Marine style in interior design. Marine style in the interior (55 photos): examples of apartment design Home decor on a marine theme

As you know, there is nothing more fickle than fashion. However, sometimes thanks to her, we can remember the forgotten trends.

We are talking about the marine style in the interior, which was quite popular 100 or more years ago. Unfortunately, subsequently the popularity of this style practically disappeared. However, the nautical fashion is back. Moreover, this concerns not only interior design, but also clothing, accessories, as well as decor items. This is not surprising, and has several reasons, especially with regard to the popularization of such interiors in large cities.

Of course, the design of a room in a marine style has both advantages and disadvantages. In this case, of course, the first - much more. Serenity, lightness and some romanticism - all this can somewhat brighten up all the tension that accumulates among residents of large cities in everyday life. Therefore, it is by no means accidental that in the interior of a children's room, kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom and other premises, it is the marine theme that is increasingly being used.

What you need to know when planning an interior

This is not to say that decorating a room in a marine style was a cheap pleasure. Of course, a variety of decor items, especially the most exotic of them, have a fairly high price. If we talk about rooms in which elements of this style can be used, then it should be noted that it is quite universal. This means that you can decorate the interior of a room in a marine style (by doing it yourself, by the way), in rooms such as a bedroom, living room (hall), bathroom, and, especially, a children's room.

The nautical style in interior design is quite pronounced and individual, as it is largely different from any other style. Moreover, not only the colors and materials of the walls differ, whether it be paint or wallpaper, but also how the lighting is done, what decor and furniture items are used, as well as how the space as a whole is used. When designing, it is very important to imagine in advance what exactly you would like to receive as a result.

Key Features

Despite the fact that over time, some features of this style have changed, its main features still remain unchanged. In short, and try to give the most common of them, you get something like this list:

  • A combination of blue (light blue) and white.
  • Using the theme of fish and other marine life.
  • Antique pieces of furniture.
  • Models of sea vessels or decor stylized as parts of them.
  • Active use of wood in the interior.
  • Striped decorative elements.
  • Stones, shells and other "souvenirs" from the depths of the sea.
  • Fabric that symbolizes sails.

All this is to the liking of those people who like not only to spend their holidays on the seashore, but in general, are imbued with the ideas of sea romance and, as a rule, are active travelers or fans of the corresponding TV channels. To a large extent, the color scheme used contributes to proper relaxation.

How to finish

In itself, when designing a marine interior, one should remember that the emphasis is placed, first of all, on antiquity. In former times, artificial materials produced by the chemical industry were not used. No matter how trite it may sound, but in their origin they were natural materials.

Thus, if you are planning a nautical-style interior, pay attention to the choice of suitable materials for decoration. And, as you can guess, it should be, first of all, natural materials made on the basis of natural raw materials. First of all, we are talking about wood of various species (pine, larch, oak, ash and maple, as well as bamboo, although it is not a tree according to the biological classification.

Attention! The use of tiles is not recommended!

Indeed, despite the fact that ceramic tiles are materials of natural origin, since they are made from clay, they are not recommended to be used. And even more so, interior design experts do not recommend using laminate, linoleum and other similar coatings.

On the other hand, lining is well suited for finishing the mill. You can use plaster for interior work, especially in cases where you can beautifully complement it with original accessories. Marine-style wallpapers are also suitable, which differ in specific patterns and ornaments. In addition, with proper planning, it is quite acceptable to use photo wallpapers that have a marine theme. All the main recommendations can be applied to the ceiling, which is best finished with natural materials.

Use of colors

Among the colors that are the most common in a marine style, it is necessary to note the natural shades inherent in the seascape. In addition, one cannot ignore those colors that are associated in the depths of the sea. If we talk about the most popular tones, then these are, first of all:

  • Blue and its shades (from light blue to dark).
  • Aquamarine.
  • Beige, white and sand colors.
  • Dark gray shades (reminiscent of rocks).
  • Azure, emerald and turquoise.

As you can see, all of them, to one degree or another, are associated with various marine beauties. As for the combination, colors such as white and blue are considered the most compatible. And in addition to them, you can use certain additional shades. You can also use the traditional natural combination of green with brown or its shades, which will symbolize the greenery on the shore. As for colors such as azure and turquoise, they can best be combined with light tones, which were mentioned just above. We are talking about sand, light beige and other tones. Such combinations will remind you of exotic beaches.

We must not forget about bright colors and combinations in a marine style. They will be able to remind you of the exotic inhabitants of the southern seas and oceans, as well as hint at the presence of corals and other flora from the bottom of the sea. We are talking about coral, yellow, orange and other bright shades. They are also quite suitable for nautical interiors, despite the fact that they are not the most popular tones.

Lamps and sconces

Lighting in a room, the interior of which is decorated in a marine style, is an extremely important point, since the role of light in such rooms is very large. Of course, there is often bad weather and storms at sea. However, most of us associate the sea with beaches and sunshine. So, if possible, use large windows (we are talking, first of all, about country houses and cottages, and not about city apartments with standard glazing). In addition, translucent or frosted interior doors can also be an excellent additional solution.

Sometimes in such interiors it is allowed to use lamps that in their form resemble various marine objects or even sea inhabitants. It must be borne in mind that when we talk about lighting, we mean not only ceiling lamps, chandeliers or large floor lamps, but also small decorative lamps. The latter can be stylized under the marine theme, resembling shells, starfish or small fish.

And further! When thinking about the shape of the lamp, don't forget that you can also use different colors.

