What to do if spathiphyllum is frozen. What to do if spathiphyllum drops its leaves after transplantation? Why do spathiphyllum leaves turn black or dry around the edges?

Spathiphyllum is not a capricious plant, but sometimes it also causes trouble for its owner. Errors in care immediately affect the condition of spathiphyllum leaves. They may turn black, yellow, discolored, or lose turgor. All these symptoms clearly indicate problems in agricultural technology that need to be eliminated in order to restore the decorativeness and health of the plant.

Flower growers often ask why the tips of spathiphyllum leaves turn black and dry out. Let's try to figure it out.

Reason #1. Dry air

In this case, the ends dry out just a little - literally by 1-2 mm. At the same time, the rest of the leaf plate remains green or, in the zone bordering with blackening, acquires a yellowish tint. This type of spathiphyllum leaves the tips of its leaves drying out when grown in normal residential conditions. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in winter, when the heating is on.

The cause of dry tips of spathiphyllum leaves is dry air.

What to do?

To reduce the appearance of black tips of spathiphyllum to a minimum, you should increase the air humidity near the pot with the plant. For this it is recommended:

  • spray spathiphyllum 2 times a day with warm, settled water;
  • place the spathiphyllum next to the aquarium;
  • place the pot with spathiphyllum on a tray with wet expanded clay;
  • use a humidifier (the most effective remedy).

Reason #2. Bay

In this case, the spathiphyllum leaves turn black and dry a little differently. The defect affects a wider area and affects part of the leaf blade. The blackening zone is limited from the normal part of the leaf blade by a narrow yellow border.

Such spots “speak” of a bay and heavy, non-hygroscopic soil

What to do?

Blackening of only the tips of the leaves indicates that the spathiphyllum is watered too often, but there is no rotting of the roots yet. In this case, helping the flower will consist of an adjusted watering regime.

Some gardeners decide to water only when the spathiphyllum leaves droop and look wilted in appearance. Sometimes this happens when the soil in the pot is almost completely dry! However, for spathiphyllum such seemingly cruel drying is in the order of things. Just water it and in an hour all the leaves will restore turgor. At the same time, an irrigation regime with constant severe drying is not a recommended option. That is, sometimes you can do this, but not systematically. This has a bad effect on the condition of the soil and small suction roots, which can die. Ideally, spathiphyllum should be watered after the soil has dried to 1/3 - 1/4 of the height of the pot.

Symptom No. 2. Spathiphyllum leaves dry along the edges, black drying spots appear in the central part of the leaf plate

Reason #1. Bay

Dark black or brown spots on spathiphyllum usually indicate significant flooding that accompanies the plant for a long time. Most likely, the flower is watered too often and there is a permanent swamp at the bottom of the pot, near the roots. It is not surprising that the roots in such a situation begin to rot, which leads to the leaves of the spathiphyllum turning black.

In severe flooding, spathiphyllum leaves become covered with dark spots along the edges.

What to do?

First, adjust the watering (read about the recommended watering mode in the previous paragraph). If the spots continue to spread to more leaves or increase in size, it is necessary to inspect the roots and, if necessary, treat any rot found. This can be done according to the following scheme:

  • Inspect the roots for rot. Rotten roots – yellowish or brown, soft; healthy roots are white and dense.
  • Plant spathiphyllum in new, light soil with the addition of activated carbon (to prevent rotting of the cuts). There is no need to water immediately! The parquet soil is initially damp, this is enough to support the vital activity of the “amputated” roots.
  • After 2-3 days, when the new soil has dried, water the transplanted spathiphyllum with warm, settled (ideally boiled) water with the addition of “Kornevin”.

Reason #2. Root cooling

Spathiphyllum leaves may turn black due to “wet” cooling. Let’s say you watered the plant in the evening, but it got cold at night and the roots froze.

“Wet” cooling of spathiphyllum roots leads to the appearance of brown and yellow spots on the leaf plate

What to do?

Try not to make this mistake again. Remove spathiphyllum from a cold windowsill and do not water it in the evening. To quickly put the plant in order, spray it with Epin, a stress adaptogen that will help overcome unfavorable factors and increase the immunity of spathiphyllum.

Reason #3. Overfeeding with fertilizers (burn)

When burned by fertilizers, spots on spathiphyllum leaves appear quickly. Literally overnight, after watering with excess fertilizer, extensive brown or black areas appear on the leaves. After this, the entire leaf turns yellow and dies.

Burn spots from fertilizers or chemical stimulants

What to do?

If you suspect overfertilization, you need to act quickly. The roots of spathiphyllum should be washed in clean water and transplanted into new soil.

Symptom No. 3. Spathiphyllum turns yellow

Spathiphyllum leaves often turn yellow, massively. This greatly spoils the decorative appearance of the flower. Let's try to understand each specific situation.

Reason #1. Direct sunlight, sunburn

Spathiphyllum respects the so-called penumbra. That is, a large amount of diffused light, without direct sunlight. If you place a pot of spathiphyllum, say, on a southern or southwestern window sill, you will soon see that its leaves have lost their rich green color and have faded. Discolored leaves turn yellow and even turn white.

If the sun's rays were not only bright, but also hot, sunburn is possible. In this case, yellowing occurs in spots or stripes. Moreover, the burned parts become thinner, similar to parchment.

On southern windows, spathiphyllum leaves turn yellow or white from high light intensity

What to do?

