What is a fetish? What are the types of fetish? What are fetishes

You should not understand fetishism as something forbidden or wrong, because in fact it is an ancient culture that is present among many peoples of the world. In short, the concept is defined as the worship of inanimate objects, which often represented idols or symbols. So what is fetishism really?

How did it all start?

What is fetishism and why is this concept referred to as a number of non-standard sexual desires? The term arose long before the development of our cultural society. Then the ancient tribes did not believe in deities, but worshiped inanimate objects. As a rule, fetishism was a religion for them, which subsequently grew into something more.

Our distant ancestors believed that their totems and idols, whether they be human figures or several branches fastened together, have a soul and power. They worshiped the figurine, prayed, asked for help and offered gifts. Each tribe had its own totem. While some believed that an ordinary stone boulder was able to give them grace, others shed blood for the sake of an ordinary tree.


So what is fetishism really? If we turn to science, then this is a cult of worship of certain objects. The etymology of the word comes from French, Latin and Portuguese. Despite the fact that each nation had its own translation, fetishism meant one thing - the worship of some talisman made by human hands or nature.

Today there are two types of fetishism: religious and sexual. We talked a little about the first one above.

Sexual fetishism is also a kind of object worship. Only they excite, call for intimacy and excite consciousness. Sometimes real fetishists do not have to pray for admiration. They enjoy the mere sight or thought that they have this talisman or amulet in their arsenal.

The essence of fetishism

The bottom line is that a person literally deifies and idealizes a certain object. If the tribal people believed that spirits and deities live in things, who watch over them, control the elements and can even harm, then the modern fetishist is one who receives moral and mental pleasure by possessing his talisman or touching it.

Having studied history in more detail, we can say what fetishism is. This is a proto-religion - the first belief of the ancient tribes. They chose their idols not by the scriptures or the voice of God, but by the method of admiration. That is why any inanimate object could become a talisman, from dry branches, mountains, rivers, to petrified animal bones.

In order for fetishism to develop, a person must see a thing that will surprise him, delight and delight. Therefore, it is foolish to assume that this definition is suitable only for men, who are often excited by women's legs. Each of us is a fetishist to some extent - religious or sexual.

Sexual fetishism

This is the worship of things that cause sexual desire. Often this is the cause of erections in men and increased libido in women.

Sexual fetishism is considered a psychological disorder where people revere inanimate objects, which can be things, shoes, and clothes. For example, it is widely believed in the world that the representatives of the stronger sex literally go crazy with the look of women's shoes.

Such attraction to objects does not always require medical intervention, research and treatment. However, some types of sexual fetishism can lead to a deformation of consciousness, which prevents them from having a normal sex life and starting relationships.

Often the cult plays an important role in choosing a partner for sex. For example, there is a category of women who prefer men with increased body hair (arms, legs, back and chest). A social survey proved that the fair sex during sex with such a partner feel defenseless and weak creatures. Coition with men, who are distinguished by well-developed muscles and increased hairiness, for girls is like having sex with a large animal (real or fictional).


Pygmalionism is one of all definitions of fetishism. It represents a craving for images of people. As a rule, fetishists are attracted by both simple photographs, paintings and computer images, as well as full-length statues, plaster busts. At the same time, a person who is a pygmalionist does not have to use objects of admiration in intimate life. It is enough for them to simply observe, touch and possess such things.

Craving for objects appears suddenly. As mentioned above, a person who sees a thing admires and begins to admire. This is akin to mania, so sexual fetishism is a psychological deviation.

We touched on pygmalionism because it is a vivid example of the development of fetishism in our society. If the craving for human images appeared from antiquity, then completely new branches gradually began to develop. For example, people who enjoy the sight of flames, smells, skin.

But among all types of fetishism, there are quite unpleasant varieties, such as coprophilia and urophilia. In the first case, a person likes to watch how the partner empties the intestines, in the second case, he is satisfied with urination.

A bit about fetishists

Until the end of the 19th century, people tried not to talk about their preferences, until the researcher Binet published a book called "On the Fetishism in Love." Since 1887, varieties of this proto-religion began to appear. But let's find out in more detail who a fetishist is.

A fetishist is an individual who, at a certain period of his life, began to worship inanimate objects. At the same time, he either believes that they have supernatural and paranormal abilities, or simply enjoys possessing them. But who is a fetishist in the modern world?

This is a man with a mental disorder. In any case, this is what doctors tell us, who attribute fetishism to a disease and assign a personal code in the ICD (International Classification of Diseases).

Other types of fetishism

Fetishism is sometimes called sexual symbolism, as people use totems and idols in their intimate life to get not only pleasure and satisfaction, but also the brightest orgasm.

    Narcissism is a form in which a person admires himself. He may be aroused by his own voice, movement, or action. Often, narcissism is accompanied by masturbation and refusal to copulate with other partners.

