Byl l thick. Leo Tolstoy all the best fairy tales and stories

Author's fairy tales of Tolstoy are the best suited for family reading. The list includes works that are interesting to preschoolers, demanding teenagers and very adult readers. Fairy tales are bright, kind, truly brilliant, like all the work of this outstanding literary figure.

Leo Tolstoy: fairy tales and other works for children

Peru writer owns a huge number of works. Of the variety of genres in which the great master of the word worked, Tolstoy's author's tales can be distinguished into a special group.

Their appearance cannot be called accidental. The writer was very interested folk art. He communicated with storytellers, peasants, and other ordinary people who were experts. From their words, he wrote down proverbs, sayings, folk omens and other works of folklore. So they appeared in manuscripts, and later Tolstoy's tales were published in processing. The list of such works is quite large - "Three Bears", "Wolf and Goat", "Water and Pearl", "Squirrel and Wolf", "Baba and Chicken" and several dozen short instructive stories are included in the writer's heritage. The language of Tolstoy's fairy tales is distinguished by expressiveness, the utmost clarity of presentation, which is very important for the consciousness of a small reader. Moral teachings, which are necessarily present in fairy tales, are very short and precise. This helps the child to fully understand and remember the idea of ​​the work.

Pedagogical activity of the writer

In the eventful biography of Leo Tolstoy, a period stands out when he actively worked in the field of teaching and raising children. This refers to 1871, when schools for peasant children were created, work began on the creation of books for teaching schoolchildren to read. His "ABC" was published in 1872. Together with other works, the content of the books also includes the author's fairy tales of Tolstoy.

In 1874, the article "On Public Education" was published, and a year later the "New ABC" and four volumes of "Russian Books for Reading" were published. The titles of these collections again contain a list of Tolstoy's tales. Author's and processed folk tales, stories, were, parables acquaint readers with the life of peasants and ordinary people. The list of works included in the collections is very long. The most famous are the following: "Swans", "Kitten", "Hares", "Tsar and Shirt", "Righteous Judge", "Girl and Robbers", "Reward", "Lion and Dog", and others. Together with the books of Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, the collections of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy for a long time were the only books that taught children to read. Their popularity was so high that they went through over thirty editions. The textbooks were sold in millions of copies in all provinces of Russia.

Publishing house "Intermediary"

In 1884, Leo Tolstoy, obsessed with the idea of ​​enlightening the common people, conceived the idea of ​​opening a special publishing house that would print works for popular reading. An innovative idea was brought to life. The publishing house began to work and received the name "Intermediary".

Especially for this project, author's fairy tales by Leo Tolstoy were written - "Two brothers and gold", "How much land does a man need", "Ilyas", "The Tale of Ivan the Fool", "Where there is love, there is God", "You will miss fire - you can’t put it out”, “Two old men”, “Candle” and many others. As you can see, the list is not limited to fairy tales, it includes fables, stories, parables.

The attitude of the writer to children's literature

The author's tales of Tolstoy Leo Nikolaevich to this day are a model fiction not only in Russia, but all over the world. First of all, this became possible thanks to the unique talent of the writer.

But one should not lose sight of the fact that Tolstoy treated the writing of works, he wrote, thinking over every word. Often he had to rewrite them several times. After all, any of his narrative, in addition to describing some events or facts from life, also contained morality, was of an educational nature. The result of the writer's painstaking work was the emergence of a whole library of works for children, through reading which industriousness, kindness, courage, honesty and other positive little people are brought up.

Leo Tolstoy - a connoisseur of the human soul

Analyzing the content and list of Tolstoy's fairy tales (author's and folk works retold by him), it is easy to conclude that the writer created them taking into account the knowledge of the features. Unobtrusively, he correctly models the behavior of a small citizen, and gives an adult competent advice on raising a child. Simple simple stories, described in his works, always end in such a way that a person wants to express his own attitude towards the heroes, their actions. It is not difficult for the author to draw a conclusion himself, but he deliberately attracts the reader to this work, who, to some extent, becomes a co-author of the great master of the Russian word.

