Arched columns. Interior solutions: we make a gypsum plasterboard column in the room. Installation of a round column

Glad to welcome my audience! Today we will talk about how to add personality to your home or apartment. After all, even owners of spacious housing often cannot create a unique interior. The result turns out surprisingly faceless, like a picture from a glossy magazine. Elements such as decorative columns will help add uniqueness. You can even make them yourself from drywall! Depending on the style of your apartment, the columns can be very simple or intricate, with many decorations. If you learn how to work with this element correctly, then there will be no problems (of course, not counting the area of ​​​​the housing - you cannot install columns in a Khrushchev-era building).

Tools and materials for decorative columns

The list below can vary greatly depending on what you need to get, but the basic components will be needed in any case.

  • Laser level. You can use a regular one, but with a laser the process will go much faster;
  • Screwdriver, needed for fastening profiles;
  • Metal profiles that make up the frame of the entire structure;
  • Drywall;
  • Fasteners and screws for metal.
  • Drill;
  • Marking tools: ruler, compass, pencil, etc.;
  • Metal scissors or grinder.

Marking for a decorative column

The most important stage in the construction of many structures is marking. The decorative column is no exception here; although it is small in size, it still requires careful marking of the space. It's worth starting from the ceiling. Depending on the shape of the decorative column, you need to draw its boundaries on the surface. That is, if it is round, then you will need to use a compass. It will be easier with a square-shaped column, but not everyone likes this shape, it all depends on your choice.

The boundaries drawn on the ceiling must be exactly transferred to the floor. To do this, you can use a plumb line, but it is also possible to carry out this action with a laser level. Moreover, without yielding exactly to the plumb line. After this, you should have the outline of the future plasterboard column on the ceiling and floor.

Construction of the frame of a decorative column

You need a metal profile, on one of the faces of which you need to apply lines at a distance of 8 centimeters from each other. You will need to make cuts along these lines in such a way as to keep the other side intact. From such cut profiles we construct a circle, which we attach to the ceiling and floor, in marked areas. Fastening is carried out using a hammer drill and dowels or ordinary self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, but only if the base is wooden.

An optional, but very necessary step, would be to strengthen these circles with the help of additional pieces of the profile.

Now, we take metal guides 60x27 mm, from which we will make the main part of the frame. Again, depending on the shape of the column, these guides will need to be installed. If the decorative column is round, then they must be inserted into each groove of the circles from the profile. If it is square in shape, then you can install 4 main ones at the corners of the column and several additional ones every 35-40 centimeters.

It is necessary to strengthen the frame with small pieces of profile. To do this, we insert them perpendicular to the guides, the step should be around 30 cm. We reinforce the round column in the same way, only it is necessary to bend it according to the same pattern as the floor and ceiling profiles that reinforce the slats.

This is how a frame for a plasterboard column is created. You can do whatever you want with it, even leave it like that if you like. But, nevertheless, it was conceived in order to cover it with plasterboard, which will create an attractive appearance for the future column. The cladding process is described below, but it is worth saying right away that it is much easier to cladding a decorative column in a square shape than the so popular round one.

Covering a column with plasterboard

A triangular or square column can simply be lined with sheets of plasterboard, without additional preparation. But when working with a round or semicircular object, you need several additional measures that will allow you to change the shape of the drywall sheet.

The easiest way to bend a sheet of this material is to make several cuts on it and bend the sheet along them. The distance between the cuts should be no more than five centimeters. They need to be done so that the second side of the sheet remains intact. It is worth noting that the number of folds should be equal to the number of guides in the frame, since each face of the KGL sheet is connected to the guide post.

You can use another method - wet. It lies in the fact that when wet, plaster becomes pliable. This can be done as follows:

  1. Take a spiked roller and run it over a sheet of drywall several times. This is necessary in order to allow water to seep deep into the leaf;
  2. Using a wet rag or sponge, soak the sheet, but keep in mind that if it is too wet, it may fall apart;
  3. While the material is still wet, start shaping it into a curved shape;
  4. Attach to the frame.

The advantage of this method is that it is somewhat faster. Also, if you use this method when covering decorative columns with plasterboard, unlike the first, there will be no corners left on them, but only smooth transitions. But despite all the advantages, this method can be used with sufficiently large bending radii.

How to properly cover a column frame with plasterboard

Video about bending gypsum board:

The first and second methods can be combined. A perforated sheet of plasterboard, with ready-made folds, can be slightly wetted, which will make it more flexible and easier to work with.

There are some points to consider before covering the frame. If you create a column with your own hands, then you will be very sorry to disassemble it in order to run wires for the lamps that you planned to install in it. Or you wanted to hide the pipes that come from the second floor. And when the stage of sheathing has arrived, you notice that they are leaking a little, but the metal frame prevents them from being repaired, and you did not buy moisture-resistant drywall.

Such moments should be thought through in advance, and if you feel sorry for the work of your hands, then you will plan the work process in detail, and will not ignore any little thing that may bother you.

When a decorative column is covered with gypsum board sheets, it needs to be processed. If you want it to be perfectly round, then sand the corners (if any) with coarse sandpaper. The final stage will be puttying the object, which will make the column even and give it the necessary texture. Also, you can decorate it to your taste. After puttying, you can do whatever you want with it. You can place gypsum plasterboard structures nearby or add additional plasterboard elements to the product itself.

How to make a decorative column with your own hands (video)

In the modern interior of our home, a wide variety of decorative elements are increasingly appearing. Their classic manifestation is a decorative column made of plasterboard. This material is very plastic (when certain technologies are used), which makes it possible to successfully sheathe the most incredible structures with it.

The presence of decorative columns in the room will help:

  • visually delimit the space;
  • bring liveliness and novelty to the interior of the room;
  • create a chic and unique design;
  • get an additional point of support;
  • create an original TV stand;
  • change the geometry of the room;
  • create additional shelves;
  • disguise unnecessary elements: pipes, communications, etc.

Decorative columns in the interior

Drywall columns can be made very quickly and easily, even with your own hands.

Types of decorative plasterboard columns

In modern design, there are two main options for plasterboard columns along the cross-section of the structure:

  • round. This design often acts only as decoration or to disguise pipes and other undesirable elements of the room. A round decorative column will be appropriate in modern designs;
  • rectangular. This decorative design allows you to place several shelves. Therefore, the frame of this product is always made stronger than that of round columns.

When choosing a design option, you should be guided by the size of the room. In a small space, a mini-column would look appropriate. While on large areas you can create a whole decorative ensemble of columns.

How to make a decorative column from plasterboard

After the type of structure has been chosen, you should figure out how to make a column from plasterboard. To do this, you first need to mark the site for the future construction of the column.

