Dream interpretation to have lunch in the dining room. “What is dinner for in a dream? If you see Dinner in a dream, what does it mean? Dreaming of a public dining room ▼

Find out from the online dream book what Dinner is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

What is dinner for in a dream?

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Dinner in a dream why the dreamer dreams

If in a dream you dine in the dining room - a dream portends trouble, if you serve dinner in a dream - it means that the matchmakers will arrive at the house.

Miller's dream book

Why dream of Lunch in a dream?

To dream that you are dining alone means that soon life will give you a serious reason for deep reflection on important life issues.

In a dream, a young girl dine with her lover - to a quarrel with him or a complete break. But if their joint meal takes place in an unusually pleasant environment, giving them pleasure, then the dream portends the successful development of their relationship.

To be one of those invited to dinner in a dream means that you will enjoy the hospitality of people who are well disposed towards you.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

What is the dream of Dinner?

Dine in a dream alone - a harbinger of the fact that life will soon give you a serious reason for deep reflection on things that are very important to you. If a young woman in a dream is having dinner with her lover, this portends a quarrel or even a complete break between them. If their joint meal takes place in an unusually pleasant environment, their relationship will develop in a very favorable way. To receive an invitation to dinner in a dream portends that you will soon enjoy the hospitality of people located towards you.

Small Velesov dream book

Why dream of dinner?

Lunch - Resentment; plentiful - loss; put - there will be matchmakers; to treat - to invite to a wedding feast; to distribute - joy; dine - good, harvest // slander, surprise, loss; having dinner at home is a loss; having dinner at a party is reconciliation, as the dream book predictor reports.

Culinary dream book

Features of a dream about Lunch

Dine in a dream at home - to a calm, measured existence; in the self-service dining room - to hard or vain work, moreover, low-prestige and low-paid work; in a restaurant - to success; in a friendly company - to the emergence of new friends.

Dream Handbook by David Loff

Why did you dream about Lunch

It always includes interesting components: it is sensuality, personal communication and simply a vital necessity. The essential attributes of a meal are usually the friendly atmosphere and the way the food is prepared. For the family, the dining table has always been a significant, central element of family leisure. It is at the dinner table that we gather with the whole family to chat. Even in families that do not have frequent communication, the dining table has always been an important gathering place for all family members.

In a dream, people who have long died or whom you know only from photographs may appear at the table. Look carefully who is at the table - maybe someone's presence or absence will seem unusual and strange to you. Pay attention to the dishes for lunch. In some families, certain dishes are associated with a particular member of the family or with the image of the family as a whole. It can be food that no one likes, or cooked by a person who is not liked, an exotic dish.

The point is that a certain DISH becomes a symbol of belonging to family traditions. Of course, in a dream, the appearance of some unimaginable dish or a demonstration of an unusual cooking method is quite possible. This indicates the absence or presence of certain people, or the inability to cook a dish that falls out of the traditional family menu.

The symbolic connotation that food has (for example, you dreamed of a liver - remember who in the family died of liver disease) or people associated with a certain dish immediately evoke certain associations in MEMORY. Does lunch take place in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere? Or maybe it's a celebration of some event? What kind of food is on the table - gourmet or casual? Do you use your lunch time just to talk about your daily business?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Lunch - Eat - an invitation to celebrate - together with others - wealth.

Numerological dream book

Eating a three-course meal in a dream means that in 3 days you will find yourself in a humorous situation. If in a dream you feel good and tasty, then in reality you will laugh at yourself along with everyone and will be able to benefit even from your mistake, but if you do not want to eat and do it through force, choke and choke, then in reality you will not be laughing . But your competitors and ill-wishers will not miss the chance to scoff at you.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Dream interpretation:

Lunch is - Invitation to honor; together with others - wealth.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

What is the dream of Dinner

To dine alone means poverty or avarice; dining in a large society marks extravagance and luxury.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dine - At home - a loss.

Esoteric dream book

Sleep Mystery:

Dine - At home - a health problem. Stomach problems may appear. Away a successful acquisition at no particular cost, "freebie".

