your palm.
Berries must be placed in containers very carefully, trying not to damage them. When collecting, you should try to leave a stalk about 6-8 mm long. If there are damaged berries or fruits collected without a stalk, they must be placed in a separate container.

It is best to collect raspberries in shingled baskets and boxes with a capacity of 2-3 kg. If, when transporting berries, baskets and boxes are placed on top of each other, then they should not be filled to the top with berries. It is also not allowed to pour raspberries from one container to another.
For temporary storage of raspberries, a cold, well-ventilated room is suitable. If you plan to freeze the berries for their further processing for culinary purposes, then be sure to scatter the dry fruits on a tray in one layer and place them in the freezer. After the berries are frozen, they can be transferred to plastic bags and left in the freezer.

How to pick raspberries correctly? What conditions are necessary for storing raspberries?

In central Russia, raspberries ripen in the second half of July. The harvest ripens gradually, and the time of ripening of the berries depends on weather conditions. The warmer and drier the weather, the faster it happens. Accordingly, in cool and humid weather, ripening occurs more slowly. The first harvest of raspberries is usually insignificant. A large harvest is harvested at the second stage, when the bulk of the berries ripen. At the last stage of fruiting, the yield level drops again, since only small berries remain on the middle and lower branches.

Berry picking should be done in dry and sunny weather. It is not recommended to collect early in the morning when there is dew on the berries. After rain, berry picking is delayed until the berries are dry. Harvesting after rain is only allowed if there is heavy rainfall. But in this case, the raspberry fruits are immediately processed. The berries are harvested at the stage of removable ripeness. The ripeness of raspberries is considered to be the period when the fruits have acquired their characteristic color. If the berries are intended for transportation, they are removed without waiting for full ripeness. Raspberries that have reached full ripeness are harvested if they are intended to be used for immediate consumption.

Raspberries are removed from the bush with part of the stalk. The stalk is separated by pinching off with two fingers. Some berry varieties are arranged in a bunch or the stalk is too short. In this case, they can be cut with small scissors or torn off without the stalk.

When picking raspberries, you should try not to touch the berries themselves. Their skin is very thin and delicate and can easily become wrinkled with the slightest careless handling. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to use a certain technique for picking raspberries.

Take the shoot with your left hand and, supporting it, place your right hand, palm up, under the berries. Then, with two fingers of your right hand (thumb and index), grab the stalk and pinch off the berry. Carefully transfer the berries that have fallen onto your palm into the prepared container. In this way, you can hold no more than 5-6 berries in your palm.

Berries must be placed in containers very carefully, trying not to damage them. When collecting, you should try to leave a stalk about 6-8 mm long. If there are damaged berries or fruits collected without a stalk, they must be placed in a separate container.

It is best to collect raspberries in shingled baskets and boxes with a capacity of 2-3 kg. If, when transporting berries, baskets and boxes are placed on top of each other, then they should not be filled to the top with berries. It is also not allowed to pour raspberries from one container to another.

For temporary storage of raspberries, a cold, well-ventilated room is suitable. If you plan to freeze the berries for their further processing for culinary purposes, then be sure to scatter the dry fruits on a tray in one layer and place them in the freezer. After the berries are frozen, they can be transferred to plastic bags and left in the freezer.

Cooking with raspberries!

Raspberries are very tasty and healthy berry, famous for her healing properties since ancient times. Raspberries contain B vitamins, vitamin C, E, PP, salicylic acid and various antisclerotic and antiseptic substances. Raspberries help in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, bronchitis, ARVI, influenza, pneumonia and even tuberculosis (decoction and infusion of berries, twigs and raspberry leaves). Nutrients strengthen blood vessels, help in treatment peptic ulcer. Raspberry is a good diaphoretic.

Raspberry bushes begin to bear fruit in the second year after planting. IN central Russia raspberries appear in late June - early July and for a long time (each bush of a simple raspberry bears fruit for about 20-25 days, remontant - longer) and pleases us with its aromatic, sour-sweet fruits. Bees also love raspberry flowers and fly to them even in rainy weather.

