Dill varieties with photos and descriptions. The best varieties of dill for greens Types of dill for planting

​Related Articles​ After digging, I mark furrows across the beds after 20-25 cm, I spill well and sow dry seeds. If I want to speed up germination, I wash them in running hot (55-60 ° C) water so that the essential oil is gone - the reason for the delay. I lay out the seeds in furrows after 2-3 cm. Then the crops have to be thinned out 2 times.In bush dill, 5-6 lower internodes are brought together and lateral shoots grow in the axils of the leaves, like stepchildren in tomatoes. Juicy and fluffy, it is they who create the shape of the bush. Ordinary dill does not have such a zest, which is also lush, but does not bush. Dill Alligator. Dill Redoubt. Dill is an early crop. If yellowness appears on the greens, this means that there is not enough nitrogen. After 4 weeks, you can harvest. Dill is removed from the ground along with the root mass. The height of the greenery should be no more than 30 cm.

. Parsley is a biennial plant. If you do the forcing of greens in the winter, you can get an early harvest in the spring. Several seedlings are buried in a high bed in early spring. Before planting, parsley roots are stored in the basement in wet sand. Leaf species can be planted at the end of March, it will grow for a long time, but after a month, bushes will appear. Seedlings are grown in a bright place. And already in May it will be possible to feast on fresh herbs.


What is the difference between dill varieties

So let's sum it up:

- mid-season varieties, in which stem formation occurs later than early-ripening varieties by 5-10 days, and thus a greater number (6-10) of leaves is formed and, accordingly, a higher yield and a longer period of green consumption. This group includes varieties Lesnogorodsky, Kibray, Uzory, Borey, Richelieu, Umbrella. In addition to greenery, they manage to form umbrellas and seeds in waxy ripeness, which are suitable for seasoning.

Dill You can also do it the other way:​2.​

This dill takes pride of place among agronomists and vegetable growers. it is cultivated in open ground and film shelters to obtain a large crop of greenery, due to the possible cutting in several stages per season. The socket is raised, economic suitability comes forty days after the germination of crops. The leaves have a waxy coating and a bluish tint. Flower umbrellas are tied a month after fruiting. The variety is early ripe, grown in order to obtain young greens and seasonings. The plant is short and close, at the base of the stem there are basal rosettes. Dill is green, has a mild wax coating with oblong leaves of medium size. The central part is convex, medium in size, with a small number of branches. The whole plant when cut into greens 30-40 grams. Persistent fragrant smell, good presentation.​

"Kibray" is a late-ripening variety. Requires early sowing, reaches 40 cm in height.​ Parsley tolerates frost well. It withstands sub-zero temperatures up to 7 degrees, and even after frost, plant growth continues. Root parsley is harvested with carrots in late autumn. Storage takes place in the cellar, the root is put in boxes with sand so that it does not dry out. Seeds of such a culture after collection are stored for about three years.

Growing dill with maximum return

A paradox, but for some people, parsley and dill grow like weeds, appearing in neighboring beds with other crops. And someone has already tried many options, and the plants grow weak and painful. Despite the unpretentiousness of these garden crops, not everyone gets a good fragrant harvest. To achieve positive results, you need to learn how to properly prepare the seeds for planting. Growing greens also has some subtleties.​

. Medium late variety. The rosette of leaves is raised. The leaf is long, bluish-green, strongly dissected with a wax coating. The plant is sprawling, highly leafy, in the flowering phase up to 150-170 cm high, with a large umbrella. The weight of one plant when harvested for greens is 30-40 g, for spices - 60 g. Aromaticity is strong. Commercial yield for greens 1.7 kg/sq.m., for spices -2.7 kg/sq.m. Recommended for fresh use, freezing, canning. When frozen, it retains all the best qualities and aromaticity. To regularly obtain young greens, crops are sown from April to August every 10-14 days.

Early varieties of dill

Third group

  • Sow the seeds after 10-12 cm, so that it remains only once to pull the extra plants, leaving the final 20-25 cm between them. This is important, because if you leave an interval of 8-12 cm, as for ordinary dill, then you will get it: plants will not bush. I cover the seeds by 2 cm with peat or humus and do not water them. But then I provide the plants with regular sprinkling, as they are moisture-loving. I periodically loosen the soil.
  • The bush dill plant is very powerful, reaches 1.5 m in open ground and 2.5 in the greenhouse. There are many leaves on the stem, in Buyan and Salut they are large, fragrant, 35-45 cm long, reminiscent of fennel.
  • Dill Borey.

Varieties of dill of medium ripeness ripen and form foliage later than early ripe ones, for 10-12 days. More leaf plates are formed in rosettes, the duration of foliage growth lasts about three weeks. Therefore, more dill greens grow, which can be selectively cut over a long period. Dill varieties for greens with medium ripeness are sown at the end of May in order to get good greens in summer.

  • "Alligator" - ideal for any cultivation (greenhouse, open ground). Gives several crops per season.
  • "Berlinskaya" - a root variety that forms a root crop in the form of a cone up to 20 cm long, up to 4 cm in diameter.
  • This is the spice most loved by Russians. Parsley leaves are eaten, used to decorate dishes, added to preservation, make healing infusions and decoctions. Used for food


  • - Gribovsky, Umbrella, Dalniy, Grenadier are best used for growing on spices and early spring and winter crops for greens. - Late-ripening varieties have a more leafy rosette with more than 10 leaves, and give a greater yield of greens. This was made possible by a longer period (65-70 days) from germination to stemming. This group includes varieties Alligator, Buyan, Salyut, Amazon. Dill varieties of the late-ripening group are exceptionally suitable for conveyor greens without additional reseeding. But when growing these varieties, they use a slightly different technology.
  • Anethum If dill grows poorly
  • ​3.​ The term of use of dill leaves is long, the umbrella is not tied for a long time. Very large and wide leaves, almost 35 centimeters long. The plant grows quickly and has a persistent spicy aroma. The variety is bushy and very productive, the greens are repeatedly cut for three months. A characteristic feature of the variety is strongly leafy and does not turn yellow for a long time.

Description of dill varieties

Dill Kibray. Gribovsky is an early ripe variety. It is sown several times.

"Harvest" - root parsley, with a pointed root crop. Ripeness up to 130 days.​

leafy or curly

Mid-late variety, the beginning of commercial shelf life occurs in 41-44 days from the appearance of full shoots. Designed for herbs and spices. The rosette of leaves is semi-raised, the developed plant is strongly leafy, about 12 leaves per plant. The leaves are large, up to 20 cm, delicate, light green, dissected into filiform segments. They have high aromaticity and excellent taste. The mass of greens from one plant is 20-30 g. The average yield is 160 kg / ha. The variety is valued for the friendly formation of juicy and delicate greenery, a long period of economic shelf life. Recommended for drying, freezing, preparing a variety of seasonings, salting and pickling. Mid-season varieties

The traditional agrotechnology of growing dill greens is focused on early-ripening varieties that quickly turn to flowering. The maximum duration of the phase of economic suitability of which is no more than 2 weeks. Therefore, for the conveyor receipt of products, repeated crops are practiced with an interval of 10-12 days and a complete harvest of greenery when the plants reach sizes suitable for sale. Hence the direction for reducing the cost of production and increasing yields: increasing the plant density per unit area and reducing the period from sowing to harvesting. Graveolens

, I feed him with a diluted BIUD (1:20). It is better not to use urea, calcium or sodium nitrate so that the greens do not accumulate nitrates. You can also take complex fertilizer, for example mortar, - 1 tbsp. spoon on a bucket of water. The basal rosette is also lush, consists of 10-15 or more leaves, dark green, with a wax coating, which are not inferior in length to those that extend from the stem.

