Supply of a gas pipe to a private house. Connecting gas to a private house according to the new rules - procedure, specifications, documents. Obtaining specifications

Gas is the most popular fuel for heating systems. Gas heating is much cheaper than electric heating, and at the same time brings much less hassle than solid fuel counterparts.

However, the very process of bringing explosive fuel to a private house requires compliance with a large number of rules associated with both paperwork and significant financial costs.

Laying gas pipelines is a long process, and also quite costly. In order to reduce the cost of the whole process, some installation work can be done independently. But for this you need to carefully study the rules and regulations of SNiP.

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The procedure for gasification at home

Everyone knows about the combustibility, explosiveness, and also the chemical activity of natural gas, therefore, in this situation, there can be no talk of amateur performance. Gas supply system must only be installed by specialists according to the approved plan.

If you decide to bring gas to your house, get ready for a long paperwork, tune in to trips to various authorities with long lines.

Before the team leaves for you to carry out installation work, you will have to make a gasification plan, issue all permits, and only then purchase the necessary gas equipment.

Collection of necessary documents

Before contacting a design organization to create a gasification project for a building, you will have to collect a whole package of necessary documents. We note right away that some of the required papers will cost money, so get ready for financial costs right away.

So, what papers do you have to collect:

  • a document confirming the ownership of a house with a plot;
  • copies of documents proving the identity of the owner;
  • conclusion on the technical feasibility of carrying out work on gasification of the building;
  • technical passport from BTI;
  • a topographic map made on a certain scale, which shows all the buildings that are subject to gasification;
  • a map showing all laid communications and the planned gas pipeline, which is certified by the gas service;
  • if the gas pipeline to the house has to be pulled through neighboring plots, written permission from their owners will be required to carry out the relevant work.

This is an approximate list of documents that you have to collect.

Depending on some features, for example, underground or above-ground gasification is planned, it may be necessary to provide some more paperwork.

Preparation of project documentation and conclusion of contracts

Please note that services for the preparation of project documentation are paid. This work can only be carried out by design bureaus that have the appropriate license.

It is not worth trying to create a project on your own, since it should take into account a large number of nuances known only to specialists:

  • depth of the central gas pipeline;
  • the place and depth of the gas pipes from the central gas pipeline to the house;
  • gasification methods (underground or aboveground). This is influenced by the characteristics of the soil, the depth of groundwater, the interweaving of other communications, buildings, roadways, etc.;
  • details of the installation work;
  • connection points for gas appliances and requirements for them in accordance with SNiP;
  • materials, joints, as well as the layout of gas pipes inside the house.

In addition, all project documentation must be certified by the relevant organization.

The cost of work on the manufacture of the project will depend on the complexity of the project itself, the materials used and the design organization itself. Therefore, it makes sense to consider all possible options, study rates, reviews, and then choose the most suitable bureau.

For installation work and commissioning of the gas supply system, it is also necessary to conclude the following contracts:

  1. Contract for installation work and preparation of technical documentation.
  2. Agreement on gasification and installation of gas equipment.
  3. The act of putting the gas pipeline and gas equipment into operation.
  4. The act of inspection of smoke ventilation ducts.
  5. Contract for the supply and payment of natural gas.

Choosing a contractor and starting installation work

When it comes to building gasification, the choice of a contractor must be taken with all responsibility. Before concluding a contract, make sure that the company has the appropriate licenses, contracts, necessary permits, qualified employees with all the necessary permits. Installation work on the installation of an underground or above-ground gas pipeline to the building is started after the preparation of all documentation.

However, it is the contractor who will have to provide reports on the work performed and acts that will detail all the actions carried out on the site. Based on these acts, the gas service will have to connect the gas, carry out a series of commissioning work, and then give you a lecture on safety.

Features of materials and work on gas supply

When it comes to gas, in no case should one neglect the rules of SNiP on the choice of materials, equipment and features of installation work, since gas is not only explosive, but also toxic.

All materials that will be used in the process of supplying gas to the house and wiring inside the building, from pipes to electrodes, must be of high quality and appropriate certificates.

For gasification, metal low-alloyed or polyethylene pipes can be used. It should be noted that polypropylene pipes have a number of advantages compared to metal: weight of the mother, ease of installation, ease of transportation, non-corrosion, electrical non-conductivity, reasonable cost, long service life.

  1. There are a number of restrictions for laying plastic pipes:
  • above-ground gasification cannot be carried out with the help of plastic pipes;
  • the use of polypropylene pipes for indoor wiring is prohibited;
  • use is prohibited in regions where the temperature drops below -45 degrees;
  • it is forbidden to use on seismically active soils;
  • do not use a plastic pipe to pass through natural or artificial barriers.
  1. Immuring into the walls or foundation of any welded or gas pipeline is not allowed. They should be located so that they have constant access for inspection, prevention and repair work.
  2. Elements of the gas pipeline should not come into contact with combustible elements of the building - door frames, window casings, temporary partitions, etc.
  3. It is not allowed to distort the gas pipe either outside or inside the building. Vertical sections must run strictly vertically, horizontal ones are laid with a slope of 2-5 mm per meter towards the devices.
  4. The gas riser can have a slope of no more than 2 mm. The riser is located in non-residential premises (, change houses) or along the facade of the building. In no case can it be in places where people are usually located (bedroom, dining room, bathroom).
  5. Pay special attention to taps. They should be positioned so that the cork axis runs parallel to the wall.

Gas pipeline laying methods

The gas pipe from the central line to the facade of the building can pass underground or above its surface. Based on this, underground and above-ground methods of gasification are distinguished. It should be noted that it is often necessary to combine these two methods.

So, for example, if a gas pipe has to be pulled across the road, most often resort to the above-ground method, so as not to block traffic for a long time. after the passage of the road, the pipe is deepened underground. However, if new horizontal drilling technologies are used, such a need may disappear.

Above ground gas pipeline

An aboveground gas pipeline is much cheaper than an underground one. Savings, in some cases, can be up to 60%. If the gas pipe to the house goes above the ground, we will not be concerned about either the depth of groundwater, or the interweaving of other communications, or other problems associated with underground work.

However, in this case, the pipes laid on must be protected as much as possible from corrosion, deformation, temperature extremes and mechanical stress.

In addition, you will have to constantly monitor that unscrupulous neighbors are not connected to your gas pipeline, which, in the case of an underground gas pipeline, is hindered by the depth of the pipe.

Stages of connecting gas to the house (video)

Underground gas pipeline

Although this technology is much more expensive, it is much more popular. When stopping at an underground gas pipeline, you need to remember that the depth of the pipe must be completely comply with the gasification plan for security.

Before the advent of horizontal directional drilling technology, laying gas pipelines underground was associated with a number of problems:

  • depth of groundwater;
  • seismically active soils;
  • passing obstacles and road surfaces;
  • soil with a high content of corrosive substances.

However, this technology solved all the problems at once, reducing, moreover, the time of work. Instead of a long process of digging a trench, the depth of which can reach 1.5 - 2 meters, a horizontal hole is drilled from the central highway to the building.

It is only necessary to dig two wells near the pipe, to connect to it, and near the building, to enter the house. The entrance and exit of the drill is spilled with a solution and. In the case of difficult soils, the pipe can be laid in a special protective case.

FORUMHOUSE users have already read the article, which talked about the features of choosing a heating and water supply system. Therefore, readers of our site are well aware that at the moment natural gas is one of the most cost-effective fuels. And the boiler operating on it is distinguished by the maximum level of automation, which ensures the comfort of living in a private one.

In this article, we will consider the procedure for connecting gas to a private house and talk about the procedure for the gas main.

You will learn:

  • What changes related to the connection procedure took place in March 2014.
  • Will the high cost of connecting gas during operation pay off;
  • How is the consumer group defined?
  • How to calculate the estimated gas consumption in the house;
  • Connecting the house to gas. What is the algorithm of actions for gasification;
  • The procedure for connecting the house to gas. What documents need to be collected to bring blue fuel.

Gas connection - 2017: procedure-related changes.

Despite all the benefits that the gas supply promises, the main obstacle to the "blue" fuel is the high cost of connecting gas to the house. Depending on the region, it can be 500 thousand rubles or more. And many novice developers simply do not know where the process of gasification of a cottage begins.

Therefore, in order to bring blue fuel to the house, first of all, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the new ones, through which gas is connected to a private house. So, when connecting gas, Mosoblgaz is guided by a new resolution.

