Installation of gas boiler equipment. Installing a wall-mounted gas boiler: do-it-yourself installation in compliance with standards. Advantages and disadvantages of using gas-type boilers

Gas leak. Everyone knows these terrible words, as well as their consequences, from childhood. Gas is not something to joke about, and you should treat the installation of any gas equipment with the utmost care. Otherwise the consequences are total. In this article we will talk about the requirements for installing a gas boiler, as well as all the important nuances that will help avoid problems in the future. Let's go!

Connected gas boiler

What documents are needed to install the boiler?

Ooooh, this is perhaps the most dreary procedure that stands in the way of happiness - that is, a properly working gas boiler.
Before you start among all the variety, you need to get permission to install it. You will need to collect a lot of documents, but believe me, it’s worth it, since gas has been and remains the most affordable type of fuel in our country. We implore you, don’t give up collecting documents halfway! Gather your strength!

First, we strongly recommend that you read the following documents regulating the installation of a gas unit. This is a document about “Gas distribution systems”, which is included in the Code of Norms and Rules, in other words - SNiP 42-01-2002. There is another document that will be very useful in our business, although it is considered no longer valid - this is SNiP 2.04.08-87. For general development, also read the standards, which describe in detail the requirements and features of boiler rooms, ventilation systems, fire safety, etc.

Coordination of gas boiler installation

Before you receive a lucky piece of paper that confirms your right to implement your planned project, you will have (as mentioned above) to beat the thresholds of the authorities.

Under no circumstances should gas units be installed without permission from the relevant services! This is unsafe both for you and for others if you plan to install the boiler in a high-rise building.

Installation Specifications

Simply put, this is a permit that must be issued to you by a gas supply organization. To do this, you need to write an application in which you need to indicate the approximate volume of gas that you will spend.

To simplify your calculations, we present the average gas consumption for a house for 1 apartment:

  • Gas stove – 0.5 m 3 /day
  • Geyser (hot water) - 0.5 m 3 / day
  • Gas heating system – 8-12 m 3 /day

On average, the approval procedure for your application will last from 7 to 14 working days. If the result is positive, you will become the owner of these very technical conditions. It is this document that will allow you to carry out preparatory, construction and installation work.

Gas boiler installation project

Gas pipe connected to the boiler

After you have received the specifications, it’s up to the design documentation. It is necessary that it be developed by a special organization. These documents will indicate the location of the pipe connection from the common gas pipe to your equipment.

For installing a gas boiler in a private house. Yes, this item will be useful to residents of the private sector. So, it may well turn out that a section of pipe will “go” through someone’s property. Then you will need another project: it must indicate the layout of the pipe in this area, as well as the place where it enters your house. This project must be developed by engineers with the appropriate GOS license.

Coordination with the gas supply organization

After preparing the project, it must be transferred to the gas supply structure of your district. Here, the approval of this project will take much longer - from 7 to 100 days - everything will depend on the number of documents, as well as the complexity of the information provided.

What documents must be attached to the project and provided to the organization?

  • A document confirming the boiler’s full compliance with all requirements that confirm its uninterrupted operation.
  • Boiler data sheet
  • Certificate confirming compliance with technical and sanitary standards
  • Operating instructions

Where can I get these documents? It's very simple: they must be provided by the boiler manufacturer upon purchase.

What to do if the project is rejected? In this case, the organization must provide you with a list of mistakes that were made.

If your project is approved, it is handed over to you with the seal and signature of the responsible person. Hallelujah - You have received final approval for installation!

When is it prohibited to install a gas boiler?

However, there are a number of cases and situations when installing a gas boiler is prohibited in principle.

- if there is no ventilation system in the room

- in dorms or rooms, not apartments

- if the walls are made of material that supports the combustion process

- in rooms with high humidity, for example, in a shower or bathroom

- in adjacent rooms, for example, in the corridor

- on the loggia

- in the basement or on the ground level

Important information for residents of their homes: You allowed install a gas boiler in the basement or basement if the owners of the house are members of the same family.

Room requirements for a gas boiler

Requirements for a boiler room for a gas boiler

According to the requirements, a unit of 30 kW or more needs a fenced off room. Naturally, there are special requirements for it:

  • Room area – from 4 sq.m. and more. It is also worth considering that the maximum number of boilers in one such boiler room is no more than 2.
  • Height from floor to walls – in the range from 2.2m to 2.5m
  • There must be a window. Moreover, its dimensions are calculated from the following formula: 0.3 sq.m. window area for every 10 sq.m. premises, however, in general its area should be 0.5 sq.m. and more.
  • Doorway width – minimum 80cm
  • The distance between the front door and the boiler is at least 1 m, and it is better if it is 1.3-1.5 m. The following requirement is also consistent with this parameter: there must be at least 1.3 m of free distance in front of the boiler. It is necessary so that you can conveniently carry out preventive maintenance and repairs.
  • The boiler must be mounted very stable in a horizontal position. Then possible vibrations and noise during operation will be reduced.
  • A perfectly flat floor will ensure stable installation of the boiler. In addition, the material of the floor and walls must be non-flammable. Surfaces near the boiler must be insulated with heat-resistant materials.
  • The boiler room requires the presence of cold water, as well as a drainage system - sewerage. As you yourself understand, it is better to install it in the floor.
  • It is better if the boiler room has sockets with a grounding circuit. They will be needed, since many elements in boilers need to be connected to the electrical network.
  • Be sure to ensure easy access to the chimney - this is necessary to check the patency of the channels, and for preventive cleaning work.

Installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler

Installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler
  1. Lay the surfaces of the walls and floor where the boiler will be located with non-combustible material, for example, refractory bricks. Don't forget to leave about 4.5-5cm between it and the wall itself.
  2. Now let's start preparing the boiler itself. Using a high-pressure jet of water, clean the boiler from various debris that remains after assembly.
  3. Equip the pipe for supplying water to the equipment with a water filter, and also install shut-off valves - both before and after the filter.
  4. Chimney installation. Read more about this procedure in our article on how to install it yourself and then install it.
  5. Checking traction. This is the most important point, since if there is insufficient draft, combustion products may remain in the room. Fortunately, almost all modern models are equipped with traction sensors, which immediately stop the operation of the equipment if there is any deviation from the norm.
  6. The final touches remain: we connect the device, as well as the overload protection device, to the mains.

Installation of a floor-standing gas boiler

Installation of a floor-standing gas boiler
  1. The first thing you should do is prepare a foundation that can withstand the weight of a cast iron boiler. In a separate building it is a concrete screed, which is prepared in advance, but in other rooms you can put a sheet of galvanized iron on a wooden floor.
  2. Direct installation of the boiler. Be sure to use building levels, which will help you achieve the perfect result.
  3. Connect the boiler to the chimney. Check the draft if you do not have a forced draft system.
  4. Now it’s time to connect the boiler to the general heating system. Don’t forget about coarse filters - this will prevent clogging of the boiler and its further breakdown. Place the filter in front of the boiler entrance - on the return line.
  5. Connect the double-circuit boiler to the water supply system. It is better to make the connection closer to the house, before the branching begins.
  6. “Gas workers” will insert into the gas main.

Ventilation in the boiler room

Ventilation system in the boiler room

As you yourself understand, in a boiler room the ventilation system must be simply excellent. As with everything, there are several nuances here.

  • If you live in a multi-storey building, then the general ventilation system is already provided - you do not need to worry about it. In the room where you plan to install the boiler, simply organize a ventilation channel and an outlet from it under the ceiling.
  • Another option for supply ventilation is to always make a technical hole in the door. Just install a ventilation grill in it - you're done!

The size of the ventilation hole is also strictly regulated. If it extends beyond the building, then its area should be 8-10 per 1 kW of equipment power. If the window opens into an adjacent room, then 30

Gas boiler installation: video

To make it easier for you to install a gas boiler, we recommend that you first watch this video. It will make your work much easier:

Common mistakes when installing a boiler: video

According to current SNiP, installation of a gas boiler in the kitchen is permitted. Subject to certain conditions, it is allowed to install heating equipment with a total power of up to 60 kW. General instructions and requirements are described in SNiP 31-02-2001, 31-01-2003.

Is it possible to install and close a gas boiler in the kitchen?

A planned kitchen renovation can be a real test for owners, especially if the apartment or house has autonomous gas heating. SNiP strictly stipulates not only the installation of a new one, but also the replacement of an old boiler, its location in relation to plumbing units, windows, and hoods.

Existing standards allow the installation of a wall-mounted or floor-standing gas boiler in the kitchen if this room is not used as a living space. In this regard, there are two popular methods for installing heating equipment:

  • Installation in a special box for the boiler - this option allows you to hide the body by mounting it into kitchen furniture. It is not possible in every case to disguise a wall-mounted heating boiler placed in the kitchen by hiding it in a box, according to safety rules.
  • Installation of a boiler with a decorative external panel. European manufacturers have long understood that boiler equipment, in addition to heating, must perform another important function: decorating the kitchen in which it is most often installed. The appearance of a kitchen with a gas boiler should be no worse than without it. For this reason, equipment models are produced in chrome, wood, with a beautiful snow-white panel, etc.
Although the design of a kitchen with a gas boiler on the wall or floor is important, the requirements and building codes cannot be sacrificed for the sake of aesthetic value. According to SNiP 31-02-2001, 31-01-2003, there are some restrictions limiting the free placement and decoration of heating equipment running on natural gas.

You can beat a gas boiler in the kitchen with a kitchen set, but it is important to remember the need for unhindered air flow to the equipment with an open atmospheric burner. Condensing and turbo boilers do not have such restrictions.

Is it possible to place a boiler in a kitchen combined with a living room?

For installation, the requirements described in SNiP 31-02-2001, 31-01-2003 are met. In particular, the regulatory documents note:
  • Gas boilers, water heaters and stoves are strictly prohibited from being installed in residential premises. The ban is related to existing sanitary and safety standards.
  • The living room and bedroom are considered living rooms, the kitchen and dining room are considered non-residential premises.
  • An individual heating gas boiler can be placed in the kitchen, provided that it has a window with a window, as well as a door separating the corridor.
  • The kitchen-living room cannot be used for installing gas heating equipment.
Developers go to certain lengths to try to make the installation legal. In technical documentation, the term “kitchen-living room” is changed to “kitchen-dining room”. In this case, the requirements are met. Restrictions on the placement of the boiler apply exclusively to residential premises, and the kitchen and dining room are classified as non-residential rooms. Installing a boiler in the kitchen has its own restrictions not only on placement, but also on the choice of heating equipment, which must be taken into account at the stage of preparatory work. There are three main types of household heating equipment, differing in operating principle, and each has its own distinctive characteristics:

Turbocharged and condensing heat generators are controlled by microprocessor automation and depend on the availability of electricity in the network. The connection to the electrical network is carried out by uninterruptible power supply.