If your spathiphyllum has turned yellow from excessive light, it must be moved to a darker place, without direct sunlight. Window sills of northern, northeastern, northwestern, eastern orientation are suitable for spathiphyllum. If all the windows in your apartment are sunny, it’s not scary. Place the spathiphyllum at some distance from the window, in the back of the room, to reduce the light intensity.

Reason #2. Lack of microelements, chlorosis

When spathiphyllum starves, the leaves turn yellow unevenly. For example, a “mosaic” color appears, that is, green spots remain on a yellow background or vice versa. The veins become discolored or, conversely, the veins remain green, and the leaf blade turns yellow. Yellowing of leaves against the background of green veins is a manifestation. All other uneven yellowing may be associated with a lack of a variety of microelements, in particular boron and calcium.

Lack of iron and other trace elements affects spathiphyllum leaves. They turn yellow and acquire a heterogeneous color

What to do?

Yellowing of spathiphyllum due to starvation can be easily eliminated by fertilizing and enriching the soil. You need to do the following:

  • Transplant the spathiphyllum into new, light, loose soil. The soil reaction is slightly acidic.
  • Spray the plant with iron chelate - if iron chlorosis is diagnosed, or with a complex fertilizer containing microelements (boron, calcium, iron) - if there is a general lack of nutrients.
  • 2-3 weeks after transplantation, feed the spathiphyllum with complex fertilizer.
  • All this time, water the plant with well-settled or boiled warm water, spray with water 2 times a day.

Reason #3. Leaf senescence

If the lower old leaves of spathiphyllum turn yellow, then this is a natural process that does not require any intervention. Old leaves die and new ones come to replace them. Yellowing can only be considered a problem if the process affects young leaves.

Symptom No. 4. Wilting of spathiphyllum leaves

If the leaves of spathiphyllum have been grafted and hang like rags, you need to take immediate action. This symptom indicates that the plant's roots are not receiving moisture.

Reason #1. Drying the earthen coma

This is the most common reason. Spathiphyllum withers when the soil in the pot is too dry and requires watering.

This spathiphyllum needs to be watered urgently!

What to do?

In order for the spathiphyllum leaves to regain turgor, it is enough to water the plant. In some cases, if the soil is very dry or peat is used as soil, simply watering from above may not have an effect. Then it is recommended to water the soil from above, as usual, and then immerse the pot with the plant in a pan (bucket, basin) with water for 15-20 minutes.

Reason #2. Heterogeneous soil

It happens that after watering the leaves recover for a while, and then wither again. Despite the fact that the soil still looks wet! This means that the roots of the plant, located inside the pot, are in a dense, non-hygroscopic lump of soil, which cannot be wetted by water during normal watering. Such a nuisance happens if, after purchase, the spathiphyllum was transplanted into a new flower soil while retaining the store-bought peat substrate on the roots. This substrate dries very quickly and turns into an impenetrable lump. At the same time, the new flower soil into which the transplant was made retains water well and remains moist after watering. But water does not reach the roots, since a dry lump of peat is held on them.

What to do?

To ensure that the leaves no longer wilt, store-bought soil will have to be removed. To do this, rinse the roots in water and carefully remove any lumps of peat from them. After this, transplant the spathiphyllum into homogeneous light soil.

Reason #3. Root rotting

Root rotting occurs due to flooding. In this case, the leaves wither in the same way as when they dry out. The only difference is that when drying, it is enough to shed the soil so that the roots absorb moisture and the leaves recover. If the roots rot, watering will no longer help; on the contrary, it will worsen the situation: the leaves will wither with a vengeance.

A sign of root rot: the soil in the pot is constantly wet, despite the fact that watering has been done for a long time. Rotting roots do not absorb moisture from the soil; therefore, the plant becomes sick and does not receive water and nutrients. Unfortunately, root rot is an insidious disease that is not always quickly diagnosed. A novice gardener, seeing that the spathiphyllum has wilted, will most likely begin to water it more and more. Until the flower is completely destroyed!

If, after flooding, the soil was not dried and an imperishable swampy layer formed at the bottom of the pot, then the spathiphyllum is doomed to rotting roots

What to do?

If root rot is diagnosed, transplant the spathiphyllum into new soil with preliminary cutting off all rotting parts of the root. The transplant can be done as follows:

  • Remove the spathiphyllum from the pot.
  • Rinse the roots in water (in a bucket of water), carefully freeing them from the old soil.
  • Cut all rotten roots with a clean knife to healthy tissue. Cuts - powder with crushed activated carbon or cinnamon.
  • Leave the plant to dry for 2-3 hours.
  • Plant spathiphyllum in new, light soil with the addition of activated carbon (to prevent rotting of the cuts). Be sure to add a good layer of drainage (2-3 cm at least) to the bottom of the pot to prevent stagnation of water in the lower part of the roots. There should be drainage holes in the bottom of the pot (if there are few of them, make a few more using a nail or a hot screwdriver). There is no need to water immediately! The parquet soil is initially damp, this is enough to support the vital activity of the “amputated” roots.
  • After 2-3 days, when the new soil has dried, water the transplanted spathiphyllum with warm, settled (ideally boiled) water with the addition of Kornevin.

Symptom No. 5. Spathiphyllum does not grow

Spathiphyllum does not grow green mass: it does not produce new leaves or produce shoots.

Reason #1. Big pot

Remember that spathiphyllum first grows its root system, and then begins to develop leaves. Therefore, if you transplanted the plant into a pot that is too large, you will have to wait until the root system grows and entangles the lump of earth. Only after this the growth of green mass will begin.

This pot is too large for a young spathiphyllum. Need a transplant!

What to do?

