Walking to another city in a dream. Why do you dream about walking in a dream book? Interpretation of other places

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Walking in your sleep?

If you dreamed that you were walking along a winding path surrounded by thorny bushes, then in reality you will be greatly shocked by problems in the business sphere, and misunderstanding will lead to indifference. Walking in a pleasant area means that you will become the owner of a large fortune. A dream about walking promises well-being.

Going somewhere at night means misfortune and a futile struggle for well-being. If a girl sees in a dream that she is walking quickly, then she will inherit property and achieve the reciprocity of her beloved person.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about Walking?

Walking - Walking through a beautiful area - to well-being in life, acquiring a significant fortune. Going somewhere at night means misfortune and a futile struggle for your happiness. If a young woman dreams of walking quickly, this means that she will inherit property and achieve the reciprocity of her beloved person. Seeing people in a dream walking winding paths, overcoming thorny thickets, means that you will suffer from complications that have arisen in business. Unpleasant misunderstandings, coldness and indifference in relationships with people await you.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about Walking

Walking - If you are walking somewhere in a dream, this suggests that in reality you continue to search for your ideal sexual partner at random. If you see a person walking in a dream, it means that someone is secretly in love with you and is looking for a meeting. A crowd walking past you foreshadows numerous love affairs, which, however, will not bring you satisfaction. Walking in a crowd in a dream means that in reality you will fall in love with a person who has influence. Seeing yourself walking next to a stranger means a short connection with an unfamiliar person.

Ancient French dream book

What does walking mean in dreams, interpretation:

Walking in a dream means that you will soon become rich. Walking on stones in a dream means significant profit. Walking at a brisk pace is a dream that promises that you will reach your cherished chain. If in a dream you walk slowly or retreat, your dream predicts failure for you. Walking on crutches in a dream means that you will receive a well-deserved reward. Walking on water portends success.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

If you dream about Walking

Walking barefoot is a great achievement; you will buy a house.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about walking?

Walking - Good.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Walking on a wire - Hard work and perseverance will lead you to your goal.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Walking – Walking on a wire – Hard work and perseverance will lead to the intended goal.

The dream that you had on the 22nd carries a lot of useful information: it can foreshadow a new round of development of serious illnesses and suggest possible ways of healing in its plot, talk about upcoming changes in your financial situation and warn about what steps in business you should not take undertake.

Walking as interpreted by experts

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

It is a neutral action, which is interpreted depending on the place of arrival or departure.

Interpretation of dreams in Islam: The Prophet walks on foot in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

It means walking to his grave. All this will happen if the Prophet appears in a dream as he is.

Walking in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Traveling on foot means postponing an important task.

What does the dream mean - Avoska

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed that you were carrying money and documents not in a diplomat, but in a string bag: in reality, you will be faced with a situation from which you will draw the main conclusion - everything in this world is relative and there is no such thing as a bad...

The essence of sleep - Travel

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Means any existential project in action. More often it is a positive image, useful and beneficial for a person, although sometimes it can be negative depending on where the subject is going (see Walking).

How to interpret the dream “Horse, horse”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Riding a white horse in a dream is a wonderful sign. First of all, it promises you the strength of friendships and the joy of meeting loved ones. If you notice that your horse is dirty, then deception and envy are possible on the part of those who...

How to interpret the dream “Walking”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you see in a dream people walking through thorny rose hips along winding paths, then this dream portends trouble for you. You will suffer from complications arising in your affairs. Unpleasant misunderstandings in relationships with people will be followed by coldness and indifference...

I have a dream about walking

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you see people walking along winding paths, get ready for the fact that complications may arise in your affairs. A series of unpleasant misunderstandings will cause coldness and indifference in your relationships with others. If you walked through a pleasant area, you will probably soon get rich, and...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Horse?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Horse Riding a white horse in a dream is a wonderful sign. First of all, it promises you the strength of friendships and the joy of meeting with like-minded people. If you see that your horse is dirty, then deception and envy are possible with...

If you see “Walking” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Walking through a beautiful area means prosperity in life and the acquisition of a significant fortune. Going somewhere at night means misfortune and a futile struggle for your happiness. If a young woman dreams of walking quickly, it means that she will inherit property and achieve...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Mountains?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Symbol of spiritual height. It is not the symbol itself that is important, but the action that is performed in the dream. Climbing a mountain means growing spiritually, confidently moving towards your self-realization. But here you need to pay attention to how to climb. The steps indicate a pattern, such a rise...

Dreaming about "Escalator" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

It could also be a bad dream. The meaning of the dream depends on the direction of movement of the escalator. If you were going down, your affairs are bad, stagnation and decline await you. Up - you will achieve success in your professional activities. The escalator is standing still, but you are forced to walk - in reality...

Dreaming about “Floor (landing on the floor)” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you are on the landing of one of the lower floors - to a quiet, peaceful life. The upper floors dream of promotion. If you dreamed that you were going down from the top floor to the bottom, you will be demoted or have your salary cut. Climb on foot...

Dreaming of “Crushed stone (road covered with crushed stone)” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You are about to go on a business trip to resolve some troubles. If you dream that you are driving a car on gravel, the matter can be resolved quickly and to everyone’s benefit. If you go on foot, things will become more complicated and the trip will be delayed. If you are standing...

Dreaming of "Snow" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing it snowing means a cooling of relationships with friends. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine that the bright sun is shining and the snow is melting before your eyes. This is a good dream. Fields and plains covered with thick snow cover - it only seems to you that yours...

Dreaming of "Motorcycle" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You should not rush, otherwise your wish will not come true. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine leaving your motorcycle in the garage while you walk or drive away.

Dreaming of "Elephant" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Get a leadership position. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine that you are riding an elephant, and the rest are walking.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Distance? Number 6 (six)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you are sailing on a ship or flying on an airplane or helicopter and cover a distance of 6, 15, 24, 42 (as well as other numbers from this series) meters or kilometers, then big news awaits you. If you enjoy...

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Embankment

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Riding along the embankment on horseback, in a car, or walking means long-term difficulties in life, which you will successfully overcome (if you walked or drove the entire embankment without stopping). Walking on the embankment with your loved one means a happy family life with this person...

