What is straight wire. Another straight line. Preparing to wind the wire

How annoying are the charger wires that always get tangled. It is worth charging the phone and putting the wire in the bedside table, as the next time the surprise is ready - the wire is tangled.
I'll show you how to avoid this and make it from an ordinary straight wire - a twisted wire, similar to the wire of old telephones.
This will be very convenient, because the wire itself will lengthen as it is pulled and will itself fold into a kind of curl.

In this way, not only wires from chargers can be converted, but also any others, whether it be cables from a computer or from something else.
What we need?

All we need:

  • – Direct cable or wire from the charger.
  • – Thick stud or other steel tube, optional without thread.
  • - Cable ties - you can use thread to secure.

Boil the water

We take the most ordinary pans and pour ordinary water into it. The only thing is that the pan should be of such a size that our hairpin is placed in it and completely immersed in water. Then we put the pan on the stove. In the meantime, the water comes to a boil, let's do a few simple steps.
Preparing to wind the wire

With the help of nylon ties, we fix the end of the wire at the beginning of the hairpin. See how it's done in the photo.

Next, tightly wrap the cable around the hairpin and secure the second end with a second nylon tie. Strongly pull the wire is not worth it, but the load is still needed.
Cut off the unnecessary

Extra pieces of the screed can be bitten off with wire cutters so that they do not interfere. Or you can not do this, then it will probably be more convenient to get this structure out of boiling water.
Wire heat treatment

We lower our winding into boiling water. Don't worry about the connectors, they won't do anything. But still keep in mind: that you do all the manipulations at your own peril and risk.
Waiting for about one minute. During this time, the water should boil and boil. As time passes, we pull out this contraption.
I tried to do such a heat treatment with a building hair dryer. But I almost didn't get anything. The wires eventually melted, but did not hold the shape of the twist. In the end, I realized that boiling is the thing. This process is easy to control and the probability of making a marriage is very small. So this is exactly my way.
Finished result

After boiling, we take out the twist. Let's cool down a bit. We bite off the ties, release the cable and pull out the hairpin. Let the new curly wire dry. Next, we check his work and enjoy an unusual craft. Now you won't get confused.
Original article in English

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Gololobov, following his eyes as the red lantern of the trolley receded in the darkness, went to the station office, drove Vaska out of there, and sat down at the telephone. After about ten minutes of all sorts of efforts, a sleepy Georgian voice answered from the receiver, the voice was dissatisfied and annoyed.

- What's the matter here? Why call at night?

- It's me, comrade Chikvaidze, Gololobov, secretary of the Lyskovsky party cell.

- So this is not a reason to wake people up at night.

- There is a reason, comrade Chikvaidze - I've been calling the department for an hour, but they don't answer there, they must be sleeping.

- So what's up?

“Comrade Krivonosov is wounded here.

– Unknown, fraction.

- That is, why is it a fraction? – the Georgian voice was surprised.

- So, with a shot, I think, on a drunken shop. Gololobov had no plan. And it was not so easy to invent it. But it was possible to lay a certain foundation on which, depending on the circumstances and reflections, a plan could be built.

“It’s some kind of dark matter, Comrade Chikvaidze,” Gololobov continued, I’m here, one might say, not in the know, Comrade Krivonosov will tell you himself, he and his assistant have just left, they will be there at six o’clock.

So who hurt him?

- Some tramp, and it seems that the document stole what was in the briefcase.

The pipe whistled long and hard.

- And this Svetlov was caught?

- I don’t know anything about Svetlov, what kind of Svetlov?

- And this one, which you have there, a platoon shot.

- Oh, so it's him - Svetlov?

- Nothing was reported to the party organization.

– What is it? Krivonosov acted on his own?

“He will tell himself. I think, Comrade Chikvaidze, that it is not very convenient to talk about this over the phone.

“Quite strange,” said the receiver.

- Exactly. I, comrade Chikvaidze, that's why I called you. Please pay attention - Comrade Krivonosov was wounded in the nude.

- So, how is it in the nude?

- That is, being undressed, as a mother gave birth.

- What is this? In the bath or where was he wounded?

“It’s a very complicated matter, Comrade Chikvaidze,” I must say officially, I don’t understand a damn thing.

- All right, - said Chikvaidze, - I'll come myself, I'll take a look.

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As a first example, let us again calculate the field of a straight wire, which we found in the previous paragraph, using equation (14.2) and symmetry considerations. Take a long straight wire of radius a, through which the direct current I flows. In contrast to the charge in the conductor, in the case of electrostatics, the direct current in the wire is distributed uniformly over the cross section of the wire. With this choice of coordinates, as shown in Fig. 14.3, the current density vector j has only a z-component. It is equal in size

inside the wire and zero outside it.

Since j X and j y are both equal to zero, then we immediately get

A x = 0, A y = 0.

To obtain And g, we can use our solution for the electrostatic potential j from a wire with a uniform charge density r=/g/s 2 .

Fig. 14.3. A long cylindrical wire with a uniform current density j, directed along the z axis.

For points outside an infinite charged cylinder, the electrostatic potential is

Where r "=Ö (x 2 + y 2), a l, is the charge per unit length pa 2 r. Therefore, A g should be equal

For points outside a long wire with an evenly distributed current. Since pa 2 j z =I, we can also write

Now we can find B using (14.4). Of the six derivatives, only two are different from zero. We get

We get the same result as before: B goes around the wire in a circle and is equal in magnitude to

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How annoying are the charger wires that always get tangled. It is worth charging the phone and putting the wire in the nightstand, as the next time the surprise is ready - the wire is tangled.
I will show you how to avoid this and make a twisted wire from an ordinary straight wire, similar to the wire of old telephones.
This will be very convenient, because the wire itself will lengthen as it is pulled and will itself fold into a kind of curl.

In this way, not only wires from chargers can be converted, but also any others, whether it be cables from a computer or from something else.

What we need?

All we need:
  • - Direct cable or wire from the charger.
  • - Thick stud or other steel tube, can be without thread.
  • - Cable ties - you can use thread to secure.

Boil the water

We take the most ordinary pan and pour ordinary water into it. The only thing is that the pan should be of such a size that our hairpin is placed in it and completely immersed in water. Then we put the pan on the stove. In the meantime, the water comes to a boil, let's do a few simple steps.

Preparing to wind the wire

Using nylon ties, secure the end of the wire to the beginning of the stud. See how it's done in the photo.


Next, tightly wrap the cable around the hairpin and secure the second end with a second nylon tie. Strongly pull the wire is not worth it, but the load is still needed.

Cut off the unnecessary

Extra pieces of the screed can be bitten off with wire cutters so that they do not interfere. Or you can not do this, then it will probably be more convenient to get this structure out of boiling water.

Wire heat treatment

We lower our winding into boiling water. Don't worry about the connectors, they won't do anything. But still keep in mind: that you do all the manipulations at your own peril and risk.
We are waiting for about one minute. During this time, the water should boil and boil. As time passes, we pull out this contraption.
I tried to do such a heat treatment with a building hair dryer. But I almost didn't get anything. The wires eventually melted, but did not hold the shape of the twist. In the end, I realized that boiling is the thing. This process is easy to control and the probability of making a marriage is very small. So this is exactly my way.

Finished result

After boiling, we take out the twist. Let's cool down a bit. We bite off the ties, release the cable and pull out the hairpin. Let the new curly wire dry. Next, we check his work and enjoy an unusual craft. Now you won't get confused.