How to make a shelf from a corner. We make shelves in the garage with our own hands: practical tips, recommendations. Sturdy metal structures

The organization of the working space and an ergonomic storage system in the garage allows not only to efficiently use the available space, but also to ensure comfort and order during the repair or maintenance of the car.

With the help of prefabricated racks for the garage, it is possible to correctly arrange all the necessary tools, auto parts, components and fixtures.

It is possible to purchase ready-made structures, order a product for certain parameters, or make racks of wood or metal on your own. With any option, you should initially decide on the location of the shelves and decide what will be stored on them.

It is required to arrange the racks in such a way that the motorist has free access to the shelves. Small parts, fasteners, consumables should be packaged in boxes and boxes.

how to make garage shelving

The advantage of self-made shelves and racks is the ability to design in accordance with their own financial capabilities, exact dimensions, and the arrangement of tiers.

You should decide on the material from which the sections and shelves will be made, the type of fasteners, the method of assembly and fixation.

Material selection

The frame for the racks must be made of durable material. The best option is steel or aluminum. Shelves are best made from a solid web of machined metal or wood.

The main details of the rack:

  • racks. The material is a profiled pipe, reinforced metal profile or corner;
  • shelves. Can be made from sheet steel, thick-walled aluminium, boards, chipboard or plywood.

For attaching shelves to racks, self-tapping screws or bolts will be a reliable option. To make a rack, you need a tape measure, a level, a screwdriver, a hacksaw and a metal cutting machine (grinder). After assembling the frame and installing the shelves, it is necessary to check the reliability of all fasteners.

The metal sheet must be processed in the factory by galvanizing or painted with polymer-containing paint. The result is a hermetic barrier that protects the alloy from moisture and corrosion processes.

In the manufacture of a wooden rack, all parts should be treated with antiseptics, which will protect the wood from the formation of mold, exposure to chemicals in case of leakage.

Types of structures

Garage storage sections are classified into floor and hinged. Hinged shelves must be securely fastened to the structure.

Floor racks are divided into:

  • stationary. Sections are installed on the floor. Supports are fixed with dowels;
  • mobile (mobile). Racks of racks are equipped with wheels. The advantage of the option is the ability to move if necessary (for example, during maintenance or car repair). Of the shortcomings, the instability of the structure should be noted;
  • wall. The rack is mounted close to the wall without the possibility of free movement. Racks are attached to the ceiling and floor.

Also, the structures can be closed, equipped with standard hinged doors or have a sliding mechanism.

Do-it-yourself shelving design features

Before starting work, it is advisable to take measurements and prepare a sketch of the future structure, on which dimensions will be applied. Photos of shelving for a garage for preparing a drawing in sufficient quantities can be found on thematic forums or other Internet resources.

The rack should not be made in the form of a bulky structure. Compact size saves space. It is optimal if the width of the shelves does not exceed 1.5-2 m.

The depth of each tier can be in the range from 20 to 40 cm. The height of each row can be from 20 to 100 cm, depending on the destination.

Benefits of garage shelving

Wooden and galvanized or painted metal garage shelving has the following advantages:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • low cost;
  • light weight;
  • the ability to withstand high loads (metal shelves can withstand 300 kg, wood - up to 120 kg);
  • availability of materials;
  • the possibility of adjusting the tiers in height;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • resistance to corrosion and chemicals;
  • resistance to temperature and humidity changes;
  • ease of assembly and repair;
  • easy care.

When making a rack in the garage with your own hands, you need to take into account the nuances of the features of storing garage accessories.

For heavy and bulky items, reinforced shelves with a material thickness of at least 50 mm should be designed. Metal will become the optimal material for storing tires, batteries, auto parts, hardware.

Tire tiers should be arranged in such a way as to lay wheels with disks in a vertical position, and tires without disks in a horizontal position.

An alternative option for tire storage could be a solid beam instead of the bottom tier, or a bar attached to the ceiling.

Photo of shelving for the garage

Based on the question to the lamps - your message is addressed to me.

Very decent, but why with a question mark? Just a typo?

Lots of light? Normal, believe me, it looks impressive, although in fact it's just good lighting.
Firstly, light is often needed for normal work, secondly, for some cosmetic work with machines, good light is needed, well, thirdly, tenths ... You can write a lot of things ...
It's just good when it's light, you can see every corner.

Lamps 56 pieces, one per square meter approximately.

My chaos is subjected to merciless cleaning in most cases at the end of the working day, and so please.

