Material world. Exercise. A type of idealism that asserts the dependence of the external world, its properties and relationships on human consciousness

Only those who know a lot understand how little they know. “Existence determines consciousness,” “we are what we think,” etc. What is our world, does it exist in reality, and what is this very reality?

Many people ask this question. And there is no clear answer. Since ancient times, this question has haunted the minds of people. If we see a table, it means it is there, and if we don’t see it, then it doesn’t exist? Is our world material and what should we take as the very basis of material “existence”?

A person can be aware of the world around him with the help of 5 senses-receptors that nature has endowed us with, but what if something goes beyond these same 5 senses, which are measuring instruments? If a person does not see or understand something, this is not an argument that it does not exist, like electromagnetic fields, which could only be visually identified with the help of a magnet, but which equally existed.

How can you evaluate a three-dimensional space using a two-dimensional scale of measurements? A qualitative leap in this theory was made by A. Einstein, who clearly demonstrated that everything in the world is energy, which does not disappear or appear, but is only transformed from one, denser state of matter to another, more subtle one.

And the world itself is a “clump” of energy particles. The human hand consists of particles, particles from molecules, molecules from atoms, which are also energy. That is, moving from the opposite, the human hand is energy.

But the hand is tangible, but energy is not, then a natural question arises: where and at what moment does energy acquire a material, denser expression? On the other hand, it has long been measured and proven that thought has a quantum nature and there are electromagnetic characteristics that demonstrate this, and this means that thought is material, intangible, invisible, inseparable, but material.

When a thought is concentrated, energy is concentrated, its compaction, and, as a result, the electromagnetic characteristics are strengthened. Those, in turn, enter into resonance, attract their own kind, and the energy moves to another qualitative level, more dense, so-called materialization occurs.

Out of ignorance and fear, from ancient times people with such abilities were called sorcerers. Since all people are a phenomenon of energy in its denser, material expression in the form of a body, the phenomena of telepathy, mind reading, hypnosis are precisely manifestations of the ability to feel and interact with the composition or “aura” of a person, consisting of particles of subtle energy.

This means that the human world is material, just not in the form in which people are accustomed to perceiving materialism. And, if the human world is still material, then the second question arises: how and where did it, this world, come from? Darwin's classical theory has completely discredited itself, giving way to complete confusion among scientists.

The debate over whether our world is a program has reached a dead end. Opinions were divided: from divine origin, to the matrix model as part of a higher, intellectually, experiment. Indisputable arguments, in any case of their appearance, are the presence of some objects and things that have not yet been given a plausible explanation.

Pyramids in Egypt - no technology of that time could build so clearly, positioning them absolutely correctly in relation to the cardinal directions, not to mention the height and system of labyrinths using protective measures that were still not even remotely understood. Mayan tribes - language, technology and designs are still not solved.

Traces of meteorites that form a clear map from space. The appearance of carbon, which appeared as a product of reactions that cannot be reproduced even under modern conditions. Cave paintings that have no explanation, but clearly resemble something like a spaceship and people of strange physique. Bigfoot, similar descriptions of which unequivocally prove his real existence.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that many suggest that planet Earth may be either the matrix of some project, or part of a huge experiment, in an algorithm of intelligence exceeding ours by several orders of magnitude.

A type of idealism that asserts the dependence of the external world, its properties and relationships on human consciousness:

1. objective

2. dialectical

3. sequential

4. inconsistent

5. subjective


Reasonable and logical knowledge of reality is impossible, states:

1. rationalism

2. subjectivism

3. irrationalism

4. empiricism

5. mechanism


The idea of ​​God as a world mind who created nature, but does not interfere with its existence, is characteristic of:

1. monism

2. dualism

3. pantheism

5. monotheism


The world has either a material or a spiritual beginning, asserts...

1. skepticism

3. dualism

4. relativism

5. agnosticism


The material and spiritual principles of the world are equal in rights, says...