If you don’t want to wait several months, you will have to transplant the spathiphyllum into a smaller pot - 1-2 cm larger in diameter than the root system.

Reason #2. Inappropriate lighting

Spathiphyllum may slow down in growth if the lighting is too intense or, conversely, poor.

What to do? Move the spathiphyllum to a well-lit place, without direct sunlight.

Symptom No. 6. Spathiphyllum does not bloom

Under suitable conditions, spathiphyllum can bloom 2-3 times a year. But the expectation does not always become a reality. And then the question arises: “Why doesn’t spathiphyllum bloom?” There may be several reasons for this.

Reason #1. Pot too big

Spathiphyllum will begin to bloom only after its roots have completely entwined the earthen ball in the pot. Therefore, if you transplanted a plant into a pot that is not the right size, you can wait several years for flowering.

What to do?

Choose a new pot for the spathiphyllum. For this representative of the araceae family, cramped, low pots are suitable. The diameter is 1-2 cm larger than the root system.

Reason #2. Lack of feeding, hunger strike

If the spathiphyllum has not been replanted for a long time, the soil in the pot has become depleted or initially did not contain the necessary nutrients, you may not expect flowering. In addition to the lack of flowering, starvation is also indicated by the general painful state of the plant, yellow or small leaves. There is another situation: spathiphyllum looks healthy, produces a large number of large green leaves and does not bloom. This means that the plant “fattens”, that is, it consumes a large amount of nitrogen, which stimulates the growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering. We conclude: the soil in which spathiphyllum grows contains a lot of nitrogen, but there is a lack of elements responsible for flowering - potassium and phosphorus.

Spathiphyllum may look healthy, “fatten”, but not bloom if there is a large amount of nitrogen in the soil and a lack of phosphorus and potassium

What to do?

If the pot in which the spathiphyllum grows is of normal size, and there has been no flowering for a long time, feed it with complex fertilizer with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium (for flowering ones). For the fastest effect, you can spray with stimulants - “Bud”, “Domotsvet”, etc.

Reason #3. Lack of lighting

Spathiphyllum is a shade-tolerant plant. The term “shade-tolerant” means that the plant is not exposed to direct sunlight. But! And deep shadow is also useless. For spathiphyllum you need to choose a well-lit place with plenty of diffused light. Spathiphyllum will not bloom in full shade.

What to do?

It is necessary to move the spathiphyllum from deep shade to a more illuminated place.

Symptom No. 7. Spathiphyllum flowers turn green

Some time after a new flower appears, do you notice that its snow-white original color takes on a green tint? All spathiphyllums behave this way. The fading covers of flowers are painted in greenish tones. Naturally, this feature does not require any adjustment.

Diseases of the flower of female happiness and their treatment. A little about the flower. Home care. Who harms the flower? Pest control. As a result.

Perhaps every housewife dreams of creating, if not a greenhouse, then certainly a mini winter garden in her apartment. After all, it is such a delight to keep green pets in your home and give them your care. The payoff won't take long to arrive. The cacti have already bloomed on the window, and the spathiphyllum pleases the eye with the lush greenery of its chic leaves. By the way, about spathiphyllum.

A little about the flower

This type of flower was born and used to living in Colombia. Outwardly, it is a perennial with long petioles and dark green, slightly wavy leaves, reaching a length of 25 centimeters. The spathiphyllum flower resembles an ear of corn, which envelops a snow-white, beige or pale pink canvas. Spathiphyllum Wallis takes root very well on our windowsills. It is popularly called “women’s happiness.”

Who harms the flower

  • Mealyworm. Often occurs from overwatering and failure to maintain soil moisture. It is easily destroyed if you wipe the leaves with an alcohol solution or citrus juice.
  • Sooty mushroom. It takes root on the outside of the leaf. To get rid of the fungus, just wash the leaves with soapy water.
  • Aphids - scale insects. It affects leaves, forming dark spots on them. The only salvation is a soap solution with the addition of kerosene.
  • Spider mites are the most dangerous enemy of spathiphyllum. The plant dries out completely due to the cobwebs enveloping it.

Diseases of the flower Women's happiness (spathiphyllum) and their treatment

1. The leaves have turned yellow. As a rule, yellowness appears first on the edges of the sheet. This occurs due to non-compliance with the watering regime: either they did not water for a long time, or they saturated the flower with moisture every day. To cure a plant, it is enough to optimize the watering process.

The second reason is a lack of minerals and vitamins, in particular magnesium. Feed your plant with magnesium sulfate; if the roots are damp and the process of rotting has begun, replant the flower.

2. The leaves begin to turn black.

Blackness of the leaves occurs when there is a lack or excess of fertilizer, very dry air, or watering with the wrong water. Resuscitation of such a flower will bear fruit.

  • Fertilize spathiphyllum once every 10 days in spring, and once in winter.
  • water with soft, settled water.
  • choose a place for the flower near a western, southern or eastern window.
  • pamper your plant with water treatments - once a week, put it in the bath and water it from the shower.

3. The flower has turned yellow or blackened. When a symptom appears, it is worth treating the soil with a foundation solution. Add 2 drops of the substance per liter of water and water the plant.

Remember, the main thing in caring for spathiphyllum at home is to notice something is wrong in time and begin treatment.

Video: why spathiphyllum leaves turn black and dry

The aroid plant spathiphyllum is an excellent option for decorating a room or home. It is believed that the plant improves the energy situation at home and helps single women meet their soulmate.