And about the repairs of shelves and tools, "it seems I got in trouble"
For several years now, in just concrete walls, with tables and shelves for a quick hand.
In principle, it’s not bad, of course, but I want, firstly, a little warmer in winter, and secondly, it’s much more beautiful and decorated.
I wanted to sheathe everything with polystyrene foam, but then I realized, I sheathed it - I had to immediately veneer it, and then the money was a certain amount on hand.
Just like I started buying, polystyrene, profile, a couple of thousand screws, and ...
still need to make money on plastic
I figured out how much it was about under the money - cultivation will not be cheap, but it should turn out well.
So as a result
Insulation of the wall and ceiling foam, 100 and 50 mm, respectively.
Gray plastic panels on the ceiling
I still don’t know how to veneer the walls, from practical plaster and paint with facade paint.
The floors are ceramic granite (gres) gray tiles.
I just don’t know what color to do on the walls, but I think I’ll decide in the course of earning money.
Such pies.

I also think about how to be with the wiring, according to the mind, you need to do it in the boxes outside, and in terms of beauty - wall up the boxes (so that the cover of the box is flush with the wall, you need to open it, you don’t need to close it) it’s still possible into the walls, but the ceiling? for 56 fixtures, the wiring from the outside will look ugly, I think that I will do hidden wiring here ... Who will say what about this.

I already spoke with the shelves.
A table for ordinary work and shelves above it under one wall, a rough type of welding, a cylinder, a compressor, presses, sledgehammers, etc. under another wall.
Some kind of table with a vice can still be left there, for metalworking.
I just haven't decided on a list of rough tools yet.
I suppose that jigsaws-grinder-drill-grinders-planer and. etc. will lie on the shelves where the table is for normal work, and I will work with such things on the side where the table for machining will stand.
In general, this is still vague.

Such pies, I don’t know how long it will drag on, mani mani ...

In general, garage design and all that in the post-USSR is generally an unlikely phenomenon?
I drove so much in the search - I didn’t find much, either the garage is being converted into a residential building, or the carpentry-metalworking, or whether it’s just sheds for storing cars and country stray ...

Arranging a garage is a very important detail in the life of every motorist, and in order to properly organize the space, you can make shelves in the garage with your own hands. In addition to storing the car indoors, even the most spacious garage often accumulates a large number of additional car accessories that clutter up the space. Shelves and racks help a lot in this matter - they will free the floor and prevent the necessary things from getting lost.

Shelves of various configurations are able to accommodate a variety of items of various sizes, contribute to maintaining order in the room. Self-manufacturing of shelves will help not only save money, but also arrange everything the way you want. You will learn how to create garage shelves with your own hands from our article.

General characteristics of shelves and planning for their creation

Shelves in the garage will help keep things organized, and you can store everything from tools to spare wheels on them. The maximum convenience in location is very important. Shelves of various types perfectly cope with this function: hanging, corner, single or multi-tiered, as well as different widths and lengths.

Buying shelves in the store has a huge plus, since you do not have to make your own efforts. The advantage of self-manufacturing is the variety of choice of material, size and location of the structures themselves.

Absolutely any necessary things can be stored on shelves or racks, but you need to decide what exactly will be stored on them before you start purchasing materials, and even more so before you start manufacturing. For example, if you plan to put on the shelves liquid products necessary for cars (like gasoline, antifreeze, oil, etc.) or other works (for example, paint), you need to provide for the construction of the shelves in such a way that they are closed or have a small closed side - so you save your funds from falling.

It is also necessary to pay attention to your safety - all structures should be located in such a way that they are convenient for use and cannot injure you. It is very important to set the dimensions of the product correctly so that under the influence of the weight of the shelves they do not sag over time and do not collapse, losing all the contents.

Regarding dimensions, preference should be given to the standard: about 1-1.5 meters long and 35 centimeters wide for multi-tiered or 65-75 centimeters for single shelves.

Important! In a new garage, not yet fully explored, you should not hang the shelves "tightly". It is better to fix the storage system in such a way that at any time you can change its position, or even place it on the floor. Given these recommendations, you will be able to understand which walls are the most functional and which are best left uncluttered.

What are the materials for the manufacture of garage shelves?

The first step is to decide what material you want to make the structure from. What the shelves will be made of will affect the design of the structure, the principle of fastening. The most common are shelves made of metal or wood.

metal shelves

This type of shelves is mainly made using stainless steel corners and sheets. Such shelves have both positive and negative sides. Let's consider them in more detail.

Table number 1. Pros and cons of metal shelves

wooden shelves

Working on wooden shelves does not require welding skills from the garage owner, and, accordingly, the presence of a welding machine, and therefore it is much easier. In addition, there are much more options for creating garage shelves from solid wood or similar materials (chipboard, MDF, panels). The shelves are fastened using a frame or a metal profile.

Table number 2. Pros and cons of using wooden shelves

In addition to the above materials, there are less popular, but functional options. So, often wooden or plastic shelves are added to the metal frame, thereby the design is more reliable, but inexpensive.

Also, shelves can be created from high-quality plastic that can withstand a lot of weight and is resistant to deformation. Such material is easier to care for and easier to install.

