How to replace mayonnaise with proper nutrition. How to replace mayonnaise with proper nutrition Yogurt sauce with cottage cheese

Mayonnaise has become an essential dressing and addition to many dishes. Most people buy it in the store, although they know that such a product cannot be called healthy and low-calorie. Those who cannot imagine eating food without it, but have decided to take care of their health and switch to proper nutrition, ask themselves the question: how to replace mayonnaise in a salad? It is worth knowing that such sauces can be prepared at home without harmful additives, from natural products.

Why should you give up store-bought mayonnaise?

The biggest harm of consuming mayonnaise from the store primarily manifests itself in the form of extra pounds and disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas. Sauce lovers should take into account that its production has nothing to do with natural products, because synthetic oils and fats are added to it. Scientists have proven that such components are poorly perceived by the human body and are practically not absorbed. Their constant intake into the body leads not only to the accumulation of extra pounds, but also to the fact that harmful substances clog the walls of blood vessels, accumulating in them. This is the main cause of atherosclerosis.

Flavor enhancers, such as monosodium glutamate, also have a negative impact on health. With frequent use of products with this component, it provokes addiction.

The most harmless thing it causes is pinpoint hemorrhages on the mucous membranes.

Ingredients such as artificial emulsifiers and egg powder will also negatively affect the functioning of internal organs. They significantly delay the expiration date of the product and often cause gastrointestinal diseases.

You shouldn’t trust packages that say “dietary” too much. In these types of filling there may be even more synthetic substances. Instead, the best option would be to make your own dressing sauce.

Original mayonnaise replacements

Ideal replacement options for those who want something unusual.

Sauce with mustard and sour cream

It will take you only 10 minutes to prepare. Ideal for layered salads instead of store-bought mayonnaise and sauces.

  • To prepare, you need to stock up on 2 boiled chicken egg yolks, 200 ml of full-fat sour cream, Dijon mustard - a tablespoon, a pinch of salt.
  • Prepare as follows. Grind the sour cream into a homogeneous mass with the yolks and place along with other ingredients in a blender. Beat for ½ minute. The sour cream should form an airy mass.

When preparing, take into account some nuances: it is fatty sour cream (at least 20% fat) that will give the desired shape and taste to the mass.

Curd and yoghurt sauce for PP

It also takes 10 minutes to prepare, but is more suitable for mixed salads.

  • Take 0.2 liters of yogurt (unflavored, low-fat), the same gram of cottage cheese, 2 yolks of boiled eggs, 2 tsp. lemon juice and mustard powder, a pinch of salt.
  • The preparation process is very simple - you need to combine all the ingredients in one bowl and beat until smooth. If desired, beat the cottage cheese in a blender before using (it is also possible to use a sieve instead of a blender). The thickness and taste are very similar to that of store-bought mayonnaise. Alternatively, replace yogurt with kefir.

Bean salad sauce

  • The main components of the dressing for PP will be beans (200 g), sunflower oil (70 ml), tsp. mustard, a pinch of salt and black pepper (ground).
  • The water in which it was located is drained from the beans, and the beans are crushed into puree. The remaining components are added (the lemon is turned into pulp, but only half of the juice should be poured in) and blended until smooth in a blender.

Low-calorie mayonnaise dressings

Tips for those who are looking for something to replace mayonnaise with a healthy diet.

Sauce with yogurt and lemon juice

Ideal for replacing mayonnaise in spring vegetable salads.

  • To prepare, take natural yoghurt – 200 ml, lemon juice – 1 tbsp, a clove of garlic, salt and pepper – a small pinch each.
  • At the first stage of preparation, combine lemon juice and yogurt and beat for a minute. After beating and adding the remaining ingredients (garlic, pepper and salt), mix again and leave to cool.

Dressing sauce with lemon juice

Prepares quickly - no more than 7 minutes. A good addition to vegetable salads and fish dishes.

  • Before cooking, the following components should be on the table: olive oil - 100 ml, the same amount of lemon juice, cream 10% fat - 1 tbsp, half a tsp. sugar, a pinch of salt and finely chopped parsley or dill if desired.
  • To prepare, all ingredients except the last one are poured into a blender bowl and the mixer is turned on. You should get a homogeneous mixture. To make the taste and aroma of the sauce pleasant and original, chopped herbs are added at the end of cooking. It is not whipped, but mixed with the prepared mass.

Spicy sauce with yoghurt and apple

It is most suitable for meat dishes, but it is also used for light dressing of vegetable salads.

  • You only need 3 components: a medium-sized apple (preferably sweet and sour), yogurt without additives - 200 ml, curry seasoning - 1 tbsp.
  • Apple (chopped without core and peel). Combine with seasoning and yogurt (preferably thick).

Avocado sauce

Ideal with salads containing tuna, boiled eggs, or vegetarian dishes.

  • Take 1 medium-sized avocado, 0.3 liters of low-fat kefir (you can use yogurt instead), half a tsp. sugar, salt to taste, olive oil - 4 tbsp. and 2 tbsp. lemon juice.
  • The avocado is peeled and pitted, the rest is crushed to a puree. After adding the remaining ingredients, beat again until smooth. Some housewives add a few drops of Tabasco sauce to the finished sauce.

If you want to find something to replace mayonnaise in a salad and try the simplest alternative dressings, then you should pay attention to the following alternatives:

  1. Olive or sunflower oil. The former will go well when mixed with mustard.

    But you need to keep in mind that these options will be relevant instead of mayonnaise for dishes with fresh vegetables.

  2. Soy sauce. It is used as a separate dressing or in combination with mustard, lemon juice, and vegetable oil.
  3. Chopped parsley sauce. Add olive oil, lemon juice (a little) and minced garlic to the chopped herbs. Everything gets mixed up.
  4. Flax dressing for PP. For her, take 2 tbsp. flaxseeds, rinse well and soak for 50-60 minutes. After the water is drained, add lemon juice (2 tablespoons) and a pinch of salt. Everything is whipped in a blender. This sauce is not very popular, but it is suitable instead of store-bought dressing for salads and meat or fish dishes.
  5. The cucumber sauce and dressing will be very tasty and original. It needs to be crushed (finely chopped, but not blended in a blender), put a little mustard and lemon juice, and vegetable oil into the blender bowl. As seasonings, it is better to use salt, pepper, crushed garlic to taste. Mix everything using a blender or beat vigorously with a whisk.