Finishing the conversation about lighting in a marine interior, it should be noted that when buying a lamp, you can make a choice in favor of the so-called "cold" or "warm" light. To a large extent, the choice depends on the specific room and the surroundings that are presented in it.

Selection of furniture, textiles and curtains

As noted above, the main feature of interiors made in a marine style is the use of natural finishes. The same, by the way, applies to home textiles. Therefore, you can safely choose wooden cabinets, chests of drawers, whatnots. By the way, you can give a special charm to such an interior by using slightly aged furniture,.

Besides! An interesting detail can be an old chest, harmoniously integrated into the general environment.

It can be added that the rope will become an interesting and quite justified solution in terms of style. It can play both a functional and a purely decorative role. Although, it cannot be said with certainty that the rope can be attributed to home textiles, despite the similar production technology. As noted above, the use of a strip can be a great option.

Striped details, especially textile ones, have always been considered one of the characteristic features of the nautical style in the interior. As a rule, we are talking about white and blue stripes, but there may be other options. Striped motifs can be used not only in furniture upholstery, but also when choosing curtains, curtains, bedspreads, blankets, tablecloths and other home textiles, including in the children's room of a boy or girl.

Additional decor

I would like to note right away that it is impossible, as they say, to overdo it when it comes to choosing items for decorating the marine interior of the room. Try, nevertheless, to leave more free space in the room, and if possible, at the same time get rid of something superfluous. Regarding the various decor options, you can pay attention to the following accessories for a marine style in the interior:

  1. An interesting solution could be a map, photo wallpaper in the form of old geographical signs or a globe.
  2. A small model of a ship (it's best if it's a sailboat).
  3. Floor vases reminiscent of ancient amphorae.
  4. If we are talking about a children's room or a cottage, then a wicker hammock can be an excellent accessory.
  5. In the children's room, you can hang a lifebuoy from the wall.
  6. Of course, we must not forget about the aquarium with exotic fish.
  7. Vintage or antique clock on the wall, it is possible with a pendulum.
  8. If you like a fishing theme, consider using small pieces of fishing nets.
  9. Shells and sea pebbles will complement your interior.

It must be remembered that if your room is large enough, you can safely use indoor plants of a sufficiently large size. Palm trees are an example. However, even in small and narrow spaces, you can always plant small houseplants in pots or decorative planters.

All attention to details!

We must not lose sight of the fact that some solutions may suit such an interior, and some, on the contrary, will look, to put it mildly, strange and out of place.

Therefore, in order for the interior to be stylish, you can pay attention to some useful tips:

  • Try to use mirrors more actively.
  • The blue color should not be very dark as it will make the room look too dark.
  • If the interior, nevertheless, contains too dark tones, try to “dilute” them with bright and juicy “accents”.
  • Do not use artificial finishing materials, as mentioned above.
  • Try to have more free space in the interior. In very small rooms it is better to use some other style.
  • The color of the furniture should be light or brown. Avoid dark colors.
  • It would be better if the main color of the walls is white or some other light color scheme.
  • Contrasting combinations can be used very advantageously. This applies to both colors and materials.
  • Avoid clutter with lots of decorative items.

Be that as it may, one more circumstance must be taken into account. Many experts do not recommend decorating each room of an apartment or a country house in the same style, and, even more so, in the same color scheme. Sooner or later, this approach will “turn away” even the most zealous fans of a particular interior style. The sea is no exception. So, it is better to take this advice into account and equip the interior space of different rooms of the apartment in different styles, or at least not use the same colors. The pictures in this article will help you get more interesting ideas on how to arrange an interior that would remind you of a vacation on a yacht, a beach, or simply be associated with sea adventures, distant wanderings and geographical discoveries.

Photo gallery of marine interiors that you can do with your own hands:

The marine style in the interior is loved by almost everyone, since its main criteria are freedom, as well as the anticipation of distant wanderings. In addition, this style helps to visually expand and fill the room with "air", and this is a particularly important point in the design of modern city apartments.

Nautical style interior

If you have definitely decided to create an interior in a marine style, it is important to consider a few nuances. First of all: you should not show the full breadth of your freedom-loving soul and equip the entire apartment in a similar style. If one sea room really will be a kind of "oasis" at home and help to relax and unwind, then the whole room in the style of the seven seas can "put pressure" on the psyche, in addition, constantly being in the same color contrasts, you will be haunted by a feeling of deja vu. So decide on the choice of room: especially since the marine style is suitable for decorating absolutely any of them.

Color palette

The main colors of the interior in a marine style are, of course, blue and white, as well as the variety of their shades. Additionally, "beach" and "ship" colors are used: sand, light brown, ocher, golden, as well as the colors of the sky at sunset. Also an integral solution is a strip or various patterns in the form of marine knots. Combinations can be both soft and contrasting, it depends on what you want to do in the room: highlight a bright accent or make it more spacious. Despite the fact that deep blue tones have a calming effect, you need to be careful with them, because a dimly lit room in such a solution will simply be gloomy. If you decide on a nautical-style interior solely because of the blue in the color scheme, dilute it with light-colored furniture and curtains, and add bright artificial lighting.

Decor elements

Decor in the interior of a marine style is a paradise for those who love to travel and bring all sorts of summer memories from different countries. Well, finally, you can put shells on the shelves, put cute pictures of seascapes and even models of old ships there.

