How to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse. How to tie up tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse: the best options. How to properly tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse

If semi-determinate or indeterminate varieties of tomatoes grow in the greenhouse, it is simply necessary to tie them up. These beauties are able to grow without stopping for a very long time, or at least up to 2-3 meters in height. And in order for them to remain handsome with quality fruits for as long as possible, they need support. There are several methods for tying a tomato in a greenhouse or open field, some vegetable growers use someone else's experience, others gain their own, and then willingly share it in videos.

What to tie?

There is no need to tie up low-growing determinant varieties of tomatoes, they grow no more than 50-60 cm, their stems are strong, and although they cannot stand evenly all season, they bend under the weight of the fruit, nevertheless, they do without support. Such varieties are grown in large quantities in cottages, vegetable gardens, and farmlands, this reduces time and labor costs, eliminates the need to take care of pegs and other devices, and thus reduces the cost of production.

In greenhouses with small usable areas, you have to use all measurements - the length, width and height of the room. Here it is advisable to grow tall varieties in order to increase the yield, and, consequently, the return of the structure. By growing such tomatoes, one can hope for a high yield from a small area. In addition, the use of a support allows you to plant more seedlings per square meter, and get even more fruits.

Tying methods

Vegetable growers use various methods and devices for tying up tomato bushes. These can be the most ordinary wooden pegs, metal rods, used plastic pipes, plastic or metal mesh, as well as horizontal supports to which tomatoes are tied with ropes or ribbons. Let's consider these methods in more detail.

Method 1

Pegs, nets, tubes or rods are buried in the ground so that they are stable and can support tomato bushes. Their height depends on the height of the bushes, they should be 20-30 cm higher than the stems. As a rule, these devices are used for tying bushes with a height of no more than 1-1.5 meters. High pegs in the greenhouse are undesirable, in strong winds they can damage the roof of the greenhouse, made of thin film or polycarbonate, which also does not differ in particular strength. A support of any kind is installed in the ground before planting seedlings, so as not to damage the roots later.

The stems are tied to pegs or metal rods with ribbons cut from cotton fabric, 4-5 cm wide. Too thin and strong ropes will damage thin stems, and the tape will be able to hold them securely, but gently. The knot is made loose, because the stem will grow and thicken, neither the rope nor the tape should prevent the growth and flow of moisture to the upper parts of the bush.

Shops for gardeners offer special devices that facilitate the work of farmers, including reusable plastic clips, as well as a special device for tying tomatoes, grapes and other plants that need support. Sold complete with tape, watch the video:

Method 2

Tied to a horizontal support. To do this, a strong rope is pulled under the ceiling of the greenhouse above the tomatoes, or a long reinforcement is fixed. Wooden slats or perches are also suitable - they will become the main support. And then tomatoes are tied to them with a rope. The rope is tied to the stem at a height of 10-15 cm, leaving room for growth. Then the stem is entangled a little so that the rope wraps around it in several places, and only then, without a strong stretch, is it tied to a horizontal support - another rope or reinforcement.

The tying rope should not be pulled, it can tear out a bush even in calm weather, and if a strong wind rises and the greenhouse starts to stagger, it happens, the bushes can even be torn out. Over time, under the weight of stems and fruits, it will stretch itself, this must be taken into account.

So that during the wind the bushes do not break out along with the roots and do not break, the rope can be tied not to the stems, but to small pegs stuck in the ground next to the bushes. Such a support will be more reliable, although small pegs will be additionally needed.

The method allows you to fix the bushes as they grow, up to the height of the horizontal support. Vigorous, elongated stems can also be placed on a horizontal support.

Method 3

Under the ceiling, a light and inexpensive plastic mesh for plants is attached. Its lower edge should hang over the ground at a height of about a meter. The upper edge ends under the ceiling, or it is laid horizontally, at the top, so that later long stems can be placed on them.

Grown up tomatoes are tied to the grid with any material - ribbons, rope, special devices. For a small bush, the rope should be longer, after the stems reach the net, it will only be needed to attach to it.

On the grid, you can place not one stem, but several at once, which is so important for varieties with sprawling bushes. At the same time, they take into account how much space one such bush will take, the distance between them is left greater than during a normal landing.

Method 4

In this polycarbonate greenhouse, the owners did not stint on metal chains. Naturally, this material is more reliable and durable than ropes. Tomatoes on a chain are something! But chains can be used not even for years, but for decades. In this case, a narrow ribbon is attached to the top of the stem, and as it grows, it is moved up.

Method 5

Frames made of wooden slats, metal fittings or rods. The method is quite expensive, and not always convenient, since it is only suitable for low bushes. Although, you can make a frame from different materials, a wide variety of designs and heights. And if it is made of durable material, it will last more than one season. Moreover, a garter is not needed here at all - tomatoes stand in frames, like flowers in a vase.

Method 6

A vertical trellis is a simple and uncomplicated device that is used not only for tomatoes, but also for other plants with long stems. Pegs along the edges of the beds, and a wire stretched between them in 2-3 rows - that's the whole structure. The height of the pegs, and, consequently, the stretched wire, must correspond to the growth of the bushes.

How to properly tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse or on the open field is not known to all gardeners. Gardeners often wonder why a garter is needed, and what problems it can solve. This standard and, at first glance, optional procedure will protect the crop from spoilage and help protect plants from damage. If you do not tie up a bush in time, it will break, and tomatoes lying on the ground are easy prey for slugs.

If you do not carry out such procedures, the likelihood of the following unpleasant events increases:

  1. Fruit lying on the ground after watering or rain may begin to rot; if the soil is characterized by high humidity, then tying will help to avoid such problems.
  2. Under the weight of ripe fruits, the bush can break, as a result of which the tomatoes will die, and the yield will suffer significantly.
  3. When ripe tomatoes lie on the ground, various pests will certainly want to feast on them.
  4. The procedures are also carried out in order to avoid a lack of sunlight, because if the fetus is in limbo, it receives the required amount of ultraviolet radiation and ripens faster.

So that the plant does not die, the tomatoes have managed to reach maturity, and the yield indicator has not fallen due to the invasion of slugs, they resort to the help of a garter. Such a procedure is carried out in several ways, has its own characteristics and directly depends on the variety of tomatoes and the quality characteristics of the soil.

