Choosing a foundation for building a house with a garage. Garage attached to the house - foundation What is the best foundation to choose for building a house with a garage

in this case you need to design especially carefully.

A garage made of sandwich panels attached to the house

It does not place any stress on the power structure of the house or on its foundation. After all, it is a lightweight frame structure standing close to the house. Everything is simple, reliable and durable.

Large garage attached to the house

But a permanent garage is a completely different matter. Its weight creates a significant load on the ground, which can lead not only to the failure of the garage, but also to the foundation of the house. The result is cracks in the walls and the need for serious repairs. However, such a development of events is unlikely with a reasonable approach to construction. But you've probably seen the gaps between houses and extensions with your own eyes more than once. But when adding an extension to your own home, you want to do everything perfectly.

It is better to make the foundation of the extension the same as the foundation of the main building. If the house is standing, then it is advisable to build the extension on a strip foundation. This is due to the fact that different types of foundations interact with the soil differently. But foundations of the same type can make an ideal pair.

Closed or open contour in the case of a strip foundation

If there is no problem, the main building has not shrinked significantly over time, and the extension is not too heavy for the soil, then the contour of the extension’s foundation can be made open. If the soil is problematic, it is better to make the contour closed, it is more reliable.

Connection of foundations

Two foundations (this also applies) can be connected rigidly or using an expansion joint. A rigid connection is preferable on unproblematic soils if the extension is not too heavy.

An expansion joint should be used when there is a possibility that foundations will shrink differently over time. The expansion joint will allow them to move relative to each other without harm to the structures of the house and extension.

I will tell you in more detail about how the garage attached to the house and its foundation are connected to the main building in the next article “Garage attached to the house - connecting the foundations.”

If you are building a house

If you are just building a house, think about the possibility of building an extension. For example, it could be . Try to provide for this point when designing the foundation of the house.

Construction of a cottage with an attached garage is the most popular service among our customers. This is due to the optimization of the building design, a unified architectural solution, as well as the compactness of the construction sites. Connecting the garage to the house helps ensure normal storage conditions for the car, improves the protection of living rooms from external influences and has a number of other advantages.

Using the same methods as with the main structure of the cottage, it is necessary to correctly select a high-quality, durable and ultra-reliable foundation for the garage. The base of the structure will absorb not only the load from the car, but also absorb part of the pressure from the entire cottage. Choose the right one foundation for a house with a garage a professional will help. Do not neglect the help of InnovaStroy architects, who have many years of experience in constructing a variety of modern country houses and cottages.

Where to start choosing a foundation for a house with a garage?

The first task of any site owner is to decide on the location of a private house with a garage on the territory. According to standard standards, the façade of a cottage should not be closer than 5 meters from the “red line” - that is, from the border of the roadway or sidewalk. This requirement does not apply to garages of any type. Therefore, they can be built closer to the fence, or as part of the entrance group directly from the roadway.

The foundation for a house with a garage is also based on geological surveys. After all, the pressure of the car will be exerted on the ground through the floor surface, so you need to know exactly the composition of the soil and its load-bearing characteristics. Construction of the foundation qualified InnovaStroy specialists are always based on the results of studies of site soils, groundwater and terrain features of the territory.

It would not be a bad idea to consult with your neighbors on the land plot, relatives who have a private house with a garage. This will help you find out:

  • what foundation construction methods they used;
  • that you want to change;
  • Are there any problems with structural integrity and maintenance?

The data you receive can become the basis for an informed choice of foundation types for your cottage.

Naturally, you need to avoid any “experts” who guarantee incredible results when building exactly their type of foundation. It’s better to come to the professional architects of InnovaStroy and ensure that you build a full-fledged foundation for a house with a garage.

What is the best foundation to choose for building a house with a garage?

In modern practice, with a wide variety of building materials, many directions are used in the construction of reliable foundations. Before starting design, you need to decide on the main questions:

  • what exactly will be the foundation under your cottage with a garage;
  • Will you build a basement or limit yourself to a low base?

Quite often you can find an option when the foundation of a house with a garage has a combined structure that combines several directions in the structure. For example, a strip version is used under the house, and a slab version is used under the garage. The architect will help calculate the profitability and rationality of such a device after familiarizing himself with the geological survey data.

When creating a basement floor, the floor in the garage will be the floor, which is arranged between the floors. In this case, all the features in the structure of the foundations will be used in the construction of the foundations of the lowest tiers. As a rule, this is a slab type, on which walls and partitions in basements are subsequently erected.