Those who are looking for something to replace mayonnaise with (if they don’t want to add extra pounds) should take into account that components such as starch, sugar, flour are very high in calories and should not be used when preparing healthy meals. Only low-calorie sour cream and yogurt are used during PP. It is better to reduce to a minimum the consumption of spices, which can only increase appetite. For beauty and piquancy, it is better to use finely chopped greens (if appropriate).

If desired, salt can be replaced with soy sauce, which will give the dish an exotic taste. It won't seem bland.

Delicious and healthy homemade mayonnaise: recipes

The recipes will be relevant for those who are on a diet, adhere to proper nutrition or vegetarianism. The preparation is simple and a set of ingredients for the recipes is also inexpensive.

The most popular version of mayonnaise dressing

  • Mix 100 ml of vegetable oil with a teaspoon of mustard. It is better to mix with a special whisk and keep in mind that the oil must be poured gradually (15-20 ml), carefully combining the components each time.
  • Beat until the mixture has the consistency of thick sour cream. After this, add 2 tbsp. lemon juice and ½ teaspoon each of sugar and salt. If you have not poured out all the vegetable oil, then you should add it too. Beat everything thoroughly again.

Homemade mayonnaise for proper nutrition is ready. If it turns out to be too thick, dilute it with a little boiled, cooled water.

Rice mayonnaise

  • Cook round grain rice (about 100 g) for 30 minutes. After cooking, it should cool and drain the water.
  • Add refined oil (100 ml) to the broth and beat well with a blender. Add a teaspoon of mustard and stir again.
  • After this, another 80 ml of oil is poured in and whisked, but with a whisk until smooth. If the mixture seems too thick, you can dilute it a little with rice water (but it should not be too liquid).
  • The last thing to do for cooking is add ½ tsp. salt, sugar and mustard - a teaspoon each. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Use garlic, gherkins, and chopped herbs as natural flavor additives. After adding the last components, everything is mixed well.

Mayonnaise dressing with cashews for PP

  • 200 g of cashews are soaked (for 24 hours) in a mixture of a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 200 ml of clean water.
  • The next day, remove the cashews from the liquid and blend in a blender until smooth.
  • Add seasonings (natural) to taste, a little salt and 50 ml of soy milk to the mixture. Beat it all again. Without stopping stirring, add 80 ml of sunflower oil in portions.

If you want homemade natural sauce, then these will be the most relevant and healthy options that will not harm your health and will protect your figure from extra pounds.

What to consider when preparing a homemade version?

Do not think that this procedure can only be done by experienced and professional housewives.

  1. All homemade sauces and dressings require vigorous whisking. Don't be upset if you don't have a blender at home, because a regular whisk will do instead.
  2. You should not choose olive oil with a pronounced taste and aroma. For dressing, it is better to dilute it in a 1:1 ratio with nut, corn or grape oil. To avoid rapid thickening of the mixture, you should not use unrefined oil.
  3. Be sure to take proportions into account. Professional chefs recommend taking 200-250 ml of oil and 1 tbsp for 1 chicken egg yolk. acids. If vinegar is used instead of acid, it is better if it is white wine.
  4. Prepare the products, since it is advisable to use only those components that have been at room temperature for at least 30 minutes. The exception is milk (if it is specified in the recipe). It is best used chilled. Proteins should not be used for cooking.
  5. Add salt only after the yolks have cooled after beating. Otherwise, there is a chance that the mixture will begin to separate. Adding a little mustard or cayenne pepper will also help prevent it from separating.
  6. The calorie content and density of the mass are controlled. The first point can be reduced by adding low-fat yogurt (for those on PN), the second can be controlled by adding a small amount of water.
  7. A large amount of seasonings is not recommended, but if you want to make the dressing more tasty, aromatic and piquant, we recommend using garlic, herbs, curry pepper, chili, lemon zest, horseradish, sun-dried tomatoes or even finely grated cheese as an additive.
  8. Don't be afraid if the dish at home doesn't turn out perfectly white. It shouldn’t be like that, since egg yolks give it a slight natural yellowness. If you use quail eggs, the mass will be more useful.

It is not so difficult for modern housewives to prepare dressings that will be a good replacement for store-bought mayonnaise. Those who want to know how to replace mayonnaise in a salad while on a diet should keep in mind that the cooking process will require a little effort, but the result can be delicious dishes for PP.

The article was checked and approved by Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya, a practicing family doctor - see.

What can you replace mayonnaise with? Description
Bechamel sauce The proposed alternative works well in French-style meats. Sauce recipes may vary, but it is better to choose the classic version of its preparation.
Sour cream sauce with mustard A piquant and at the same time fresh sauce can be used in a fur coat. It will not spoil the familiar taste of the salad, which for many takes pride of place on the New Year's table, but will make it original and interesting.
Yogurt sauce with In Olivier salad and other similar dishes, this sauce most closely resembles the mayonnaise used in consistency and taste.
Bean sauce With proper nutrition, this sauce will be a good addition to meat and fish dishes.
Sour cream sauce with horseradish Sauces that are fresh and spicy are popular, especially if the menu is rather bland and monotonous. The combination of sour cream and horseradish is a good solution that diversifies boring tastes.
Egg mayonnaise on yolks Homemade sauces are a great alternative to store-bought products. The combination of raw yolks allows you to get an excellent dressing for familiar dishes and salads.
Fitness mayonnaise In the process of losing weight, it is difficult to resist breakdowns; to pamper yourself, you can periodically prepare a low-calorie sauce from boiled yolks, mustard, spices, and olive oil.
Tzatziki sauce A sauce based on unsweetened yogurt and fresh cucumber is a godsend for most salads and dishes.
Peanut sauce In crab salad and other fish dishes, nut dressing will replace mayonnaise. Nuts go well with fish and will not spoil the taste of the dish.
Curd sauce Cottage cheese in the company of spices, garlic, herbs is a good dressing for salads. It refreshes the taste and does not add extra calories.

How can you replace mayonnaise? This question worries everyone who wants to give up the fatty dressing that is commonly added to Olivier salad and most traditional salads. With proper nutrition, such a sauce is prohibited; its composition can do little good for health.

There are a lot of alternative options for which sauces to replace mayonnaise without worsening the familiar tastes, but only making them better.