All this, of course, will be more than appropriate, but! Try to restrain yourself and not turn your room into a storage room: the details should decorate, not narrow the space. In addition to the above items, old shabby suitcases (which can also serve as storage or a table), ship gear, and textiles with marine symbols will be appropriate. You can also use small lanterns instead of lamps and a decorative ship's steering wheel. Or maybe you also have a bottle in which the treasure map is hidden? Put it in a prominent place! Light-colored curtains made from natural fabrics, such as linen or cotton (even from unbleached linen), should be hung on the windows. If the room is very small, the use of blinds would be a good solution: this way you will hide from prying eyes and at the same time do not violate the overall integrity of the situation.

Ship or beach?

The marine style in the interior has two branches: either you create a room in your apartment filled with the rays of the sun and the distant sound of the waves, or you make an impromptu ship's cabin with maps on the walls and functional details.

Quite often, they try to combine both of these branches, and it turns out something like a dwelling in the spirit of the memories of an old sea dog. This is undoubtedly a very romantic option, especially if you like all the elements of a nautical style put together and you just can’t refuse any of them. But from the point of view of practicality, it is still better to select a variety of marine style based on the metric realities of the room. For example, for a children's room, the ship's style will be just perfect: bunk beds will fit very harmoniously into the overall interior, the mess will not look like chaos, but the dwelling of sailors, and in the morning you can break in there with a clear conscience and shout "Whistle everyone upstairs! Arrr!" "

The same goes for the bathroom. - it will no longer be a tiny room "in cramped, but not offended", now it will be a real ship's cabin with many interesting and ingenious devices.

And what can we say about the kitchen, which is always the object of close attention regarding how to expand it, or at least "shove" everything and more there. This is no longer a kitchen! This is a ship's galley, in which all items have a functional use. Such a galley kitchen will be perfectly combined with a variety of drawers, cabinets, which in combination will play the role of a table or chair.

Happy sailing!

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“The sea, the sea, the bottomless world…” These lines from a song about the sea become relevant as the summer season approaches, the time when you can make long-awaited vacation plans. But what if you once again flew by with sweet dreams, stumbled over an acute shortage of money?

Everything is simple. You need to set a certain mood and a relaxing atmosphere at home - create a room interior in a marine style!

Nautical style interior - positive course

Ever since people began to travel in the Age of Discovery, the sea has never ceased to excite them. The most ardent fans of the breeze and the sound of the surf even created a separate trend, a style, starting to decorate their dwellings with ship attributes and marine-themed decor. It has been observed that individual nautical elements fit perfectly into the design of the living room, bathroom, nursery and kitchen.

When designing fashionable houses and apartments, designers have been successfully using the ocean and sea direction for many years, each time interpreting the style in a new way. But even with all its diversity, the marine style is very recognizable, primarily due to the observance of certain basics.

The main rules for interior design in a marine style

1. Nautical style colors - tricolor

Blue (from turquoise to dark blue), red and snow-white (the true colors of the navy) - they are assigned the role of the main violin.

This is a classic. And without it in any way, because it is always win-win and relevant.

It is allowed to use black, beige and gold, sparkling under the rays of the sun. In general, this style is peacefully tuned to any natural shades: water, sun and sand.

Therefore, in the decoration of furniture, creamy, coral, beige, herbal, orange and gray shades will be quite appropriate.

Despite some simplicity, an apartment decorated in a marine style always looks elegant. This feeling arises from the large number of high quality natural materials and white color.

But, in order to create real coziness and comfort in the house, psychologists advise not to make only one color dominant in all rooms - in such an environment, even people with a stable psyche will be subject to a depressive mood.

That is, there is no need to try to immediately decorate the entire apartment in blue and white. It is better to single out the most lighted rooms for the marine style, the windows of which face south or east.

2. Natural materials for marine interiors

Nautical design has become incredibly popular due to its festivity and brightness. Everything in it from motifs, shapes and shades gives a feeling of summer, salt spray and fresh sea wind. The integrity of the style is given by finishing materials, saving on which is unacceptable. Plastic and cheap synthetics will simply reduce the construction of a classic marine interior to nothing.

Let us dwell on the finishing materials for the floor, walls and ceiling, the most typical for the water direction.

Nautical style walls

To give the space a touch of freshness, in wall decoration they most often use plain light paint, plaster “powdered” with sand or marine-style painting, after which they decorate with shelves, steering wheels or anchors;

the accent wall is pasted over with wallpaper in stripes or with a large pattern corresponding to a given theme, against a background of light colors; or lined with aged clapboard, which will imitate the skin of a pirate ship; to create expressive color spots on the walls, it is recommended to use large and small mosaics or ceramic panels, which in this case will be appropriate not only in the bathroom, but also in the kitchen, nursery or living room.

Marine style floor, what to use?

Parquet or laminate, as if bleached by the salty waters of the ocean;

rough tiles with a mosaic of pebbles, shells or sand; realistic self-leveling floors with 3D effect; glossy laminate with discreet texture;

wooden floorboards such as ash, maple or bamboo;

natural sand-colored carpet, matting or cork flooring; the main attribute of the seashore is pebbles (smooth pebbles can be used to decorate both separate sections of the floor, as well as walls, arches, doorways).

Ceiling in a marine style

A good way to beat a low ceiling (2.5 m or less) is to paint it with a light paint (for example, whitish blue);

to give the atmosphere a relaxing effect, recreating the effect of a tropical sea, you can additionally decorate the ceiling with themed ceiling hanging structures; in some cases (for example, in bathrooms or children's rooms), it is allowed to deviate from the basic concept of the marine style - monotony and mount a multi-level structure on the ceiling in the form of three-dimensional 3D elements - chaotic waves, which, casting in many turquoise shades, create a feeling of volume and depth; Naked (open) ceiling beams made of mahogany, oak or pine will add color to the marine interior.

