Apple tree Grushovka Moscow: variety description, cultivation features. Apple tree Grushovka Moscow: description of the variety, features of cultivation Apple tree Grushovka Moscow: description of the variety

For a long time, Grushovka Moskovskaya was loved and valued as an apple tree ripening just in time for the Apple Spas. In addition, the apples were very good: juicy, sweet, fragrant. This variety of apples is considered the most popular in the central regions and especially in the Moscow region. Even in the North it is grown, because it is surprisingly resilient. That's about it and will be discussed further with a detailed description of the features of the variety, as well as information about planting, care and feedback from gardeners (photos are attached).

Apple Grushovka Moscow: variety description

This variety arose in the process of natural evolution. The tree grows large, tall (up to 8 m) with a rather lush pyramidal (in young) or rounded (in mature trees) crown. The shoots of this apple tree are smooth-skinned, dark cherry in color. The leaves are quite large, green with a yellowish tint. The apple tree blooms with pale pink buds (by May), which, blooming, turn into white lush flowers. Fruits ripen small, round. The color of apples is the most diverse: from pale yellow with pinkish strokes on the surface, to yellow-red with ruddy barrels. The skin of the fruit is thin, smooth, as if polished with wax. The pulp is yellowish, friable, sweet, very juicy. If the fruit is overripe, the pulp becomes mealy.

Advice. Since the fruits of the Moscow Grushovka apple tree contain a considerable amount of ascorbic acid, it is necessary to use them with caution, as tooth enamel can be damaged. After tasting fresh apples, do not forget to rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth.

Grushovka Moskovskaya is an early ripe summer variety that gives the first harvest in the second half of August, but due to the uneven ripening of the fruits, the fruiting process is delayed until the end of the month. This variety is distinguished by incredible durability - up to 50 years and a yield of almost 200 kg per tree.

Unfortunately, it is not used in commerce due to poor keeping quality (no more than 1 month) and small fruit size. But the reviews of amateur gardeners about the variety are the most flattering: they simply adore it for its unpretentious care, rich harvest and excellent-tasting fruits that can be enjoyed not only fresh, but also make excellent jam, juice, even light wine.

Fruits of Grushovka moscow

Grushovka Moskovskaya is a self-fertile variety that needs to be pollinated by another variety (the main one, hybrids are not suitable for it). The optimal pollinators are: Antonovka, Cinnamon, Papirovka.

Features of cultivation and care

The first step is to choose a good place for planting a young seedling: the site should be well lit, with slightly acidic soil. It is desirable to give preference to sandy loam, loam, chernozem (leached), soddy soil. The place should be located on a small hill, or drainage of water must be carried out, since the apple tree does not like its excess.

It is better to start planting a seedling by the end of spring (end of April - May), or by mid-autumn. The pit dug for landing should be wide enough - about 1 m and go 0.7 m deep (at least). A few days before planting, about 3 buckets of humus / manure are poured into the pit so that it has time to overheat during this time (fertilizers should fill the pit by a third).

It is imperative to drive a wooden peg into the pit, which will serve as a support for the still unformed young tree. We carefully lower the tree into the pit, sprinkle the roots with earth, slowly tamping it so that the root collar rises 5 cm above the soil level. Do not forget to fix the tree trunk at the peg driven into the ground. The hole must be filled with water - about 3-4 buckets. When the water is absorbed, you need to mulch the soil with humus.

Advice. If the seedling has bare roots, then you need to cut off all its leaves, leaving no more than two on each of the branches. Do not cut roots.

Caring for an apple tree is very simple, just follow these steps:

Pay attention to tree nutrition

  1. In the spring, the tree is generously fed with organic matter and mineral fertilizers. Fertilizers with a nitrogen content are best applied already with the onset of summer, when the first fruits are tied.
  2. After the first flowering, most of the flowers should be cut off from the tree - this will improve its development. And, in addition, you need to remove at least half of the still unripe fruits. Thus, the rest of the apples will be sweeter and larger.
  3. Watering the tree should not be too plentiful: it is enough to saturate the soil with water once a week. If the summer is not very hot and dry, then it is advisable to stop watering by the end of August. This is done so that the tree can calmly begin preparing for winter, and not continue to grow.
  4. By winter, horse manure is brought under the tree - this will increase the resistance of the apple tree to low temperatures.
  5. Pruning should be carried out traditionally twice a year (autumn-spring period). It is important to follow a few rules. First, the cuts are made flush with the trunk (stubs are not left). Secondly, in winter, the place of the cut should be painted over, and with the onset of heat, protect it with garden pitch.

So our article has come to an end. Now you know what the famous fragrant pear is. We are sure it is worth it to plant it in your orchard. Good luck!