Let's consider choosing a foundation for a house with a garage without a lower tier or any other spaces under the cottage. Today, when constructing a “standard” two-story cottage, the types of foundations described below are used.


Allows you to create the same base for the entire construction spot. In this case, it is possible to separate the heights, since most often the foundation under the garage is slightly lower than under the main parts of the building. The use of formwork with different heights, as well as the construction of foundations in layers, will ensure the required parameters of the structure. Essentially, it is a large solid slab of concrete with reinforced reinforcement inside.

The construction of the described foundations has its negative aspects, the main of which is the cost and volumes of building materials used. Even with a small height of 50-70 centimeters, the costs can be significant. On the other hand, the strength and reliability of such a foundation has very high indicators. Before choosing this variety, check with our company, how much does a monolithic foundation cost?, how to quickly build it on your site.


The second most popular type of foundation for cottages with a garage. It allows you to create base surfaces on which floor slabs will be laid or a monolithic slab will be created. In any case, high-quality construction of a strip foundation has certain advantages. It can be shallow or deep, depending on the surface characteristics of the soil. Strip foundation costs less and uses less material. If there are voids inside the structure, all forces acting on the base are evenly distributed throughout the entire foundation. Be it the pressure of the weight of the cottage or the longitudinal impact from the soil and groundwater.


Not so common foundation for building a house with a garage, like everyone else. The peculiarity of this type of foundation is that it is installed on fairly unstable and mobile soils. At the same time, the structure of the house itself should not be very heavy, since there are certain restrictions on the loads on piles and lintels. There is, of course, the option to mount vertical supports with high frequency, which will help increase the maximum loads. When building “classic” two-story houses with garages, you can choose turnkey pile foundation. Price in Moscow in InnovaStroy is very affordable, and allows you to reduce the cost of design and construction of the foundation to 15-20% of the total estimated cost of building a house.

Have you decided to build a house with a garage? An InnovaStroy specialist will tell you which foundation to choose.

The construction of a cottage with a garage is best left to professionals. Based on the results of geological research and customer requirements, a specialist will be able to calculate the most successful foundation option. At the next stage, the estimated cost for the construction of structures, earthworks and materials is calculated.

It is generally accepted that the cost of constructing foundations covers about 40% of the total construction costs. The price also includes excavation work and laying communications at the base of the house. Plus - when designing, a certain safety margin is necessarily specified for the structure. Agree that it is easier to immediately build a reliable and durable foundation under a house with a garage than to periodically repair it and spend even more money.

For owners of small plots, it is problematic to allocate space for a car; the best solution in this situation is to build a garage under the house. The construction of such premises is very specific, so they are planned at the design stage of the house.

Pros and cons of a garage under the house

Before you start planning, you need to take into account the pros and cons of the future construction. A garage under the house will be convenient primarily for owners of small plots, but in addition to this, the building has other significant advantages:

  • design of communications common to the house;
  • reduction of heat loss throughout the entire room (a heated floor under the house reduces it by 1.5 times);
  • reduction of construction costs;
  • gives an unusual architectural appearance to the building;
  • year-round access to a car and tools;
  • the ability to equip a workshop or storage room in the garage;
  • no need to warm up the car in winter.

But, like any non-standard building, a garage under the house has its drawbacks:

  • exhaust gases from the car (the need for additional exhaust);
  • more complex foundation structure (compared to a conventional garage or extension);
  • additional waterproofing of the foundation is required;
  • difficulties with installing a lift (the height of the underground garage is less than that of a regular garage).

It is worth building a garage under the house only if such inconveniences are completely satisfactory to the owner of the site. To understand how to make such a garage, it is worth fully considering the location of all the elements of the future building.

Important! The construction of such a structure should be carried out at the stage of construction of the entire house.

Types of garages under the house

There are many different options for garages, one way or another attached to the house. Among them we can distinguish wall-mounted, attached and other types of premises. There are also types of garages located directly under the house.


A vertical garage is located directly under the residential part of the building: on the first, technical or basement floor. Such projects are convenient for areas with a large difference in ground height. At the lower level of the site there is a basement, where the garage is built. For floors below ground level, careful waterproofing is required, with special attention paid to drainage. To reduce the risk of flooding and freezing, a heating system for the room itself and the entrance (ramp) is built.