Dill varieties for greens are suitable for growing at any time of the year, the main thing is to create optimal conditions, which is not always possible in open ground and unheated greenhouses in winter. But the loggia, balcony, window sill are perfect for growing dill for greens at home. The common and well-known Kibray variety is very popular with summer residents and gardeners. The green mass is growing rapidly and consistently. After a month and a half, you can cut fragrant and odorous leaves. Kibray bush dill has a wide sprawling rosette, so the plantings are thinned out, keeping the distance between seedlings up to 20 centimeters. This dill is disease resistant. The yield of finished greenery from one square meter can reach five kilograms.

"Far" - characterized by early ripening and resistance to pests and diseases.

"Ordinary leafy" - a variety with lush greenery. Ripeness is reached after 70 days. The roots are unfit for food.

plant. Root parsley goes into salting. Kutuzovsky

- Lesnogorodsky, Kibray, Uzory, Umbrella, Richelieu can be grown both for greenery and spice umbrellas. With the advent of late varieties of dill that do not turn to flowering for a long time, the generally accepted dill cultivation technology does not allow to fully realize the yield potential these varieties.

L.) I pick dill early in the morning when the greens are juicy. For canning or freezing, I pull out the whole plant.

​4.​ Dill is planted by all gardeners, but not everyone grows juicy and lush.

Dill variety "Kibray"

"Plentifully leafy" - differs in a powerful bush with plentiful leaves. The variety is good in a fresh version, suitable for conservation and salting. Summer multiple overseeding is possible. Tolerates winter replanting.


How and when to plant dill and parsley

"Astra" - curly variety, maturity occurs in 65 days. After cutting, the leaves grow well.

Planting and growing parsley

Soil for sowing parsley Richelieu Late ripening varieties

Hoarfrost is an annual spicy plant of the celery family. This culture is widely grown for leaves, flowering stems, seeds. Due to their valuable biochemical composition, dill plants have a high nutritional and medicinal value. In folk medicine, its stems, leaves and seeds are used. Dill improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, has an expectorant and mild diuretic effect, has a calming effect on the nervous system in case of insomnia. Marinate the leaves and stems in a weak solution of apple or table vinegar, adding a little salt.

The main stem grows at a slow pace, the bush does not bloom for a long time. Because of this, greens can be harvested many times throughout the season and there is simply no need for repeated crops. First, plants obtained by thinning seedlings go to the table. Then the leaves are plucked from the rosette, later from the lower tier. When the side shoots grow in the axils of the leaves, they are plucked out. After collecting greens from the entire bush as a whole. It is enough to leave 20 plants for one family, which will provide you with a harvest all spring, summer and autumn, and there will also be enough for processing. In addition, stems and umbrellas are quite suitable for canning. Often, skinny bushes are cast in red or yellow and bloom quickly. Dill Lesnogorodsky.

Sowing seeds and planting seedlings

"Patterns" is a medium-late variety. The period from germination to cutting is 40-55 days. The plant is highly leafy, forms a large, sprawling rosette of leaves.

"Breeze" - leaf variety. Parsley is ready to use after 80 days. The greens are tender, and after cutting, they remain fresh for a very long time.

prepare and loosen ​Max.​- Salute, Buyan, Alligator, Amazon are better suited for long-term greenery.

To obtain the maximum yield of late-ripening varieties of dill, it is necessary to reduce the seeding rate to 2-3 kg / ha, which allows creating a larger feeding area for plants and better conditions for their growth. The more sparse arrangement of dill plants contributes to its rapid oppression by weeds in the early stages of growth, since dill grows slowly at this point. This can be avoided by pre-emergence treatment of dill crops 1-2 days before germination with Roundup herbicide.

parsley varieties

Growing dill

The best varieties of dill are distinguished by their taste, good friendly return of greenery, resistance to various diseases and flowering. Tasty and fragrant dill can be grown if you choose the right variety and have enough information. Unfortunately, not every dill variety can boast of good yields and excellent taste. To get a bountiful harvest, you need. Grass is planted in April, or in autumn, in November. A place for parsley can be in the sun, or in the shade. Naturally, seedlings will rise earlier under the sun's rays. However, there is a chance to burn the leaves. Excessive hot sun damages plants. Seeds must be wrapped in damp gauze for several days. As soon as the seeds hatched, we proceed to planting.

Mid-season (41 - 44 days from germination to harvest) variety. Designed for growing on herbs and spices. Sowing in the ground is carried out in late April - early May. The rosette of leaves is semi-raised. The leaves are medium, green in color, juicy, fragrant. The mass of greens from one plant is 20-44 grams. The average yield for greens is 1.39 -1.40 kg / m², for spices - 2.50 - 4.00 kg / m². The variety is characterized by a stable yield, unpretentiousness.


Dill is harvested when it reaches commercial size, first of all, pulling out densely growing plants. In the future, you can clean the greens in different ways: In cooking, the greens of young plants are used as a seasoning for various dishes, salads, sauces. Dried herbs are part of such seasonings as hops-suneli, adjika. Dill seeds are added to dough products, soups, fish dishes, plants in the phase of flowering and seed ripening - as spices when preserving vegetables. more, and its quality is better.​

The crop of bush dill is much larger and better - more fragrant, vitamin. One plant of ordinary dill gives 35-50 g of greenery, and bush 2-4 times more.

Dill varieties


The best varieties of dill for open ground, greenhouses and window sills

Mid-season (40-45 days from germination to harvest) variety, bush type. It is intended for cultivation on greens. For a long time does not throw out an umbrella, multiple cutting of greenery is possible. Sowing in the ground end of April - beginning of May. The rosette of leaves is large, raised, which makes it easier to care for when growing and pollutes the foliage less after rains. The leaves are green with a bluish tint, fragrant, of high quality. The green mass of one plant averages 30-60 g, with good agricultural technology - more than 100-150 g. Height 14-25 cm. Productivity 1.5-2.5 kg / m2.

The best varieties of dill, early ripe

Cut off the entire leaf rosette when it reaches a height of 20-25 cm, while leaving a growth point so that the plant grows in 10-14 days;

Due to its unpretentiousness and ability to grow almost everywhere, dill does not require careful care, so vegetable growers often do not pay attention to varietal characteristics. And basically those seeds of those varieties that are available are sown. With this approach, there is no need to wait for a plentiful and stable harvest of greenery. I sow the seeds in March-April in milk bags, laid on their side, with a hole for draining excess moisture and air exchange.

If you don't use

buying and sowing Dill Richelieu.

Dill Gribovsky.

. We put the seed grains in gauze and keep in a humid environment for three days. If you change the water up to five times a day, the sprouts will hatch faster. The water temperature should be +50 degrees.​ ​potassium-phosphorus fertilizers​

Dill varieties, mid-season

Dill is a storehouse of vitamins and mineral salts. It is easy to grow at home on a window or balcony, in container beds or among flowers. The main rule is not to thicken the crops. Then the plants will be strong and strong, well-leafed, and the collection of greenery will be high. The variety is medium late, does not form an umbrella for a long time. The rosette of leaves is raised. The plant is semi-spreading, strongly leafy. The leaf is bluish-green, strongly dissected with a waxy coating. The weight of one plant when harvested for greenery is 25-35 g. Aromaticity is strong. Marketable yield for greens 1.6 kg/sq.m. Recommended for daily use fresh, as a spicy addition to traditional dishes. When harvesting whole plants, overseeding is carried out from April to August after 5-7 cm.