If you dream about an Escalator, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Rising up an escalator in a dream is a sign of your professional ascent, albeit slow. If you dream that you are going down an escalator, then in real life do not expect success in your career. If you dream that the escalator is not working and...

Author of the article: website

Vera Reply

I dreamed that I was in a hurry somewhere and was walking quickly through a snowdrift. The snowdrifts are very high and dirty. I don’t see it because it’s very dark, I just know it. And the more I rush, the slower I get it, because it’s very difficult for me to walk through the snowdrifts. I turn around and see a couple walking behind me and a big black dog barking at them. Finally I got where I needed to go. My sister and her children and some other people are waiting for me there. We all go together and climb a high derrick (tower). There are no stairs, but we easily and simply climb the walls by sticking our feet between the bricks. From the top of the tower there is a view of the sea. It's very dirty. And suddenly, in the sea near the shore, I see a huge and strange fish splashing in the water, turning over on its stomach or on its back. I point it out to them all, but despite the fact that it is huge, they saw it after some time. We all wondered what kind of fish this was. And at this time she completely came ashore. We all saw it all: huge, strange, gray. At the top of this tower I lie looking down. And I’m very scared, I’m also scared because the bricks began to shake under me. Right below me. And we started to go down. Then I woke up.

Silverbella Reply

This dream has been recurring for me for many years. I'm going somewhere. I'm in a hurry, I know I should walk quickly, but the more effort I put in, the harder it is for me to walk. It's like some kind of weight is pressing on me. I take every step with great difficulty, I can barely move my legs. And I keep trying, trying to move on. It feels like this weight is just going to crush me. I am falling into despair, I must(!) walk, walk quickly, but my movements are constrained, and I can hardly move. Sometimes it even seems that this “something” is simply flattening me. I usually wake up in this place just in a panic.
I'm 31 years old, if that affects the interpretation in any way.

Mei Reply

Today's dream is one of those that you want to immediately write down, to save at least part of something that gave a feeling of discovery in the morning. So, I’m walking from my native Dnepropetrovsk to Odessa. I must say that in real life Odessa is like a second hometown for me and I went there by car many times, the last few times by myself. The road, as often happens, is conducive to unobtrusive meditation, all around are steppes, hills, endless space, endless sky, tiny picturesque villages near the road, where in the summer houses are surrounded by orchards and flowers, in general, space, freedom and beauty. And so I walk along this road with great pleasure, because, you see, that’s what I wanted, and I’m quite sure that I can easily walk along it to Odessa. And along the way I come across these same villages, only the gardens in them directly approach the road and all sorts of ripe berries are temptingly red in them, sometimes cherries, then strawberries, then raspberries, and so close, you can reach with your hand. Naturally, the hand naturally reaches out to them; I really want to refresh myself with a berry. But every time some local mongrel jumps out from somewhere and starts barking at me heart-rendingly. This is repeated several times, until near one village I manage to pick a very appetizing strawberry and quickly put it in my mouth. Immediately another mongrel jumps out, very small and nasty, and starts barking at me and grabbing my ankles with his teeth, but it doesn’t hurt me one bit, it’s just funny and annoying. I stop and several things happen at once. Firstly, I remember that I’m going to Odessa for a conference (in real life, I’m really getting ready to go to one conference, where I’m going to make all sorts of terribly useful acquaintances and establish contacts necessary for my free artistic work, but not to Odessa at all) and , that I didn’t have any luggage with me, not even a small handbag, but I needed to take some papers with me, and a change of clothes wouldn’t hurt. In general, I decide that I urgently need to return to Dnepr by some bus or train, take everything I need and then go to Odessa by transport. Moreover, it turns out that it’s dark all around (it didn’t seem like it was before), only it’s not night, but the pre-dawn early morning, and therefore I’m sure that I have enough time and I’ll do everything in time. And at this time the owners, husband and wife, come out of the house, and I decide that they are the ones I need to ask about the bus. I ask if there is a bus to Dnepropetrovsk. The wife says something to her husband and he replies that there is and he will take me there. And so the two of us walk along the deserted pre-dawn streets of this village and a fascinating conversation ensues between us about... raccoons (!?). The man complains that the local raccoons (while pointing to a forest plantation nearby) have gone completely berserk and the villagers intend to seriously fight them. Recently, he says, a bunch of fish accidentally spilled out of a fish warehouse (pointing to the building of this very warehouse), so these raccoons staged an invasion, came running in a crowd, brazenly ate all this fish and were so aggressive that no one could drive them away. I listen and then remember that in Florida we are also full of arrogant raccoons (the absolute truth), and I begin to excitedly tell him about them. Like, we had exactly the same case, one day the fish woke up and these raccoons simply went wild, and in general there is no salvation from them, there is not a single trash can without raccoons (also true) and they eat everything that people leave for cats and dogs. In general, I conclude, we are now allowed to shoot these raccoons. And we discuss all this with such interest, it’s literally the most pressing problem. In real life, of course, raccoons interest me very little. So, while talking, we reach the bus station and there is already a bus to the Dnieper. Here, the man says, is your bus, by morning you will be in the Dnieper. The conversation was interrupted somehow suddenly and the phrase escaped me: “Why is that all? Did I go? The man nods. I get on the bus, am about to say goodbye, and a man comes behind me. I don’t ask anything, I think he probably also needs to go to the Dnieper. And here we are driving, it’s dawning and outside the window there are already city streets, crowds of people rushing to work, and in general this is no longer a bus, but a city tram. At one of the stops, a man comes in who, for unknown reasons, arouses suspicion and fear in me. And suddenly a friend of mine from the village hands him some piece of paper with phone numbers written on it. I look closely and see that there are 3 or 4 numbers written there and two of them are mine (one was real mine, the other was not), but all of them are lightly crossed out, except one. I think that this is probably the number of this same guy, and the rest was on the piece of paper by chance, and therefore crossed out, and yet I feel unpleasant because my numbers are visible there and now this suspicious guy will have them. And then something very strange happens. I understand that this was all a dream and I published it on Oracle, and Yaroslav deciphered it, although I didn’t even specifically ask him about it, supposedly he himself became interested, and I read his decryption. And the transcript turned out to be terribly interesting and detailed, as always, Yaroslav quotes parts of my dream and writes something about them. There is especially a lot about this man from the village, it seems that there is something very important, that behind this image there is something much more than I guess and that everything here is not in vain - it seems that this man actually knew everything about me, and I knew that I needed to get to the bus, and it was no accident that the bus was there right away, and it was not without reason that it went with me. In general, something terribly interesting, but it’s not really clear what. And then it turns out that I have in my hands a huge binder filled with a variety of pieces of paper; different colors, sizes, on different papers, some written by hand, some printed, all sorts of press clippings, photographs, pictures, illustrations, etc. pasted in there, and all this is a catalog of my dreams, which I I compiled it myself (!) (Agree, this is my collection on Oracle!) Moreover, my old dreams begin to materialize around me, like some kind of virtual reality. Here is my recent dream about flower pots, the flowers have already grown and become quite lush and beautiful. All of them are in flower pots, suspended on some kind of circular structure, creating, as it were, a gazebo of flowers. I touch them, look at them, push the greens apart with my hands. Here is a pot with huge lush yellow-red roses, and here are wonderful hanging white roses, branches strewn with dazzling white flowers hanging from the pot, like snow. Beautiful! And somewhere nearby stands Yaroslav and keeps commenting something about these dreams. I talk to him, then agree, then argue. Here’s another dream, here’s a young guy, also from a dream, suddenly it turns out that he and I are dressed in white loincloths, like the ancient Egyptians. I, as befits the style, am bare-chested. We hold hands, and Yaroslav and some other voices, coming from God knows where, suddenly declare that this guy (and he is not entirely real, I know that he is from a dream) is not suitable for me at all. “You are not at all similar to each other, you are from different civilizations!” At the same time, Yaroslav pats me on my bare chest in a friendly manner, the way people usually pat people on the shoulder, and smiles slyly. I keep holding the hand of that ancient Egyptian boy and don’t want to let him go, I pull him closer to me. But something is wrong and I can’t completely attract him to me, something is stopping us, but what? “I’m telling you, you are completely different, you are built differently,” Yaroslav declares. I suddenly see myself and that guy from the outside and we really are different, I’m light, he’s dark, like a real Egyptian, what’s more, he has some kind of different body structure, like a different skeleton, and that’s why we don’t agree, like we would not match in shape, like mismatched pieces of a picture puzzle. This is where I wake up.

