Black dots all over the face. How to remove blackheads or comedones on the nose, cheeks, chin. Natural masks and scrubs

Very often, small black dots appear on the skin of the face, nose, forehead, cheeks and chin. They spoil the appearance of the skin and look unattractive, cause a lot of trouble for women of all ages and, naturally, the question arises, why do they appear and how to get rid of them?

Why black dots appear on the face

Many people call these points blackheads or rashes, but this is incorrect. The medical name for blackheads is open comedones. They are formed due to clogging of the sebaceous glands on the skin of the face, and can appear on the back and shoulders.

The skin pores are gradually filled with excess sebum, dead skin cells, small particles of dust, become dirty and look like black specks.

If bacteria penetrate comedones, then an inflammatory process occurs in them, and black dots turn into purulent acne.

Basically, people with oily skin type, both women and men, suffer from such problems, but those who have a mixed or normal skin type periodically experience this scourge, called comedones.

There are several reasons for the appearance of black dots:

  • inadequate skin care
  • malnutrition,
  • hormonal disorders in the body.

Wrong skin care

The main reason for the appearance of black dots on the face is improper care and selection of cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type, as well as insufficient skin cleansing.

Excessive use of cosmetics disrupts the functioning of the sebaceous glands, improperly selected, low-quality, expired cosmetics adversely affect the skin of the face, can cause allergic reactions and contribute to the formation of black spots. Discard foundation, especially in hot weather, as foundation clogs the pores of the skin of the face.

In order for comedones to disappear and no longer appear on the face, it is very important to thoroughly cleanse the face every morning and evening before going to bed with special cosmetics.

Unbalanced diet

Another reason for the appearance of ugly black tubercles is malnutrition. Eating a large number of fatty and spicy foods, excessive consumption of coffee, alcoholic beverages, sweets adversely affects the condition of the skin.

The easiest way to eliminate comedones (black dots) is to correct the diet. Eat foods rich in vitamins, macro and microelements that have a beneficial effect on skin condition.

Hormonal disruptions

The causes of the appearance of black dots can also be hormonal disruptions. An increase in the level of male hormones (testosterone) in women over the age of 30 enhances the work of sweat and sebaceous glands, accelerates the process of keratinization of skin cells and affects the composition of sebum, as a result, pores become clogged and comedones form.

If it is not possible to get rid of increased greasiness of the skin and black spots with the help of cosmetic procedures and nutrition correction, then it is necessary to undergo a medical examination by an endocrinologist and gynecologist. Based on the tests, the doctor will determine the level of hormones in the body and prescribe the correct treatment.

Other causes of blackheads

The formation of black dots on the face is also influenced by other factors, such as a humid climate and polluted air, taking certain medications, genetic predisposition, and frequent stress.

How to get rid of blackheads on face

If there are many black dots on the skin of the face and periodically they become inflamed, then in these cases complex treatment will be required.

Before proceeding with the removal of comedones, it is necessary to consult not only a dermatologist, but also a gastroenterologist and endocrinologist. If the appearance of black dots is caused by hormonal disorders, then the doctor will prescribe the right treatment and give the necessary recommendations to eliminate this problem.

In cosmetology salons or cosmetology rooms in polyclinics, comedones are removed by mechanical, atraumatic, ultrasonic facial cleansing, vacuum cleansing, peeling, and cleansing masks are also used.

How to get rid of blackheads at home

You can also get rid of blackheads at home. Before you start cleansing, you need to consult a cosmetologist, a dermatologist, because it is difficult to determine the cause of the appearance of black dots on your own and choose the right products that are suitable for cleansing exactly your skin type.

To remove black dots at home, store or pharmacy products are suitable - sprays, scrubs, patches, lotions, tonics, gels, facial cleansers, creams, ointments.

Folk methods for removing black dots are also popular, such as cleansing masks, herbal infusions for washing, which are easy to do on your own at home.