Big encyclopedia of dreams by O.Adaskina

Why dream Lunch according to the dream book

Lunch - If you dine at home alone, then a dream predicts serious problems, losses, poverty, or the need to go on a diet. Handing out lunch (in the dining room, in the field kitchen, etc.) is a great honor. A luxurious table, a cheerful company with you at dinner in a restaurant, a dinner party is a sign of success, the emergence of new friends, hospitable acquaintances and interesting events in life.

To receive an invitation to dinner in a dream is a sign that you will soon enjoy the hospitality of wealthy people.

Only for women - If a young woman dreamed that she was having dinner with her lover, then in reality she would quarrel with him, and only if the atmosphere of this dinner and the mood were very good, their relationship would change for the better.

Astrological dream book

Lunch to see what it means?

Lunch - to take - sometimes such a dream portends poor health and a painful condition.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why Dinner in a dream?

Lunch - be satisfied with yourself and your life; communication with family. Dine alone - deep reflections on important life issues; being invited to dinner is hospitality.

Modern dream book for 365 days

What is the dream of Lunch on the days of the week?

To cook dinner. For a woman - a warning: you are ready to show excessive gullibility. For a man, it means having a good time drinking with friends.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

What is the dream of Dinner?

Lunch - A dream in which you dine dry, being away from home, means that you will soon receive an invitation to honor the noble hero of the day. Dine in a restaurant with friends - a sign of recognition and wealth, in the dining room - you will be literally demoralized by the tragedy that will play out before your eyes. Seeing yourself in a dream as the mistress of the castle and having dinner all alone at a huge table filled with all kinds of dishes - you will have to face a problem in a love relationship with your chosen one. If in a dream a young girl is invited to dinner by her lover, and she refuses, this will lead to a complete break in relations between them in real life; if she accepts the invitation, in reality everything will be fine with them and will be resolved by a happy marriage. Cooking dinner in a dream portends deep moral satisfaction from a successfully completed job. To arrange a dinner for guests portends a profitable investment of money, to dine at a party - sorrows will be replaced by fun. Dinner at an inopportune time means a waste of energy and money on a business that is initially doomed to be a failure.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about Lunch?

Lunch - Alone - to remoteness from people, with friends - to joy. Imagine that you are inviting all your friends to dinner. Imagine a feast with your friends in every detail.

Big modern dream book

Lunch - why does the dreamer dream?

It’s as if you were invited to a dinner party - some influential person will take patronage over you; you will not notice it right away and you will attribute many of your successes to a happy occasion. One of the lovers sees in a dream that he is having dinner with his loved one - a quarrel can lead to a complete break in relations. It’s as if you are having lunch alone - a dream suggests that you have something to think about; it probably won't hurt you to be alone for a while. You dine in a pleasant, cozy atmosphere - relations with a new business partner will develop successfully; you are used to not really trusting people with whom relationships are easy to develop, but in this case you should have no doubts.

Islamic dream book

Why dream about dinner

Lunch - whoever sees in a dream that he requires lunch or breakfast, he will experience fatigue.

If in a dream you find yourself in a dining room, pay especially close attention to what you eat in real life. The dream interpretation warns that diet, inactivity and overeating may well serve as the cause of many serious diseases over time. A number of versions of what catering is dreaming of are listed below.

Clean public dining room

If the dreamed catering point struck with its cleanliness, comfort and delicious variety of dishes, then you will very soon receive an invitation to some important and high-level event. A modern dream book advises not to get lost and make as many useful acquaintances as possible. They will definitely help you in the future.

To see a dirty dining room in a dream - to indigestion. Pay special attention to all food that ends up in your mouth. A frivolous attitude to this issue can serve as a bad joke and provoke the occurrence of all sorts of malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract.

If you are firmly convinced that all the food on your table is extremely healthy and correct, then expect some pleasant life events. They will happen very soon and will greatly please you.

Eating in a dream in a public dining room is a conflict situation that will occur either in the workplace or in relationships with the other half. The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation also prophesies a move to another place of residence caused by a quarrel.

Dirty canteen

If you dream that you eat spoiled and extremely tasteless food with a tablespoon, then the upcoming friendly or business meeting will end in bitter disappointment. Some negative moments will be impossible to erase from memory for a long time. A modern dream book advises not to dwell on the negative, but simply move on, opening your heart to new opportunities.