Alligator Gradually remove 2-3 leaves from each plant every day;

It is not easy for vegetable growers to understand the existing variety of dill varieties. They differ from each other in the shape of the rosette, the color and degree of dissection of the leaves, the length, width and shape of the terminal segments of the leaf.

2-3 weeks after germination in the phase of 2-3 true leaves, I pick in special cups with a diameter seedling method

The right variety of bush dill does not guarantee that you will certainly enjoy all its benefits. The agrotechnics of its cultivation differs from that which we use for simple dill. Without observing these special rules, ordinary dill with all its shortcomings is obtained from the seeds of varietal bush dill.

The odorous dill of the Richelieu variety grows in height from half a meter to a meter. It has one stem, the leaves are large and dissected, green and strongly openwork. It has excellent spicy, taste and commercial qualities. The period from sowing seeds to cutting greens is 42-43 days. Gives a stable harvest. Valued for the possibility of obtaining green mass during flowering. It is very popular with gardeners and gardeners. These are varieties of dill for greens, it is early ripe, resistant to temperature fluctuations and diseases, and has a strong flavoring aroma. Suitable for growing on the windowsill, in the greenhouse and outdoors. The foliage is medium to large in size, dark green with a bluish bloom, juicy, tender. Greens ripen for economic suitability in 33-38 days after emergence of crops. Seeds are sown from April to July. To obtain a continuous process of cutting dill for greens, sowing is carried out every three weeks.

Dill varieties, late-ripening

After this treatment, spread the seeds on a cloth and cover with steamed sawdust. You can use a wet cloth. We leave for 3-4 days. Before sowing, the seeds are dried for half an hour. We plant dill in April, after the complete disappearance of the snow mass. Dill growth starts from a temperature regime of +3, but more comfortable conditions for active growth are at + 15–20 degrees.

You can use urea and ammonium nitrate. In the garden we create grooves 1.5 cm deep, the distance between them is about 10 cm. Redoubt.


Completely pull out the plant with a root when they reach a mass of at least 50 grams. ​The clearest sign that anyone can determine is when the stems begin to form when grown under long day conditions. In addition, this feature is of great practical importance, since it depends on it whether there will be a high yield of greens or ripening seeds on umbrellas. By stem formation, dill varieties can be divided into three groups: with early, middle and late time of the beginning of stem formation.

8-10 cm. If you take smaller pots, the plants will grow oppressed. A week after picking for seedlings, you need to maintain a temperature of 20-25 ° C, then I lower it to 18-20., then it is better to grow dill in a film or glazed greenhouse on solar heating. True, I tried to sow seeds in late April - early May right on the garden bed in open ground, but at first I kept the seedlings under the film. This method gave a good result.​

​More than 5 years​


Tricks of growing dill, buying, sowing and agricultural technology

If you want to get thick and lush greenery over a long period and at a later date, then choose the late-ripening best varieties of dill. It is late dill that is grown in order to obtain marketable greens; for a long time it does not produce a flower umbrella. Lush and fragrant foliage is cut as it grows. Many late varieties have closely spaced internodes, which is why they are called "bush". The main feature of such varieties is the absence of the need to sow seeds, due to the constant growth of green mass on the bush. Dill variety "Gribovsky"
We prepare the ground in the fall. We dig, we fertilize. In the spring, it is necessary to level the soil and make grooves. Depth is about 2 cm, distance 20 cm We water the soil and pour out the seeds, then sprinkle with earth, slightly crushing the groove. We do not water the crops, the seeds can go deep with the water.

To obtain a constant harvest, the seeds are sown in certain stages once every 2 weeks. Seedlings need to be thinned out. For the root variety, the distance between the greens is from 7 to 15 cm, for leafy species about 20 cm, parsley needs frequent watering, as soon as you have harvested the seedlings, spill the beds with water. Early ripe (39-41 days from germination to harvest) variety . Designed for growing on herbs and spices. Sowing in the ground is carried out in late April - early May. The rosette of leaves is semi-raised. The leaves are medium, green in color, very fragrant. The mass of greens from one plant is 20-40 grams. The average yield for greens is 1.22-1.23 kg / m², for spices - 1.4 - 2.0 kg / m². Recommended for fresh consumption, freezing and canning. Amazon.

Thus, the use of late-flowering varieties of dill allows you to: To varieties

I regularly water the plants, slightly loosening the soil. A week before planting in a permanent place, I feed seedlings with complete mineral fertilizer.

Plants are demanding I tested all 5 varieties of this wonderful dill on my site - Salyut, Buyan, Bouquet, Saltan and Alligator - and I know why they are good and how to ensure that the plants in the garden reveal their full potential.

Dill Salute. Dill Grenadier.

We sow dill In cool spring, it is recommended to wrap the sowing place with a film. This is done so that the seedlings do not die at night during frosts.

Richelieu. Mid-season (40-45 days from germination to harvest) variety. Designed for growing on herbs and spices. Sowing in the ground is carried out in late April - early May. The rosette of leaves is raised. The leaf is large, green with a bluish tint, juicy, very fragrant. The variety is characterized by unpretentiousness. Productivity for greens is 1.4-4.1 kg/m2, for spices 2.9-6.7 kg/m2. Valued for the friendly formation of juicy and delicate greenery, a long period of economic shelf life. Recommended for drying, freezing, preparing a variety of seasonings, salting and marinating.​

​use seeds economically by reducing the sowing rate and reducing the number of re-sowing, since when growing these varieties for conveyor greens, the possibility of using multiple cuts allows you to increase the interval between sowing up to 20-25 days, which is 2 times less than with conventional technology ; first group

Dill is the oldest medicinal plant and an affordable spice. Growing it does not require large financial costs, it is unpretentious, has many varieties for any region. If the goal of the summer resident is to grow greenery without interruption, it is necessary to carry out work according to a strict plan.

The dill bush of the Gribovsky variety has a short stature, reaching no more than 25 cm.

Varieties ripening later are sown in the spring and summer months. Early varieties require planting in late spring or early summer.

Early varieties include: Gribovsky, Dalniy, Umbrella, Khanak, Kaskelensky, Kibray.

The Gribovsky variety is harvested for greenery 38 days after planting. Blossom begins on the 55th day. The bush of the plant does not exceed 20-25 cm in height. Very fragrant. The Dalniy variety has a longer growing season - 40 days. It gives a high yield of up to 2.5 kg per 1 m². Possesses magnificent tastes, resistant to pests. Variety Dalniy is grown in protected ground. Kaskelensky is a mid-season variety, it has a raised rosette, leaves are bluish in color. The Lesnogorsky variety is resistant to diseases.

Crop care is of great importance for obtaining a high yield.

Excess moisture does not harm dill

Dill should be watered every 4-6 days.

Agrotechnics for growing dill provides for sufficient soil moisture, due to the fact that its root system is poorly developed, and the leaf apparatus is large. To get a good harvest, water for irrigation is taken with a salt content of 2 to 2.5 g per 1 liter. The basic rule of watering is a little, but often. About 400 liters of water are consumed per 10 m², the interval between waterings is 4-6 days. Care is easy. You can water with rain or snow water. Development is accelerated if watered with warm water. After watering, the soil is mulched with humus.