When deciding exactly how to place the boiler in a niche or in a furniture cabinet, take into account the need for additional space for related equipment.

Requirements for installing a boiler in the kitchen

The kitchen layout is carried out taking into account the requirements that apply to the installation of gas heating equipment. Current regulatory documents define:
  1. The presence of a door separating the kitchen and other rooms.
  2. Minimum requirements for window openings.
  3. The presence of supply and exhaust ventilation.
  4. Location of the socket, boiler pipes.
  5. Requirements for the smoke exhaust system.
The interior of a kitchen with a gas boiler on the wall or floor must strictly comply with current SNiP and sanitary standards. If gross violations are detected, a representative of the Gas Industry has the right to turn off the gas supply and impose penalties.

When installing a gas boiler, the main thing should be compliance with the rules of safe operation. Aesthetic value is of secondary importance.

Do I need a door to the kitchen when installing a gas boiler?

The requirements for installing gas heating boilers in the kitchen stipulate that the room must be fenced off from the corridor and living rooms with a door leaf. It is strictly forbidden to replace the door with an arch.

Doors in a kitchen with a gas boiler installed should not have a lower threshold for unhindered air circulation. As an alternative, it is allowed to insert a convection channel into the canvas, covered with a decorative panel.

Do you need a window in the kitchen if there is a gas boiler?

The rules for placing a gas heating boiler in the kitchen, in particular, SNiP 31-01-2003, stipulate the need for a window opening with an installed window. Strictly speaking, metal-plastic double-glazed windows with an opening window (without a window) are a violation of the norms. But usually representatives of the gas service do not pay attention to this.

The window, like the convection holes in the door to the kitchen, is necessary to ensure continuous circulation of air flow. If you want to integrate a gas boiler into kitchen furniture, it is important to carefully choose the location so that it matches the direction of the circulating air. Convection holes are also made in the facade of the furniture.

Ventilation in the kitchen with a gas boiler

As practice shows, it is better to choose a boiler that can be hung on the wall. This facilitates air flow to the burner device. Even models with a closed combustion chamber, although in a smaller volume, still burn air from the room. Therefore, there are strict requirements for kitchen ventilation:
  • Combining a hood for a gas boiler with a kitchen hood is prohibited by existing rules. The requirements stipulate the need for a separate channel.
  • When installing a boiler in a kitchen, the diameter of the ventilation duct is calculated taking into account the performance of the heating equipment. Calculations are performed by specialists from the Ministry of Emergency Situations or a related organization. After calculating the diameter of the ventilation pipe, a report is drawn up on the compliance of the channels with the required parameters. The document is registered at the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • The rules for installing a hood take into account the necessary air exchange in the room. According to clause 9.2, SNiP 31-01-2003, a multiplicity equal to 1 m³/hour + 100 m³/hour with the heating equipment turned on is taken into account. For atmospheric burners, double air exchange is taken into account. For heat generators with a closed combustion chamber, single.

What should the ceiling be like in the kitchen?

A ceiling made of plasterboard or fire-resistant gypsum plasterboard is ideal. SNiP requirements allow the use of any type of non-combustible material. At the same time, the recommended height from the floor at which a gas boiler is hung in the kitchen is from 80 to 160 cm, and the minimum gap between the boiler body and the ceiling is 80 cm.

According to this rule, it is not recommended to install a suspended ceiling in the kitchen if you plan to install gas-fired boiler equipment. The use of plastic panels is prohibited. It is recommended to use gypsum and cement-sand plasters with subsequent painting of the surface.

Where should the boiler socket be installed?

The distance from the gas heating equipment to the outlet is specified in the operating instructions. This requirement is controlled by Gaznadzor authorities. The electrical socket for the boiler should be installed no closer than 1 m.

Another requirement is the correct location of the refrigerator in the kitchen, relative to gas heating appliances. The minimum distance must be at least 30 cm. The gap is necessary for servicing the boiler.

How to hide gas boiler pipes

Existing standards prohibit covering the risers of main communications with non-removable structures. In practice this means the following:
  • It is prohibited to hide pipes in grooves in the kitchen. Although it is possible to achieve the commissioning of boiler equipment, at the first inspection, the inspector will issue a fine with instructions to provide free access to communications.
  • The boiler and the pipes connected to it can be closed only with a decorative removable box. At the same time, it is extremely important that the communications remain in a free position and there is access to the shut-off valve. Hiding the pipes with a box of a removable structure is quite simple and does not require significant material costs.

How to remove a chimney from a kitchen for a gas boiler

In order to correctly position a gas boiler on the wall in combination with a kitchen unit, you will need to take into account the passage of the chimney. Boiler equipment is installed as close as possible to the place where the chimney goes out onto the street. This way, you can avoid the need to drill holes in the cabinets for the passage of the chimney.

The coaxial chimney is discharged through the wall. Atmospheric models are connected exclusively to a specially designed exhaust duct.

