How to dissolve copper naphthenate in oil. Copper naphthenate for antiseptic compositions. Specifications. Water heating installation services

  • Rules for the operation and maintenance of non-public railway tracks
    • II. Organization of work on the conclusion of contracts for the operation of non-public railway tracks and contracts for the supply and cleaning of wagons
    • IV. Accounting for the time spent by wagons on a non-public railway track
    • V. Unified technological processes for the operation of non-public railway tracks and junction stations (UTP)
    • VI. Technological norms for loading goods into wagons and unloading goods from wagons
    • Appendix 1. Agreement for the operation of a non-public railway track (when servicing a non-public railway track that does not belong to the owner of the infrastructure of the public railway track, by the locomotive of the owner of the non-public railway track)
    • Annex 2. Contract for the operation of a non-public railway track (when servicing a non-public railway track that does not belong to the owner of the infrastructure of a public railway track, by a carrier's locomotive)
    • Appendix 3. Agreement for the operation of a non-public railway track (when servicing a counterparty on a non-public railway track that does not belong to the owner of the infrastructure of a public railway track, the carrier's locomotive)
    • Annex 4. Agreement for the supply and removal of wagons (when servicing a non-public railway track owned by the owner of the infrastructure of a public railway track, the carrier's locomotive)
    • Annex 5. Agreement for the supply and removal of wagons (when servicing a non-public railway track owned by the owner of the infrastructure of a public railway track, by the user's locomotive)
    • Annex 6. Agreement for the supply and removal of wagons (when servicing a counterparty on a non-public railway track owned by the owner of the infrastructure of a public railway track, the carrier's locomotive)





About the rules of negotiations

during train and shunting work

In order to ensure traffic safety by employees involved in the performance of train and shunting work and in accordance with Article 20 of the Federal Law "On Railway Transport in Russian Federation", paragraph 16.38 of the Rules technical operation Railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on May 26, 2000 No. TsRB-756:

1. Approve and put into effect from November 1, 2003 the attached Regulations negotiations during train and shunting work on railway transport common use(hereinafter referred to as the Regulations).

2. Heads of railways, heads of railway departments:

2.1. To bring normative documents of railways and technical and administrative acts of railway stations into line with the Regulations.

2.2. Organized in September-October 2003. studying the Regulations and related normative documents railways.

3. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the deputy heads of the railways - the chief auditors for traffic safety.

4. Recognize as invalid from the moment of entry into force of the Regulations:

Standard regulations for the main negotiations on the exchange of information between drivers and assistant drivers of locomotives, multiple unit and special self-propelled rolling stock, and radio communications with employees of related services during movement and shunting work, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on December 15, 1999. No. TsT-716;

And about. Minister V.N. Morozov

Use Shoshin V.I./TsT

tel. 262-25-56


order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia


negotiations during train and shunting work

in public rail transport

I. General provisions

1.1. The Regulations for negotiations during train and shunting work (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) establish the procedure for negotiations between the driver and the assistant driver of the locomotive, multiple unit and special self-propelled rolling stock (hereinafter referred to as the locomotive), as well as negotiations between the driver and the assistant driver of the locomotive (hereinafter referred to as the driver and assistant driver) by radio communication with employees of the transportation economy during movement along the sections and railway stations of the railway, as well as during the performance of shunting work.

1.2. These Regulations are mandatory for all employees of locomotive crews and transportation facilities of public railway transport organizations.

II . Rules of negotiations and actions

driver and assistant driver

when a train leaves a railway station

2.1. Before the departure of the train from the railway station (hereinafter referred to as the station), with the permissive indication of the output (route) traffic light, the driver and assistant driver are obliged to fulfill the “Minute of readiness” regulation in the form of a dialogue in which the assistant driver asks the driver questions about the state and indication of the locomotive instruments, the availability of necessary to follow train documents. During the implementation of the “Minute of readiness” regulation, the driver and assistant driver are required to check and report to each other:

on the availability of train documents and a warning form (at intermediate stations, the regulation “Minute of readiness” performed for collection and export trains in case of a change in the number of train cars). The driver must check the presence of the warning form with the assistant driver;

on the inclusion of safety devices and radio stations;

about the position of the hand brake;

on the availability of a certificate of the VU-45 form on the provision of the train with brakes, the parking time from the last test of the brakes (for freight trains - on the density of the brake line of the train ____ sec.);

on the conformity of the number of the tail car with the train documents (except for multiple unit rolling stock (MVPS), special self-propelled rolling stock (SSPS) and a reserve locomotive);

about the position of the driver's crane handle, the pressure in the brake and pressure lines _____ kgf / cm 2;

on the indication of a locomotive traffic light or a CLUB indication block (hereinafter referred to as a locomotive traffic light);

on the indication of the exit (route) traffic light from the departure route;

about the established speed along the route of departure _____ km / h.