Rules for connecting a house to gas

Viktoria Grebennik, Deputy Head of the Department for Technological Connection and Services, State Unitary Enterprise MO Mosoblgaz:

– Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1314 came into force on March 1, 2014. One of the key changes was that the executor of all work on technological connection related to the gasification of any facilities is now a gas distribution organization (GDO).

Previously, the developer had to independently deal with all activities in order to connect gas to the house: from obtaining technical specifications to coordinating the passage of the gas pipeline to various owners and formalizing all legal relations. According to the new resolution, all issues related to connection to gas networks up to the boundaries of the applicants' land plots are resolved by the GDO. That is, if a consumer wants to connect gas, he needs to contact Gorgaz, Oblgaz (in the Moscow Region - Mosoblgaz). Submit all the necessary documents there and conclude an agreement for connection to gas networks, which indicates the work carried out by the GDO to gasify the facility, the amount for the services provided and the deadline. The Contractor under this agreement is GRO.

Today, it has become more difficult to supply gas from the point of view of legislation. The existing procedure differs from the previous one primarily in that the Technical Conditions, according to which design and construction can be carried out, ceased to exist as an independent document. They exist as part of an annex to the connection agreement. The connection of gas in 2017 provides that the technical conditions, which can be obtained within 14 days, are preliminary and speak only of the possibility of gasification. It is possible to supply gas, but it is impossible to build or design within the framework of the new requirements.

According to the new requirements, only those consumers whose MCHRG (maximum hourly gas consumption) is more than 300 cubic meters per hour must make a request for preliminary specifications sent to the GDO without fail.

How much does a gas connection cost

The main question that concerns applicants at the stage of making a decision on gasification of their home is how much it costs to connect gas. Technological connection of gas has a number of conditions for determining the cost. It proceeds from those measures that need to be carried out for the gasification of the facility. For convenience, such events are conditionally divided into 3 categories.

Victoria Grebennik:

The division into categories is due to the use of three approaches to the formation of connection fees:

  1. The first category includes private households whose gas equipment is designed for gas consumption of no more than 5 cubic meters per hour, and small businesses whose fuel consumption for technological equipment of connected facilities does not exceed 15 cubic meters per hour. This category includes private houses up to 300 square meters. m. and small objects of the public utility sector.

There are also restrictions on the activities that are necessary for gasification: the distance from the gas supply source to the gas-using equipment is not more than 200 m, the pressure of natural gas in the gas supply source is not more than 0.3 MPa. And it is planned to build only gas pipelines-inlets without the installation of gas reduction points. All these factors will determine how much gasification costs.

Gas connection in the Moscow region

The fixed price for gas connection for the first category of objects is set by the regulatory body in the Moscow region in the amount of 50 thousand rubles for private houses, whose gas consumption does not exceed 5 cubic meters. meters per hour. The gas connection in the area takes into account the fuel consumption of all equipment, including the one to which this gas connection point was connected earlier. Provided that the distance from the gas-using equipment (boiler, stove) to the nearest gas distribution network (with a design working pressure of not more than 0.3 MPa), measured in a straight line to the connection point, is not more than 200 meters. Technical connection measures involve such a service as the construction of only pipes of gas pipelines-inlets without the installation of reduction points.

Gas connection - requirements

  1. The second category includes capital construction facilities, the connection of which requires the construction of distribution gas pipelines and / or the installation of reduction points; the volume of the declared capacity exceeds the normalized volume of the first category, the pressure in the gas supply source is 0.6 MPa, etc.

Such objects include large private houses, etc. Gas supply to the house is carried out at standardized tariff rates. The gas connection tariff is calculated in accordance with the methodology approved by the Federal Tariff Service and approved by the executive authority in the field of state regulation of the REK (Regional Energy Commission) in the subject in which this organization operates.

  1. The third category includes capital construction facilities, the connection of which is carried out according to an individual project. The final determination of the cost, which is made on the basis of the design and estimate documentation that has passed the examination, and the final price is set for each object individually by the executive authority in the field of state regulation in the subject in which the organization operates.

The signs of this category include any objects with a MCHRG of more than 500 cubic meters per hour, as well as objects that require passage through the lands of the forest fund, swamps of the 3rd degree, in rocky soils, through water barriers and any obstacles that require the performance of work by the HDD method (horizontal directional drilling).

Thus, the procedure for connecting gas within the framework of the rules has several levels of state control to determine the cost of technological connection to gas networks.

Starting from 2015, new gas connection rules are in force, according to which the specified fee is indexed to the forecast average annual inflation rate. Applicants, whose MCHRG of a capital construction object exceeds 300 cubic meters per hour, must agree on the possibility of technological connection with the GDO, technologically connected to the contractor's network.

How to calculate maximum hourly consumption

This question worries many developers. Despite the fact that 5 cubic meters per hour is enough to supply most private houses, a preliminary calculation of the maximum hourly gas consumption can be carried out using the following formula.

FORUMHOUSE user Stessi:

- The maximum flow rate is determined by the formula:
B \u003d qx103 / Nx1.163x8000

B - gas consumption by equipment, m 3 / h;

q is the heat output of the equipment, kW;

N is the efficiency of the equipment; usually is - 90-92%;

8000 - net calorific value of natural gas, kcal/m 3 .

It is necessary to add to the resulting figure all other appliances that consume blue fuel in the house.

On average, the power of a four-burner stove with a gas oven is taken as 10 kW. The calculation is carried out in the same way as the calculation of the boiler, only without taking into account the efficiency. From here: 10 / 1.163 / 8 = 1.1 cubic meters / h.

FORUMHOUSE user Brother Fox:

- For a 100 sq. m, the required boiler power will be 10 kW. Such a boiler consumes an average of 1.2 cubic meters / gas / h.

Connection steps

Blue fuel connection is carried out if the technical capabilities of the gas distribution network (GDS) allow connecting a new consumer without prejudice to existing subscribers. In this case, the general algorithm of actions for gasification includes the following steps:

  1. Obtaining preliminary specifications.

In cases where the maximum hourly fuel consumption does not exceed 300 cubic meters per hour, applicants can apply to the GDO to conclude a connection agreement without obtaining preliminary technical conditions.

  1. Submission of an application for connection and conclusion of an agreement with the GRO on technological connection.

Required documents:

  • An application containing the details of the applicant (passport data), contact details, name and address of the location of the facility to be joined, the nature of gas consumption, the timing of the design and construction of the facility, the MCWG, the number and date of preliminary technical specifications, if such were issued;
  • Documents confirming the ownership of the land;
  • Calculation of the maximum hourly gas consumption (not required if the MCHRG is less than 5 m3/h);
  • Situational plan with reference to the territory of the settlement.

In the case of providing all the necessary information and documents, the GRO within 30 days prepares and transfers to the applicant a technological connection agreement signed on its part. After signing the contract by the applicant and submitting it to the GRO, according to the terms of the connection contract, measures for technological connection are carried out within the established time limits.

Moreover, the activities to the border of the land plot are carried out by the GDO, and the design, construction within the site, as well as the installation of the VDGO (in-house gas equipment) are carried out by the applicant.

  1. Implementation of activities within the applicant's site carried out through the conclusion of a contract. Design and construction and installation work on gasification within the applicant can be carried out not only by Gorgaz, Oblgaz, but also by other construction companies that have an SRO permit (permit to carry out relevant work) to perform design and construction and installation work on the basis of an agreement concluded with the applicant.
  2. After completing the activities within the site, the applicant sends an application to the customer service of the GDO to verify compliance with the technical conditions.

    In order for the possibility of connecting the gas to be realized, and the service to be provided to you properly, it is necessary to draw up: an act of acceptance of the completed construction and an act of delimitation of property and operational responsibility.

  3. Conclude an agreement with the GDO for the supply of fuel, maintenance of the gas pipeline and gas equipment.
  4. Agree with the GDO on the date of the initial start-up.
  5. Issue an Act on technological connection.

At FORUMHOUSE you will get access to the full information, learn about the real practice of carrying out and about blue fuel, which is recommended to ask for home and blue fuel according to the new rules.

Connecting gas to a private house, until recently, was a very expensive and painstaking task. Due to the fact that there were no clear prices, and this area was monopolized, the cost of services was set by local government, and sometimes it reached 0.5 million rubles. After changing the laws on gasification, the installation time began to be about 1-1.5 years, and the price for individuals is 20-50 thousand rubles.

Benefits of connecting to gas

There are several types of gasification of private houses: centralized, when gas comes from the central main, and autonomous, in this case, gas is supplied from gas tanks. Central gasification can be of above-ground, underground and combined types. Undoubtedly, one of the most important advantages of gasification is financial savings, because heating in this way is almost 10 times cheaper than coal.