However, if we talk about garage conditions (especially if the room is not heated in winter), the best option would be to put metal shelves there. They will last for decades and will withstand almost any weight without problems. Accordingly, metal shelves are often preferred when it is necessary to store heavy and rigid items. For this, metal will serve better than any other material.

When working with metal, it must be coated with an anti-corrosion agent, while wood will have to be painted with paints that protect the material from moisture and temperature extremes. Otherwise, the boards may begin to rot, they may change their shape and lose their integrity. Also, various pests can start in the tree.

When choosing a material, it is very important to understand how many things will be stored on them, what weight and with what help the work will be fixed - welding or nails. There is no single correct option for creating this product.

Designs and dimensions

Once you have decided on the material, you should think about the type of construction that is perfect for the selected room.

Each type of shelves has special fastening systems on which they will be mounted if the walls are not strong or the future contents of the shelves are too heavy. There are several shelves according to the type of fastening:

  • wall;
  • ceiling;
  • single hinged;
  • multi-tiered hinged;
  • transformer shelves;
  • shelves on wheels for the ability to move structures;
  • shelves rotating around their own axis.

Wall shelves can be made both open and closed. It is convenient to store various equipment often used by the owner on them. Such shelves are easily created using a corner and attached to the walls.

Hanging shelves are perfect when the walls of the room are not stable enough for large weights. To create such structures, you will need a corner and a shelf directly. A strong cable or corners are used as a frame. Fastening is done using hooks.

These shelves are very convenient, as they can be removed at any time. Their disadvantage is poor stability and mobility: it is better not to use them under heavy objects.

It is also a great option to create a separate shelf for tools, where each item can be assigned its own place. For example, for screwdrivers, you can take a wooden block and make small holes in it. Attach it horizontally as shown in the picture below.

To store the keys, you can use hooks or nails driven into a horizontal surface. The keys can be arranged in ascending and descending order, which will make the appearance more neat. For greater convenience, this surface can be made movable by installing it on wheels.

Ceiling structures can be made against the wall - so they will be stronger and more stable, and they can be used for materials of any weight. You can put things on them that you do not use at home. Ceiling shelves are made of any size both in length and in width. Their disadvantage is that it is rather problematic to get things from them. That is why it is better to store on them what you very rarely use.

Shelving comes to the rescue when all the loose walls in the garage are unstable. There are four types of racks:

To work on the creation of shelves, the use of drawings will be a huge advantage. On them you can depict in detail the type of construction, dimensions and volumes of shelves, as well as an example of fastening. If you do not have any special preferences, it is better to use the standard dimensions of the shelves: 60 centimeters long and 30-40 centimeters wide.

At a stationary rack, you can increase the size of the shelves up to two meters in length and half a meter in width. The distance of the tiers depends on what will be stored on them. For greater convenience, it is worth making the lower shelf voluminous, and making the upper ones standard (30-35 centimeters between tiers).

It is advisable to make hanging shelves a little smaller: about 60 centimeters long and 30 centimeters wide. The distance between them is often small, about 15-20 centimeters, so they are assigned to those things that are rarely useful.

We make shelves with our own hands

When you have chosen the material, decided on the further design and its volumes, you can proceed directly to work. Below we will look at several options for creating shelves.

Wooden shelves: step by step instructions

Basically, this type of shelves is made in the form of a simple stationary structure, which is installed along one or two walls. In the second case, the shelves are angular. To create wooden shelves, you can follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Select the materials that you will use in your work. Prepare racks and shelves. For racks use larch or oak, for shelves - any material you are interested in.

Prices for OSB (Oriented Strand Board)

OSB (Oriented Strand Board)

Step 2: Make racks from a bar with a section of 10x10 or 5x10 centimeters. The cross bars must be of the same material.

Step 3: Measure the dimensions of future shelves and cut them out of wood.

Prices for the popular range of miter saws

miter saw

Step 4: Treat all used wooden elements (both racks and shelves) with an antiseptic. This will help to avoid further occurrence of fungus or rotting of the material.

Step 5: Mark the racks in the area where the shelves will be installed. Attach the shelves using self-tapping screws, spikes, wood glue, dowels, nails, or any other tools. To make the shelves more durable, you can plant them on the corners of their metal.

Step 6: Treat the ends of the rack, and then cover the entire structure with varnish or paint.

Video - Making a wooden garage shelf

Metal shelves: step by step instructions

This type of shelves is used mainly for storing heavy items, so it is better to make them stationary so that they are more stable. When working with metal shelves, welding is used. Bolts should only be used if they have a role to hold together lightweight materials like aluminium.

Step 1: Draw a sketch of the future design. Pay close attention to its location. Remember that shelves should only be installed against strong, sturdy walls that can support the entire volume.

