Sleep cat gives birth. What is the dream of a cat giving birth to in a dream book. Why do cats dream with kittens

The cat in such dreams symbolizes the feminine and is often associated with a woman's feelings about the painful state of her body. Also, a dream in which a person gives birth to a cat can serve as a signal that a person is developing extraordinary abilities.

What if you dream of giving birth to a cat?

Very often, pregnant women give birth to cats in a dream, due to global changes occurring in their body. And most often these women give birth subsequently to girls. Such a dream can also portend an early pregnancy. However, it may well be to give birth to a cat in a dream for an early, not very serious, and short illness.

You should pay attention to the color of the cat's coat. The darker the shade, the more mutual understanding a person has with his subconscious, therefore, there is inner harmony. If the cat white color this suggests that intuition is inactive in this life span, and, therefore, in real life You need to be extremely careful not to be a victim of deception.

If a kitten is born, or even several kittens, then this indicates that some thoughts are oppressing the person, perhaps this is an attempt to imagine his unclear future.

It is important, however, not to forget that a cat is not an ordinary creature. Mystical properties have long been attributed to this animal: the ability to clairvoyance and astral travel, for example. The cat was not without reason the totem animal of the Slavic and Scandinavian pagan goddesses.

Giving birth to a cat in a dream may well be a signal indicating the development of some esoteric abilities in a person. It is worth paying attention to your feelings during the events taking place in the dream. If at the birth of a cat, neither pain nor fear was experienced, and what was happening was taken for granted, then this is a clear sign that your psyche is undergoing transformation in the process of development. Probably, a person becomes more sensitive to the changes taking place in him and his intuition quickly develops at this stage of life.

If the impressions of what was happening in a dream were pronounced negative character, then this means that the human consciousness is not ready to perceive the consequences of such a leap in the development of the true "I", and as a result, one should expect an internal conflict of the personality.

What portends?

The interpretation of “why dream of giving birth to a cat” can be negative if the animal shows hostility or aggression towards a person in a dream. In this case, the subconscious indicates that at this stage in the development of his personality, he should not try to comprehend the sacred secrets of the universe. Probably, the passion for mysticism will not only not bring any benefit, but rather, on the contrary, it can upset the mental balance and bring great harm.

If, on the contrary, there is a negative attitude of a person in relation to born cat, then this may signal that the human consciousness resists the development process and is in this moment in a state of stagnation. You should trust your subconscious more.

If the cat disappeared somewhere after birth, this means that in the process of comprehending important life events, something went wrong.

An important role is played by the circumstances under which everything that happens in a dream is the birth of a cat. By putting together all the details of sleep and, having assessed your feelings, you can learn to understand the signals sent to a person by the subconscious.

The appearance of a cat in a dream, such a mysterious animal, is in itself symbolic and in the interpretation of sleep is often not complete without mysticism. And, coupled with such a sacred life act as birth, it certainly promises global transformations of a person's personality.

Seeing a cat in a dream is not as strange as giving birth to a cat in a dream or giving birth to a kitten yourself. The interpretation of even such strange plots depends on many factors: the suit, the behavior of the cat, the number of babies, their behavior, and others. Different interpreters interpret the dreaming Murka in their own way.

A cat with kittens is a good plot, promising a close resolution of problems. To decipher the degree of luck in reality, you need to remember:

  • suit, size of a cat, children;
  • the number of newborn animals;
  • cat attitude;
  • general environment.

Appearance of a littered cat

The dreamer has a real enemy, that's what the birth of kittens in a cat dreams of. The color of the animal can suggest, calculate the enemy, the reasons for his attitude.

Usually kittens are similar in color to their mother. Color matching does not threaten trouble, you can not focus attention. Animals of a different suit indicate a serious problem in reality. The older beast is considered the main nuisance, newborns are consequences, additional problems. Red-haired mother, who gave birth to striped babies, promises quick decision financial troubles, some real estate transactions aimed at improving living conditions.

Number of kittens

It is necessary to remember how many animals were born. If the dreamer does not remember exact number, it is important whether there were many or few of them. If it cannot be reproduced, the vision is empty, meaningless.

one kitten

Why dream of giving birth to a cat and one kitten? Good vision, promises a final solution to the problem. It is impossible to say exactly how quickly this will happen, one more concern will not cause.