Attention! Tomatoes are tied up in polycarbonate greenhouses; a similar procedure is not neglected when growing tomatoes under a film or planting them in the ground.

To properly tie up a plant, you should follow certain rules:

  • some gardeners advise to carry out a garter immediately after planting a tomato in the soil;
  • fixtures will have to be reconstructed as the bush grows and develops; see that it advises the growth of the plant;
  • when carrying out the procedure, make sure that the device does not harm the stem of the plant, does not pinch it, does not cause it to dry out.

The direct purpose of the device is to support the bush and ripening fruits. You will have to make sure that the tomatoes do not touch the ground, and the stem of the plant is not subjected to serious pressure.

Tomato garter tool

You can use any tool that can support the bush, but it is better to resort to the help of proven devices that cannot harm the tomatoes and affect the yield.


This is the name of the device that is attached to the frame beams of the greenhouse. He is hooked to a bush, while the rope (the twine itself) is in a taut state, but this is a moderate tension. As the tomatoes grow, they will tend to rise up, wrapping themselves around the twine, and it will provide them with reliable support.

Naturally, if there are no frame beams, then it is extremely difficult to use this method of garter, you will have to build a special mount.

A loop

Not many gardeners use a free loop, for this you will have to:

  1. Fasten the rope, use the vertical beams of the greenhouse frame as a fastener.
  2. Throw the rope over the mount and form a loop so that the tomato bush fits into it.
  3. If it has fruits, then the loop should be located under them, as if supporting the stem of the plant.

This method is good because periodically, as the fruits and the bush itself grow and develop, you can change the mount by raising the loop higher or lowering it down. A loop can combine several bushes, provided that they grow in close proximity to each other.


Clips are successfully used as a retainer, they can be purchased at specialized stores. The clothespin holds several bushes together and helps to attach them to the support. Pegs are used as the latter.


Pegs or sleepers can be either vertical or horizontal. Consider the main garter options that gardeners willingly use:

  1. Stakes can be placed between the rajas or in the immediate vicinity of the bush. As it grows and develops, the bush will use the peg as a support.
  2. You can put the supports horizontally and tie tomatoes to them, in which case the device will have to be modernized, monitor the growth of the bushes.
  3. Some gardeners attach ropes to trellises and cling to tomato bushes, which allows you to use a free loop.

Ways to tie a tomato

Better ideas of gardeners have already been put into practice, "reinventing the wheel" is not required. It will be enough to use proven methods; preference is given to those that have proven their effectiveness in practice.

Wire frame mount

A structure, a wire structure, is placed around one or more bushes. As the bushes grow, they will use this structure as a support. It is advisable to help the plant and push the fruits through the wire rods to avoid damaging them.

You can build a wire structure around one bush, in which case, as it grows, it will “lean” on the structure, use it as a support. You can use both small and large mesh, depending on preferences.

Line Mount

An unusual design is being built in a greenhouse. To make a tie, you will need:

  1. As the basis of the structure, we use large-sized stakes or frame beams of the greenhouse located in its various parts.
  2. We install one or more large sleepers in the middle of the structure. Check the mount for stability.
  3. Using a rope, we connect the structure so that the result is a structure that can withstand the weight of the fruit.

Tapestry fastening

The original way of tying tomatoes, which is not often used, for certain reasons. The trellis is placed by various methods, the device can be presented in the form of a horizontal, as well as in the form of a vertical mount:

  • if you cultivate tall tomato varieties in greenhouse conditions, then use horizontal trellises as fasteners. Install them next to each bush;
  • it is possible to connect vertically arranged tapestries using horizontal structures;
  • at its core, the trellis method is similar to the usual tying of tomatoes with pegs, only in this case the pegs are large, which eliminates the need to change them.

Mesh mount

In a polycarbonate greenhouse, such a design without stakes with reinforcement and mesh looks great.

It is worth adhering to the following scheme of actions:

  1. Using a coil of wire and reinforcement, form a mount in the greenhouse.
  2. The wire is placed at different heights, it can be fixed from above, using a greenhouse frame as a support.
  3. Place the reinforcement in the lower part, connect the reinforcement and the upper parts of the greenhouse with a wire.
  4. If necessary, use the horizontal parts of the greenhouse to form a grid inside the structure.

This type of garter is called lattice. If we are talking about tomatoes that have been planted in the ground, then you can surround them with a net, then push the ripe fruits through the holes in it. At its core, this type of support resembles a corral in which tomatoes successfully grow and ripen.

The grid can be made independently, but it is easier to purchase ready-made. It is surrounded by several bushes, so that the plants rest on the attachment points from different sides.

Everyone knows how to tie tomatoes in this way. Now the tree is rarely used, preference is given to special devices made of plastic.

What is the essence of the method:

  • next to the bush we drive in a medium-sized peg;
  • we make sure not to damage the rhizome;
  • tie a bush to a peg with a rope;
  • as the plant grows, we upgrade the mount.

If you use a tree, then decide on the height of the peg, if the support is not high enough, then it will have to be changed.

Features of the garter of tomatoes in the greenhouse and in the open field

In a greenhouse or greenhouse, tying tomatoes is easier for several reasons:

  1. You can use the frame of the structure as a support.
  2. It will not be difficult to build a mount using improvised materials and greenhouse beams.

If the plant was planted in open ground, then it will be necessary to build a structure that can be used as a support for the plant.

Consider the preferred types of garters for various structures:

  1. In a polycarbonate greenhouse or greenhouse, we use trellises - high beams that rest against the arch of the structure and allow tall plants to rest on the prepared beams.
  2. In the greenhouse, preference is given to the lattice method, which involves connecting the arches of the structure with parts of the reinforcement for the construction of the support.
  3. If the tomatoes were planted in the ground, then you can use pegs, a net. It all depends on the preferences of the gardener.