The construction of a garage in the basement provides for the following requirements:

  • a comprehensive water supply and sewerage system, including an exhaust hood, a drainage system with a grate for draining water and a washbasin;
  • increased sound and waterproofing of walls and ceilings (garage ceiling);
  • installation of a fire protection system;
  • insulation of walls in contact with the garage.

It is important to provide a convenient ramp, otherwise, in the cold season, entry and exit of a car will be problematic. At the basement level, you can build a garage on a pile foundation.


The garage is built on the same level as rooms or non-residential buildings (storage rooms, etc.), and a residential part is built on top. Typically, such projects are implemented during the construction of two or three-story houses. Projects of houses with such a garage provide for a competent layout of the rooms, namely:

  • the garage is separated from the rooms on the first floor by a ventilated vestibule;
  • on the second floor above the garage a non-residential room (gym, office or billiard room) is set up;
  • The rooms on the first floor, located in direct proximity to the garage, are made technical (boiler room, laundry room, etc.).

Such planning of rooms not only protects residents from noise and odors, but also ensures safety in case of fire and other emergencies. There are several construction options. For example, a garage directly under the house on foundation piles is located at the ground floor level.

Construction of a garage under the house

Construction of the garage under the house begins at the foundation construction stage. Before starting work, be sure to take into account the soil characteristics on the site. First you need to dig a pit of the required size. An entrance with a slope is being dug to it. Reinforced concrete slabs are placed at the bottom.

Then follow the following stages of work:

  • The walls of the future premises are laid out from reinforced concrete slabs. The ceiling is laid across the walls. It will become not only the ceiling of the garage, but also the basis for the floor of the first floor. Excavation work should be carried out together with the construction of the foundation.
  • The walls are covered with a layer of waterproofing. Then it is necessary to strengthen the small fittings and plaster the room. After this, the gate is installed.
  • Then you need to register for entry. This task is more difficult. Even small errors in the design of a garage can make it impossible to operate. When creating an entrance route, it is worth considering that as the depth of the garage increases, its length must be increased.

The entrance road must be equipped with braking strips, which will be useful in winter. Near the wall you need a pedestrian lane equipped with a handrail. In this case, there will be no difficulties when the road becomes icy. A storm drain is installed 50 cm from the garage door. To protect the entrance walls from destruction, it is worth equipping them with retaining structures.


Technical rooms must be equipped with ventilation. To do this, an vent is installed in the upper part of the wall, which is covered with a decorative grille. To make ventilation more efficient, it is better to create a vertical channel that will be higher than the level of the roof ridge. In this case, air flows will work more efficiently.

Sometimes it is necessary to install a forced air exchange system. In this case, a low pressure zone is created in the garage. The direction of air flow should go away from residential premises. This will prevent the smell of exhaust fumes from entering the house.

Features of the structure

In most cases, a garage under a house in the basement is a common layout for residential and technical premises. In this case, there is no need to carry out large-scale excavation work at the stage of building the foundation. In this case, the internal space is used most optimally.

The floor of technical structures is located almost at ground level. A sand cushion is placed at the bottom of the pit, and a concrete screed is poured on top of it. In most cases, the outer walls of the garage are built of red brick.

The foundation is most often made of strip foundation. It must be reinforced with two armored belts. The base is brought to ground level on the site. When erecting garage walls, it is worth considering the location of future premises that will be built above it.

Location and dimensions

The optimal dimensions of the garage are half or three times smaller than the size of the building. This circumstance allows you to install one or two partitions that will support the ceiling. You can arrange a technical room either in the central part of the basement space or closer to one of the outer walls.

Internal staircases are constructed to connect to other rooms. Straight spans are more popular. They are easy to build; if the staircase is large enough, it can be divided into flights of stairs. To prevent unpleasant odors from penetrating into living spaces, one door is installed at the bottom and top of the stairs.

The height of the base is chosen taking into account the size of the car. It is worth providing some reserve in case you buy a minivan or SUV. Entrance gates must have a maximum height. They are made in accordance with different schemes: swinging, sliding, rising.

Boxes below ground level

If strict requirements are imposed on the height and dimensions of the building, the garage can be installed in the basement, below ground level. To carry out such work, a fairly large number of geological studies will be required. The main thing is to find out at what depth the groundwater lies. You will also need a whole range of measures to protect the future premises from moisture.

The floor and walls of such a garage are in direct contact with the ground. To protect them from moisture penetration, the following measures are taken:

  • It is necessary to install a drainage system around the perimeter that will help drain water from precipitation and melting snow;
  • floors and walls are protected from the outside with a waterproofing layer;
  • An effective ventilation system must be installed in the room.