Grushovka Moscow: video

Apple Grushovka Moscow: photo

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Can't afford to buy a finished apartment in the primary market? It does not matter, the method of shared construction comes to the rescue. The essence is simple: you transfer money to the developer company. She uses it to build a house.

This method has a number of advantages:

  • You decide when to pay. It is not necessary to pay the entire amount at once - you can break the payment into several parts and repay the debt in the way that is convenient for you.
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  • No intermediaries! With shared construction, you work directly with the developer. The parties sign documents that list obligations.

A large number of apartments from the developer are provided in Minsk. The most interesting options are located in the Mayak Minska complex, in the residential complex Lipen, Lira, Stolichny, Vyaselka. There are interesting options on Dzerzhinsky, Independence and Masherov avenues, in the Frunzensky and Central regions. The objects in ecologically clean places are in the greatest demand: next to the Drozdy reservoir, Swan Lake. Options with one and two rooms are in demand, but if you search, you can find any number you need.

How to buy an apartment in a new building in Minsk at a good price

The cost of apartments in new buildings from the developer depends on a number of parameters:

  • the location of the object;
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  • proximity to public transport stops and metro stations;
  • the level of infrastructure development (if there are large shops, schools and kindergartens nearby, they usually demand more for real estate).

The exact price tag varies greatly from place to place. For example, in the LCD "Lipen" you can find housing worth 900 USD. per sq. m. This is one of the lowest price tags in the entire capital. In objects that are located near lakes and reservoirs, the cost is usually much higher - 1,300, 1,500, 1,800 USD. per meter or more. But in the popular "Mayak Minska" with its developed infrastructure, there are options for 1,000 USD.

Apartments from the developer to the site

On this page of the portal, the site contains advertisements for the sale of new apartments in the capital of the Republic of Belarus. Here you can easily and quickly find accommodation that will fully meet the requirements - at the right price, in the location of interest.




column two-span shallow

Number of platforms: Platform type:


Platform shape: Architects:

Vladimir Telepnev

The station was built

UE "Minskmetrostroy"

Out to the streets:

Dzerzhinsky Avenue, Shchorsa Street, Rosa Luxembourg Street

Ground transport: Station code: "Grushevka" at Wikimedia Commons Grushevka (metro station) Grushevka (metro station)


The interior of the Grushevka metro station is made in a golden-green palette, its symbol is a huge installation of a pear, the author of which is the Belarusian sculptor Maxim Petrul.

see also

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Moscow line

negotiable dead ends
Borisovsky tract
negotiable dead ends
Academy of Sciences
Square of victory
CER to line 2
Lenin Square
PM-1 "Moscow"

An excerpt characterizing Grushevka (metro station)

– How long have you been here? asked Pierre, chewing the last potato.
– I that? That Sunday I was taken from the hospital in Moscow.
Who are you, soldier?
- Soldiers of the Apsheron regiment. He died of a fever. They didn't tell us anything. There were twenty of our people. And they didn’t think, they didn’t guess.
- Well, are you bored here? Pierre asked.
- How boring, falcon. Call me Plato; Karataev’s nickname, ”he added, apparently in order to make it easier for Pierre to address him. - Nicknamed Falcon in the service. How not to be bored, falcon! Moscow, she is the mother of cities. How not to get bored looking at it. Yes, the worm is worse than cabbage, but before that you yourself disappear: that’s what the old people used to say, ”he added quickly.
- How, how did you say it? Pierre asked.
– I that? asked Karataev. “I say: not by our mind, but by God’s judgment,” he said, thinking that he was repeating what he had said. And immediately he continued: - How do you, master, have patrimonies? And do you have a house? So, a full bowl! And is there a hostess? Are the old parents still alive? he asked, and although Pierre did not see in the dark, he felt that the soldier's lips were wrinkled with a restrained smile of affection while he was asking this. He, apparently, was upset that Pierre did not have parents, especially a mother.
- A wife for advice, a mother-in-law for greetings, but there is no sweeter mother! - he said. - Well, do you have kids? he continued to ask. Pierre's negative answer again, apparently, upset him, and he hastened to add: - Well, young people, God willing, they will. If only to live in the council ...
“But now it doesn’t matter,” Pierre involuntarily said.
“Oh, you are a dear person,” Plato objected. - Never refuse the bag and the prison. He settled himself better, cleared his throat, apparently preparing himself for a long story. “So, my dear friend, I was still living at home,” he began. “Our patrimony is rich, there is a lot of land, the peasants live well, and our house, thank God. The father himself went out to mow. We lived well. Christians were real. It happened ... - And Platon Karataev told a long story about how he went to a strange grove beyond the forest and got caught by the watchman, how he was flogged, tried and handed over to the soldiers. “Well, falcon,” he said in a voice that changed from a smile, “they thought grief, but joy!” Brother would go, if not my sin. And the younger brother himself has five guys, - and I, look, have one soldier left. There was a girl, and even before the soldiery, God tidied up. I came to visit, I'll tell you. I look - they live better than before. The yard is full of stomachs, women are at home, two brothers are working. One Mikhailo, the smaller one, is at home. The father says: “To me, he says, all the children are equal: no matter what finger you bite, everything hurts. And if Plato had not been shaved then, Mikhail would have gone. He called us all - you believe - he put us in front of the image. Mikhailo, he says, come here, bow at his feet, and you, woman, bow, and bow to your grandchildren. Got it? speaks. So, my dear friend. Rock heads looking. And we judge everything: it’s not good, it’s not okay. Our happiness, my friend, is like water in a nonsense: you pull - it puffed up, and you pull it out - there is nothing. So that. And Plato sat down on his straw.
After a few moments of silence, Plato stood up.
- Well, I'm tea, do you want to sleep? - he said and quickly began to cross himself, saying:
- Lord, Jesus Christ, Saint Nicholas, Frola and Lavra, Lord Jesus Christ, Saint Nicholas! Frola and Lavra, Lord Jesus Christ - have mercy and save us! - he concluded, bowed to the ground, got up and, sighing, sat down on his straw. - That's it. Put, God, a pebble, raise a ball, - he said and lay down, pulling on his overcoat.
What prayer did you read? Pierre asked.