The requirements and standards stipulating the installation and placement of gas boiler equipment in the kitchen require strict compliance. To avoid mistakes, you should consult a gas service inspector.

Installing a gas boiler is a very responsible and quite complicated procedure. However, if you really want to, you can install even such heating equipment yourself. You just need to comply with the rules and regulations approved by law.

By law, work that directly affects the gas pipeline can only be performed by certified specialists. You can handle the rest of the operations, which include supplying coolant to the boiler and connecting the unit to electricity, on your own.

Before installing a gas boiler, a number of preparatory measures need to be completed. Make sure that the room allocated for installation of the equipment, as well as the heating unit itself, comply with current standards and regulations.

Requirements for the boiler room and boiler

  1. The volume of the room allocated for installing a gas boiler must be more than 4 m3. This is the minimum acceptable value. The more powerful the boiler, the larger the volume the boiler room should have.
  2. If you install a wall-mounted boiler model, the surface to which the unit will be attached must be sheathed with fireproof material.
  3. The exit from the boiler room must have a width of at least 800 mm.
  4. A floor-standing boiler requires a connection to the chimney. In the case of wall-mounted models, this point is clarified individually and depends on the design of the specific unit.
  5. To install a floor-standing boiler, you need to prepare a special pocket about half a meter deep. The structure must include a metal or cement substrate.
  6. The minimum permissible distance between the boiler and other gas and electrical appliances is 300 mm.

Basic rules for installing heating equipment

Installation of the equipment in question requires compliance with a number of rules and regulations, ignoring which will not only lead to serious penalties, but will also jeopardize the safety of all residents of the house.

What you need to know about the chimney?

Modern gas boilers are equipped with various automation equipment, thanks to which the risk of poisoning people by fuel combustion products is significantly reduced. If an emergency occurs, the automation simply blocks the gas supply.

When installing a boiler in a private house, the chimney exit is most often through the roof. If the equipment is located in an apartment building without a separate smoke duct, you will have to worry about its installation yourself.

In apartments, chimneys are laid through the wall. Make a hole in the outer wall with a diameter of 100 mm. It is recommended to hang the boiler directly on the same external wall.

The recommended chimney diameter is indicated in the instructions for the specific unit. Be sure to clarify this point before starting work. The diameter of the chimney pipe cannot be less than the diameter of the corresponding hole in the boiler body.

An inspection hole must be provided in the chimney design. Through this hatch you can clean the unit from blockages.

The best shape for a gas boiler chimney is a cylinder. The chimney should be made of stainless or ordinary steel. The smoke exhaust pipe, as already noted, cannot be bent more than three times.

Make sure that the part of the pipe through which the boiler and the smoke exhaust structure are connected has a maximum length of 250 mm.

The design feature of wall-mounted gas boilers imposes certain requirements for the installation of such equipment.

  1. The distance between the edge of the lowest boiler pipe and the floor must be at least 800 mm. Also, the edge of this pipe should be located no lower than the level of the sink spout.
  2. Do not place anything in the space under the wall-mounted boiler.
  3. In the room allocated for installing a wall-mounted boiler (usually a kitchen), it is prohibited to leave open cavities in which equipment waste can accumulate.
  4. The floor under the boiler must be covered with a sheet of durable metal. Traditionally, a square with a side of 100 cm is laid.
  5. A special expansion tank must be installed at the highest point of the system, as well as an air valve.

Before purchasing a boiler, be sure to make sure that it is complete and has the necessary fasteners. The complete set is described in detail in the instructions. If the manufacturer does not supply the boiler with fasteners, purchase them yourself.

Ask the seller for certificates for the equipment offered. Without certificates, they will simply refuse to register your boiler. Make sure that the number on the inside of the boiler is the same as the number on the accompanying documentation.

If the boiler will be mounted on a wall made of flammable material or a surface with a flammable finish, be sure to lay a fire-resistant coating on the base. Usually this is a sheet of metal or special substrates designed specifically for installing a wall-mounted boiler. The thickness of such a protective layer must be at least 2 mm.

There should be 40-50 mm of free space between the boiler body and the wall surface. Before connecting the unit, run water through its internal pipes. Such treatment will remove dust and various types of debris from the products.

Installation of a wall-mounted unit is carried out in several steps

First step. Attach the mounting strips to the wall. The distance between such planks and the floor should be about one and a half meters. The minimum permissible distance is 100 cm. Make sure that the planks are evenly secured using a building level. If necessary, align the slats and only then hang the gas boiler itself.

Second step. Attach a filter to the water supply pipe. Thanks to a special hard cleaning filter, clogging of the heat exchanger will be prevented.

Third step. Install the chimney pipe and check the draft. For the operation of most modern boilers, strong draft is not needed, because... in such units, combustion products are removed using a special fan. Make sure there is no backdraft; its presence is unacceptable.

Fourth step. Connect the gas boiler to the pipeline. To do this, use a threaded coupling. The water return pipe must be connected from below, and the water supply pipe must be connected from above. It is most convenient to use gas welding to connect elements. The maximum permissible slope is 0.5 cm per 1 m of pipe.

It is prohibited to connect the boiler to the gas pipeline yourself. This can only be done by a certified gas fitter.

At the end, all that remains is to connect the boiler to the electrical network, if you have chosen a volatile model with automatic protection against failures, and then invite gas service specialists to check the correct installation of the boiler, test run the equipment and put the unit into operation.