First, you should determine the installation location and apply markings. Markings are made on the ceiling and floor. It looks like either a circle or a rectangle (depending on the type of design chosen).

Do-it-yourself marking involves the following steps:

  • first we draw markings on the ceiling;
  • Using a laser level or plumb line, transfer the markings to the floor.

Note! You can choose absolutely any cross-section of the structure. The main thing is that the column is stable and performs the functions assigned to it.

The beauty of the design directly depends on the accuracy of the manipulations performed.

How to make decorative columns: installation

Installation work for installing the frame involves:

  • we prepare the base for the column with our own hands. To do this, we either install the profile guides in the shape of a rectangle, or make a cut with metal scissors and bend the guides in a circle. The circle will be obtained by cutting the guide profile every 5 cm. If a larger cross-section is required, the distance can be increased;
  • We fix the base with dowels on the ceiling and floor. The fastening should be as strong as possible to prevent movement of the product;
  • in places where plasterboard shelves are subsequently installed, transverse guides should be made along the entire perimeter of the frame.

Do not forget to check the level when attaching the main and side profile guides. Otherwise, the frame may become distorted, which will subsequently affect the appearance of the column.

As a result, we will get a frame on which plasterboard sheets can be mounted.

Covering a column with plasterboard

Fastening drywall sheets is as follows:

  • cut the slabs into pieces of the required sizes;
  • We attach the drywall with our own hands to the side edges where built-in niches are expected. Sheets need to cover the entire interior space of the niches;
  • after the niches have been sheathed, you can begin installing pieces of drywall along the entire length of the frame;
  • After attaching the last sheet, all joints and places where screws are screwed in must be puttied and cleaned.

Very often, raster lamps are mounted in decorative columns with niches. In this case, before attaching the sheets in the place of the future niche, you need to lay the wires in advance. You should also make holes of the required size in the drywall, fix the lamps in them, and only then proceed with installation.

Note! Electrical wiring, if planned, must be carried out before the frame is completely covered with plasterboard.

If the column will carry a certain load - there will be a TV or heavy decorative elements on it, then the frame should initially be strengthened.

Strengthening the structure is carried out in the following way:

  • profile guides are cut into pieces of the required size;
  • For one reinforcement you need four rack double beams. They are obtained as a result of a fixed simultaneous combination of two profiles;
  • In addition, it is necessary to increase the number of transverse fastenings.

After all the installation work done by yourself, you will receive a perfectly even round or rectangular column.

The final chord in creating columnar structures made of plasterboard is their finishing.

Decorative column finishing: adaptation to the interior

When the column is completely ready, it only needs to be finished to give it the desired appearance. Most often, painting in contrasting colors is used for this, which help highlight this decorative element.

The column can also be finished with artificial stone, decorative or tiles.

You can create decorative plasterboard columns at home yourself. The main thing is to apply the markings correctly and follow the installation rules, and your apartment will become unique and uniquely original.

When making repairs in our apartment, each of us probably solved the issue of masking communications. During construction, all kinds of pipes, as if on purpose, are placed in such a way that they can be seen right from the threshold of the room, and they do not at all improve its appearance. It is even worse for residents of monolithic frame houses: the support pillars in them are often located in the most inconvenient place for the owners. And during redevelopment, if you obtained permission to remove part of the load-bearing wall, you were obliged to replace it with equivalent supports, which, to put it mildly, do not look very cool. The issue of masking such “decorations” is most successfully solved by plasterboard columns. And this option is resorted to by most owners who have had their eyes sore from absurdly protruding pipes and supports.

Decorative column: why plasterboard

Of course, the decorative column can be made from other materials. However, not everyone can afford marble, wood, malachite or granite. And in most interiors they will look out of place - unless you have decorated other furnishings with this material. At the same time, such a popular building material today provides many advantages.

  1. Drywall is inexpensive and accessible to everyone.
  2. The material is light and practically does not change the load on the floor slab, which is especially important for high-rise buildings.
  3. A column of plasterboard sheets can be made with your own hands, quite easily and without any special specialized knowledge.
  4. Any decor and shape of such columns is acceptable, due to which they easily fit into any interior.

And when you consider how quickly and cleanly a gypsum column is erected compared to other materials, it becomes clear that this is the ideal solution.

Due to the “flexibility” of the material, it can be used to make cladding for communications of any appearance. However, for the most part, saving useful space in the apartment, people resort to two options for how to make a column with their own hands:

  1. rectangular (a special case - square) section. Such designs often have built-in niches and shelves in order to diversify the interior and increase the usefulness of the constructed column;
  2. radius structures, most often having a circle or its segment in cross-section. Such columns look softer, and in a corner design they take up less space.

In this article we will look at how to make a plasterboard column of a round shape, since a rectangular one, according to the principle of construction, is no different from the construction of a niche, box or any other similar structure.

Stages of installation of a decorative column

The key to a successful, even and reliable plasterboard column that you install yourself is a correctly calculated and constructed frame. In the case of a curved section, fans of wooden sheathing will have to abandon it: it is much easier to make a base from a metal profile, and the result will be more geometrically correct.

  1. Installation of the frame begins with horizontal planes. A circle (or its segment) of the required diameter is drawn on the floor. Using plumb lines, the sketch is transferred to the ceiling exactly above the floor.
  • 2 segments are cut from the guide profile corresponding to the length of the arc.
  • The outer sides of the bent piece are cut every 5 centimeters, and the segments are bent in accordance with the pattern.
  • The profile is attached to the ceiling and floor; The fastener must be between each adjacent cuts.
  • Racks are installed. They are installed more often than with a straight section of the structure. Their frequency depends on how narrow the column is: the smaller its radius, the closer the racks are located.

That's all the wisdom! The sheathing is ready, now all that remains is to decide how you will cover it with your own hands.

Cladding a plasterboard column

Here we can offer 2 methods. Each of them has its advantages, but also its own difficulties in execution, so decide which one you like best.

Dry column cladding

  1. A piece is cut from a sheet of drywall, the length being equal to the height of your room, and the width being equal to the length of the arc.
  2. The gypsum board is laid on a flat, hard floor so that there is easy access to it.
  3. From the front side, the surface is cut from top to bottom to approximately 2/3 of the sheet thickness. The distance between the cuts depends on the steepness of the bend of the gypsum column. If its radius is not too small, it is convenient to use a section of the UD-27 profile and run the knife on both sides of it, then there will be no need to mark the sheet (there will be exactly 3 cm between cuts along the entire length). If the diameter of the column is large, the distance can be increased to 5 cm. You should not make too large indentations, since the result will be an angular surface that will not be hidden even under a thick layer of plaster.
  4. We carefully wrap the workpiece around the frame, breaking along the knife lines.
  5. The gypsum board is fixed to the frame with self-tapping screws in increments of 20-25 cm.