  • Transvestism is the recreation of an image that is opposite to one's sex. For example, men wear women's clothes, use cosmetics and jewelry.
  • Retifism - love for any kind of skin (animal origin, human). Such people can buy clothes from such material, strive to touch strangers and acquaintances, taste or smell them.

Today there are more than 30 varieties of this pathology. For example, underwear fetishism, which we will discuss below, also applies to it.

craving for things

This type is considered one of the most harmless and safe attraction. If retifism can develop into agony and mania, where a person harms others, trying to take possession of their bodies because of the skin, then lingerie fetishism involves the purchase of certain things, the desire to see them on a partner or yourself.

Despite the general opinion that this is a psychological disorder, underwear can really diversify life and practically does not interfere with normal life. This craving often develops from childhood, when parents feel free to show their underwear in front of their children, changing clothes in the same room with them or arranging a common laundry.

Lingerie fetishism is the desire to acquire sexual sets and accessories (panties, bra, peignoir, stockings, garters, capes). At the sight of such things, men and women are excited and get incommensurable pleasure.

Getting rid of traction

As sexologists say, fetishism is a form of sexual perversion. Someone gets pleasure from it and does not worry about their inclinations, while someone seriously thinks about the problem, because they cannot arrange their personal life.

In this case, sexologists advise how to get rid of fetishism. First of all, analyze your lifestyle. Does your interest in inanimate objects get in the way? If so, feel free to contact a psychotherapist and a psychiatrist. The specialist will conduct an examination, identify the root cause of the development of the disorder and prescribe a competent treatment.

In some cases, if the psychotherapist considers that fetishism can threaten both your life and those around you, then he may prescribe treatment and observation in special institutions. There are times when harmless desires grow into something more. For example, if a man or woman is excited by the sight of a fire, they may intentionally start a fire. This type of deviation is called pyrolagnia.

strange attraction

Fetishism is a type of sexual behavior that denotes attraction to and worship of inanimate things. If initially people worshiped natural phenomena, trees or stones, then over the past decades, completely unusual thrusts have begun to appear that may surprise.

    Hot air balloons. People get pleasure from touching small balls, but the most emotional moment is when they burst with a characteristic explosive sound.

    Crash fetish is not quite a standard attraction, because it involves crushing small objects with your feet. Often such a craving develops into a serious psychological disorder, because initially such people seek to crush food, and then they want to feel and hear the crunch of living beings.

    Mascalania is a fetish in which a person enjoys the sight of armpits, touching them and smelling (not always pleasant).

    Mechanophilia manifests itself as a non-standard love for cars, and not necessarily cars. Such people are ready to kiss, sniff, touch and taste any "metal monster".

Summing up

Each of us is a fetishist in some way, because we are attracted to body parts, certain sounds or appearance. Some will just watch and enjoy while others are ready to have sex with a machine or to satisfy themselves by watching the reflection in the mirror. But the fact remains that fetishism cannot be eradicated or cured, because it is part of our human nature, manifesting itself as a result of upbringing, emotions or even psychological trauma.

Forniphilia is the sexual attraction to people who represent furniture, or the desire to act as furniture yourself. This fetish, which has become part of the BDSM culture, will not surprise anyone now, but it is still strange!


Trichophilia is a sexual attraction to hair. Many men like long and thick women's hair, but it's not normal to collect strands of hair of their mistresses (and not necessarily from the head) and get excited from combing and washing your hair.


This is the name of the attraction caused by body odors, for example, the smell of sweat. Some scientists believe that the smell of the sweat of a genetically suitable partner should be attractive. But lactophiles not only like it, but cause an irresistible sexual attraction.


This is excitement from the elements of religious paraphernalia - holy books, icons, reading prayers, even just being in temples. Perhaps it is this fetish that explains the popularity of the image of the "sexy nun".


People who are obsessed with pyrolagnia are excited by the contemplation of the flame. Some of these fetishists become arsonists, while others simply enjoy the spectacle of a burning fire or candle.


Pygmalionism, as you might guess, is named after the mythological sculptor who fell in love with his creation. Such fetishists are attracted to any image of the human body - sculpture, photography, portrait. If a pygmalionist cannot possess a work of art, he may decide to destroy it.


There is nothing wrong with healthy fatness, but there are fetishists who are aroused by breastfeeding a sexual partner. Feeders specially buy high-calorie food for their ladies and rejoice at every kilogram gained.

Apothemnophilia and acrotomophilia

We combined these two fetishes into one item, because in the first version, the person dreams of amputation, and in the second, he is attracted to amputees. Apothemnophiles might even try to get doctors to cut off their limbs.


Many of us in our childhood amused ourselves with petty telephone hooliganism like "Hello, is this a laundry?" Refuses, some adults get sexual pleasure, infuriating the interlocutor with phone calls.