Apple variety Grushevka Moskovskaya

Description of the variety Grushevka Moscow

Description of the fetus

Fruit weight, g


fruit color

Greenish-yellow with streaks and stripes of red-orange

fruit pulp

Fruit pulp is white with a yellowish tinge, sometimes pink under the skin, loose, juicy, tender, aromatic, sweet and sour taste, often with a predominance of acid

fruit taste

good, sweet

fruit ripening

Early, July 20

Fetal storage, days


Tree Description

Yield kg/tree


The dignity of the variety

High winter hardiness and productivity, early fruit ripening

The entry of the variety into fruiting, year

3 - 4

A detailed description of the Grushevka Moskovskaya apple tree: small size, juicy, yellowish-green fruits with a red blush, weighing 80 g, very early ripening, with a good sweet and sour taste, resistant to...

Agrotechnics of the apple tree.

Features of planting and growing.

1. General information about the apple tree. Useful properties of the apple tree.

Apples contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system, and are also used to prevent constipation and increase appetite. The composition of apples contains from 5 to 50 mg% of chlorogenic acid, which contributes to the excretion of oxalic acid from the body and, in addition, to the normal functioning of the liver. Apples lower blood cholesterol levels due to their pectin and related fiber content. One apple with peel contains 3.5 g. fibers, i.e. more than 10% of the daily fiber requirement for the body. An apple without a peel contains 2.7 g. fibers. The peel of an apple contains a high amount of the antioxidant quercetin, which, together with vitamin C, prevents free radicals from having a harmful effect on the body. Thanks to pectin, the apple also acquires some of its protective power. Pectin is able to bind harmful substances entering the body, such as lead and arsenic, and remove them from the body. The insoluble fiber in apples prevents constipation and removes harmful substances from the body, thereby reducing the chance of colon cancer. Apples are used for vitamin deficiency, lowering the level of vitamin C, anemia. Apples prevent the formation of uric acid, are used for gout, chronic rheumatism. Apples have a tonic effect and increase the body's resistance to radiation. Apples are considered a good dietary remedy for metabolic disorders, obesity and gout, fresh - for the prevention of atherosclerosis. It is better to use fresh apples, as they contain substances that can oxidize vitamin C, and heat treatment leads to the destruction of these substances and a decrease in vitamin C in the body. Apple phytoncides are active against pathogens of dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus, influenza A viruses. The antimicrobial activity of phytoncides increases from the periphery of the fruit to the center. The use of apples in the period after the transfer of a heart attack is recommended.

2. Choosing a place for an apple tree.

The apple tree requires a well-lit place. Otherwise, a decrease in the sugar content of fruits and a general decrease in yield is possible.

The apple tree does not tolerate stagnant water. If there is a possibility of tree flooding on the site, if possible, drainage should be done or planted on a hill. Otherwise, the tree will have a weak development or even its death is possible. The groundwater level should be at least 2-2.5 m.

apple tree p Prefers moisture-intensive and sufficiently breathable soils. Loamy, sandy loamy, floodplain soils as well as leached chernozems are suitable for its development. With proper care, that is, active and annual fertilization, an apple tree can also be cultivated on sandy soils. The acidity of the soil should be weak - pH 5.6-6.0.