The most varied interpretations

If you dream that one of the rooms in your house has turned into a school canteen, in which there are tables covered with a tablecloth, on which there are spoons and plates, then you will be able to receive many invitations from people who cause sincere sympathy.

Eating an appetizing dessert with a small spoon in a cafe in a dream means getting a lot of sensual pleasures. A dream is a sign that communication with a loved one will bring a huge amount of pleasant sensations. Another meaning of this dream is a trip on an interesting journey.

Dream Interpretation Hasse suggests that the school cafeteria is a sign that on the path of life you will meet many people who will teach you a lot and help you become a morally more mature person. If you dream of a cafe, then new friends and acquaintances will appear.

A dream about a date in a catering means that strangers will actively interfere in your personal relationships. Try to protect your personal life from unceremonious interference in it by strangers. Sleep also has a positive meaning. It is believed that the dream of romance in the dining room is a sign of the transition of relations to a new level. A family dream book even promises a wedding.

What is the dream of dinner

Miller's dream book

To dream that you are having lunch alone means that soon life will give you a serious reason for deep reflection on important life problems. In a dream, a young woman dine with her lover - to a quarrel with him or a complete break.

But if their joint meal takes place in an unusually pleasant environment, giving them pleasure, then the dream portends the successful development of their relationship.

To be one of those invited to dinner in a dream means that you will enjoy the hospitality of people who are well disposed towards you.

What is the dream of dinner

Freud's dream book

Lunch - symbolizes sexual intercourse.

An invitation to dinner means a desire for sex.

Moreover, if a woman invites a man to dinner, she would like to have a child from him.

A festive, crowded dinner - speaks of your many love interests or the desire for group sex.

Lunch with your family means the smoothness and uniformity of your sex life, which suits you perfectly.

Lunch with classmates - speaks of your regret about missed opportunities.

Lunch alone - speaks of your preference for self-satisfaction.

Dinner with a person or persons of your gender - shows your craving for same-sex love.

What is the dream of dinner

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Honoring invitation; together with others - wealth.

What is the dream of dinner

Family dream book

If in a dream you dreamed that you were having dinner alone, you may have a serious reason to think about important life problems.

A young woman who saw in a dream a dinner alone with her lover can quarrel with him forever. True, if their joint meal takes place in an unusually pleasant environment, their relationship in reality will develop in the best way possible.

If in a dream you were invited to dinner - and in real life you will have to visit good, kind people.

What is the dream of dinner

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Being invited to dinner in a dream is a sign of participation in some kind of joint business, which may turn out to be pleasant or useful.

At the same time, if the situation at the dinner table leaves much to be desired, such a dream portends complications in a business that seemed successful.

Dine in a dream alone - portends difficulties and difficult experiences.

What is the dream of dinner

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Dinner is a possible beginning of a stomach ailment.

What is the dream of dinner

Dream interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you dine dry, being away from home, means that you will soon receive an invitation to honor the noble hero of the day. Dine in a restaurant with friends - a sign of recognition and wealth, in the dining room - you will be literally demoralized by the tragedy that will play out before your eyes.

Seeing yourself in a dream as the mistress of the castle and having dinner all alone at a huge table filled with all kinds of dishes - you will have to face a problem in a love relationship with your chosen one.

If in a dream a young girl is invited to dinner by her lover, and she refuses, this will lead to a complete break in relations between them in real life; if she accepts the invitation, in reality everything will be fine with them and will be resolved by a happy marriage.

Cooking dinner in a dream portends deep moral satisfaction from a successfully completed job. To arrange a dinner for guests - portends a profitable investment of money, to dine at a party - sorrows will be replaced by fun.

Lunch at an inopportune time means a waste of energy and money on a business that is initially doomed to be a failure.

What is the dream of dinner

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

There is dinner - an invitation to honor; together with others - wealth.

What is the dream of dinner

Esoteric dream book

Dine - At home, a health problem. Stomach problems may appear. Away a successful acquisition at no particular cost, "freebie".

What is the dream of dinner

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Dine in a dream alone - a harbinger of the fact that life will soon give you a serious reason for deep reflection on things that are very important to you.