Important! Only if all these requirements are met will the garage space be suitable for storing cars.

The drainage system is designed to effectively drain water that enters the ground after precipitation or during spring floods. An embankment is made from the walls with an outward slope. A layer of waterproofing is placed on top.

To waterproof walls and floors, roofing felt or roofing felt is used. During the execution of work, it is important to ensure that no omissions are made. Otherwise, leaks may occur.


Making a garage under the house is quite simple. The complexity of construction depends on the chosen building design. Together with other technical rooms, it can be located in the basement, in the basement, in an extension to the house. It is necessary to build a garage simultaneously with the construction of the entire building. The dimensions of the room are determined by the size of the car.

– this option is perfect for a house with a permanent basement or ground floor. As elsewhere in construction, when installing garage under the house It has its undeniable pros and cons, as well as special nuances that must be taken into account in order to avoid problems during its further operation.

Well, first of all, let's be specific about the pros and cons of this choice.

Among the advantages I would like to highlight the following:

  • the opportunity to crash into the heating, and let it be +10 in the garage in winter, this is just great, which means no electric heating, additional heating, etc. no need
  • in the morning you don’t need to go out into the cold, but go straight from the house to the basement
  • saving space on the site if there is not enough of it
  • saving building materials, and as a result, money and time
  • the opportunity to work on your car at any time of the year

Among the disadvantages of the device garage under the house I see the following:

  • exhaust gases, you will have to get rid of them
  • additional problems with the foundation (device of ramp, gate)
  • despite the fact that the garage is partially underground, it is necessary to pay additional attention to the waterproofing of the foundation, for the same reason a problem arises with the installation of an inspection hole
  • cramped conditions, namely height, make it impossible to install a lift

Undoubtedly, there are other pros and cons of installing a garage under the house, but I tried to highlight the main ones.

So, if these problems do not bother you, then you can safely include such a garage in the project. The first thing I want to say is that the construction of retaining walls along the ramp to the garage, as well as the opening for the gate, should be carried out simultaneously with the rest of the foundation, with the reinforcement frame being linked. Don't forget about inspection hole, it must be done before pouring the foundation slab - do not break the concrete floor later.

Since you have ventured onto the device inspection hole in the garage under the house, then take care of its waterproofing, no matter how you climb in knee-deep water. To waterproof the inspection pit, you can use various methods, for example, concrete with additives, impregnation waterproofing, or the use of plastic containers of the appropriate size.

As a rule, to arrange garage under the house suitable only after putting the house into operation. And the first step will be the purchase and installation of gates. I'm not talking about outdated swing gates; in our case, I see sectional ones as the best option automatic garage doors. U sectional garage doors there are a number of undeniable advantages such as: ease of use, space saving, automation. As for the cost of such a pleasure, you can buy sectional garage doors at a price of 30 thousand rubles, for example, metal swing gates cost around 25 thousand rubles, you will agree that this is not a big overpayment.

You can make windows on the ground floor, but this will not be enough, so you will have to take care of the lighting of both the garage itself and the inspection pit. Inspection hole in the garage This is generally the darkest corner, so pay special attention to this aspect. It is also worth considering that the lighting in the inspection pit should be arranged upward, otherwise it is not really needed to simply illuminate the pit itself.

In order to garage under the house there was a positive temperature, I advise you to stretch the heating pipe as close to the floor as possible and install at least a couple of radiators.

Our main enemy in such a garage will be exhaust gases, so it is necessary to pay attention exhaust gas removal special attention. Firstly, this is your personal safety when working in a garage, since exhaust gases are not only dangerous to health, but can kill in a confined space. Secondly, the penetration of exhaust gases into other rooms of the basement or ground floor is also undesirable, not to mention the first floor. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of steam and sound insulation of the garage under the house, as well as carry out work on exhaust gas removal. As for insulation, everything is approximately clear - we monitor the tightness of the room. But exhaust gas removal can be done in several ways:

  • if the distance is short, you can use a hose or pipes of the appropriate diameter (we put the hose on the exhaust pipe and lead it outside the foundation through the technological hole)
  • provide active ventilation of the room with access to the street
  • keep the gate open while the car engine is running

Well, these are the main points that I would like to draw your attention to. Also, when planning, keep in mind that the allocated space for the device garage under the house will allow you not only to park the car, but also to open all the doors, as well as install some cabinets for tools, a work desk, and at the same time you will have room to move around the garage.