3. Planting an apple tree and care.

An apple tree seedling cannot be buried when planting in the ground. The root neck (the place where the root enters the trunk) should be 5-7 cm above ground level.

If you bought a seedling with a bare root, then you need to immediately cut off 90% of the leaves on it, leaving a few leaves on each branch. When buying a seedling in the spring, you can immediately prune the branches. You can't cut the roots. The more of them a young tree has, the faster it will take root. Roots can only be straightened.

Almost all varieties of apple trees growing in the Moscow region are considered self-infertile, that is, they need pollen from another plant to set fruits. Accordingly, you should keep this in mind and if you or the neighboring site does not have another tree (another variety of apple trees), it should be purchased immediately. Even in self-fertile varieties, yields are significantly increased when a pollinator is introduced.

The feeding area of ​​one apple tree depends on the rootstock: for vigorous rootstocks - 20-25 sq.m., for medium-sized rootstocks 12-15 sq.m., for dwarfs and columnar rootstocks - 9 sq.m.

The apple tree should be fed in the spring. When planting, organic fertilizer (horse humus or humus) should be applied at the rate of 5-15 kg / m2, urea (500-600 g) or ammonium nitrate with nitroammophonic (30-40 g each) can be taken from mineral nutrition. In autumn, it is also possible to fertilize with various complex fertilizers, WITHOUT nitrogen content. Rich soils often do not need to be fertilized, and poor, sandy soils need to be fertilized annually.

In the first year after planting, it is recommended to cut off 80-100% of the flowers. This is necessary for the best survival of the tree. In the future, it is necessary to cut off half of the crop at the greenfinch stage - only the pawned fruit, several centimeters in diameter in size. This operation is called crop rationing. Thanks to her, the fruits remaining on the tree when ripe will be larger, sweeter, and the tree will better prepare for winter. In addition, in this way it is possible to at least partially overcome the periodicity - the fruiting of the tree in a year.

Watering the apple tree should be carried out 4-5 times a month at the rate of one bucket of water per adult tree twice a day (you can do it in the morning and in the evening). Good watering is very important in the period July-August, when fruiting is in progress, and at the same time flower buds are laid on the bushes, forming the next year's crop. With a lack of moisture in this period, crop losses are possible both in the current and next year. Watering should be completed in August; otherwise, prolonged growth of shoots may result, which may adversely affect the winter hardiness of the tree. However, in a dry year, it is necessary to continue watering in order for the tree to be saturated with moisture. Watering regime should be adjusted depending on the weather. On soils with a high level of groundwater, it is necessary to carefully approach the issue of watering, since the apple tree does not tolerate flooding.

The apple tree is a hardy crop. However, in order to protect the young tree from early frosts and snowless winters, it is recommended to mulch with horse humus in the region of the trunk circle, as well as wrap the bole with covering material or nylon tights (the material must pass water and air; film or roofing material is better not to use). This method can be used in the future as a replacement for whitewashing.

To combat pests such as mice or hares, use the aforementioned tights, and preferably a special net from rodents.

The trunk circle is obligatory when growing an apple tree. No plants should be planted in it, it must be kept clean from weeds; constantly loosen. If desired, you can separate the zone of the near-stem circle from the lawn with a curb tape (it is impossible to use iron sheets or concrete products for these purposes, as in the photo). To improve the winter hardiness of a tree in autumn, it is possible to mulch with horse humus (a layer 5 cm thick).

4. Pruning an apple tree (briefly).

With proper pruning, you can not only regulate the yield of a tree and sugar content, the size of the fruit, but also save it from diseases.

When planting, the branches of a young apple seedling are cut off by one third. This will help him start the crown bookmark faster.

Apple pruning should be done annually in early spring before bud break (usually April). We do not recommend pruning in late autumn.

When a branch is completely pruned, the cut is made at the very base (cut into a ring) - no stumps should be left.

Branches with fruits that descend to the very ground and even lie on it should be removed.

It is necessary to thin out the tree annually to increase the yield and prevent the appearance of diseases and pests.

Of the young shoots, only strong and erect ones should be left. Weak and crooked shoots should be removed. Do not confuse a strong escape with a spinning top. Such shoots are most often cut off completely, although a good branch can also be formed from them.

You can’t take and cut off a lot of shoots at once, since this will be a very big shock for a tree. No more than 1/4 of the total mass of the branches.

Description of the variety Grushevka Moscow in the picture