In order for the gypsum column to acquire the intended rounded shapes, the cuts are carefully puttied with the starting compound, and then the entire surface is smoothed in several layers with finishing putty and sanded.

The disadvantage of this method is that with an awkward movement you can either make a through cut or break the sheet completely along it.

Wet bending of drywall

The principle is based on the water permeability of drywall.

  1. The outer surface of the sheet cut to size is rolled with a needle roller - this will facilitate the penetration of moisture.
  2. Go over the pattern with a wet sponge or cover it with a well-moistened rag for about half an hour.
  3. A sheet of drywall is folded around the frame and, as it dries, attached to the studs with self-tapping screws.

The result is an ideal surface that does not require multiple layers of putty. Disadvantages of this method:

  1. If there is too much water, the leaf may simply fall apart.
  2. During fastening, due to the humidity of the plasterboard, the screws are often recessed too deeply into the material. Therefore, experienced drywallers advise temporarily securing the sheathing with wide tapes around the base and waiting until it dries a little.

Well, how and how to decorate a decorative column from plasterboard sheets with your own hands depends on the overall design of the room and its purpose. Everything is suitable - from painting and wallpaper to tiles and Venetian plaster.

Decorative columns in the interior (photo)

Columns in the interior of an apartment are considered an element of luxury and emphasize the status and taste of the owners of the house. However, in this topic we will talk about plasterboard columns, which are increasingly finding their purpose in modern design and fit perfectly into a classic and strict style, into Baroque and Provence decoration.

Types of plasterboard columns in the interior of an apartment

Plasterboard columns are divided into two main types:

  • round;
  • square.

Round columns are usually installed in rooms decorated like Provence; they can be installed in plasterboard arches and complemented with marbled stucco, or simply painted to match the overall tone of the room. Decorative plasterboard columns not only emphasize the style of the arches, but also create the effect of larger space. Square columns are used in high-tech and modern rooms. The structure of steel columns can be finished in wood or used as a niche.

The result is a false column, which, at first glance, is difficult to distinguish from a wooden one, but it is much cheaper in cost and is not inferior in appearance.

Purpose of decorative columns

One of the main purposes of a plasterboard column is to decorate the interior and zone the space. Columns help distribute usable space in trendy studio layouts. Columns can serve as a useful structure for hiding pipes and other communications and electrical wiring. Some columnar designs include built-in internal drywall shelves, which can provide additional storage space.

Necessary tools and materials: how to make a column

Drywall tools:

  1. Screwdriver - for screwing screws and self-tapping screws into hl and a metal profile.
  2. Perforator - a tool for drilling holes of different diameters in concrete floors.
  3. Shears for metal - used for cutting a metal profile.
  4. Laser level - allows you to make markings for mounting the frame. Can be replaced with a hydraulic level with a paint cord.
  5. Building level - used for smooth installation, both horizontal and vertical parts.
  6. Drywall cutter - helps to quickly and accurately cut sheets. Alternatively, you can use a paint knife and a ruler.
  7. Edge planer - chamfers the transverse edges of drywall, useful for square columns. Can be replaced with a paint knife.
  8. Roulette - for cutting the structure.
  9. Hammer - for driving dowel nails and fitting the profile.
  10. A set of crowns in case of need for holes of large diameter, for example, for sockets.
  11. Spatulas of several sizes - for finishing columns.


  1. Drywall - can be used for both walls and ceilings. It all depends on the location of the column and the mechanical impact on it.
  2. Metal profile - you can use wall and ceiling, it all depends on the diameter of the structure and the complexity of the design.
  3. Connectors between profiles - mainly used for non-standard ceiling heights.
  4. Screws for metal.
  5. Dowel nails or anchor wedges.
  6. Serpyanka tape - for sealing seams between drywall.
  7. Primer.
  8. Putty for finishing the column.
  9. Acrylic water-based paint for drywall or other decorative material for final finishing of the column.

How to make a round or square decorative column

Do-it-yourself installation of a plasterboard column can be divided into stages, and in particular:

  • preparatory work;
  • design and layout;
  • assembly and installation of a profile frame;
  • plasterboard covering;
  • decorative finishing.

Each of the above examples of work should be done on two types of columns, round and square. The installation principle of both types is quite similar, however, each type of design should be considered separately.

Do-it-yourself installation of a square column

First of all, you should prepare all the necessary materials and tools. You need to have a clear idea of ​​the appearance of the structure and its location. Video review of the installation process of a square plasterboard column.

How to make markings for a decorative column

Marking the future structure begins from the ceiling, where you need to mark the base of the column. Two parallel strips should be drawn between the walls. The width of future columns will depend on the distance between parallel lines.

When marking each of the structures with lines that will connect parallel strips, you need to ensure that the angles correspond to 90 degrees.

Next, using a laser level, the markings are transferred to the floor. As an alternative to a laser level, you can use a plumb line attached to the corners of the marking. Important! The future appearance of the structure depends on the correctness of the drawing and markings! The markings should be treated with particular care.

Assembly and installation of a profile frame for a column

Then you can begin installing the frame. Based on the patterns on the ceiling and floor, the profile is cut out and installed using dowels and nails.

A vertical profile is attached to the resulting frame base using metal screws. Their number depends on the location of the column and its width. If it is installed at a certain distance from the wall with a width from corner to corner of 50-55 cm, then at least eight such parts will be needed . The vertical parts of the frame must be reinforced with horizontal profiles with an approximate pitch of 50 cm.

During installation of the frame, you must constantly monitor the vertical evenness. You can use a plumb line or a simple building level. In some types of frames, additional inserts made of metal profiles can be used, where sockets or side lamps will be installed in the future. All the details of the future column design should be calculated at the stage of installing the frame, including all communications.

Covering decorative columns with plasterboard

Before covering the frame, the gypsum board sheets must be cut out using a pencil or marker. Cutting is done according to the dimensions of the frame. Drywall is cut into the required lengths with a paint knife or cutter. The prepared parts are fastened end-to-end using metal screws. If necessary, holes are cut on the sheathed column using a drill with an attachment.

Decorative finishing of the column

A column covered with gypsum board should be prepared for decorative finishing. To do this, the entire surface of the drywall must be treated with a primer. Glue sickle tape onto the horizontal seams, and install metal corners on the vertical seams. Apply an initial layer of putty along the seams and screw locations. After this, you need to apply a general layer of putty over the entire column. After the first layer has dried, the finishing putty is applied.