Classic Bechamel is one of the main recipes in French cuisine. It is prepared from:

  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • and salt.

First you need to melt the butter in a saucepan, then add flour to it, stir until smooth, fry a little. Add a pinch of nutmeg and pour in the milk, stirring well. The finished sauce can be used when baking in the oven, which is often used by housewives.

Sour cream sauce with mustard

Many people are interested in whether mayonnaise can replace sour cream, but when dieting, you should do just the opposite. In mayonnaise salads, it is better to add a combination of sour cream, mustard and boiled yolks with your favorite spices and salt instead of a fatty sauce. You can adjust the intensity of taste at your discretion.

Yogurt sauce with cottage cheese

A light sauce made from cottage cheese and yogurt will help make your diet tasty and low-calorie. This dressing is perfect for all mixed salads. You need to combine a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese with the same amount of yogurt, add spices and salt, lemon juice and mustard to taste. As a result, the consistency and taste will be close to mayonnaise.

Bean sauce

A tasty addition to meat dishes is a sauce made from beans, lemon juice, sunflower or olive oil, spices and salt. Consistency and taste should be selected based on personal preferences.

Sour cream sauce with horseradish

Moderately hot and piquant horseradish, combined with garlic powder and ground black pepper, will be a good addition to meat dishes.

The dressing should be prepared in small quantities and stored in a closed container in the refrigerator.

Egg yolk mayonnaise

Raw yolk combined with olive oil, lemon juice and salt is a delicious homemade alternative to mayonnaise, without the harmful calories. You can add sugar and mustard to the sauce to taste. All ingredients should be poured in and whisked for about 30 seconds. After this, the finished dressing can be added to salads.

Fitness mayonnaise

This mayonnaise is made with boiled yolks. To prepare, place in a blender:

  • a couple of boiled yolks;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • a little mustard;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • sugar substitute (or a little honey);
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. warm water.

The ingredients should be blended with a blender until smooth. You can change the taste and thickness of the sauce yourself.

Tzatziki sauce

To prepare the dressing, just mix 200 g of unsweetened yogurt with grated fresh cucumber and add salt and spices to taste. This recipe is popular with lovers of fresh and flavorful dressings without extra calories.

Peanut sauce

Seafood salads go well with nut dressing, which includes:

  • a handful of walnuts;
  • spoon of vegetable oil;
  • a couple of boiled yolks;
  • a teaspoon of mustard;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • garlic and salt to taste;
  • 100 ml water.

Mix all ingredients until smooth in a blender, then add to fish dishes.

Curd sauce

Just a couple of ingredients - cottage cheese and garlic powder - allow you to get a wonderful and piquant sauce for many dishes and salads. You can add other spices and salt to taste. The light dressing does not contain harmful calories and can be a good replacement for mayonnaise.

Look at the proposed options for replacing mayonnaise - this is a list of tasty and low-calorie dressings that can diversify your usual tastes. Don't be afraid to experiment by creating new dressings without excess fat and preservatives.

When thinking about proper nutrition, you are faced with many problems, sometimes even insoluble. First of all, of course, these are the products themselves. After all, right at the same time also means environmentally friendly.

But after solving this question, the next one arises - what to season the prepared dishes with. I don’t want to eat lean food. For example, for a long time I could not find something to replace mayonnaise with proper nutrition.

Mayonnaise is the main enemy of weight loss

Mayonnaise is a high-calorie product with enormous energy value, without a single useful substance. Even one tablespoon of this product is harmful. Consumption leads to obesity, the development of dangerous diseases and even vitamin deficiency.

It increases the calorie content of the dish several times. As a result, a person not only receives excess energy value, but also eats more than necessary. In addition to the fact that 100 g of the product contains about 700 kcal, it contains more than 50% fat.

The industrial product contains many harmful components: fats, preservatives, chemical additives, a lot of salt, sugar, sometimes powdered eggs are put in instead of yolks, there is carotene, trans fats, vinegar.

In stores you can find “light” or “diet” mayonnaise. But this is just a marketing ploy. This product is more dangerous than usual, because it contains starch and soy. Also, egg powder and vegetable fats are often replaced with plain water.

This changes the consistency of mayonnaise. It becomes more liquid, its taste and smell are lost. But in order to correct the situation and return it to its original appearance, dyes, thickeners and flavors, and emulsifiers are added to mayonnaise. As a result, the seemingly low calorie content turns out to be a trap. It is advisable to eliminate mayonnaise completely when losing weight.

Mayonnaise is constantly used in the preparation of salads, hot dishes, snacks and baked goods. But even a spoonful of mayonnaise makes a simple vegetable salad unhealthy and greasy. The calorie content of mayonnaise from various manufacturers fluctuates around 700 calories per 100 g. Plus, the product is stuffed with trans fats, preservatives and other chemicals.

Therefore, one of the most common questions among those losing weight is: “How to replace mayonnaise on a diet?” Fortunately, there are plenty of variations of light sauces and dressings. They will replace mayonnaise without losing the taste of the dish. Let's take a closer look.

  • Sour cream. Sour cream is one of the most popular alternatives to mayonnaise. It is perfect for dressing salads, as well as for use in hot dishes. On a diet, it is best to choose low-fat sour cream 10-15%. By the way, its calorie content is 5 times lower than mayonnaise and its consumption is beneficial for the body.

    To give the dish a piquant note and spiciness, it is not necessary to use empty sour cream; it can be seasoned with salt, herbs and black pepper.

    You can also prepare different sour cream sauces, for example: sour cream with horseradish goes perfectly with dumplings. Sour cream with adjika goes well with grilled fish and baked vegetables. Sour cream mixed in equal proportions with soy sauce is ideal for dressing fresh vegetable salads.

    Sour cream with garlic and paprika is a spicy sauce that goes well with meat and fish dishes. Sour cream with lime or lemon juice is a delicious sauce, but, unfortunately, cannot be stored for long.

  • Natural yogurt is an excellent salad dressing, as well as a substitute for mayonnaise in baked goods. It is low-calorie, tender and low-fat. Greek yogurt in its pure form is ideal for dressing vegetable salads.

    Natural yogurt with mustard and paprika is suitable for dressing Caesar salad and other similar dishes, as well as for meat and fish casseroles.

    This sauce can be used in preparing shawarma and various rolls. There are a great many variations of yoghurt-based sauces, it all depends on personal preferences.