It is also possible to connect a gas column and a stove to the main line, there are no unnecessary combustion products. To bring gas into the house, you need to go through a number of stages. At first glance, it may seem that this process will take a lot of time and effort, but in reality everything is much simpler than it seems.

Gasification process

  1. First you have to choose the type of gas supply. To do this, you need to decide how many cubic meters of gas per hour you plan to spend. Basically, all private houses fall into the first group. The amount of product consumed in this case should not exceed 5 m³ per hour. This amount is enough to heat a house up to 200-250 m² and provide for a family of four.
  2. Next, you need to draw up a draft specification or technical specifications in the gas service of your city or village. To obtain TU, a certain list of documents is required, namely: an application for TU, a copy of the passport and documents on the right of ownership. And if the house is only in the project - then the right to land, a certificate of registration of the right to own property and a plan for the location of the house. At the same time, the house will be connected only if it is located no more than 200 meters from the main gas main. Your application must be considered within 1 month.
  3. After submitting all the necessary documentation to the gas service and drawing up the project, the technical connection is carried out. Gas service workers must lay a gas pipe from the main line to your site. The cost of this work ranges from 25-50 thousand. It all depends on the length of the pipe and the complexity of its implementation.
  4. The most expensive procedure is drawing up a gasification project for a house. There are two ways: either contact Gorgaz, then you will save money, but lose 6-8 months of your time and effort, or contact a private company, which, of course, will be much more expensive, but faster. To draw up a project, you need a list of appliances that consume gas, and the rules for their operation, as well as the location of the appliances in the house in accordance with your room and the chimney.
  5. When all the paperwork has been completed, installation and construction work begins. As a contractor, it is advisable to take a person from the company that drew up the contract.
  6. The final stage is the connection of gas to the house. Gorgaz employees should come to you and check that all conditions are met. This will take 2-3 weeks. After that, a technical supervision receipt is issued, after which, together with all the documents, it is submitted again to Gorgaz. Management employees within 21 days must seal the gas meter, conclude a contract for its supply and conduct safety briefings. After all the procedures, you are connected to the gas.

If the central gas main is located more than 200 m from you, the connection will be difficult. If you want to conduct gas for yourself alone, then this is pointless, since the cost of this project can be several million. The only way out is to cooperate with other residents of your locality and write an application. If the number of signatories is sufficient, then gas will be delivered to your city or village for free, and you will only have to follow the steps described above.

Average cost for 2019

The cost of connecting gas to your home will vary, depending on the location, but on average:

  1. Collection of primary documents (application costs from 8,000 to 50,000 rubles).
  2. Design work is estimated from 3,000 to 20,000 rubles.
  3. The construction of a pipe from the central highway to your house and the distribution of pipes along it will cost from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles per meter.
  4. To embed your pipe into the main one, you will have to pay from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles.
  5. The work of the inspection to check the readiness for operation will be from 1000 to 2000 rubles.

Please note that prices do not include incentive payments to Gorgaz.

Dependence of the price on the region

  1. In the Moscow region, the price range is large, it depends on the distance from Moscow and ranges from 400,000 to 700,000 rubles.
  2. In the Leningrad region, it is easy to see that things are a little simpler, and it is quite possible to meet 300,000 rubles.
  3. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the cost of this service ranges from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles.
  4. In the European part of Russia, the price drops sharply to 70,000 - 120,000 rubles.
  5. In the Asian part of the Russian Federation, the situation is worse, due to the remoteness from industrial centers and gas pipelines, equipment has to be transported from the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and the West (for example, in the Novosibirsk region prices increase to 200,000 rubles).
  6. The situation is much worse in the Far East, since this is due to the low availability of main gas pipelines, and at the same time the low price of equipment. Even if you live near a gas pipeline, you will have to pay more than 200,000 rubles for the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of civilization. At the same time, the temperature regime in Siberia and the Far East is so diverse that the tariffs proposed for the central part of Russia are clearly not suitable.
  7. After analyzing prices in Russia, we can conclude that gas supply to a private house, on average, comes out from 70,000 to 400,000 rubles.


At the same time, there are many citizens in our country who are supported by the state, and they are provided with a large number of benefits, but they do not apply to gas pipelines. There are concessions only to pay for gas. The federal government left the right to choose local authorities to provide benefits to various categories of citizens.

In Rostov-on-Don, a subsidy is provided in the amount of less than 50%, not exceeding 20,000 rubles of the cost of gasification costs. It is available to the following categories of citizens:

  • large families;
  • rear workers;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War and widows of those killed in the Great Patriotic War;
  • disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups;
  • minor prisoners of fascism;
  • invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
  • citizens who were in besieged Leningrad

Gasification of a private house is sometimes a very complex and expensive process. In this article, we will talk in detail about connecting gas to a private house and laying a gas pipeline. Also, a lot of material is devoted to the main stage of gasification of the house - this is the paperwork. When you bring gas to your home, use this article as a guide or a reminder in this difficult process. Well, now let's move on to the article itself.

In order to cut into the gas pipeline, you need to find out who owns it. Usually it is “GorGaz”. Permission from the owner is required for tapping into a gas pipeline. If the owner of the gas pipeline agreed, then the next step is to contact the design organization, which will develop a gasification project for your house and connect it to the gas pipeline.

Overground and underground gas pipelines

Gas pipelines can be divided into aboveground and underground. If the gas pipeline is underground, then we install the introductory part of the gas supply of the house near the stairs, and if the gas pipeline is above ground, then we install the inlets in the kitchen wall.

An underground type of gas pipeline is more expensive, but at the same time, a pipe that runs underground is more protected and the service life of such a pipe is much longer.

In order to carry out the laying of a gas pipeline underground, care must be taken to ensure that the passage along this section of the road, where the underground gas pipeline is being installed, is blocked, while laying the gas pipeline, using road projects, draws up plans for the location of equipment, and also reflects in the plan - the geometric data that are adjacent to the houses, which allows you to correctly place road signs in order to restrict traffic in areas where the installation of an underground gas pipeline will be carried out. This traffic ban scheme must be agreed with the local traffic police, as a result of which an order is issued for the installation of an underground gas pipeline.

Regarding the aboveground gas pipeline, you need to know that its minus is its susceptibility to corrosion, while an easy form of unauthorized connection is considered a big plus. Also, this gas pipeline is more convenient for inspection and repair, and its installation area is much smaller than the underground installation area. In the event of a gas leak, overhead is faster and easier to troubleshoot.

As a result, we found out that gasification of a house is:

  • project documentation;
  • tie-in to a street gas pipeline;
  • branching gas networks inside the house;
  • installation of gas equipment.

Gasification of a private house from personal experience

At one time, I faced the problem of how to conduct gas to the house, where to apply for permission. Fortunately, I got a great person who was able to give me a number of useful tips. And that's what he advised me in my case, perhaps many will now come in handy.
If you are faced with the problem of gasification of a private house, then you need to follow these steps and obtain a number of documents, which I have listed below:

1. Acts of inspection of all premises where gas equipment will be installed, by the master of SVDGO.

1.1.Act of inspection of chimneys by the VDPO service.
1.2. Permission of the Heads of APU for gasification of the house.
1.3. A copy of the BTI technical passport to the house.
1.4. Topographic survey with planting of the house and gasified buildings and premises on the owner's site.
1.5. Permission to connect to the gas pipeline if it is laid in neighboring sections from its owner (usually the owner is GorGaz).

2. Obtain in GorGaz Technical specifications for gasification, and, if necessary, for electrochemical protection of the designed underground gas pipeline.
3. Conclude a contract for the implementation of project documentation and arrange for a design engineer to visit the site with the necessary measurements.
4. Calculation of design and estimate documentation for the gasified facility.
5. Conclude an agreement on conducting technical supervision.
6. Drawing up an act on the chimney is carried out by the fire service of the VDPO.
7. Conclude an agreement for the performance of construction and installation works with a construction organization that carries out gasification.
8. The gas pipeline and equipment are being installed.
9. Executive-technical documentation is being drawn up.
10. Acceptance of the installed gas pipeline by the commission is carried out.
11. Conclude an agreement with GorGaz for the supply of gas, for the maintenance of the gas pipeline and in-house gas equipment.
12. Pass a safety briefing when using gas.
13. Agree in GorGaz on the day of the tie-in (gas connection).
14. The tie-in and the initial start-up of gas are carried out (the next day after the tie-in).