Decorative cladding of columns depends entirely on the design idea. They can be finished with decorative plaster, covered with wallpaper, or simply painted with water-based paints. It all depends on the budget, since the price of finishing materials varies significantly.

Installation of a round decorative column

A round column, unlike a square one, does not have corners, so marking the structure is easier. First of all, you need to find a point that will serve as the center of the column. Next, you need to use a compass, which you can make yourself from a strip, a nail and a pencil. Using a compass, a circle is drawn from the center point.

And in order to duplicate the size on the floor, a plumb line and again a compass are used.

To make the frame round, you should cut several pieces of the profile, leaving one section intact. Attach to the ceiling and floor along the contour of the mark, bending the profile. It should be noted that the distance between the segments should not exceed 5 cm. After installing the base of the frame, vertical posts are inserted into it, preferably thick-walled ones and secured with self-tapping screws.

It was the 25th day of August, summer was coming to an end, and autumn still did not want to come later to the already cloudy St. Petersburg. Along with autumn, depression came with a proud gait

To which we say: “Not today!” and we begin to decorate our rented apartment (where, in fact, there is a complete “Pe” in terms of renovation). Naturally, I’m still a Jew, and my soul is not at all generous, so there will be maximum savings, trash and hardcore in the style of Tarantino.
Let's go, guys. Since no one is interested in gluing wallpaper, I will skip this point. And let's start making a fucking COLUMN!

(backlight for effect, usually turned off (from LED strip))

Let's start with the most unpleasant thing: we'll go outside, or rather to a hardware store, to do some shopping. I stocked up in several stores, so I won’t recommend a specific one, unless it’s Leroy and that’s because it’s cheap.
[Note!] If you don’t have a car, it’s better to lure your boyfriend or girlfriend with something, or call a taxi (but this is an extra expense, so a friend is the best, he will help you later if he wants)
I’ll warn you right away that I don’t really know much about construction, etc. So, ardent masters of this business, forgive me for the fact that your eyes will bleed.
How to get warm: Let's go!

Ingredients for our dish:

Liquid nails – 1 piece –

100r gun for him.

Decorative polystyrene profile, long. 2m, 35x35mm (ceiling plinth and material closely similar to foam plastic) – 12 pcs – cost

Ceiling plate (without pictures) – 1 piece –

Double-sided tape – 1 piece –

Stenoflex 400 (take the largest one) – 1 piece –

Base for Pilaster – 3 pcs –

1800r – Yes, yes, here my Jew also rebelled, but this figure can be avoided if you put the column in the corner, you will need one thing there. I decided to go hardcore and put the column in the middle of the wall, so that the rest of the wall could be used as a workplace with a table and all sorts of nonsense.

You can also put a column in the middle of the room, but then you will need as many as 4 of these bases and 2-3 more baseboards.

We need a construction knife with replaceable blades just in case, so we’ll add another 150 rubles.

My total was: 2,520 rubles + 160 rubles for shawarma in pita bread from a gourmet chef.

Let's begin.
I didn’t think to take photos at the initial stage, sorry :(

First, we measure the height of our Bases to the Pilasters and make a mark on the wall with a pencil.
Take our Stenoflex

DIY decorative column
Let's do it together #1: Do-it-yourself column for pennies

How to make decorative columns with your own hands

When thinking through the interior of his living space (decorating a house or apartment), even a person far from design art often uses various options for additional techniques and architectural elements. The decoration of its interior space with columns gives the room a special majestic atmosphere. Do-it-yourself decorative columns can be made from many modern materials, for example, polystyrene foam.

Step-by-step instructions for making columns

Thanks to such interesting details, made, for example, in antique style, you can create a delightful classic interior. Naturally, such a direction in decorating a room can be entrusted to a professional experienced in this field, but not everyone can afford this option. Those who decide to turn their imagination into reality on their own will come to the aid of accessible and inexpensive material (foam) and the following instructions.

So, at the very beginning, you should make sure that you have all the building materials and tools necessary for the construction of columns. You will need:

  1. putty,
  2. putty knife,
  3. bag of tile adhesive
  4. Styrofoam,
  5. blade for cutting wood or metal
  6. plaster corner for finishing work,
  7. building level.

At the very beginning of the work, you should decide on the exact location of future columns, their thickness and number.

If your room has high ceilings and a large spatial area, then you need foam No. 5 for the columns. Do-it-yourself decorative columns from this building material are wide, thick and very reminiscent of antique columns. Using the building level readings, make all the necessary markings on the wall surface.

After applying the markings, you should begin the direct preparation of the polystyrene foam layers. It is advisable to measure the selected number of polystyrene foam as accurately as possible, carefully mark the middle in it and mark it as a cut line. That is, the layers of material must be cut into two halves along the length. It is best to cut foam plastic with a special blade designed for cutting wood or metal.

On one side, each half of the foam sheet must be greased with tile adhesive. Let it soak in. This may take up to 10 minutes. After this time, the sheets should be carefully glued along the marking line. When gluing foam plastic, try not to put too much pressure on it, since this material is particularly fragile. Lay out the entire column on the wall in this way.

After gluing all parts of the column to the surface, care should be taken to ensure that they have a base and a beginning. There is no need to buy special separate elements for these purposes, since it is quite possible to use leftover foam.

Having completed the basis of the entire structure, start adjusting it. In order for decorative foam columns to have even corners, it is necessary to use a plaster corner for finishing. This corner needs to be pasted over both corners of the column. And only after the corners have completely dried should you begin puttying work. The putty is applied in such a way that its first layer is thin and strengthens the structure of the entire part, tightening it. To do this, it is enough to use a special mesh for plaster. After the first layer has dried, the second layer is applied.

The finished column just needs to be painted.

Decorative columns can also be erected from other modern materials. Polyurethane stucco is quite suitable for this work. The advantages of this material include durability, strength and low cost.

In any case, we can say that columns in a house made of any available building material will enrich the atmosphere and give it a significant amount of seriousness and solemnity.

DIY gypsum columns
Do-it-yourself gypsum columns How to make decorative columns with your own hands Thinking through the interior of your living space (decorating a house or apartment) even far from design art

Until recently, columns in interiors served as load-bearing supports. Now, in most cases, these elements play a decorative role in the design. False columns have become an integral part of both classical and modern stylistic trends. They can be square, rectangular or round in shape; triangular ones are less common. In addition to its main function - interior decoration, a column can serve as a decorative box for communications or the basis for a furniture structure, as well as a zoner for a fairly spacious room or a decoration for arches. How to make such an interior element with your own hands? Let's look at a simple example.