If it is not recommended to save on the decoration of floor and wall coverings, then when choosing interior items for decorating a room “a la the sea”, you don’t have to bother too much.

Marine furniture, or literally everything will do:

  • inexpensive;
  • wooden (wicker);
  • white (blue, tan, blue);
  • artificially or naturally aged;
  • neat;
  • neutral (futuristic compositions and shiny facades are unacceptable).

In a marine theme, light, simple and slightly rough pieces of furniture will be appropriate. Perhaps with matte surfaces and light scuffs.

But! If you want more subtle associations (for example, relaxing on a snow-white yacht), then nothing prevents you from furnishing square meters with furniture made of MDF panels or white plastic. Enough of a non-massive soft corner, a sofa and a pair of comfortable chairs. A wicker basket, a compact table made of tempered thick glass, a chest of drawers somewhat reminiscent of a pirate chest, and a locker in a given theme. And voila! The nautical image of the room is almost complete.

(At the same time, there should not be any hints of complex forms and pompous luxury in the interior of a marine-style house!).

"Beach Bungalow" in itself implies a bright and unobtrusive interior, so it is not recommended to litter it with unnecessary furniture. And in general, the illusion of spaciousness should be created not from pieces of furniture, but from a larger-scale redevelopment - the demolition of extra walls, the expansion of door and window openings.

Tip: In order to interestingly and qualitatively beat the interior with the help of snow-white furniture, it is necessary to supplement it with intriguing accessories, which in this case will carry the main semantic load (in combination with shades of blue and red, white always looks more festive and bright).

The material was prepared for the site

4. Expressive details: decor items in a marine style

Accessories, characteristic details, elements and all sorts of little things, as a result, form a whole picture. And for this it is not at all necessary to buy extremely expensive decor and stuff the house hard with it (the room should not resemble a display cabinet with treasures).

Creating an exclusive atmosphere of the sea in the room is easy! You just need to fill it with well-thought-out things that will remind you of summer 365 days a year:

light textiles - unpretentious and comfortable: muslin curtains, linen pillowcases, cotton rugs;

You can fully reveal the marine theme with the help of: anchors, starfish, transparent vases filled with sea sand and shells, paintings depicting the sea, chests, ropes and other attributes of the ship element;

a relaxed cheerful atmosphere in the room will be created by bright textile elements with white and blue stripes or other optimistic patterns;

the most win-win option is the contrast of natural textured surfaces (in a marine interior, you can use such organic materials as straw, coarse sisal fibers along with glass, velvet and laminate);

decorate the space with lamps, the shapes and textures of which are associated with the sea and ships (old kerosene lamps made of polished steel will give a special charm to the interior of a living room or bedroom in a marine style);

clock, in the form of a steering wheel or round mirrors, designed as portholes of a ship or submarine;

bamboo sculptures;

photos from a holiday on the coast;

themed dishes;

barometer, compass or spyglass;

decorative mesh attached to the ceiling, balustrade or stairs;

it is possible to reveal the style as much as possible by using one of the options for weaving marine knots (unusually and very beautifully complex patterns look on a black background under the glass of a coffee table);

an aquarium with neon, bright fish easily becomes a decorative highlight of the marine interior or even the center of the overall composition.

You need to understand that interior design in a marine style is the embodiment of aesthetics, freedom and (most importantly) good taste. That is why the presence of a sense of proportion is so important when decorating a space.

Marine style windows for the wind of change

Sunlight will spread freely throughout the house, and in the summer it will smell even in February, if you urgently get rid of blind curtains and thick blinds that block light. Is it impossible to take such constructive actions? Are your windows disappointingly small? Then it is not forbidden to compensate for the lack of sunlight with artificial sources of lighting: spotlights, lamps and floor lamps.

Curtains in a marine style, like a sail for a room

In the ship's captain's cabin, instead of a bedroom, or on a pirate schooner, instead of a living room, curtains should imitate wind, ocean and waves at the same time. The material of the curtains should be like sails, strong and practical at the same time, or like a fishing net intercepted by a rope fringe, or like an air cloud falling from heaven.

For example, the marine style in the interior of the living room most often involves combined, lush folds of curtains, decorated with fancy bandeau lambrequins, drapery or embroidery. They bring a breath of fresh air into the room, turning an ordinary breeze into a light sea breeze.

If we talk about the interior of a bedroom in a marine style, then here, of course, it is better to use thick fabrics for curtains - velvet, silk or brocade. They will reliably hide the room from the morning sun and provide a good rest.

A separate theme is curtains for a nursery in a marine style - a place in the house where nothing prevents the imagination from roaming.

Interior of a children's room in a marine style for a young captain

The main rule is no heaps, only the necessary items

Toddlers (and many adults, too) need bright colors to make their lives joyful and carefree. And all children, without exception, equally like to play in a room stylized as a submarine, the deck of a ship, a golden beach or the kingdom of Neptune.

Using a good example, we will show how to decorate a nursery with your own hands using several design techniques:

When decorating a room, it is not necessary to decorate the entire space, but only the play area (the bedroom must be kept in calm, bright colors).

The accent wall can be decorated with a painting of the underwater world, and a blue podium can be built nearby, while the outer side of which will be finished with sea pebbles, corals or shells.

On the "beach" you can install an easy chair, a miniature straw table and an aquarium with fish.

A bungalow or a little pirate's ship suggests a lot of decor. Steering wheels, nets, ropes, chests, ladders, maps and models of sailboats are the details that make childhood truly happy.

