Educational program

At our university, training is carried out according to educational programs. This means that any applicant first chooses a program that is interesting to him, then he tries to enroll in it, and then, if he becomes a student, he will study in this program.

The programs offered by the university are very different - from secondary education programs to graduate and doctoral training programs. If we talk only about higher education, then at the National Research University Higher School of Economics you can get higher education at various levels in the main educational programs of bachelor's, specialist's, master's, as well as postgraduate programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel. In addition to educational levels, programs may differ in areas of training. Now at our university, training is carried out in a wide range of educational areas - not only in HSE’s “title” socio-economic fields, but also in the humanities, engineering and computer sciences. Thus, in 2017, about 30 different areas of training are offered for training.

Faculties and educational programs

The two main entities that a student encounters during his studies at the university are his faculty and the educational program. HSE operates , describing the activities of the faculty and formulating its main task as “providing a high level of training for students, graduate students, trainees, carried out scientific research and design work...”. As a rule, educational programs are “assigned” to certain faculties, and faculties (depending on their size) can have a different number of educational programs, from several units to several dozen. The rules by which each educational program lives and develops are recorded in

What does a student remember when it comes to their educational program?

Of course, about his fellow students and teachers, whom he meets at lectures, seminars, master classes, about what he is taught and where he can work after studying... Undoubtedly, these are integral parts of any program, but its main “official” characteristic - this is the curriculum that the student must fully master during the period of study. is closely related to the current educational standard in this area of ​​training and level of education. The Higher School of Economics, as a national research university, received the right to independently set educational standards (see Article 11 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”), and it took advantage of this right. This is how they appeared at the university .

Briefly about the curriculum of the educational program

Based on its OS, each main educational program at the Higher School of Economics develops a curriculum. The curriculum of the program always contains both compulsory disciplines and electives: within the framework of this program, there are also disciplines from the university-wide pool of disciplines with which students can supplement their individual learning path (, in master's programs,).

Students who successfully complete their studies, as well as pass the final certification, receive a “document on education and qualifications” of the appropriate level and area of ​​training, or, in other words, a diploma.

Who manages the educational program?

All administrative issues during the implementation of the program are resolved by the educational office, and its activities are regulated. Students can contact the employees of the educational office with all organizational issues that arise during the course of their studies.

Where can I get information about the program?

You can get detailed information about any higher education program at the National Research University Higher School of Economics on its website. Actually, the program website is a detailed image of the program, and it is designed for various categories of users: applicants and their parents, students, representatives of external structures regulating educational activities. The site has mandatory sections, of which:

  • applicants can find out all the most important things about applying to the program, for example,
  • students find information on the educational process and student life in general (bulletin board, schedule, ratings, etc., including);
  • all categories of users can familiarize themselves with those reading these courses, see the “quality marks” received by the program (its various accreditations and certifications), and much other useful information;
  • and, of course, the program’s website contains contacts of its academic director and academic office, to whom you can always ask questions about the program and, importantly, get answers.

Let's figure out how to choose a university and specialty using the website's capabilities

On this page you will learn how to select a university online according to any criteria.

Our entire website is detailed information about all universities in Russia, presented in a convenient form. However, even in such a form as, for example, in, it is difficult to select specialties, compare them, etc.

SO THAT YOU DON'T HURRY, WE DEVELOPED A FILTER that will show a selection of universities and specialties in them according to all the criteria you need : geographical, by Unified State Exam subjects, by cost of training, form of education, specialties and much more.

In order to select educational institutions, you must either open the filter, or read the section where you will find the Unified State Exam calculator, you can select a profession:

IT’S ALL SIMPLE HERE: to choose a university online, you must indicate the parameters you need for selection in the “Conditions”, “Specialties”, “Geography”, “Unified State Exam” tabs. It is not necessary to fill out everything and click on the red “SELECT” button. You are required to fill in only those fields that will affect the selection.

For example, you need universities

1) full-time study
2) with the specialty "Jurisprudence"
3) in Moscow
4) for which the Unified State Exam requires Russian language, history, social studies
5) our Unified State Exam scores in these subjects are 215

Let's start opening the tabs one by one:

1) Conditions

In this tab, you can indicate the form of study, the cost of training per year (if it is not important, leave it as it is), the willingness to take entrance tests, the parameters of the university (only state, only with a military department, only with a dormitory).

2) Specialties

Here is a list of specialties. You can choose one or more specialties. If you do not fill in anything, the search will be performed in all directions.

3) Geography

Here you select the cities in which the search will be carried out. If empty, searches all.

4) Unified State Exam

Here we select the subjects that you are taking and the passing scores for them.

You can combine university selection online. For example, if you do not select a specialty/s, the search will be carried out in all, without selecting a city, you will launch a search in all cities, etc.

It is also important to note that all information about universities on the Internet is obtained from their websites and various sources. The best option is always to contact the university directly. Fortunately, we also have contact information for each university.

Enjoy it for your health!

Levels of training: master's degree, postgraduate study, residency

5 priority areas: science, education, medicine, engineering, social management

Recommendations for admission to foreign educational organizations

You need to start preparing for admission to a foreign university in advance - preferably a year in advance. This is due to difficulties in completing the package of documents, deadlines for submitting documents to foreign universities, and the need to pass language and professional exams at certified testing centers, which set both the dates of the exams themselves and the deadlines for pre-registration for these exams. There are such centers in almost all major cities of the Russian Federation.

Information about taking the TOEFL can be found

You can view information about taking the GRE

Information about taking the German language exam TESTDAF can be viewed

Each foreign university sets deadlines within which it is necessary to submit documents for admission. The deadlines of each foreign university participating in the Global Education Program can be found

List of educational programs in foreign universities

An approximate list of educational programs implemented in foreign universities in areas that are approved within the framework of the Global Education Program.

IMPORTANT! This list of educational programs is not complete; it may be updated and supplemented. We ask you to independently check the availability and details of programs on the university websites.

Presentations and webinars on admission to foreign universities

  • Webinar "How to enter a foreign university with the Global Education program" (link)
  • In order to become a Program consultant, you must undergo certification, which gives you the right to conduct consultations under the Global Education Program. Certification is carried out by passing a test on knowledge of the conditions and requirements for participation in the Program.

    For cooperation and certification, please contact the Program operator, which is the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, by phone 8-800-50-50-623 or by email [email protected]