In greenhouse conditions, plants grow faster, they reach 2 meters in length. As for tomatoes that are planted in the ground, achieving such height indicators is considered a rarity. For this reason, the mounts are not made high, they are of medium size - this is quite enough to support the tomatoes and achieve the required yield.

gardeners mistakes

If we talk about beginners, then they tend to make mistakes, but not only beginner gardeners “sin” with this. In most cases, gardeners make standard mistakes:

  1. Select poor quality material. In this case, the structure used as a support may not support the weight of the fruit, collapse under the weight of the tomatoes, crushing the bush. To avoid such problems, do not use the same mount several times, upgrade the design.
  2. Monitor your pressure levels. If the loop strongly squeezes the stem, it will disrupt the flow of juices in it, cause the plant to dry out, as a result of which it will dry out and not bear fruit.
  3. Check the reliability of the support and, if necessary, reconstruct it. A similar need arises if the bushes do not have growth restrictions.
  4. Make sure that the fruits do not touch the ground, otherwise the meaning of such procedures is lost, and the tomatoes still remain at risk.

To tie up tomatoes, you do not need to have a special skill, this seemingly simple procedure will help to significantly increase the yield and avoid various problems that gardeners often face.

One of the biggest reasons to tie up tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse is the development of fungal infections. Despite the fact that most varieties of tomatoes have stable immunity, mistakes made during cultivation and care can be fatal. For example, it is necessary to water tomatoes strictly under the root, which cannot be done when the bush is on the ground. Moisture, falling on the leaves, leads to the formation of phytophthora and the death of the crop.

Another reason why seedlings are tied up is fruit control. In a tied state, it will be easier to control the development of tomatoes, and due to the fact that the bush is securely fixed and it does not need to spend energy on maintaining the stems with fruits, the yield increases several times.

On a note!

Tying reduces the number of yellow and underdeveloped tomatoes, and also prevents the bushes from breaking.

What to use for tying a tomato

For tying a tomato, experienced gardeners recommend using fabric ribbons, preferably from cotton fabric (increases reusability), nylon pieces and twine. Do not tie the twine tightly, otherwise the bush may break.

There are many ways to tie bushes. Most often resort to:

  • trellis tying;
  • use of individual support;
  • free loop method;
  • linear fastening;
  • wire frame;
  • growing on a grid.

For some unknown reason, gardeners were more fond of low-growing varieties of tomatoes, which is not clear why, because it is high bushes that are the most hardy and prolific. But undersized tomatoes, like higher varieties, need to be tied up or grown using a support.

Tying patterns

The most correct would be cultivation using trellis cultivation. The design of the trellis can be erected both on the open ground and in the greenhouse.


This method is designed for a long time of use. And when changing the trellis, they will not only decorate your garden, but also help support the seedlings.

Trellis growing tomatoes

For such a design, you need:

  • metal pipes or timber;
  • wire, nylon cord;
  • special mesh made of plastic with a large mesh;
  • shovel, hammer and nails.

Be guided by the fact that the height of the tapestries should be at least 2 meters. This height is perfect for growing high varieties of tomatoes. Metal pipes or wooden blocks must be dug into the ground with a shovel 10-15 cm deep. For the manufacture of one trellis row, if the width of the beds is 2 meters, about 4 pieces are needed.

Then the bars can be pulled with ropes, one end of which will be attached to the bush. And if you need to get more sprawling bushes, then in addition to the rope, you need to stretch the net over the entire length of the trellis.

On a note!

As the tomato bushes grow, they will develop more evenly, ventilate, which will reduce the risk of developing fungal diseases, and harvesting can be controlled much more easily than if the bushes were lying on the ground.

Individual support

Recently, it has been used less and less, as it is suitable for small beds and serves as a temporary structure. In order to install an individual support, you can use:

  • thin wooden bars;
  • bamboo sticks (they can be purchased at any flower shop);
  • plastic pipes;
  • metal stakes.

The safest and most traumatic to use are plastic pipes. But other materials will cope with the “support” function just as well as them.

For installation, you need to cut the selected material to the height that the tomato variety can reach as much as possible. Next, the support must be dug into the ground to a depth of 5-10 cm and the support is ready.

Free loop method

In order to tie a tomato with a “free loop”, you need to clasp the bush with some kind of rope or cotton cloth at the root. Then spirally scroll the rope along the entire length of the seedling and lightly tie the end to the support.

Line Mount

Usually mounted immediately after the installation of the greenhouse.

On both sides of the beds, you need to drive in metal pipes on which a rope is attached, stretching along the row. Tie the seedlings to the rope at an equal distance. For bushes that are too tall with heavy fruits, this method is not the best.

wire frame

Ideal as protection against animals, as well as for growing mini-cultivars.

In order to build a frame, a coil of wire is needed. With the help of pliers you need to bend it in a circle. As a rule, it is necessary to make about 10 round blanks and fasten them together with transverse segments of wire. The disadvantage of this design is inconvenient harvesting, but the undoubted advantages are the protection of seedlings and the possibility of transferring the structure if necessary.

Mesh mount

In order to grow tomatoes using this method, you must:

  • from 4 to 10 wooden, plastic or metal stakes;
  • net coil not less than 10 m.

The most suitable stakes must be dug into the ground to a depth of at least 5 cm. The height must be at least 2 meters. After a row of stakes is built (the distance between them is no more than 50 cm), fasten them from above with a wooden beam, metal or plastic stake and pull the net from top to bottom. The structure is ready.

Common mistakes when tying a tomato

The most common tying mistakes include:

  • the use of the wrong garter materials (many mistakenly believe that it is possible to attach a bush to a support even with a metal wire, but this is strictly prohibited);
  • neglect of the processing of the garter material that was previously used (disinfection with alcohol will not allow bacteria and fungi to transfer from the previous crop to the new one, thereby preventing the development of many diseases and preserving the fruits);
  • the choice of support and fastenings without taking into account the characteristics of the variety (for example, you should not choose a trellis fastening for undersized tomatoes);
  • one-time tying (attachments to the support must be controlled during the entire growth of the tomato bush, otherwise, the seedling may break or reduce growth).

  1. Tie seedlings to any type of structure. Otherwise, not all bushes will be able to start weaving along the mount you have chosen.
  2. It is necessary to tie up only with the help of fabric strips, plastic rings, nylon tights. IT IS FORBIDDEN to tie seedlings to the fence using fishing line, wire, bundles, etc. They can simply cut the bush or break it.
  3. Pay attention to the variety of tomatoes: for high varieties, it is better to choose trellis, mesh or linear structures; for low - the height of the structure should not exceed 1 meter.
  4. Before installing the mount, carry out pinching.
  5. After tying to the support, water the bed abundantly.

