Numerals in English exercises online. Exercises: numerals in English. Exercises on ordinal numbers

In English, as in Russian, there are two types of numerals, ordinal (ordinal) and quantitative (cardinal).
First, let's clarify the difference between ordinal and cardinal numbers. In essence, their names speak for themselves.

  • Ordinal numbers indicate the order of objects. Answer the question Which? - Which?
  • As for cardinal numbers, they denote the number of objects and answer the question How many? - How many?

Cardinal numbers are one, two, three, ten, twenty (one, two, three, ten, twenty).
Ordinal - the first, the second, the third, the tenth, the twentieth (first, second, third, tenth, twentieth)

Cardinal numbers

So, let's take a closer look at cardinal numerals in English.

Numbers from 1 to 12 are called simple numbers.

Numerals from 13 to 19 are derived. They are formed using the suffix – teen. For example, seven+teen gets seventeen, six+teen gets sixteen. In such numerals as 13, 15,18 there are some exceptions.

Derived numerals are also numerals that denote the tens 20,30, 40, 50, etc. They are formed using the suffix – ty. However, there are some nuances here that need to be remembered.

Compound numerals are called numerals that denote tens with ones, starting with 21 (twenty-one). They are written with a hyphen. Thus, numbers from 21 to 99 are written with a hyphen.

Hundreds in English are used with cardinal numbers: one hundred-[ˈhʌndrəd], two hundred, three hundred (one hundred, two hundred, three hundred).


Firstly, first, second, third, fifth - these ordinal numbers should simply be remembered, since they represent an exception.

The general rule by which ordinal numbers are formed: using the definite article the, and it is also necessary to add the ending to the cardinal number - th.

A few important points to remember:

  • Numerals like twenty, thirty, y goes into i, is added e and only after that we add the standard th.
  • Compound numerals like twenty-one (twenty-one), only one changes, twenty remains unchanged. One goes into ordinal first. In such cases, the article is not needed.

What you need to know about the use of English numerals

  • When we want to talk about the number of a page, house, exercise, bus, we can use both cardinal and ordinal numbers.

However, when using a cardinal number, the number follows the noun it defines, and the noun is used without an article.

Example: lesson two, page seventeen

  • When we use ordinal numbers, we put the ordinal number in front of the noun, and the noun already acquires the definite article the.

Example: the second lesson, the seventeenth page

  • When denoting years, we use cardinal numerals. In this case, the years are read as follows: we divide the years into two two-digit numbers.

For example: 1810 (eighteen+ten), 1627 (sixteen+twenty-seven).

Today we will do several exercises on cardinal and ordinal numbers in English. The article provides exercises of different difficulty levels. Some are suitable for children, others will be interesting and useful even for adults.

Exercises on cardinal numbers.

Exercises 1 – 3 are suitable for children in grades 2, 3, 4. Exercises 4 – 7 are more complex and will be useful even for those who already know English well and want to practice difficult cases of using cardinal numbers. There are answers only to complex exercises; to do simple ones correctly, you just need to read the articles, links to which are given in the exercises. Don't be lazy.

Exercise 1. Spell the NUMBERS.

Exercise 2. Fill the table.

Exercise 3. Write the final result.

Example: Ten + nine: nineteen

a) Twenty one + four:

b) Sixty + nineteen:

c) Ninety two + four:

d) Forty+ sixteen:

e) Eighty + seven:

f) Fifty + twenty:

g) Fifty + thirteen:

h) Thirty + sixteen:

i) Thirty three + four:

j) Eleven + nine:

k) Seventy + eight:

l) Seventy + fifteen:

Exercise 4. Write the numbers.

  1. The number of Dwarves Snow White lived with — ___________
  2. The Celsius freezing point — ___________
  3. Days in April —___________
  4. The number of letters in the English alphabet — ___________
  5. An unlucky number —___________
  6. Teeth in the normal human mouth — ___________
  7. The number of years in a millennium — ___________
  8. The number of months in a year — ___________
  9. Days in December –___________
  10. Degrees in a right angle — ___________
  11. Books in a trilogy —___________
  12. Minutes in an hour —___________
  13. Legs has an octopus — ___________
  14. The number of cents in a half-dollar — ___________
  15. Players in a soccer team — ___________
  16. Number of hours in a day —___________
  17. Celsius boiling point - ___________

Exercise 5. Form combinations of the data in brackets of cardinal numbers in verbal form and the data in brackets of plural nouns:

If you have any difficulties, repeat the topic “ ”

Example: (2) (a man) – two men,

(95) (a forget-me-not).

Exercise 6. Choose the correct form.

