Why dream of iron chains. Why chains dream - interpretation of sleep from dream books. Noble dream book Grishina

The Knight of Swords is a hero who swore to kill a dragon and rushed into the very abyss of battle for this, or a messenger carrying a letter of warning. It represents the revolutionary energies of the air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) focusing in the mental and verbal realm. This is the ability of your or someone else's personality to think, analyze, distinguish one object from another and critically evaluate everything that happens. You can be confident and strong, but also headstrong and impatient. Perhaps you are trying to make black white or overcome some obstacles. You intend to defend your point of view or convey your ideas and philosophical views to the interlocutor, but because you are impulsive and hasty, you do it from the position of "I know better" and do not bother to hear who you are talking to or see where it is everything threatens to turn you on. Perhaps you formulate some principles or classify objects or phenomena. Probably the situation requires you to show cynicism and rather venomous wit. You can confidently defend your understanding of the truth, or enjoy the fact that you "saved" an idea that turned out to be without protection and support in a timely manner. You can jump into an argument out of your love of discussion, not because you think someone else's point of view is correct. You are able to use logic, criticism and analysis as a weapon to defeat irrationality and uncertainty. This card indicates an interest in research, analytical work, planning, law and communication. You can lead a crusade or win a cause. Perhaps you are polishing a technique or building an ideal tactic for the sake of increasing efficiency. If the situation is related to travel, the card may indicate an airplane, a motorcycle, or simply a hasty and rapid movement. The weather can be windy; Thunderstorms and storms are possible.

Traditional meanings: swordsman, soldier, squire, bully, murderer. Fighter, participant in the battle. Enemy. Dispute, war, battle, duel. Heroic deeds. Fanaticism. Attack. Protection. Confrontation, destruction, destruction. Haste. Overthrow. Coarseness. Hatred, ill will, malevolence. Anger, rage, indignation. Mastery. Bravery, courage, valor.

Reversed Knight (Prince) of Swords

The reversed Knight of Swords can be a fanatic or a completely out of control person. Also, this card can indicate an extreme degree of fatigue, fatigue. It could be a football player scoring an illegal goal, or Don Quixote battling with windmills. Ultimately, this knight finds himself in a position where he looks ridiculous, ridiculous or imprudent. You or someone else is now throwing dust, fighting mirages, trying to ride a straw horse, or promoting empty or inappropriate concepts. Perhaps you were enraged by some injustice or dishonesty - despite the fact that you did not take the trouble to check the facts or even the degree of reliability of the source. Your arguments are now completely irrational, and the statements sound like complete nonsense. Perhaps you are tired of battles or have been hurt by sharp words. All you want now is to crawl away from the front line and throw a sword that weighs down your hand. You are trying to overcome your own impulsiveness or tame the inner mustang, whether it symbolizes instincts or ideas. You are consciously trying to become more attentive and reasonable and less rushed.

You may suffer from temper tantrums or temper tantrums and in such moments seek to hurt or harm others. You can become ruthless and vengeful, blaming others for your mistakes or using logic to destroy. If you are in too much of a hurry, beware of wasted time, recklessness, and mistakes. By bragging about your accomplishments, you can recklessly frame or even endanger another person. The horse on the Waite-Smith deck card looks even more furious upside down than upright; this suggests that you are rushing forward with terrible force, not wanting to listen to the advice of others. You can hope to get away with anything - even cheating and cheating - because you are smarter and faster than everyone else. Or, on the contrary, you find yourself a victim of a person who behaves in this way. You can fiercely try to get your way, even if for this you have to go to a clear injustice. On the other hand, you can move backward rather than forward, hastily retreating from the battlefield or evacuating in a threatening situation. The inverted Knight of Swords is not the best signifier for travel and transportation: you can be put off the train, unloaded from the plane, or you have to take a detour.

In terms of health, violence, accidents and injuries are likely, especially of the hands and feet, and other dangerous situations in which speed plays a role in one way or another. It is also possible temporary insanity.

From a shamanic and magical point of view, the card denotes a spiritual warrior leading fighting in the upper worlds. It is also astral self-defense.