Every gardener knows that vegetable crops require a lot of attention in the growing process. It is not enough just to sow seeds in the ground, or plant seedlings in a greenhouse. At each stage of development, plants require a separate approach. In order for the investment of effort not to be in vain, you should study the mass of video literature and use the advice of "experienced". This article is about how to tie up tall tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Tomatoes require a lot of attention to themselves. As soon as the gardener is distracted for a few days, they immediately grow and fall to the ground, or, conversely, wither away. One of the most important stages of growing tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse is tying the bushes to the supports.

Tall greenhouse varieties cannot be grown without creating a support

But not all varieties of tomatoes need to be tied up. Low-growing types of tomatoes do not need this procedure: the base of the stem and the main stepchildren are able to withstand the weight of their own fruits. But for tall varieties, tying is essential.

Tying up the plant makes it easier to further care for the crop in a polycarbonate greenhouse. It is known that watering tomatoes is carried out directly on the root plot of the earth, because the ingress of water on the leaves can be detrimental to the plant. When the bush "lays down", the process of moistening the soil becomes more difficult. When watering bushes lying on the ground, the fruits are abundantly flooded with water and begin to rot right on the bushes. It is also much more convenient to pinch and form a bush, after it is tied up. And, of course, it is more convenient to harvest not from a lying plant, but from a bush that has grown up.

Attention! Even a well-developed root system will not hold a tall tomato stalk. If you do not tie it up in time, it will break or “lie down”, leaving you without a crop.

How is tying carried out, and what materials are used

It is necessary to tie up tall tomatoes in any case. In order to do this correctly, you must follow the instructions:

  • before garter, pinch the plant;
  • choose the right type of support system for a particular tomato variety;
  • prepare materials for the work;
  • carry out a garter;
  • water each tied bush.

Each type of tomato has its own support system.

It is best to use materials of organic origin for gartering tomatoes, and not lean on synthetics and plastic. But such materials are unlikely to be used next season. They are usually disposable.

In order to properly tie tomatoes, you will need the following materials:

  • long wooden stakes or metal rods;
  • wire or twine;
  • patches of cotton fabric or other "dressing" material.

Important! Thin rope, fishing line and harsh thread are not suitable for tying tomatoes. As they grow, they will crush the stem and prevent the plant from receiving nutrition. You will destroy the entire crop with your own hands.

You can not tighten the bush with a thin thread - this is to harm the plant

For a garter, you can use an old sheet torn into strips or a linen shirt. Do not cut very thin strips of fabric, 3-4 cm is the optimal width of the flaps. Some gardeners use nylon tights for garter, they do not rot during the season and are used repeatedly.

In specialized stores, you can now find any items that are of interest to the summer resident. Very often there are all sorts of reusable tying devices made of plastic.

Plastic trellis supports can be very handy for tall bushes.

Advice. If you use reusable garters, please note that they must be sanitized before each use.

Also for owners of large greenhouses, it is possible to purchase a special device - a garter. According to the principle of action, it is similar to a stapler. The device ties the stem of the plant and the support with a special tape, fixing it. This device greatly simplifies the life of the gardener, saving him from searching for ropes for garters and performing the entire procedure manually - it saves time and human effort.

Special device for tying vegetable crops

Ways to tie tomatoes

There are a lot of opinions about how to tie up tomatoes. Each of the gardeners chooses the most suitable method of tying for himself and the variety of tomatoes. Let's consider the most common of them.

The most common way is tying tomatoes with stakes. On the north side of each bush, a wooden block is driven in and a plant stem is tied to it with a rope (or a piece of cloth). Before use, all garters must be boiled for 5-10 minutes, so as not to infect the plant. The stem is tied to the rail almost at the very top. 2-3 turns are made around the peg and tied into a knot. The main disadvantage of this method is that as the bush grows, the rope must be moved along the stem or a new garter must be made throughout the season.

Tie each tomato bush to stakes

another good one way is linear. This is a garter of tomato bushes in a greenhouse for stretching. At each end of the beds, 2 bars are dug in (the width of each is at least 5 cm). They do not have to be thin in order to withstand the load of tomatoes. A wire is stretched along the entire bed, to which a piece of fabric or a rope is tied over each bush. The tomato stalk is fixed with the free end. The method is convenient in that the bush itself will wrap its top around the rope and you do not need to tie it up again.

Method of tying tomatoes using wooden supports

Tapestry method- This is the most technically complex, but the most reliable type of tying tomatoes. Structures (trellises) are constructed along the entire length of the beds, consisting of wooden or metal frames and rods stretched horizontally, like strings. Instead of rods, wire or thick twine is often used. So, to build a frame, you will need several (depending on the length of the beds) wooden or metal stakes. The length of the vertical ones depends on the height of the plant, and the horizontal ones should equal the length of the beds in total. Do not stretch the rope or wire too often. It will be correct to take a step of 30-35 cm. As the bush grows, the stems are filled from different sides of the wire, according to the principle of a wicker fence. If there are heavy fruit brushes, they can also be tied up or hung on hooks, so they are more likely to be preserved and definitely not break under the weight of the poured fruits. Using the trellis method, it is not necessary to leave only one stem. To increase the yield, you can leave several stepchildren at once. They are also passed through the wire as they grow.

Trellis design for tomatoes
  1. Do not tie the stem to the figure-eight support, as there is a high chance of pulling it.
  2. Tie not only the stem, but also heavy fruit clusters to save each of them.
  3. The method using individual stakes is more suitable for medium-sized varieties of tomatoes, and for tall ones it is better to use a trellis.
  4. To avoid late blight (tomato disease), do not allow the fruit to touch the soil.
  5. Tie off when the plant begins to lean slightly towards the ground. Do not allow severe deformation of the stem.
  6. Spare no effort to build complex support structures. The more complex the design, the easier the growing process.

​Related Articles​

Agronomists who grow tomatoes in whole plantations and export them buy special garters. This device is somewhat similar to a stapler and allows you to wrap around the stem and support with a special tape that meets all the requirements for it. Such devices are also used by those involved in the cultivation of grapes.​
​It takes a lot of time and effort to make ladders and rings, but once made, they last for many years and, with their operation, the time required to care for plants is greatly reduced. In addition, when fastening the lashes of cucumbers with rings to the ladders, the plants are not damaged and the rings do not interfere with their growth and development. The yield of cucumbers increases when using ladders.