DIY plasterboard column: preparatory stage

Any plasterboard structure requires a detailed drawing that will help determine its design and calculate the materials. For a proper project, you need to know the diameter of the future structure, its shape and height. Another important step is preparing the necessary tools.


  • Drywall knife or jigsaw,
  • Metal scissors or grinder,
  • Ladder,
  • Square and tape measure,
  • Ruler and pencil,
  • Plumb and level
  • Screwdriver, electric drill and hammer drill,
  • Spatulas and construction mixer,
  • Roller,
  • Compass (in the case of a round product).

The arsenal of materials includes a metal profile, plasterboard sheets, fasteners, primer, serpyanka and putty. If you are planning a column with external corners, you will need a perforated corner to decorate them.

How to make a column from plasterboard: installing the frame

The frame is the supporting structure of the entire product. It sets the shape of the future interior element, so installation begins with its assembly. When the location of the future column has already been determined, a project has been drawn up and the surface for work has been prepared, installation can begin.

Installation of the sheathing in stages:

  1. An outline of the column section is drawn on the ceiling, then using a laser level or a plumb line and a pencil, the image is transferred to the floor. At this stage, special attention should be paid to the accuracy of the markings. Otherwise, the entire repair can be ruined.
  2. Next, corners are made from a metal profile and attached to the floor and ceiling with dowels along the contour of the marking. They will serve to attach the racks. It is very important to fasten the elements clearly opposite each other so that the structure is level.
  3. A rack profile is taken and cut into vertical sheathing elements, according to the drawing parameters. The number of racks is determined by the weight of the material and the functional load of the column.
  4. The racks are attached to the corners using self-tapping screws.
  5. To strengthen the frame, jumpers are mounted horizontally and diagonally between the racks.

If the column serves as a box to hide water pipes, it is better to lay soundproofing material inside the frame.

Covering a column with plasterboard

This stage may differ in the specifics of installing drywall and preparing the necessary elements. For example, in the case of a round column, the material will need to be bent according to the diameter of the structure. A rectangular or square column is simpler in this regard, however, there are some nuances.

Fastening drywall using the example of a square-shaped product:

  • The necessary elements are marked on the gypsum board sheets and the material is cut using a construction knife or jigsaw.
  • The sheathing parts are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws. The distance between the fastening points should not exceed 15 - 20 cm. The screw heads should be slightly recessed into the drywall.

At this stage, when screwing in the screws, it is important not to push through the drywall itself. Proceed with caution. When the entire frame is hidden under drywall, the column is finished.

Rough and decorative finishing of the column

The finishing stage includes sealing seams, processing corners and leveling the surface. The joints are cut with a milling cutter, sealed with putty and sealed with sickle tape. While the putty hardens, you can begin to work on the outer corners of the structure. A perforated corner is cut along the height of the column and attached to the outer corners with putty. This element will serve as a kind of beacons when leveling the surface. Next, the ceiling plinth is attached. When the putty on the joints and corners has hardened, you can begin leveling the entire surface of the column.

When selecting materials, you can opt for universal putty. It is applied in one layer and is quite suitable for further decorative finishing.

When the surface is completely dry, you can begin decorating the column. There are enough design options to make the right choice. The column can be finished with decorative plaster or liquid wallpaper, painted with acrylic paint, decorated with tiles or stone. The only thing you need to take into account is that the floor plinth is already attached after the decorative finishing is completed.

In order for a plasterboard column to have a finished look and fit perfectly into the overall interior of the room, it is important to follow two design rules: the column can merge with the overall design or be a bright accent in the interior. Therefore, it is important to choose the right cladding.

Do-it-yourself decorative plasterboard columns: 3 stages of installation
Plasterboard columns are a decorative element of the interior that can complement an arch or zoning partition. Read more about making columns with your own hands.

Columns in the interior - 90 photos of the best ideas for elegant design and decor

The usual associations with columns in the interior are classic style, luxury and sophistication. However, modern trends allow them to be used in rooms decorated in a variety of styles - from hi-tech to modern. They are becoming more and more widespread, remaining the epitome of luxury and rich decoration. Photos of columns in interiors allow you to see how organically this element can fit into everyday reality.

Brief contents of the article:

Columns in modern rooms

In ancient times, columns served as supporting structures, and only later began to play a decorative role in the interior. The classic column consists of three parts:

  • base - or base (lower part),
  • trunk (central part),
  • capitals (upper part).

The bottom and top parts may sometimes be missing. The capital is the most decorative element of the column, decorated with elegant ornaments and regal bas-reliefs.

Modern columns can have the following design options:

  • colonnades,
  • paired columns (or united by one arch),
  • semi-columns.

Paired columns are a classic option. They are usually located on both sides of the fireplace, window or staircase. Installation to opposite walls makes it possible to delimit the space, dividing it into functional zones. If they are united by an arch, this effect is enhanced.

Most often, paired columns have only a decorative function, participating in the design as an element that unites the space into a single zone, emphasizing the overall style.

Colonnades. This type of column is a great way to unobtrusively zone a space. If their location is determined at the construction stage, they can become a supporting structure, also carrying a functional load.

Half-columns - imitate columns protruding from the walls. The role in the interior is actually the same - creating a visual accent, zoning the room. It is very easy to frame a fireplace or window with them, fixing them against the wall, since they do not carry any functional load. They look no less expressive in the interior than traditional ones.

Interior design using columns can dramatically transform a room. With their help, it is easy to make a spectacular accent where it is needed.

Keep in mind that the shapes and sizes of columns significantly affect the perception of space. Tall, thin designs bring more grace to the interior, visually expand the space and increase the height of the room.

Thick ones, on the contrary, can visually make the room smaller. However, they give it fundamentality and create a feeling of strength and reliability.

Types of materials for manufacturing

Natural materials used since ancient times are stone, granite, metal or marble. Experts recommend giving preference to them if the columns will bear the load as supporting structures. Considering the high cost of this kind of materials, for decorative purposes it is better to limit ourselves to artificial ones.

Gypsum (drywall). A popular material for making columns. Its big advantage is that it is easy to carry out restoration, restoring the structure, adding decorative elements, decorating it in a new way.

Architects enjoy working with gypsum structures. You can easily make columns in the interior with your own hands from plasterboard. The disadvantage of the materials is the impossibility of using them in outdoor work and decorating rooms with high humidity.

Polyurethane. Due to the ease of working with polyurethane and its affordable prices, it is used very often. The material allows you to decorate decorative columns with the smallest details of fancy shapes, as well as paint them in any color with ordinary acrylic paint.

Finished polyurethane products can be purchased in specialized stores or made to order - according to your own sketch. They weigh little and are easy to install. For these reasons, they are considered the best option for decorating apartments.

