Is it possible to water orchids with garlic water? Homemade fertilizer for orchids…. Recipe with distilled water

Garlic has excellent antiseptic properties that will be beneficial to plants. This vegetable contains a lot of organic acids, antioxidants, mineral salts, macro- and microelements. All beneficial substances are quickly absorbed by the plant. Using garlic water to water an orchid solves many of the plant's health problems that regularly plague it.

You can water an orchid with garlic infusion to heal diseases and eliminate other problems, or to prevent them. Indications for using garlic solution:

Garlic water tincture is used as a fertilizer. To make it, garlic cloves are peeled and mixed with filtered water heated to +40 degrees. After infusion, an effective infusion is obtained, enriched with many useful elements.

Depending on the condition of the orchid and the method of applying fertilizer, different proportions of products are taken. To prepare the working solution, chop 1 clove of garlic and mix with 1 liter of warm water. The liquid is infused for 20 minutes before use. The concentrated solution is then passed through a filter.

  1. To prepare root dressing, mix 3 tbsp with 1 liter of water. l. concentrate. The solution is poured into a basin and the flower pot is lowered into it for 20 minutes.
  2. To make foliar feeding, dilute the concentrate with water in a ratio of 1:10. The product is used to spray the above-ground part of the orchid.


You can replace regular irrigation with garlic fertilizing. To do this, simply replace the irrigation water with a diluted working solution. This way you can feed the plant 2 or 3 times a month.

Using garlic infusion as a natural stimulant

Vegetable feeding successfully stimulates the growth of green mass, the formation of roots and flower stalks. It is also used to cure the plant from diseases and help it recover. In some cases, to enhance the effect of garlic, this fertilizer is combined with the drug “Kornevin”. It promotes root growth in plants that have undergone transplantation. You can also combine garlic water with succinic acid. This option promotes the formation of flower stalks and prolongs flowering.

Garlic infusion with succinic acid is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 1 tablet of succinic acid.

How to cook:

The garlic is crushed and mixed with heated water. Leave to brew in a sealed container in a cool room for 24 hours. Succinic acid is dissolved in hot water and combined with garlic solution. Strain through a filter and add warm water to obtain a volume of 1 liter. Immediately after preparation, use the resulting solution for feeding. However, such fertilizer is not used during flowering. Otherwise, the orchid will drop its buds.

Using garlic to control pests and diseases

To combat whiteflies, spider mites, scale insects, mites or false scale insects, prepare a concentrated solution. Then dilute it with water. The green part of the plant is sprayed with the product and the substrate is moistened.


  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 1 liter of water.


The garlic is peeled and passed through a press. Then soak the resulting slurry with water. The solution is kept in a sealed container for 7 days. Before use, the infusion is filtered and diluted with water at the rate of 50 ml per 10 liters of water.

To eliminate various rots, the solution is prepared according to the previous recipe, but used undiluted. Soak a cotton swab in the liquid and wipe the damaged areas on the leaves and stem with it.

Garlic peels are used to prevent diseases. Soak 10 g of husk in 1 liter of water for 24 hours. Then the infusion is filtered and used to spray the green part of the plant. Garlic sauce is also used to disinfect the substrate.

Rules for using garlic infusion

Irrigation with garlic infusion is carried out after the substrate has dried. However, it is not used constantly so as not to burn the root system. The plant also needs clean water. Therefore, you need to alternate watering with plain water with irrigation with garlic infusion.

It is enough to water the orchid with garlic infusion twice a month. With more frequent use of this stimulant, the root system suffers and the plant dies. You cannot use this fertilizer for orchids that are at rest or in the flowering stage.

With the correct use of a natural stimulant, a new flower shoot will soon develop on the plant. This usually happens within two weeks.

How to water an orchid correctly

The orchid is treated by spraying the leaves and stems or immersing a flower pot in the prepared solution. To add garlic infusion, the concentrated solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. This is the recommended amount, but other recipes can be used. For foliar feeding, the solution is poured into a spray bottle and the green part of the plant is sprayed, with the exception of blooming flowers. If garlic infusion gets on the buds, they fall off.