Why do tomatoes need to be tied up

As the plants grow, about once or twice a week, their stem (top) is wrapped (wrapped) around the twine clockwise, on average, one revolution per internode.

If the greenhouse structure itself is strong, then it is more rational to use it for tying tomatoes.

Thus, growing tomatoes in winter will not be difficult if you approach this task in advance with all responsibility and warmth.
You can also tie up tomatoes using frame trellises. Several rows of wire or twine are pulled between stakes at a distance of 35-40 cm from each other. Stems are attached to the twine.
You should not rush between mineral and organic fertilizers. Both need to be used. The main thing is that they contain important elements for growing tomatoes: potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.

  • There are several ways to tie up plants that give red juicy fruits. In this case, it is necessary to be guided by the power and height of the stem, as well as the variety of tomatoes.

Did you like the material?

  • When growing tomatoes, another method of tying them is used. To do this, as in the first case, a strong cable is pulled over each row of tomatoes, and wire hooks are also prepared from thick steel wire and rubber rings from an old bicycle tube are cut.

You can use nylon clamps of various sizes instead of fabric strips. They are freely sold in stores.​

Ways to tie a tomato

All gardeners need to be able to tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse. This is an indispensable condition for growing tomatoes and getting a good harvest.​

How to tie up

The essence of the simplest way to tie tomatoes is to make support stakes. Their role can be ordinary metal rods or wooden sticks. The distance between the stakes should correspond to the distance between the seedlings, but the rods themselves must be stuck into the ground about 5-10 cm from the shoots. The depth of planting the stake in the ground is 20-30 cm. The height of the stick itself will depend on the tallness of the tomato varieties that will need to be tied up.
Properly selected fertilizers will help to avoid all sorts of diseases of this crop, which include: twisting of plants, dying off of shoots, yellow-brown spots on leaves, and the like.

Stems and branches of tomatoes, as they grow, are tucked into the wire from one side or the other, according to the principle of braiding. Heavy brushes are tied to it or hung on hooks.

If you are growing tomatoes for sale and you have a lot of them, you can get a special device - a garter that acts like a stapler, wrapping a special tape around the stem of the plant and the support. It is very popular with those who grow grapes. As you know, tomatoes do not like water on the leaves and ovaries, they should be watered under the root. It is almost impossible to do this when the plants are lying down. Growing each garden crop has its own subtleties. Just sowing the seeds in the ground and waiting for the fruits to appear is not enough, you have to make a lot of effort to get a good result.
Three main ways:

Pieces of strong synthetic twine, fishing line or aluminum (copper) wire are tied to the cable above each plant with loops made in advance every 20-25 cm. Wire hooks are inserted into these loops, the rubber ring is brought under the stem of a plant or a bunch of tomatoes, the ring is folded in half and hooked on the hook. As the plants grow, they make it an additional attachment to the next twine loop.

If you wish, you can put tomatoes under the roof of the greenhouse, tilting the tops and directing them along the greenhouse. But for this it is necessary to foresee such a possibility in advance and take the necessary measures. Namely, when planting tomato seedlings, alternate tall varieties with short ones. This will make it possible to create additional free space at the top.​

There are several of them, and the choice of one of them depends both on the variety of culture and on the preferences of the hostess. Tomatoes tie up:

You can increase the yield of tomatoes many times over if you learn how to tie them up correctly, and this is not so difficult to do.

How to tie

It is good if the greenhouse in its soil will have additional elements: magnesium, boron, copper, manganese and sulfur, as they have a beneficial effect on the good growth of tomatoes under adverse environmental conditions.
The advantage of the trellis method is that plants do not have to leave only one central stem, several stepchildren can be allowed to develop in order to increase the yield. This is quite possible in heated greenhouses, where tomatoes can continue to grow after the onset of cool weather.

  • As you can see, without a garter, you can generally lose your crop, no matter how strong the root system is. Yes, and the gardeners themselves will be much more convenient to take care of the plants, and subsequently remove the ripened fruits from them.

And tomatoes are one of the most demanding crops to care for, requiring the implementation of many activities aimed not only at obtaining a crop, but also at preserving it. One of them is a tomato garter in a greenhouse.

Easiest to use

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​To attach the stem to the loop of twine, a short piece of twine can be used instead of a wire hook and elastic band. In this case, the stalk of the tomato is tied to a loop of twine, as to wooden stakes, using short pieces of twine. When using this method, the lower end of the looped twine can be tied to a small peg driven into the soil next to the stem of the plant.​

  • ​For more comfortable work, it would be a good idea to buy a special tool for quick and convenient work. It is called a garter.
    to wooden stakes;

It is important that the roots and shoots of the plant do not burn out, so the greenhouse where the growth and garter of tomatoes will take place must be equipped with vents or special holes. Timely ventilation will avoid many problems when growing this crop (for example, watery fruits).

Planting seedlings occurs after the age of the seedlings reaches 50 days.
Another type of trellis garter is linear. In this case, the wire is pulled between the stakes only along the top, and a rope is tied to it above each plant.

  • There are different ways to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse. Their choice depends on the power and height inherent in the cultivated tomato variety.
    There is no difference between how to tie up tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse or in the open field. Both the materials for the garter and the technology itself are no different.​

We note right away: not all varieties of tomatoes need a garter. Early ripening and short-growing tomatoes may well do without support, but in greenhouses it is usually tall and abundantly fruiting varieties that are grown - this is much more profitable, as it allows you to collect a bountiful harvest from a small area of ​​protected ground.

individual pegs


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How to grow tomatoes in winter?

​When using looped aluminum or copper wire instead of looped twine, no steel hooks are required. In this case, the stem of the plant can be attached with a rubber ring directly to the loop made on the wire.​

In greenhouses, as a rule, tall varieties of tomatoes are grown, as they are more productive. This is beneficial for limited greenhouse space. That is why it is so important to carry out the correct and timely garter of tall varieties of tomatoes.

to a wire stretched at the top of the greenhouse or a rail nailed to the racks;

Tomato flower should be artificially pollinated.