Are our climate conditions suitable for growing spathiphyllum? The plant grows in tropical and subtropical regions - America and East Asia. In nature, spathiphyllum prefers to be in a humid environment. Failure to comply with the initial conditions of care can lead to the plant becoming sick - spathiphyllum, for example, drops its leaves.

In today's article you will learn why spathiphyllum can drop its leaves after transplantation and what conditions affect its condition.

Description of spathiphyllum: structural features, leaves

Spathiphyllum leaves are distinguished by their long and structured appearance. They have a rich green tint. The plant forms a tuft that grows directly from the ground - spathiphyllum has no stem. The root system of the plant is short - this criterion is important when planting and replanting. The white flowers are modified spathiphyllum leaves. They have a color spectrum from white to beige, and once they appear, they last for several weeks, emitting a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma.

Spathiphyllum dropped its leaves after transplanting

For the normal maintenance of spathiphyllum, flower growers resort to the transplantation method. As experienced plant specialists note, replanting is needed frequently. But is it really necessary to frequently replant spathiphyllum and what can result from an incorrectly performed procedure?

Why spathiphyllum dropped its leaves:

  • Incorrectly selected substrate;
  • Inappropriate transfer time;
  • Spacious pot;
  • Too frequent transplantation;

The time for spathiphyllum transplantation is mainly in March-April. The weather in these months is just right for a tropical lover. The flower can be moved to another soil during flowering, but to ensure the safety of the plant, it is better to postpone the procedure for 1 week.

  • Spathiphyllum can drop its leaves after replanting just when it was done for a flowering plant - after replanting it takes a very long time to leave. A faded plant tolerates movement much easier.

The substrate and pot for planting spathiphyllum are very important. As for the substratum, it must be well drained, since the plant does not like excess moisture. A wide layer of pebbles or expanded clay is usually laid out at the bottom of the pot. The soil mixture for planting should be slightly acidic.

  • A heavy, clogged and acidic soil mixture for spathiphyllum can become a real poison. After planting in such mixtures, the flower fades rapidly - you can see that it has dropped its leaves after transplantation.

The pot for planting spathiphyllum is chosen to be tight. A cramped pot, for example, is great for spathiphyllum to bloom.

  • Choosing a spacious pot can lead to the fact that the spathiphyllum drops its leaves after replanting or does not bloom.

Young spathiphyllum needs an annual transplant for development - this justifies the increased frequency of the procedure. Thanks to this care, spathiphyllum blooms well and grows quite quickly. An adult spathiphyllum does not need frequent replanting. It is performed as needed.

  • Frequent replanting for an adult spathiphyllum, as well as a rare one for a young one, can lead to the fact that it drops its leaves after the procedure.

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The vagaries of spathiphyllum

03/02/09 Nadezhda Galynskaya

I received a beautiful flowering spathiphyllum bush as a gift. From the store. I replanted it in good soil, having first cleared the roots of peat. It stopped blooming and began to hurt - the edges of the leaves darkened, and then the entire leaf. New, green leaves appear, but soon they also die. What's wrong with him?

- You made several mistakes. A flowering plant is replanted only by transshipment, without clearing the roots of peat or old soil. Some of the roots died and the plant began to hurt and stopped blooming. After transplantation, you can feed fertilizers no earlier than 2 weeks, or 7 days after transshipment. Since young leaves of spathiphyllum die, this indicates that there are too many mineral fertilizers in the soil or they were applied incorrectly. Darkening of the leaf edges and drying out is an indicator of a violation of the watering regime, frequent drying out of the earthen clod. Or the plant is located where it is hot: near a heating radiator, TV or computer.

Spathiphyllum - problems growing, wilting, yellowing of leaves, video

Spathiphyllum usually grows as a lush, densely leafy bush. The leaves of a healthy plant are brightly colored, with a pleasant shine, without spots or damage, and look straight up.

If suddenly the condition of the leaf plates begins to deteriorate, you should immediately pay attention to the flower, because the leaves serve as an indicator of its health. Withering or changing color of leaves indicates problems that have arisen, such as illness or errors in care. If you don’t take timely measures to save the plant, in some especially severe cases, you can completely lose “female happiness.”

How to do this depends on what caused the deterioration in the general condition of the spathiphyllum. Sometimes it is enough to simply adjust care measures, and sometimes the use of special medications is required. So, let's figure it out.

Wilting leaves

The reason why spathiphyllum leaves droop and droop may be:

  1. Insufficient or irregular watering. If the earthen ball is completely dry, you must immediately place the flowerpot in a container of water. Let it stand for half an hour so that the soil is saturated with moisture through the drainage holes. At the same time, you need to pour water directly into the pot. Afterwards, be sure to let the excess drain and pour the water out of the pan. In the future, water the spathiphyllum when the top layer of soil dries out (but not the entire coma!).
  2. Old soil. Over time, the plant takes all the nutrients from the soil. In addition, the overgrown root system completely fills the dishes. A dense earthen ball entwined with roots does not absorb water well. You should change the substrate and, if necessary, transplant the spathiphyllum into a larger pot, having first washed the roots.

Black spots appear on wilted leaves

If a spathiphyllum growing in fresh soil has not only wilted, but also has black spots on the leaves, then the overflow is already noticeable.

Increased soil moisture leads to the development of putrefactive processes in the root system.

In this case, it is impossible to do without an urgent transplant of the plant with the removal of damaged roots and their further disinfection in a solution of potassium permanganate. The cut areas should be sprinkled with charcoal or activated carbon.

2 days after transplantation, water the spathiphyllum with a solution based on foundationazole.