Mei Reply

A story about raccoons. I thought, I thought, why did I dream about raccoons, and

I didn’t come up with anything except that raccoons walk at night and climb

trash bins, which means they clearly represent the shadow side. That would be all

it's over, but! The other day I was driving along a deserted road late in the evening, and

then someone will jump out of the bushes and right under my wheels, barely in time

slow down. And it stopped and glared at me like that, I looked -

raccoon! I didn’t even remember about the dream then, but it wasn’t the end.

Literally an hour later I found myself in a bookstore, and in these

it’s very pleasant to wander around the shops with a cup of coffee, which is also there

for sale, look at different books. I wander, I stare, I come across

section of all sorts of shamanic and other mysterious books and I see Animal-Speak,

about the symbolism and magic of animals. I decided to read about the wolf there (well

I was thinking about the wolf then), I read it, turned the page, and there -

business affairs dude, talks about how he conducted some practical classes

and each time I tried to imagine which animal would be better to talk about with

each specific group of students, i.e. what animal is asking? AND

Then one day he came up with the idea of ​​a raccoon. He talks for a long time about the meaning

raccoon among the Indians, about how the raccoon wears a mask (well, on his face

like a black mask) and is a symbol of the hidden emerging

transformation. And then, about how after class he gets into the car and

almost runs over a raccoon. He slows down and the raccoon looks at him pointedly

looks, and he, like an advanced animal specialist, nods at him, saying,

Thanks dear comrade for the tip. But that's not all! Just now

A friend calls me and says, we found a raccoon here, he’s near us

settled in, we feed him. That's all for now. These are the adventures with raccoons in

Alexander Reply

Let’s assume that the dream actually plays out the preparation for your trip to a conference [in real life, I’m preparing to go to a conference, where I’m going to make all sorts of terribly useful acquaintances and establish contacts necessary for my free-lance artistic work]. Then this conference in a dream will be Odessa [I walk from my native Dnepropetrovsk to Odessa], and based on the characteristics of the journey, we can draw conclusions about the course of the process. The mental background is favorable [all around are steppes, hills, endless space, endless sky, tiny picturesque villages near the road, where in the summer houses are surrounded by orchards and flowers, in general, space, freedom and beauty], contemplative mood [the road is conducive to unobtrusive meditation], the level of resources is high [I walk along this road with great pleasure, because I am quite sure that I can easily get to Odessa]. And these are the fantasies that could - with appropriate integration - serve you well [along the way I come across gardens, they are right next to the road and all sorts of ripe berries are temptingly red in them, then cherries, then strawberries, then raspberries, and so close , you can reach with your hand, she naturally reaches out to them, I really want to refresh myself with a berry], suddenly they encounter an obstacle in the form of a dual symbol of devotion and aggressiveness [every time some local mongrel jumps out from somewhere and begins to bark heart-rendingly at me]. Undoubtedly, fantasies are of a sensual and erotic nature [I manage to pick a very appetizing strawberry and quickly put it in my mouth] and if, upon superficial reflection on them [I really want to refresh myself with a berry], the barrier only appears [every time some local mongrel jumps out from somewhere ], then when immersed in an idea, a reaction occurs, symbolized by touch [another mongrel jumps out, very small and nasty, and begins to bark at me and grab my ankles with its teeth]. And pay attention - as soon as contact has occurred [the mongrel grabbed the ankles with his teeth], you immediately “remember” the socially acceptable background (masks, clothes, luggage) and even lose some confidence [I remember that I’m going to a conference in Odessa, I don’t have any luggage with me, not even a small handbag, but I needed to take some papers with me, and a change of clothes wouldn’t hurt].

Thus, mongrels in a dream, like the dog Cerberus, are related to protective programs that serve the social validity and even acceptability of this or that behavior. To me, as a researcher, dogs in dreams generally seem to be harmful (negative) symbols, a kind of social reduction of the original authentic symbol of the Wolf.