A fetish is an irrational passion for certain objects or activities. Not necessarily a fetish has a negative context, however, such addictions can cause discomfort to other people. Most often, fetishes are associated with sex and are taboo. But is there really no place for an extra drop of madness in our crazy world? This post is a list of the weirdest fetishes imaginable.

Have you ever wanted to act like a piece of furniture? Fornifils want. Some, on the contrary, like to have someone depict furniture for them. This fetish is one of the traditional parts of the BDSM subculture. It became especially popular in the 1970s after an exhibition by artist Allen Jones dedicated to "furniture made from people."

Source: static1.therichestimages.com

Dendrophilia is an attraction to trees. This attraction is not always sexual - rabid defenders of nature can also sometimes be classified as dendrophiles. But true dendrophiles do love trees - like one Scot who was banned from a public park after he attempted to have sexual intercourse with a tree in the park in 2010.

Source: static2.therichestimages.com

Usually crying does not excite, but repels. But some people really turn on tears! As you might have guessed, dacryphilia is arousal in response to someone crying. Dacryphilia can also be associated with any strong emotion. It is important that dacryphilia is not sadism - the tears themselves cause excitement, and not the pain caused to make a person cry.

Source: static2.therichestimages.com

If you hate insects, don't read this paragraph! Formicophilia is a craving for the sensation that comes with being crawled by bugs. Yes, it's as creepy and disgusting as it sounds. Formicophilia is a form of bestiality.

As Edmund Shklyarsky, the lead singer of the Piknik group, wrote, “Be careful when choosing your fetish.” Domestic decadents probably know about the dark desires of the human soul from their own experience, so I want to believe that the ambiguous aesthetics of fetishism, which they portrayed in the song, is exactly that - erotic and romantic. In a world devoid of the destructive charm of debauchery, fetishism is still perceived as a deviation from the norm. We decided not to follow the conformists, but to explore the dark world of human perversions and tell you what fetishes are in the world and how they appeared.

What is sexual fetishism?

The interest of artists, musicians and writers in fetishism is a common thing, because in what someone calls deviation, a person of art will find symbolism. The way it is. Sexual fetishism is when you get turned on by symbols associated with inanimate objects, body parts, physical characteristics, or even social situations like age difference or social status. But let's start in order.


These four rather rude letters contain a whole subculture based on the psychophysiological dominance or subordination of one of the partners. At the same time, it is closely connected with things, which makes this sexual aesthetics close to the concept of fetishism. In its modern incarnation, BDSM has found a lot of devices, accessories, formed the basis of an independent fashion trend, and therefore deserves special attention in our selection of fetishes. We are well aware of the passion of our ancestors for public executions from fiction and historical literature. Physical punishment in public was part of the culture and was considered necessary for full atonement. The use of force also received a sexual orientation quite early. Sadomasochistic scenes were found in frescoes during the excavations of Pompeii. The most famous and ancient manual of sexual pleasures - Kama Sutra - calls the propensity to strike as part of love pleasure.

Psychological motives for voluntary submission may be hidden in getting rid of the fear of losing a partner. You do not try to live up to unattainable expectations and offer him the opportunity to realize his despotic inclinations. At the same time, he understands that such games are hardly possible with other partners, so you will always be "his only one." Despite the rather dubious moral background, such a contractual union can be very long-term and durable.

The diversity of BDSM culture allows you to unite thrill-seekers of all stripes: from harmless inhabitants who want to add color to their boring sex life, to outright perverts. In general, there is nothing disgusting in this, and the sense of risk in BDSM is illusory, because the main principles of this movement are safety, reasonableness, and voluntariness. Even if you don't feel like hardcore pleasures, some stylish BDSM fetishes - bandage of chains and belts, leather clothes, collars - are worth getting for your wardrobe.

2. Foot fetish

Quentin Tarantino is a notable foot fetishist, and you will understand this perfectly if you look at each of his films. Remember those great scenes from Death Proof or From Dusk Till Dawn or Grindhouse. Foot fetishism is safe and innocent, but requires a high level of hygiene. The attraction to the feet, mainly to the female, is due to the fact that they were previously closed and caused analogies with other parts of the body inaccessible to the eye. If it is customary to cover the genitals for reasons of morality, then in the case of the legs it is simply convenient. It was more difficult to see a woman's leg under the puffy long skirts of noble ladies or in peasant bast shoes than the chest - it's no wonder that the foot excites the imagination so much. With regard to tactile sensations, the legs, as a rule, are little stimulated, although the skin on them is very delicate and sensitive. Touching the feet can cause a firework of sensations: from tickling to sexual arousal. What you need: Foot fetish accessories

3. Pygmalionism

Pygmalionism or agalmatophilia is the sexual attraction to statues, dolls or mannequins - aesthetically pleasing and safe, at least for humans. The fetishist derives pleasure from touching inanimate human images or from contact with them. Interest in this fetish can be explained by the fact that popular culture popularizes the image of a person with an ideal appearance.