Traditional inverted meanings: pocket thief. Scammer. To be fooling around. Fool. Recklessness, imprudence. Failure, incompetence, irrelevance, ignorance. Weakness. Mistakes as a result of impulsivity. Silly, stupid, stupid. Brad, nonsense. Vain, vain. Extravagant. Live with your mind. News of trouble or trouble.


Today we are starting to consider the interpretation of the Arcana deck by Aleister Crowley, which, as you know, is quite different from Waite's classics. Since it is the court cards that cause the most questions, I propose to start a conversation with the Prince of Swords Tarot Thoth. What correspondence does the Arcana have in the Waite deck? What do the symbols on it mean? How can one interpret this card in matters of work, love, health? You will learn about all this from this article.

General description of the map, plot

The Prince of Swords of the Taro Thoth is depicted as a horseman riding a chariot drawn by winged children. The Prince's clothing is chainmail. In his left hand he holds a sword, with which he creates ideas and images (Swords are the element of Air, and therefore - the mind, intellect), and in his right hand - a sickle or a scythe - with this tool he immediately cuts down everything he has planned. Children move randomly different sides, so it is logical to assume that the chariot has no directional movement, although it is easy to lift. We can say that the card symbolizes a chaotic mind in a state of every second of wakefulness.

Symbolism of the card

The main meaning of the card

The Prince of Swords of the Tarot Thoth corresponds to the Knight of Waite - as you probably already know, Crowley's face cards are intentionally renamed. However, Arkan does not repeat the full classical meaning. Prince air element can be called an intellectual, in whose head many different thoughts are carried every second. He is full of lofty ideals, but he is completely unable to put his ideas into practice. Such people are completely free from following any principles, since they can find a weighty argument in support or vice versa against absolutely any statement, including the one put forward by themselves a few minutes ago. We can say that the main manifestation of the card is a deep and wide, but at the same time, a stormy and uncontrollable mind. Arkan also characterizes people with all sorts of addictions: music fans, philanthropists, drug addicts, religious fanatics and any other person who is usually called "eccentrics" can pass under it.

Shadow meaning of the map

There are no flipped cards in the Crowley deck, however, each Arcana can acquire a shadow value when combined with other cards in the layout. shadow value The Prince of Swords Tarot Thoth is cynicism, aimlessness, empty scattering of ideas, the ability to mislead others, haste, shortsightedness, destructiveness.

The meaning of the card on the psychological plane

On the psychological plane, Arkan can mean lightness and flexibility of the mind, enthusiasm for putting forward various kinds of theories. A person under the influence of this card often builds castles in the air, but the danger lies in the fact that many ideas that he considers brilliant, in fact, can easily lead him to a dead end. He, roughly speaking, does not know how to separate the "wheat from the chaff."

Prince of Swords Tarot Thoth love relationships manifests itself as follows: we can say that he talks a lot, but does little. That is, in fact, Arkan describes a situation where there is a semblance of a relationship, but in fact one or both partners (if the Prince fell out as a significator) very much strive for personal independence. In such a pair, some ideas are constantly put forward, responsible words are spoken, joint plans are made, but all this does not pass from theory to practice. We can say that at the first serious conflict or the onset of a crisis, such relations will crumble very easily.

The meaning of the Arcana when divining for work and finances

In questions professional activity the air Prince reports quick decisions, ideas that are not feasible in practice, a lack of concept, but sometimes also curiosity, an inquisitive mind, the ability to defend one's point of view if the situation requires it. Such a person can talk to anyone, boldly operating with various arguments and facts. As advice, Arkan recommends critically considering own ideas, weed out the really doable from those that cannot be found practical application. If the question is about finances, then this is, perhaps, disorderly spending, as well as the desire to show that you have money, although in reality there is not so much of it.

The meaning of the Prince of Swords Tarot Thoth when divining for health

The value of the Prince of Swords Tarot Thoth in health most often has a negative connotation. The card indicates that the disease is severe, the disease-causing processes are not fully controlled. Also, Arkan can indicate inflammation of any kind that occurs in the querent's body.