Owners who plan to conduct gas to their home have the right to carry out all the approvals on their own, otherwise they can always contact a company that directly specializes in the installation of pipelines and gasification of a house or a number of houses.

Gas in a private house or we carry gas to the house (full version)

The first stage of connecting gas to the house

First, find out who owns the gas pipeline running next to you, but for the most part it is, of course, Gorgaz. Contact them and resolve the issue of the tie-in. After permission is received, go to the design organization, which will develop the project just for you.

After that, the finished project is handed over to you, and with it you go to the installation organization.

This organization will resolve all issues related to the installation of the gas pipeline, and it is also responsible for the commissioning of a particular section of the gas pipeline. Therefore, when concluding a contract with an installation company, make sure that they have the appropriate license for this. After going through all these stages, you have gas in your house, use it, but do not forget about safety rules.

Let's take a step-by-step look at all the necessary steps for gasification at home

  • 1. The first step to the beginning of gasification is the collection of documentation.

Here you will need to collect a lot of documents that can confirm that the house and land are your property, gasification permit acts and many others. All registration is divided into two stages. First, the documents necessary to start work on laying the gas pipeline are collected, then documents are drawn up throughout the work. Such documents include: permission issued by the head of the architectural and planning department for the gasification of a particular private house.

You will also need a copy from the technical passport of the technical inventory bureau for your house and the topography of the land plot with the landing of the house and all structures located on it, which will be gasified, on a scale of 1:500, which indicates all communications and the proposed gas pipeline, which must be certified by the gas service.

They can also ask for permission from neighbors if the gas pipeline passes through their territory, although most often such permission is issued by the city gas company itself, since the gas pipeline is their property.

In the process of gasification, documents will be needed for all gas equipment that will be installed in the house, as well as an act from the VDPO service on examining chimneys.

  • 2. Obtaining technical specifications.

You can only get them in gorgaz, so go visit them. There you will need to present a registration certificate from the BTI for your house, your passport and documents confirming the ownership of a particular house, plot and a mandatory permit for gas supply. After that, you will be asked to write the necessary application in order to obtain the technical conditions for conducting gas to your home.
A small nuance is that this service is paid, and at the same time you will also have to wait 14-30 days for a response.

  • 3. The next step is design.

After resolving all issues in GorGaz, go to the design organization, since there are currently a sufficient number of them. Be sure, once you have decided on the choice of a design organization, ask them to provide you with a license that entitles them to perform such work.

In addition to a license, it would not be bad to study the cost of providing such services in a design organization, in each office they have their own and range from 10-50 thousand rubles. But in order to avoid further problems, it is best to ask GorGaz which company they can recommend to you. When drawing up a contract with a design organization, pay attention to the fact that the service for visiting the house of a designer, engineer or other specialist, if you need one, is indicated there.

This is a very important point, since it is the designer who registers and gives approval for the installation of certain gas appliances and the brand of heating equipment, which must be agreed personally with you. The finished project is coordinated with the technical department of GorGaz, but this should be done by the person who is responsible for this project. The whole process takes 10-14 days.
When all the above steps are completed, you can begin to calculate and draw up an approximate estimate of those works that are agreed upon with the project documentation. After that, you draw up an agreement on conducting technical supervision, and attach an act on the inspection of the chimneys of your house by the VDPO service to it.

  • 4. We proceed to the contract with the construction and installation company.

All the necessary documents have already been collected, signed, and all issues with Gorgaz have been settled and the design organization too. And here you go to the installation organization, which in the future will have to perform all the required construction and installation work. They are also recommended to be asked to provide a license to perform their work, since it is this organization that will hand over the work done to GorGaz.

Note. In many cases, installation and construction companies have a license not only to perform installation work, but also design work. Therefore, if you order work on the project and installation in one company, then this can significantly reduce your costs for gasification at home.

After discussing and approving the terms and cost of these works with the installation company, be sure to conclude an agreement with them, this will still give you at least some guarantees, and in which case all responsibility will lie with them.
This agreement should spell out their certain obligations to you and, of course, guarantees on their part.

Be sure to check that the contract contains the following clauses.

During the laying of internal and external gas pipelines.

  1. - When performing installation and construction work, this company must have all the necessary fire extinguishing equipment, including a protective screen, which is needed to prevent heating of the walls.
  2. - As-built technical documentation is handed over to you personally by the installation company immediately after all calculations for the work performed.
  3. - The installation and construction company undertakes to hand over the work performed specified in this contract, strictly on time, as well as in compliance with all standards and quality.
  4. - The installation and construction organization assumes all obligations for the preparation of executive and technical documentation.

It is possible to start drawing up as-built technical documentation as soon as all work on the installation of the gas pipeline and all gas equipment has been completed. The finished gas pipeline comes to be accepted by a special commission, which includes the customer himself, the contractor and the responsible person from GorGaz.
This commission must accept all works within 14-30 working days. If everything is in order with the work performed and there are no complaints, the representative from GorGaz, who is a member of the commission, must issue you a technical supervision receipt, you need to pay for it, and already provide a copy to the installation company.
Pay special attention to the fact that at the time when the acceptance of the work done is carried out, absolutely all gas equipment that is in the list of project documentation is connected and installed. Upon completion of the inspection, the installation and construction company is obliged to prepare and transfer all documentation related to technical issues to GorGaz, where it should be stored.

By decision of the commission and after receipt of all the necessary documents by GorGaz, the meter will be sealed for you within 21 days. Now it is possible to conclude an agreement directly with Gorgas itself, after which gas will be supplied. In the future, according to the contract, Gorgas is obliged to carry out maintenance of all gas equipment and the gas pipeline itself, too.

  • 5. Safety walkthrough.

Now all the problems with the gas supply are behind you and you must definitely listen to a lecture on the safe use of gas, that is, the so-called safety precautions.

A similar procedure can be easily completed in the city gas station itself, which is carried out by a special engineer of this institution. In the journal maintained by Gorgaz, leave your signature, thereby confirming that you have passed this briefing.
But you can also go through this procedure at home if a certified specialist comes to you, authorized to conduct safety briefings when starting up and setting up gas equipment. As with the briefing at GorGaz, you need to confirm with a signature in the appropriate magazine that you have completed the briefing.

  • 6. Connecting your gas pipeline to the main one.

To tie into the main gas pipeline, you will need to make a payment to the service that will carry out the tie-in. It is recommended to specify the time frame in which this work will be carried out. As soon as everything is ready for operation, the gas service supplies gas and conducts a preliminary test run of gas to check the instruments, the meter, and to exclude the possibility of a gas leak.

  • 7. Work on the launch and adjustment of gas equipment.

The organization from which you purchased this equipment should put into operation and adjust the gas equipment, and, accordingly, conclude a service agreement. Since this is one of the conditions for guaranteeing gas equipment, the terms of the guarantee must be indicated in the coupon issued for it. On average, the warranty is issued for a period of 1 to 3 years.

During commissioning, the work described below must be carried out. This is the setting of the optimal operating mode of the equipment so that gas consumption is rational. At the same time, you should be explained how to properly use the equipment that you purchased. If for some reason it could not be started, the work is suspended until the problems are fixed. After the successful launch of the equipment, the work is formalized by drawing up a bilateral act on the work done.

Documents will also come in handy that will allow you to perform a heat engineering calculation, which will give you the opportunity to calculate the required boiler power, which can provide heat and hot water in your home. To do this, you need to contact the housing and communal services specialists for help. These documents include - a floor plan of the premises that are heated, indicating the explication, height and area; what are the hot water points and their number (faucet, bath, shower, etc.); description with the possibility of using the boiler for such needs.

You can carry out all these agreements yourself, if you have such experience, if not, then contact the organization involved in the implementation of such work.

Laying a gas pipeline

So we figured out the basic requirements for conducting gas into the house. Now let's get acquainted with what kind of gas pipeline is, and which one is best to choose for yourself.
The gas pipeline is primarily divided into underground and surface. They differ from each other in the ways in which they enter the house. This also applies to the internal wiring of the gas pipeline network, its risers that distribute gas to floors, and appliances that consume gas.

Underground gas pipeline and ground

An underground gas pipeline is much more expensive than a ground one. But still, regardless of the fact that the underground gas pipeline is more expensive, the demand for it does not decrease. Since a gas pipe underground is more reliably protected from damage, therefore, its service life is much longer. Its demand is also influenced by the fact that the underground gas pipeline is not so dangerous.

There is only one caveat, for laying a gas pipe underground, it will be necessary to partially or completely block traffic. In such cases, the installation and construction company is obliged, on the basis of the project documentation that it has available, to draw up a scheme for the movement of vehicles, pedestrians, including working equipment. This diagram should also indicate the geometric parameters of the site where the work is being carried out, as well as the entrance to the houses and the location of traffic signs.