When making your choice, focus on your budget, because natural materials are much more expensive than their analogues. Consider the functionality and overall style of the room. If they require the use of materials with greater strength, it is better to stop at basalt or concrete.

First you need to decide on the style in which the room will be designed. Depending on the direction, a different approach to decoration is required. Let's look at the nuances of the design of columns in the interiors of the most common styles.

A style that combines features of baroque and antiquity, sometimes modern. The shape of the columns must be strict and the lines must be clear.

In the upper and lower parts, they can be decorated with gypsum moldings (gypsum will successfully replace polyurethane). If we talk about color, white, the classic version, is preferable.

Decorating the columns with gold paint or marble would look great here. This will make the interior luxurious. Venetian plaster imitating stone is perfect.

In this case, the finish will be rough, not luxurious. It can be natural stone or imitation, aged wood.

Provence, country

Practical style. An excellent solution would be to use flexible tiles that can be fixed to any surface, including drywall. Traditionally, wood, stone or its imitation are used.

East style

Decorating columns with mosaics is one of the best options for this style. Perfectly fit into the atmosphere imitation stone.

This style requires unexpected and original ideas. For example, futuristic ones: illuminated glass columns that are filled with liquid with air bubbles moving upward.

Clear square and rectangular shapes would be appropriate here. Imitation of brickwork and concrete, rough plaster are suitable for decoration.

In order for the column to successfully blend into the setting, becoming part of the whole picture, sometimes creative solutions are needed

  • current technique is a combination of rough stone finishing with soft materials,
  • columns installed nearby can easily be converted into a homemade shelving unit,
  • using columns, you can create a niche to place a TV or music center,
  • with properly equipped lighting, you can highlight a decorative niche inside, where a picture, antique dishes or sculpture will be located,
  • even more effectively, you can delimit the space by placing a cabinet or rack between the columns.

Use your imagination to play with this interior detail in the best possible way. Modern possibilities allow you to decorate your home, based on any taste preferences.

Columns in the interior - 90 photos of the best ideas for elegant design and decor
To beautifully decorate the columns in the interior, we offer you to see photos of ready-made solutions on the website. Detailed instructions for choosing materials and do-it-yourself installation.

The triumphal column - Alexander's - in honor of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 in St. Petersburg. The idea to perpetuate the memory of Alexander the First in the victory in the war with Napoleon belongs to Nicholas the First. Project by architect Montferand, figure of an angel by sculptor Orlovsky. 1830 - 1834

Triumphal structures - arches with columns, glorifying the valor of warriors, originate in Ancient Rome. These structures were designed to demonstrate the power of Imperial Rome. Triumphal arches with columns were erected not only in Italy, but also in the provinces for the glory of the great empire, being conductors of Roman culture and ideology. Ancient Roman triumphal arches are free-standing gates that are not connected to the fence. The arch conventionally served as the border between one’s own and another’s world: moving from one world (before victory) to another (after victory), the army becomes invincible. The purpose of the arches is to glorify the victorious army and the military leader, who was the first to pass under a specially erected arch when returning to the city after a successful military campaign. Or the arch was erected after the death of military leaders in honor of their victories. In Rome, the arches of the emperors Titus (81 AD), Septimius Severus (late 2nd century AD) and Constantine (6th century AD) have been preserved - these two arches were three-span. The triumphal arch with columns of the Corinthian order on both sides is decorated with an attic with a dedication to Titus “From the Senate and People of Rome” written on it. On the surface of the arch vault there are rectangular cassettes and reliefs with scenes depicting the procession of triumphants with trophies of the Jerusalem temples. The arch is crowned with relief figures of the goddesses of victory. The arch is crowned with a statue of the emperor in a chariot drawn by four horses. The Arch of Titus was not only a monument to military superiority and victories, but also a memorial - the ashes of Titus were located in the attic. The Arch of Titus served as a model for triumphal arches in Europe and Russia.

Arch of Titus in Rome. Architect Domitian. Built in 81 to commemorate the victory over Jerusalem in 70 AD.

The military leaders in the Roman Empire were dedicated not only to arches, but also to columns. In Rome, the columns of Trajan and Marcus Aurelius have been preserved. The stucco of Trajan's Column, built by Apollodorus of Damascus in 113, depicts a plot based on the Dacian wars waged by Trajan. In total, there are 2500 human figures on the column, and 59 images of Trajan. In addition to the warriors, the stucco of the column includes allegorical figures of Victory, the Danube (an old man), and Night (a woman with her face covered with a veil). Moreover, the information conveyed by the stucco of the column was more complete than written sources. The ashes of Trajan rest at the base of the column. In 117, a statue of Trajan was erected on the top, and in the 16th century. instead of it they put a statue of the Apostle Peter.

Stucco molding of Trajan's Column. Rome.

Trajan's Column became the model for columns that were erected later. For example, the column of Marcus Aurelius is dedicated to the Marcomannic War (166-180). The stucco molding of the column on it is relief and expressive due to deep stone carvings. In the 16th century instead of the lost figure of Marcus Aurelius crowning the column, a sculpture of the Apostle Paul was installed.

Column of Marcus Aurelius. Rome. Column Square (Piazza Colonna). 193

Arches with columns became widespread and were erected in different parts of the Roman Empire. Interest in ancient triumphal buildings was revived along with new knowledge about ancient Roman architecture. The fashion for arches with columns came to Europe from France during the Empire period with its imperial motifs. In the 19th century by decree of Napoleon, the Vendôme Column was erected in Paris (1806-1810). The column was cast from Austrian and Russian cannons, modeled on Trajan's Column in Rome with a statue of Napoleon and 76 units of sculptural relief made by the artist J.-L. David (Jacques-Louis David. 1748-1825)

Vendôme Column. architect J.B. Leper and J. Gondoin in honor of the victories of Napoleon I. 1806-1810. Paris.

The Empire style affected not only imperial France; it was also in fashion in other European countries, most often embodied in triumphal arches with columns. An example is Nelson's Column on Trafalgar Square, built in 1843. In the 19th century, in 1864, by order of the monarch William the First, a triumphal column was erected in Berlin as a symbol of great victories: in the Prussian-Danish War (1864), Austro-Prussian War (1866), Franco-Prussian Battle (1871), architect Johann Stract, sculptors Friedrich Drake, Alexander Calandrelli, Karl Keil, Moritz Schulz and Albert Wolf.

Column in Trafalgar Square in London.

Empire style, as a style, was adopted by the victorious country of France - Russia. Along with the Empire style, the style of ancient Roman triumphal structures - arches with columns - was borrowed.