Selection of seeds for sowing

Dill belongs to self-pollinating plants. From one plant, 5-8 g of seeds are obtained. Seeds are collected from healthy, mature plants. The seeds have a pronounced odor. Old seeds lose it, quality seeds feel cool and moist to the touch. They germinate well in the first year. The percentage of seed germination is about 60% for the first class. The temperature during seed germination is variable, from 8 to 25 degrees, the germination period ranges from 7 to 14 days. Dill belongs to small-seeded plants.

Agrotechnics for growing dill on greens

Seeds are sown in wide ribbons, planting depth - 50 cm. It is better to alternate sown and loose ribbons. Sow densely, take about 2.5 g of seeds per 1 m². You can use the Dream mini-seeder for sowing.

Dill is sown close enough to each other, about 2.5 g of seeds are taken per 1 m².

At the beginning of spring, the soil is leveled with a rake. Cultivation is carried out with the help of a milling cultivator. When sowing, conditioned seeds are placed in the hopper of the seeder. The first time is sown on the marker line. Each tape has 7-14 rows, the distance between the tapes is 5-7 cm. After sowing, the soil is compacted with a roller. Care includes watering the beds, otherwise the seeds may be washed out. After rain, loosening is carried out with a fan rake on seedlings, best of all in the afternoon. With this method of sowing, the loss of seeds is excluded. Technology increases crop yields. In wide belts, the soil dries out less, a high yield is formed. Fertilizers are applied only on the aisles. Remove plants 20 cm high that have not yet begun to bloom.

Growing bush varieties of dill

Bush dill has a small stem. The weight of greenery ranges from 100 to 200 g. A bush variety is sown using a different technology. Rows are used. In plants 6 cm high, thinning is performed. Subsequent thinnings are carried out regularly so that the plants grow at a distance of 20 cm from each other.

Umbrella dill is used by housewives for conservation.

The Alligator bush variety is especially popular. It belongs to late varieties, the greens are harvested 45 days after sowing. The term for harvesting the Alligator variety is up to 25 days if the sowing was done in the spring. The Alligator variety is very productive. The weight of one plant is about 150 g. The alligator grows in protected ground, gives a good harvest, but most often it is planted in order to get spicy greens in the summer. When sown on greens, seeds are sown in spring, then in early June. This is due to the late flowering of the bush variety.

Many housewives use dill umbrellas for canning. To get umbrella dill and collect seeds, you need crops before winter. Seeds planted in early spring give early shoots. Seeds are sown on a separate bed or compacted with pumpkin and cabbage crops. Ripe seeds are grayish in color, firm to the touch. After cleaning, they are dried in the open air.

Ready seeds for future crops are conveniently sown on paper. They are disinfected and glued at a distance of 1 cm from each other. The tapes are dried and stored in a dry room.

Seeds of early varieties planted before winter harden and germinate at low temperatures. Early varieties produce quickly. Choose a flat place, not blown by the north winds, quickly drying out in the spring. Remove excess roots. The soil is prepared in advance, fertilized with compost 3-4 kg per 1 m² or superphosphate and potassium salt 15 g per 1 m².

The soil is cut into grooves 5 cm deep. When the soil temperature is at a depth of 2-4 degrees, they start sowing. Lightly sprinkle the seeds with earth, top with peat. The sowing rate of seeds exceeds the spring one by 2 times.

Growing green dill in a room and under a film in the ground

In the room, dill is grown from seeds. Some greens for seasoning can be grown in a special box. Seeds are sown in fertile soil. Planting care is easy. Moisten the surface of the soil, scatter seeds, sprinkle with sifted humus or non-acidic peat. Drawers light up well. Watering is moderate. Greens are cut after 30 days. If the crops are darkened, the crop may not be obtained.

Before frost, the plants are covered with portable frames, which increases the period for obtaining greenery by 2.5 months. You can alternate or combine film shelters with their other types and cover seedlings at night. In spring, shelters allow you to get dill greens 1 week ahead of schedule. Early spring crops give a harvest 1.5 months earlier in the Gribovsky variety.

Dill damage by diseases and pests

On soils with stagnant water, dill is affected by fucarious rot. The plant changes color, dries up. Death is associated with damage to the root system. When growing dill from seeds, it is necessary to remove diseased plants, fertilize the soil with organic fertilizers. Yellow leaves indicate soft rot disease. The roots emit an unpleasant odor. With phimosis, the infection affects the root system. The plant produces spores that infect other plants. Destroy all diseased bushes, using only the seeds of healthy plants for sowing.

Dill can be affected by caraway moth - in this case, all inflorescences with caterpillars that have taken root on them are destroyed.

All varieties of dill grown in the backyard are used in cooking and in the manufacture of decoctions, infusions, potions in folk medicine.


The best varieties of dill for greens: early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening

Greens are in high demand at any time of the year. It gives flavor to any dish, and the debilitating aroma stimulates the appetite. Dill is also used as a medicine. It can be consumed fresh or dried for the winter, salted and frozen. This is a universal plant that any housewife uses in her kitchen.

Growing dill for greens: features and watering

A feature of dill is that it is easy to care for and grow. This plant is quite powerful and tall, has a lot of leafy pagons. It is recommended to grow dill sparsely, it is desirable that there be a distance of 25 centimeters between rows. It usually grows as a bush, has a lush and dense basal rosette of leaves. Its internodes are quite close to each other in the lower part of the plant. The number of shoots in hot weather becomes less, and the dill looks poorer.

It is best to start growing dill using seedlings that are sown early.

If you decide to sell it in the spring, then it should be sown in a film-type greenhouse. At the end of March at the beginning of April, depending on weather conditions, dill is planted in open ground in May.

Regardless of the variety of dill, it is necessary to water and loosen the soil. It is desirable to feed the plant twice for good growth. Please note - in the first days or weeks after sowing dill, it is advisable to cover the soil with a film so that it is warm in cold weather. As soon as the temperature rises, it can be removed. Water the plant regularly as soon as the soil begins to dry out.

Thus, dill is a special plant, the care of which does not require much time and effort. Its pleasant aroma and leaves will give your dish a special taste.

Since dill is a cultivated plant, there are many varieties of it. Among the early ripening varieties, the following varieties are most popular:

  • Grenadier. The period from gathering to harvesting this variety of dill takes a little over a month, and if you want to use the grenadier as a spice, then you need to clean it after 2-3 months. The plant is usually grown in order to be used as a herb. Dill leaves are quite large, raised. They are rich green in color and have pigmentation. It gives a stable harvest and is completely unpretentious in care. Grenadier greens have a delicate taste, they are juicy and exude a pleasant aroma.
  • Gribovsky. The period from gathering to harvesting this variety of dill takes a month and a half, if you want to grow a mushroom variety on spices, then it should be harvested after 2 months. Perhaps this is the most popular variety of dill, which is grown for greenery. He is not whimsical in care, rarely influenced by pests. The aroma of greenery is very strong, as is the taste. The leaves are very large, the color of which is dark green. This variety of dill is capable of self-seeding. Thanks to this, it is convenient to propagate it with the help of padanki. Gribovsky can be frozen or canned, the greens from this do not lose their color or taste.
  • Further. The period from gathering to harvesting this variety of dill takes a month and a half. Suitable for growing dill on greens. It has a semi-raised rosette with leaves of a medium plant. They are green in color and have a waxy effect. The undoubted advantage of this variety is that it is not susceptible to pests and is resistant to winds and temperature extremes.
  • Umbrella. The time from germination to harvest takes a little over a month. Has a medium sized outlet. Sowing should be carried out in moist soil and watered all the time of planting. A feature of this variety is that it must be fed with nitrogen fertilizers either in early spring or during the growing season. You can already harvest in May. The greens are juicy and bright.
  • Redoubt. The time from germination to the moment of harvesting takes one and a half months. Redoubt greens are very fragrant, so almost all housewives are happy to add it to their dishes. In May, you can already safely harvest. The leaves are medium in size, bright green.