Step 2: Choose ordinary corners as a frame instead of square profiles. The corners must be at least five centimeters.

Step 3: Mark all the elements of the frame on the material and cut it out using a grinder. Weld them into one structure using welding.

Step 4: Take perforated or rolled steel as a canvas for shelves. Its thickness should range from 1 to 5 millimeters. Remember that metal sheets themselves are very heavy. So, for example, a sheet of 50x100 centimeters, whose thickness is about three millimeters, has a weight of about 12 kilograms (each such sheet costs about 150-200 rubles).

Also, instead of metal sheets, you can choose wooden boards - in this case, the thickness of each shelf should be about 3 centimeters. Pre-treat the surface with a fire retardant, which will make the wood fire resistant.

Step 5: Fasten the boards or sheets to the frame.

Prices for popular models of welding machines


Step 6: Clean any rusted metal areas, if any, and paint the shelf or shelving unit completely.

Corner shelves: step by step instructions

The corner is a very reliable and strong material that is able to withstand heavy weights above it. Corners can easily make a frame that is perfect for storing spare wheels (while you need to place the wheels in a vertical way).

You can also make a multi-tiered shelf from the corners, taking the lower part under a heavier load (for example, cans of liquid). They can store light, but bulky. However, the distance between the shelves is slightly increased. In length, each shelf can reach one and a half to two meters, a width of about 50 centimeters. The height of this rack is best done no more than two meters. Between each tier, it is desirable to leave about 50 centimeters.

This rack consists of only three elements: vertical and horizontal racks and crossbeams, and shelves directly. They can be made from both metal and wood.

Step 1: Cut from the corner segments for vertical racks. There should be four such elements.

Step 2: Decide where the rack will be. On the selected wall, mark two supports, the distance between which will be equal to the length of the shelves.

Step 3: Cut off the horizontal frame elements from the corner.

Step 4: Make shelves. To do this, you can use plywood, metal or wood. Cut the shelves so that their dimensions are 1.2 centimeters smaller than the frame itself. For example, if you made a frame 400x1300 in size, then the shelves should be approximately 388x1288 millimeters. Assemble the frame by welding or bolts. Then install the shelf along the wall so that the back walls and vertical posts match the sketch drawn on the wall. Attach the frame to the wall with bolts. Install and secure the horizontal frame.

Step 5: Lay on the corners of the shelves from the material that you have chosen.

Shelves and racks are a great way to save space in a room and give it a neat appearance. They are able to accommodate objects of various weights and sizes. The main thing is to correctly compose a structure that will be strong and safe.

Video - How to make shelving in the garage

So that the "good" in the garage does not interfere with the movement, it is necessary to somehow organize its storage. The most convenient shelving for the garage. If there is enough space, they can be made on the entire wall or even on several walls. If there is no place below, you will have to move upstairs - to make shelves under the ceiling. Not the best option, but sometimes the only one. Still, shelving in the garage standing on the floor is safer, especially if they are securely attached to the wall (to avoid unpleasant situations).

Which rack is better: welded or bolted

Shelving for the garage is made of wood and metal. Wooden mostly non-separable - on nails and self-tapping screws. They are usually installed permanently, fixed to the wall. Metal racks can be welded. Then they are indestructible. There are racks on bolted connections. These structures are mobile and can be disassembled if necessary. Their disadvantage is insufficient rigidity, since there is always some backlash in such a connection. To make the structure more stable, it is attached to the walls. To do this, metal plates with a hole can be welded (bolted) to the extreme racks. Drive a crutch into this hole (after drilling a hole of a slightly smaller diameter in the wall).

One of the options is a frame made of a profile pipe and plywood shelves.

Both welded and bolted shelving for the garage serve well, but welded structures are more common. The collapsible option is chosen in two cases. The first is that it is possible to move to another garage and all the equipment will have to be transported, and the structure weighs hundreds of kilograms, so it is problematic to move it entirely. The second is that there is no possibility or desire to use welding (if the garage racks are made by hand). The rest usually prefer welded ones - they are more stable and, with welding experience, are assembled faster.

On sale there are still metal racks made of perforated corners. They are also mobile and can be disassembled, but they are connected using hooks (on the crossbars) and grooves (on the racks). Such storage systems are convenient - you can rearrange the shelves to the desired height. Their disadvantage is that they are expensive.

Designs and dimensions

Structurally, shelving for the garage consists of racks, crossbars and shelves. Sometimes, to increase rigidity, transverse puffs are also made on the back side - two steel strips welded / screwed diagonally to the extreme racks. They compensate for side loads increasing overall stability and reliability.