  • Kefir with a clove of garlic, herbs and salt goes well with vegetable salads and meat and game dishes. To make the dressing thicker, it is better to use full-fat kefir. You can also add olives, grated fresh cucumber, green onions, and cilantro to the sauce to taste.
  • Soft cottage cheese, garlic, a little cream or kefir, spices and chopped herbs create an incredibly tasty and satisfying dressing. The creamy taste is slightly reminiscent of mayonnaise, but the sauce is considered low-calorie and healthy.

    By the way, it can be used not only as a dressing, but also as an independent dish. For dietary sauce, you can take low-fat varieties of cheese - Adygei, Suluguni, Ricotta, Feta.

    They are good for vegetable salads and as a spread on toast. Thanks to spices, wine and apple cider vinegar, garlic and other ingredients, you can experiment and come up with new low-calorie dressings.

  • Lemon juice goes well with many salads and is suitable for very strict diets. A light and healthy dressing will not only add an exquisite taste to the salad, but will also cleanse the body of toxins and saturate it with vitamins. In addition, you can add honey to lemon juice; this dressing is good with shrimp and other fish delicacies.
  • Balsamic dressing is a low-calorie salad dressing. It has a refined taste with fruity notes. It perfectly refreshes the dish, gives the salad the necessary spiciness and does not leave a heaviness in the stomach.
  • Tomato paste or sauce. It is ideal for pizzas, hot sandwiches and pasta. Moreover, real pizza and pasta do not use mayonnaise.

    Its composition is very simple: tomatoes in their own juice, onions, olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper, vinegar, some herbs. Beat everything thoroughly with a blender or food processor.

    Serve chilled, topped with a sprig of basil. This sauce can be frozen and then, if desired, consumed at any time.

  • Mustard sauce - 2 tbsp. l. mustard, cream, cayenne pepper, salt and lemon juice. This mustard mixture goes well with fish dishes.
  • Honey mustard sauce - honey, mustard, olive oil, lemon juice and spices. The sauce goes harmoniously with any hot dish. And if you coat chicken wings with it when baking, honey will give the dish an appetizing crust.
  • Apple cider vinegar, diluted in equal proportions with water, is an excellent dressing for dumplings and salads.

Diet sauce recipes for proper nutrition

Sour cream sauce with lemon

Calorie content: 387 kcal. Grind the greens (parsley, dill; take the amount depending on taste: 4-10 sprigs) with a blender and add the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of mustard.

Salt and pepper. Mix everything and mix with a glass (200 ml) of low-fat sour cream. Beat until smooth, then gradually pour 100 ml into the resulting mass. olive oil.

Continue beating until a thick consistency is obtained. Instead of sour cream, you can use thick yogurt. This freshly prepared sauce can replace mayonnaise in vegetable salads

Avocado sauce

Calorie content: 150 kcal. Two medium fresh cucumbers and one tomato are cut into cubes and placed in a blender. The pulp of one avocado, cut into cubes, is also added there. Add 0.5 teaspoon to vegetables. mustard, salt, red pepper.

Mix everything thoroughly until you get a paste-like sauce. This sauce can replace mayonnaise in fresh vegetable salads, and can also be used as a sauce for mushrooms and stewed vegetables. Avocados have a lot of fat, but this fat is healthy.

Yogurt sauce with fresh cucumber and peas

Calorie content: 48 kcal. This sauce can replace mayonnaise in salads with fish and seafood. Take 150 g of green peas, 100 g of fresh cucumber, diced, 2 tablespoons. chopped green onions and place everything in a blender or food processor.

Grind everything, add salt and pepper to taste. Pour 200 ml into the vegetable mass. yogurt (or kefir). Mix everything and leave it in the refrigerator for several hours, letting it brew.

Serve chilled. Parsley, dill or basil are used as decoration. The finished sauce is stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. It's better to use fresh sauce every time.

Sauces for light vegetable salads

Dressing for vegetable snacks can be prepared using natural yogurt (homemade is ideal). It has a better consistency. By adding spices, mustard, and herbs to it, you can even get a taste almost identical to the taste of mayonnaise.


  1. natural yogurt - 200 ml
  2. mustard - 2 tsp.
  3. lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  4. ground black pepper - a pinch
  5. salt, herbs, seasonings - to taste

Preparation: Beat the yogurt using a mixer, blender or food processor (you can just use a whisk!) with mustard and lemon juice. You don’t need to beat for too long - a minute at most.

Add salt and black pepper. If desired, stir in finely chopped herbs. Vegetable salad options can be different: cucumbers and radishes, cucumbers and tomatoes, green herb salad.

All of them will be combined with a simple and healthy dressing. The finished sauce is stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. It's better to use fresh sauce every time.

Dressing for “Under a Fur Coat” and “Olivier” salads

Usually it is difficult to imagine Olivier and herring under a fur coat without mayonnaise. Traditional salads can be prepared with dietary sour cream sauce. Such a replacement will not affect the taste of the finished dish in any way. We need:

  • sour cream (fat content no more than 30%) - 1 tbsp.
  • mustard - 1-2 tsp.
  • salt - to taste
  • 2 boiled yolks.

Preparation: Grind the yolks, mustard and a pinch of salt, add sour cream and mix for 20 seconds (no longer, otherwise the sour cream will separate) in a blender until it becomes an airy mass. If the taste seems bland and the mixture is too thick, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice or balsamic vinegar. Bon appetit!

Diet sauce for Caesar.

Caesar with diet sauce is a light and healthy version of the famous salad, which, by the way, was never prepared with mayonnaise in the original recipe! To prepare the dressing, you need a blender or mixer at high speed - you need to beat the ingredients thoroughly.


  1. chicken egg - 1 pc. (you can take 3-4 quail)
  2. olive oil - 2-3 tbsp.
  3. Dijon mustard - 1 tsp.
  4. apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  5. salt.
  6. 2 anchovies

Preparation: Place the egg in boiling water for exactly 60 seconds. Remove and cool under running cold water. Peel the shell from the egg and carefully remove the yolk (it should be almost undercooked).

Place the yolk, mustard and salt in a glass of blender. Beat, adding oil one teaspoon at a time. As a result of whipping, you should get a homogeneous mass. Then add the fish and beat again.