Thus, by growing early varieties of dill, you can pamper your family with fragrant greens already at the end of spring.

Among the mid-season varieties of dill, the most popular are:

  • Umbrella. The time until harvest takes a month and ten days. It has a semi-raised rosette of leaves. They are large, saturated green color with a section. The leaves are quite long. The umbrella itself is medium in size. Greens have a pronounced aroma. High yield.
  • Alligator. Greens can already be harvested 45 days after planting the seeds. It can be cut more than once, the green grows quickly. The umbrella is thrown out immediately. It has a large and raised rosette of leaves. They are quite large, have a bluish tint. Stemming is slow. Greens have a pleasant aroma and rich taste.
  • Amazon. Greens can be cut as early as a month and a half after sowing (usually in May). It has a raised rosette of leaves, which allows them not to get dirty in case of rain. The leaves are large, very juicy and fragrant, rich green. Amazon is not whimsical in harvesting and gives a high yield. It is stored for a long time without losing either color or taste.
  • Kibray. The period from sowing to harvesting greenery is a month. If you want to use this type of dill as a spice, then you need to remove it one and a half months after seed germination. The leaves are quite wide, deplete a pleasant aroma. They are light green. The greens are juicy and tender. Kibray has a large and raised rosette. Sow dill seeds early enough, cover the soil with a film so that it does not freeze. If you want to get juicy and tender greens, then you need to plant kibray in early spring and lightly sprinkle the seeds with earth. This variety is popular due to its high yield and bright aroma. The disadvantage is that it can be affected by pests such as powdery mildew. As a rule, such dill is grown on damp soil.
  • Max. The time from germination to the moment of harvesting takes one and a half months. Grow both for herbs and spices. Max has medium sized, deep green leaves. They are diamond-shaped and juicy in taste. As a rule, seeds are sown in late spring. This variety has a semi-raised rosette. A cultivated plant of medium height and there are rosettes near the very base of the dill stem. Max has a high yield and is unpretentious in care.
  • Richelieu. Greens can be cut after a little more than a month. Sowing is carried out at the very beginning of May. Richelieu has a semi-raised rosette. The leaves are quite large, green. They are cut, and the segmentation is flattened. The leaves are of medium length and similar to openwork. This variety is very resistant to various kinds of pests. The aroma of greenery is rich and bright. The taste is tender and juicy.

Thus, mid-season varieties of dill will allow you to enjoy the greenery from May. With regular cutting of greenery, it will grow again, which is very convenient.

If you want to enjoy fragrant greens as long as possible, then you need to sow the following varieties of late-ripening dill:

  • Frost. In order to get greenery in a conveyor way, it is necessary to sow dill seeds every 10 days starting from April, and ending in August. Hoarfrost has a raised rosette, thanks to which the leaves remain clean even after heavy rain. They are very long and have a bluish color scheme that varies with the amount of sunlight received. The plant itself is quite spreading. The leaves are plentiful and exude a strong, spicy aroma. The umbrella is also large, with multiple rays. High yield. Even if you freeze the herbs, they will not lose their qualities and flavor. Moreover, it will be like fresh from the garden.
  • Kutuzovsky. You can start cutting greens already a month and ten days after seed germination. It has a semi-raised rosette, many leaves. They are very large, light, green in color, delicate in taste. They have filamentous segmentation and are elongated. It has high aromaticity and excellent taste. Greens do not dry out quickly and new ones constantly appear after cuts all season.
  • Mischievous. In order to get greens in a conveyor way, it is necessary to make new crops every week. The mischievous has a raised rosette and a lot of basal at the very base of the stem. The leaves are diamond-shaped, bluish in color and medium in length. May have a waxy effect. Strong fragrant plume and high yield. Greens can be used as spicy additives.

Thus, late-ripening varieties of dill will allow you to feel the aroma and taste of freshness throughout not only the summer season, but even in cold winters, if you freeze the dill greens in the freezer.

Dill care includes:

  • weeding
  • Watering
  • groundbait
  • Pest protection if needed
  • Soil loosening

Please note that if you grow dill for greens, then you can already start cutting it when the cultivated plant becomes 20 centimeters in height.

Tip - do not plant dill too thickly.

You also need to make 2 dressings. The first is carried out when the first two leaves appeared, and the second - at the time of laying the umbrella. Since the seeds of the plant crumble quite easily, they should be harvested as soon as they ripen. It is enough just to cut the umbrellas and lay them out on paper so that they dry. If the umbrellas are not ripe enough, then you can hang them by putting paper bags on them so that the seed falls out in them after full ripening. It is best to store the seeds in a glass container and in a dry place.

Like any other plant, dill is susceptible to the influence of certain pests, among which are:

  1. Powdery dew. It appears as a white coating throughout the plant. From it, dill loses all its taste. Under no circumstances should chemicals be used. Try to immediately destroy such a plant if the dew has completely hit it. In cases where the first signs of it appear, spray the dill with a suspension of sulfur.
  2. Phomosis. Appears on the outlet as dark dots. The leaves themselves turn black in color. In this case, it is necessary to sow dill in this place no earlier than four years later. The infected plant should be removed.
  3. Peronosporosis. Infects dill leaves. It appears in the form of oily spots at first light in color. Over time, they form a purple bloom. If you notice the first signs of the disease - spray dill with copper oxychloride. You can also use the Bordeaux liquid of copper sulfate. In order to avoid the disease, it is necessary to feed the plant with ammonia sulfur before planting.

Thus, to avoid pests, you need to change the landing site and carefully monitor the plant - at the first sign of illness, take preventive measures.

Growing dill for greens is not a difficult task, the most important thing in this matter is desire.

In addition, the plant does not require special care - it is enough to water and weed the dill in time - and you are provided with fresh, fragrant greens.

More information can be found in the video.


How to plant dill?

Dill in our kitchen is an indispensable component that not only adds flavor to dishes, but is also quite useful. How to plant dill with seeds, and what nuances this lesson has - you will learn in our article.

Preparing dill seeds for sowing

Before you start planting seeds, they must be prepared properly. To do this, we collect the seeds in a bag of gauze and soak for three days in hot water. These days you will have to constantly change the water (at least 5 times a day) so that it is always hot. By doing this, you will save dill seeds from possible infection, as well as accelerate their growth.

The hot bath will be followed by a thermal wrap treatment. To do this, use all the same gauze bags. We spread the seeds on them, cover with a damp cloth and leave for another four days. These days, you need to ensure that the temperature in the room is not lower than + 20 ° C. As a result, after these days, sprouts should appear on your seeds.