Naturally, after you have responded in an appropriate - and inauthentic - way to the guiding behavior of dogs, you are bombarded with memories of harmful raccoons (they are associated with dogs through the phrase “raccoon dogs” you know), which, again, cause damage to collective values ​​[common warehouse with fish]; and you get on the bus, and on it you are again overcome (in defiance of the complete indifference of an independent person) by the fear of spiritual openness [a man comes in, who for unclear reasons arouses suspicion and fear in me, and suddenly my friend from the village hands him some piece of paper, which contains my phone numbers].

As for the Egyptian, you have come across some very archaic male symbol in yourself, I would say an archetype, but so far it cannot be integrated with your psychic system. Repeating the words from the dream, “I’m telling you, you are completely different, you are built differently,” I’ll just add that today you are different.

Mei Reply

Thank you, thank you! Everything turned out almost like a dream 8)

Of course, it was no coincidence that I thought about the wolf, it’s just a separate story.

I successfully meditated here with some yogis and in the process of meditation (we are there at

focused on the heart chakra, like to see what was there) I saw an awesome she-wolf with glowing

with golden eyes (as in one of my dreams, by the way), and at first she seemed to look like a fox, and then the picture cleared up and I saw her.

So I’ve been reading about wolves these days.

Ejovanovich_rambler_ru Reply

Well, first of all, I see that you dream about your native places very often. You think that this is how it should be, but I almost never dream about the town where I spent my childhood. More often I dream about Moscow or the university. It seems to me that you are drawn to your homeland, that you still haven’t decided internally where you should live. But your homeland both pulls you and scares you. In a dream, you say to yourself: why, in your homeland everything is the same as in Florida: raccoons are just as impudent (well, by analogy, everything else is not too different). That is, you seem to convince yourself that, by and large, it doesn’t matter where you are. And in Florida, not everything is so rosy: the raccoons have become insolent.

The man who accompanies you is a collective image of another (not-me). At first you find a common language, a common topic about raccoons, but at some point it scares you that you trusted him too much, gave him your phones, and he carelessly disposes of them. Yes, and allows himself to do what you didn’t ask him to do. And it is precisely at this moment that you begin to dream of a specific other (Oracle), whom you also trusted and even allow, to some extent, to guide your mental life (or spiritual, or both). In a dream, you are trying to decide whether you should rely on him so much. And the dream shows that you don’t fully agree with him: you don’t want to listen to him and let go of that young Egyptian’s hand. You don’t want to give up some old (ancient!) attitudes, and maybe even attachments. In addition, you feel that the Oracle is somehow influencing your sensuality (pats your bare chest). I think you are not the only one who is strongly impressed by his preaching of polygamy and stories about his own sexual adventures.

These are the thoughts. Write what you think about it and in general.

Mei Reply

Hello Nika! Rise up, rise up, let's talk, knock off the rust! 8) Regarding the first part of your remark, I will say that issues with homelands and non-homelands do not bother me at all, and the question of where is the best place to live is definitely not worth it for me. In general, I am convinced that where to live is not important, what matters is how and maybe with someone else. And I probably agree with the second part, about the Oracle. It has an impact, and how, and causes doubts, interest, and much more. The dream really depicts everything so well metaphorically - much more precisely, the oracle is walking around the virtual collection of my dreams! With the Egyptian, it’s true that not everything is clear yet, but I have already noticed that incomprehensible elements of dreams often become clearer over time, if you don’t forget about them.

Ejovanovich_rambler_ru Reply

Hello! I'm very glad you responded.

Are you sure that if in reality you don’t care where to live, then in a dream you don’t care either? This is not a fact, you know it yourself. In a dream you live in Dnepropetrovsk, and in this dream you live between Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk. They, however, are not directly related to real cities with such names. In a dream, you live in your then self.

As for the oracle and his group sex, God G and other things, in my opinion, this is incompatible with a medical diploma. He has no right to THIS way take advantage of the advance of trust and respect that he received with this diploma.

Mei Reply

Well, we all come from the past - to paraphrase a famous saying.

I think that if a person has lived for 20 years in one city, then this leaves a certain imprint on his

“psychological geography”, how upbringing and environment leave an imprint on the external way of life and behavior.

And I not only have dreams about my native places, lately I haven’t had any at all, but there have been ones where past and present cities and countries were mixed.

Some of my local acquaintances who live here and in other countries also have this tendency; they dream about their native lands. Obviously there is something in this, it just seems to me that it has something to do with the question “where do I want to live”

little relation, rather to the question of life in the past and in the present, as you yourself noticed. And the fact that real cities actually have nothing to do with the cities in dreams is also obvious. Every time I come to my homeland, which happens quite often, I notice how

my memories are very different from the real city, it seems you can’t enter the same city twice 8)

I’ll say about the Oracle that I perceive his research with interest, because I think that you can’t turn away from anything, and if you feel like turning away, you need to ask yourself why. If there is a deep inner confidence that all this is really not interesting and unnecessary, then so be it, and if

there is still something vague, misunderstood, if there is still interest, then it’s worth thinking about it and that’s all. For some reason, I never perceived the Oracle as a doctor with a diploma who has any kind of power in this regard. After all, this is not an official site, but a rather free-artistic site. We are free to communicate here. Nobody forces anyone and no one claims that this is an “opinion

official medicine or psychology,” it is clear that this is the personal opinion of the Oracle and I perceive it as such. And anyone can perceive it the way they want. I don’t know, maybe other people, maybe those who are “medical doctors with diplomas” themselves, have a different opinion, but I’ve never thought about it from this point of view.

Ejovanovich_rambler_ru Reply

This is how you perceive it. And he calls these lessons and emphasizes on every page of the site how certified he is. It would be better to say: guys, I’m conducting experiments on myself, but you wait to follow my example until we see how it ends. In this case, yes - you could call yourself a scientist.

Come on, it’s not all that important. Well, a young boy went on a spree - it happens.

Lena Reply

Another wicked witness - yay. Ever since she left for the ends of the world, she has been obsessively dreaming of her hometown, and not the house where she spent all her marriage, but her father’s house, her parents... In my opinion, this is a call to rethink the past and not forget it. After all, having left there, one is tempted to start a new life, full of bright prospects. But that was not the case... We need to rethink and come to terms with the past, and take with us everything useful that we carried with us.