To enhance the creamy taste, you can add 20-30 grams of grated Parmesan (or other cheese). Mix everything well again. The Caesar salad dressing is ready. Store in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Sauce for making pizza, hot sandwiches and burgers

Mayonnaise is not actually added to real pizza, but such recipes are still popular in our kitchen. A substitute for mayonnaise when preparing pizza, burgers or hot sandwiches is a dressing made from soft curd cheese, yogurt, and tomato paste. Although white sauce - without tomatoes - is also interesting.


  • curd cheese - 100 g
  • natural yogurt - 100 ml
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. (with a slide)

Preparation: Mix cheese, tomato paste, yogurt and lightly beat with a whisk or mixer. If the yogurt is not too thick, the amount should be reduced. The dressing should not be liquid! Add salt and spices to taste. You can add mustard if you wish.

Kefir-based meat marinade

Any marinade based on acid will help you bake meat in French, fry it on the grill, in foil or in a slow cooker. They are especially good with regular kefir.
You will need:

  1. low-calorie kefir - 200 ml
  2. soft cheese with herbs - 100 g
  3. mustard - 2 tsp.
  4. honey - 1 tsp. salt,
  5. spices - to taste

Lactic acid will make the meat soft, juicy, and aromatic. This baking sauce also contains cheese, which means it will get a characteristic golden brown crust.

Preparation step by step: Mix cheese with kefir, stir until smooth. Add mustard, honey, spices to the kefir-curd mass, and salt the mixture. Mix or beat in a blender. Marinate the meat for several hours and bake it in the same marinade. Healthy and tasty!

These options for sauces and marinades can be used for baking vegetables and fish. You can strictly follow the recipes, or you can use your imagination and come up with your own original versions.

Recipes for homemade sauces - analogues of mayonnaise

Almond sauce

It is unlikely that we will be able to convince you to give up salads with mayonnaise; we simply suggest using a little trick, replacing mayonnaise with an alternative that is healthy and healthy for your figure: almond sauce. It is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Almond sauce is a worthy replacement for mayonnaise.

Benefits of diet sauce ingredients:

  1. Almonds are often called king nuts. It contains a lot of monosaturated fats, which help remove cholesterol from the body. Almonds are rich in vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties. The combination of potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus in almonds is very beneficial for the body.
  2. Ginger is a seasoning with a healing effect. It is rich in vitamins B1, B2, C, A, as well as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, sodium and potassium. It has an aromatic but pungent taste. Ginger improves immunity.
  3. Nutmeg in small doses calms the nervous system and improves sleep. The nut contains vitamins B, A, E, H, PP, minerals, essential oils, starch and pectin. It is added to baked goods, cottage cheese desserts, and side dishes.
  4. Everyone has heard about the beneficial properties of honey. It contains a large amount of minerals, trace elements and vitamins C, A, D, N, E. Honey is a magical product: it does not spoil, has a delicious taste, and has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties.

Ingredients for the sauce:

  • Almonds – 200 g
  • Water – 200-250 ml
  • Ginger – piece 1.5 -2 cm
  • Salt – 0.5-1 teaspoon without top
  • Nutmeg – 0.5 teaspoon
  • Lemon juice – 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • Honey – 1-2 teaspoon
  • Almonds can be replaced with peeled sunflower seeds, the downside is that they will begin to darken after 5-10 minutes.

Sauce recipe:

  1. Soak the nuts for 7-8 hours in clean cold water. Then peel them off (this is quick and easy after soaking).
  2. Peel the ginger and chop finely.
  3. Then put the nuts, salt, peeled ginger, ground nutmeg, honey, lemon juice into a blender, add 200 ml of water and blend until smooth.
  4. If the sauce is too thick, add a little more water. If you like sauces with sourness, then add a little lemon juice, and if you prefer a spicy taste, add a little ginger or a little mustard powder. Add salt to taste.

Since you already know what to replace mayonnaise with, you can start creating a healthy menu. I would like to note that this sauce can replace mayonnaise only in salads and cold appetizers; it is not advisable to use it in dough.

Homemade yogurt and cottage cheese sauce


  • 200 ml low-fat yogurt without additives;
  • 200 g granular cottage cheese;
  • 2 boiled yolks;
  • 2 teaspoons Russian mustard;
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice;
  • salt - to taste.

The recipe for making the sauce is quite simple, just combine all the listed ingredients in a bowl and beat thoroughly with a blender. That's all, the yogurt sauce with cottage cheese is ready.

The result should be a fairly thick sauce, similar in taste to mayonnaise. The sauce turns out very tender. And in salads you can’t immediately distinguish it from mayonnaise.

Tips: To obtain a more uniform consistency and texture, you can first rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. You can also use kefir instead of yogurt.

Homemade sour cream sauce with mustard

This simple and flavorful sauce is suitable for herring under a fur coat and other puff salads. And the cooking time is only 10 minutes.


  1. 2 boiled yolks;
  2. 200 g sour cream (at least 20% fat content);
  3. salt - to taste.

Cooking recipe. Mash the yolks with sour cream, add the remaining ingredients. Blend in a blender (about 30 seconds) for a fluffier texture.

Tip: Be sure to use full-fat sour cream: it is thicker and holds the shape of the salad better. But Dijon mustard can be replaced with regular Russian mustard.

Homemade White Bean Sauce

This very tasty sauce is suitable for mixed salads and meat dishes. And get ready too, just a couple of minutes.


  • 200 g canned white beans;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 70 ml sunflower oil;
  • 1 teaspoon mustard;

Cooking recipe. Drain the beans and use a blender to puree the beans. Add the pulp of one lemon (it is better to drain half the juice), sunflower oil, mustard, salt and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly. With these sauces, your salads will become even tastier than with mayonnaise, and there’s no need to talk about the benefits.

Homemade curd sauce

Most suitable for casseroles and potato dishes. Cooking time is only 5 minutes.


  • 100 g granular cottage cheese;
  • 250 ml milk;
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard;
  • 1 teaspoon cumin;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking recipe. Grind the cottage cheese with milk. Add mustard, cumin, salt and pepper to the resulting mass. Mix well. Store the sauce in the refrigerator.

Sauce with curd cheese and tomato paste

This delicious sauce is suitable for pizza, burgers and hot sandwiches. Cooking time is only 2 minutes.