To create a positive marine mood in the room, it is better to dilute the blue-white color scheme with yellow and red tones.

The berth should be in the shape of a boat or have a fence (like a cockpit on a ship).

A modern modular system will successfully fit into a children's interior in a marine style - furniture with the decor of famous inhabitants of the seas: fish, seahorses, whales, sharks. And if a bed is equipped in the upper tier, then under it is a working (play) area or a dressing room.

You can make a sail out of a multi-layered curtain and a coarse rope and partially curtain a child's bed with it.

Photo wallpapers and paintings for a nursery in a marine style, psychologists recommend choosing with your child, there is only one condition - they should depict dolphins, the sea, islands, fish or seagulls.

The ship's cabin room must be equipped with a false shock, which can be made using a niche in the wall and durable plexiglass. Behind such a window, you can install neon lights.

Advice for those who decide to make a children's marine theme with their own hands on a limited budget - to create a fabulous island, it is not necessary to change the furniture. It is really possible to radically change the look of a child's room with the help of a small cosmetic repair (wallpaper plywood) and replacement of textiles: pillows, bedspreads and curtains. It's cheap, but tasteful.

Polundra! All aboard! Nautical style bathroom interior

When planning a bathroom redesign, many people confuse the Mediterranean style with the nautical one. Yes, both of them do not accept pomp and luxury, they love the sea, light, comfort and simplicity, and at the same time they are closely “friends” with white and blue.

But while having some common features, they are actually very different. The Mediterranean interior involves the use of a huge number of natural colors and shades, while the marine one is limited to three or four. Plumbing with a forged frame or forged legs can easily fit in a Mediterranean bathroom. In a marine style, the bathroom is striking in its accessibility. She has no specific requests, you can not do without only one thing - a cheerful design.

Pebbles, shells, coral-shaped soap dishes, good-natured dolphins on the walls, schools of fish on the ceiling - everything in the sea bath is full of elegant accessories. Fortunately, today's market provides a lot of opportunities to turn a typical, dull bathroom (for example, in Khrushchev) into a piece of paradise in the middle of the stone jungle.

When choosing materials for the interior design of a marine-themed bathroom, preference should be given to blue, blue and white shades - these colors will not only create a feeling of comfort and tranquility, but also visually enlarge the space.

In the decoration of walls and floors in the bathroom, mosaics and ceramic tiles will be the most practical option. You can lay the floor with parquet or laminate in the form of a plank deck. As an option, use self-leveling floors with spectacular seascapes.

The bathroom mirror does not have to be styled like a porthole, for example, you can decorate its frame with large shells and pebbles.

How to decorate a marine style in the interior with your own hands

You can reproduce such an interior on your own if you listen to the advice of professionals and be interested in fashion trends.

First, you need to decide on the concept and choose a design theme.

A nautical-style room can be decorated as:

  1. Cabin of a ship or yacht
  2. Deck of a sea vessel
  3. Sea bottom
  4. Pirate schooner

Remember that the interior of an apartment in a marine style is a very creative design option, in which not all rooms are involved. A reminder of a wonderful vacation can be a bathroom and a kitchen, a bedroom, a living room or a nursery. But not all the premises at once (only if the owners do not live near the seashore - in this case, the situation obliges).

Thus, when starting to repair a bedroom or kitchen in a marine style, at the very beginning it is necessary to imagine how the final picture will look like. And only then think, plan and draw up a project. Good luck!

Surely, the photos of bright marine interiors presented in the article will become an inspiration for decorating the room of a traveler, pirate, sailor or captain.

Marine style in the interior of the house makes the space airy, free, functional. Previously, the interior of a country house in a marine style was considered aerobatics, today city apartments are also decorated in this style.

Any room can be decorated in a marine theme. It doesn't require complex items. The space can easily be transformed into a Mediterranean paradise. Any person can afford such a design, regardless of the state of his finances.


The nautical theme can be seen quite clearly in modern apartments. Any person, entering such a room, will immediately understand the stylistic idea, and all because the design has bright distinctive characteristics.

The interior is done in blue, white and brown cold colors. The blue gamma can have many tones: from blue to turquoise. White color is most often used in its pure form, sometimes beige, milky, caramel shades are acceptable.

The marine interior is built on contrasting colors. Pastel shades are combined with rich blues, browns, dark greens and purples.

Some designers use warm colors to create an underwater-themed space. Elements are made in red, yellow, cream colors. The interior in a marine style does not tolerate a complex, multi-component color scheme.

Water motifs should not overload the room. It must remain airy. In a small room, a minimum of details is used. For a standard room, one main color is used, which is complemented by a contrasting shade and a couple of bright details.

It is optimal to use materials and objects made of natural wood, cork, stone, etc. in the design of the house. For children's rooms, you can use hemp, canvas materials, sandstone.

Water motifs are recognizable due to their patterns. Rooms with this design are decorated with striped wallpaper or wallpaper with drawings of anchors, waves, clouds. Sometimes patterns are combined with each other. For a small room, it is better to choose one basic pattern.

Furniture for rooms is chosen from solid wood, the seats of armchairs and sofas are covered with canvas, linen, cotton fabric or matting. The setting should be concise. To support the theme, they use low furniture, reminiscent of a ship.

Sometimes in the design you can find rattan furniture, which helps to recreate the atmosphere of southern resorts in the apartment.

Items of this theme are often made by hand.

Which rooms are suitable for

Any room can be decorated in a marine style, but bathrooms or children's rooms look the most advantageous. Sometimes bedrooms and living rooms are decorated this way.