All kids like to read Tolstoy's bedtime stories. It is at this time, before going to bed, that children want something kind and fabulous, to find themselves in a completely different world, where magic and celebration reign. Children need fairy tales. These are their small steps into adulthood, which vivid stories really help to learn. In addition, it is in this form that children are best taught morality, life principles and goodness. This is a very important process in the formation of their personality. Therefore, the presence of fairy tales in childhood just necessary.

We offer you Tolstoy's fairy tales, which are great for reading to children at night, or in other free time. Leo Tolstoy made a huge contribution to children's literature, writing such original masterpieces. This writer tried very hard to make the stories so fascinating and informative that the children were not only interested, but also had pleasant impressions after reading.

Plunging into a serene world, without unsolvable problems, will be interesting not only for young readers, but also for adults along with them. Fairy tales for Tolstoy's children are filled with instructive stories, exciting plots, funny but illustrative characters, as well as bright representatives of good and evil. The writer tried very hard to fit everything beautiful into these small works that show the reality of that time, but in a fabulous form and with a ray of hope.

Among the huge list of beautiful works there is also the famous "Golden Key" - everyone's favorite fairy tale, which can not leave anyone indifferent. The difficult adventures of Pinocchio and his circumstances make you deeply empathize with the hero in your imagination. The help of his faithful friends and a happy ending show the victory of good. This tale remains in the priority of the most impressive.

Also on the list are "Magpie Tales", which consist of many small and long stories about various animals, people, good, evil, victories and defeats. They are filled with instructive meaning and will be very interesting for children. There are many other equally interesting tales of Tolstoy, which you can read on our website.

You can choose for your child any suitable work of this author that he likes, and go with him to a world filled with goodness and wonder.

You can find fairy tales for every taste and with any plot in this section of our website andfor freeread them to your child at any time. Hopefully reading fairy talesonlinewill bring you and children only pleasure.

The writing

A.N. Tolstoy (1883-1945), a prose writer, playwright and publicist of a realistic direction, received the first recognition from readers after the release of his collection of prose "Magpie's Tales" (1910) - a series of sketches on folklore themes. These sketches have no idea, their form is incomplete, and the language is overtly stylized. L. N. Tolstoy (1828-1910) - the greatest thinker, realist writer. The very first works of Tolstoy passed into children's reading. “Childhood”, “Boyhood” are the brightest examples of a realistic story about childhood. In "Childhood" Tolstoy's views on the upbringing of children were artistically embodied. He categorically rejects violence as a means of education. The best is homemade, maternal. Tolstoy began writing works for children at the Yasnaya Polyana school, which he created himself. In 1872, the "ABC" was published in 4 books - the result of 14 years of work. Criticism, both official and democratic, met this work so severely that he began to work on it again - for a revised reprint. He rewrote the ABC, calling it the New ABC, and singled out the materials that were part of the reading sections in Russian Books for Reading. The work was completed in 1875. It has been taught by several generations.

But Tolstoy a few years of fairy tales, myths, ancient manuscripts, songs to write them.

In 1923, when republishing early stories, Tolstoy singled out two cycles: "Mermaid Tales" (with magical mythological plots) and "Magpie Tales" (about animals). Both cycles are intended for adults, but many fairy tales have resonated with children. The cycle "Magpie's Tales" tells mainly about the bird and animal kingdoms, although sometimes there are people as heroes, there are tales about an ant, about mushrooms, about household utensils. The biggest one is the fairy tale "Titmouse". This is an epic unfolding narrative, with many historical details. The dramatic story of Princess Natalia. In general, the "forty" tales are narrated in a lighter, slightly mocking intonation, they are interesting to children. Unlike many fairy tales, they are not instructive, but only entertaining, but in a special way: in ordinary situations, the world of heroes is revealed for fairy tales and animals.

styling folk tale the writer introduces ironic parody, thereby emphasizing the difference between the folk tale and his own. His mocking tone makes even sad endings hilarious. Fairy tale "Hare". its plot is typically folklore: a hare is saved from a wolf with the help of a kind intercessor - a pine grandmother. All three heroes find themselves in a dramatic situation: an old pine tree falls into a snowstorm, knocks down a wolf, and a hare laments that he has become an orphan. "And trifling tears dripped into the snow." The psychological inner speech uttered by the hare is itself ridiculous. The word "nonsense" refers to the whole sad story. The writer said that nature is naive and wise, the same should be a person.