By the way, some gardeners subject the seeds to additional processing, using an ordinary aquarium compressor for this purpose, thus saturating them with oxygen.

dill seedling

If you want to get an earlier crop of dill, you can resort to growing seedlings. The lesson, of course, is more troublesome, but the result will meet all your expectations. In the case of growing seedlings, it will be necessary to plant dill in the ground approximately 35 days after planting in boxes.

soil for dill

Like all other crops, dill prefers soil specially fertilized for it. In order to do this correctly, you need to apply fertilizer to the area dug up for dill. As a fertilizer for dill, humus is well suited, as well as diluted and infused mullein or bird droppings.

Dill planting dates

Dill tolerates low temperatures very well. Thanks to this factor, you can start sowing dill as early as mid-spring. The best time for sowing dill is the end of April. Do not worry about possible spring frosts - dill will withstand them. There is also a way to plant dill before winter.

If you want fresh herbs from the garden to be on your table all summer, then 20 days after the April planting, you can sow another batch of dill. If you observe such an interval and make several crops, then healthy greens will be a permanent decoration of your table.

Sowing dill in open ground

It is best to plant dill in the ground in rows. At the same time, it is worth observing the distance between rows of about 15-20 cm. The depth of planting seeds depends on the density of the soil. If the soil is heavy, then we plant not deep, if it is light, then a depth of up to 3 cm is allowed. The number of seeds to be planted depends on the goals for which you plant dill. For greens on the table, you need to plant 4-6 grams per 1 square meter. To obtain umbrellas and seeds, this amount must be reduced by 2-2.5 times.

Planting dill in a greenhouse

If you have a well-equipped greenhouse, you can regularly pamper your home with fresh herbs, even in winter. In this case, an important factor should be the temperature, which should not fall below + 15 ° C.

If the ground in the greenhouse does not freeze, then dill seeds can be safely planted in the ground. If you are not quite sure about this, then use the boxes filled with earth. It should be noted that holes are required in such containers,

through which excess water will drain.

In order for the dill not to have a lack of moisture, the earth must be well watered. Only the water should not be cold, but warm.

It is also worth mentioning the light. Dill loves the sun very much, but in winter the daylight hours are short. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to artificial highlighting. This will induce your dill bushes to grow luxuriantly and also have a good aroma.

And in winter, many housewives are engaged in growing dill on the windowsill.


No matter what variety I have tried. Many like: aurora, grenadier, patterns, ambrella, amazon, Vologda lace, pp, sultan, mammoth ...
In the spring, sow dill as usual (early in the spring). The very first plantings: dill, parsley and carrots. Although carrots can be a little later.
And in the fall, take or buy a glass (or half a glass) of dill from grannies and scatter it around the site. You can not even close up, just quit. Or ask someone to scatter (who is friends with dill). Make friends with him and you'll be fine.


Since growing greenery is my business, I’ll say that you won’t find better Goldkron (from Sakata (Japan)) and Alligator from Gavrish!
It is sown once, and then you will understand everything along the way.
The main thing is that the soil is non-acidic (you can understand by beets).
Also Borey, Salut are not bad, Kibray is worse.


I like bush dill, just don't thicken it. Varieties - Anna, Kibray and many others, ask the sellers.


If it does not sprout at all, the seeds are bad. It is better not to wait for self-seeding from bush forms. Usually, the distance between the plants is indicated on the bags of bush seeds - they should not grow very close, otherwise you will only get “sticks”. Thin out ruthlessly like a carrot. And yet, dill loves fertile soil. And if you want self-sowing throughout the garden, then only umbrella varieties.

Maxim Sviridov

buy different varieties and just scatter around the site, nature will do the rest. I did it myself for the fifth year, we don’t know what to do.


Dill loves shallow sowing. Sprinkle it a little on top and that's enough. It is advisable to dig the earth onto a shovel bayonet, and if it is heavy (clayey), add sand and humus, or dig up the earth in a place where meadow grass grows. If possible, try to scatter the seeds as early as possible, soil moisture is important for him. If the bed is located in a place where the surface of the bed quickly weathers (dries out), cover it with a thin lutrasil. Everything will work out for you! And yet, as it is not sad, but dill seeds come across little burnt, very dry. Therefore, it is better to sow more seeds. And then just notice for yourself a bush with large seeds and take seeds from it for future crops. Good luck.


I plant superdukat

Irina Murzinova

I think that your problem is not in dill, but in soil fertility. Dill grows well only on fertile soils. I also had sticks until I ennobled the soil. And correctly, they suggest above that if you sow dill in the spring, and not in the fall, close the crops with lutrasil before germination so that the earth does not dry out. I plant two varieties of Russian Ogorod dill: Kibray and Russian size.

tatyana savchenko SIBERIA

Kibrai and Borey. And water more


try Pine Forest.

Hello, tell me what varieties of dill and parsley to plant on greens in May in the suburbs

Lydia Provotorova

Dill Mammoth, Alligator, Russian giant. Parsley leaf Italian giant.


I liked the Alligator for greens and Gribovsky for blanks Parsley varieties, in my opinion, differ little Curly sown just for beauty under tall flowers


Everyone, everyone here praises dill alligator, I also bought it, we'll see.


I sow Boreas. . this is a great bush dill…. the period before seed maturation is 2 months. . pluck only branches that grow again. . I sow either before winter or in April. .parsley sandwich.. Moscow region

Svetlana Butorina

Parsley like varieties Italian giant and Bogatyrsky, but in more soot root. And dill grows its own self-sowing, I tried different varieties, but I like my own more. I plant parsley in April, as soon as the earth dries.

Feklistov's love

this year I bought a "monk's beard" and "dill", sowed an alligator last year, it is no different from other varieties, mostly I have my own seeds

the store sells fresh dill which variety you want to grow in summer


This is bush dill ... I don’t know the store variety ... there are a lot of them. I am growing an Alligator. Get it... you won't regret it.

Lawyer Lawyer

No need. this is distillation on Chinese chemistry, not dill

Ermakova Sveta

This year I planted the summer hit dill for the first time. I liked it.


I liked kibrai.


Alligator, Dukat OE,


Good "fluffy" varieties Kibray and Alligator

Elena Ivanova

From fluffy planted kibrai. Recently, a truck with Georgian dill was turned back at our customs - there are no necessary documents. Import?


I plant Bush, Kibray. Both are good. I want to try Russian size, trees grow there! Interesting to try!


Larisa, well, who knows the variety of dill from the store ... unless you contact the manufacturer.

Mityai Bukhankin

sow piccadilly dill, cut up to 6-8 times. with proper care.


Seed propagation in the garden strawberry familiar to us, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries - alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of this crop, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether it is worth giving her a place in the berry.

Often, at the sight of a beautiful flower, we instinctively bend over to smell its fragrance. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by nocturnal butterflies) and daytime, whose pollinators are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for the grower and designer, because we often walk in the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners with the onset of the evening. We are never put off by the fragrance of our favorite fragrant flowers.

Pumpkin is considered by many gardeners to be the queen of the beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, useful qualities and a rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Due to the possibility of long-term storage, this vegetable maintains our health all year round. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your site, you will be interested to know how to get the largest possible harvest.

Scotch eggs are amazing! Try to cook this dish at home, there is nothing difficult to prepare. Scotch eggs are a hard boiled egg wrapped in minced meat, breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep fried. For frying, you need a frying pan with a high rim, and if you have a deep fryer, then it's just great - even less hassle. You will also need deep-frying oil so as not to smoke the kitchen. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flowered tub cubanola Dominican fully justifies the status of a tropical miracle. Heat-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique bells of flowers, cubanola is a fragrant star with a difficult character. It requires special conditions in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, the best (and more chocolatey) candidate for the role of indoor giant cannot be found.