Dimensions - the height and depth of the shelves - are chosen almost arbitrarily - depending on what you intend to store. The only thing that needs to be carefully selected is the span length - the distance between the racks in one section. It depends on the stiffness of the material you decide to use: the shelves should not sag even when fully loaded. For heavy things / objects, the span is about 1.5 meters, if the load is not too large, the distance can be increased to 2 meters, but it’s definitely not worth doing more. If you need a longer garage rack, put intermediate racks, the distance between which can still not be more than 2 meters.

A few words about the height of the shelves in the rack. The lowest shelf can be raised from the floor level by 50-70 cm (even more if desired). This is where the heaviest items are usually placed. The rest of the shelves can be made at different heights, 30 cm is inconvenient and impractical. In general, a 1.5 liter plastic bottle should optimally fit on a shelf, and this is 35-37 cm. This distance is convenient for use.

What are they made of

As already mentioned, shelving for the garage is made of wood and metal. Wooden ones are lighter in weight, it is easier to work with wood, but they do not withstand such heavy loads. Metal ones are heavier (many times heavier), but an elephant can also be laid on them.

There is also the issue of price. Rolled metal is not cheap at all these days. If you buy everything in the market or in a store, at the price of one rack (along with consumables) you will cost almost the same amount as the finished one. The only real way to save money is to buy metal at the metal base in whole whips (there are 6 m and 12 m), and then cut into pieces of the desired length. Slicing can be right at the base, you will have to pay extra for services, but the amounts are very small. In this case, you will be able to reduce costs by about 20-30%.

Lumber is less expensive than metal. But do not think that the costs will be small: you will have to buy high-quality wood without knots, and this is an “elite” or “premium” class with a corresponding price tag. So it won't be very cheap.

from wood

Operating conditions in the garage are far from the best - high humidity, frost, alternate freezing / freezing, sometimes hot. Not very good for wood. Therefore, all material must be treated with antibacterial and protective compounds before work. Take wood products for outdoor use, as conditions in an unheated garage are more like them. You can choose a tool that simultaneously tints the surface to be treated and your product can not be painted. After processing, the materials are dried and only then work begins.

When connecting parts of a wooden shelving, you can use the standard methods for carpenters - in a quarter or half-paw. If this is difficult for you, you can also nail butt, and use metal corners and / or overhead plates to reinforce the connections.

Another point: it is better to connect on nails, and not on self-tapping screws. It turns out more stable, less connections "loose". If you choose the option with reinforcement with plates, they can be mounted on self-tapping screws.

Now in terms of size: for racks, a beam of 50 * 50 mm is usually used, for the crossbars, you can use the same beam or a little thinner - 50 * 30 mm. Flooring is made from:

  • boards with a thickness of at least 21 mm;
  • moisture resistant plywood with a thickness of 10 mm;

The cheapest are board and plywood. Laminated chipboard is much more expensive, but it does not need to be painted, and this is a good plus. In order not to spend a lot, you can take the first and last sheets in a pack at the bases - they are scratched and are much cheaper.

Wooden shelving in the garage - drawing with dimensions

Another point: the side cut remains open on the shelves made of chipboard. If it is not processed, when the humidity rises, the chips will swell, the shelf will warp. To prevent this from happening, coat the edges with silicone. With such processing, nothing will happen to chipboard.


If you decide to make metal shelving for the garage, the choice of materials is wider - there are two options for rolled metal, plus standard storage solutions (perforated corners). You can also use metal parts designed for other purposes - for example, steel cable racks or cable channels that are used in communication are suitable.

Cable channels and shelves - convenient and not very expensive

So, what is the frame of a metal shelving in the garage made of:

  • From a metal corner with a metal thickness of 3-4 mm. The width of the corner shelf is 25-45 cm, depending on the planned loads. Durable, but metal-intensive material, weighs a lot, is expensive.
  • Profile pipe (rectangular in section). With a lower metal consumption (less wall thickness), compared to a metal corner, it has better elasticity characteristics (it is more difficult to bend), and is more resistant to torsion. Approximate dimensions for racks 50 * 50 mm or 40 * 40 mm, for cross bars 50 * 25 mm or 40 * 25 mm, respectively.
  • Racks are made from a professional pipe, and crossbars from a corner. The thickness of the metal is 2-3 mm, the width of the shelf is 25 mm or more. Unfold the corner so that the flooring to be laid is like in a "nest".

The flooring on the shelves is made from the same materials as for a wooden rack (board, plywood, OSB, chipboard), only sometimes non-standard options are added, which are used abruptly with a wooden frame due to the high mass - sheet metal.

The board remains optimal for most regions - a reliable, not very expensive material. It is necessary to take sexual, without knots (with a minimum of knots) with a thickness of 21 mm or more. Treat with antiseptics, then paint.

Plus metal shelves - high reliability with a small thickness, cons - price, weight and "loudness". They also need to be painted, only first they should be cleaned of rust, then go through the rust converter and primer, then paint and preferably in two layers. Also, by the way, it is necessary to process the metal frame. Then the rack in the garage will not rust.