The drawn up scheme must be agreed and approved by the department of the state inspection of road safety, that is, the well-known traffic police. After that, they also issue an order for permission to work on laying a gas pipeline.

Regarding the gas pipeline going above the ground, there are both disadvantages and advantages. One of the disadvantages is corrosion damage to unprotected sections of the gas pipeline, and it is also possible to connect to such a gas pipeline without permission, which can lead to disastrous consequences. The disadvantage of an underground gas pipeline is that its repair is much more expensive, since it is already expensive to get to it.
We will give a comparison of both types of gas pipeline, so that you decide which one suits you best.

Before laying a gas pipeline underground, do a soil analysis, if it shows too high corrosiveness of the soil, it is better to refuse this option. But if high-voltage wires are located nearby, then an underground gas pipeline would be the best option. Stop your choice on an aboveground gas pipeline if you have to run it through the land of your neighbors, so you do not damage the fertile layer of the earth and it is more likely that the neighbors will give their permission. There are exceptions when it is necessary to conduct a gas pipeline using a combined method. For example, you need to lay gas across the road, then you can lay this section underground, and in your section above the ground.
Another important question. What pipes are better to choose for a gas pipeline? Maybe polyethylene or steel?

We already know what a gas pipeline can be, and now let's see which pipes are better to use for a particular gas pipeline.
Previously, gas pipes were used exclusively from steel. Currently, polyethylene pipes are very popular, they are in many ways superior to steel pipes and have many advantages over them.

Polyethylene pipes are more resistant to the negative effects of chemical compounds and weather conditions. They perfectly combine strength and ductility, which makes it possible to lay a gas pipeline in places with severe climatic conditions. And the thing is that even at a temperature of -45 degrees, these pipes do not lose impact strength. Also, polyethylene pipes do not conduct electricity, and, therefore, are reliably protected from electrochemical damage. This means that it makes no sense to additionally protect these pipes for laying in the ground. Plastic pipes weigh 7 times less than iron ones. Transportation and delivery of such pipes also does not create problems, as they are packed in special compact bays. Very comfortable and easy to put on. The service life of plastic pipes is at least 2-3 times longer than steel pipes, in general, it is about 50 years.

But all gas distribution around the house and its entry into the house is carried out only with steel pipes. Also, polyethylene pipes have certain limitations, which are very important to be aware of. All restrictions can be viewed in SNiP in paragraphs 2.04.08-87. We'll take a look at some of them:

  1. It is forbidden to install polyethylene pipes in areas where the air temperature can drop below -45 degrees.
  2. The same situation is in those areas in which seismic activity is higher than 6 points.
  3. The laying of a gas pipeline with polyethylene pipes is strictly prohibited underground, above ground, inside houses, canals, tunnels and collectors.
  4. It is forbidden to lay a polyethylene gas pipeline if it passes through natural or artificial barriers.

We turn to the choice of a gas boiler with which your room will be heated.

We have already dealt with the requirements for gasification, the types of gas pipelines, now there is another rather important point such as the choice of a gas boiler, which is also related to the gasification of the house.
Today the market is filled with a mass of different modern boilers, but the choice is yours. All of them are divided into wall and floor boilers.
A distinctive feature of floor boilers is the ability to choose the required power, which is able to heat a room with an area of ​​more than 150 m2. If you additionally install a boiler, a gas boiler will provide the entire house with hot water as much as possible.

Wall-mounted boilers are compact. They are also equipped with an automatic security system, an expansion tank and a water circulating pump. With all this, their cost is not so great. For the most part, these boilers are able to heat a room with a total area of ​​​​no more than 150 m2, and supply hot water to only two taps.

Which heat exchanger is better steel or cast iron?

The boilers have heat exchangers, which can be made of both steel and cast iron. Which one is better to choose, now we'll figure it out.

A cast iron heat exchanger is characterized by a longer service life, somewhere around 20-25 years, a steel heat exchanger will last about 10-15 years. The cast iron heat exchanger is more durable due to its high corrosion resistance.

The cast iron heat exchanger, as a rule, consists of sections, which, if the heat exchanger is damaged, can be partially replaced, rather than dismantling the entire boiler. However, do not forget that cast iron heat exchangers are very sensitive to mechanical and thermal stress. Therefore, you can add cold water only after it has cooled.

A boiler with a steel heat exchanger is much lighter in weight, and its cost is an order of magnitude lower, unlike a cast iron heat exchanger. Also, it is not subjected to mechanical stress, however, it is subject to corrosion.

Volatile and non-volatile gas boilers

Non-volatile boilers have natural circulation, in which certain difficulties sometimes arise. Such as the diameter of the pipeline is large, open expansion tank, the need to install the system in such a way as to ensure its gravity. But the biggest drawback is the inability to regulate the air temperature in the room. Moreover, in the room where such a boiler is installed, there must be ventilation, both tidal and exhaust, as well as a chimney.
Volatile boilers consist of a closed expansion tank, a pump that circulates water. And such a boiler has full automatic control, which is why they are equated with mini-boilers. But for its smooth operation, you need a stable voltage in the network, which can be achieved using a voltage stabilizer.

The choice of a boiler is not so simple, so it’s better to contact a specialist who will help you figure out its power, make a piping diagram and navigate about additional automation. Of course, calculations for the power you need can be made independently. To do this, you need to know that 1 kW of power goes to 10 m2, there should also be a margin of about 15-20 #, which can pay off unforeseen heat losses.

It is also necessary to provide a method for removing combustion products that are produced in gas boilers during gas combustion. These products can be excreted naturally or forced, the so-called turbo. That is, it is an ordinary fan, but built directly into the boiler itself. Boilers that have a chimney, then the products of combustion are naturally drawn out through the chimney, due to the draft that is there.

Where a chimney is not provided, it is worth installing boilers with a turbo system. In such cases, specialists will install a coaxial chimney, which is somewhat reminiscent of a pipe in a pipe, then the combustion products are discharged directly through the wall.
The external pipe supplies air, but the internal one already removes all the products of gas combustion. Such a boiler is also recommended to be installed in those rooms where it is highly undesirable to take air from the room.

There are some nuances that you should pay special attention to in order to decide on the choice of a coaxial chimney facing the street. For example, the chimney must be located at least two meters from the ground. When installing a boiler with a coaxial chimney and when designing a gas pipeline, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the combustion products, going outside, do not get back into the house through the windows. A coaxial chimney is installed at an angle of about two degrees relative to the surface of the earth, since condensation can form in it. A chimney of this type should remove combustion products without any obstacles, so it must be installed so that there is at least 1.2-1.5 meters from the chimney to nearby buildings.

Home boiler room

One of the conditions for good combustion of gas is its combustion without residue, and this is possible only if there is a sufficient amount of oxygen. In this regard, the room should be of such dimensions that it would be enough for the boiler.

The best option for installing a gas boiler in a private house would be a special utility room equipped with a chimney, tidal and exhaust ventilation, and there must also be a window. It is also necessary to ensure the flow of air into the room. This can be done using a special gap in the door or make a small hole with a grate. A room for boilers with a power of more than 30 kW can also be used as a simple kitchen.



6.1. The provisions of this section apply to design of gas pipelines and gas equipment placed inside buildings and structures for various purposes.

Possibility of installation of gas equipment and laying of gas pipelines in specific buildings should be determined in accordance with building codes and rules for the design of the relevant buildings.

6.2. Gas pipelines laid inside buildings and structures should be provided from steel pipes that meet the requirements of Sec. eleven.

For connecting mobile units, portable gas burners, gas appliances, instrumentation and automation devices, it is allowed to provide rubber and rubber-fabric sleeves. When choosing hoses, one should take into account their resistance to the transported gas at a given pressure and temperature.

6.3. The connection of pipes should be provided, as a rule, by welding. Detachable (threaded and flanged) connections may be provided only at the installation sites of shut-off valves, gas appliances, instrumentation, pressure regulators and other equipment.

The installation of detachable connections of gas pipelines should be provided in places accessible for inspection and repair.

6.4. The laying of gas pipelines inside buildings and structures should be provided, as a rule, open. It is allowed to provide for hidden laying of gas pipelines (except for LPG gas pipelines and gas pipelines inside residential buildings and public buildings of a non-industrial nature) in the furrows of walls closed with easily removable shields with holes for ventilation.