If a young woman in a dream is having dinner with her lover, this portends a quarrel or even a complete break between them.

If their joint meal takes place in an unusually pleasant environment, their relationship will develop in a very favorable way.

To receive an invitation to dinner in a dream portends that soon you will enjoy the hospitality of people located towards you.

What is the dream of dinner

Dream Interpretation of Azar

cook dinner - chores

What is the dream of dinner

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Dine - At home - a loss.

What is the dream of dinner

Modern dream book

A dream in which you dine alone predicts that you will have reasons to seriously think about the vicissitudes of fate.

If a young woman dreams that she is having dinner with her lover, a quarrel or a break awaits the lovers.

In the same case, if dinner gives them pleasure, their relationship will be harmonious and cloudless.

To dream that you are among the guests invited to dinner means that in reality you will enjoy the hospitality of courteous and polite people.

What is the dream of dinner

Eastern dream book

For a young woman, a dream in which she is having dinner with her lover means: they are threatened by a quarrel and even parting. However, if they were satisfied with the dinner, their relationship will be cloudless.

What is the dream of dinner

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

eat abundant - loss and indigestion.

What is the dream of dinner

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Lunch - You are as if invited to a dinner party - some influential person will take patronage over you; you will not notice it right away and you will attribute many of your successes to a happy occasion. One of the lovers sees in a dream that he is having dinner with his loved one - a quarrel can lead to a complete break in relations. It’s as if you are having lunch alone - a dream suggests that you have something to think about; it probably won't hurt you to be alone for a while. You dine in a pleasant, cozy atmosphere - relations with a new business partner will develop successfully; you are used to not really trusting people with whom relationships are easy to develop, but in this case you should have no doubts.

What is the dream of dinner

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

What does Lunch mean in a dream - Alone - to remoteness from people, with friends - to joy. Imagine that you are inviting all your friends to dinner. Imagine a feast with your friends in every detail.

What is the dream of dinner

Dream interpretation of Artemidor

You dreamed of Lunch - Cooking dinner. For a woman - a warning: you are ready to show excessive gullibility. For a man, it means having a good time drinking with friends.

What is the dream of dinner

Women's dream book

Dinner - Dine in a dream alone - a harbinger of the fact that soon life will give you a serious reason for deep reflection on things that are very important to you. If a young woman in a dream is having dinner with her lover, this portends a quarrel or even a complete break between them. If their joint meal takes place in an unusually pleasant environment, their relationship will develop in a very favorable way. To receive an invitation to dinner in a dream portends that you will soon enjoy the hospitality of people located towards you.

What is the dream of dinner

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Lunch - be satisfied with yourself and your life; communication with family. Dine alone - deep reflections on important life issues; being invited to dinner is hospitality.

What is the dream of dinner

Psychotherapeutic dream book

A fun lunch is a disease.

What is the dream of dinner

Dream Interpretation of the Future

If you dream that you are having dinner alone, this means that soon life will give you a serious reason for deep reflection on important life problems; a young woman in a dream to dine with her lover - to a quarrel with him or a complete break; but if, besides the two of you, there are still people at the table and the atmosphere is extremely pleasant, such a dream portends the successful development of relations.

What is the dream of dinner

Dream interpretation horoscope

Treat someone to dinner - do not fall into pessimism, soon your business will go uphill.

What is the dream of dinner

Old English dream book

If in a dream you eat your dinner with pleasure, it means that soon you will need and deprivation. There may even come a time when you have to dream of a piece of bread. This dream does not promise anything good in family life either. Your wife and children will become a constant source of your suffering.

What is the dream of dinner

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If a girl dreams that she shares a meal with her lover, this portends a break with him.

However, if the dinner takes place in a pleasant environment and both are enjoyable, this means that the relationship will develop successfully.

What is the dream of dinner

Women's dream book

If you dreamed that at dinner you were at the table next to your beloved, you should prepare for an early parting. However, if you really liked the dinner and you experience a real feeling of pleasure, then your relationship is not threatened by any troubles and misfortunes.

What is the dream of dinner

Russian dream book

Dine - to illness, surprises; at a beautifully laid table - a pleasant meeting;

What is the dream of dinner

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Dinner with your loved one - your relationship can come to a pleasant end.