However, despite some inconsistency that can be traced in the image of the Air Prince, the occultist Lon Milo Duquette, who studied Crowley's Arcana, notes that this card can describe the types of such famous people like Allan Poe, the composers Mozart and Mendelssohn, directors Federico Fellini and David Wark Griffith, and the natural scientist, theosophist and mystic Emmanuel Swedenborg.

Most recently, an exact copy of the oldest and most unique deck of the Tarot arcana, called the Marseille Tarot, was reproduced. And today this deck is one of the most popular in Europe.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of Thoth tarot cards.

The Prince of Swords card speaks of the impossibility of choosing a solution to a problem. The reason will be the lack of understanding of how to act in this case due to lack of information. A person can see several various options, but the choice will be very difficult. Also, the card often indicates rather stormy conversations that can develop into quarrels and disputes. It can warn of meanness that is planned against you.

Work and finance

Relations between colleagues become worse, which leads to lower results. Often there is unreasonable criticism, nit-picking from scratch, competition. For business, this speaks of possible losses that are very difficult to prevent, cooling of relations between partners. A cooperation that used to be mutually beneficial will be terminated for a very stupid reason, as a result, no one will benefit from this.


Feelings go away and cool. Or in their place comes exclusively negative and destructive, something that destroys relationships and makes it impossible to continue them. The Prince of Swords card reminds us once again that even the most strong feelings can be destroyed by petty and negative actions. Sometimes the card says that one of the partners wants to end the relationship, but in this moment hides it.


Period of self-criticism, change of interests. Previous hobbies no longer attract and do not look interesting. This is not necessarily a negative process, perhaps it is associated with growing up and moving to the next stage of human development.


The prognosis of treatment is negative, but still moderate. The risk of various inflammations.

Now you need to slow down, sort out your feelings and thoughts. This is not the time to make hasty decisions, they will become erroneous. You need to weigh everything, think it over well and only then act. The Prince of Swords card with this approach guarantees you a positive result.

Key words: Air aspect of air; intuition, creative thinking; breaking through all entanglements; liberation from limited ideas and models; clear perception.

The Prince of Swords wears tight-fitting, webbed green armor. He is the master creative ideas, thinking and planning. A necessary precondition for the ability to think creatively is unlimited freedom. Process creative thinking cannot re-wear any restrictions. That's why the Prince throws his arm so far back - to cut off the connections with the figures pulling the car with all their strength. These figures are symbols of limiting ideas and feelings or limiting relationships that can slow the progress of the chariot.

The crystal in the chariot is designed in the form of a double pyramid. It shows the crystallization of perception. Now right time give shape and form to ideas. Sometimes problems seem unresolved to us because of old, limiting belief systems, such as "I am weak and dependent," or "If I assert myself, I will be punished," or "I am very clumsy." In some past situation, probably in our childhood, such feelings may have had some meaning, but now they are not related to our reality. We continue to carry these attitudes with us, but we constantly experience situations that reinforce them. We tell ourselves, for example, that our slowness makes us drop and break things.

The reality is a little different. We do not just randomly get into situations, we create them around ourselves, based on our beliefs about reality. A person, dumbfounded by his "terrifying" slowness, will, for example, limit his movements so much, fearing to be clumsy, that his movements will actually be clumsy. Whatever natural grace he may have, it will remain undiscovered and undeveloped, as sometime in the past someone convinced him to consider himself clumsy.

If we look closely at those parts of ourselves that are unsatisfactory, we can see that every uncomfortable and unworked situation serves to show us our own wrong notions and attitudes. Once we see them for what they are, we can correct and discard them.

Directions: Free yourself from that which limits your thinking and spirit. But make sure you express your ideas and plans in a way that others can understand. Accept their opinions humbly. Your thinking may be far ahead of its time, but without sacrificing anything, you can adjust so that your vision can work in the present!

Questions: What attitudes, feelings, attitudes, or programmed ideas do you allow yourself to limit?

Suggestion: Get to know creative visualization. Read the book "Creative Visualization" by Shakti Gawain.

Affirmation: My creative possibilities are endless.