Features of the assembly of metal racks

Metal racks can be welded or bolted together. There are usually no issues with welding. If a corner is used, it can be overlapped - a difference of 3-5 mm when laying the shelves is invisible. If you wish, you can cut out the excess in one of the shelves, butt-weld, but trimming takes a lot of time, and you still won’t see much difference.

With the assembly of the frame for the bolted shelving, the procedure is as follows: first, the squares of the sidewalls and shelves are assembled separately, then they are twisted together. At least two bolts are desirable for each connection - for greater rigidity (less backlash).

If you assemble racks for a garage from a profile pipe with your own hands, the procedure is different. First, the sidewalls are assembled, short crossbars are attached to them. It turns out two rectangles with crossbars. Then they are connected by crossbars.

How to make connections, see the photo. In one case, welding is still needed - to weld the "heel pad", in the other you can do without it - cut out the "ears", bend and cling to them.

There is another way - special crab systems. These are metal plates with grooves molded to fit the profile. Pipes are laid in the grooves, then two plates are pulled together with bolts.

Such a connection is unlikely to withstand very large loads, but there is an undeniable plus - you do not need to drill a bunch of holes in the metal. In a profiled pipe, this is certainly easier than in a thick-walled corner, but it still takes a lot of time and effort.

By the way, the bolts are used M8 or M6, respectively, large holes are required for them. It is easier to first drill with a thin drill, then expand to the desired size with a thick one. But even with this order, you will need a solid amount of drills. So that they overheat less and break less often, put a jar of water next to it, periodically lower the drill there.

Layout, schemes, drawings, ideas

In the garage, you need not only a rack, but also a workbench and a stand for hand tools - all kinds of keys and other small things, which are many and it is difficult to come up with some specific convenient storage place.

The workbench can be made in the center of the rack. This is convenient - everything you need will be at hand, you do not have to constantly go to the shelves.

The workbench can be part of the system, or you can make two separate modules, between which you can install the required table. If you don’t like this arrangement, you can change the configuration - at least put it at an angle.

As for the tool stand. There is a factory option - a perforated sheet of metal with holders hung on it. The idea is very good, except for the price.

As usual, there are also a few DIYs (what a garage without them) on the same topic. The ideas are simple to implement, maybe not so elegant, but convenient:

And if desired, all this can be put on wheels - make the stand for the tool mobile. This is the case if in the warm season you prefer to work with the machine on the street.

Over time, a lot of things and “important” little things accumulate in the garage, which need to find a place so that they are easy to find and quickly take. This will help the correct organization of space, the most important element of which is the shelves. Today it is not just a complex of horizontal and vertical crossbars. The most convenient designs, adjustable in height, safe and durable, which can be made by hand, have been developed.

Shelves in the garage are needed to systematize the internal "wealth"

For Russians, the garage has long become a multifunctional space. This is no longer just a place for storing and servicing a car, but also a workshop, as well as a warehouse for a variety of things, including:

  • spare parts for the car;
  • wheels;
  • electric and pneumatic tools;
  • oils and gasoline;
  • fishing rods and other fishing, hunting and tourist equipment;
  • wearable and other things;
  • food preparations;
  • detergents to keep clean.

All this must be streamlined, kept dry and in good condition. For this purpose, there are only two designs: and shelves. The first differ from the second in that I can be mobile. Shelves are always stationary and fixed on a wall or partition.

For things of different geometrical parameters, you need a storage place of the appropriate size. In this regard, there are several types of shelves:

  • for tools, with crossbeams preventing the fall of this expensive equipment;
  • for storing long lengths: building material such as boards and metal corners, as well as fishing rods, shovels, spare parts;
  • for large-sized products: machine tools, heat guns, auto parts;
  • for small hand tools, keys, insulating and other materials.

Therefore, the design of the shelves must be chosen based on several parameters:

  • the dimensions of the items that will be stored on them;
  • frequency of their use;
  • weight.

According to the same criteria, the location of the shelf is determined and the material for its manufacture is selected.

Types of shelves and possible materials for manufacturing

Hanging shelves are suitable for those things that you rarely use

There are several types of shelves for the garage:

  1. Prefabricated. These structures can be fully called racks, since it is possible to move them to any place convenient for the owner. They can also be stationary, the frame of which is attached to the wall.
  2. Suspended, fixed in the subceiling space. They are optimal for storing rarely used things and materials. When designing and manufacturing such structures, special attention is paid to the strength of fasteners and the ability of materials to withstand significant weight loads. A ceiling shelf that collapses along with heavy objects can not only damage the car, but also cause serious injury to people and animals in the room.
  3. Mounted. Structurally, they resemble wall cabinets without doors.
  4. Rotating. Optimal for storing the necessary small things and frequently used tools.
  5. In the form of a flat shield with many pins for hanging small items.
  6. With solid (monolithic) horizontal surfaces or made of crossbars located at a certain distance from each other.