6.5. In industrial premises of industrial enterprises, including boiler houses, buildings of consumer services for industrial purposes and public catering, as well as laboratories, it is allowed to lay gas pipelines to individual units and gas appliances in the floors of a monolithic structure, followed by sealing the pipes with cement mortar. In this case, it is necessary to provide for painting pipes with oil or nitro-enamel waterproof paints.

At the points of entry and exit of the gas pipeline from the floor, cases should be provided, the ends of which should protrude above the floor by at least 3 cm.

6.6. In industrial premises of industrial enterprises, it is allowed to lay gas pipelines in the floor in channels covered with sand and covered with slabs.

Channel designs must exclude the possibility of gas spreading under the floor.

The laying of gas pipelines in channels is not allowed in places where, according to production conditions, substances that cause corrosion of pipes can get into the channels.

6.7. Channels intended for laying gas pipelines, as a rule, should not intersect with other channels.

If it is necessary to cross the channels, it is necessary to provide for the installation of sealing jumpers and the laying of gas pipelines in cases made of steel pipes. The ends of the cases must extend beyond the lintels by 30 cm in both directions.

6.8. Gas pipelines, when laid jointly with other pipelines on common supports, should be placed above them at a distance that ensures ease of inspection and repair.

6.9. The laying of gas pipelines in transit through industrial premises where gas is not used may be provided for low and medium pressure gas pipelines, provided that fittings are not installed on the gas pipeline and unhindered round-the-clock access to these premises is provided for personnel servicing the gas pipeline.

6.10. It is not allowed to provide for the laying of gas pipelines in rooms belonging to categories A and B in terms of explosion and fire hazard; in explosive zones of all premises; in basements; in storage buildings of explosive and combustible materials; in the premises of substations and switchgears; through ventilation chambers, shafts and channels; elevator shafts; garbage collection rooms; chimneys; through rooms where the gas pipeline may be subject to corrosion, as well as in places where aggressive substances can be exposed and in places where gas pipelines can be washed by hot combustion products or come into contact with heated or molten metal.

6.11. For internal gas pipelines experiencing temperature effects, it should be possible to compensate for temperature deformations.

6.12. For gas pipelines transporting wet gas and laid in rooms where the air temperature can be below 3 ° C, thermal insulation from non-combustible materials should be provided.

6.13. Disconnecting devices on gas pipelines in industrial premises of industrial and agricultural enterprises, consumer service enterprises of an industrial nature should be provided for:

at the input of the gas pipeline indoors;

on branches to each unit;

in front of burners and igniters;

on purge pipelines, in places where they are connected to gas pipelines.

If there is a gas meter or GRU inside the premises, located at a distance of no more than 10 m from the gas pipeline entry point, a valve or valve in front of the GRU or meter is considered to be a disconnecting device at the input.

Installation of fittings on gas pipelines laid in channels, in a concrete floor or in wall furrows is not allowed.

6.14.* The need to account for gas consumption and the choice of a metering system at gas supply facilities should be determined in accordance with the instructions of the "Rules for the use of gas in the national economy", approved by the Ministry of Gas Industry, and the "General Regulations on the procedure for accounting and monitoring the consumption of fuel, electric and thermal energy for industrial , transport, agricultural and household enterprises and organizations”, approved by the State Committee on Science and Technology, the State Planning Committee of the USSR, Gosstandart.

By decision of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the procedure for accounting for gas consumption by consumers and regulating gas prices in gasified residential buildings, as well as in the gasification of greenhouses, baths and other household buildings, it should be possible to account for gas consumption by each subscriber by installing on a gas pipeline (in apartment, individual house) gas metering device - meter.

6.15. Devices for measuring gas consumption should be placed in hydraulic distribution stations or gasified premises. It is allowed to place devices for measuring gas consumption in other rooms not lower than II degree of fire resistance, with exhaust ventilation.

It is allowed to install no more than two gas meters in parallel on one gas pipeline.

6.16. The laying of gas pipelines in residential buildings should be provided for non-residential premises.

In existing and reconstructed residential buildings, it is allowed to provide for the transit laying of low-pressure gas pipelines through living rooms in the absence of the possibility of another laying. Transit gas pipelines within residential premises should not have threaded connections and fittings.

It is not allowed to provide for the laying of gas pipeline risers in living rooms and sanitary facilities.

6.17.* The installation of disconnecting devices on gas pipelines laid in residential buildings and public buildings (with the exception of catering establishments and consumer service enterprises of an industrial nature) should be provided for:

to turn off risers serving more than five floors;

in front of the counters (if a disconnecting device at the input cannot be used to turn off the counter);

in front of each gas appliance, oven or installation;

on branches to heating furnaces or appliances in accordance with the requirements of clause 6.46.

On the supply gas pipelines to cooking boilers, restaurant stoves, heating stoves and other similar equipment, two shut-off devices should be installed in series: one to turn off the device (equipment) as a whole, the other to turn off the burners.

On the supply gas pipelines to gas appliances, in which a shut-off device in front of the burners is provided in their design (gas stoves, water heaters, stove burners, etc.), it is necessary to install one shut-off device.

The need to install devices for disconnecting risers (entrances) of 5-storey and less residential buildings is decided by the design organization, depending on local specific conditions, including the number of storeys of buildings and the number of apartments to be disconnected in case of emergency and other works.

Devices provided for disconnecting risers (entrances) should be installed, if possible, outside the building.

6.18. The distance from gas pipelines laid openly and in the floor inside the premises to building structures, technological equipment and pipelines for other purposes should be taken from the condition of ensuring the possibility of installation, inspection and repair of gas pipelines and fittings installed on them, while gas pipelines should not cross ventilation grilles, window and doorways. In industrial premises, it is allowed to cross light openings filled with glass blocks, as well as to lay a gas pipeline along the bindings of non-opening windows.

6.19. The minimum clear distances between the gas pipeline laid along the wall of the building and communication and wire broadcasting facilities should be taken in accordance with the "Safety Rules for Working on Cable Communication Lines and Wire Broadcasting" approved by the USSR Ministry of Communications in the prescribed manner.

6.20. The distances between gas pipelines and engineering communications of power supply located inside the premises, at the places of convergence and intersection should be taken in accordance with the PUE.

6.21. The laying of gas pipelines in places where people pass should be provided at a height of at least 2.2 m from the floor to the bottom of the gas pipeline, and in the presence of thermal insulation - to the bottom of the insulation.

6.22.* Fastening of openly laid gas pipelines to walls, columns and ceilings inside buildings, frames of boilers and other production units should be provided using brackets, clamps, hooks or hangers, etc. at a distance that provides the possibility of inspection and repair of the gas pipeline and fittings installed on it.

The distance between the supporting fasteners of gas pipelines should be determined in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.12-86.

6.23. The laying of gas pipelines transporting wet gas (except for the vapor phase of low-pressure LPG) should be provided with a slope of at least 3 ° / ° °.

If there is a gas meter, the slope of the gas pipeline should be provided from the meter.

6.24. Vertical gas pipelines at the intersections of building structures should be laid in cases. The space between the gas pipeline and the case must be sealed with tarred tow, rubber bushings or other elastic material. The end of the case should protrude above the floor by at least 3 cm, and its diameter should be taken from the condition that the annular gap between the gas pipeline and the case is at least 5 mm for gas pipelines with a nominal diameter of not more than 32 mm and not less than 10 mm for gas pipelines of a larger diameter.

6.25. Internal gas pipelines, including those laid in channels, should be painted. For painting, waterproof paints and varnishes should be provided.

6.26. Gas appliances and gas burners should be connected to gas pipelines, as a rule, with a rigid connection.

Connection to the gas pipeline of gas appliances, laboratory burners, as well as portable and mobile gas burners and units installed in the workshops of industrial enterprises is allowed to be provided after the shut-off valve with rubber-fabric sleeves. Rubber-fabric sleeves for connecting household gas appliances and laboratory burners should not have butt joints.

6.27. On gas pipelines of industrial (including boiler houses), agricultural enterprises, consumer service enterprises of an industrial nature, purge pipelines should be provided from the sections of the gas pipeline that are most remote from the entry point, as well as from branches to each unit before the last shut-off device along the gas flow.

It is allowed to combine purge pipelines from gas pipelines with the same gas pressure, with the exception of purge pipelines for gases with a density greater than that of air.

The diameter of the purge pipeline should be taken at least 20 mm.

After the shut-off device on the purge pipeline, a fitting with a sampling cock should be provided, if a fitting for connecting an igniter cannot be used for this.