How to pick raspberries from a bush

Raspberries are very tender. And as soon as you lightly press on them, raspberry juice will immediately flow out. Therefore, raspberries should be handled with care and precision.

It is better to pick ripe raspberries in dry weather, because wet berries spoil faster. If you have to transport raspberries, it is better to pick off the berries with the stem (fruit stem), and then remove it when you make jam or compotes.

If you quickly get to the kitchen with the raspberries and the berries are still strong, then you can immediately pick them without the stalk.

Take only good berries, without buds or rot, otherwise it will ruin the rest of your harvest. It’s better not to be greedy and take only high-quality raspberries.

Raspberry bush

What to use to pick raspberries

Containers for collecting raspberries should be wide and low so that the berries fit into them in a minimum number of layers and do not press on each other.

Gardeners collect raspberries in containers or other containers ( volume 1.5-2 liters) with low sides, for example, like birch bark baskets or shingles - veneer. Wicker baskets are also good because they have holes and are well ventilated without creating greenhouse effect inside the basket.

Once you have collected the next container, immediately place the raspberries in the shade or other cool, well-ventilated and dry place. In such conditions, raspberries can be preserved for several hours without releasing juice.

During industrial harvesting, in addition to baskets, there are also special corrugated containers - cardboard cells (like a cardboard cage for eggs, only very small cells for raspberries).

Do I need to wash raspberries?

If you have collected big harvest raspberries and plan to use them for harvesting, then you just need to sort out the raspberries, removing twigs, random leaves and stalks from the berries.

There is no need to wash raspberries.

If you wash raspberries, half of the raspberry juice will leak into the water and the berries will become soggy and look like porridge. Not very useful and unattractive.

And if you picked a couple of glasses of raspberries and doubt whether some worm has crawled into the berry, and the raspberries are strong, then you can briefly soak the berries in cool, salted water. The worms will all come out.


The collected raspberries will not last long; your task is to get home as quickly as possible and start harvesting raspberries. And if you don’t have enough berries, eat them quickly!

How to prepare raspberries for the winter

First of all, you need to decide units of measurement . A 1 liter jar will contain approximately 600 g of raspberries. And 1 kg of raspberries is a little more than 1.5 liters.

  • 1 kg of raspberries = 1.5-1.6 liter container;
  • Liter jar = 600 g raspberries.

All raspberry preparations are medicinal (both jam and compotes).

1. How to cook raspberry compote

1.1. Raspberry compote with sugar

Sterilization time for cans of raspberries own juice without sugar depends on the size of the cans: 0.5 liter can - 15 minutes, liter - 20 minutes.

2. How to make raspberry jam

Raspberry jam is brewing in different ways– in one or several steps. And it differs in the amount of sugar per 1 kg of raspberries.

2.1. Instant raspberry jam

The most delicious jam from raspberries - one that contains little sugar and short heat treatment(recipe for five-minute raspberry jam). This quick jam is cooked for 5-7 minutes after boiling and you need 2 times less sugar than berries (in weight units).

But it's jam instant cooking Raspberries should be stored in the refrigerator or cellar (basement).

If you don’t have space in the refrigerator, but only have a cool closet or pantry on the site multi-storey building, then other raspberry jam recipes will suit you.

2.2. Raspberry jam with half sugar

This jam differs from the previous recipe in that it is either immediately cooked until ready, in 1 serving (a sign of readiness is that a drop of jam dropped on a saucer does not spread).

Or you can cook raspberry jam for five minutes (5-7 minutes after boiling) in 2 or 3 stages, taking a break between cooking for 6-8 hours or overnight.

Proportions for raspberry jam Half a kilo of sugar for 1 kg of raspberries.

2.3. Regular raspberry jam

This recipe for raspberry jam is the most stable; perhaps the berries do not retain their color and shape, but this jam can be stored at room temperature for 2 or 3 years.