The driver, having made sure that the permissive indications of the output (route) and locomotive traffic lights correspond with the departure track, and in the absence of stop signals given from the track and the train, sets the train in motion.

2.2. After setting the train in motion, the driver and assistant driver must, in turn, open side windows or with the help of rear-view mirrors, check and report to each other about the absence (presence) of stop signals, as well as about the state of the train.

2.3. The driver's assistant is obliged to report to the driver on the correct preparation of the train route along the uncoded tracks of the station within sight in the following form: "The route is prepared correctly from ... track to ... track." The driver, having made sure that the route was prepared correctly, is obliged to repeat: “I see that the route has been prepared correctly.” The driver's assistant is obliged to report to the driver the indication of the output (route) traffic light when it follows (10-15 meters before the output (route) traffic light) in the following form: "Route (output) signal from ... the path (calls the signal indication)". The driver, having made sure that the output (route) traffic light is indicated, is obliged to answer “I see, the output (route) from ... the path (calls the indication of the signal)”.

III . Regulations for negotiations between the driver and assistant driver on the route

3.1. After the train has passed the station, the driver's assistant is obliged to report to the driver about the set speed along the haul, as well as about the presence of permanent and temporary speed limits.

3.2. On the way, the driver’s assistant is obliged to report to the driver about the signals given by traffic lights (except for through traffic lights during automatic blocking, signaling a green light), the indications of the locomotive traffic light (in the absence of visibility of the floor traffic light), as well as changes in the indications of the locomotive traffic light, stop signals given from the track and trains, fencing signals for work sites.

The driver, making sure that the information is correct, is obliged to repeat it.

3.3. The driver's assistant is obliged to warn the driver of the approach:

to the places of checking the operation of automatic brakes in the train, indicating the kilometer, picket and speed of the start of braking;

to railway crossings;

to the places where the warning about the speed limit (for 1.5 - 2 km), flaw detection carts, leiters, moderons.

When following the place of speed limit, the assistant driver must stand at his workplace.

3.4. When the train follows curved sections of the track, when approaching artificial structures (tunnels, bridges, viaducts) and stations, the driver and assistant driver are obliged to inspect the train alternately through the side windows or with the help of rear-view mirrors and report to each other about the state of the train within sight.

3.5. On double-track and multi-track sections of the railway, the assistant driver is obliged to inspect the oncoming train and report to the driver on the results of the inspection, and in the event that malfunctions or violations that threaten traffic safety are found in the following train, inform the driver of the following train on duty at the station by radio communication (hereinafter - DSP) or train dispatcher (hereinafter - DSC).

3.6. When duplicating the readings of traffic lights, the driver and assistant driver are required to name their purpose (checkpoint, warning, input, route, repeat, output, shunting), and at stations and multi-track sections - also belonging by track number.

3.7. When approaching a traffic light with a burning yellow light, the assistant driver is obliged to report to the driver the set speed of his passage.

3.8. When the locomotive approaches the entrance traffic light of the station, the driver's assistant, within his visibility, is obliged to report to the driver about the indication of the entrance traffic light and the set speed at the station. The driver, making sure that the information is correct, is obliged to repeat it.

3.9. When following the station, the driver and assistant driver are obliged to monitor the correctness of the prepared route, the free path and the indication of the exit (route) traffic light, exchange information about the train route and speed in the following form: “Arrows along the route, exit traffic light with (path number ) way - (calls the indication of a traffic light), speed ... km / h. The assistant driver, when the train passes the station, is obliged to observe the indications of traffic lights and the free path while standing at his workplace.

3.10. When a train enters a block section with a prohibiting traffic light indication, the driver’s assistant must approach the driver’s workplace and check the position of the driver’s controller and the driver’s crane handles, the pressure in the brake and pressure lines, remind the driver about the need to reduce the speed to 20 km / h in 400- 500 meters to a traffic light with a prohibitory indication. After that, the assistant driver is obliged to stand at his workplace and observe the indication of the traffic light and the free path. At the same time, the driver and assistant driver, each time the safety device gives a sound signal, or if there is an SAUT device on the locomotive, every 30-40 seconds must report to each other about approaching a traffic light with a prohibitory indication and ensure that the train stops before this traffic light. In the event that the driver fails to comply with these Regulations when following the prohibiting traffic signal and the driver fails to take measures to stop the train, the assistant driver is obliged to stop the train (locomotive).