In some cases (for example, for cutting and welding posts, small industrial furnaces), with a supply gas pipeline with a diameter of not more than 32 mm, it is allowed to install a shut-off device with a blind plug-plug instead of purge pipelines.

6.28. The distance from the end sections of the purge pipelines to the supply ventilation intake devices must be at least 3 m.

When the building is located outside the lightning protection zone, the outlets of the purge pipelines should be grounded.

6.29. The installation of gas stoves in residential buildings should be provided for in kitchens with a height of at least 2.2 m, having a window with a window (panel), an exhaust ventilation duct and natural lighting.

At the same time, the internal volume of the kitchen premises should be, m3, not less than:

for gas stove with 2 burners 8

« « « « 3 « 12

« « « « 4 « 15

6.30. In existing residential buildings, it is allowed to install gas stoves:

in kitchen rooms with a height of at least 2.2 m and a volume of at least that specified in clause 6.29 in the absence of a ventilation duct and the impossibility of using chimneys as such a duct, but if there is a window in the room with a window or transom in the upper part of the window;

in the corridors of individual use, if there is a window in the corridor with a window or a transom in the upper part of the window, while the passage between the slab and the opposite wall must be at least 1 m wide, the walls and ceilings of the corridors made of combustible materials must be plastered, and the living quarters must be separated from corridor with dense partitions and a door;

in kitchens with sloping ceilings, having a height in the middle part of at least 2 m, the installation of gas equipment should be provided in that part of the kitchen where the height is at least 2.2 m.

6.31. * In existing residential buildings owned by citizens on the basis of personal property rights, it is allowed to install gas stoves in rooms that meet the requirements of paragraphs. 6.29 or 6.30, but having a height of less than 2.2 m to 2 m inclusive, if these rooms have a volume of at least 1.25 times the normative one. At the same time, in houses that do not have a separate kitchen, the volume of the room where the gas stove is installed must be twice as large as specified in clause 6.29.

If it is impossible to fulfill the specified requirements, the installation of gas stoves in such premises may be allowed in each specific case upon agreement by the local sanitary supervision authority.

6.32.* The possibility of installing gas stoves, heating and other devices in buildings located outside a residential building is decided by the design organization and the operating organization of the gas economy, taking into account specific local conditions, including the availability of gas for these purposes. At the same time, the premises in which the installation of gas appliances is provided must comply with the requirements for the premises of residential buildings where such appliances are allowed.

6.33. Wooden non-plastered walls and walls made of other combustible materials at the places where the plates are installed should be insulated with non-combustible materials: plaster, roofing steel on an asbestos sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm, etc. The insulation should protrude beyond the dimensions of the plate by 10 cm on each side and at least 80 cm above.

The distance from the stove to the walls of the room insulated with non-combustible materials must be at least 7 cm; the distance between the slab and the opposite wall must be at least 1 m.

6.34. For hot water supply, instantaneous or capacitive gas water heaters should be provided, and for heating - capacitive gas water heaters, small-sized heating boilers or other heating devices designed to run on gas fuel.

The number of storeys of residential buildings in which the installation of these gas appliances and apparatus is allowed should be taken in accordance with SNiP 2.08.01-89.

6.35. It is allowed to transfer to gas fuel small-sized (small-sized) heating boilers of factory production, intended for solid or liquid fuels.

Heating installations converted to gas fuel must be equipped with gas burners with safety automatics in accordance with the requirements provided for in Sec. eleven.

It is not allowed to provide for the installation of more than two storage water heaters or two small-sized heating boilers or two other heating devices in one room.

6.36. The arrangement of chimneys must comply with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05-91 * as for heating stoves. When deciding on the possibility of connecting gas appliances to chimneys, it is allowed to be guided by the data given in reference Appendix 6.

6.37.* Installation of water heaters, heating boilers and heating devices should be provided in kitchens and non-residential premises intended for their placement and meeting the requirements of paragraphs. 6.42* and 6.43. Installation of these appliances in bathrooms is not allowed. The question of the need to relocate gas water heaters from the bathrooms, in which they were located in accordance with the previously applicable standards, to the kitchens or other non-residential premises of a residential building during the reconstruction of a house or a gas supply system should be decided in each case by the design organization in agreement with local operating organizations gas economy.

In existing residential buildings, it is allowed to provide for the installation of heating gas appliances and heating appliances in corridors for individual use that meet the requirements of paragraphs. 6.42* and 6.43.

The distance from the protruding parts of gas burners or fittings to the opposite wall must be at least 1 m.

6.38. Installation of gas instantaneous water heaters should be provided on walls made of non-combustible materials at a distance of at least 2 cm from the wall (including from the side wall).

In the absence of walls made of non-combustible materials in the room, it is allowed to provide for the installation of an instantaneous water heater on plastered, as well as on walls lined with non-combustible or slow-burning materials at a distance of at least 3 cm from the wall.

The surface of slow-burning walls should be insulated with roofing steel on an asbestos sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm. The insulation should extend beyond the dimensions of the water heater body by 10 cm.

6.39. The installation of gas heating boilers, heating appliances and capacitive gas water heaters should be provided near walls made of non-combustible materials at a distance of at least 10 cm from the wall.

If there are no walls made of non-combustible materials in the room, it is allowed to install the above heating devices near the walls protected in accordance with the instructions of clause 6.38, at a distance of at least 10 cm from the wall.

6.40. The horizontal distance in the light between the protruding parts of the instantaneous water heater and the gas stove should be taken at least 10 cm.

6.41.* When installing a gas stove and instantaneous water heater in the kitchen, the volume of the kitchen should be taken in accordance with clause 6.29.

When installing a gas stove and a storage water heater, a gas stove and a heating boiler or a heating apparatus, as well as a gas stove with built-in devices for heating water (heating, hot water supply) in the kitchen, the volume of the kitchen must be 6 m3 more than the volume provided for in clause 6.29.

6.42.* The room intended for the placement of a gas water heater, as well as a heating boiler or heating apparatus, the removal of combustion products from which is provided for in the chimney, must have a height of at least 2 m. The volume of the room must be at least 7.5 m3 when installing one device and not less than 13.5 m3 when installing two heaters.

6.43. The kitchen or room where boilers, appliances and gas water heaters are installed must have a ventilation duct. For air inflow, in the lower part of the door or wall facing the adjacent room, a grate or a gap between the door and the floor with a free area of ​​at least 0.02 m2 should be provided.

6.44.* It is not allowed to place all gas appliances in the basement floors (cellars), and in the case of LPG gas supply - in the basement and basement floors of buildings for any purpose.

Note. The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to residential buildings owned by citizens on the basis of personal property rights, if the basements of these houses have natural lighting, and their gas supply is carried out from natural gas.

6.45. It is allowed to transfer heating and heating-cooking stoves to gas fuel, provided that:

stoves, smoke and ventilation ducts meet the requirements of departmental standards for the installation of heating stoves converted to gas fuel, approved in the prescribed manner;

gas burners installed in the furnaces of heating and heating-cooking furnaces are equipped with safety automatics in accordance with the requirements of GOST 16569-86.

6.46. The furnaces of gasified furnaces should be provided, as a rule, from the side of the corridor or other non-residential (non-service) premises.

If it is impossible to ensure the specified requirement, it is allowed to provide fireboxes for gasified furnaces from the side of residential (office) premises. In this case, the gas supply to the furnaces should be provided by independent branches, on which, at the point of connection to the gas pipeline, a disconnecting device should be installed outside the above premises.

The premises into which the furnaces of gasified heating and heating-cooking stoves open must have an exhaust ventilation duct or a window with a window or a door that opens into a non-residential premises or a vestibule. There must be a passageway at least 1 m wide in front of the oven.

6.47. For space heating, it is allowed to provide gas fireplaces, heaters and other factory-made appliances with the removal of combustion products into the chimney. The gas-burning devices of these devices must be equipped with safety automatics in accordance with the requirements provided for in Sec. eleven.

The room in which it is planned to install a gas fireplace or heater must have a window with a window or an exhaust ventilation duct.

When installing these devices, it is necessary to comply with the requirements provided for in clause 6.39.

6.48. The possibility of using and placing conditions for household gas appliances not specified in this section should be determined taking into account the purpose of the appliances, their heat load, the need to remove combustion products and other parameters specified in this section.


1. The removal of combustion products from household gas appliances, stoves and other household gas equipment, the design of which provides for the removal of combustion products into the chimney, should be provided from each appliance, unit or stove through a separate chimney.

In existing buildings, it is allowed to provide for the connection to one chimney of no more than two water heaters or heating stoves located on the same or different floors of the building, provided that combustion products are introduced into the chimney at different levels, not closer than 0.75 m from one another, or at the same level with a device in the chimney for cutting to a height of at least 0.75 m.