A sick vision predicts speedy recovery. To the unemployed - a good vacancy, to the penniless - high paying job. The black animal promises the woman-dreamer a happy long marriage.

two or three kittens

Why does a cat dream of giving birth to kittens, two or three? The meaning is the same, however, the number of newborns warns: the problem will not be solved by itself, you will have to sweat. Haste is dangerous, you should act deliberately: do not buy the first housing that comes across, do not trust a recent acquaintance.

Four (or more) kittens

Numerous offspring promises an early resolution of unpleasant issues. The more small ones, the sooner good things will happen. Multi-colored - a favorable sign, pleasant changes will affect several areas.

Some interpreters consider the vision to be empty or not promising phenomenal breakthroughs, although minor joys will happen - a banknote found on the street is a pleasant acquaintance.

Cat behavior towards kittens

Solving personal problems requires action, this is what a giving birth cat dreams about. Prolonged childbirth threatens with difficult obstacles, will require hard work to achieve the goal.

Mother licks newborns - a promise of a successful resolution of old affairs, troubles. A favorable combination of circumstances, a long-desired relief. A similar plot often visits people who are experiencing a long period of problems, illnesses, failures, it should be interpreted as the need to calm down, take a breath, and distract from the negative. Perhaps a fresh look will fix the problem.

The cat ate newborns - a bad vision. Signaling wrong decisions taken, there is a high risk of worsening the situation, bringing it into an unregulated state. A white kitty can symbolize useless treatment, which threatens with severe complications, harms the state of the body.

Dead animals portend a problematic painful resolution of current affairs. The process will bring pain, fatigue, mental exhaustion. similar dreams come to people seeking to break painful love ties. The death of animals is interpreted as an inevitable break, the heart will become unbearable, but then it will become easier.

Interpretation can vary significantly from the causes of death. Blood warns: possible painless exits have been sorted out, concessions will have to be made, the dreamer will experience severe torment. The situation can be interpreted as a severe addiction, a habit that is harmful to health, material condition (drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling addiction). If in reality there are complex relationships, it is not possible to restore mutual understanding, the subconscious mind advises to stop communication.

Drowned, just in the water - there is a difficult choice. A decision put off until later will be even more painful than a difficult step now. It is necessary to overcome suffering, and cut the contradiction immediately.

A cat playing with babies promises the help of friends and relatives. Miller's dream book offers to accept help, the desire of the one who offered to help the dreamer is absolutely sincere, sincere.

Place and time of action

Some interpreters, for example, Islamic ones, consider the time of the lambing important detail. A clear sense of the moment matters.

Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book gives proven interpretations of what dreams mean, the cat gave birth to kittens. The giving birth beast is a harbinger of intrigue, slander against the dreamer. The threat is real, major harm should be feared, the enemy is serious, is going to destroy. Drive away the animal - ensure victory in reality.

If the dreamer indifferently perceives the lambing happening before his eyes, in reality there will be little difficulties. Ignoring promises an increase in problems, unpleasant consequences.

The plot takes a sudden turn if the dreamer has to give birth. So, why dream of giving birth to a kitten:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • deterioration of well-being;
  • meanness, betrayal, deceit.

Interpreter of the 21st century

The modern dream book has special interpretations of why one dreams of taking birth in a cat. The vision is linked to work issues. The main decoding concerns career growth - it will be possible to show your competence to superiors, your career will advance.

Sleep threatens an individual entrepreneur with troubles, therefore it is not recommended to start new business, it is necessary to focus on current ones. Financial caution should be observed, partners and sponsors can deceive.

The vision also asks to listen to the inner voice. Perhaps this is how intuition tries to reach out to the dreamer, to help resolve a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

The interpretation of dreams with a giving birth cat according to Medea is quite favorable. Even the dead kittens seen are a good sign, the dreamer's enemies will exterminate themselves.

Animals killed by an unknown person promise a meeting with an important authoritative person, a new acquaintance will offer help in a difficult situation. If in reality there are difficulties of a personal nature, stupid things committed by the dreamer, a bad attitude, a dream portends imminent problems.

Watching lambing, experiencing the joy of a completed birth - the subconscious signals about depletion of strength, chronic fatigue. Mind and body require a quick rest.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Dreaming pregnant cats are considered bad sign women are threatened with trials, disorders. Usually the negative concerns the opposite sex - partners, lovers, husbands. The risk of betrayal, hypocritical speeches is high.

After such a dream, young girls need to weigh, think over the words spoken to the chosen one. Learned can become a weapon in his hands.

For a man, a giving birth kitty predicts problems with the female sex, as well as illnesses of relatives.