Drying leaves

Depending on how the leaves dry, the reasons can be completely opposite:

  • The tips dry out - the air in the room is too dry. To avoid this phenomenon, the flower should be sprayed regularly.
  • half the leaf dries out - watering too often. You need to take a break to let the soil dry.

Yellowing of leaves

Most often, spathiphyllum turns yellow from excess sun. Direct rays can even cause burns, so it is better to keep the pot on a south-eastern window, and in the summer, a northern window will do. By the way, leaves can turn yellow for a natural reason if they are already old, but this is not a mass phenomenon.

In addition, yellowing of the leaves may mean that the flower has chlorosis. It is caused by a lack of microelements and irregular feeding.

To prevent the disease, the flower can be watered once a month with water with the addition of citric acid.

To restore the green color, it is better to change the soil and feed the plant itself with a complex fertilizer, for example, Mister Color.

Spathiphyllum has problems with leaves: why and what to do - video


The flower of female happiness withers why

Why does the flower of female happiness wither?

If you suddenly notice that the leaves of your favorite spathiphyllum have begun to droop, obviously a factor has appeared that the plant is very unhappy with. Let's try to determine why the flower of female happiness withers.

The soil is freezing

Spathiphyllum needs abundant watering, this is true, but at the same time it is a very heat-loving plant. It does not tolerate drafts or too low room temperatures, and watering can cause excessive cooling of the soil. Make sure that the temperature of the room in which the spathiphyllum flower is located is not below 16 degrees Celsius. If the plant is on a windowsill, then do not keep the window on this window open, especially when watering, or find a more suitable place for the plant.

Overdrying of the soil

The most common reason why the flower of female happiness withers is due to overdrying of the soil. Spathiphyllum requires regular, abundant watering, as well as a weekly shower, wiping the leaves with a damp sponge and daily spraying. As soon as you notice that the spathiphyllum has begun to slowly bow its crown, check the soil and pan; if they are dry, then it’s time to water the flower.

There are many reasons for the indignation of this beautiful houseplant; you can find out about them by visiting the women’s website about everything.


Of course, spathiphyllum prefers small and shallow pots, but there is no need to abuse this too much, because sometimes such a plant can be cramped, and it will rush to report this. In the warm season, be sure to transplant the flower into another pot, but make sure that its diameter does not exceed 3-4 cm of the old pot. Well, the last reason why the flower of female happiness withers:


If conditions are not comfortable enough for the flower (dry air, improper watering), pests may appear. Most often, spathiphyllum withers when aphids appear. These gray or green insects suck the sap from the leaves of the plant, causing it to wilt. If there are few insects, you can remove them by wiping the leaves with a sponge dipped in soapy water. If the spathiphyllum has been exposed to pests for a long time, then it is necessary to spray it with an actellik solution, after a day you need to thoroughly wash the flower, covering the soil with a film. Repeat the treatment if necessary. It’s a shame to find your plant, into which you put so much love and warmth, in a painful state. We hope that now that you know why the flower of female happiness withers, spathiphyllum will always only bring you joy!

Why do spathiphyllum leaves wither?

One of the most favorite plants of gardeners is spathiphyllum. You can often find an alternative name for the flower - women's happiness. Blooming with snow-white flowers in the shape of a sail, the plant greatly decorates the house, creating a special charm and comfort in it. Spathiphyllum is also popular because it does not require complex care, but sometimes you may encounter foliage withering. In this case, it is necessary to be well informed about the possible causes of such trouble and ways to save the flower.

Causes of foliage wilting

There are a number of reasons that can explain why spathiphyllum leaves wither. So, this can happen due to a cramped pot if the root system does not have enough space for normal growth. The flower grows quickly and requires periodic replanting. If you do not carry them out on time, you may end up with withered leaves of such a beautiful plant.

The cause of this problem may be a lack of water. If watering is not done in sufficient quantities, then the lack of moisture will affect the condition of the leaves of the flower. Exposure to bright sunlight also causes wilting. To avoid this, you should not place the plant on a heated windowsill; it is better to move it to the shade.

In winter, the leaves may wither due to cold and draft if the plant is on a windowsill.

In general, the optimal temperature for the development and growth of spathiphyllum in warm seasons is about 22°C, in cold seasons - from 16°C.

If the basis of the soil is peat, regular watering is carried out, but the leaves of the plant wither, then the plant, in addition to watering from above, must be saturated with moisture from below. To do this, the flower is dipped in a container of water for 10-20 minutes. If the soil is dense and non-hygroscopic, then it is dry in the depths of the pot, so the spathiphyllum withers and requires replanting in light, homogeneous soil.

The cause of wilting can be decaying processes resulting from excessive watering. Excessive amounts of water, as well as its lack, negatively affect the development of the flower, manifesting itself through withering leaves.

Necessary care

Thus, spathiphyllum can be upset by wilted leaves for various reasons, but by being well-versed in the characteristics of the factors that cause the flower to wilt and how to deal with them, you can quickly eliminate the unpleasant problem.

Spathiphyllum transplant

Spathiphyllum is a flowering plant in demand among gardeners. Its other names are White Sail, Women's Happiness. This is a rather romantic view, because many legends are dedicated to it. Why is he so in demand? Despite its chic appearance, the flower is very unpretentious. When is a transplant required?

With proper care for Women's Happiness, it gives very rapid growth. This is a growing species, and therefore its bushes begin to occupy the entire box. The root system begins to turn into a dense lump, growing throughout the soil. The plant must be grown in tight spaces. Spathiphyllium is replanted every 3-5 years. For this, a larger diameter pot is used. The procedure is required for several reasons:

  1. Flowering slows down;
  2. The root system is observed to bulge, the rosettes begin to unwind;
  3. A transplant is required after purchasing Women's Happiness. It is performed according to the same scheme as the usual procedure.