Chickpea Curry with Meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner inspired by Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare, but requires pre-preparation. Chickpeas must first be soaked in plenty of cold water for several hours, preferably overnight, the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat in the marinade overnight so that it turns out juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then cook the curry according to the recipe.

Rhubarb can not be found in every garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jams, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruit and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! A large green or red rosette of plant leaves, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful backdrop for annuals. Not surprisingly, rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, experiments with non-banal combinations and non-standard colors in the garden are in trend. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and a position. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to the range of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - cucumber sandwich, chicken sandwich, cabbage and meat sandwich - a great idea for a quick snack or for a picnic in nature. Only fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little spice. There is no onion in these sandwiches, if you wish, you can add an onion marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches, this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, it remains to collect a picnic basket and go to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the variety group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, medium ripening - 55-60 and late terms - at least 70 days. When planting seedlings of tomatoes at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality crop of tomatoes also depends on the careful implementation of the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Unpretentious plants of the "second plan" sansevieria do not seem boring to those who appreciate minimalism. They are better than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal maintenance. The stable decorative effect and extreme endurance of only one type of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very fast growth - Khan's rosette sansevieria. The squat rosettes of their stiff leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months of the garden calendar pleasantly surprises with the balance of the distribution of favorable and unsuccessful days for working with plants according to the lunar calendar. In June, gardening and gardening can be done throughout the month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do useful work. There will be their optimal days for sowing with plantings, and for pruning, and for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for a festive menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this meat is preferable for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, the best choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - mushrooms, boletus and other goodies are best harvested for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious and with an interesting, non-trivial foliage color. I have different Japanese spireas, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry ... And there is one special shrub that I will talk about in this article - the viburnum vesicle. To make my dream of a low maintenance garden come true, it's probably the perfect fit. At the same time, it is able to diversify the picture in the garden very much, moreover, from spring to autumn.

Dill is one of the most common and unpretentious crops grown in all regions of our country. Varieties of dill plants are so diverse that they will allow you to choose the right one for any purpose and climatic conditions. This fragrant herb can be grown all year round, outdoors in summer and on a windowsill in winter.

Among the crops belonging to the umbrella family, there are two types of dill - pharmacy (or fennel) and odorous (grown in the garden). Fennel is a perennial plant, unlike the common annual, which is used for food and canning. Everyone knows what garden dill usually looks like, its leaves and umbrellas with seeds. To imagine the appearance of fennel, it is enough to grow bush dill in your area.

There are many types of fragrant dill that are grown for various purposes (collecting greens, growing inflorescences in the form of an umbrella for pickling vegetables, obtaining useful seeds). Individual varieties of this fragrant plant can give a very good harvest from just a few grams of seeds. Some varieties can produce up to 200 grams of greenery from just 1 gram of planted seeds.

With proper care, proper temperature and humidity, getting greens and seeds will be easy.

Dill is recommended to be grown in a sunny place, in fertile soil, at the most suitable temperature - 18-20 ° C. In an open area of ​​​​ground, bushes will reach 1.5 meters in height, and in a greenhouse they can grow up to 3 meters.

Early ripe varieties

It is customary to sow early varieties of dill after the snow melts or even before winter. They differ from the later ones in that after 4-6 weeks they give the first leaves. It is advisable to plant this type of dill on greens if you wish to enjoy fragrant fresh seasoning from your own garden in the spring. But, as a rule, early varieties quickly form inflorescences, so they are chosen for harvesting umbrellas, which are then used in home preservation, and obtaining seeds. It will not be possible to collect a very large crop of leaves.

Among the early maturing species, Grenadier can provide a very high yield, with the first leaves being formed in just 28-30 days after planting. After 3 months, umbrellas ripen from seeds. Bushes with a dense rosette of foliage reach a height of up to 30 centimeters. The best time for sowing is April. The variety does not require special care, while giving a high yield.

Dill Gribovsky

A plant of this variety is rightfully popular among many summer residents in central Russia. It is planted everywhere because of its high resistance to diseases and pests. In addition, he is not afraid of low temperatures and pleases with a bountiful harvest even during a cold summer. One of the few outdoor varieties that can be planted several times from April to June. Gives dark green bushy greens 25-30 centimeters high, and umbrellas reach 60.

After planting seeds, the first leaves can be plucked after 40-45 days. This variety of greens bears excellent fruit, and its fruits are used for food, spices and for drying. Far is valued due to its "immunity" to diseases and pests. An early harvest of green color, and in the light it seems that the leaves are covered with wax.

Dill Redoubt

Redoubt is considered one of the most fragrant and rich varieties. The first leaves for food appear 40 days after planting the seeds, during the season it turns out to remove up to 30 grams of greenery from the bush. A square meter of a plant is capable of producing about 1.2 kilograms for food and up to 2.0 inflorescences for spices.

This type of plant throws out greenery throughout the growing season, so in 2-3 months it is possible to collect at least 5-6 kilograms of the crop. Seeds are planted in March or April, while they are brought into the layer of earth a couple of centimeters further than seeds of other varieties. In this way, the seeds receive the moisture necessary for growth. You can enjoy fresh greenery already in May.

Mid-season varieties

Many types of dill with an average ripening period produce green mass after 1.5 months. They differ in that even during flowering, new leaves continue to gradually grow on the bushes. Thanks to this, the best varieties can produce a high yield of greens.

This plant is a bush variety, it is planted in warm springtime, closer to April or May. It is capable of producing very high yields. The collection of spices begins 45 days after planting. An unpretentious variety, dark green leaves, suitable for storage in frozen and dried form.

Dill Lesnogorodsky

The greens collected from the Lesnogorodsky variety are distinguished by a high content of vitamins C and A. Until late autumn, they harvest from this variety. Even when the seeds have already ripened on the bushes, he still continues to give new greens. This explains its high productivity. Lesnogorsky also attracts gardeners because it is extremely resistant to diseases and various pests.

Dill Richelieu

In addition to the fact that this variety is resistant to pests, culinary specialists love it very much for its rich fragrant aroma and unusual appearance. Its leaves differ in a slightly openwork shape, and the bush itself can grow up to 130 centimeters in height. It is sown several times during the season - from April to August, every 2 weeks. Thus, after 48 days, the first crops begin to yield, and after them, after 10-14 days, greenery appears on new young plants by a conveyor.

The variety has large dissected leaves of a bright green hue that appear on tall stems. The period of appearance of the first greenery is about 40-48 days. About 20 grams of greenery is obtained from a bush. Umbrellas measuring 15-20 centimeters have a strong, slightly pungent aroma. Spices are harvested 2.5-3 months after planting the seeds.

Dill Max

Quite a compact variety with stems of medium height. You can plant it in the spring, when the soil temperature rises to +8 ° C, it rises on the 10th day. The first greens are cut 1.5 months after planting, and during the season one bush can produce about 30-40 grams of leaves. Max is very unpretentious, and yields a crop with a delicate pleasant aroma.

Late-ripening varieties

All late types of dill can be divided into medium-late and late-ripening. Greens of this type ripen for a long time and give inflorescences and seeds only 3-4 months after germination. Therefore, they are characterized by a high yield of green mass, which can be harvested all the time, until the seeds ripen.