Floor-mounted gas heating equipment is characterized by higher power compared to wall-mounted counterparts. Such boilers are suitable exclusively for use in individual houses. For installation, you need to allocate a boiler room.

Before starting work, ensure that the area of ​​the floor on which the boiler will be installed is protected. The surface must be fireproof and durable. Professionals recommend pouring a concrete screed. However, in most cases, you can do without a screed by laying a sheet of galvanized metal on the floor. Select the dimensions of the sheet so that the boiler is placed on it with its entire bottom, and from the front side of the unit the sheet protrudes approximately 300 mm.

Installation of a floor-standing boiler is carried out in several stages

First stage. Connect the equipment to the chimney, first making sure there is draft.

Second stage. Connect the boiler to the heating system. A safety filter is installed before the return pipe inlet.

Third stage. Connect the boiler to the water supply system. The connection to the water supply must be made at the minimum possible distance from the pipe entrance to the house or from the branching point of the pipes. Compliance with this rule will allow you to obtain good pressure in the system and, therefore, an uninterrupted supply of water.

Make sure that all pipes connected to the boiler are equipped with shut-off valves. Thanks to these elements, you can, if necessary, remove equipment without dumping water.

Fourth stage. Invite a specialist to connect the boiler to the gas pipeline and carry out all related activities.

Thus, there is nothing overly complicated about installing a gas boiler yourself. Follow the instructions, remember the safety requirements and everything will work out.

Good luck!

Video - Installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler

Many of those who are planning to equip their home or cottage with heating equipment are wondering whether it is possible to install a gas boiler in the kitchen, or whether only a special room should be used for these purposes. It should be said right away that the installation rules for heating boilers of this type allow their installation in a kitchen area, but certain requirements should be strictly adhered to, aimed at ensuring the safe operation of such equipment in the kitchen.

Advantages and disadvantages of using gas-type boilers

The high popularity of gas heating equipment, which, subject to certain requirements for the premises, can be installed in the kitchen, is explained by a number of reasons. These include:

  • long service life;
  • high reliability of boilers of this type;
  • the possibility of using for heating rooms with a large area;
  • fairly high efficiency;
  • the ability to select a model from a fairly large assortment in a specific design and with the required set of options;
  • ease of operation, management and maintenance;
  • availability and low price of the energy carrier used - gas;
  • fairly low cost of equipment.

Meanwhile, gas equipment also has disadvantages, which include the following parameters.

  • Such equipment can only operate if there is gas in the pipeline connected to it.
  • Installing such equipment in a private home or country house is possible only if the appropriate permission has been obtained.
  • If the gas pressure in the pipeline drops, this leads not only to a decrease in the efficiency of the boiler, but also to the formation of a significant amount of soot during its operation.
  • The installation complexity of both the boiler itself and the chimney and ventilation system is quite high.

Types of gas heating equipment

Modern industry produces a fairly wide variety of types of equipment for equipping a gas boiler room or for installation in any other non-residential premises, which allows users of such devices to optimally select them in full accordance with their requirements and financial capabilities. So, depending on a number of parameters, boilers can be:

  • single-circuit or double-circuit type;
  • with a closed or open combustion chamber;
  • equipped with various ignition systems;
  • with a boiler for heating external or internal water;
  • installed on the floor or mounted on the wall of the room.

In addition, of course, heating appliances for the kitchen differ in their power.

Differences between single- and double-circuit gas boilers

Single-circuit and double-circuit boilers for the kitchen differ not only in the number of circuits in their design, but also in functionality. Thus, single-circuit type equipment can only be used for heating, and a double-circuit gas boiler can also be used to heat water for domestic and household needs. Meanwhile, if you equip a single-circuit boiler with an external boiler, then it can also be used to heat water for hot water supply in the kitchen.

Gas boilers with closed and open combustion chambers

Air enters boilers with an open combustion chamber directly from the kitchen, and exhaust gases naturally evaporate through the chimney. Installing a boiler of this type in the kitchen is not the best option, since when it operates in the kitchen, the amount of air decreases, which is especially critical if the room is small. Boilers with a closed combustion chamber operate on a slightly different principle, into which air is supplied from the street through a special coaxial-type chimney, and gases formed during the combustion process are discharged through it. The installation location for a boiler with a closed combustion chamber can even be small kitchens (6–8 m2), where it is possible to install them inside kitchen cabinets.

Differences in gas boilers by type of ignition

Heating appliances, depending on the model, can be equipped with automatic and manual ignition systems. In devices of the first type, the burner automatically turns on at the moment when gas begins to flow into it, and when using a type with manual ignition, accordingly, you will have to carry out this process yourself, using matches or a lighter.

Gas boilers with external and built-in boilers

Naturally, it is much more convenient when, together with a gas boiler, a boiler is used in which water is heated to satisfy domestic and economic needs. Such boilers for the kitchen, as mentioned above, can be external or built into the boiler itself. Devices with built-in boilers are compact in size; such options are easier to install, but the volume of the tank that is built into them is quite small. The volume of the tank for boilers with an external boiler can be almost anything, but such devices, which should be taken into account when choosing them, take up more space, and in order to install them, it will be necessary to install additional communications.