Also exists general meaning what dreams of the birth of a cat and kittens. The dreamer's irresponsibility in reality will turn into minor troubles, the failure of obligations and agreements is possible. The consequences will be overtaken very quickly, you will have to rake them yourself.

It should also be mentioned, to give birth to a cat in a dream, why dream. The vision promises sadness, anxiety. Unmarried young ladies need to take a closer look at the chosen one, perhaps he is deceiving or keeping back something important.

List of used literature:

  • Freud Z. Interpretation of dreams. - M.: Contemporary Issues, 1913
  • Fromm, E. The Forgotten Language: An Introduction to Understanding Dreams, fairy tales and myths. Per. from English. - Angarsk: JSC "Format", 1994.
  • Exegesis of dreams: European chronicles of dreams. - M.: Eksmo, 2002.

Why dream of the birth of kittens? Often such a vision in a dream indicates minor difficulties, self-deception, the need to rethink one's behavior. The dream interpretation also promises income that you will receive unexpectedly.

Profit, the need to resolve minor issues

Seeing newborn babies in a cat means: now - best time to put things in order, to solve small issues before they become big problems.

Why does a cat dream about a lamb? The dream interpretation claims: such a plot portends unexpected profits. Moreover, the amount of income will be proportional to their number.

Change your behavior

Babies born to a cat symbolize illusions, unfulfilled dreams. The vision tells: stop engaging in self-deception, you need to really look at things and the situation.

Did the girl dream about holding newly born kittens in her arms? The dream interpretation says: she should reassess her behavior. The frivolity of the dreamer can lead to shame. If you brought it home, all the more you need to change something in yourself, learn to find a compromise with people, analyze your statements and actions.

Holding this small fluffy ball in your arms in a dream symbolizes your own insecurity, the inability to make independent decisions. This becomes an obstacle to the implementation of the undertakings of the sleeper.

Joy, pleasant surprise

The interpretation of a dream about the birth of kittens also promises joyful events that will soon become familiar and routine. Vision does not bode well, rather it is good.

Why dream that they were born to a person? The dream book informs: for a woman, this is a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy. If a pregnant woman dreamed of such a plot, it is just worries about her condition, fatigue.

Seeing in a dream the birth of kittens in a person - some pleasant small surprise will happen in reality.

Be careful to avoid complications

The plot about the birth of kittens, according to the dream book, warns: a person creates difficulties and problems for himself by his actions, attitude towards people around him or circumstances. We must remember this when starting a new business, especially if the undertaking is important.

Blind newborn babies in a dream indicate troubles that can happen to the dreamer due to his negligence and lack of vigilance.

Dreamed of stroking them? In reality, you can be deceived with empty promises, or you yourself will be deceived, having a wrong idea of ​​​​the situation.

The color of newborn babies

Remember what their color was in a dream:

  • white - a pleasant surprise;
  • red - for money;
  • gray - everyday fuss;
  • black - trouble;
  • tricolor - lack of free time, eventful period;
  • color that does not exist in nature is a very unexpected surprise.

The dream interpretation "the cat gave birth to kittens" can be interpreted ambiguously. The meaning of sleep depends largely on what emotions you experienced in this dream. According to some dream books, to see how a cat gave birth to kittens - to gossip and intrigue that will turn against you. If in a dream you experienced joyful feelings from the fact that the cat gave birth to kittens - your old problem will finally be solved - this dream predicts favorable decision cases, a positive outcome of the plan.

Why does a woman dream about a cat giving birth (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

The cat gave birth - perhaps you have a rival. To dream that a cat has given birth means gossip of a bad nature is spreading about you. Gossip around your personality and the envy of ill-wishers can adversely affect your career and personal life. It is better to implement what you have planned a little later - there is a high risk of failure due to envious people and ill-wishers. A man dreams that a cat has given birth - he needs the support of an influential person. You may have to deal with law enforcement.

Interpretation Cats were born from the dictionary-dream book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

The cat has given birth. If a young girl had a dream, she will be disappointed in her lover. A woman dreams of betrayal and duplicity. The one on whom you completely rely wants to use you for their own purposes. The man dreamed that the cat gave birth - problems with his wife, illness of one of the family members. Perhaps your mother and wife cannot find mutual language. Arrange a family dinner or a family trip to nature, for example, to the country house.

Dream interpretation cat gives birth - If a cat gives birth in a dream - in reality you may encounter minor troubles that will occur due to your conniving attitude. You got too carried away with romantic relationships or household chores and forgot about something important at work. This omission will create additional trouble for you, for the solution of which you will have to make every effort. A giving birth cat dreams of personal problems - betrayal of a partner or your betrayal, which can still be prevented by showing calmness and wisdom.