It is better to plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse when it reaches the age of 50 days. The distance between plants should be approximately 60 cm. If the distance between seedlings is less, then in the process of growth, the tomato bush will be limited in additional space for branching.

Its lower end is attached to the stem. And that's all. You don’t have to think about how to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse - they will need to be wrapped around the rope as they grow. Watch the video in the article, read the recommendations below and choose the one that suits you best.​

All that is needed is long stakes or metal rods, wire or strong twine, as well as the “dressing” material itself, which will come into direct contact with the plants. It must be strong and wide enough.​

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse!

For reference. Not all gardeners believe that tying tomatoes in a greenhouse is necessary, explaining their position by the fact that nature itself knows how best, and that a plant that is not tied up takes root and develops better.

for each stem. Surely every summer resident will find some trimmings of fittings, remnants of plastic pipes, metal rods, etc. It is possible, without further ado, to cut wood rails. The correct garter provides for the deepening of the stakes 25-30 cm into the ground and they should rise the same distance above each stem. After that, you can start wrapping the stem of the plant with a garter. The ends must be crossed with a figure eight or twisted, and then fixed on a support. Additionally, you can support heavy brushes. This method is recommended to be used for garters not of all varieties, but only of medium height, moreover, such actions will have to be repeated more than once throughout the season;


When growing tomatoes, you can tie them to stakes. Stakes are slats 1.2-1.5 m long with a section of 20x20 or 20x25 mm, pointed at the bottom. To increase the service life of the rails, it is recommended to cover with drying oil and paint with oil paint. Tomato stalks are tied to stakes with a figure eight, strong waterproof twine or other materials, as described above. Tall and medium-sized varieties of tomatoes are tied up in two or three places as the plant grows.

​When growing vegetables in protected ground structures, it is necessary to use various devices and devices that facilitate plant care and allow high yields per unit area of ​​​​the structure. The main vegetable crops grown in the greenhouse are cucumbers and tomatoes. These plants in the greenhouse are usually tied up.

Garter tomatoes will increase productivity!

To the peg and wire (rail).

The greenhouse itself is a kind of closed ecosystem that does not imply the presence of bees. That is why greenhouse tomatoes should be artificially pollinated. This is usually done during the day: we pass between the rows of plants and gently shake the flower brushes. After that, it is advisable to sprinkle water on the flowers themselves (you can use a spray bottle) and water the soil.

5-6 days before planting seedlings in a greenhouse, it must be sprayed with a boric solution (1 g of boric acid per 1 liter of water). This nuance will allow you to save flower buds even at the first ovary. Therefore, in the near future, the yield will be at its best.​

  1. The easiest and most affordable is to use individual stakes for each plant. It can be trimmings of reinforcement, and a metal bar, and a wooden lath, and a thin plastic pipe - whatever is at hand.
  2. Wire, fishing line, harsh thread, thin twine - all this is not suitable for a garter, as it will crash into the stem as it grows, pull it, and you will destroy the plant with your own hands.
  3. However, growing tomatoes in a greenhouse in our climate is not in itself natural for them. And artificially created conditions dictate their own rules of care.

Tapestry method


Pollination of tomato flowers

When tied to stakes, plants are blown out worse and shaded with stakes, however, due to the convenience and simplicity, tying to stakes is used by many vegetable growers.

There are several basic ways to tie plants.

The greenhouse itself can play a significant role in choosing the method of garter. Or rather, its framework. It is very often used as a place for tying transverse twines, eliminating the need to install top rails and stretch the wire.

It should be noted that the water temperature for irrigation should not be below 20 degrees, as cold water causes inhibition in the development of plants.

Prevention of late blight

Seeds can be sown immediately in the soil of the greenhouse, but they must first be prepared. Seeds before sowing are first calibrated, then pickled for half an hour in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. They should be planted in the greenhouse soil at 4 g per 1 sq.m. Before germination, it is important to ensure that the temperature during the day is maintained at 20-25 degrees, and at night - 16-18 degrees.

Each of the methods described is quite popular and has its adherents.

  1. The length of the stakes should be 25-30 cm higher than the height of the plants - it is to this depth that they are driven into the ground a few centimeters from the bush.
  2. Here are the main reasons that speak in favor of the garter. And every summer resident has the right to decide for himself whether it is worth doing.

considered more complex, but also more reliable. To do this, you will need tapestries - long stakes that must be driven into the ground at some distance from each other. Between them, in a horizontal plane, it is necessary to stretch a cable or cord, maintaining a step of 35–40 cm. As the plant grows, the stems and branches must be tucked into a stretched thread from one side or the other, guided by the principle of braiding. Brushes with a large number of fruits can be additionally tied up or hung on hooks. This method is good because it allows you to do without pinching and ensure the growth of branches to increase the number of fruits. This is quite possible to achieve in a heated greenhouse, where the growth of the plant will continue after the onset of cold weather;

The arrival of spring marks the beginning of the summer season, and amateur gardeners rush to their plots to grow a good and rich harvest. However, not everyone succeeds in it, because growing cultivated plants is a huge job that requires certain knowledge and skills. So tomatoes need to carry out certain activities, which are aimed not only at getting a crop, but also in order to save it.

Garter methods

A combined garter method can also be used, in which the lower part of the stem is tied to a stake, and the upper part is attached with twine to a thick wire (trellis).

  • When growing on trellises, a strong steel wire (cable) or insulated copper wire is pulled along each row with plants at the top of the greenhouse - trellises are made.
  • This operation is carried out throughout the summer as needed. How to tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse? The first garter is done during the planting of seedlings in the greenhouse or when it reaches a height of 40–50 cm (if small seedlings were planted). To do this, hammer in the pegs of the desired length and tie them to them. As garters, it will be correct to use strips of soft fabric (gauze, bandage) 3–5 cm wide. When the tomatoes grow, the procedure is repeated. And so several times over the summer.
  • After a while (after about 1.5-2 hours), the air humidity should be reduced by airing the greenhouse. Thus, you will prevent waterlogging of the soil, and the fruits will be tasty and sweet.

Thus, when planting tomato seedlings, it is important to do everything right in advance. This forethought is necessary so that the tomato bush branches well and nothing prevents its timely ripening.