Rules for installing a gas boiler in a kitchen

In order to install a boiler in the kitchen and not experience problems with such equipment in terms of its operation and maintenance, you should strictly adhere to the requirements specified in SNiPs. These requirements for installing a gas boiler, which should be followed when replacing an old device with a new one, stipulate a number of parameters, which include: the location of the equipment relative to plumbing fixtures, windows and hoods; the distance at which the side walls of the device should be located from the walls of the room; installation height of a wall-mounted gas boiler from the floor, etc.

According to the above parameters, installing a gas boiler in the kitchen is allowed if the kitchen is not used as a living room.

The most common today are two ways to install gas equipment in the kitchen:

  1. Installation of a gas appliance in a special box, which, in turn, is mounted in one of the furniture elements in the kitchen. Having decided to choose this option, you should keep in mind that installing a boiler in the kitchen in this way, according to safety requirements, is not possible in all cases.
  2. Installation of a boiler equipped with a decorative front panel. This is convenient, since the modern market offers a wide variety of gas boilers with different decorative finishes, which makes it possible to optimally select a boiler for almost any interior.

Gas boiler built into kitchen cabinet

Basic requirements for installing gas heating boilers in a kitchen area

The layout and equipment of the kitchen, if it is planned to place a gas heating boiler in it, must immediately provide for the requirements for the installation of such equipment. Such requirements, in particular, determine the following kitchen parameters:

  1. The presence of a door in the kitchen, which is necessary to isolate it from the living areas of the house.
  2. The presence of a window opening in the kitchen and its size. The requirements for this parameter are minimal.
  3. Availability of supply and exhaust ventilation in the kitchen.
  4. The presence of electrical sockets and gas supply pipes in the equipped kitchen and the distance from them to the installed heating boiler.
  5. Availability of a smoke exhaust system in the kitchen.

Basic standards for placing a floor-standing gas boiler

It should be borne in mind that the requirement regarding the presence of a door in the kitchen in which the gas boiler is installed is very important, since the room in which such equipment is operated must be isolated from living rooms.

In addition, it is very important to leave a certain distance from the wall of the boiler itself to the wall of the room, since the air around such equipment must circulate freely, which is very important to ensure the safety of its use.

The presence in the kitchen, in which a gas boiler is installed, vents and ventilation systems

The list of requirements relating to kitchen premises in which a gas boiler is used clearly states that windows installed in such premises must be equipped with vents. Thus, according to this requirement, if metal-plastic windows with no vents are installed in the kitchen area, then this is a violation of safety standards. Meanwhile, in the vast majority of cases, representatives of gas services do not pay attention to such violations of requirements.

The need for a window in the windows of a kitchen room equipped with a gas boiler, as well as a convection hole in the door leaf, is explained by the fact that the air in such a room must constantly circulate so that it does not create a high concentration of volatile substances dangerous to human life.

If the gas boiler will be installed in the inside of a kitchen cabinet, you should be especially careful to ensure that such equipment is located in the path of air flow in the kitchen area. In addition, with this option for placing a gas boiler, it is necessary to provide for the presence of convection openings in the doors of the kitchen cabinet itself, in which the heating equipment will be located.

When operating a heating gas boiler of any type inside a kitchen, the air in such a room is burned in any case, which explains the requirements according to which a ventilation system must be installed in kitchens with gas heating equipment.

In addition to the very fact of the presence of such a system in a kitchen room with a gas boiler, certain requirements are also imposed on the rules for its installation.

  • The hood that will serve the gas boiler cannot be connected to the kitchen exhaust air duct; a separate duct must be installed for it.
  • The diameter of the ventilation duct to which the gas boiler hood will be connected must be calculated taking into account the performance of the heating equipment.
  • In the room in which the gas boiler and the exhaust ventilation system for its maintenance will be operated, a certain air exchange must be ensured, the specific value of which is specified by the requirements of SNiP 31-01 of 2003. According to the requirements of this regulatory document, when operating gas boilers with atmospheric burners, double air exchange is taken into account, and when using equipment with a closed combustion chamber, single air exchange is taken into account.

Video: requirements for natural ventilation when installing a gas boiler in the kitchen.

Recommendations for choosing a gas boiler for installation in the kitchen

Before studying the room requirements for installing a gas boiler in the kitchen, you should decide on the choice of the equipment itself. So, the main parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing are:

  • power;
  • number of circuits in the design;
  • type of combustion chamber;
  • installation type;
  • type of heat exchanger used;
  • tank volume of a built-in or external boiler;
  • the brand name under which the equipment is manufactured.

In addition, when choosing heating boilers, you should take into account such parameters as fuel and electricity consumption, as well as the amount of water that such a device can heat per unit time.

Video: how to choose the right wall-mounted gas boiler.

Today, gas boilers and water heaters are used everywhere both for heating water and for heating houses. For the most part, separate single-circuit boilers or one single-circuit boiler and an indirect heating boiler are used for heating and hot water supply, which creates certain inconveniences in their placement. Therefore, in houses and apartments with low hot water consumption, the installation of double-circuit gas boilers, which combine water heating for both household needs and heating, is becoming increasingly popular. The installation of gas boilers is associated with a number of specific difficulties, related more to compliance with the norms and requirements for boilers than to the process of their installation.