3.11. In order to exclude cases of non-compliance with these Regulations, the driver's assistant is prohibited from leaving the locomotive control cab in the following cases:

when passing the station;

when approaching traffic lights, the indications of which require a decrease in speed or a stop;

with a burning white light at a locomotive traffic light (except for sections not equipped with automatic blocking);

when following uncoded paths;

within artificial structures;

when ALSN devices are turned off and in places where warnings are valid.

3.12. With the permission of the driver, the assistant driver is obliged, when following the green lights of the traffic lights, to inspect the engine (diesel) compartment of the locomotive, MVPS cars. Upon returning to the locomotive control cabin, the assistant driver is obliged to check the readings of the track and locomotive traffic lights, and report to the driver about their readings. The driver, making sure that the information is correct, is obliged to repeat it. After that, the assistant driver is obliged to report to the driver on the results of the inspection of the engine (diesel) compartment. When inspecting the locomotive, the driver's assistant is obliged, depending on the type of traction, to check the operation of electrical equipment and devices, auxiliary machines, condition diesel generator set, auxiliary units and refrigeration devices, readings measuring instruments, the presence (absence) of extraneous knocking and grinding in the chassis, the presence (absence) of smoke.

3.13. In the case of receiving a train at the station and leaving the station with a prohibitory indication of a traffic light or the main light of the traffic light has gone out according to one of the permits, established by the Instruction on the movement of trains and shunting work on railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on October 16, 2000 No. TsD-790 (hereinafter referred to as IDP), the driver's assistant is obliged to report to the driver on the position of each arrow along the train route.

3.14. When stopping a single locomotive (a raft of several locomotives) using sand in an auto-blocking section or in a station equipped with electrical interlocking, the assistant driver must remind the driver to move onto clean rails to ensure the bypass of the track circuit.

IV. Regulations for negotiations and actions during shunting work

4.1. After the arrival of the train at the station, uncoupling the locomotive at the command of the chipboard and receiving instructions from the chipboard to perform shunting work, the driver is obliged to inform the assistant driver of the plan for the upcoming shunting work. With a permissive indication of a shunting traffic light, and the transition from train to shunting work, the assistant driver is obliged to report to the driver:

“We are switching to shunting movements, the speedometer tape is stretched out; shunting traffic light (... letters) ... from ... path (path number) moonlight white; arrows along the route (within sight).

The driver must answer:

"I see moon-white from ... the way, the route is ready." After that, the driver sets the locomotive in motion.

4.2. At the beginning of shunting work or after changing the locomotive control cab and setting it in motion, the assistant driver must report to the driver about the need to check the operation of the auxiliary brake of the locomotive at a speed of 3-5 km / h until it comes to a complete stop.

4.3. When carrying out shunting work, the driver and assistant driver are obliged to inform each other about the readings of each shunting traffic light, the position of the arrows along the route, control the clearness of the path along which the locomotive follows and the set speed.

V. Regulations for negotiations on train radio communication

When negotiating via train radio communication channels, the persons specified in paragraph 1.1. of this Regulation are obliged to comply with the following forms of treatment and the sequence of their transfer:

5.1. Calling the required subscriber: "Station duty officer (station name)". If the called party does not answer, repeat the call.

In cases where it is necessary to draw the attention of all subscribers who are in the coverage area of ​​the calling radio station, they transmit: “Attention, everyone!”.

5.2. The answer of the called subscriber: “I, the duty officer of the station (station name, surname), am listening”; “I, train (locomotive, energy) dispatcher, surname, listen”; “I, the driver (surname) of the train (number), listen.” In all cases, subscribers are required to give their positions and surnames.

5.3. The caller calls himself: "I, the train driver (... number)" and then the text of the message, question or order follows.

5.4. When a train follows a prohibitory signal of the input, route or output traffic light DSP (DNC), it is allowed to call the driver by radio only if it is necessary to send him a message about changing the procedure for receiving or passing the train through the station.

5.5. In the event of an emergency or unusual situation the driver (assistant driver) is obliged to start the transmission of messages with the words: “Attention, everyone!” (the message is repeated several times if necessary). Upon receipt of this message, the drivers of all trains (locomotives) located in the radio coverage area, DSC and DSP are obliged to stop radio communications, listen carefully to the message and, if necessary, take measures to ensure the safety of train traffic.

5.6. If a malfunction of the brakes is detected in the train, the driver or assistant driver must report this to the DSC, chipboard stations that limit the haul, and the drivers of other trains on the haul in the following form: “Attention, everyone! I, the driver (surname) of the train (number), follow the stage ... a kilometer ..., the brakes failed. Take action” (a call via a radio channel lasts 12-15 seconds, after which it must be repeated until a response is received from the DSC or DSP).