Tolstoy also has stories for children: “Polkan”, “Axe”, “Sparrow”, “Firebird”, “Voracious Shoe” and other birds, animals, toys, drawings are animated and humanized in these stories as it is takes place in a child's imagination. “Voracious shoe”: the toys are afraid of a terrible picture lying under the chest of drawers, “a mug with only hands” that is painted on it, ran away and hides in the room - this makes everyone even more scared. These fairy tales and stories are a kind of “representation” that children play. The best "represented" - "Fofka" - a story on behalf of the child, the game of brother and sister in terrible "fofok" (chickens painted on wallpaper strips) is shown inside the children's world. At night, the "fofkas" come to life, the children defeat them by pinning them with special buttons bought from "Mrs. Bee".

The composition of the "New ABC" was carefully thought out by Tolstoy. In the beginning there are stories-miniatures; just a few lines, simple in content and syntax, gave the child a real picture. Such stories as “Var had a Chizh”, “Spring came”, “A grandmother had a granddaughter”, the author intended for the kids. Therefore, in the stories only the most necessary details are given, designed for the first layer of children's perception. True stories, fables - the meaning deepens, the content captures new layers of life, previously unfamiliar concepts. Vocabulary and style are changing: the former simplicity, they no longer answer only learning objectives. But also aesthetic. The most famous works for preschoolers from there are “Three Bears”, “Cow”, “Philippok”.

The beginning of the fairy tale "Three Bears" is designed in the spirit of a realistic work: "One girl left home for the forest ..." But such an unfabulous beginning introduces the reader to quite fabulous circumstances and introduces characters close to a folk tale. Fairy-tale talking bears: father Mikhail Ivanovich, bear Nastasya Petrovna and bear cub Mishutka. Endowed with human names, they arranged their hut like people’s, and their habits are also human: everyone eats stew from their own cup, and even with a spoon. Who sipped from a cup? sitting on a chair? who crumpled the bed? - these are traditional triple repetitions for a folk tale.

But unlike fairy-tale characters, the girl turned out to be nimble and avoids retribution without help. magical powers: opening his eyes and seeing the bears - jumps out the window. It was important for Tolstoy to show that a peasant child in an extreme situation is bold, dexterous, and resolute.

In the story "Philippok" too real story. The boy got bored of wiping his pants in the hut, and he decided to go to school. He came, and was so confused that he was silent and crying in response to all the questions of the teacher. The kind teacher left him in the classroom: they say, sit down next to your brother on the bench, and I will ask your mother to let you go to school.
But despite the brevity in the story, the character of the boy is created. As soon as Philippok drove in that he wants to study at school, nothing can lead him astray, neither the dogs that attacked him when he "went out to the buzzing" yards, nor the fear of the teacher. Not finding his hat, he grabs his father's.

In the halls of the school, as a decent one, he takes off his headdress and then opens the door.

Having recovered from the first fright, he uttered his name in warehouses, and although everyone laughed, he began to say “Virgin Mary” to show that he knew prayers, but he stumbled over every word. Teacher: You wait to boast, but learn.

"Cow". Psychological characteristic hero is more complex. The boy, Misha, threw fragments of a broken glass into the cow's swill and caused real trouble. The cow had to be slaughtered, the family was left without milk, "the children became thin and pale." Grandma had to hire a babysitter to earn money for a new cow. The boy was so tormented by his conscience that he “did not get off the stove when they ate jelly from a cow’s head” and “every day in a dream I saw how Uncle Vasily carried the dead, brown head of Burenushka with open eyes and a red neck by the horns.”

There are no descriptions and characteristics here, the characters appear in the course of events. The complication is psychological. The characteristics of the hero are due to the general moral task of the story: if he had not been frightened and confessed in time, everything would have been fine. Tolstoy said that he considers a children's work especially successful when “the conclusion is moral or practical, a cat. It follows from the story, not told, but left to the children themselves to do it. And: "Children love morality, but only smart, not stupid." The moral of his works is of a special kind: the writer wants to raise the consciousness of the child to such a moral height that he himself can decide how to behave in specific circumstances.