Blackhead removal should be done once or twice a week. Before removing black dots, the skin should be well cleansed with a lotion or tonic and steam the face, you can simply boil water, or you can make a steam bath with the addition of medicinal herbs.

steam bath

To do this, boil two liters of water and add one tablespoon of chamomile, horsetail, wormwood, yarrow or other herb and lean slightly over the saucepan, covering your head with a towel. The steam bath should be done carefully so as not to scald the skin of the face, from 5 to 15 minutes. After a steam bath, the pores of the skin open up.

Now you can carry out mechanical cleaning or make a mask-film from activated charcoal or remove comedones with a scrub or a special patch that you can buy at a pharmacy.

mechanical cleaning

Wash your hands well, wrap with a sterile bandage and gently squeeze out black dots with light pressure on both sides. Then you need to narrow the pores by rubbing the skin with lotion, tonic, hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice, do not wipe the skin.

Scrub for cleansing

You can also remove blackheads with a scrub. Squeeze a little soapy shaving cream onto a cotton swab, pour a pinch of fine salt and clean your face in a circular motion, rubbing those areas where black dots are located. Then wash with warm water, apply a little soda on a cotton swab and lightly rub the problem areas of the skin. Wash your face first with warm and then cool water.

Activated carbon film mask

Grind one tablet of activated charcoal, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of gelatin and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of warm milk. Stir the mixture, let it stand for a while so that the gelatin swells, then heat until the gelatin dissolves, cool slightly. Apply part of the mixture to areas of the face where there are comedones, when the mask sets, apply the rest of the mixture. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes, and then abruptly tear it off your face.

Purifying masks

Cleansing masks not only help to get rid of blackheads, but also nourish and moisturize the skin of the face well, since natural products are used in the manufacture of such masks - honey, milk, yogurt, juices, vegetables, fruits rich in vitamins. Therefore, they must be used for face care.

honey mask

Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 2 tablespoons of warm milk, stir well. Apply the mask on your face and do not rinse for 30 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

Protein mask

Beat one protein until foamy, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, continuing to beat. Apply part of this mixture to the skin of the face, when it dries slightly, apply the rest of the mixture. After 15-20 minutes, wash first with warm and then cold water.

Curdled milk mask

Add 10 drops of lemon juice to three tablespoons of curdled milk, stir, apply the mixture on the face, keep the mask for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Oatmeal mask

Grind 1 cup of oatmeal with a meat grinder, add 1 teaspoon of soda, mix and store the mixture in a jar with a lid. Add one tablespoon of oatmeal mixture to warm milk, stir, apply gruel on face, hold for 10-15 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Vegetable masks

Grate cucumber or tomato and apply on face for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Mash boiled potatoes, stir with warm milk and apply on face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm and then cold water.

Ice cubes for facial cleansing

1 tablespoon of any medicinal herb - calendula, chamomile, sage, you can take rose petals, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. Strain and pour into an ice cube tray. To freeze. Rub your face with an ice cube in the morning and evening. An infusion of herbs can be used to wash the face.

What needs to be done so that black dots do not appear

1. Eat Healthy Foods

To get rid of black dots, you need to eat right - eat healthy foods that are high in fiber - fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, flax and sunflower seeds, cereal dishes, in addition to fiber, they contain vitamins that are necessary for beauty and health skin is vitamin A, B, C, E, D, F. Meat, fish, dairy and sour-milk products should also be present in food. Kefir is especially useful, it must be drunk daily, in the evening. Kefir helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes internal processes, has a beneficial effect on microflora and improves skin condition.

2. Observe the water regime

For the proper functioning of the whole organism and to improve the condition of the skin, it is necessary to drink about two liters of clean filtered drinking water every day throughout the day. Water cleanses the body, removing harmful substances, toxins from it, and eliminates skin impurities. Without enough water, the skin of the face becomes dry, saggy, loses its tone and wrinkles appear on it faster.

3. Take care of your skin systematically

Take care of your skin daily - cleanse your skin thoroughly in the morning and evening. In the evening, wash off cosmetics, wipe with lotions, and clean in the same way in the morning, because during the night the skin sweats, dead particles are exfoliated and the pores become dirty. Do not wash your face with hot water, as it stimulates the sebaceous glands.