Materials for manufacturing:

  • wooden bars;
  • boards;
  • sheet metal;
  • metal corners;
  • pipes of round, rectangular or square section;
  • brackets;
  • metal pins.

This design will be very convenient for storing large items.

Also, for the manufacture of shelves and boxes, objects suitable for this purpose are used: empty plastic canisters, flower pots and other containers that are durable and light in weight.

Corner shelves are highly stable

A metal corner is a reliable material suitable for constructing structures that can withstand significant weight loads. From it you can make a rigid hinged frame for storing wheels. Moreover, the metal must be painted or coated with an anti-corrosion primer. The rules for storing wheels require that they be installed in a vertical position, and they can be placed at any height, even under the ceiling.

If you are thinking of a multi-tiered shelf from a corner, leave the lower part for the heaviest items.

The shelf from the corner can be made in the form of a stable multi-tiered structure, on which it is convenient to store heavy and bulky items. To do this, first of all, they determine what exactly will be here. The bottom shelf usually holds the most bulky and heavy things, so the distance from it to the next upper horizontal surface should be significant.

Design + drawing

Drawing shelves from the corner

A corner shelf is a simple design consisting of several elements:

  • vertical racks;
  • horizontal beams of the frame;
  • steel or wooden sheets laid on them.

The design process consists of several stages:

  • decide what will be on the shelves;
  • find the optimal distance between them;
  • choose the number of shelves;
  • are determined with other geometric design parameters: the width and depth of horizontal sheets, the height of the racks.

Advice! The most convenient shelves in operation are 40-60 cm deep and 100-120 cm long.

Metal corners ready to become shelves

For the manufacture of shelves will require the following materials:

  • metal corner 20x20x3 mm;
  • sheet metal 1.5-2 mm thick (can be replaced with plywood or OSB 9-12 mm thick);
  • anchor bolts No. 8;
  • bolts М6х30 DIN 933;
  • metal studs with external thread M6x40;
  • washers M6;
  • nuts M6.

The listed fasteners (studs, bolts, nuts and washers) are necessary if a collapsible metal frame is mounted. The design can be made in another way - to connect its elements to each other by welding.

To perform the work you will need tools:

  • drill and drill bits for metal;
  • spanners;
  • roulette;
  • bubble level;
  • marker or pencil;
  • grinder with a disk for metal.

Manufacturing instructions

Now you can force

Step 1. Using a grinder, cut a metal corner into segments equal to the height of the vertical racks. For a standard design, 4 supports are required.

Step 2. Markings are made on the wall in the chosen place: mark the location of two vertical supports spaced from each other by a distance equal to the length of the shelves.

Step 3. Pieces of a metal corner are prepared for the installation of frames of horizontal shelves.

Step 4 The shelves themselves are cut directly from sheet metal or OSB / plywood. If the dimensions of the frame are 30x1200 or 60x1200 mm, webs of 288x1188 or 588x1188 mm are prepared, respectively.

Step 5. The frames are assembled in the chosen way: by welding or on bolts with nuts and washers.

Step 6 In accordance with the project, the upper and lower shelves are installed using welding or bolted connections.

Step 7 Attach the structure to the wall in accordance with the previously made markings.

Step 8. Attach the vertical posts to the wall with M8 anchor bolts.

Step 9. Install the frames of the intermediate shelves.

Step 10. Prepared metal or wood sheets are laid on the horizontal ledges of the metal corner.

Important! All metal elements are coated with an anti-corrosion primer before starting work.

wooden shelf

Wood is more environmentally friendly and economical than metal

The most common solution for arranging a garage is the installation of wooden shelves. The choice of this option is due to the availability and low price of wood: bars and boards. In order for the design to be aesthetically attractive and safe in operation, all its elements are pre-treated: they are leveled, polished, coated with a fire-retardant composition.

Advice! A thickness gauge is used to calibrate lumber. With it, you can make all the same structural elements identical in size.

Design + drawing

Drawing of a wooden shelf

Designing a wooden shelf is no different from a similar process in the manufacture of metal structures. The dimensions of the parts are chosen at your discretion. The most convenient are shelves, the length of which corresponds to the distance of an outstretched arm. Height can be any, up to the ceiling. The easiest way is to design and manufacture a stationary wall structure. It is installed in a corner or on a plane.

Necessary tools and materials

Before starting work, the tree must be planed

To work with a tree you will need:

  • drill or screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • grinder;
  • bubble level;
  • construction square;
  • ruler and tape measure;
  • simple pencil.

Materials for the manufacture of a simple hinged shelf 110 cm long, 30 cm high and 25 cm deep (width):

  • planed boards 16 mm thick;
  • wood screws;
  • dowels for wall mounting;
  • brackets
  • fire retardant composition.