And by the way, if he finds gangbangs and God, I’ll write in the corresponding oracle lesson 😉

Naina Reply

Let someone who dreams of traveling to his hometown with enviable consistency intervene. As I said elsewhere, I have already created a whole road transport series, so there is more than enough material to allow myself some generalizations. In most of these dreams, I am heading to my hometown. Everything else is nothing more than the vicissitudes of this eternal journey: all sorts of trains, planes, delays, fellow travelers, tickets, controllers, etc. Of course, I tried to analyze all this material. As a result, I can say that for me personally, this symbolizes, in all likelihood, the direction of movement “toward oneself,” that is, “toward one’s home,” which, in fact, is the main plot of personal evolution. At the same time, I note that I am also unfamiliar with the feeling of nostalgia, and I have never considered the possibility of returning there in real life. So I tend to interpret this in a metaphorical sense. It seems to me that May has a similar case.

Ciry1-yandex-ru Reply


Kalinin-sergey Reply

I walked along the footpath towards the hospital. Something broke there and they asked me to repair it. A woman walked ahead of me. There was a fence across the road, I walked behind it, in the middle there were two large bags, on top of one lay something electronic, either a flat-panel monitor or a keyboard. The first desire was to take it, it’s clearly no one’s and no one sees it, it’s obviously something valuable. I sat down on a stump, it was right there, and after thinking a little, I decided not to take it, got up and went, Another fence. These two packages were clearly fenced on both sides. I went outside the fence and realized that the woman had not come out. I remember well that I went in, apparently it’s good that I didn’t take the packages. Further along the road there are again two fences, apparently again some kind of zone. I walked through without stopping. The third time, the already unfinished barn, in order to go further, I had to enter it through the door; I didn’t find anything interesting for myself there, so I left through the second door and moved on. And again the barn. I enter through the door again, everything here is almost completed, there is a roof and simple bunks made of boards. These would be quite useful to me at the dacha, I note to myself. But by the way, there is a sawmill and all this is sold there and I move on, inspecting the building. At the end of the garage there are narrow doors. I begin to climb through them, which turned out to be quite difficult; if I had had clothes on, I would definitely have gotten stuck, but now I’ve already climbed out up to my waist. The main thing is that the pelvis is no larger than the head; it barely fits through. Young guys were walking towards me, I hurried and climbed out onto the scaffolding, which was a meter high. The scaffolding swayed but held firm, and I jumped to the ground. The guys surrounded me. Apparently they were watching from the forest, and saw everything, and everything was built by them too. They started asking me if I had taken anything. I laughed and turned out the pockets of the sweatshirt I was wearing; there were only last year’s dried leaves. “Okay, go and live on as best you can,” one strong young man admonished me. -Certainly. But you built all this in vain - I started. -Why? Well, explain, a short, domineering and unpleasant guy suddenly intervened aggressively. In order not to turn the crowd against me, I began to diplomatically explain that the housing and communal services were cleaning the streets and roads. That this is not their whim, but they have an agreement with the Mayor’s Office, etc.

Lena-yugdon-com-ua Reply

I dream that I am walking with a guy (whom I used to date for a very long time, but we broke up) through a football field where children are playing, we walk cheerfully hand in hand, then the cemetery begins, we pass through it hand in hand and I stay at the end of the cemetery and the guy gets up and crosses across the wide road (I look out and look at him) and on the other side of the road a bicycle is pulled out from behind the hill, but then I see that a helicopter is flying across the road (where the guy is, but far from him), the helicopter begins to fall, falls and explodes , I fall so that the fragments don’t fall on me - everything seems to be fine, I look out with the guy, everything is fine, then I get up, we go out onto the road together and walk along it (the road is wide, the sky is clear), we meet his friends - a guy and a girl and we go with them to his (my boyfriend’s) home, take the elevator and go into the apartment. end.

AnaLitik Reply

The dream contains many warnings. For example, communicating with a guy leads you to a cemetery. The bicycle, the elevator, the helicopter represent mechanical forms of sex, that is, the obsession with sex without soul, heart and mind. The recurring image of a wide road speaks of the suffering of a person who is forced to obey stereotypes, is obliged to keep up with everyone, to walk like everyone else. Find yourself a more functional friend

653 Reply

It's always a bright and colorful day, either winter or summer... Some kind of mixed season. Flowers may bloom and icicles may hang. I go without knowing where, although I definitely have a goal - to get to some place. I'm just drawn there like a magnet. On the way I meet people and they all look at me in surprise, sometimes they talk, but I don’t understand them. I'm walking along the road and suddenly my legs give way. Not only can I not walk any further, I can barely even crawl. But I have to go, I really have to, because I’m still being pulled somewhere like a magnet. I struggle to get up, but my legs won’t obey me. They seem to grow into the ground. With difficulty, but I crawl to something... Sometimes to my house, sometimes to my car. And the legs can walk again, without any transition. I just understand that I can walk and walk and laugh at my fears. I've been having this dream since school. It comes with different pictures and sometimes I see where I’m going and who I’m running away from, and sometimes I don’t. I can’t even connect it with anything - it always appears unexpectedly. I'm only 21 years old. Why do I dream about him? I can only assume that in the future I will face a period when I will not be able to be independent, something will interfere.