4. Lead a healthy lifestyle

To permanently get rid of black dots, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise or exercise, adjust sleep patterns, move more and be outdoors.

Give up bad habits such as smoking, tobacco smoke settles on the skin, clogs pores and promotes the formation of comedones. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages also adversely affects the condition of the skin.

Take care of yourself, may your skin always be clean and beautiful!

Many people with oily and combination skin face aesthetic problems in the form of black dots. They are formed due to sebaceous plugs. The tops of comedones are dark, which is associated with impurities of dust, cosmetics and dead cells. Often they appear on the nose. How to remove black dots is described in the article.

This unpleasant phenomenon can occur in both women and men. worsen the appearance of the skin and spoil the mood. If you know how to remove black dots at home, you will not only get rid of this disadvantage, but also save money.

Causes of clogged pores

Before getting acquainted with effective methods that can be applied independently, you need to understand the main factors that lead to this disadvantage. Black dots appear due to:

  • hormonal disruptions;
  • genetics;
  • lack of daily routine;
  • insufficient rest;
  • constant stress;
  • bad ecology;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • improper skin care.

How to remove blackheads at home? Experts advise to approach this comprehensively. Thanks to the use of proven methods, it will be possible to improve the condition of the skin, narrow the pores, make the skin healthy, radiant.

Contacting a specialist

If you are interested in how to remove black dots in a day, then you first need to contact a specialist. Based on examination of problem areas, dermatologists and cosmetologists can choose an effective method of treatment. If you do not take appropriate measures, then closed pores will be a problem. Experienced beauticians carry out skin cleansing quickly and painlessly. If the acne does not disappear, you need to consult a dermatologist. The only thing that closed pores do is worsen the appearance. But for health they are not dangerous.

Is it possible to extrude points?

Many are wondering if squeezing comedones is allowed? Experts do not recommend doing this, as the infection can enter the bloodstream and lead to dangerous consequences. Even when using a sterile needle, there is a threat, as there is a risk of getting into the facial nerve.

In addition, a constant can lead to the exhaustion of regeneration resources. Then small scars and scars form on the skin. Eliminating them will be very difficult. But some people still do it. In this case, it is important to observe the rules of hygiene. Wash your hands thoroughly and cleanse your face.

Pharmacy funds

Pharmaceutical preparations can be used to cleanse the face of black dots. The following are often used:

  1. "Differin". The ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect, epithelial cells are restored with it. Performing procedures with its help will remove not only black dots, but also blackheads and other rashes.
  2. Zinc ointment. This remedy eliminates redness on the skin, dries inflammation and is used in childhood.
  3. Ichthyol ointment. The drug eliminates black spots on the nose. To speed up the result, the product is combined with glycerin.
  4. Salicylic ointment. To remove black dots, the product is applied 2 times a day to problem areas. After 15 minutes, the ointment must be washed off.

The most effective is a special patch. First you need to wash your face, and then stick the product on your nose. Hold for a while and you can shoot with a sharp movement. This will eliminate acne and blackheads.

Before using a pharmacy remedy to eliminate skin imperfections, you must read the instructions. It specifies the rules and regulations for the use of drugs. It is enough to follow these rules so as not to cause harm to health.

mechanical cleaning

Most procedures do not give a quick result, but are considered sparing. How to quickly remove black dots on the nose? Mechanical cleaning is effective. This procedure is painful, and redness remains after it. It is necessary to work carefully, paying attention to disinfection. Otherwise, there is a risk of inflammation of the skin, damage to the sebaceous glands, and scarring.

It is advisable to carry out this cleaning in a special salon with an experienced master. But it can also be done at home. It is allowed to perform it in the absence of medical contraindications for steaming the skin.

Steam cleaning

How can you remove black dots in this way? Steam cleaning of the face is carried out only after cleansing the skin. You need to start with a light exfoliation. The scrub is gently applied to the moistened skin of the face and rubbed with soft circular movements for 3 minutes. Scrub can be replaced with a film mask.