Fables. In them, morality is offered in more open form. In many fables, the moral conclusion is based on the living experience of peasant life. Tolstoy sought to ensure that the centuries-old experience of the people was fixed in the mind of the child reader, prompting him correct solution in different occasions life. Therefore, neither side folk life does not go unnoticed. Tolstoy's fables deserve a definition of the type: "an encyclopedia of folk moral wisdom."

A very touching story "The Lion and the Dog" ... there a small dog was thrown to be eaten by a lion, but he did not tear it to pieces, but also fell in love. When the owner threw him a piece of meat, the lion gave a piece to the dog. And when the dog got sick and died and he hugged her with his paws and lay next to her for 5 days, and on the sixth he died

The third "Russian Book for Reading" contains stories about Bulka wonderful dog hunting breed. The exploits and adventures of Bulka serve as a background for the affirmation of a humanistic idea that deeply affects the feelings of readers. These are stories about the responsibility of a person to those whom he has tamed.

Moral perfection human is the main idea of ​​Tolstoy - writer, philosopher, teacher. She was embodied in his teaching activities, and in works for children. T. He was convinced that one should educate on the examples of justice, kindness, mercy, respect for both the elders and the younger. His works are full of such examples.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Children's stories

The boy guarded the sheep and, as if seeing a wolf, began to call:

Help, wolf!.Wolf!

The men come running and see: it's not true. As he did so two and three times, it happened - and a wolf really came running.

The boy began to scream:

Come here, come quick, wolf!

The peasants thought that he was deceiving again, as always, - they did not listen to him.

The wolf sees, there is nothing to be afraid of: in the open he cut the whole herd.



When I was six years old, I asked my mother to let me sew. She said: “You are still small, you will only prick your fingers,” and I kept pestering.

Mother took a red piece of paper from the chest and gave it to me; then she threaded a red thread into the needle and showed me how to hold it.

I began to sew, but could not make even stitches; one stitch came out large, and the other fell to the very edge and broke through. Then I pricked my finger and wanted not to cry, but my mother asked me: “What are you?” I couldn't help but cry. Then my mother told me to go play.

When I went to bed, I kept dreaming of stitches; I kept thinking about how I should learn to sew as soon as possible, and it seemed to me so difficult that I would never learn.

And now I've grown big and I don't remember how I learned to sew; and when I teach my girl to sew, I wonder how she can't hold a needle.



When I was little, they sent me to the forest to pick mushrooms. I reached the forest, picked mushrooms and wanted to go home. Suddenly it became dark, it began to rain and thundered. I got scared and sat down under a big oak tree. Lightning flashed, so bright that it hurt my eyes, and I closed my eyes. Above my head something crackled and thundered; then something hit me in the head. I fell down and lay there until the rain stopped. When I woke up, trees were dripping all over the forest, birds were singing and the sun was playing. The large oak tree was broken and smoke was coming from the stump. All around me lay fragments from the oak. My dress was all wet and stuck to my body; There was a bump on my head and it hurt a little. I found my hat, took the mushrooms and ran home. There was no one at home; I got some bread from the table and climbed onto the stove. When I woke up, I saw from the stove that my mushrooms had been fried, put on the table, and they were already hungry. I shouted: “What are you eating without me?” They say: “Why are you sleeping? Go ahead and eat."



Mother bought plums and wanted to give them to the children after dinner. They were still on the plate. Vanya never ate plums and kept sniffing them. And he really liked them. I really wanted to eat. He kept walking past the plums. When no one was in the room, he could not resist, grabbed one plum and ate it. Before dinner, the mother counted the plums and saw that one was missing. She told her father.

At dinner, the father says:

And what, children, has anyone eaten one plum?

Everyone said:

Vanya blushed like a cancer, and said too:

No, I didn't eat.