If you want to make any additions or interesting suggestions, you can write your proposal through the feedback form.

Good day, dear readers!

In this article you will learn:

– Detailed description of the construction of this house.

– Posted house project with garage and terrace at the end of the article.

– What is the best material to build the outer walls of a house from?

– Why it was necessary to make a different base.

– Pros and cons of the house.

Pros of the house:

1) There is a large terrace adjacent to the house.

2) Natural ventilation in all rooms.

3) The house is located on a good, level plot.

4) A small river flows along the edge of the site from which a flowing pond will be made.

5) Near the house there is a well for drinking water.

Disadvantages of the house:

1) Thin external walls of the house.

2) The cladding of the basement of the house has not been thought out.

3) Insulating a house is too expensive.

4) The foundation of the house is not laid correctly.

1) Foundation and basement of the house.

Ground under the house:

800 mm black soil.

400 mm clay.

The highest groundwater level is at a depth of 1800 mm, in spring.

Foundation depth 1200 mm.

We didn't do the foundation. If you have to continue someone’s work, then first of all you need to check the quality of the work done so that there are no unpleasant surprises in the future.

The foundation is strip, made of foundation blocks in three rows. The first row of blocks (the lowest) lies flat instead of a foundation cushion (this is not very good), two more rows of blocks are mounted on it.

A reinforced concrete belt is made on top of the blocks.

The foundation of the house is strip, unfortunately it is not made very well:

It does not have a reinforced concrete foundation cushion - this led to the house cracking.

The diagonals of the foundation do not match. The diagonal difference of 160 mm is a lot.

Horizontally, the top of the base (armoured belt) has a difference of 40 mm.

The builders made a mistake when laying the foundation for the closed balcony (on the facade) and shifted it from the axis by 200 mm.

Correcting foundation errors.

A) Since the foundation does not have a reinforced concrete belt, it is necessary to make the walls stronger higher so that the house does not crack. To make the walls stronger, we began laying masonry mesh more often. The two armored belts under the slabs were made more powerful.

Unfortunately, this did not completely save the house from cracks, since the foundation is the foundation, and if it is not done well, then further actions cannot provide a 100% guarantee of quality.

b) To correct the discrepancy between the diagonals, it was necessary to let the walls of the house onto the plinth on one side more and less on the other. In other words, the foundation is laid in the form of a rhombus, and we make the walls of the house in the form of a parallelepiped.

V) We level the difference across the base (40 mm) horizontally with ash concrete (proportions: 1 bucket of cement, 4 buckets of ash).

On top of the leveled base we spread waterproofing - thick aquaizol in one layer.

2) Basement of the house.

V) The house has two cornices:

A brick cornice is made in one roll along the base of the house.

The second cornice is made at the very top under the roof lining, in two rolls.

G) The house has a large terrace attached to it on both sides.

d) The pilasters of the house are made of shaped bricks, with one round corner. The pilaster protrudes from the plane of the wall by 40 mm.

5) Roof and roofing.

According to the project, the house has a pediment on the facade above the balcony. But the customer refused the pediment. Almost always, pediments decorate a house, “stretching out” the architecture of the house. I would like to make a pediment on the roof of my house like in the project (see below).

The roof of the house, garage and terrace is wooden.

The shape of the roof on the house is hipped.

The roof of the house, garage and veranda, is made of metal tiles, dark brown.

6) House project.

You can easily download the project of this house to your computer.

To do this, hover your mouse over the desired project sheet, right-click, select “Save picture as...” from the drop-down window, select a folder on your computer and click the “save” button at the bottom right.

Ceiling height : on the first floor 3 m (from the clean floor to the bottom of the slab), on the second floor 2.8 m (from the clean floor to the bottom of the slab).

Covering the house : made from round-hollow reinforced concrete slabs. The garage is covered with wood to ease the load on the poor foundation.

Plot– 40 acres.

The house was built in 2012.

Another photo of the house.


Having accomplished project houses with garage and terrace We got a neat, nice and comfortable house. I would like to improve some things in the house, namely:

I would make a foundation with a reinforced concrete cushion under the blocks of the house.

The plinth would be made from high grade facing brick, for example 350.

The outer walls would be made of warm blocks and not in the floor of the block, but in the block (380 mm).

I would insulate the house only once with mineral wool, between the facing brick and the backing block.