2. In existing buildings, in the absence of chimneys, it is allowed to provide for the installation of attached chimneys.

3. It is allowed to connect to the chimney of a periodic heating furnace a gas water heater used for hot water supply, or another gas appliance that does not work continuously, provided that it works at different times and the cross section of the chimney is sufficient to remove combustion products from the connected appliance.

It is not allowed to connect the flue pipe of a gas appliance to the chimney turns of a heating stove.

4. The cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney must not be less than the area of ​​the pipe of the gas appliance connected to the chimney. When connecting two appliances, stoves, etc. to the chimney, the cross section of the chimney should be determined taking into account their simultaneous operation. The structural dimensions of the chimneys must be determined by calculation.

5. Non-domestic gas appliances (restaurant stoves, cooking pots, etc.) may be connected to both separate and common chimneys.

It is allowed to provide connecting flue pipes common to several units.

The introduction of combustion products into a common chimney for several appliances should be provided at different levels or at the same level with the dissection device in accordance with paragraph 1.

The cross sections of chimneys and connecting pipes must be determined by calculation based on the condition of simultaneous operation of all appliances connected to the chimney.

6.* Chimneys must be vertical, without ledges. It is allowed to slope the chimneys from the vertical up to 30° with a deviation to the side up to 1 m, provided that the cross-sectional area of ​​the inclined sections of the chimney is not less than the cross-section of the vertical sections.

7. For the removal of combustion products from restaurant stoves and other non-household gas appliances, it is allowed to provide horizontal sections of chimneys with a total length of not more than 10 m.

It is allowed to provide chimneys in the floor with a fire cut device for combustible floor structures.

8. Connection of gas water heaters and other gas appliances to chimneys should be provided with pipes made of roofing steel.

The total length of the sections of the connecting pipe in new buildings should be taken no more than 3 m, in existing buildings - no more than 6 m.

The slope of the pipe should be set at least 0.01 towards the gas appliance.

On flue pipes it is allowed to provide no more than three turns with a radius of curvature not less than the diameter of the pipe.

Below the point of connection of the flue pipe from the appliance to the chimneys, a “pocket” device with a hatch for cleaning should be provided.

Flue pipes leading through unheated rooms, if necessary, must be covered with thermal insulation.

9. The distance from the connecting flue pipe to the ceiling or wall made of non-combustible materials should be taken at least 5 cm, to wooden plastered ceilings and walls - at least 25 cm. roofing steel on asbestos sheet 3 mm thick. The upholstery should protrude beyond the dimensions of the flue pipe by 15 cm on each side.

10. When connecting one appliance to the chimney, as well as appliances with draft stabilizers, dampers on the chimney pipes are not provided.

When several appliances are connected to a common chimney: restaurant stoves, boilers and other gas appliances that do not have draft stabilizers, dampers (flaps) with a hole with a diameter of at least 15 mm must be provided on the chimney pipes from the appliances.

11. The dampers installed on the chimneys from the boilers must be provided with holes with a diameter of at least 50 mm.

12. Chimneys from gas appliances in buildings must be removed:

above the border of the wind backwater zone, but not less than 0.5 m above the roof ridge when they are located (counting horizontally) no further than 1.5 m from the roof ridge;

to the level with the roof ridge, if they are at a distance of up to 3 m from the roof ridge;

not lower than a straight line drawn from the ridge down at an angle of 10 ° to the horizon, with pipes located at a distance of more than 3 m from the roof ridge.

In all cases, the height of the pipe above the adjacent part of the roof must be at least 0.5 m, and for houses with a combined roof (flat roof) - at least 2.0 m.

Installation of umbrellas and deflectors on chimneys is not allowed.

13.* It is allowed to provide for the removal of combustion products from gasified installations of industrial enterprises, boiler houses, consumer services enterprises through steel chimneys.

1. Steel pipes for gas supply systems with pressure up to 1.6 MPa (16 kgf / cm2), depending on the design outdoor temperature of the construction area and the location of the gas pipeline relative to the earth's surface, should be taken:

according to the table 1* - for outdoor aboveground gas pipelines laid in areas with an estimated outdoor air temperature of at least minus 40 °C, as well as underground and internal gas pipelines that are not cooled to a temperature below minus 40 °C;

according to the table 2 - for aboveground gas pipelines laid in areas with an estimated outdoor air temperature below minus 40 °C and underground gas pipelines that can be cooled to a temperature below minus 40 °C.

2. For gas supply systems, pipes should be taken, made, as a rule, of ordinary quality carbon steel in accordance with GOST 380-88 and high-quality steel in accordance with GOST 1050-88.

3. As a rule, seamless pipes should be used for LPG liquid phase gas pipelines.

It is allowed to use electric-welded pipes for these gas pipelines. At the same time, pipes with a diameter of up to 50 mm must pass 100% control of the weld by non-destructive methods, and pipes with a diameter of 50 mm or more must also undergo a tensile test of the weld.

Table 1*

Steel pipes for the construction of outdoor aboveground gas pipelines laid in areas with an estimated outdoor air temperature of at least minus 40 ° C, as well as underground and internal gas pipelines that are not cooled to temperatures below minus 40 ° C

Standard or specification for pipes

Steel grade, steel standard

Pipe outer diameter (inclusive), mm

1. Electrofusion straight-line seam GOST 10705-80 (group B) "Technical skies conditions "and GOST 10704-91 "Assortment"

Vst2sp, Vst3sp not less than the 2nd category GOST 380-88; 10, 15, 20 GOST 1050-88

2. Electrofusion TU 14-3-943-80

10 GOST 1050-88


3. Electric welded for main gas and oil pipelines (straight-seam and spiral-seam) GOST 20295-85

Vst3sp not less e 2nd category (K38) GOST 380-88; 10 ( K34 ), 15 (K38), 20 (K42) GOST 1050-88

According to GOST 20295-74

4. Electrowelded straight seam GOST 10706-76 (group B) "Technical requirements" and GOST 10704-91 "Assortment"

VSt2sp, VSt3sp not me her 2nd category GOST 380-88

5. Electros welded with a spiral seam GOST 8696-74 (group B)

Vst2sp, Vst3sp not less than the 2nd category GOST 380-88

6. Seamless hot-formed GOST 8731-87 (group B and D) "Technical requirements" and GOST 8732-78 "Assortment"

10, 20 GOST 1050-88

7. Seamless cold-deformed, heat-deformed GOST 8733-87 (gr uppa C and D) "Technical requirements" and GOST 8734-75 "Assortment"

10, 20 GOST 1050-88

8. Electrowelded spiral seam TU 14-3-808-78

TU 14-3-808-78

530-820; 1020; 1220

9. Seamless hot-formed according to TU 14-3-190-82 (only for thermal power plants)

10, 20 GOST 1050-88

Notes: 1. Pipes according to paragraphs. 6 and 7 follows when change like vilo, for gas pipelines of the liquid phase of SUG.

2. Excluded.

3. For tep fishing elect Rostants ii true to be used from steel 20 in areas with a design temperature of up to minus 30 ° C

4.* Pipes according to GOST 3262-75 may be used for the construction of external and internal low-pressure gas pipelines. Pipes according to GOST 3262-75 with nominal diameter up to 32 mm incl. it is allowed to use for the construction of impulse gas pipelines with pressure up to 1.2 MPa (12 kgf / cm2) inclusive. In this case, the bent sections of impulse gas pipelines must have a bending radius of at least 2De, and the temperature of the pipe wall during the operation period must not be below 0 °C. 5.* Pipes with a spiral seam according to TU 102-39-84 with an anti-corrosion coating according to TU 102-176-85 can only be used for underground inter-settlement natural gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 1.2 MPa (12 kgf / cm2) in areas with a calculated outdoor air temperature up to minus 40 °С incl. At the same time, these pipes should not be used to perform elastic bending (turning) of the gas pipeline in vertical and horizontal planes with a radius of less than 1500 pipe diameters, as well as for laying gas pipelines in settlements. 6. The possibility of using pipes according to state standards and specifications given in Table. 1 and 2 * of this appendix, but made of semi-calm and boiling steel, is regulated by paragraphs 11.7, 11.8. 7. Pipes according to GOST 8731 - 87, made from an ingot, should not be used without 100% non-destructive testing of pipe metal. When ordering pipes in accordance with GOST 8731-87, indicate that pipes according to this standard, made from an ingot, cannot be supplied without 100% non-destructive testing.