As for the statues, the ideals of beauty of the Renaissance sculptors, for example, certainly differed from modern ones, but you cannot deny them naturalism and frankness. The fact that a person can be inflamed with a passion for a statue is illustrated by the story of the sculptor Pygmalion, who fell in love with his creation and gave a name to a whole fetish. Most often, such inclinations are found in men, but the female version of pygmalionism is a love for sex toys.

According to sex shops, women are the most likely to buy vibrators and lubes, as one pairs well with the other. So if the soul lies in pygmalionism, then do not forget to choose the right lubricant for yourself. WET offers high quality lubricants made from natural ingredients with minimal chemicals. There are even edible lubricants in the assortment in case everything is fine with your personal life even without a vibrator.

4. Xylophilia

This fetish cannot be called inanimate, but it is not fully animated either. We are talking about xylophilia, or simply love for trees. No, not in an ecological sense, but precisely in the same way as in the story with the rest of the fetishes. Xylophils are stimulated by contact with wood. It can be a tree, or it can be a product from it. Some fetishists prefer certain breeds, but for some, the color of the bark is not fundamental. No matter how strange it may seem, the sexual attraction to the tree can also be explained. Sometimes trunks and branches take on a very bizarre shape, similar to human charms. In addition, the tree will never refuse and will not be offended by jokes about a log. What You'll Need: Xylophile's Dream

5. Role fetishes

So we conditionally called a whole group of fetishes, the essence of which lies in the role model. This can include: medical, military, teacher, secretarial fetishes. The cover is different, but the essence is the same: a person experiences a vivid sexual attraction only if he sees that his partner is playing, for example, a French gendarme during the Revolution, or a doctor (this is much easier). A large role is played by various kinds of attributes that go beyond clothing. For example, if we are talking about a medical fetish, then the game situation “examination by a doctor”, for example, a gynecologist, will work great here. By the way, this is perhaps the easiest way to play with the world of fetishism - you will not see anything particularly incomprehensible, but you will definitely enrich your sex life with new experiences. What you need: Catholic nun costume

In our time, when open sexual desire is no longer something reprehensible, it is difficult to imagine that we do not know something about sex and its manifestations. And about such a kind of sexual behavior as fetishism, it has been known since time immemorial. By definition, a fetish is an object, action, or body part whose real or imagined use is necessary to satisfy sexual desires.

Well, who hasn't heard about the irresistible attraction to women's legs or shoes, some underwear and just uniforms? We decided to collect such sexual fetishes, the existence of which you did not even suspect.


People with a passion for balloons experience sexual pleasure from touching them, and some experience an orgasm the moment the balloon explodes. By the way, perhaps this is due to the fact that a person produces adrenaline as soon as he hears the sound of a bursting balloon, and together with the agonizing expectation, this brings double pleasure.


Have you ever wanted to act like a piece of furniture? Fornifils want. Some, on the contrary, like to have someone depict furniture for them. This fetish is one of the traditions of the BDSM subculture. It became especially popular in the 1970s after an exhibition by artist Allen Jones dedicated to "furniture made from people."


Probably the cutest and funniest fetish ever. If only we forget that such people are sexually attracted to soft toys ...


A kind of bestiality, only formicophiles are excited by the fact that something vile, such as insects, crawls over them.


Hierophiles are aroused by any interaction with or even contemplation of religious objects.


Remember the myth about Pygmalion's love for the statue of Galatea he made? So these people are attracted to any still image of the human body, and they get sexual satisfaction from the possession of this object and touching it.

crash fetish

A type of sexual pleasure in which arousal occurs when a person of the opposite sex crushes any objects, food, or even small animals with their feet (and this already goes beyond the boundaries of a funny sexual addiction). This also applies to watching so-called crash videos.


Have you ever been excited by the thought of being robbed? Then you definitely don't have a fetish called kleptolagnia. People are excited by fear and adrenaline jumping at theft, and if they are also pressed against the wall and their hands are somehow fixed, then they will be even more pleasant.


Sexual attraction to the armpit, in which a person experiences pleasure from touching this part of the body, fantasizing about it and smelling it.


But this is, perhaps, a dangerous attraction - a person with symphorophilia experiences sexual satisfaction from watching the tragedy or from its direct staging. Moreover, this concept covers such examples as a traffic accident, fires, the destruction of a bridge, and even a tsunami.


Everyone loves cars, especially men, but some love them too much. Mechanophilia includes attraction not only to cars, but also to motorcycles, trucks, helicopters, and even airplanes. A certain Edward Smith once confessed to having sex with more than a hundred machines. We don't even want to know what that means...