You can cook simple raspberry jam in the same way as jam with half the amount of sugar - at once or intermittently.

Proportions for simple raspberry jam

Raspberries and sugar – 1:1 (in kilograms).

What kind of lids are suitable for raspberry jam?

Any raspberry jam should be poured into jars while hot. And any jam can be rolled up with iron lids.

Jam, which takes a long time to cook in 1 or 2 batches and is stored better, can be covered with nylon (plastic) lids or screw caps. Then you need to put a circle of paper on the jam in the jar and fill it with 1-2 tablespoons of vodka, so that the jam is stored better, and possible mold collects only on the paper and can be thrown away or replaced with new alcohol-soaked paper.

Here's another question: what do nylon covers look like?. Nylon covers are ordinary covers made of white, translucent plastic (colorless). Only such covers were available in Soviet times. And then opaque multi-colored ones appeared on sale plastic lids: red, yellow, blue and other funny ones. Therefore, if I advise you to close nylon covers, feel free to buy regular white soft lids or colored ones.

Raspberries on a plate

What to cook from raspberries and eat right away

Fresh raspberries are good for light desserts(Raspberries with cottage cheese), fruit salads , compotes(which to drink immediately - recipe), raspberry jelly - recipe.

Raspberries are added to cream or shortbread pies(they bake a base-basket, on which they then lay out fresh raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and pour a small amount of jelly on top so that the filling sets).

You can also add raspberries to the cottage cheese when cooking. cottage cheese Easter. And then you will have a beautiful Easter raspberry color. Or you can throw berries into dough for Easter cakes or other tasty baked goods made from yeast or biscuit dough.

You can bake pies with raspberries, just sprinkle the berries with starch or flour for filling (2 tablespoons per bowl of berries). Starch is needed so that the filling is not liquid, and the flowing juices are set and neutralized by the brewing starch. Dough for pies with raspberries take as in the recipe for currant pies or buy ready-made yeast dough in cooking.

In addition, this raspberry custard filling can be used for baking puff pastries from ready-made frozen dough. It will be very tasty!

You can also get it from raspberries juice and make it out of it syrups or jelly. To do this, the berries are heated with a small amount of water so that the raspberries give juice (you need to stir the berries, otherwise everything will burn). Then strain the raspberry mass through a cloth. And from this juice you can already make jelly (recipe and proportions can be found on the gelatin package) and syrups (add sugar and boil until slightly thickened).

Raspberry berry sauces are suitable for dumplings - recipe and cottage cheese casseroles - recipe.

They also make delicious things from raspberries homemade wine And liqueurs.

In general, there are many options for raspberry dishes! And they are all very healthy and tasty! You can also eat raspberries plain or with whipped cream or sour cream with sugar!

Be healthy and bon appetit!

The ripening of the crop occurs gradually and depends on the weather. In good weather the berries ripen quickly, in rainy or cold weather they ripen more slowly. Raspberry fruiting begins in July and can last up to 2 months.

At the beginning of raspberry fruiting, the harvest is usually small; when the bulk of the berries ripen, they increase. At the end of fruiting, when only small berries of the middle and lower branches remain, the yield decreases again. In good weather, raspberries are picked every other day or two, in too hot or rainy seasons - daily. At the end of fruiting, the berries can be harvested after 2-3 days. You cannot pick berries early in the morning until the dew has dried, and soon after rain, picking wet berries is allowed only as a last resort, during prolonged damp weather. At the same time, they are immediately put into processing.

Raspberries are considered ripe when they acquire a characteristic color. Berries intended for transportation are not brought to full ripeness. For consumption and processing, the berries can be picked completely ripe. Such berries are sweeter, tastier, and more aromatic.

Raspberries are removed with part of the stalk. Separate from the stalk by pinching it with two fingers. If the berries are crowded and have a short stalk, they are cut with small scissors or, in extreme cases, removed without the stalk. When plucking or cutting, do not touch the berries directly with your fingers. Raspberries are very delicate and, if handled carelessly, become easily wrinkled.

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