  1. 100 g curd cheese;
  2. 100 ml yogurt without additives;
  3. 1 tablespoon of tomato paste;
  4. salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking recipe. Combine and beat all ingredients using a blender. If your yogurt is too thin, reduce the amount. You can also add dried herbs or fresh herbs.

Homemade Tartar sauce

This famous sauce goes well with fish, seafood and chicken dishes. Cooking time is only 20 minutes.


  • 2 boiled yolks;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste;
  • ¹⁄₂ lemon;
  • 120 ml olive oil;
  • a large bunch of green onions;
  • 1 pickled cucumber;
  • 5 olives;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.

Cooking recipe. Mash the egg yolks with a fork. Salt, pepper and mix with the juice of half a lemon. Using a whisk or blender, carefully pour in the olive oil. When the sauce thickens, add finely chopped green onions, cucumber and olives. Pass the garlic through a press and also send it to the tartare. Mix everything thoroughly and store in the refrigerator.

Creamy sauce with cucumbers

Cucumber cream sauce is suitable for pork and beef dishes, as well as potatoes. You can prepare it in just 15 minutes.


  1. 2 fresh cucumbers;
  2. 2 cloves of garlic;
  3. 200 g cream cheese;
  4. 6 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream;
  5. a bunch of dill;
  6. salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking recipe. Wash the cucumbers and grate them on a medium grater. Squeeze out the juice. Peel the garlic and pass through a press. Mix cucumber pulp, cheese, sour cream and chopped dill with it. Season with salt and pepper.

Sour cream and soy sauce.

Ideal for French-style meats and meat salads. Cooking time is only 5 minutes.


  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 250 g sour cream;
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • 1-2 drops of balsamic vinegar.

Cooking recipe. Pass the garlic through a press. Wash the dill and chop finely. Mix greens with remaining ingredients. Let the sauce sit for 20-30 minutes.

Tip: Instead of garlic, you can use mustard and add balsamic vinegar if desired.

The harmful effects of mayonnaise on a losing weight

A high-calorie product based on refined vegetable oil, it has enormous energy value and contains practically no useful components. Consuming even one tablespoon of this white and aromatic poison can ruin all your efforts and efforts to lose weight.

In addition, consumption of mayonnaise by children does not only lead to obesity. but also vitamin deficiency and other dangerous diseases. What exactly is the harm of eating mayonnaise? Let us present the experts' arguments in order.

Firstly, mayonnaise is a fatty product. Which is added to the main food and is therefore completely invisible. Fat, as you know, is one of the best flavor enhancers, as a result of which a product flavored with a portion of mayonnaise will be absorbed at twice the speed and in larger volumes than usual.

Secondly, mayonnaise contains numerous synthetic additives. which not only cause damage to the human body at a time, but can also accumulate.

Many housewives cannot imagine a salad without mayonnaise. But sometimes there is no mayonnaise on hand. Store-bought sauces often include ingredients that are harmful to the body and are also very high in calories. But they can easily be replaced with healthy dressings without spoiling the taste of the dishes.

What is the composition of mayonnaise?

Everyone knows that this store-bought product is harmful to your health and figure. Not only does it contain preservatives and flavorings, but it is also often made from artificial ingredients. And its low-calorie version is often made on the basis of modified, cheap products that have nothing to do with dietary nutrition.

The nutritional value of store-bought Provencal is about 630 kcal per 100 g of product. This is the richest sauce. 100 g of low-calorie mayonnaise contains 260 kcal.

What is the way out of the situation? Try to replace the unhealthy sauce we are used to with healthier, natural products, such as sour cream.

Table: comparative calorie content of simple salad dressings

RefuelingMayonnaiseSour cream 25% fatLemon juice Natural yogurt 2% fat
Original product
  • drinking water;
  • deodorized oil;
  • dry egg products;
  • stabilizers;
  • preservatives;
  • potassium sorbate;
  • sodium benzoate, etc.
Nutritional value
  • proteins - 0.6 g;
  • fats 67 g;
  • carbohydrates - 2.05 g.
  • proteins - 2.6 g;
  • fats - 15 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.6 g.
  • proteins - 0.9 g
  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3 g.
  • proteins - 0;
  • fats - 99.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0 g.
  • proteins - 4.3 g;
  • fats - 2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 6.2 g.
Calorie content614 kcal162 kcal16 kcal898 kcal60 kcal
Shelf life180 days7–14 daysunlimitedUp to 6 months3–5 days

If you monitor your health and figure, want to eat healthy and healthy, then you need to reconsider your views on dressing your favorite salads. Not all dishes can be seasoned with sour cream. There are salads that consist of fish products, and they go well with lemon juice. Sliced ​​vegetables can be seasoned with sauces based on vegetable oil and mustard.

How can you replace mayonnaise in salads?

By preparing your favorite salad with a different sauce, you can get an interesting-tasting, unusual dish. A familiar treat should be varied with a new dressing.

Low-calorie dressing for herring under a fur coat

A favorite folk dish that does not lose popularity during holiday feasts is herring under a fur coat. People are used to preparing salad with “Provencal”, and many will think that if anything can be replaced with mayonnaise in “Herring under a Fur Coat”, then only. But there is another compromise option: prepare a mixture of sour cream and mustard.

Why sour cream and not yogurt or kefir? Sour cream has the consistency we need and holds the shape of the salad well.

The result is a dietary dish that can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities.

For the sauce:

  1. Mix a glass of full-fat sour cream and a tablespoon of mustard in a small container.
  2. Mash the mixture well, add salt and apple cider vinegar.
  3. Season the salad with the sauce.


  1. Mix sour cream, finely chopped herbs and lemon juice.
  2. Stir the mixture thoroughly and add to the chopped ingredients.


This dish is traditionally seasoned not with mayonnaise, but with a special sauce. Culinary experts call it “Worcestershire” because it is prepared on the basis of a special sweet and sour Worcestershire dressing. Experienced chefs even distinguish two types: based on the famous sauce and anchovies, and based on boiled yolk.

Classic Caesar salad dressing


  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • Worcestershire sauce (can be replaced with balsamic vinegar) - 1 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper, mustard - to taste.

Preparation procedure:

  1. 30 minutes before the start of cooking, immerse a chicken egg in boiling water for one minute (the egg should be at room temperature). This will allow the yolk not to cook, but to thicken to the desired consistency.
  2. Immediately cool the egg and break it into a container where the dressing will be prepared. Add lemon juice, mustard, salt, pepper, beat until smooth.
  3. At the next stage, gradually add the mixture of vegetable oils and continue whisking. Finally add a few drops of Worcestershire sauce.