Dill Alligator

A plant belonging to the bush. The first greens appear one and a half months after sowing, and they are harvested from June to September. Many people love the Alligator for the late appearance of umbrellas and the ripening of seeds. Because the entire period before ripening, you can cut the greens several times. In total, 2.0-3.2 kilograms of green mass are harvested from one cubic meter per season.

A mid-season variety that produces large fragrant leaves growing from the very root to the upper umbels. The ripening of the entire green mass occurs 2 months after planting the seeds, when the stem reaches a height of about 1.5 meters. Differs in the high content of vitamin C and immunity to diseases.

Dill Buyan

Buyan can be attributed to medium-late varieties. Due to its long growth period, it manages to build up an impressive green mass. Due to the volumetric tillering, seeds should be planted at a greater than usual distance from each other. In the process of harvesting greens, the larger one is removed first, leaving room for the growth of small leaves.

One of the most productive varieties. You can grow up to 4.5 kilograms of greens from one meter, and spices - up to 3. 2 months after planting, dark green leaves are harvested, which exude a strong spicy smell and remain fresh for a long time. Umbrellas appear 70-100 days after germination.

Dill Kibray

A bush variety of a medium-late variety, gives the first harvest already on the 30th day. It is recommended to grow under polyethylene or in a greenhouse, otherwise it may not ripen. The earliest time to collect spices is 70 days. Umbrellas are large in diameter, so the seeds are placed at a distance of about a third of a meter from each other. When shoots appear, it is recommended to thin out so that the distance does not become smaller.

High fertility and resistance to fungi make Kibray one of the favorite and common plants.

Dill is one of the most sought after spices in cooking. Without a dill umbrella, the marinade will lose its flavor, and a salad without dill flavor and needles scattered over the surface will not be so appetizing. Therefore, dill is used all year round in a dry and fresh form. The increased demand for fresh herbs has created conditions for the production of many new varieties of dill, differing in ripening time, color, foliage structure and plant appearance.

Features of dill varieties

If we consider the genus, then it belongs to the umbrella, is a relative of celery. It has a relative, wild dill, or parsnip, which is eaten with a root vegetable resembling carrots and parsley.

As a result of breeding work, varieties of three groups are presented on the rural market:

  • early ripening;
  • mid-season varieties;
  • late-ripening, non-umbel-producing varieties.

Biennial varieties of dill can develop an umbrella even with continuous cultivation throughout the year, but under the conditions of the short summer of Russia, they cannot produce seeds in open ground. This explains the high cost of hybrid seeds.

Early varieties

You can grow greens in spring from early ripe dill. Usually these are zoned varieties that form 4-6 leaves and an umbrella. These include old and newly created varieties, the period before stemming in which is 35-40 days. The fruits of fragrant dill are used in medicine and cooking.

Early ripe variety Anker

The new early ripe variety Anker manages to produce umbrellas and a sufficient amount of light greenery. Its yield is 2-3 kg / m2, which is not bad for a variety of early ripening. Anker can be sown several times, collecting enough young greens. The aroma of this variety is of medium intensity.

Early ripe variety Redut

A variety with an exceptionally strong aroma. The plant is low, powerful rosette. The foliage is full, with a wax coating. The leaf is oblong, the segments are long. The umbrella is large, convex. The yield from one square of greenery is 1.2 kg, when harvesting umbrella products up to almost three kilograms. A very powerful stem is no less fragrant than green plates.

Dill Gribovskaya early

The most common early variety that propagates by self-sowing and grows like a weed. After germination, the plant produces 4 leaves and releases a flower basket after 70 days. The height of the stems is about 80 cm. This variety has a little green fragrant seasoning, but in July it already has developed seed heads, which are used in cooking for pickling and salting. The mass of one copy of dill is 12 grams. The fruits of fragrant dill can ripen after 108 days.

Mid-season varieties

Dill of medium ripening is characterized by a large leaf mass. Spreading rosettes of 6-10 leaves give a high yield of green mass. The maturation of seeds at the same sowing time occurs a week later. Their seeds reach wax ripeness, suitable for use in cooking. These varieties include Lesnogorsky, Kibray, Uzory, Richelieu and others.

Variety Richelieu

The Richelieu variety represents dill of medium ripening. The openwork beauty of its foliage is difficult to describe. Blue-green needles are very decorative. When the peduncle is thrown out, the greens become the most fragrant. This type of dill, in addition to a large amount of greenery, produces mature seeds in August if sown in April. Richelieu has large seeds, umbrellas up to 20 cm in diameter. Each basket consists of 20-50 simple umbrellas. The height of the plant with an umbrella is more than a meter. The yield of greens is up to 1.3 kg per meter.

The well-known mid-season variety Kibray has long been loved by gardeners. Rapidly growing greenery allows you to pinch off branches within a month after germination. The leaves are fragrant, raised, the foliage grows rapidly up to 45 days after emergence. Rosette dill shrub variety Kibray spreads widely, so the distance between plants should be about 20 cm, and between rows 30. Greenery grows gradually, and the total collection can be up to six kilograms per square. This variety of dill is resistant to fungal diseases and can be grown in damp soils. On the spice, the rosette is ready in 72 days.

Dill Umbrella

The mid-season Umbrella variety is a plant up to two meters tall during the flowering basket. Greens begin to be harvested after a month and a half from germination. At the same time, the greens retain their aromatic qualities even during flowering. The leaves are large, green, elongated into a thread. An umbrella in diameter reaches almost 20 cm, collecting up to 50 simple baskets. Very fragrant greens are up to 2.3 kg per square meter. Umbrella was created by the agricultural company Gavrish, it belongs to the varieties of dill for greens.

Late-ripening varieties of dill

Late-ripening varieties of dill are grown to produce marketable greens. They do not have time to give an umbrella, basically these plants have a bushy, spreading, low rosette of leaves. Stemming in late varieties begins in the seventh decade. Therefore, the greens are removed as they grow. These varieties include, such as Alligator, Hoarfrost, Patterns.

Dill Alligator

Bush dill varieties Alligator refers to a high-yielding type of crop. The rosette of leaves is raised with strong filling. Harvesting for greens is carried out one and a half months after germination. The period of readiness to use umbrellas for spices is 115 days. In the southern regions, the plant has time to ripen for seeds. The plant is tall, up to 1.6 meters with a powerful stem. The alligator has a strong aroma and yields up to 20 grams of greens and up to 60 when harvested for spices from one plant. This variety is loved by gardeners for its aroma and a large amount of green mass.

Dill Patterns

A distinctive feature of bush dill patterns is slow stalking. Therefore, the medium-late dill of the VNIISSOK breeding is a very productive variety. Very fragrant large leaves grow from below and along the entire trunk of the peduncle. The main cleaning of the green mass is carried out up to two months of age. The green mass of one plant is more than 50, taken with a basket - 83 grams. The height of the stem reaches one and a half meters. The variety is disease resistant and has a high percentage of dry matter and vitamin C.

Hoarfrost, mid-late variety

Medium late variety. The leaves are long, bluish-green with a touch of wax. Plant height at flowering 150-170 cm, large umbrellas. All parts of the dill have a very strong aroma, especially the leaves when the basket is pulled out. The mass of greens from one bush is 40 grams. The total commodity weight per square meter is 2.7 kg. This variety is valued for the abundance of spicy greens. Sowing is carried out from April to August. It is recommended to use the frozen crop.

The best varieties of dill - video