When to tie tomatoes

Perhaps the instructions given in this article did not reveal anything new for experienced gardeners. But if it turned out to be useful for novice summer residents and helped them decide on their own cultivation of the most beloved vegetable crop in our country, we will assume that it was not written in vain.

Tying tomatoes to wooden stakes

After that, the stem of the plant is freely wrapped with garter materials, its ends are crossed by a figure eight or twisted and tied to a support. The same is done with heavy brushes so that they do not break off under the weight of the fruit.

tie for trellis

Tying to a wire or rail

The most effective way to tie tomatoes

Tapestry garter can be performed and

Every gardener knows that this plant, which produces juicy red fruits, must be tied up. On the open ground, early-ripening and undersized varieties may well grow without support, but for growing in greenhouses, it is the tall plants that bring a bountiful harvest that are chosen. As a result, under its weight, a thin stem can simply break. Some summer residents are of the opinion that the plant should take root and develop in its natural conditions, without human intervention. But the creation of greenhouses is already such an intervention, which means that this process must be managed from the very beginning to the end.​

When growing cucumbers on wire trellises, instead of twine, wooden ladders are also used to tie plants. For the manufacture of ladders, wooden slats with a section of 15x15 or 20x15 mm are used. The length of the rails should be 10-15 cm longer than the distance from the wire to the surface of the bed. Holes with a diameter of 2-3 mm are drilled along the entire length of the rails every 10-15 cm, so that ordinary matches enter them with little effort. Burnt or removed gray matches are inserted into the holes obtained. To increase the life of the ladder, it is advisable to paint it with oil paint.​

The ends of the wire are best tied to steel U-shaped studs driven into the wooden frame elements. Studs are pieces of steel wire bent in the form of staples and pointed at both ends or nails with a hat previously bitten off or chopped off with a chisel.

It is necessary to securely hammer strong stakes into the ground for each tomato. Tie the plants to them so that the bush stands straight and is stable. The length of the stakes must match the grade. If the bush is already large, then make several strappings. In the middle, you need to tie the stem itself with a stake (use a strip of cloth), above, clasping the entire bush, again tie to a wooden support. Since the consumption of strapping material will be large, it is better to use ordinary twine in several threads.

Late blight is the most common disease among greenhouse tomatoes, so it should be prevented once every two weeks.

When growing vegetables in protected ground, devices are usually used that make it easier to care for plants, while allowing you to get high yields. So how to tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse?

How to grow tomatoes in winter? This topic is becoming more and more relevant these days. It's so nice to feel the taste of summer when there's a blizzard and a blizzard outside! Despite the fact that many varieties of tomatoes are imported from hot countries, nothing can replace the taste of "homemade" vegetables that you have grown yourself!​

How to tie cucumbers and tomatoes in a greenhouse - All about Seedlings and Greenhouses

Pay attention. This method is suitable for medium-sized varieties, since the support may not withstand heavy weight and fall along with the plant.

It is best to use a fabric torn into strips 3-4 centimeters wide.

1st way to tie cucumbers and tomatoes

To prevent the growth of tomatoes, stepchildren should be removed from them (see Tomato stepping, why is this necessary?). On these processes, ovaries and fruits are also formed, but they rarely have time to ripen, taking a lot of strength from the plant.

in a linear way

Tying up tomatoes is also necessary for their convenient pinching. Numerous stepchildren contribute to the growth of the plant, but the fruits in these places will not have time to ripen, but they will draw on a significant concentration of nutrients, which will not fail to affect the quality and quantity of the crop. That's why tomatoes need to be pinched, but it's more convenient to do this when they are tied up, and not spread along the ground. In addition, fruits lying on the ground can be attacked by slugs and other pests. Late blight is no less dangerous - a disease caused by a pathogen whose habitat is the soil.

Such ladders will require one or two for each plant.

For tying plants, it is necessary to use strong twine, ribbon, cord and other materials that can withstand a significant load throughout the season. These materials must be wide enough, as thin materials can cut through the plant stem. A good material for tying plants is an old used tape from a reel to reel tape recorder. It does not get wet, does not rot, is durable, withstands heavy mechanical loads, is easy to clean and disinfect.​

This device is not very convenient for a greenhouse, as it will impede free access, but still some gardeners use this method and tie tomatoes to it, which in itself is very convenient. But we must remember - the greenhouse space is very limited. It is better to use another way.

Of course, there are ready-made special preparations for processing tomatoes from late blight (ordan, zircon, nitralin, etc.), but it is quite possible to get by with improvised methods. Here are some of them:​

Proper garter is one of the key points of care. For tying tomatoes, it is important to use a strong cord, good quality ribbon, twine or other materials that can withstand heavy loads. An important point is the thickness of the rope itself, since thin materials can easily injure the stem or cut it.

2nd way to tie tomatoes

To get ripe and tasty tomatoes, first of all, you should think about a properly made greenhouse.

The disadvantage of this method is that you will have to repeat the described procedure several times during the season, moving the rope higher or new.

It can be old sheets or linen.

Stepson tomatoes are more convenient when they are tied up, and not lying on the ground.

garter of tomatoes to stakes

. All you have to do is drive in the stakes and pull just one row of wire over the top. Fasten several long ropes on it, the ends of which must be fixed on the opposite stems. As it grows, it remains only to wrap the stem around the rope.

Tying tomatoes is also necessary because the plants should be watered under the root, avoiding moisture on the leaves and fruits. It is clear that this is almost impossible to achieve if the tomatoes creep along the ground. If you do not comply with this condition, you can be left without a crop, and in this case even a strong root system will not save. In addition, it is much more convenient for the owner of the site to take care of the tied plant, because there is no need to bend down or work on your knees.

​Split rings with a diameter of about 30 mm are required to use ladders. Rings are made of soft, for example aluminum, wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm. Such rings are needed for 5-7 pieces for each plant.

Garter cucumbers to a wooden ladder

The twine is tied to the bottom of the plants under the bottom leaf with a loose loop so as not to interfere with the growth and thickening of the stem, and then the twine is wrapped around the plant around the stem.