1. agnosticism

3. skepticism

4. dualism

5. relativism


There are many initial foundations and principles of being, states:

1. pluralism

2. skepticism

3. relativism

4. agnosticism

5. dualism


The world is fundamentally unknowable, he states:

1. agnosticism

2. empiricism

3. subjectivism

4. rationalism

5. solipsism


Knowledge is relative, conditional and subjective, states:

1. empiricism

2. sensationalism

3. rationalism

4. skepticism

5. relativism


Reason is the basis of human cognition and behavior, states:

1. irrationalism

2. sensationalism

3. rationalism

4. reductionism

5. relativism


The function of philosophy associated with the abstract theoretical, conceptual explanation of the world:

1. methodological

2. prognostic

3. critical

4. axiological

5. social

6. humanitarian

7. ideological


The function of philosophy, in which philosophy acts as a general doctrine of method and as a set of the most general methods of cognition and mastery of reality:

1. ideological

2. prognostic

3. methodological

4. critical

5. axiological

6. social

7. humanitarian


The function of philosophy is to question everything:

1. ideological

2. methodological

3. prognostic

4. axiological

5. critical

6. social

7. humanitarian


The function of philosophy associated with the study of social, moral, aesthetic, ideological and other values:

1. ideological

2. methodological

3. prognostic

4. critical

5. social

6. axiological

7. humanitarian

A. Assignment

Ontology is a branch of philosophy about...

1. existing in the world

2. laws of cognition

3. development of nature

4. creation of the world

5. development of society

B. Assignment

The problem of being was formulated in philosophy...

1. Antiquity

2. Middle Ages

3. Renaissance

4. Enlightenment

5. New times

Eastern philosophy


Empowering the environment with human qualities:

1. anthropogenesis

2. anthropologism

3. anthropomorphism

4. anthropophagy

5. anthropocentrism


The formation of philosophical thinking in Ancient India began...

1. Taoism

2. Shintoism

3. Jainism

4. Brahmanism

5. Buddhism


The law that determines the nature of the new reincarnation in Indian philosophy is...

1. samsara

4. carvaka


Materialistic teaching in Ancient and Medieval India:

1. charvaka

2. Jainism

3. Buddhism

4. Brahmanism

5. Vaishnavism

Ancient philosophy


The highest state, the goal of human aspirations in Buddhism:

1. nirvana

3. samsara


The time of the emergence of philosophy... BC. e.

1. beginning VII - con. VI century

2. con. VI - beginning V century

3. beginning VI - beginning V century

4. con. VII - beginning VI century

5. con. V - beginning IV century


Chronological framework of the Hellenistic-Roman period of ancient philosophy:

1. II century BC e. - VI century n. e.

2. I century BC e. - V century n. e.

3. III century BC e. - VI century n. e.

4. III century BC e. - IV century n. e.

5. III century BC e. - V century n. e.


The first philosophical school of Ancient Greece:

1. Pythagorean

2. Eleatic

3. Milesian

4. Platonovskaya

5. cynic

Assignment (3 answers)

Representatives of the Milesian school in ancient philosophy:

1. Democritus

2. Anaximenes

3. Heraclitus

5. Pythagoras

6. Parmenides

7. Anaximander


The problem put forward by representatives of the Milesian school of ancient philosophy:

1. person

3. morality

4. first principles

How does material nature influence a person, his consciousness and destiny? External energy manifests itself as the material world. It is called external because qualitatively separated from its source. What does separated mean?

Separated External Energy

External energy is a shadow, or a distorted reflection of the internal energy of the Absolute.

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The material world is a place of duality; here there is always the possibility of encountering manifestations of good and evil.

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Let's consider such points as who God is, why he created the material world, and why we ended up here. And how to return home.

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Why did God create the material world?

Quite a logical question, and the answer is...

The Vedas claim that the huge Universe, a small part of which modern scientists can observe through telescopes, is evidence of the manifestation of the mind of the Creator, the mind of a universal scale. However, this explanation of the origin of the Universe is currently considered “unscientific.”

In this regard, it is useful to compare the description of the process of creation described in the Vedas with modern ideas of materialistic science. This is important to do because for many years material scientists have argued...

"All created beings have their source in these two natures. Know for sure that I am the origin and dissolution of everything that is material and everything that is spiritual in this world."

Everything we see is generated by spirit and matter. And spirit does not arise at a certain stage of the development of matter.

On the contrary, the entire material world appears on the basis of spiritual energy. Just like the entire universe, the body of a person or animal develops due to the fact that there is a spirit there. If there is no spirit, then it will not even be born. AND...

Material pleasures arise from the contact of material senses with objects of perception. Such pleasures are temporary because the material body itself is perishable. The liberated soul is not interested in anything transitory.

And can someone who has experienced the highest, spiritual bliss be content with illusory joys? The Padma Purana says:

“For yogis, the Absolute Truth is the source of unlimited spiritual bliss. Therefore the Supreme Absolute Truth, Personality of Godhead. they call...

"Those whose intelligence is stolen by material desires surrender to the demigods and follow certain rules and regulations of worship according to their own nature."

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