Fertilizing using the immersion method is carried out in a wide container with a concentrate diluted with water. A pot with an orchid is immersed in the liquid so that its level reaches 2/3 of the height of the container. Leave the plant in the garlic infusion for 40 minutes. This time is enough for all the beneficial substances to be absorbed into the orchid roots. Then the pot is removed and left on a wire rack or in a bath to allow excess liquid to drain out. After half an hour, put the plant in its original place.

Possible errors

For some gardeners, the use of natural stimulants and fertilizers becomes the only way to care for orchids. But you cannot take garlic infusion as the only remedy for all problems with the flower.

In addition to using a water infusion of garlic, constant good care is important for orchids. Natural fertilizers cannot compensate for improper lighting, low air humidity, high or low room temperature. It is also important to observe the biological development cycles of the epiphyte and grow the flower in a substrate suitable for it.

Reference! Garlic solution is a homemade plant care product. This is crushed garlic soaked in purified water.

During the infusion period, it manages to release most of the beneficial substances into the liquid. Thanks to their properties, such a concentrate acquires a lot of advantages. It is able to fight a wide range of pests, diseases, and stimulate the growth and development of flowers.

Garlic is a natural antiseptic, and this property can help not only humans, but also plants. The cloves contain a large amount of sulfur, antioxidants, mineral salts, and organic acids. All these elements are in an easily digestible form, and the plant is able to quickly absorb useful substances, which is why such gravy is considered healthy.
Watering an orchid with garlic extract allows:

  • Prevent the occurrence of various fungal diseases.
  • Get rid of viral and bacterial diseases.
  • Destroy small pests.
  • For orchids that have recently been transplanted, this will be a good support for the immune system and will help them take root better in the new soil.
  • Conducts soil disinfection, destruction of infections and pest germs.

When is it best to use?

This healing method can be used in any season of the year. A lot depends on the purpose of watering: is it preventive feeding, or is the activity aimed at combating a harmful organism.

14 days after feeding, large, fresh flowers will appear again.

Contraindications for treatment

Despite the large number of positive properties, It must be taken into account that garlic treatment is not always beneficial. Sometimes it can be destructive for such a delicate plant as an orchid. Therefore, the following points are required to be read.

  1. It is not recommended to use garlic water by spraying during the flowering period. This may destroy the buds.
  2. Also, you should not treat the roots using immersion during this period.
  3. You cannot use this method more than 2-3 times a month.
  4. It is impossible to carry out a course of healing without alternating with conventional watering using the immersion method.
  5. There is no need to use a solution that shows obvious signs of fermentation. This happens if it was in a warm place or stored for a long time.
  6. Do not use a concentrated solution.

The concentrate is made from garlic cloves and water. The water must be settled or filtered. You can use distilled.

Some housewives add succinic acid tablets to the mixture. It enhances the beneficial properties of garlic, makes flowering more luxuriant, and helps rehabilitate plants after cold weather.

The resulting liquid is infused, filtered and used for scheduled irrigation. Some gardeners spray the above-ground parts of plants with the same composition.

Cooking recipe

To make garlic infusion, you need to follow the algorithm:

  1. Prepare garlic, water, kitchen scales, garlic press, dishes with a lid for the solution (jar), saucer.
  2. Peel the garlic. You will need 170 g. We use a knife and a kitchen scale.
  3. Grind the prepared cloves with a garlic press, place this mass in a saucer for convenience.
  4. Pour 1 liter of filtered water into a 1.5-2 liter jar, add garlic, close with a tight lid. The lid must fit well to the neck of the jar, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of the garlic smell in the refrigerator. The water should be slightly warm, 30-37°C.
  5. Place the jar in a dark place (a cabinet under the sink or on the balcony will do) for 5 days.
  6. After 5 days, the solution is ready and can be used. Further storage takes place in the refrigerator.