After that, you need to make a steam bath of medicinal herbs. and over ordinary boiling water, but herbal infusions will bring more effective results. With them, it will be possible to eliminate excess fluid, restore blood circulation and eliminate irritation.

It is necessary to tilt your head over the pot of broth and cover yourself with a towel, which should be large to protect against steam escaping. Steam bath should be done for 15 minutes. Moisture that appears on the skin is removed with a clean cloth.

After this, the pores open up, and therefore the skin will breathe. Can be cleaned. Hands should be washed with soap and alcohol to prevent infection. How to remove blackheads in an effective way? It is necessary to wrap the fingers with a bandage, which is pre-wetted in a solution of salicylic acid. Black dots are eliminated by a little pressure on them. To narrow the pores, the face is treated with a tonic, lotion or lemon juice diluted in water.

Cleansing strips

How to remove blackheads in a short time? Many cosmetic brands produce patches designed to remove comedones. They are based on natural resins. Acids, oils and sorbents are considered additional components.

The strips are used as follows:

  1. It is necessary to cleanse the skin of cosmetics and dirt.
  2. Moisten the place with black dots and carefully glue the hair on it.
  3. After the patch dries, it must be removed from the skin along with the sebaceous plug.

Due to the viscous component in the composition of the strips, the top of the comedone that clogs the pore softens. It is advisable to use patches in the evening. Then the redness that may appear after the procedure will not bother you. The strips should be used several times a week.

Skin lightening

How to remove blackheads in 1 day? Dark tops of sebaceous plugs can be made light. Pour a soap solution obtained from baby soap into the container. Then baking soda and fine salt (0.5 tsp each) are added. The finished mixture must be collected on a cotton pad and squeezed a little.

The composition is applied in a circular motion, but do not rub the skin. Leave for 3 minutes to take effect. Then the face is rinsed with cool water. There are other ways to remove blackheads with discoloration. It is necessary to dilute lemon juice with water in a ratio of 1: 1. The liquid is used to wipe the face once a day. Hydrogen peroxide (3%) has a whitening effect.

Gelatin mask

How to remove acne and blackheads with a homemade but effective remedy? For this, a gelatin mask is suitable. You will need gelatin and warm milk. The components must be mixed and put in the microwave for 7-10 minutes.

After cooling, the mass must be applied to problem areas and left to solidify. After drying, the product turns into a film that must be removed from the face with black plugs.

Organic products

Between regular facial cleansing, you need to perform effective masks that include 2-3 components. With them, it will be possible to keep the skin clean, nourish it with valuable components and moisturize. The following masks will help remove black dots on the nose:

  1. The crushed oatmeal is diluted with warm milk. The gruel should be applied to the skin and left to act for several minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.
  2. Cosmetic clay is diluted with water or herbal decoction. The mixture is applied to the wings of the nose and left to dry. Cleansing must be done with a damp sponge.
  3. should be distributed with light movements. After the appearance of white lumps on the fingertips, you need to wash with warm water.
  4. White rice should be crushed, steamed with boiling water. In the morning, the liquid is drained, and the resulting mass needs to be treated with problem areas. After 15 minutes, everything must be washed off.

Facial brightening masks

How to quickly remove blackheads with brightening masks? They can be used both as independent procedures and after steaming. The skin after a steam bath perfectly accepts nutrients:

  1. The pulp of the tomato should be spread over the skin. After 5 minutes, the face can be washed with warm water.
  2. Raw potatoes need to be grated on a fine grater. The mass is applied to the face, and after 10 minutes it is washed off.
  3. It is advisable to use kefir instead of morning washing. This fermented milk product is applied as a mask. Wash it off with water after it dries.
  4. You need to prepare a mixture of salt (1 spoon) and sour cream (2 spoons). The mass is used to wipe the wings of the nose 2 times a week.
  5. Protein from 1 egg should be mixed with lemon juice and aloe (2 tablespoons each). This composition is used to treat the area with comedones twice. Wash off with warm water.