To decorate the room, you need to choose a special color scheme and the right furniture. The interior includes a marine theme: shells, anchors, sandstone. The curtains in the room should be translucent, and the tulle should be weightless. Wooden blinds are installed on the window. They are decorated with shells. Wall murals depicting ships, palm trees or the ocean are glued to one of the walls. The room focuses on the ceiling. It can be not just white and stretchy, designers offer ceilings in plain blue or white with painted clouds.

Color combinations

To decorate the room, you should stick to the blue and white palette, diluting it with natural wood materials. At first glance, this design may seem simple, but it is not. There must be harmony in the room.

From year to year, the fashion for shades of blue changes. Recently, designers have settled on light, blue shades. The marine interior is classic, which implies the obligatory use of a dark blue color called navy (marine). This shade is deep and quite calm. Marine design suggests using this color when decorating windows or as upholstery for a headset. Sofa cushions, carpets look original in this color.

When decorating the walls, several colors are combined. For example, they glue contrasting striped wallpapers. The glued wall is used as a color spot for accessories. A room for a child should be fun, so it is diluted with colored elements, shells. Orange or red details are brought into such a room. You can create decor with your own hands.

Some designers oppose the use of black shades when decorating a home. Black destroys the airy nautical design.

Recently, the interior in a marine style is diluted with beige tones. Warm shades: milky, caramel, ecru enrich the interior, make it calm, warm and serene.

In the living room

The apartment must be made in a single style. Rooms should not contradict each other in design. The living room should be decorated in a marine style if the general view of the apartment is close to Mediterranean standards.

When designing a living room, we advise you to consider which side the windows face. For a marine style, rooms with a view to the south or west are selected. In such rooms it is always light and sunny. The north side is considered more gloomy, as a result of which the theme of the sea or the ocean does not look cheerful.

In sunny rooms, cold colors will sparkle with new colors, giving the room a feeling of airiness and coolness. The use of white and blue tones as the main, properly selected natural furniture and accessories will make the living room original. Decor helps stylistically complete the look of the room.


We advise you to properly furnish the living room. Arrangement items must be durable, high-quality and natural, like on a ship. It is necessary to take into account the size of the living room. Massive furniture, such as oak or ash, is installed in spacious rooms. To facilitate the view of the room, mirrors are hung in it, glass tables are installed. Rattan or bamboo furniture is installed in a small living room.

Low furniture is placed for guests. Rocking chairs are also installed. Instead of chests of drawers put chests made of solid wood. To store books, hang massive shelves with wrought iron elements or install an elegant cabinet with glass doors. Accessories in the form of shells, sandstone or vessels with pebbles are placed on the shelves.

Wall decoration and lighting

The walls of the living room are sheathed with clapboard or trimmed with decorative caramel-colored plaster. Designers recommend making a light ceiling in the living room. It can be hung, pulled, made multi-level, but it should be light and low, like in a ship's cabin. To support the theme of the sea, it is necessary to install a lamp in the same style. It can be made in the form of an anchor decorated with shells or a steering wheel.

There should be light in the living room. At night, the room should be well lit with a large number of LED lamps or multi-level lighting. In addition, walls can be decorated with sconces or wall lamps decorated with artificial pearls or natural shells. In the reading area, you can install a floor lamp in the form of a deck lamp.


An aquarium can be placed in the living room. A model of a sunken ship and pirate treasures are placed at its bottom. Instead of a sunken ship in an aquarium, you can place a reef decoration with many corals, colorful pebbles and algae. In a large living room, a reduced-size model of a real ship is often hung from the ceiling.

When decorating the living room, one of the walls is decorated with photo wallpapers depicting the sea. If desired, madders are hung on the walls. Many decorate the walls with homemade panels made from natural shells, pebbles or macrame products. Nautical décor brings originality to the room.

The design looks original if you hang a wall clock made in the form of a ship's steering wheel or a lifebuoy. Travel lovers should complement the interior of the house with a world map or a globe.

Provencal jugs or heavy vases made of clay are placed on pedestals or shelves. Elements with rope details organically fit into the interior. The living room can be decorated with topiary. If desired, the interior is diluted with live plants such as ficus, creepers, yucca, which are placed in pots directly on the floor.


Textiles in the living room should be light and airy. It is better to give preference to white or blue. Favorably look fabrics that have metallic threads in their composition. They play in the sun like the play of the sea. For the design of the living room, it is permissible to use yellow. However, it must be dosed. Yellow sofa cushions look appropriate and are reminiscent of citrus fruits. Turquoise textiles harmoniously look in the living room.

Windows are best decorated with natural fabrics. Heavy curtains made of linen look beautiful in combination with a light organza veil. With the help of properly selected curtains, you can create a real ship's sail. The living room, decorated with a real fishing net, looks exotic.

In the bedroom

Not everyone can afford a house by the sea. We invite you to design a bedroom in a marine theme so that before going to bed you can dream about distant wanderings.

The bedroom should not be oversaturated with details. The color palette should promote relaxation and serenity. Bedroom design focuses on color and patterns.

The sea can be different. Some see it as a wide space and a relaxed vacation among white sand and tall palm trees. For others, the sea is associated with treasure hunting and pirates. The interior is chosen based on his vision.

The bedroom is decorated with solid wood, natural stone, shells and textiles. A parquet board or blue carpet is laid on the floor. The first creates the feeling of walking along the ship's deck. In the second case, the bedroom "plunges" to the bottom of the sea.