Another recipe for making water for irrigation:

  1. Peel one head of garlic.
  2. Pour 1 liter of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Use diluted. Proportion: 1 liter of water per 3 tablespoons of infusion.

Reference. You can add succinic acid to the infusion. This is done at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 liter of water. The tablet must be dissolved with hot water. Then cool and add garlic. The shelf life of such a mash is no longer than 3 days.

Treatment is carried out using root and non-root methods. You can fertilize by submerging the flowerpot, or spray on leaves, flowers, and stems.

To add the product, you need to make the solution less concentrated. A good proportion is 1:10, but this is not a mandatory norm.

To fertilize using the immersion method, you need to fill a bucket with water and pour all the prepared concentrate into it. Next, simply immerse the orchid, as with normal watering or washing the roots. When growing in a double-walled pot, this method is very convenient.

Immersion is carried out until the water fills 2/3 of the volume of the pot. The pot should remain in the solution with garlic water for 40 to 180 minutes.. This way, all the beneficial substances can be absorbed into every particle of soil and into every root. After the procedure, you need to place the flowerpot in a basin or sink so that it can independently get rid of excess moisture (it drains within 30 minutes). At the end of the session, you can place the plant on the windowsill or another place.

To make foliar feeding, add the concentrate to a spray bottle and spray the entire plant, or only the damaged areas.

How often to repeat the procedure?

Usually It is recommended to water the garlic as the plant dries out. If you decide to arrange garlic therapy, then you should alternate watering with regular water and garlic water at intervals of 1 time. So, garlic watering will be carried out several times a month. It should not be used often so as not to burn the roots. It is not recommended to use immersion in garlic infusion during the flowering period.

Important! If everything is done correctly, after 14 days a new peduncle should appear, because this is how long it will take for the orchid to absorb the beneficial substances from the infusion.

True, you should not use this method more than several times a month, or during the plant’s dormant period or when it is blooming.

In order for an orchid to feel good and delight people with its beautiful flowers, you need to provide it with proper care. Light, thermal, and water regimes are important. It is necessary to monitor neighboring plants, because diseases can often be transmitted in the neighborhood. And existing diseases should be prevented at an early stage. But if pests have infested, or the flowerpot has withered, before running for expensive fungicides, you should try treatment with garlic extract, and the result may well be surprising in its effectiveness.

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The properties of garlic have been known for a long time. This vegetable plant can strengthen the immune system, help you cope with colds faster, and also become an excellent addition as a spice when preparing a particular dish. Perhaps one would think that this is where all the properties of garlic end, but this is not so, since the vegetable provides invaluable benefits in floriculture. Garlic water for orchids is famous for its miraculous methods, which is why it has become so popular, and most importantly, it is cheap.

Regular garlic water is a solution that is a tincture of garlic. During infusion, this vegetable plant “gives” many beneficial properties to the liquid. The result is an excellent concentrate that can fight many orchid pests, stimulate orchid growth and help with flower development.

Garlic dressing: why is it useful?

Garlic is an excellent antiseptic that can help both people and plants. One clove contains a large amount of organic acids, mineral salts, sulfur, and antioxidants. All the presented components are well absorbed, so phalaenopsis will quickly absorb all the necessary substances. Watering an orchid with garlic means forgetting about many problems with the plant that regularly make themselves felt.

When watering, you can:

  • Destroy small but dangerous pests.
  • Get rid of bacterial and viral diseases.
  • Prevent the appearance of a large number of fungal diseases.
  • Disinfect the soil that was compiled and made with your own hands.
  • Strengthen a flower that has just been transplanted, help it quickly take root in a new place.

Conduct soil disinfection, destruction of infections and pest germs.

When to use garlic water

Watering orchids with garlic water is carried out at any time - when the need arises.

Important! If time is of the essence, then it is better to water the plant when the flower has already faded.

At the same time, if pests have infested the phalaenopsis, then manipulation can be carried out during flowering. In this case, you need to think not about beauty, but about the future of the plant.