If you need to determine whether the procedure is worth carrying out, it is worth taking a closer look at the plant. To do this, you need to move the curtain apart and observe the lower leaves. If they dry out, this procedure will be required. If drying is observed only at the tips, this may indicate a lack of humidity and dry air. This occurs if the pot is located close to heating devices. One of the main signs of the need for replanting is a protruding root system.

It is better to plan the transplant for spring. At this time, all living things begin to renew themselves intensively, which means that the plant will quickly take root. It is not recommended to do this in the fall. However, if it is a tropical species grown at home, you can replant it at any time. The main thing is to maintain the required temperature.

It is prohibited to perform the procedure during flowering. It is allowed only when the inflorescences fade. If a replant is required after purchase, it is recommended to wait three weeks. Spathiphyllium needs time to adapt to the new climate and lighting. If you start the process immediately after purchase, it can be extremely stressful for the flower. At this time, its root system has not yet developed enough, which can lead to damage to the plant.

The process will require the following tools and items:

  • A box whose size is a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one;
  • Film necessary to protect the working surface;
  • Scoop;
  • Rubber gloves;
  • Secateurs;
  • Soil.

Before performing it, it is important to rinse the box and then pour boiling water over it. This is required to protect against microbes and pathogenic elements that can destroy the plant.

Setting the stage

What should the soil be like for replanting? The ideal option is soil with a slightly acidic reaction. You can purchase the required soil for replanting in specialized stores. A mixture suitable for aroid species or flowering tropical varieties. The purchased composition must be mixed with sand in a small amount.

Suitable primer can also be made independently. For this you will need leaf soil, turf soil, peat, charcoal, crushed brick, coarse sand in the proportions 1:2:1:0.5:0.5:1. If you don't have charcoal, you can replace it with crushed tree bark or coconut fiber. To enrich the soil with useful elements, superphosphate is added. The use of other additives is allowed, but their amount should not exceed 10% of the total composition. Otherwise, there will be problems with ventilation, as well as soil moisture capacity.

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Instructions: how to transplant spathiphyllium

How to replant (step by step) a plant? Let's consider the necessary algorithm of actions:

  1. The box with the flower must be shaken. Then a plant is taken out of it, along with a lump of earth. A garden trowel can help with this. To make it easier to get out, you can intensively water the soil beforehand;
  2. You will need a low box that is a couple of centimeters larger than the diameter of the previous pot. You should not use a box that is too large, as spathiphyllium loves tight spaces. For it to bloom, it is necessary that the root system grows to cover the entire box. A pot with a diameter of 15-20 cm is best suited. Make sure that the root of the plant occupies the entire container;
  3. An oilcloth is fixed to the working surface. A flower is placed on it. Its root system must be cleared of soil and drainage. Then the flower stalks are cut off. A pruner is used for this. You can replace it with scissors. This is necessary so that the flower retains its strength and does not waste it on flowering. Using pruning shears, you also need to remove only emerging and old withered leaves. The bases of old leaves are removed, as the remaining base can cause rot;
  4. As part of the procedure, propagation steps can be performed with an adult flower. To do this, the curtain is divided into two parts. Each must have a preserved root system;
  5. If this spathiphyllium has been in one pot for a long time, it may have many rosettes. Long sockets will need to be shortened. Rotten elements must be removed. The long root system is shortened;
  6. Despite the fact that the flower loves close quarters, it can become too crowded. In this case, you can simply transfer it to another, larger container. No division required. In extreme cases, the flower splits into parts. A number of divisions are planted in boxes. This allows for rapid root development.

The process is not complicated. It is available to any gardener.

How to plant cuttings?

The process for divisions is as follows:

  1. Drainage is poured into the selected container. Its layer should be up to 2 centimeters. It uses crushed brick, expanded clay, and crushed pebbles. Then the prepared substrate is poured. Its level should not be equal to the top of the pot. The optimal level is below the top;
  2. The section is placed in the center of the container. Its root system is distributed;
  3. Sometimes you may notice aerial roots. They resemble growths and bumps located on the trunk. This is an absolutely healthy process. Such elements are prohibited from being buried in the ground. They independently reach out to the soil and take root. Serve as elements for additional fastening;
  4. Prepared soil should be filled to the very top of the container. Then the composition is compacted. The leg is deepened and the soil around it is applied. The socket must be securely secured. She shouldn't be wobbly. If this happens, you can add soil;
  5. Spathiphyllum is watered abundantly. The soil must subside. If the ground becomes too compacted after this, soil can be added. The leaves are sprayed with a spray bottle.

Proper planting is not all that may be required for successful development. Proper care immediately after the process is also necessary.

Immediately after transplantation, specific care will be required. First of all, it is maintaining a high level of humidity. Placing the plant in a container with a greenhouse effect will help adaptation and speed up flowering. To do this, the flower pot is wrapped in polyethylene.

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What to do if spathiphyllium withers after transplantation?

This is a fairly common problem. The flower begins to fade, its leaves droop and turn yellow. Most often, the reason for this is insufficient moisture. This tropical resident is capricious when watering. Excessive moisture leads to rotting of the root system and wilting of the leaves. What to do? Watering should be plentiful, but it is carried out only after the soil has dried out after the previous watering.

Also, the cause of wilting can be a large amount of light.

Why does spathiphyllum drop its leaves?