Advice! If the shelves are made of chipboard, it is advisable to laminate the ends with a special adhesive tape. This will prevent moisture penetration and swelling of the chipboard.

Manufacturing instructions

Surface preparation in full swing

Step 1. Using a jigsaw or a hacksaw, prepare two canvases for the side walls. Between them there will be two horizontal shelves. The distance between them is equal to the height of the end.

Step 2 Prepare canvases for horizontal shelves.

Step 3. Process the parts with a grinder.

Step 4 Cover the workpieces with a fire-retardant composition, give the drying time recommended by the manufacturer.

Step 5. Start assembling the structure and lay the bottom sheet on a flat horizontal surface. They take a ruler and a simple pencil, measure 8 mm to the right and left, draw two parallel lines.

Step 6. On each line from above and below towards the middle of the canvas, measure 5 mm and put marks.

Step 7. 4 holes are drilled at the points found.

Step 8. In a similar way, mark the surface of the upper shelf and drill 4 holes in it.

Step 9 Install the left end shelf on the bottom shelf. Connect the parts with self-tapping screws.

Step 10 The right end board is attached in a similar way.

Step 11. The upper shelf is laid on the resulting structure and fastened through the previously drilled holes.

Step 12 Brackets are attached to the upper part of the back surface of the end boards.

Step 13. Try on the shelf to the wall, make markings for dowels.

Step 14 Drill holes in the wall.

Step 15 Screw in the dowels.

Step 16. Hang the shelf.

Based on the proposed step-by-step instructions, it is possible to make a structure from several shelves, reinforcing it with vertically installed bars with a section of 40x50 mm or 50x50 mm. In order to give the shelf stability, it is attached to the wall with anchors or dowels.

Other options

A variety of materials are suitable for the manufacture of shelves. The main requirement for them is strength, the ability to withstand the expected load.. Craftsmen find original and practical solutions to organize the garage space.

Cable racks make very durable shelves

Cable racks, trays, profiles - products necessary for electrical work. From these parts, you can assemble a solid and reliable structure from several shelves and sections. Also, these products are suitable for arranging a frame on which wooden, glass or plastic shelves are installed.

The range of auxiliary materials for electrical work includes a full range of fasteners for assembling structures from cable racks. All these products are affordable, sold in the departments of hardware or electrical materials in any building hypermarket and shopping center.

From canisters

Shelf of canisters - an option for the originals

A plastic canister is a real find for those who love original solutions for organizing storage systems in the garage. Entire racks are built from these containers. Canisters act as drawers, one of the side walls of which is neatly cut off. Thus, a hollow box with a handle is obtained.

Installation of such racks is simple. In the manufacture, it is recommended to focus on the above installation instructions for wooden shelves. First of all, a multi-section frame is constructed from boards, in each opening of which a canister laid on its side is installed. Get a comfortable, deep, drawer with a handle.

Attention! Used canisters from solvents, oils, chemical solutions, must be thoroughly rinsed. This will eliminate the odor and eliminate the risk of fire.

How to arrange shelves in the garage

Try to use the shelves as much as possible

The device of simple devices will help to significantly increase the usability of storage systems. So, horizontal crossbars installed along the shelves will prevent accidental falling and damage to objects, injuring legs or arms with heavy tools. Often in garages, the racks are overloaded, and when you get one part, you have to move many others. Horizontal bars will keep items within the given space.

The task of the owner is to make the most of the small area of ​​​​the garage, while using all available surfaces. For this purpose, corner multi-tiered shelves are installed, ideal for storing a variety of small things: containers with screws and self-tapping screws, fasteners.

It is important to place the shelves so that they do not interfere with free passage, and there is no risk of accidentally hitting them with your head or hands. An excellent solution is to install shelves around the perimeter of the walls at a height exceeding the height of the owner by 20-30 cm. On these surfaces, you can store everything that is rarely used, but should always be at hand.

Magnetic holder - a real find for the owner of the garage

Another option for arranging shelves is to fix a wooden block with a magnetic holder on the wall. It is convenient to fix any, small in weight and size, metal products on it: bits, drills, wrenches, screwdrivers. This is a very convenient storage method, appreciated by all garage owners who have used this method of organizing space.

A high multi-tiered shelf can act as a partition for zoning a room. In order to prevent things from falling from the rack located in the walk-through zone, they arrange sliding doors like a wardrobe, or install retaining horizontal jumpers.

Video: Do-it-yourself garage shelves

Without shelves, it is impossible to properly organize the garage space and operate it in the most convenient way. There are many options for arranging storage places, and you can always find the most suitable for a particular situation. Any shelves, metal or wooden, are easy to do with your own hands. This will help detailed step-by-step instructions.