Before you start frequently watering your orchid with garlic water, believing that this is a universal method for everything, you should learn about some contraindications.

They are as follows:

  1. During flowering, you should not spray the flower with infused liquid. This will lead to the withering of such beautiful flowers. The same applies to the treatment of roots, when during manipulation they are immersed in garlic water. In general, the presented procedure is performed no more than once every 10–15 days. Not enough is bad, but there is nothing good in too much either.
  2. You cannot constantly water the orchid with infusion or regularly immerse it in this water. You should definitely alternate these two methods.
  3. You should not use water that has already begun to ferment. This usually happens in the summer, when the liquid sits in the sun or in a hot room for several days.
  4. Do not use a concentrated solution. If the tincture turns out “steep”, then the resulting liquid should be diluted.

What is the composition of the mixture?

The mixture contains two main components - garlic and water. The latter must be filtered or settled. You cannot take water from the tap. To increase the healing power of garlic, some gardeners also add succinic acid for orchids. The element allows you to improve flowering, as well as restore the flower after prolonged winter cold. The liquid is infused, filtered, and then the orchid is watered with garlic.

Garlic water recipe

The recipe for garlic water is extremely simple, however, despite this, you need to be careful during the procedure to do everything correctly.

To begin, you should prepare:

  • Garlic press (for crushing garlic).
  • Kitchen scales.
  • Water.
  • Garlic (170 grams).
  • Saucer.
  • A saucepan or jar.

The garlic must be peeled and crushed. Next, the product should be poured into a saucer. A jar or other container must be filled with one liter of water and the prepared garlic should be poured into it. The resulting mixture is tightly closed with a lid. It is better to use cool water, but not cold. At the next stage, the container with the infusion will need to be put in a dark place for five days (a refrigerator or pantry will do). After this, the solution can be used.

If the gardener is going to use liquid for irrigation, then you can prepare garlic water for watering orchids as follows:

  1. Take one head of garlic and peel it thoroughly.
  2. At the same moment, one liter of water is boiled, which is then poured over the vegetable plant.
  3. The mixture is infused for twenty minutes.

At this point, the water can be considered ready; only the resulting liquid should be diluted before use. To do this, take one liter of water and add 3 tablespoons of tincture to it. If you plan to add succinic acid, then add one tablet to one liter of water. This kind of mash cannot be stored for more than three days, because it spoils.

How is watering carried out?

There are no special conditions for watering phalaenopsis with garlic extract. The only thing that should be said is that the non-root method and the root method can be used. If desired, you can lower the flowerpot with the flower into the solution, or you can spray the stem or leaves. Some also water the flowers, but as already mentioned, this should not be done unless necessary, because all the buds immediately fall off.

During immersion, you need to make sure that the flowerpot does not float completely; it is enough for the liquid to cover two-thirds of the container. The roots will get wet already, so you don’t need to worry about this moment. The flower is left in garlic baths for a minimum of 40 minutes, and a maximum of 4 hours. This is the time that is necessary for all the beneficial substances to be absorbed into the roots and soil.

After the manipulation, the flowerpot must be placed on a tray and allowed to stand for 30–50 minutes so that all excess liquid drains away. Then the flower can be removed to its usual place.

Foliar feeding involves spraying. This is done from a spray bottle. The procedure is carried out until the orchid is completely wet.

How often is watering performed?

Garlic watering of orchids is carried out as the soil dries. At the same time, you cannot always use garlic alone. The plant also needs ordinary clean water. Therefore, after “bathing” the phalaenopsis in a clean liquid, next time it may already be a garlic solution. It will be possible to carry out therapeutic watering at least twice a month - this will be quite enough. Without following this rule, after a while you may notice that the plant begins to die. This happens because garlic burns the root system. Everything should always be in moderation.

Important! If you do everything correctly, in a couple of weeks you will be able to pay attention to a new peduncle, which will delight you with lush and beautiful flowering.