For wall decoration, white-painted wood panels are chosen. You can plaster the walls using accessories such as pebbles or shells. To decorate the walls, you should hang pictures of marine painters or glue photo wallpapers.

The classic solution for decorating walls is the use of striped wallpaper. More often blue-white stripes alternate with each other. Modern design is gradually moving away from the usual classics. Today they glue wallpaper with a wavy pattern.

The interior of the bedroom should be supported by natural colors. To make it more alive, bright spots are used. This must be done carefully so as not to lose the room, since the bedroom is a resting place. For bright spots, it is permissible to use juicy, sunny shades.


To decorate the bedroom, select the right furniture and decor. The bedroom should be designed in the same style. Wooden or textile materials are used for home decor.

An excellent solution is aged furniture. Additional elements such as a map, steering wheel watch, chest contribute to maintaining the style. The mirror in the bedroom is decorated with their own hands using twine or rope. Table lamps in the form of lanterns, shells on the cabinets - all this brings a note of adventurism.

Bedroom windows are decorated with canvas, linen curtains, cotton curtains. They are beautifully tied into sea knots. Blue linens, striped or with anchors are laid on the bed. Sometimes it is allowed to use a red bed set. The bedroom is where you can go overboard with the elements. In design, you need to follow the rule - the simpler the better.

In the kitchen

There is an opinion that the marine theme is good only for bathrooms and children's rooms. However, it is also suitable for the design of kitchens. Kitchens in this style look original and fresh.

The kitchen can be styled according to:

  • wardroom;
  • galley;
  • Coast;
  • sand beach;
  • a fisherman's yacht or schooner;
  • a villa by the sea, etc.

The decor of the room must be created carefully, as busting with details is fraught with a desire for change and discontent. It is better to use a few details that will be bright accents.

The interior design called "fisherman's schooner" is based on the use of nets, rough dining furniture, aged items, open wooden shelves, ropes. This interior can be transformed into a "villa by the sea" if you hide the nets and ropes, but hang a light tulle, and place pots with houseplants and interior items on the windows. A rough table is covered with a beautiful tablecloth, lovely pillows are thrown on the benches. The interchangeable interior never gets boring, but can change the kitchen beyond recognition without labor and repair.

Kitchen combined with living room

If the kitchen is combined with the living room, then there is more room for imagination. In any case, such rooms require wicker chests and baskets, rattan furniture, chairs with decorative pillows. A massive dark wood table looks original in the kitchen combined with the living room. Both a rough bench and chairs with high backs, which are covered with blue covers, are suitable for the table.

The walls of the combined zones are decorated with wallpaper and wood panels so that everything fits together naturally. Wallpaper is suitable for the living area, and wood panels are installed in the kitchen. A carpet with a thick pile may lie on the floor.

decor rules

Small kitchens can be easily decorated in a marine style. It is only necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • the kitchen set should have simple shapes;
  • the kitchen should be designed in blue tones;
  • an apron can be made either yellow with images of the inhabitants of the underwater world or white with applications from natural shells or pebbles;
  • the kitchen window is decorated with airy tulle;
  • a light tablecloth with ruffles is placed on the table;
  • install a small lamp;
  • kitchen shelves are decorated with shells, shells, pebbles, corals;
  • bright clay dishes are used in the kitchen;
  • the flooring is made of sand-colored porcelain stoneware;
  • the walls are decorated with wood panels in combination with wallpaper.

Standard kitchen decor

If the kitchen is medium in size, then the theme may be more pronounced. The ceiling in the kitchen is white, but you can play with the flooring. For example, it is allowed to make a wave of blue and yellow tiles. In this case, the walls of the room are covered with yellow wallpaper and decorated with beautiful madders.

In such a kitchen, a glossy kitchen set looks beautiful. If there are many different shelves, then they are decorated with bottles entwined with a vine. The kitchen has a rectangular wooden table. Chairs with fabric seats are selected for him. Beautiful planters with exotic flowers or low palm trees are placed on the windowsill. You can make a ceiling lamp with your own hands in the form of a forged chandelier or steering wheel.

A piece of the sea in the nursery

A nursery in a marine style does not lose relevance over a long period. In the nursery, the child feels cozy and comfortable. Thanks to the style, the summer mood is maintained in the room throughout the year. To arrange a nursery, you do not need a lot of money. The main thing is to follow the advice of designers and rely on your imagination.

When designing, the gender of the child is taken into account, since the nursery for a boy is different from the room for a girl. For the latter, the style of a villa on the coast is suitable, when the room has rattan furniture, and textiles are rich in ruffles and lace. Shells and corals are used as decor. The nursery for the girl is made out in pastel colors.

Male children prefer the nautical theme. Massive furniture is installed in children's rooms, and rough decorations such as anchors, models of navigation devices, etc. are chosen as decor. When decorating the walls, they stop at striped wallpaper. Very often, parents buy a bed in the form of a ship for a boy.


Flooring in the nursery depends on the parent's budget. The nursery with a wooden or cork coating looks stylish. It is allowed to install a laminate or parquet board. A fluffy white or blue carpet can lie on the floor, which will be associated with the sea. The carpet in the form of a map of the world looks more original. It can be made to order. With a high budget, you can install self-leveling floors made in 3D design. Such floors imitate the underwater world.

Ceilings may look different. The nursery with a ceiling in the form of a cloudy or starry sky looks beautiful. This ceiling is universal and suitable for both a boy and a girl. To enhance the feeling of the sea, you can resort to photo printing or luminescent patterns that give off their light in the dark. It is not necessary to make the ceiling colored. Some dwell on the white coating, decorating it with beautiful ceiling lights in the form of ship's wheels or lanterns.