Spathiphyllium should be placed in a place where it is provided with diffused light. It does well in the shade. It is recommended to install it on the north, east and west sides. The most common cause of wilting is improper care or replanting of the plant, contrary to existing rules. However, all these factors are quite easy to correct. It is important to carry out the recommended care.


The plant is mature, large, expensive. I bought spathiphyllum in January and replanted it in April. It is on the north side. After the transplant I looked much worse. The leaves are slightly wrinkled and the tips have turned black. A week ago I bent my leaves almost along the trunk. The store where I bought it advised me to check if I had over-watered it at the roots. I got it, the roots are white, the soil is almost dry. There are no signs of overwatering. I increased the drainage (apparently the pot is a little too big), planted it, watered it a little, and sprayed it. The situation got even worse. The trunks also bent completely. I tied it up so it wouldn’t break. What should I do?

Hello! If the roots are white and healthy, the plant is alive, you should try to improve its health. You write that the soil is almost dry, but isn’t it too dry? On a north window, the plant cannot suffer from bright rays, but the temperature in the room may be too high and the humidity too low. I would advise watering the plant with warm water with the addition of root (1 g per 1 liter of water), bathing the plant in a warm shower, then covering it with plastic wrap without touching the leaves (to do this, insert sticks along the edges of the pot). Keep the plant under the film for about 2 hours; if it lacks moisture, it will return to normal. To improve health and maintain immunity, spray spathiphyllum with Epin (4 drops per 1/2 liter of water) every 7 days until recovery. Water generously, but not often, with warm water, spray it, place it in a flower pot or on a tray with wet pebbles.

Maybe he's hot?

I have everyone in the water and cheering!

You could buy land overfed with fertilizers. Plants practically “burn” in this environment. Try changing the soil.

Strange - the flower is not whimsical. Perhaps you touched the roots when replanting; there are a lot of them in the pot and they are all intertwined. Maybe you filled it up after all.

I water mine now twice a week. Sometimes I wash it in the shower or spray it.

Spathiphyllum cannot be flooded. It has been growing for me for three years, and the leaves have not yet aged or changed. I make sure that there is always warm water in the pan. He also can’t stand the cold - his feet are always in water. The dishes need to be selected according to size and drainage will not help - he will sit stubbornly.

Hello Anna!

This is what you see as a reaction to the transplant. There is no need to over-water the spathiphyllum, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. Now spray it with EPIN (repeat in a week) and put a bag on the flower - you’ll get a greenhouse (it needs to be ventilated), and after 3 days pour it with KORNEVIN (repeat in a week too).

I think this will help him get over his illness!

All the best to you!

Spathiphyllum does not like transplants. After a transplant, it gets sick for a long time. if planted in a large pot.. Make a greenhouse and ventilate it daily.

Perhaps you planted the plant deep and the neck is in the ground. Spray the leaves with epin.

It is necessary to increase the air humidity so that the ends do not dry out.

Why did spathiphyllum drop its leaves, how to correctly determine the cause and what to do to eliminate it?

Spraying helps only temporarily, so you need to place the pot on a tray with wet expanded clay, cover the soil in the pot with wet moss, and place a container of water next to it. The leaves are inclined due to overwatering or drying out of the earthen coma. You need to water after the earthen ball has dried halfway. For quick resuscitation, you can spray him with epin, it will help him recover.

An interesting fact is that women are increasingly given not cut flowers in a bouquet, but indoor plants in pots. The snow-white spathiphyllum is in the lead; caring for it at home is simple; many women and girls dream of receiving such a gift. Why is this so?

The flower is called lady's happiness; spathiphyllum brings coziness, comfort and female happiness to the house. The plant looks great in the home interior, but sometimes it starts to hurt. Today on the agenda are the features of caring for spathiphyllum.

Why doesn't spathiphyllum bloom?

The plant is a flowering plant and is loved primarily for its amazingly beautiful flower buds, because spathiphyllum can delight us with flowers several times a year. But why does it bloom constantly for some housewives, while for others it blooms only once and never blooms again?

The problem is common; most often spathiphyllum does not want to bloom due to:

  • Lack of lighting - when the pot is constantly in the shade. Yes, the flower is shade-tolerant, but this does not mean that its place is in complete shade.
  • The pot is not the right size - a container that is too wide and high is contraindicated for it. Flowering for this plant begins only after the root system can completely entwine the ground. If the pot is very large, you will have to wait five years for flowering.
  • The flower has not been replanted or fed for a long time, and the soil in the pot has become depleted - the soil no longer contains the necessary nutrients.
  • Wrong soil - in which there is a lot of nitrogen, but little potassium and phosphorus. Nitrogen stimulates the growth of green leaves and inhibits flowering, so spathiphyllum does not bloom.

What to do if spathiphyllum does not bloom:

1. Choose a new place for the pot that will be better lit. Even minimal direct sunlight is contraindicated for the flower, but a good amount of diffused light is just right.

2.The ideal pot for spathiphyllum is low and cramped, so always replant it in a container with a diameter only a few centimeters larger than its root system.

3. Regularly feed the plant with complex fertilizers for flowering plants - with a high content of potassium and phosphorus.

Spathiphyllum does not grow

If you are new to indoor floriculture, and you were given a spathiphyllum, home care for you will be to ensure that the plant does not stop growing and new leaves appear. At first, this is what happens - there will be vigorous growth and you will have a desire to plant the plant, but then the flower will no longer want to grow.