These methods are used most often, as they are reliable and do not limit the space of the greenhouse. A strong cord is tied to a wire tightly stretched at the top or a nailed rail and lowered to a tomato bush. The bush is tied to this cord (it will be the main one). As the culture grows, it should be tied up again. To do this, wrap the entire bush around with a cord (twine) in several threads), then wrap it around the main cord, pull it up so that the bush becomes more compact, and tie a knot.

Mix 250 g of salt and 10 liters of water, add 10 drops of iodine. With the resulting solution, we spray the leaves.

The garter allows plants to avoid attack by pests, as well as withstand the weight of their weight, reaching a certain height.

Tomatoes are heat-loving crops. The optimum temperature for their growth and development ranges between twenty and twenty-five degrees. Therefore, if you want to enjoy the taste of fresh tomatoes even in cold winter, you should first of all think about how to make a greenhouse correctly.

Some people prefer nylon stockings and tights - they do not rot in one season and can be used repeatedly.

Tall plants are not able to support the weight of the fruit and may break. See also: Planting and growing gladioli - the rules for caring for beautiful flowers See also: Diseases of cucumbers. Their types and treatment. Pests Manufactured ladders and rings are used as follows. Before planting seedlings, as usual, thick wiring is pulled along each row of plants - trellises are made. Insufficient loop size in the lower part of the plant can lead to constriction when the stem thickens, making it difficult for nutrients to reach the roots and water to leaves and fruits, which eventually causes the death of the plant. As the plant grows and thickens, the tight knot needs to be loosened. It can be called combined. The difference from the previous one is that the cord is tied not to the bush itself, but to the stake. Then it is pulled tight and tied at the top. The advantage of this method is obvious, it is more reliable and durable, there is no danger that the whole tomato will break out by negligence with the root. On this basis, the tied plant will be very stable. Garters can be made to the very top without fear of injuring the plant itself.

We take 1 liter of skimmed milk, mix with 10 liters of water and add 10 drops of iodine.

Why you need to tie tomatoes

Tomatoes are tied using linear trellises.

The greenhouse should be well lit, since in the winter months the daylight hours are too short, and the lack of light can adversely affect the growth and ripening of fruits.

A more complex, but also more reliable method involves the use of trellises. How to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse to trellises can be seen from the diagram below.

​Attention! For use in the next season, the garter material must be disinfected by scalding it with boiling water or washing it with laundry soap in order to destroy the pathogens of various diseases that affect tomatoes.

How to tie tomatoes

Tying up tomatoes in a greenhouse is also necessary to preserve the fruit. Lying on the ground, they are attacked by slugs and other pests.

You need to act very carefully so as not to break the fragile shoot. Tomato garter pegs must be inserted into the ground at the time of grafting or immediately after. It is not worth waiting for the plant to grow quite tall, otherwise the roots may be damaged. Before driving the pegs into the ground, it is necessary to make holes in it with a diameter of 7 to 15 cm. The depth should be sufficient so that they do not stagger or collapse. As soon as flowering appears, the plant can be fixed with a garter.

It is clear that the material for this is needed so that it does not damage the thin fragile stem, does not contribute to the growth of bacteria and does not rot before the end of the summer season. Harsh thread, thin twine, fishing line and wire should be discarded immediately. The best option is ordinary cotton fabric, from which bedding is sewn. Having cut it into strips 3–4 cm wide, you can safely go to the greenhouse.

Garter methods

When the fourth or fifth leaf is formed on the cucumbers and they begin to lean towards the ground, ladders are installed near each plant. To do this, one ring is tied above the plant to the trellis with twine or thin soft wire, and the upper end of the ladder rail is inserted into it. The lower end of the ladder is simply placed on the ground next to the plant, and the plant is attached to its lower steps with the help of rings. To do this, the ends of the ring are bred.

The upper end of the twine (it should have an allowance of 15-20 cm) is thrown over the wire and tied with a sliding loop of a figure eight, a bow or a tie knot.

  • Do not spare the threads (twine) - the main thing is that the bush itself stands securely and is tied up correctly. We dissolve 50 g of soda ash in 10 liters of water, add 40 g of crushed laundry soap. We spray the leaves. You can tie tomatoes in a greenhouse using linear trellises. Pipes or stakes 2 ma high are placed along the edges of a row with plants. A strong twine or wire is pulled between the pipes, and a rope is tied to it. Each tomato bush has its own rope, around which it will wrap as it grows and matures. The lower end of the rope is carefully tied with a free knot to the stem of the plant. As the bushes grow, you will need to make sure that the stem wraps evenly around the rope.
  • If you choose the right fertilizers, you can avoid all kinds of tomato diseases. Long stakes are driven into the ground along the beds at some distance from each other. Between them, a wire or strong twine is stretched horizontally in increments of 35-40 cm.
  • In addition, now on sale you can find various reusable plastic devices both for garter and for maintaining individual brushes with fruits. Their price is low, you can buy once and forget about this problem for many years.​ In addition, they are affected by late blight, a disease whose pathogen is found in the soil. First, it is necessary to ensure the fixation of the main stems, and only then, as they grow, wrap the stepchildren with ropes. This process must be monitored and monitored all the time so that the new process is tied up before it starts to touch the ground.
How else to tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse? Many gardeners have appreciated the socks and stockings made of nylon: they are soft, do not pull and do not cut into the stem as they grow, in addition, they have a long service life and can be used for more than one season. After harvesting, experienced housewives wash such garters with laundry soap and scald with boiling water for better disinfection. But all these devices are already yesterday. Today on sale you can find special devices for tying and supporting individual branches with plastic fruits. They are inexpensive, and can be used constantly.​

How to tie tomatoes

A ladder rail and a cucumber lash are inserted inside the ring, the divorced ends of the ring are connected and the ring is lowered to the nearest lower step (match) of the ladder. In the future, as the plants grow, the lashes themselves are fixed with their whiskers on the steps of the ladder or are attached to it by the vegetable grower using rings in the same way as described.

When tying plants, do not pull the twine too much, as if the trellis wire vibrates, this can lead to the plants being pulled out of the soil.

The main stem must be tied with a soft fabric strip, and everything else can be done with a simple twine folded into 2-3 threads.

    Planting a tomato in a greenhouse fertilizer Fertilizing tomatoes in a greenhouse Seedlings of tomatoes how to properly plant in a greenhouse