Jenuevieve-rambler-ru Reply

Mom was forced to leave for a while, I was sent to my grandmother. In the dream, the grandmother lives far away; you need to go to her by minibus through high narrow mountains with rounded hills. A paved road winds between them. We drive and drive, with great difficulty I get to my grandmother, but I feel bad there. And so much so that I decide to go back. For some reason I'm walking. I'm wearing a light pink dress. For some reason, I climb one of the mountains and see at the top a neglected park and an abandoned, but still well-preserved house. I hardly make my way through the autumn thickets of rosehips and other plants, I begin to pound on the wooden door, dry from age, until I discover that no one lives in the house. I'm thinking about going down. I move away a little and see a huge pile of manure. I would like to bypass it, but I can’t. First, I fall into a brown puddle up to my waist (as two well-dressed men at the foot of the mountain watch, one with a mini video camera). At first I feel ashamed, but the feeling of shame quickly passes, as if it were not inherent in me, superficial. I lie down on my back on the dung heap, not caring in the least that my pink dress is hopelessly stained. I even see wedges of brown goo, but I don't care. The men offer to help me get down, and I accept this help. One, who turned out to be Sergei Mikhalkov, films everything on camera, but I don’t care, I’m even interested. Having descended, I find myself on a stone square of a clearly German town. I am a young man, a prisoner of war. There are many of us, and we are protected by fascists. Apparently, somewhere nearby there is a battle going on, something is constantly exploding, but where we are is relatively calm. It seems like they want to put us on a train and send us somewhere. I see a dark station with a platform and a tall dome-hangar, in front are stone pillars and forged cast-iron high gates, behind them is a crowd of prisoners of war, where I am. I split into two: the first one is an observer, the second one is a direct participant in events. The gates are locked, the officers are shouting, the shepherds are barking. I understand that if we are locked here, we will be finished. And I break out of the gate, but I see it from the outside. Security and officers start shooting. They still manage to close the gate. I was hit in the head. I lie down right on the rocks. A comrade tears off a long piece of black casing with long white fur (sheepskin?) that I am wearing, and wraps it around my head. I lie there, look at the sky, and at that moment the split ends. The sky is pale, without clouds. I feel good. There was no pain and no pain. I want to remain motionless. But now there is some movement among the masses. It seems that we have freed ourselves or been liberated. I find myself in the white marble subway tunnels, on endless stairs leading down. I finally reach the station, bright, with a high convex ceiling, deep underground. A train approaches, dark green and blue, glittering with paint. I want to get on it, but I see that the platform has two pairs of rails, and the train has arrived at the one that is further from the platform, but it is almost impossible to jump over that distance. I'm back on the stone square. We were finally released, and it was I who rebelled and led the masses into an attack. I mentally connect with the apartment, I want to be met. But I see a dark, tattered room with dark walls and a high ceiling, a typical post-war room, as it seemed to me in a dream. A narrow, unmade bed, a folding bed or something. Grandmother sits next to her. I ask where mom is. Grandmother replies that she has gone to the station to meet me. I’m upset, because there are a lot of people there, they could do something bad to her, push her. And I tell my grandmother to stay at home and tell my mother that I will come as soon as possible. And I myself (I think I’m already a girl) realize that I need to get home as quickly as possible. And I figure in my mind that there are many kilometers from the Elbe to Kyiv. The descent along the stairs and tunnels to the platform is repeated again, but the train again arrives on the wrong track.

Jenuevieve-rambler-ru Reply

We live in a cozy house in a quiet patriarchal green town. I still feel cramped in it and am missing something; I am always trying to escape through the window or window into the outside world. Mom won't let me in, but I still manage to convince her that I want to go ahead. To leave the town, you need to walk through a sun-scorched valley sandwiched between high mountains. This is not a desert, but rather a rusty steppe. Behind me is a green oasis of the town, ahead is the unknown. And yet I take a step, cross an invisible line and find myself in a valley. The path is barely visible, it’s hard to walk. I have a companion, a young man whom I do not see, I only hear his voice. One got the impression that he was wearing a dark, pointed high hat and a long, silver-dark cloak. Here the valley abuts a high mountain with sharp ribbed ridges. The mountain is not easy: I can continue walking along the valley, or I can climb the mountain. The mountain is dark gray, almost black, it seems to me, made of slag or volcanic dust, pumice (such mountains are in Koktebel). The slopes are loose, holding up only because they are densely overgrown with tall weeds, which, however, are scorched by the sun. I want to go up, because I am sure that there is a completely different world there, and you can only get into it by going up the mountain. My companion dissuades me, and my mother’s voice joins him. I stubbornly turn my head and step onto the mountain. The first time we couldn’t climb – the slope crumbled. In the second, the path ran into an impenetrable wall. And only on the third try I was able to reach the top of one of the ridges, when I looked down and saw people who, like me, were climbing the slopes. Only they are lower, almost at the sole. My companion stopped me several times and finally declared that he would only observe. I see another peak ahead, the highest, the main one, but the soil beneath me begins to “creep” down. Nevertheless, I strive upward - and unexpectedly, having passed along the edge of the ridge, I easily get to the top. And above is the edge of a huge plateau, refreshed by the sun, on which, slightly lower, is a beautiful and green city. I find myself on the square, I see a beautiful and massive, simply cyclopean, palace. Some people are also there, offering me to take co-ownership of the palace, but I have no money, and I regretfully refuse, moving further into the city.

Jenuevieve-rambler-ru Reply

a small, clean village, lost in endless dense pine forests. Several streets, average-income houses, clean. You feel distant from everything. My mother and I live in such a village. We're not having a bad time there, it's just very lonely. The neighbors are not bad people, however, they are not our family. In short, we decided to leave. Mom was afraid, she kept telling me that I needed to wait, but I insisted: no, let’s go now, I don’t have the strength to wait any longer, I want to get out. And so we went. We walked through the forest for a long time until we started meeting people. This indicated the proximity of housing. The forest itself turned out to be not at all scary (his mother was afraid), dry, smelling of fresh pine resin. It was extremely interesting for me to walk along it. People testified that housing is coming soon. We were a little tired of walking when we suddenly found ourselves at a small market in the suburbs, a bridge to the city across a cheerful river. The bridge turned out to be so cozy that we stopped and stood looking at the flow of the river. She ran away from us. There was a lot of greenery and mint around. It began to seem to me that we were delayed on the bridge when I suddenly heard the piano playing. A huge, luxurious black piano appeared from a lush mint bush, on which a boy was playing. It seems like there was some kind of competition. The audience and jury gathered behind us. Suddenly I felt something unusual in the performer playing some classical piece. And I realized: besides him, there are two more, that is, the three of them play, with three pairs of hands, and it doesn’t always work out well. It seemed that I was the only one who noticed this. I stepped back from the bridge railing and stepped into the black mud of a half-dried puddle. Finally, my mother and I went forward.

Seed2 Reply

In almost all your dreams, your mother is present, which indicates your strong inner connection (which is quite natural). But you are, as it were, fenced off from others (by the forest) by your own world. You want more connection with the outside world, although your mother is afraid to let you in. Cross the river, perhaps make some important decision regarding the outside world. But you are stuck on the bridge. Black mud of a puddle - you are attracted to the outside world, but you are afraid to get dirty in its mud. Playing the piano is for the soul. The game “six hands” is the difficulty of establishing mutual understanding and harmony between people (no matter how well the children play, elements of disharmony in relationships can be heard). but this is for children. As they grow up, they become more similar to each other, and play better together in a game. IMHO.