After removing the mask, experts advise wiping the skin with lotion and applying a nourishing cream. This protects against dehydration when pores become clogged quickly.

How to remove black dots on the face in a short time? If the above methods did not bring proper results, then you need to pay attention to the recommendations of dermatologists:

  1. Comedones appear from cosmetics based on oils and animal fats. You need to choose products based on age and skin type. Non-comedogenic cosmetics that do not clog pores are usually labeled non-comedogenic.
  2. The use of fatty, spicy, fried foods, coffee, alcohol negatively affects the general condition of the skin. Smoking and drugs have a negative effect. It is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet and give up bad habits. It is useful to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, introduce cereals into the diet and be outdoors more. Drink enough water, as the liquid flushes out toxins from the body.
  3. Acne medications do not affect the amount of sebum that the skin secretes, so they do not prevent clogged pores.
  4. Before going to bed, the face should be cleaned of cosmetics. Change pillowcases frequently and touch your face less with your hands.


To prevent the appearance of black dots, it is necessary to control the condition of the skin and monitor health. Fat content of the face is regulated by astringents and Make-up should be removed before going to bed. It is important to use light moisturizers that are free of oils and fats.

It is necessary to drink more fluids, but reduce the consumption of tea and coffee. You need to wash your face at least 2 times a day. Only quality products should be used. Sulfur soap and hydrogen peroxide gel help with blackheads. You need to watch your diet.

As you can see, there are many ways to eliminate comedones. The main thing is to choose the most suitable tool for yourself and use it. If positive results are not noticed after home treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

If you are interested in how to remove facial blackheads at home, you should clean your face constantly. Even effective remedies are not able to eliminate comedones at once. It is necessary to perform the procedures regularly, and then the results will appear. Only through comprehensive and regular care, the skin will be clean and healthy.

Comedones- cysts that form when the mouth (exit) of the hair follicle is blocked by sebum (natural oils produced by the skin), dead cells of the epidermis and dust particles.

They occur at any age in both men and women. However, most often it is a problem of adolescents in puberty (12-15 years old), as well as young people (16-25 years old). However, with age, comedones are much less common, as sebum production decreases.

Skin anatomy

Leather- the largest organ, its area in an adult reaches from 1.5 to 2 meters squared!

The skin has three layers: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis.

  1. The epidermis is the outer layer of the skin consisting of five layers of stratified epithelium, which are constantly updated. This happens as follows: in the deep layers of the epidermis there are continuously dividing (reproducing) living cells, which gradually move to the outer surface of the skin and replace the aged cells in the upper layer (horny). Next, dead cells are exfoliated (exfoliated) from the surface of the skin.

  2. In addition, in the deepest layer of the epidermis there are cells that produce the pigment - melanin. The color of our skin depends on the amount of this pigment: the more it is, the darker it is.
  3. Dermis (actual skin) - the middle layer. Located under the epidermis. It includes papillary (superficial) and reticular (deep) layers, which do not have a clear boundary between them.

    The dermis consists of densely intertwined collagen, elastic and smooth muscle fibers that provide elasticity, strength and extensibility to the skin.

    Also in the dermis are the sebaceous and sweat glands, hair roots, blood and lymphatic vessels, and free nerve endings. In addition, there are also muscles that lift the hair, causing the effect of "goosebumps".

    Next to each hair there is one or more sebaceous glands that produce sebum, which mixes with the secretion of the sweat glands, forming a thin film on the surface of the skin - a water-fat mantle. The functions of the mantle are moisturizing and protecting the skin from cold, sunlight, wind and microbes .

    In addition, sebum contains a large amount of fatty acids, which "acidify" the surface of the skin. This is very important for the work of enzymes that break down bonds between dying epithelial cells, facilitating their exfoliation.

  4. Hypodermis(subcutaneous fat layer) is located under the dermis. It consists of connective tissue and fatty accumulations. The hypodermis protects us from temperature changes, softens the mechanical effect on internal organs and muscles, and nutrients also accumulate in it.

What are comedones?