Spathiphyllum does not grow among amateur gardeners for only two reasons:

  • Large pot - its diameter is much larger than the plant needs.
  • Transplanted plants are exposed to too bright sunlight or, conversely, removed into deep shade.

What to do if spathiphyllum does not grow:

1. We always replant the plant in a pot that is not much larger than before. If the sprouts are planted in several pots, then they are taken with a very small diameter and low. Please note that if the flower container is much larger, then new green leaves will not grow for very long until the roots grow and entangle all the soil in the pot.

2. Keep the flower in a place that is comfortable for it - in a fairly light place, but without direct rays of the sun.

Why does spathiphyllum wither?

Why do spathiphyllum leaves wither? It seems that the reason is simple - the plant has not been watered for a long time and the soil in its pot is completely dry. This is partly true, but there are also several other reasons:

  • The soil is based on peat, the flower is watered regularly, but its wilting is still observed. In this case, the plant is not only watered from above, but it also needs to be lowered into a basin of water for 10-20 minutes so that the ground and below are saturated with moisture.
  • If the soil is dense and non-hygroscopic, then it is wet only on top, and in the depths of the pot it is overdried. The plant is urgently required to be replanted in a light, homogeneous soil mixture.
  • Spathiphyllum is overly flooded with water and the flower fades due to decay.

How can you tell if a flower's roots are rotting? It has not been watered for a long time, but there is still moisture on the surface. Spathiphyllum is sick, so its roots do not absorb water.

This disease is difficult for a novice gardener to diagnose. The following situation occurs: the spathiphyllum withers, home care is enhanced with even more water, but this is precisely what cannot be done. What to do if the roots of spathiphyllum rot?

Spathiphyllum requires replanting with obligatory pruning of rotten root tips:

  1. Carefully remove it from the pot, making sure that the leaves and roots are not damaged further.
  2. We thoroughly wash the roots, but not in running water, but, for example, in a bucket or basin.
  3. When the roots are freed from the ground, it is clearly visible which of them are damaged and to which places they need to be cut. Cut with a sharp garden knife.
  4. Be sure to sprinkle all the cuts with crushed activated carbon.
  5. In this state, the plant is left alone for several hours to dry completely.
  6. We plant the flower in new light soil, to which we also add activated carbon, which will prevent rotting in the future.
  7. You can't water it right away. The first watering occurs after 1-2 days; a special root formation stimulator must be added to the water. Kornevin deserves good reviews.

Why do spathiphyllum leaves turn black or dry around the edges?

Often the leaves of female happiness turn black and dry, but this happens in different ways. In some cases, the tips themselves dry out and there is a dark border along the edge of the leaf; in other cases, the leaves of the spathiphyllum turn black over a large area and the border between the healthy and diseased parts of the leaves is clearly visible.

How should you care for spathiphyllum so that its leaves do not turn black or dry out:

  • A small black edge on the leaves indicates that the plant is in a dry room. Most often, the tips dry out in winter, when the heating is on. It is necessary to increase the humidity in the room where the indoor plant is located. Good options are to use a humidifier, spray the plant, or place the flower pot on a tray with wet expanded clay.
  • If a large part of the leaf has turned black, but it has not yet withered, this indicates that the spathiphyllum is watered too often. Helping a flower is quite simple - you need to try not to flood it. Root rot has not yet occurred and the correct watering regime will quickly restore the plant. It is considered correct to water after the soil has dried to one third of the height of the pot.
  • Try not to place the pot on a cold windowsill so that the roots of the flower do not freeze, and especially do not water it in such a place.
  • Leaf spots may be caused by fertilizer burn. Overfeeding with fertilizers quickly manifests itself. If there is a possibility that you have applied fertilizers incorrectly, you must urgently replant the spathiphyllum in another soil to save the plant from death.

Spathiphyllum turns yellow

Ladies' happiness is placed in houses to create coziness and it is very disappointing when the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow. It’s an ugly sight: the spathiphyllum is sick, caring for it at home was clearly incorrect, how to correct the situation?

First, let's figure out why spathiphyllum turns yellow:

  • Leaves begin to turn yellow en masse if they are frequently exposed to direct sunlight. In this case, the yellow spots are sunburn.
  • The flower stands on the windowsill on the south or southwest side of the house. The leaves gradually become discolored, their bright green color is lost, they seem to fade.
  • The plant does not receive the required amount of microelements and chlorosis develops. The disease is characterized by the fact that the leaves turn yellow, but the veins remain green. There is a disruption in the formation of chlorophyll in the leaves.
  • If the lower leaves turn yellow, then this is a natural process - the leaves are aging.

What to do if spathiphyllum turns yellow:

1. The plant should be placed in partial shade so that there is no direct sunlight, but there is enough light.

2. It is best to place the pot on the north or east sides of the house. If your home has access only to the south, it is advisable to remove the spathiphyllum further from the window.

3.Replant the plant annually in new slightly acidic soil.

4.Feed with complex fertilizers and spray with iron chelate - a microfertilizer to prevent chlorosis.

Spathiphyllum flowers turn green

All owners of “female happiness” celebrate with great pleasure the appearance of each new flower, but very often a snow-white flower becomes with a greenish tint. There is a panic that something is wrong with the plant, but this is a natural process for this flower.

When spathiphyllum flowers turn green, this indicates that the flower will soon fade and nothing can be done about it. We can only hope that it is properly cared for at home; after a while, spathiphyllum will again begin to delight us with its lush flowering.

Over time, you will become an experienced gardener and will be able to cure any spathiphyllum disease. Don’t be afraid to have such a beautiful plant at home - a real decoration for even the most modest interior. Be happy!