Note: However, arches cannot be called exclusively an achievement of the ancient Romans; in Ancient Rus', arches with columns were also built in honor of victories and the exaltation of a ruler, state or city. For example, Prince Yaroslav in 1037 erected the Golden Gate with an arch and a church above it to emphasize the greatness of Kyiv.

The Alexander Column in St. Petersburg (1830-1834), created by the architect Auguste Montferrand, the sculptor B.I. Orlovsky, was built by decree of Emperor Nicholas I in honor of the victory of Alexander I over Napoleon, as a kind of response to the installation of the Vendôme Column in Paris. In Moscow, a triumphal arch with columns was installed in honor of the victory of the Russian people in the Patriotic War. The triumphal arch, built in 1829-1834, replaced the wooden arch created in 1814, built at the Tverskaya outpost to welcome troops who returned from France after the defeat of the French army. The Moscow triumphal arch was faced with white stone. The decor of the columns and sculpture were cast from cast iron. Both sides of the triumphal arch are decorated with a commemorative inscription: in Russian and Latin, praising the feat of Alexander I. After the reconstruction, the inscription was replaced by another, dedicated to the restoration of Moscow after the destruction of 1812. The decor of the columns of the new arch was designed by I. Vitali and I. Timofeev based on drawings by O. Beauvais. The gate is decorated with allegorical images of Victory, Glory and Courage. In 1936, the arch was dismantled, and in 68 it was restored on Kutuzovsky Prospekt

Triumphal Arch in Moscow.

The Golden Gate was built in 1164 by order of Yaroslav the Wise. Kyiv.

Architects of our time, just like in ancient times, erect structures in memory of significant historical events. For example, the triumphal column in Kaliningrad was installed in 2005 on Victory Square in memory of the victories of the Russian army and is part of the city ensemble “Two Hundred Years of the Glory of Russian Weapons.” In addition to arches with columns, obelisks and steles were erected in honor of memorable events in Ancient Egypt, from where they spread to the Middle East. Such structures served as memorials in honor of significant events and memorial monuments. During the Renaissance, obelisks began to play the role of a compositional center in urban ensembles. For example, obelisk-steles from the time of Ramses II stand on the embankment in London, in Paris on the Place de la Concorde, in New York.

Obelisk in St. Peter's Square - San Pietro.

On Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow, the column exalting the country in the victory over fascism was replaced by an obelisk - a stele that became both a monument to the fallen and a monument to Victory.

Stele on Poklonnaya Hill. 1995

Fragment of a stele on Poklonnaya Hill. 1995

The theme of victory in the ensemble of the Memorial Complex on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow is supported by rectangular columns assembled into a semicircular colonnade enclosing the Monument.

The colonnade of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War symbolizes the solidity, power and strength of the country that defeated Nazism.

The history of arches with columns, their specific purpose throughout human history, requires special treatment and use in modern construction. However, given that the functions of these structures were still not unambiguous, they can be used in another capacity: for example, arches with columns can be installed at the entrance to the estate, indicating the division of space between the street and private property. Well-known buildings, such as the one in the photo below, can serve as an example.

The arch with columns at the entrance to Dikanka, Poltava region, was built for the arrival of Emperor Alexander I according to the design of the architect Luigi Rusca.

The stucco molding of columns and arches can be made from both traditional natural materials and polyurethane.

Among the decorative elements of a modern interior, arches occupy a special place. Vaulted structures give the room space, sophistication and coziness. For any style of decoration of an apartment or house, you can choose an arch design that will not only fit organically into the image of the room, but will also become its focal point, the highlight of the space.

Translated from Latin, the word “raka” means bend, and this is how we present the classic version of this structure. But in a modern interior there is a place for arches of various modifications, made of wood, stone, brick and plasterboard. There are many ways to decorate your home without sacrificing comfort and a sense of spaciousness and freedom. In this publication we will try to provide as many possible ideas in the field of design of interior arches.

An interior arch is a stylish and elegant solution for a modern interior. It is great for creating an open design. The arch delimits the functional segments of the home, but at the same time does not allow the feeling of common space to leave the room. In any apartment or house there are rooms that can do without interior doors and only benefit from their absence. For example, combining a kitchen and dining room or living room and hallway. For some homes, arches are relevant as doorways for utilitarian premises. By installing arches and removing interior partitions, you expand the space, increase each functional area, but at the same time leave it in its place.

Choosing material for the arch

The choice of material for the arch is directly influenced by the composition of the walls themselves, their thickness, dimensions and shape of the arched vault. For many materials there are limitations not only in terms of the weight of the structure, but also the difficulty of creating the arch shape. When building an interior arch, the following materials can be used:

The easiest, fastest and cheapest way is to make an arched structure from plasterboard. After sewing up the arched vault with this material, the final finish can be varied. It can be sheathed in wood, covered with mosaics or decorative plaster. Even use lightweight artificial stone or wall panels that imitate brick, marble or wood.

A stone arch looks impressive and gives the whole image of the room a certain solidity and massiveness. Depending on the color and texture of the stone covering, the arch could be relevant in various interior styles.

The first associations of the arch with stone cladding are associated with country style, rural motifs and closeness to nature. But such a structure can be successfully integrated not only into a country home. Classic interiors, Provas, some varieties of country style and even modern style of interior design look organically with a stone arch.

A brick arch looks great in a modern interior, and it doesn’t matter whether you decide to leave the masonry in its original form, treating it only with protective sprays and varnishes or painting the surface.

One of the most traditional ways of decorating an arch is wood trim. Such a structure will be relevant in any interior – from classic to contemporary. A wooden arch brings elegance and comfort to the design of a room, and the functional background of the room itself does not matter - it is a corridor or a living room.

Arch design - a kaleidoscope of ideas for modern housing

From the point of view of the external appearance of the arch vault, the following types of similar structures are distinguished:

  1. Classical or Roman arch. The Romans borrowed a lot from Greek culture and architecture, but this element can rightfully be considered their invention. The arch that is closest to all of us in shape and design is a vault with a regular radius and a semicircular shape. This design does not contain protruding joints and is famous for its simplicity and laconic appearance. Classic arches look great in rooms with high ceilings. If you are planning to install an arch in an ordinary apartment with a standard ceiling height, then this option most likely will not suit you.

One option for using the classic arch is to integrate columns and supports into a round vault structure. As a rule, such structures are made of wood or stone, but for a more democratic interior, plasterboard structures can be used.

  1. British arches or structures in the style modern. Such designs differ from classic ones in a more elongated part of the arch, the arc is straightened and has a truncated radius of the arch. For rooms with low ceilings, British arches are an ideal option.