In addition, during the dormant period, the flower should also not be touched, because without resting it will begin to bear fruit, and this will affect its immunity, or rather, its weakening. After this, various diseases may follow, many of which are quite difficult to eliminate.

An orchid is a non-capricious plant, but it should be cared for correctly, following all the instructions. Only in this case will the flower delight with its beauty and riot of flowering. If pests or diseases do make themselves known, then there is no need to purchase expensive chemicals, because you can start with garlic, which sometimes copes with troubles much better than various fungicides.

Garlic water for orchids is a homemade liquid remedy that is used to care for plants.. Garlic infusion is prepared from crushed cloves. Garlic is poured with water at room temperature and infused for several days (from 3 to 7). During this time, the active elements enrich the water and saturate it with beneficial properties. You can speed up the cooking process by pouring boiling water over the garlic. In this case, the infusion will be ready in 30-40 minutes.

Why is pouring infusion into the flower so beneficial?

Garlic is one of the natural antiseptics and natural growth stimulants. One clove contains many useful elements:

These microelements in their combination are easily digestible, therefore when feeding with garlic water, the orchid quickly absorbs and assimilates nutrients. The effect of use occurs within a few days.

What is the effect?

  1. Protection and disposal of small colonies of orchid pests.
  2. Preventing the occurrence of fungal diseases.
  3. Rapid recovery and restoration of the plant (after illnesses or cold weather).
  4. Stimulation of the development of the root system.
  5. Active growth of green mass.
  6. Acceleration and extension of the flowering period.
  7. Supports the plant's immune system.

When is it best to use?

Garlic water can be used to improve the health of your home beauty at any time of the year.. It is advisable to carry out the treatment after active flowering: this completely reduces the risk of harming the orchid.

The orchid has stopped growing, it doesn’t bloom, but it doesn’t get sick and there are no signs of pest attack? In such conditions, you can change the location of the pot and monitor the humidity level. It is also recommended to start watering with garlic water. Garlic infusion will stimulate the orchid root system and after 3-5 days the situation may improve.

What are the contraindications?

In some cases, treatment with the presented infusion can lead to damage or even death of the home plant.

In what cases is spraying prohibited?

What is included in the mixture?

The recipe presented usually contains only garlic and water. For preparation, use settled or filtered water. It is also acceptable to use distilled water. Garlic is peeled and chopped using a sharp knife, grater or garlic press.

Many gardeners add succinic acid to garlic infusion.. This substance enhances the beneficial properties of fertilizing: the buds become elastic, the flowers become lush and bright, the root system is strengthened.

Advice: Treatment with garlic water with the addition of succinic acid is best done after cold weather. This mixture will allow the orchid to adapt faster and easier after winter.

Half a tablet of succinic acid is required for 500 ml of liquid. It only needs to be diluted in hot water (first dilute the acid, wait until it cools and add chopped garlic). The shelf life of the infusion with acid is no more than 3 days..

Step by step instructions

The following provides detailed information on how to prepare the infusion, how to apply it and how often to repeat the procedure. Accurate adherence to the recommendations will improve the condition of your home orchid in a short time and avoid negative consequences.

Making garlic infusion is easy. There are 2 main recipes that differ only in the temperature of the water used.

Recipe with distilled water

  1. Peel 200 g of garlic.
  2. We grind the raw materials. You can use a sharp knife, garlic press, or other utensils of your choice.
  3. Pour filtered or distilled water into a 1.5-2 liter jar. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, the optimal value is 36 degrees. Add chopped garlic, close the lid tightly.
  4. Place the jar with the solution in a dark place and store there for 3 to 7 days.
  5. After the infusion period has expired, take out the jar and strain the finished solution.
  6. Garlic water should be stored in the refrigerator.

Quick infusion in 40 minutes

  1. Preparing garlic (150-200 g). Peeling, grinding to a pulp.
  2. Next, the raw material must be poured with 1 liter of boiling water and covered with a lid.
  3. Leave the solution for up to 40 minutes.
  4. Strain the prepared garlic water, apply in the proportion of 3-4 tbsp per 1 liter of water.