Dine alone - serious problems.

Dinner party - long-awaited guests.

Interrupted lunch - malaise.

What is the dream of dinner

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

If in a dream you dine in the dining room - a dream portends trouble, if you serve dinner in a dream - it means that the matchmakers will arrive at the house.

What is the dream of dinner

Slavic dream book

Dine in a dream alone - to poverty; with friends - to wealth

What is the dream of dinner

Loff's dream book

Lunch - always includes interesting components: it is sensuality, personal communication and simply a vital necessity. The essential attributes of a meal are usually the friendly atmosphere and the way the food is prepared. For the family, the dining table has always been a significant, central element of family leisure. It is at the dinner table that we gather with the whole family to chat. Even in families that do not have frequent communication, the dining table has always been an important gathering place for all family members. In a dream, people who have long died or whom you know only from photographs may appear at the table. Look carefully who is present at the table, maybe someone's presence or absence will seem unusual and strange to you. Pay attention to food. In some families, certain dishes are associated with a particular member of the family or with the image of the family as a whole. It can be food that no one likes, or cooked by a person who is not liked, an exotic dish. The point is that a certain dish becomes a symbol of belonging to family traditions. Of course, in a dream, the appearance of some unimaginable dish or a demonstration of an unusual cooking method is quite possible. This indicates the absence or presence of certain people, or the inability to cook a dish that falls out of the traditional family menu. The symbolic overtones that food has (for example, you dream of a liver - remember who in the family died of liver disease) or people associated with a certain dish immediately evoke certain associations in your memory. Does lunch take place in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere? Or maybe it's a celebration of some event? What kind of food is on the table, gourmet or casual? Do you use your lunch time just to talk about your daily business?

Numerological Dream Interpretation

Consume a three-course meal in a dream- means that in 3 days you will find yourself in a humorous situation.

If in a dream you are tasty and good- in reality, you will laugh at yourself along with everyone and will be able to benefit even from your mistake, but if you do not want to eat and do it through force, choke and choke, then in reality you will not be laughing. But your competitors and ill-wishers will not miss the chance to scoff at you.

Miller's dream book

To dream that you are dining alone- means that soon life will give you a serious reason for deep reflection on important life problems. A young woman dreams of having dinner with her lover- to a quarrel with him or a complete break.

However, if the dinner is held in a pleasant environment and both enjoy- this means that the relationship will develop successfully.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

To be invited to dinner in a dream- this is a sign of participation in some kind of joint business, which may be pleasant or useful.

English dream book

If in a dream you enjoy your dinner- it means that soon you will find need and deprivation. There may even come a time when you have to dream of a piece of bread. This dream does not promise anything good in family life either. Your wife and children will become a constant source of your suffering.

Culinary dream book

Dine in a dream at home- to a calm, measured existence; in the self-service canteen- to hard or vain work, besides, low-prestige and low-paid; in a restaurant- to success; in friendly company- to make new friends.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

If in a dream you dine alone or with a loved one- this means that you will forgive someone or receive someone's forgiveness.

If you are dining with a large group of people- this is for petty quarrels.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Dinner- resentment; abundant- the loss; put- matchmakers will be; treat- invite to a wedding feast; distribute- joy; lunch- good, harvest / slander, surprise, loss; dine at home- the loss; dine away- reconciliation.

Ukrainian dream book

Dinner- resentment.

Dreaming about having lunch- someone will offend.

How to dream that you have lunch- there will be some surprise.

Dinner hand out- joy.

Dine in the dining room- some kind of trouble.

Collection of dream books

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

What seemed to us recently something amazing and incredible, over time becomes commonplace. Because of this, interpretations in dream books are constantly updated, new meanings are added that did not exist before. The dining room in the dream books also appeared relatively recently. Indeed, in ancient dream books you will not find its interpretation.

Dream Secrets

First you need to figure out which dining room you dreamed about. If in a dream you saw a school canteen, dream books interpret this as a meeting with old acquaintances. Perhaps you will meet your classmates or childhood friends.

If in a dream you saw a student canteen, then this promises you to gain new knowledge. Probably, you will go to work training, which in the long run will have a good effect on your career.