Then the father said:

What any of you have eaten is not good; but that's not the problem. The trouble is that there are seeds in plums, and if someone does not know how to eat them and swallows a stone, he will die in a day. I'm afraid of it.

Vanya turned pale and said:

No, I threw the bone out the window.

And everyone laughed, and Vanya began to cry.



Two girls were walking home with mushrooms.

They had to cross the railroad.

They thought that the car was far away, so they climbed the embankment and went across the rails.

Suddenly a car roared. The older girl ran back, and the younger one ran across the road.

The older girl shouted to her sister:

"Don't go back!"

But the car was so close and made such a loud noise that the smaller girl did not hear; she thought she was being told to run back. She ran back across the tracks, stumbled, dropped the mushrooms and began to pick them up.

The car was already close, and the driver whistled with all his might.

The older girl shouted:

“Drop the mushrooms!” and the little girl thought she was being told to pick the mushrooms and crawled along the road.

The driver could not keep the car. She whistled with all her might and ran over the girl.

The older girl was screaming and crying. All the passers-by looked out of the windows of the carriages, and the conductor ran to the end of the train to see what had become of the girl.

When the train passed, everyone saw that the girl was lying head down between the rails and was not moving.

Then, when the train had already gone far, the girl raised her head, jumped to her knees, picked mushrooms and ran to her sister.



My grandfather lived in a bee garden in the summer. When I visited him, he gave me honey.

Once I came to the bee-keeper and began to walk between the hives. I was not afraid of bees, because my grandfather taught me to walk quietly around the forest.

And the bees got used to me and did not bite. In one hive, I heard something quacking.

I came to my grandfather in the hut and told him.

He went with me, listened to me and said:

One swarm has already flown out of this hive, a pervak, with an old queen; and now the young queens have hatched. This is what they scream. They will fly out tomorrow with another swarm.

I asked my grandfather:

What are the uterus?

He said:

Come tomorrow; God willing, it will open up - I'll show you and give you honey.

When I came to my grandfather the next day, he had two closed swarms with bees hanging in his hallway. Grandfather told me to put on a net and tied it around my neck with a handkerchief; then he took one closed swarm with bees and carried it to the bee-keeper. The bees hummed in it. I was afraid of them and hid my hands in my trousers; but I wanted to see the uterus, and I followed my grandfather.

At the osek, grandfather went up to an empty log, adjusted the trough, opened the swarm and shook the bees out of it onto the trough. The bees crawled along the trough into the deck and trumpeted, and the grandfather stirred them with a broom.

And here is the mother! - Grandfather pointed to me with a broom, and I saw a long bee with short wings. She crawled with the others and disappeared.

Then my grandfather removed the net from me and went to the hut. There he gave me a large piece of honey, I ate it and smeared my cheeks and hands.

Information sheet:

Wonderful cute tales of Leo Tolstoy make an indelible impression on children. Little readers and listeners make unusual discoveries about wildlife, which are given to them in a fabulous form. At the same time, they are interesting to read and easy to understand. For a better perception, some previously written author's fairy tales were later released in processing.

Who is Leo Tolstoy?

He was a famous writer of his time and remains so today. He had an excellent education foreign languages was fond of classical music. He traveled a lot in Europe, served in the Caucasus.

His author's books have always been published in large editions. Great novels and short stories, short stories and fables - the list of publications amazes with the richness of the author's literary talent. He wrote about love, war, heroism and patriotism. Personally participated in military battles. I saw a lot of grief and complete self-denial of soldiers and officers. He often spoke with bitterness not only of the material, but also of the spiritual poverty of the peasantry. And quite unexpected against the background of his epic and social works were wonderful creations for children.

Why did you start writing for children?

Count Tolstoy did a lot of charity work. On his estate, he opened a school for peasants free of charge. The desire to write for children arose when the first few poor children came to study. To open the world around them, plain language to teach what is now called natural history, Tolstoy began to write fairy tales.

Why is a writer loved these days?

It turned out so well that even now, children of a completely different generation, with pleasure, perceive the works of the count of the 19th century, learn love and kindness for the world around them and animals. As in all literature, Leo Tolstoy was also talented in fairy tales, and loved by his readers.