The walls in the nursery should be well-decorated. If the budget is small, they stop at vinyl stickers depicting underwater inhabitants. One of the walls can be pasted over with photo wallpapers or decorated with a large navigation map. Some parents prefer a more classic nursery design, choosing wallpapers in white, turquoise, caramel colors. It is important to consider the age of the child. Kids will love the images of cartoon characters. For older children, it is better to choose decor in the form of steering wheels, palm trees, pirate treasures.

Kids love bright colors, but the marine theme does not mean the use of many bright colors. This does not mean that they are prohibited for use. Colorful decor elements help to make the nursery more alive. They should be used in moderation. Designers do not recommend introducing black into the nursery. It will negatively affect the psyche of the child.


The furniture in the nursery should correspond to the theme. It looks interesting bunk bed in the form of a ship. On the first tier, the child can play, on the second tier there is a bed. You can stay on an ordinary bed, but choose a beautiful sleeping set with the image of anchors for it.

The hammock suspended in the nursery looks original. You can install a standard wardrobe by replacing the fittings with a nautical theme. Handles in the form of underwater inhabitants look beautiful. Chests are also placed in the children's room. The writing table is complemented by a table lamp in the shape of a fish. For older children, you can install an aquarium built into a niche.


Curtains should support the underwater theme. Rope curtains fastened with sea knots look spectacular in the boy's room. In girls' rooms, it is better to choose air curtains with ruffles.

Accessories for the nursery can be created with your own hands. We offer to sew a flag of real pirates and decorate one of the walls or the ceiling with it. Some decorate sofa cushions or bedspreads with marine paraphernalia. So the children's room becomes stylish and cozy.

Marine style in the bathroom involves the use of solid wood and natural stone. To design a bathroom, you need to choose the right flooring. Unusually look bulk 3D floors recreating the underwater world. A more classic option is porcelain stoneware with natural pebble inserts. Some choose blue mosaic tiles. When laying the floor, you can combine various textured coatings, for example, natural stone and moisture-resistant laminate.

Walls and ceilings

The bathroom can be decorated in blue and sand shades. The walls are leveled and painted with matte plain paint or tiled with tiles. Madder panels are often installed above the bathroom. If the budget allows, you can put a relief on one of the walls and tint it with natural stone chips.

The bathroom is not always large, so you should not install a bulky ceiling in it. It is better to stay on the standard white color. In rare cases, the ceilings are painted with clouds or frescoes.

Furniture and decor

But with plumbing you can experiment. For example, install a wooden bath or create a mosaic podium under it, equipped with a curtain in the form of a sail. Furniture in the bathroom should be discreet. Facades with craquelure look original.

The design of the room involves the use of various decor in the form of shells and starfish. Items are laid out around the perimeter of the bath. For toothbrushes and soap, marine accessories for the interior are purchased. So the bathroom will sparkle with new colors.

The bathroom is a small room. It is necessary to correctly place the accents. If the walls are accentuated, then we advise you to choose white plumbing. If the emphasis is on plumbing, focus on pastel wall decoration.


The underwater theme in the arrangement combines airiness and freshness. Nautical-inspired decor is popular with people living in large cities and dreaming of a vacation on the coast. This style is classic, concise, and involves a lot of open space, so choosing the right lighting is important for it.

The interior suggests a lot of flowing light associated with the sun. It is necessary to select lighting, focusing on the specifics of the room itself. Very often, designers use wall lamps in the form of anchors, ceiling lamps, steering wheels, hand-made pendants in the form of ships. When recreating the seabed, the premises are supplemented with lamps in the form of inhabitants of the underwater depths. Mother-of-pearl or pearl sconces, as well as forged lanterns, are suitable for this style.

Lamps must match the style. When decorating the premises, preference is given to models of blue or white colors, lighting fixtures with marine patterns and ornaments, and ceiling lamps in the style of Christopher Columbus.


The arrangement of housing in a marine style involves the choice of simple furniture. It should look like it was just put together from improvised material. In some cases, it is permissible to age furniture facades. The craquelure technique is especially welcome. It is unacceptable to use artsy decor, but rattan or bamboo furniture is appropriate. This light furniture allows you to relax and promotes a romantic mood. In the rooms, stylized under the sea, you can find wooden or wicker chests, hammocks, barrel-shaped chairs, beds in the form of ships or boats.

The rooms are not overloaded with furniture. Here they operate on the principle - the simpler the better. If the room is equipped with standard furniture, then it is given a shade of the sea by replacing the fittings or by aging some of its elements. Instead of handles, marine figures and rope elements are attached. They prefer low furniture. Sofas are covered with canvas covers. Furniture should be made of natural wood. In rare cases, materials that mimic it can be used.

Decor and accessories

In rooms decorated in a marine style, they use photo frames decorated with shells, transparent vases with ropes, starfish and other items. However, designers do not advise storing many elements in the room at the same time.

One of the walls is decorated with a real fishing net or a homemade pirate flag. Some designers create original paintings. For example, pirate knots are tied, placed under glass and framed. Such paintings can be used in the living room or nursery.

Do not ignore textiles. With it, beautifully stylize the house. Covers in white and blue or red and blue stripes are thrown on sofas or beds. They are also decorated with sofa cushions. The design allows the use of pillows in yellow or orange. Windows are decorated with light tulle, linen or canvas curtains. A fluffy carpet of blue, white or, as an accent, red can lie on the floor. Rough materials such as matting, linen, canvas are suitable for such an interior.