  1. My daughter is still a teenager. She is only fifteen/fifty.
  2. He knew it was a painting worth $10 million/millions.
  3. Three hundred/Three hundreds of people gathered at the stadium.
  4. In the section 2/section 2 we also suggest other topics that need to be researched.
  5. The first battle of the American Revolution was fought in the year/the year 1775.
  6. Hundred/A hundred years ago the principal means of communication was by post and telegraph.
  7. How many children are there in the school? About three hundred/three hundreds.
  8. The report has got over five hundred/five hundred pages.
  9. It happened in the year two thousand and two/two thousand and second.
  10. All International flights are from Terminal One /the Terminal One.

Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with cardinal numbers in verbal form with the data in brackets.

  1. The division of the circle into ______________ (360) parts occurred in ancient India, as evidenced in the Rigveda
  2. ____________ (22,200) donors from Manchester have been honored at an awards ceremony for donating.
  3. The newly elected board of directors consists of_________ (42) new members.
  4. Chelsea won___________ (2:0) against Marseille at Stamford Bridge.
  5. Russia is the largest country in the world by surface area, covering more than ________ (1/8) of the Earth's inhabited land area, with over __________ (144,000,000) people at the end of March _________2016.

Exercise 8. Hundred or hundreds? Choose the correct item.

  1. There were hundreds of people/hundred of people at the pool today.
  2. That dress costs hundreds of pounds/hundreds of pound.
  3. We’ve driven a hundred miles in the last two hours.
  4. I agree with you one hundred percent/one hudreds percent.
  5. Hundreds/hundred of people watched the football match at the i stadium.
  6. Eight hundred/eight hundreds is not enough. Her paintings cost thousands/thousand.
  7. Benjamin received cards from scores/score of local people.
  8. People are leaving the Nationalist Party by the score/by a score.
  9. Nearly a thousand/thousands football fans were arrested.
  10. There are literally thousands/thousand of people without homes.

Exercise 9. Fill in the gaps with the data in brackets with the nouns hundred, thousand, million, billion in the singular (with or without an article) or in the plural.

  1. Over the past two years, over______________ (million) immigrants found work, many illegally.
  2. _____________ (thousand) of bees have been stolen from a British university.
  3. Two___________ (hundred) years after the Constitution was signed, free-enterprise economics had produced doubtful results.
  4. State prosecutors investigate more than____________ (thousand) cases of stolen babies in Spain.
  5. According to the estimate, the world population has exceeded the number of seven__________ (billion) people
  6. Officials issued public warnings after___________ (hundred) of sharks were spotted in the waters.
  7. Roman Abramovich threw a party costing five___________ (million) pounds.
  8. ___________ (million) of people in West Africa must be protected from a serious food crisis.
  9. It has been found that walking ten____________ (thousand) steps a day will help you drop undesired pounds.

Exercises on ordinal numbers.

Exercises 10 - 13 are quite simple, they are suitable for children, but the last exercise is much more difficult. Be sure to repeat the topic.

Exercise 10. Write the sentences.

Children in a running competition.

John – number 1, Peter – number 5, Joe – number 6, Lena – number 2, Spike – number 4, Jane – number 3

EXAMPLE: John was the First.

  1. Lena was the _____________.
  2. Peter was the _____________.
  3. Joe was the _______________.
  4. Jane was the ______________.
  5. Spike was the _____________.

Exercise 11. Write the correct ordinal number.

  1. Saturday is the __________ day of the week.
  2. The___________ month of the year is June. .
  3. The___________month of the year is March.
  4. In a competition the gold medal is for the________ place and the silver medal is for the__________ place.

Exercise 12. Fill the table.

Exercise 13. Identify the ordinal position of the following letters: (The first one is done for you)

  1. H is the eighth letter.
  2. T is the _______________________ letter.
  3. Q is the _______________________ letter.
  4. N is the _______________________ letter.
  5. P is the _______________________ letter.
  6. K is the _______________________ letter.
  7. M is the _______________________ letter.
  8. R is the _______________________ letter.
  9. S is the _______________________ letter.
  10. O is the _______________________ letter.
  11. L is the_______________________ letter.
  12. J is the _______________________ letter.
  13. G is the _______________________ letter.

Exercise 14. Choose the correct form.

  1. It happened in the middle of the twentyth/twentieth century.
  2. I usually go to school by bus six/bus sixth.
  3. He is now ranked hundred/hundredth in the world of tennis.
  4. 1999 was the second hundred/the two hundredth anniversary of; Pushkin's birth.
  5. The car changed the life of people in the 20th/the 20s century.
  6. At least two third/two thirds of the novel is about the life of people in the 19th century.
  7. He was the third/the third to arrive.
  8. 8 The USA ranks third/three in population.
  9. I am the one hundred and first/one hundredth and first in this huge line.
  10. Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings are among the most famous of the 19th century / the 19th century.

Answers to exercises on numerals.

Exercise 6.

1 fifteen, 2 million, 3 three hundred, 4 section, 5 in the year, 6 a hundred, 7 three hundred, 8 five hundred, 9 two thousand and two, 10 Terminal One

Exercise 7.