The design of double-circuit gas boilers is essentially similar to the design of a conventional single-circuit boiler, where a gas burner heats a heat exchanger with coolant. The main difference is the ability of double-circuit boilers to simultaneously heat water for heating the house and for household needs. This is achieved through the combined placement of pipes for heating and hot water supply in the heat exchanger.

At first glance, the heat exchanger of a double-circuit boiler looks like an ordinary coil with a radiator grille. But it is necessary to note the following: the coil of a double-circuit boiler is most often a combination of 2 in 1 pipes. Inside the main pipe through which water for heating flows, there is another one for hot water supply. At the same time, one more very important point should be noted. Water in such a double heat exchanger circulates in opposite directions in each of the circuits. This was done specifically to improve heat transfer and this must be taken into account when designing and connecting the water supply and heating system to a double-circuit boiler.

The presence of two heating circuits at once affected the number of connected pipes. In contrast to the single-circuit one, where there were only three pipes, supplying and discharging water and one supplying gas. There are five such pipes in a double-circuit boiler. The diagram depicting a double-circuit gas boiler shows the following (from right to left):

  • pipe with incoming coolant for heating;
  • supply pipe for hot water supply;
  • gas supply pipe;
  • pipe with outgoing hot water for water supply;
  • pipe with outgoing coolant for heating.

Important! Before using the above diagram when connecting your own boiler, carefully study the manual for it. It is quite possible that your boiler will be connected slightly differently. For example, both inlet pipes are on the right side, and both outgoing pipes are on the left.

It is also worth noting that today on the market you can find a double-circuit gas boiler, both wall-mounted and floor-standing. In addition to the installation method, the difference between them is that the floor-mounted one requires a separate room - a boiler room, while the wall-mounted one can be installed in the kitchen or in a place reserved for the boiler. We will look further at where exactly and how to install gas heating boilers.

Standards and requirements for the installation of gas boilers

It should be noted right away that the installation and connection of a double-circuit gas boiler can only be carried out by specialized organizations that have permission and a license for this activity. Self-installation and connection is fraught with fairly high fines. But still, you will have to do some work on preparing to connect the boiler and obtaining the necessary permits yourself.

The following recommendations and rules are excerpts from the main regulatory documents, such as SNiP 42-01-2002 “Gas distribution systems”, as well as SNiP II-35-76 “Boiler installations”, Code of rules for the design of autonomous heat supply systems SP-41-104 -2000. These regulatory documents describe in detail what can and cannot be done when installing gas equipment. We will consider the main most important requirements for installing gas boilers.

1. The room where the gas boiler will be installed must be at least 4 m2 with ceilings not lower than 2.5 m;

2. The doorway in the room must be at least 80 cm wide;

3. The room must have a window opening. The window size is calculated based on the following requirements - for 10 m2 of area, a window with an area of ​​0.3 m2;

4. It is necessary to have high-quality ventilation in the room to ensure constant gas combustion. The hole area should be 8 cm2 per 1 kW of boiler power. This also applies to boilers with a closed combustion chamber, for which coaxial chimneys are used, combining the functions of removing combustion products and supplying air to the boiler;

5. The diameter of the chimney is selected according to the power of the boiler itself and is calculated using a special formula. In general, boilers from 30 kW to 40 kW are most often used for heating a house. Accordingly, chimneys with a diameter of 130 mm and 170 mm are installed;

6. The upper end of the chimney should protrude 50 cm above the roof ridge. If a coaxial chimney is used, its outlet end should protrude from the air intake by at least 20 cm;

7. The gas pipeline in the house must be made of metal pipes. But to connect the boiler to the main line, you can use flexible corrugated pipes;

8. The boiler must be equipped with a special automatic current and thermal protection;

9. The room with the boiler must be equipped with a gas analyzer;

10. Installation of gas boilers in basements is permitted only for private houses. For apartment buildings, installation of gas boilers is permitted only in the kitchen or in specially designated boiler rooms;

11. Each boiler must be equipped with a gas meter;

12. The room must have a cold water pipeline;

13. In the room where the boiler will be installed, the walls must be leveled and plastered;

14. Boilers cannot be installed on combustible surfaces, in corridors, in the bathroom, in a dormitory, on a balcony, in rooms without windows or vents, in the basements of apartment buildings;

15. The boiler must be placed at least 15 cm from the wall. There should be a minimum of 20 cm from the top edge of the chimney to the ceiling. The outer part of the chimney should protrude 30 cm from the wall of the house. The installation height of a wall-mounted boiler should be 0.8 - 1 m from the floor, and a heat-insulating panel should be placed between the wall and the boiler.

Important! If the boiler is a double-circuit boiler with a closed combustion chamber, then the presence of windows in the room is not necessary.

By following these simple rules, you can easily obtain permission to install a double-circuit boiler at home. Of course, it would not be amiss to become more familiar with SNiP, since the above rules are general and certain restrictions are possible for each specific case.

Coordination of installation with authorities

When installing double-circuit boilers, compliance with SNiPs is only a small part of the hassle that you have to face. The most time will be required to obtain the necessary permits and approval of installation. To obtain permission you must do the following:

1. To connect a private house or apartment to the city gas supply, you must obtain technical specifications for the connection. To do this, we write an application to the city gas service. The application must indicate the estimated volume of gas consumed per hour. It will take 1 to 2 weeks for your application to be processed. After which you will be given technical installation specifications.