Original Caesar dressing


  • Parmesan cheese - 100 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard - 1 tsp;
  • anchovy fillet (salted) – 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Wash the anchovy fillet to remove salt, dry and finely chop.
  2. Pass the garlic through a press.
  3. Grate Parmesan cheese.
  4. In a container, mix mustard, lemon juice, grated cheese, anchovies, pepper, salt, grind well.
  5. Whisking constantly, add olive oil. Bring the mass until smooth.
  6. It is important to let the mixture sit for 15 minutes and season the dish just before serving.


Natural yogurt without sugar is suitable. You can salt it to taste, add finely chopped herbs or spices.

How to dress a salad with squid and other seafood

The taste of seafood is especially well emphasized by lemon juice. Make a sour cream based dressing by adding a little lemon juice. You can season the seafood appetizer with tartar sauce. Tartar sauce is a popular sauce in French cuisine; the preparation technology and composition of the classic cold dressing are reminiscent of making homemade mayonnaise. French sauce has two methods of preparation.

Homemade tartare with mayonnaise

A simplified version of preparing the sauce is homemade mayonnaise mixed with pieces of pickled cucumbers or capers with chopped green or onions and boiled egg yolks.

Classic tartare without mayonnaise - video

Crab salad

Try dressing this dish with olive oil! The taste will not only not deteriorate, but will also become very interesting. You can replace unhealthy store-bought Provencal with natural yogurt without additives, crumble some greens into it and add a little garlic.

Beetroot salad

Vegetable salads are traditionally seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream. The famous vinaigrette is prepared from vegetables and seasoned with a sauce based on vegetable oil and mustard.

Classic vinaigrette sauce

Suitable for salads of fresh and boiled vegetables, meat and fish dishes, seafood appetizers, and is also used for dressing a classic vinaigrette.


  • wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Place the sauce ingredients in a jar, close it tightly with a lid and shake well.
  2. The result is a slightly cloudy sauce with a spicy aroma. You can mix the dressing using a whisk or mixer.

Vinaigrette sauce with herbs

This option is perfect for dressing vegetable salads, as well as fish dishes.

  • apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • coarse salt - to taste;
  • olive oil - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • ground hot pepper;
  • finely chopped table greens to taste.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Mix vinegar and salt thoroughly.
  2. Add olive oil and whisk the mixture. Beat the mixture until it becomes homogeneous.
  3. Add salt and spices to taste.

A salad with beets, to which fried onions have been added, will turn out delicious. Finely chop the onion, sauté in vegetable oil and season the salad.

Healthy beetroot recipes with sour cream dressing

One of the most popular dishes made from this vegetable is the salad of prunes and beets with walnuts - “Health”. In order for the treat to live up to its name, you need to season it with sour cream and add a juicy apple to the composition. Fruit juice and sour cream will perfectly complement the taste of the dish.

Beetroot with garlic also often appears on our tables. To make the snack healthier, you should use sour cream dressing with the addition of hot mustard.

Fish salad

Canned fish salads are seasoned with a sauce based on marinade from a jar. Drain the fish juice into a container, add a few cloves of garlic and lemon juice. Stir and season the salad.

A great way to replace harmful sauce in red salted fish dishes is to add a juicy fruit, for example, orange, kiwi, apple, grapefruit. A salad dressed with juicy fruits, olive oil, sprinkled with herbs will delight your guests!

Try to prepare one of these salads - you will be pleasantly surprised by the new taste of familiar products!

in Olivier salad there is nothing to replace mayonnaise with - it won’t be Olivier. Make your own mayonnaise - egg and vegetable oil (vinegar/mustard if desired). There is nothing harmful in this sauce. There is no point in putting mayonnaise in a tomato salad - olive oil or sunflower oil and vinegar (wine, balsamic, lemon juice, etc.) or yogurt will be good there.


In the hungry 90s, we added grated horseradish to sour cream. It tasted like mayonnaise.


I like to dress meat and vegetable salads with this sauce - 1 tbsp sour cream, 1 tsp soy sauce, a clove of garlic. Olivier is traditionally seasoned with sour cream

Statue of Liberty

You don't have to use store-bought mayonnaise to prepare delicious dishes. You can make the sauce yourself or make other healthy dressings based on sour cream, yogurt or mustard. There are a lot of interesting sauces in cooking that go well with your favorite dishes.

One of the main reasons for modern people to gain excess weight is poor nutrition. Often we consume extra calories not from main dishes, but along with harmful fatty sauces that we season food with. Today, together with specialists from Elena Morozova’s weight loss clinic, we decided to figure out why mayonnaise is harmful and how you can replace it with proper nutrition in order to diversify the menu with no less colorful but healthy recipes.

What's wrong with these supplements?

The ingredients in the store-bought product make it tasty, but high in calories. First of all, these are vegetable oils, often of mediocre quality. So, here are the main arguments in favor of abandoning the classic and familiar food additive:

  • fat content (67% according to GOST). The higher this indicator, the brighter the taste and the more you want to eat it. In addition, fats, like cholesterol, overload the liver, lead to disorders of the digestive system, etc.;
  • preservatives and other substances for stabilizing and preserving the product have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the pancreas;
  • sugar and flavor enhancers stimulate appetite, resulting in overeating and all related problems;
  • transgenic fats and vinegar not only poison the body, but also tend to accumulate in it, causing atherosclerotic pathologies and other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • the pronounced taste properties of seasonings dull the receptors, as a result - a person stops enjoying the properties of natural food and increasingly abuses sauces.

In addition, there are many other contraindications, and individual intolerance to the components (egg powder, mustard, etc.) should not be ruled out.

It is worth noting that the contents of packages and jars on store shelves are indirectly related to the traditional mayonnaise recipe. The abundance of chemical additives - stabilizers, preservatives, emulsifiers and other substances of synthetic origin have made sauces a threat to human health.

Alternative for salad

If you are planning to get your body in shape, then you do not have to radically change your habits, depriving yourself of the spiciness and taste of your favorite dishes. There are many options for replacing mayonnaise in a salad if you have chosen a proper and healthy diet. The result is no less tasty and at the same time healthy and low-calorie dishes.