1 Three hundred and sixty, 2 twenty-two thousand two hundred, 3 forty-two, 4 two nothing (or two nill), 5 one-eight / one hundred and forty-four million / twenty sixteen

Exercise 8.

1 hundreds of people, 2 hundreds of pounds, 3 a hundred miles, 4 one hundred percent, 5 Hundreds, 6 Eight hundred, 7 scores, 8 by the score, 9 a thousand, 10 thousands

Exercise 9.

1 a million, 2 thousands, 3 hundred, 4 a thousand, 5 billion, 6 hundreds, 7 million, 8 million, thousand

Exercise 14.

1 twentieth, 2 bus six, 3 hundredth, 4 the two hundredth, 5 20th, 6 two thirds, 7 the third, 8 third, 9 one hundred and first, 10 the 19th century

If you have any questions about other exercises, ask them in the comments.

Numerals are a special part of speech that serves to indicate the order or quantity of different objects. It is on this basis that they are divided into quantitative and, accordingly, ordinal. Everything is simple - quantitative ones indicate a certain number of objects (how many? - how many?), and ordinal ones - their order (which number? - which?). Ordinal numbers in all cases are accompanied by the article “the” - definite.

It is imperative to get to know numerals better, since they are extremely necessary for any person, not only when making any mathematical calculations, but also in the most ordinary everyday life, which is simply unthinkable without them.

Exercises on numerals in English (tests with answers)

A. The following sentences must be translated into English.

  • 1. We are reading lesson six, exercise five.
  • 2. John writes his fourth letter today.
  • 3. Today is the eleventh of December.
  • 4. Yesterday was the ninth of January 2013.
  • 5. Jack must learn forty-seven words.
  • 6. Today is the six hundred and twenty-third day since the start of the show.
  • 7. Jane was born in 1980.
  • 8. This was James's second attempt to pass this exam.
  • 1. We read lesson 6 (six), exercise 5 (five).
  • 2. John writes the 5th (fifth) letter today.
  • 3. Today is the 11th (eleventh) of December.
  • 4. Yesterday was the 9th (ninth) of January 2013 (two thousand thirteen (English version), twenty hundred thirteen (American version)).
  • 5. Jack has to learn forty-seven words.
  • 6. Today is the six hundred twenty-third day from the beginning of the show.
  • 7. Jane was born in 1980 (nineteen eighty).
  • 8. It was James` second attempt to pass this examination.

B. Name the years below in English:

1. 1943.
2. 2085.
3. 1950.
4. 1812.
5. 1689.
6. 1238.
7. 1909.
8. 1700.
9. 2000.
10. 3004.


1. Nineteen forty-three.
2. Two thousand eighty-five.
3. Nineteen fifty.
4. Eighteen hundred twelve.
5. Sixteen hundred eighty-nine.
6. Twelve hundred thirty-eight.
7. Nineteen oh nine.
8. Seventeen hundred.
9. Year two thousand.
10. Year three thousand and four.

B. Translate the following sentences into English.

  • 1. Mary knows five foreign languages.
  • 2. John has two hundred eighteen thousand dollars.
  • 3. You must write these words three times.
  • 4. Each room has only one ceiling.
  • 5. Jane would like to have a third glass of juice.
  • 6. Barbara's first husband was a sales manager.
  • 7. Your homework consists of exercises 1 and 4 on page 56 (on page fifty-six).
  • 8. Bob saw zero on the monitor screen.


1. Mary knows five foreign languages.
2. John has two hundred eighteen thousand dollars.
3. You have to write these words three times.
4. Every room has only one ceiling.
5. Jane would like to get the third glass of juice.
6. Barbara`s first husband was sales manager.
7. Your homework consists of exercises one and four on page 56 (on the 56th (fifty-sixth) page).
8. Bob saw a zero on his screen display.

D. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  • 1. It was Jane`s second impression.
  • 2. Jack saw thousands of blubbers.
  • 3. Sixty citizens voted for him.
  • 4. Jack earned six hundred dollars a month.
  • 5. That happened three hundred years ago.
  • 6. This company employed fifty-nine workers.


1. This was Jane's second impression.
2. Jack saw thousands of jellyfish.
3. Sixty townspeople voted for him.
4. Jack earned six hundred dollars a month.
5. This happened three hundred years ago.
6. This company hired fifty-nine workers.

D. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Jane completed the eighth exercise.
2. Robert's favorite number is seventeen.
3. Jane's mother bought twenty-eight oranges.
4. My cousin has only one apartment.
5. There are three ways to his home.
6. The first and third test tasks were easy.
7. Their first choice was the best.
8. Barbara needs six ingredients for her cake.


1. Jane made the eighth exercise.
2. Robert`s favorite number is seventeen.
3. Jane`s mother bought twenty-eight oranges.
4. My cousin has only one flat.
5. There are three ways to his house.
6. The first and the third tests were easy.
7. Their first choice was the best.
8. Barbara needs six ingredients for her cake.