Omela31c Reply

Good afternoon, Yaroslav! I haven't been on your site for a long time!! I used to write my dreams under the name Ksenia. but for some reason I couldn’t log in again under this name and it turns out that I already have a second name here, mistletoe. I had a very vivid dream. I think about him all the time! I think it carries something very important!! That's why I'm asking for a transcript. DREAM. I'm in some building. There are still people there - young men. They go somewhere and say, “You can’t follow us!” They leave. But I’m terribly interested and I’m going anyway. A series of through rooms - concrete walls, floor, ceiling, dirty, dusty, dimly lit. I'm coming. Suddenly some kind of cyclone wind attacks me, spins me around, and I lose consciousness. I come to my senses in an aquarium filled with water. I am an embryo. Quite big, probably almost like a newborn baby or even already 3-4 months old. But somehow unpleasant and ugly, thick - the skin is red, thick, covered in mucus. I feel that this is me and I am swimming in the aquarium upside down. And I see that to the right of the aquarium there is something above it, and there is a snake wrapped around it. Black with white stripes. It is very long, but not thick, but thin. The snake rushes at me, pushes me with its nose. I think he's trying to bite. I fight back with my fists. Scary. I think why is she so aggressive! A nurse arrives in a white coat, a woman about 50-60 years old, so rustic, unpleasant, and rude. He tells me - what are you doing! don't be afraid! He gives an injection in the arm, and it seems that from this injection I should grow and become big again, as I was. “Here’s a newspaper for you to protect yourself from a snake,” and he gives me the newspaper. I think - what nonsense! How will a newspaper help me against a snake? I wake up... It seems to me that the dream is full of archetypal symbols - a snake, a child in the water (as in the womb), a nurse. I wish I could understand what it all means?

AnaLitik Reply

Having passed through the cyclone and overcome the limits of consciousness, you find yourself in a special place called the “primary scene”. This is a key event. If we take the Bible as an example, the “primary scene” or key event for humanity as a whole was the moment when Eve saw the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, on which there was also “a snake wound.” The snake commits something like a “deprivation of innocence”: from that moment on, you do not listen to yourself, but obey rules that are alien to you, and therefore you are expelled from paradise.

The baby is innocent in the sense that he is another whole with Being, “with God.” The snake is what imposes external stereotypes on us. At the moment of the “snake throw,” the child loses contact with Being. When a nurse says that “a newspaper can save you from a snake,” she is, of course, lying. The newspaper is also a stereotype, only slightly ennobled by the ruling elite.

A nurse “means a close person who uses the emotional and sensory sphere to weaken a person’s vital energy, being the cause of the disease for which he is being treated.”

In other words, the “primary scene” is a special event in the life of every person. It can be described as follows: a person for the first time encounters a lie that programs his destiny. Those on whom he completely depends lie to him. And he, due to his own helplessness, is forced to swallow this lie and become the same (detached from real reality) as everyone else. We can say: a person commits his “original sin,” which he then needs to get rid of. Getting rid of, or replacing the Self that has been shaped by public opinion (the snake and the newspaper), with one's true Self (transparency and intuition) is called "metanoia."

When we see ourselves in the form of children, this indicates the time when the problem arose. It was then that we were deceived and sent down the wrong path. (Since then, “I’ve been going down the wrong path,” but now I’m “realizing that I’m going down the wrong path.”) The fact that I had such a dream is “good” (cf. it’s good that I went to the mirror and saw that I needed to change my appearance). It is clear that insight alone is not enough for my consciousness to be completely transformed.

Omela31-yandex-ru Reply

you know what's interesting. My mother once told me that I was born a very plump and healthy child and at first I ate very well. but then, just after 3-4 months, she suddenly suddenly gave up breastfeeding and it became almost impossible to feed me. and as a result, I grew up as a very thin and sickly child.


In the dream, I was going home from my grandmother (and my grandmother lives in the city of Pologi, Zaporozhye region, and I myself am from Zaporozhye, the distance between them is 100 km) and instead of going by public transport, I decided to walk. I walked along the road and the weather was always changing, sometimes cloudy, sometimes raining (but I took refuge from it in the store), then there was a snowstorm, but I walked. As a result, I went halfway and decided to stop in the city of Orekhov, there I decided to buy coffee for myself, but the saleswoman remade it three times, because when she poured it into a paper cup, it was defective twice, the coffee spilled, and in the end the last time she made coffee in a plastic cup, but it was not enough. Then I woke up and ended up never making it home.


Hello! I was walking with my husband and father-in-law, who died a long time ago, along a muddy spring road. I needed to show the house I would like to buy. But here the road ends and almost a trash field begins, only burned. Everything is black and the dirt is just different, traces of transport. And I decided not to go and go back, take a different road, so as not to smear my shoes and in short. What is this for?

Why do you dream about walking?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

It is a neutral action, which is interpreted depending on the place of arrival or departure.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday

An unpleasant dream warns of problems: deprivation, failed trips, demotion. Calm pictures indicate quick success and the need to take decisive action. The meaning of the dream will be realized on the coming Thursday or Friday.

24 lunar day

The dream directly reflects the sexual energy of the sleeper. It is better not to take into account the details when deciphering it. Pay attention to your impressions: if they are gloomy, you have intimate problems that need to be solved. Pleasant dreams speak of harmony in the sexual sphere.

Waning moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

22 of October

A dream with an unpleasant connotation personifies the subconscious fears of the sleeper. There is no point in interpreting it: it will not come true. Only dreams with a good semantic load are destined to come true.

What does it mean to just walk in a dream? According to the dream book, this is a reflection of ordinary life with all its everyday concerns. To fully understand what the dream is about, it is necessary to take into account minor details.

Don't be insolent!

The interpretation of a dream largely depends on the location. Why do you dream, for example, of walking on sand? This means that in the real world you experience doubts and are full of forebodings.

Walking through quicksand and not getting stuck in it means that you will be able to avoid major troubles caused by your own insolence. Did you dream that you were walking on the sand? You'll meet an old friend soon.

Toward the end of things

If in a dream you wandered through the forest, then in reality you are in danger of worsening your financial situation. Walking through a spring forest means a happy marriage, walking through a summer forest means prosperity, and walking through a winter forest means stagnation in business.