If in a dream you saw a factory canteen, dream books regard this as a sign of the coming working days. Ahead of you are waiting for jobs at work that will take a lot of time and effort. However, this will not last long, then you can have plenty of rest, perhaps even on vacation.

To dream of a dining room that does not belong to any organization means your spiritual doubts and torment. Recently, you have become too frank with others, which brings you inner discomfort. You should learn to filter stories, too personal things cannot be trusted to anyone.

For a correct interpretation, you need to remember the appearance of the building. If you saw in a dream a clean and tidy dining room, this means that in reality you are a hospitable person. The usual dining room according to dream books talks about how you feel about yourself and the people around you. You consider yourself an ordinary, ordinary person, like everyone else. But, in fact, such an attitude towards yourself speaks of your low self-esteem. You need to learn to love yourself, if you do not, then others will not be able to appreciate you.

If in your dreams you saw a dirty dining room with running cockroaches, this is a bad sign. Most likely, you have been disappointed in yourself for a long time, you hate yourself passionately and it becomes very difficult to hide it. You need to understand yourself, forgive for all misconduct, then you will free yourself from the past and be able to build a new interesting life.

It is also important to remember if there was food in the dining room. If you dreamed of an empty dining room without food and drinks, this is a signal that you have a breakdown. You rather need to go on vacation to relax properly. But if there was plenty of food in the dining room, dream books interpret this as a sign of abundance and luxury. There comes a period of embodiment of any, even the most incredible, desires.

If in a dream you saw a dining room filled with the most exquisite and expensive food, then this is a signal that you have too high demands and expectations from life. You will still have a period of prosperity, but for now you need to learn to appreciate what you already have.

Modern dream book

If you dreamed of a large, beautifully furnished dining room, you will soon be visiting a fun holiday. And if she was dirty, untidy - you will have to attend some sad event. According to the dream book, eating in a public dining room means that in real life you will eat outside your home, possibly due to a quarrel with your family. If you have created a dining room in your house, this indicates that in the near future you will often meet guests .

Dream interpretation of A. Vasiliev

According to this dream book, the dining room means that in the near future you will be passionate about love adventures. In addition, you will go to warmer climes and get an unforgettable experience. In this dream book, the dining room is interpreted on the positive side.

Dream Interpretation Sonarium

If in a dream you saw that the dining room looks like an expensive restaurant, this promises you great success in all your endeavors. If the dining room was dirty and uncomfortable, with spoiled food on the tables, this could be a harbinger of minor digestive problems. It is recommended, after such a dream, to resort to a healthy diet.

If you eat in the dining room, the dream book says that you are not too neat, you may need to clean up the house. In addition, such a dream reflects the potential and nature of both business and friendly contact of the dreamer with other people, the implementation of some general plans.

If you dreamed of a dirty, gloomy dining room, this is not a very good sign. Soon you will have to endure disappointment in your friends, they will let you down and this can interfere with your plans for the future.

If you eat in a comfortable environment, contact people you like, you like food and the prices for it seem adequate to you - such a dream promises you successful business meetings. Business partners will not let you down, and the profit from transactions will exceed your wildest expectations.

Lunar dream book

Why is the dining room dreaming according to such an interpreter of dreams? Here, the dining room portends love adventures in a warm overseas resort. Cutlery is a good sign that portends success in all matters, it also means that you will improve family relationships, peace and financial prosperity will come. However, this interpretation of sleep is correct only if you dreamed of clean or new cutlery.

If in a dream you stole any item from the table set, then in life you are an extremely petty and irritable person, and your gluttony has long been tired of all your loved ones.


For a complete picture of the interpretation, pay attention to your feelings and emotions in a dream.

    If in a dream you feel satiety and satisfaction, then in life you are a kind person who knows how to enjoy little things.

    Disgust and disgust indicate that it is difficult for you to accept the limitations and difficulties of life. You do not need to be upset, because life is cyclical and after the black stripe the white one will come to replace it.

    The feeling of hopelessness in a dream speaks of your inner feelings, you have a clear sense of a dead end in life. You should bring something new into your life, some changes, and then the world around you will also change.