The most common alternative is sour cream. Despite the fact that it is often excluded from dietary products, it has significantly lower calorie content, and when combined with mustard you get a version of homemade mayonnaise. In addition, various oils can serve as a suitable replacement - flaxseed, sesame, olive and others.

Adherents of mayonnaise seasonings can independently mix a homemade version according to the classic recipe from natural ingredients, thereby reducing its energy value and being confident in its quality.

We will talk about other healthy substitutes and methods for preparing them below.

Sauces and salad dressings instead of mayonnaise

Yogurt is considered an ideal alternative ingredient for a light salad. If you have a yogurt maker, it's easy to make at home. By adding seasonings, pepper, or herbs to it, you can get taste qualities close to mayonnaise. The recipe is described below:

  • 200 gr. yogurt;
  • 2 tsp mustard dressing;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt, herbs, pepper to taste.

To prepare a homogeneous mass, beat the ingredients with a blender or by hand. It will fit organically into salads with cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes and other vegetables.

To the herring and Olivier

It’s hard to imagine all New Year’s salads without a fatty dressing, but few people know that if you replace it with homemade sauce, the taste of the dishes will not suffer at all. Basic

  • low-fat sour cream;
  • mustard;
  • boiled egg yolk;
  • salt, pepper

There is no need to guess what to dress the salad with instead of mayonnaise - mix the indicated ingredients in a blender and add to herring under a fur coat or other mayonnaise salad. Once you try this recipe, you will never want to go back to store-bought preservatives.

Spicy seasoning for Caesar

For this sauce you will need:

  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil;
  • 1 tsp mustard dressing;
  • 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar;
  • anchovies – 2 pcs;
  • salt.

To obtain the correct consistency of the product, the egg must be boiled for no more than 1 minute. Take the yolk, mix it with mustard and spices in a blender, gradually adding oil. Next, add the anchovy and beat the mixture again.

Comment from the clinic's nutritionist:

Don't be afraid to experiment with recipes to find the perfect flavor combination. Try all the homemade diet seasoning options for a variety of dishes. Sticking to healthy eating habits over the long term becomes easier when eating is enjoyable.

Other recipes for different occasions

There can be many options for what to use instead of mayonnaise in marinades and hot recipes - we will present several useful sauces that replace it.

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For snacks

When you come across descriptions of mayonnaise dishes, do not rush to put them aside - try to come up with a suitable seasoning based on our tips. For example, a dressing made from the following ingredients is suitable for homemade sandwiches, hamburgers or pizza:

  • cottage cheese – 100 g;
  • yogurt without flavors – 100 ml;
  • tomato paste – 1 tbsp.

Add spices to the resulting mass to taste and mix in a convenient way - using a blender or manually. By changing the proportions of thick and liquid products in the composition, you can adjust the consistency to the required one.

How to marinate meat

A healthy and aromatic marinade for adherents of a healthy diet can easily be made using kefir. The lactic acid in its composition will make chicken, beef or other types of meat cuts tender and juicy. To prepare you will need:

  • kefir 1% fat content or less – 200ml;
  • soft cheese – 100g;
  • mustard – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • honey – 1 tsp;
  • seasonings to taste.

Meat left in this marinade for 3 hours is baked in the oven, grilled, in a slow cooker, or cooked in another usual way. In addition, fish is also marinated in it.

Adjika is another version of diet sauce instead of mayonnaise. It's better if it's homemade. When buying ready-made, pay attention to the composition and the presence of chemical components in it.

Comment from the clinic's nutritionist

To diversify your diet menu, consider the composition of your usual dishes. Find lower-calorie alternatives for unwanted ingredients. For example, buy lean meat and dairy products, prepare your own sauces, and avoid frying in oil in favor of baking in the oven. It is quite possible that your favorite food will become available again, and the process of losing weight will become enjoyable.

Can avocado replace mayonnaise?

Experiments with the search for new flavors have shown that this exotic fruit can also be a worthy alternative to harmful dressings. Despite the fact that avocados are considered fatty, they contain polyunsaturated fats that have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body. When on a diet, it is recommended to consume this sauce in moderation.

To prepare the norm for the week, take 1 ripe avocado, peel it and remove the pit. Chop 1 clove of garlic, add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and ½ cup of olive oil. The mass must be mixed and spices added. The resulting structure resembles a cream in consistency and is widely used in Mexican cuisine. Served with fish, meat and vegetable dishes, and used in sandwiches.

Gourmet Recipes

For lovers of spicy flavors, we have compiled several recommendations for creating special dressings.

Cucumber Tzatziki sauce instead of mayonnaise

This idea came into the field of dietary nutrition from traditional Greek cuisine, where any dish is seasoned in this way - meat, fish, vegetables, etc. To create it you will need 1 grated cucumber, 200 grams of yogurt, garlic, olive oil, dill or parsley and salt.


Flax seeds are rich in fiber, Omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, as well as other beneficial microelements, have a beneficial effect on almost all body systems and are actively used in dietary nutrition as a source of vital substances.

To prepare the additive, you will need 2 tbsp. l. seeds (pre-soak them in clean water), 2 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar and salt. The ingredients are mixed in a blender and added to salads and meat in small quantities.

Classic homemade mayonnaise recipes

Connoisseurs of the usual taste can try to make the most similar dressing at home themselves, but without preservatives and other harmful additives. Compound:

  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 1 glass of oil;
  • 2 tsp vinegar, 3%;
  • 1 tsp mustard;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • salt.

There are small nuances in preparation. First of all, you need to beat the yolks with sugar and mustard until foamy. Then gradually add the oil and the remaining ingredients, stirring until the mixture turns white.

This mixture is stored in the refrigerator for only 2-3 days, but its beneficial qualities are not comparable to a store-bought product.

Curd version of the classic

A sauce made from cottage cheese and yogurt instead of mayonnaise also has the usual taste, but contains significantly less fat and calories and is completely devoid of flavor enhancers and stabilizers. Combine 4 tbsp in a container. spoons of grainy curd and 100 g of yogurt without flavoring, add the yolk, a spoonful of lemon juice and mustard.

Caution should be exercised when using raw eggs in dressings - there is a risk of salmonellosis. As a precautionary measure, experts recommend purchasing them from trusted manufacturers and thoroughly cleaning them with soap before use.