  1. Arches using element ellipse They do not have rounded corners and are a fairly popular option for decorating rooms. The spread of such designs is primarily due to the versatility of the design. It can be used both with and without columns, in rooms with low ceilings and in spacious rooms, in combination with arches of another modification.

An excellent way to isolate a kitchen space without reducing the usable space of the room is to use an elliptical arch with columns.

A similar design can be used to partially separate the space of a boudoir, office or dressing room located within the sleeping area.

One of the variations of the use of an ellipse in the design of an arch is the almost circular shape of the opening. Such structures are often used in spaces where, in addition to the decorative background, the crayfish also plays a functional role - limiting the rest area from the workplace, for example.

  1. Slavic arch (or "romance") is essentially a rectangular opening with only rounded corners. This is another universal way of zoning space, which will look organic both in a standard city apartment and within a country home.

  1. Turkish The arch is reminiscent of the structures that decorated palaces, harems and just the houses of wealthy residents during the Ottoman Empire. Of course, for such an arch design, the support of the entire interior is necessary - the features of the Mediterranean design of decoration and furniture will create a more harmonious image of the room.

  1. Gothic the arch has a sharp arch. Such structures bring originality to the interior, but are only suitable for rooms with high ceilings. Decorated with mosaics, stone or ceramics, Gothic arches look luxurious and become focal points of the interior.

  1. looks like a continuation of a rectangular or round door. Typically, inserts made of transparent or frosted glass are used in the upper part; it is possible to use stained glass, translucent plastic with relief.

  1. Thai An arch (or semi-arch) is a structure in which one of the sides ends at a right angle, and the other is rounded. In this case, the radius of the circle can be any.

The shrine itself can be decorated in various ways. Lamps or LED lighting are often built into a plasterboard structure, thereby providing not only zoning of the room, but also highlighting a functional segment with the help of light.

An interior arch decorated with moldings, cornices and stucco is perfect for both a classic interior and its variations.

Combination of arched openings with other interior elements

The interior arch will organically fit into the interior, where rounded arches are already used for other interior elements. For example, in a kitchen or dining room you can use arched niches as decoration or storage systems; the rounded shapes of glass inserts in the facades of kitchen cabinets and cupboards also help create a balanced image of the space.

An excellent addition to arched openings and interior vaulted structures are doors with semicircular tops. Of course, doors with round arches are more expensive than conventional models, but the cost of individual design will be justified in the form of an original and sophisticated interior of the room.

The same can be said about rooms in which, in addition to interior arches, rounded vaults are used in the construction of windows. The elegance and elegant appearance of such a room is guaranteed.

The arch at the entrance to the living room will be in perfect harmony with the semicircular arches in the open bookshelves. The same technique can be used for cabinets closed with facades in the form of threads or glass inserts in the doors.

Interior arch - an elegant element of the interior Arches in the interior
Much has been said about the fact that arches perfectly separate the space of two rooms, but at the same time look much more elegant than doors. The interior definitely benefits from this.

Arched openings in the interior of different rooms:

Arches in the hall and corridor:

In walk-through spaces, arches are a great way to break up the monotony and add elegance. In addition, arches in hallways improve visual perspective if they provide views into adjacent rooms, such as the living room. And the through arched opening above the rectangular door turns it into an example of high classics.

Arches on the border of the living room and kitchen, kitchen and dining room:

The general trend of open floor plans and attempts to turn an apartment into a giant studio is becoming a thing of the past. But the rational kernel of this idea - the feeling of spaciousness - is still valuable. The arches smoothly lead the eye from the living room to the dining room or kitchen, or from the kitchen to the dining area. Moreover, the wider the arched opening, the more attention should be paid to the harmony of colors and style of neighboring rooms.

Arches on the loggia:

Attaching a loggia to a room has become almost a matter of course. But the massive beam on the border (which cannot be dismantled under any circumstances) sometimes causes irritation. Try turning it into the basis for a spectacular arch. The examples shown here are for the bedroom, but it works just as well for other rooms.

Alcove arches:

Exquisite alcoves are a technique that came to us from French boudoirs, as well as from the Arab East. In the latter case, this is how cozy corners are separated in almost any area of ​​the house. And French ladies found it chic to place a bed or bath in an alcove.

Elements that complement the arches:

masking beams:

If, after dismantling the walls, there remains a wide opening that you would like to preserve, you can create an arched structure only in the upper part, almost under the ceiling. In this case, the beam becomes the basis of a spectacular interior element. The logical support of the arch is columns or pilasters.

Lightweight version of the arch:

The option looks more elegant when, in the upper part of the arches, similar to the previous ones, the beams (or part of the opening) are framed by small curved elements in the shape of an arch. The interior space can be through or decorated with stained glass inserts.

Arch with bar counter:

An original move that allows you to combine the living room with the kitchen. At the same time, the composition of the furnishings of the rooms does not change, and the bar counter fits compactly on the border.

Drywall arches with through niches:

In cases where it is necessary to zone a certain room, an arch can not only mark a visual boundary, but also become an effective decoration. Through niches are sometimes used as shelves, but for greater practicality, it is advisable to attach fiberboard, MDF or wooden elements to a horizontal surface. Also, with a similar design you can separate a small hallway (corridor, hall) from the living room.

Arches in different styles:

High classic:

Classic arches come from palace interiors. Regardless of the height of their location (a full arch, a vault element, or a portal supported by columns), they look more solid than any others, and often more massive. The design uses order elements of ancient architecture, as well as techniques that came during Baroque times, such as keystones. The finishing is equally respectable: plaster stucco, marble, Venetian plaster. This type of arches is usually symmetrical.

The defining element of country style arches is the finishing: stone and wood. In this case, the form can be borrowed from the classics, with the exception of overly pretentious details. In this way, both open arches and the outer part of openings, including interior doors, are designed.

Bizarre lines reminiscent of the curves of plants are the characteristic forms of Art Nouveau (Art Nouveau) ornaments. Accordingly, they are asymmetrical. True, when choosing this type of arch, you should not forget. that it refers to “active”, i.e. there is dynamics in it. Therefore, if you are attracted to this particular type of arch, evaluate the volume of the room, whether it will become unnecessary. The curved overlays of Art Nouveau arches are made of plaster stucco or wood, and the structural elements are made of plasterboard.

Non-standard arch shapes:


A beveled rounded opening that replaces a door is an elementary semi-arch; if there is not enough space, sometimes this is the only right solution. But semi-arches can be much larger; the main difference from a regular arch is the asymmetry of the structure.

Circle arch:

The most active, dynamic type of arch, an absolutely modern solution for original natures. It looks especially impressive when complemented with spotlights, flutes or even curtains