It is forbidden to water orchids with garlic water straight from the refrigerator.. Pour out the required amount of liquid, wait until it reaches room temperature and only then process it.

How to deposit?

Watering can be carried out in 2 options: root or foliar treatment.

  • Root. It is carried out by immersion method.
    1. Liquid is poured into a deep container (basin, bucket) and the orchid that is in the pot is lowered.
    2. Water should fill the pot 2/3 full.
    3. Next, the plant is left in the solution for a period of 40 minutes to 2 hours. Such a long time will allow the root system of the plant to absorb all the beneficial elements.
    4. After this time, the plant is placed in the sink for 30-35 minutes to drain off excess moisture.
  • Foliar treatment. Produced using a spray bottle. Dilute garlic water is poured into the container of the device and the orchid leaves are sprayed.

How often do you fertilize?

Attention: Garlic water is used to feed and stimulate growth, as well as if the green parts of the orchid begin to dry out.

The use of the infusion must be alternated with regular watering (perform every other time). So, treatment with garlic will occur several times a month, but no more than 3. Excessive watering with such water can cause burns or even death of the plant.

Probably every Orchid lover is familiar with the situation when a favorite plant stubbornly refuses to bloom, despite all the favorable conditions created. In such cases, the flower needs a little help and stimulation to bloom. One way to achieve this is to water the orchids with garlic. Intrigued? Then read on.

Of course, we will not water with the garlic itself, but with garlic water. The healing properties of the vegetable are familiar to us all; it turns out that its effect on plants is no less useful: garlic is a natural antiseptic that helps fight most pests that live on indoor plants, and also has a certain stimulating effect.

Indications for use

Watering orchids with garlic is indicated in cases where your favorite stubbornly refuses to bloom. At the same time, it feels great, actively grows foliage, develops the root system, not a single trace of the presence of pests is visible on it, and yet the orchid does not bloom. You can try another, more extreme method, and slightly “scare” the plant - limit watering or change temperature conditions, but we suggest using more gentle measures to begin with. In addition, garlic infusion will have a preventive effect, protecting your pet from the possible development of infections.

How to make an infusion

Garlic water for watering orchids is prepared simply: you need to take about 0.5 liters of warm, settled water, add 6 cloves of garlic, passed through a garlic press, tightly close the container and leave for 24 hours until the desired moment. Or you can slightly improve the “fertilizer” recipe and prepare the same thing, only with succinic acid. After all, everyone knows that succinic acid can simply become an indispensable element for orchids - it improves the rooting process, stimulates lush flowering, and increases plant resistance to adverse factors. In addition, it is used if urgent resuscitation of the orchid is necessary, for example, after frostbite. Why not combine 2 products?

So, if you want to make an infusion with succinic acid, you will need half a tablet for the above 500 ml of water. Just keep in mind that the acid is diluted with hot water, otherwise the substance will not dissolve. Therefore, first dilute it, and only then add garlic when the composition has cooled a little. And one more thing: if garlic for orchids can be stored for some time, then adding succinic acid, you will have to use the infusion in the next 3 days, after which the solution cannot be used.

Watering instructions

So, the solution is ready, the orchid is too, you can begin the process. To do this, dilute the infusion in a bucket of warm, settled water, and water your pets with the resulting water as usual, using the immersion method.

Tip: before diluting the garlic infusion, strain it, then the specific aroma will not be so pronounced.

True, you should not use this method more than several times a month, or during the plant’s dormant period or when it is blooming. If everything is done correctly, after 14 days a new peduncle should appear, because this is how long it will take for the orchid to absorb the beneficial substances from the infusion.

What you won’t do to make your favorite plant happy with flowers! You can also make garlic water, especially since it’s simple and affordable!

Video “Watering an orchid with garlic water”

From this video you will learn about the benefits of watering an orchid with garlic water.