2. Having received the technical conditions, it is necessary to develop a gas supply project. In essence, this is a diagram for installing a boiler, laying a gas pipeline and connection points. In a private house, this also includes a diagram for laying gas communications around the site. The project is developed in a specialized bureau by design engineers with a license for the design of gas communications. Contacts of companies performing design can be easily found in Gorgaz.

3. After creating and finalizing the project, it is sent to Gorgaz or another competent service (Raigaz, Oblgaz, Mingaz). Project approval may take from 1 week to 3 months. The approval period depends on the complexity of the project itself. Along with the project, it is also necessary to submit a number of related documents:

  • boiler technical certificate;
  • instructions for its use;
  • certificate of compliance with technical and sanitary requirements;
  • conclusions of the examination on the boiler’s compliance with all necessary requirements.

These documents are included with the boiler from the manufacturer, so it is important to check their availability when purchasing the boiler.

Of course, it is possible to reject the project. In this case, you should receive an official document with the refusal and reasons for the refusal, as well as a list of changes for the project. After making changes and resubmitting for approval, you will receive permission to install the boiler.

Installation of a double-circuit gas boiler

Having decided on the installation location of the double-circuit gas boiler, as well as connecting all communications from the hot water supply (hot water supply) and heating to it, you can begin installing the boiler itself. It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that, regardless of whether it is a wall-mounted or floor-standing boiler, the same materials and components will be required for its installation and piping. Below is a general list of what is required for reliable operation:

  • ball valves;
  • coarse filter;
  • magnetic filter;
  • mesh filter;
  • gas filter;
  • sweeps;
  • flexible corrugated hose;
  • pressure gauge;
  • thermostat;
  • coaxial chimney;
  • safety valve 3 bar.

Important! The quantity and configuration of related materials depends on the connection diagram of the gas boiler.

A double-circuit wall-mounted gas boiler can be installed in almost any room permitted for it. You can install it yourself, but the direct connection of gas equipment is carried out by a specialist who has the appropriate certificate to perform this type of work. Connecting the boiler yourself will entail fines.

Connecting a double-circuit gas boiler begins with preparing the site for its installation. This primarily concerns the supply of pipes for hot water and heating, as well as preparing the opening for the chimney and lining the wall with fireproof material. As soon as everything is ready, we begin installation of the boiler:

1. The first step is to flush the boiler pipe system to remove any dirt particles from the system that may have entered during the factory assembly of the boiler. Then we put the previously removed plugs on them.

2. The wall-mounted boiler is mounted on special strips that are included in the kit. The installation height of a wall-mounted boiler should be 0.8 - 1 m from the floor. We drill holes in the wall for the planks and secure them to the wall with self-tapping screws. For reliability, anchors can be used instead of self-tapping screws.

Important! It is necessary to monitor the horizon of the installed slats. The correct placement of the boiler itself depends on this. The slightest misalignment can lead to rapid failure of the boiler heating system.

3. Install the boiler on the mounting strips. Let's check how level it is. If necessary, we correct and fix it.

4. We find the incoming pipes and first attach ball valves to them, and then filters for coarse or fine water purification. This will allow, if necessary, to shut off the entire system for washing and cleaning the filters.

6. The next step is to install the squeegees. They are the ones that will connect the boiler with pipes from the hot water supply to the heating.

Important! We do not touch the gas supply pipe of the boiler. The installation of the meter, valves, as well as its connection and pressure testing will be carried out by a specialist from the gas company who has permission to carry out this type of work.

7. We proceed to connecting the heating system. If you are connecting the boiler to an old system, you must first rinse it several times to remove scale and salts from it.

8. We connect the squeegee to the heating pipe connected to the boiler. If necessary, a circulation pump can be installed between the outlet and the pipe.

Important! We make sure that the arrows on the taps, drains and filters point in the direction of movement of water from the system to the boiler.

8. We complete the heating connection procedure by connecting the outgoing pipe from the boiler to the heating system. At the same time, we make sure that the direction of water movement on the fittings corresponds to the real one.

9. Connect the hot water supply. All work is essentially identical to connecting the heating, with the difference that instead of a coarse filter, a fine filter or magnetic filter is installed.

10. Attach the chimney to the boiler. To do this, a chimney pipe is inserted into the previously prepared hole and then connected through an elbow to the chimney fitting in the boiler itself.

Important! If you bought a boiler with an open combustion chamber, then the chimney pipe must meet the following conditions:

  • the pipe must be made of metal resistant to acidic environments;
  • the chimney is installed above the ridge of the house;
  • a cleaning hatch must be installed in the chimney itself;
  • the chimney itself should consist of no more than three elbows;
  • parts of the chimney from the boiler to the exit to the street should not exceed 25 cm.

A double-circuit floor-standing gas boiler is also installed in the manner described. The key difference in installing a floor-standing boiler is the allocation of a special room for the boiler, where fire protection is installed on the floor and walls. In addition, the boiler itself is not attached to the wall with brackets, but is most often fixed to the floor.

Upon completion of the installation of the double-circuit boiler, all that remains is to wait until it is connected to the gas pipe and put into operation. This stage of boiler installation is carried out by a specialist from the gas company. It should be noted that if you have never performed this type of work before, it would be better to seek help from the experts. Of course, all the work will cost a pretty penny, but the safety and reliability of the connected boiler will also be much higher.