5.7. When following the signal signs "Gas" and "Oil", indicating the intersection railway tracks oil and gas pipelines, the driver and assistant driver must open the window of the locomotive cab and proceed to the intersection with increased vigilance, if possible without the use of automatic brakes. In the event of a specific smell or spill of an oil and gas product, the driver is obliged to immediately inform the DSC or DSP about this.

5.8. When the train stops due to a pressure drop in the brake line, the driver is obliged to immediately transmit a message by radio in the following form:

“Attention, everyone! I, the driver (surname) of the train (number), stopped due to a pressure drop in the brake line at ... a kilometer of an even (odd) haul track ..., I have no information about the violation of the gauge. Be carefull!"

5.9. When the train stops due to the derailment of the rolling stock, the driver is obliged to immediately transmit a message by radio in the following form:

“Attention, everyone! I am the driver (surname) of the train (number). On ... a kilometer of an even (odd) haul track ... the gauge was violated due to the derailment of the rolling stock. Be carefull!".

5.10. Messages in the cases specified in clauses 5.8. and 5.9. of these Regulations, must be transmitted to the drivers of trains on the haul, the head (mechanic-foreman) of the passenger train, the DNC and DSP stations that limit the haul, until confirmation of the perception of the message from the DNC or DSP, the driver of the train following the train and the driver of the train moving along the neighboring way.

5.11. The driver and assistant driver are obliged to report via radio communication to the DNC or DSP about cases of detection of foreign objects on the superstructure of the track, damage to structures or devices of railway transport, presence of unauthorized persons on the tracks or near the railway track.

5.12. After hitching the locomotive to the composition of the passenger train at the train departure station and at the points of change of locomotive crews, radio communication between the head (mechanic-foreman) of the passenger train and the locomotive driver should be checked. In doing so, the following forms of negotiation rules should be adhered to:

The head (mechanic-foreman) of a passenger train calls the driver: "Train driver (number)". After receiving the answer from the driver, the head (foreman mechanic) of the passenger train is obliged to continue: “I, the head (foreman mechanic) of the passenger train (number), surname” and then the text of the question or message.

The driver calls the head (mechanic-foreman) of the passenger train: "Head (mechanic-foreman) of the passenger train (number)". After receiving a response from the chief (mechanic-foreman) of the passenger train, the driver is obliged to continue: “The driver of your train (surname) is calling” and then the text of the question or message.

Application No. 1

to the Regulations for Negotiations at Train

and shunting work on the railway

public transport,

approved by order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia

Driver's negotiation rules

and assistant driver


Assistant's report


Repetition of the report

driver with the appropriate actions

At the beginning of shunting work or after changing the control cab and setting the locomotive in motion.

Checking the auxiliary brake to a complete stop.

I do.

When hitching a locomotive to a train

Stop for 5-10 m, hitch speed no more than 3.

I do

When the train departs from the side track of the station at the permissive indication of the exit traffic light.

Exit from "___" of the path "___" (calls the signal indication), speed along the exit "___".

I see a day off from “___” of the path “___”, the speed is along the exit “___”.

In the presence of a repeating traffic light.

Repeating (route, output) on the "___" path green

(does not burn).

I see a repeater (route, weekend) on the "___" path green

(does not burn).

Departure in case of malfunction of the exit traffic light.

The exit station (station name) with "___" path-white flashing (red), there is an order to proceed (written permission), the route of departure from the "___" path within sight is ready, the speed is not more than 20.

The driver is convinced of the correctness of the issued permits, repeats the report of the assistant driver.

After passing the exit traffic light.

Lane speed "___"

On the haul, the speed is "___",

If there are warnings about the speed limit on the stage

At "____" km, pc "____" the speed limit is up to "____".

Speed ​​limit on "____" km, pc "____" to "____".

After checking the operation of the train's automatic brakes.

The braking distance was "___" m, the norm was "___" m


path "___" m.

When approaching a speed reduction signal.

Yellow shield (disk), "___" km, pc "___", speed "___".

I see a yellow shield (disk), at "___" km, pk "___" speed "___".

At the entrance to the signal sign "Start dangerous place».

Beginning of a dangerous place, speed "___".

I do "___" speed.

When following a sign

"The end of a dangerous place."

End of a dangerous place.

End of a dangerous place.

At the entrance to the green shield (disk).

Green shield (disk), line speed "___".


When approaching the place of checking the action of autobrakes.

At "___" km brake test, speed "___".

If there is a yellow light at the traffic light.

Yellow, speed no more than "___".

I see yellow, the speed is no more than "___".

When a train enters a block section with a prohibitory traffic light

Ahead is red, the speed for 400 m is not more than 20