The meaning of the dream about Okot (Wangi's Dream Book)

What is the dream of Why is the cat giving birth in a dream? Cats in a dream do not bode well for the dreamer. To dream that a cat has given birth - expect additional problems. Most likely - this dream symbolizes that from one big problem that you cannot or do not want to solve in time, many small, but very dangerous troubles will pour out for you. Beware of intrigue among colleagues - they can cost you your career. Listen to your inner voice in problem solving family character. Possible divorce with division of property or robbery.

Why do you dream about a cat gave birth in a dream (interpretation of Rick Dillon)

A cat gives birth - anxiety, sadness, sadness about what happened, regret about what cannot be fixed. If in a dream a cat gives birth to dead kittens, your troubles will recede, and a bright streak will begin. It is a dream that a cat usually gives birth to a woman who doubts the fidelity of her partner and his feelings. The dream is a sign that your doubts are not groundless. Perhaps someone is using you as an influential person for personal gain. The one you used to trust will turn out to be a two-faced traitor. A man dreams that a cat is giving birth - to the imminent appearance of an heir.

Seeing a cat giving birth is getting rid of old problems, if you are happy about it in a dream. Stressful situation behind and you can safely start a new business, in which you will definitely be successful. Dream Interpretation: a cat gives birth in a dream - intrigues and gossip are spread around you that will prevent you from achieving your goals. Be prudent, try to be less frank even with your closest friends in the near future. Don't tell anyone about your plans if you want them to come true.

What is the dream of the Cat gave birth in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

According to the dream book, if you see a cat giving birth or she has just given birth to kittens, this is an disturbing dream warning you that you should beware of gossip and intrigue that your ill-wishers weave. At the same time, this dream can be considered a warning against you yourself trying to harm someone. The probability is too great that all your unkind actions will turn, in the end, against you. When a person dreams that a cat has given birth, it is necessary to carefully monitor their children, and especially their state of health. A cat that gives birth in a dream is an unkind omen. various diseases that can fall on your family.

cat gives birth to kittens in a dream

If a cat gives birth to kittens in a dream, then this is illuminated as rather disturbing news that in the near future the dreamer who saw the cat giving birth will have to meet the intrigues of an imperious enemy. If you managed to drive away vzashey in a dream, scare or douse the animal with water, then there is hope for a happy outcome.

dreamed of a cat giving birth to kittens

In a dream, did you watch a cat give birth to kittens? It is believed that seeing a cat giving birth in a dream gives you a signal that various intrigues are twisting behind your back, rumors are blooming. Perhaps your close friend turns out to be a traitor. But don't lose hope, the Universe is on your side. A cat is a vengeful animal, and as a reward for labor, troubles of such proportions as the harm done to you will be sent to the ill-wisher.

why dream cat gives birth to kittens

Seeing in a dream a cat giving birth to kittens, you should take a closer look at the color of her coat. By itself, the cat dreams of tears and grief. However, from its color you can understand the cause of your troubles. Black cat is an open enemy. He does not hide, he goes to the breach. You should be wary of open conflicts. The white coat of a cat speaks of an insidious friend. The person who is in your approval is actually a traitor. Take a closer look at your surroundings, and do not dedicate others to your problems. Dishonest people are just waiting for your weakness.

the cat gives birth to kittens according to the dream book

If you dream of a cat giving birth, then one thing is clear - you unconsciously want to experience all the delights of fatherhood / motherhood.
If you dreamed that dead kittens were born, then in the unconscious it seems to you that the other half is cheating on you. However, driving away a cat in a dream, fear of responsibility, indecision still possesses over you. You are afraid to commit some rash act that can bring harm.

dreamed of a cat giving birth to kittens

In your dream, a cat gives birth to kittens? The interpretation of sleep depends on the situation. If a cat gave birth to dead kittens in your presence, expect trouble. Most likely, in the near future you will hear from your half about treason, from a friend - dirty tricks, betrayal, from the authorities - delay in wages.
But if kittens are born alive in a dream, you should be no less careful: unflattering rumors have spread about you, someone thinks negatively about you.

the cat gives birth to kittens according to the dream book

A cat that bursts into flames in your dream does not bring anything good. Above your head, as well as above the head of newly born kittens, the burden of danger hangs. Troubles are moving towards you in huge, dark clouds. If the kittens were born alive - exhale calmly, you will emerge victorious from the threatened troubles, while gaining invaluable experience.