If you happen to walk through the forest in late autumn and see fallen leaves, then the dream book is sure that you will be disappointed in a dear person.

Did you dream that you went into the forest to pick mushrooms? In reality you will experience the pleasure of life. But a tourist trip to the forest symbolizes the completion of some business.

Plan everything!

Why do you dream of walking on rails in a dream? The dream book states that you will achieve success through skillful planning. If you dreamed that you were wandering along the rails and did not understand where you were going, then a long path awaits you to your goal.

If in your nightly dreams the ladies happened to be walking next to the bus, then you are literally walking your own way, regardless of the opinion of society.

Interpretation of other places

The dream book offers several decodings of various places where you can visit in a dream.

  • Walking through a swamp means trouble.
  • Along the seashore - to longing for the past.
  • Along the river bank - to quickly achieve your goals.
  • Along a wheat field - to wealth and prosperity.
  • On the grass - to betrayal.
  • Over the stones - to trials.
  • Along the path - to unexpected luck.

Free yourself!

Did you dream of walking over an abyss? The dream book advises taking the dream as a warning of large losses. Walking along the edge of a cliff means that you will have to take justifiable risks.

If in a dream you walked straight in the air, then there is a power dormant inside that will help you free yourself from earthly attachments. By the way, the dream book believes that a walk through an underground passage should be interpreted as spiritual self-knowledge, which must be kept secret.

According to Miller's dream book

The dream book gives a very interesting interpretation to dreams in which you happened to go to a cemetery. For example, Miller believes that this is a symbol of longevity and a quiet life.

Depends on mood

Going to the cemetery at any time of the day in a good mood is a sign of favorable changes. But if during a trip to the cemetery you experienced a feeling of fear, sadness and sadness, then the dream book thinks that tragic news awaits you.

The dream book advises interpreting a dream in which you were invited to a funeral in approximately the same way. In sunny weather, this vision promises health and longevity for all loved ones; in rainy weather, a decline in business, illness and bad changes.

Don't answer the call!

Why do you dream that in a dream you had to walk next to a dead person? The worst thing is if you heard his voice and followed the call. In this case, walking with a dead person literally means mortal danger.

But walking and having a pleasant conversation with the deceased is very good. The dream book thinks that in a dream you visited another world and actually met the deceased.

Under reliable protection

If a wife dreams that she is walking next to her deceased husband, then in reality she is under the protection of Higher powers. The dream book considers going to church a very favorable sign. It promises good news and support from Above.

Going to church means making the right choice in reality. If you happen to see a service in a church, then a strange event awaits you in real life. Why might you dream about going to a funeral? You are guaranteed a happy old age.

Getting married soon!

In a dream, were you invited to a wedding? Important changes are guaranteed to you. Did you dream that you went to the registry office? Changes in your marital status are coming soon; most likely, you will get married.

Going to a holiday of any significance in a dream means improving living conditions; going to a birthday means a joyful event in reality.

Values ​​and studies

If you go on a nightly adventure to visit, then in reality you will regret the wasted time.

Why do you dream about returning home? This is a symbol of a return to spiritual values. Going to the toilet means getting rid of worries, cleansing and renewal.

Did you dream that you were heading to school? This is a clear indication of the need to study hard and gain new knowledge. It’s good to go to study at another institution in a dream. The dream book guarantees that one day you will become a respected and influential person.

Let's have some fun?

If in a dream you happened to go to the bathhouse, then get ready for an interesting adventure, to the market - for gossip and social life, for fishing - for success in an unimportant enterprise.

Why do you dream about going to entertainment events? Going to the cinema - to communicate with friends, to the theater - to the fulfillment of desires, to a concert - to a carefree existence. Such a dream brings successful transactions to businessmen, and mutual understanding to lovers.

Interpretation by characters

If you dreamed that you were following someone, you will soon find your happiness. Just following a person means a great event, following a woman means betrayal and lies, following a pregnant woman means good news. If you dreamed that you were walking in an embrace with a man - for women - to illness, for men - to trouble.

Don't rush to the meeting!

Walking with a guy along the corridor means you need to make a decision, walking arm in arm for protection, and stepping towards each other in a dream means fate itself will lead you to happiness.

By the way, the dream book believes that going to meet your loved one in a dream is bad. This is a sign of cooling of feelings and breakup.

Why do you dream that you were wearing heels? For women, this phenomenon means dissatisfaction with oneself; for men, walking in heels means new responsibility.

Weigh everything!

If in a dream you happened to follow the tracks, then in reality you will have to make an important choice. Running against the wind means obstacles, swimming against the current means a fierce struggle.

Going against the crowd means rejection of public opinion; crawling on all fours means wasted efforts. If you dreamed that your legs hurt and couldn’t move, then the dream book considers this a sign of a decline in vitality and passivity. And skiing with poles means a quick solution to the problem.

Negative symbol

Wandering at night without a goal means confusion and trouble, rushing to a certain place means blind faith, and getting lost at night means trouble and collapse of hopes. In general, being in night dreams in the dark is a sign of failure and bad luck.

Unusual places

Seeing yourself naked in a dream means shame, public exposure and illness. Walking down the street means unexpected opportunities, but walking down the street in socks means despair.

Did you dream that you were walking through puddles? Your business has fallen into complete decline. Making your way through snowdrifts at night means unexpected news; sliding on ice means an unstable situation. But walking in a snowstorm, according to the dream book, means that you can lose a large amount of money.

Only up!

Did you dream that you were walking on the carpet? Glory and honor await you. But walking on wet ground predicts hardships and losses.

Why do you dream of walking down the stairs? This vision promises a loss of respect and confidence, and climbing the ladder up means elevation and strengthening of one’s position.

By the way, the dream book is sure that walking up the steps is a symbol of moving in the right direction. The main thing is that you rise up.

To the money!

An interpretation of the process will also help you understand why you are dreaming. If you had to go hard - unpleasant things await you in real life, quickly - obstacles that you will successfully overcome, hard - to success, after a difficult period.

Did you dream that you were wandering somewhere for a long time? In reality you will have to pay for your mistakes. Walking with your shoulders back is a sign of confidence and triumph.

Finally, the dream book offers the most pleasant interpretations. So walking through shit means a successful investment of money, and walking through manure means huge profits, a rich inheritance and promotion.