They are divided into closed (whiteheads) and open (blackheads or blackheads).
Closed comedones- small, almost imperceptible flesh-colored tubercles with a diameter of no more than 1-2 mm. However, if you run your fingers over them, then the skin feels uneven and rough. When squeezing, the contents of a closed comedone are hardly released.

open comedones- black-brown dots, the contents of which, when squeezed, are easily released. Only their outer part is stained due to the contact of melanin with air. Black dots rarely inflame.

Causes of comedones

Several closely related factors are involved in the occurrence of comedones:
  1. Skin features

    Normally, the fats produced by the sebaceous glands are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the skin. Due to this, it is moistened, and a protective film is formed on its surface.

    However, if the skin tends to produce more sebum, then this balance is disturbed. As a result, the amount of fat produced increases, leading to blockage of the mouth of the hair follicle with sebum and dead cells of the epidermis. Therefore, comedones are most common in people with oily or mixed skin types.

  2. Tendency to hyperkeratosis

    Under certain conditions (lack of vitamin A or E, improper skin care, etc.), the division of epithelial cells increases and their exfoliation is disturbed. As a result, the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands are narrowed, so the removal of sebum to the surface of the skin is difficult.
  3. Hormonal changes

    Some hormones actually increase the production of sebum. For example, androgens (male sex hormones) and progesterone (female sex hormone).
  • Male sex hormones (testosterone) are synthesized by the genital organs both in the body of men (in a larger amount) and in women (in a smaller amount). Their production increases during puberty, so adolescents have an increased tendency to form comedones.

    In addition, an increased testosterone level in a woman is indicative of ovarian dysfunction or polycystic ovaries. But in this case, there is increased hair growth (hirsutism).

    However, not always in the occurrence of comedones there is an increase in the level of testosterone in the blood. Most often there is an increased sensitivity to it of the sebaceous gland receptors. This explains the appearance of comedones in certain areas of the skin, in which the sebaceous glands have more receptors that respond to androgens. For example, the skin of the forehead, wings of the nose, chin, back.

  • Progesterone(pregnancy hormone) is produced in the ovaries (more in women), testicles (less in men), and adrenal glands (in both sexes). It enhances the production of sebum and retains fats in the skin.

    In a woman, progesterone levels increase during the second half of her menstrual cycle and when she is preparing to become a mother. This explains the tendency to increased formation of comedones in a woman before menstruation and during pregnancy.

How to get rid of blackheads at home?

To cope with this problem is possible only with an integrated approach:
  • first you need to cleanse the skin and pores, remove dead cells
  • then properly care for the skin: nourish, moisturize, tighten pores
And for this it is not necessary to visit luxurious SPA-salons or resorts. Since almost all the necessary procedures can be carried out at home.

Scrubs to remove blackheads

Scrub - cosmetic, which contains solid particles (salt, sugar, crushed coffee beans or plant seeds, and others), as well as a softening base (cream, emulsion, gel). Scrub is used to remove dirt and dead cells from the surface of the skin (peeling).

How do scrubs work?

When applying the scrub, the upper (horny) layer of the skin becomes thinner, the pores are cleansed, the skin softens, and the division of living cells of the epidermis in the lower layers increases. As a result, the skin becomes smooth and velvety, brightens, and also acquires a younger and healthier appearance. In addition, the skin is prepared for further cosmetic procedures.

Ready scrubs to remove blackheads

Name Main composition (active ingredients) How the remedy works Expected effect Reviews
Grandmother Agafya's recipes "Oat bran and wheat germ" for all skin types
glycerin, wheat germ oil, ground oat bran, citric acid, antibacterial The scrub gently cleanses the skin and pores, stimulates cell division. Wheat germ oil topically reduces inflammation, nourishes the skin with amino acids, fatty acids and minerals. With regular use, the pores are cleared and reduced. The skin acquires a soft pink hue and becomes smoother. The scrub is great! Personally, I have problematic combination skin, so choosing a scrub is not so easy for me. This one fits me perfectly! After using it, the skin is soft, silky and moisturized. In addition, it reduces acne, evens out skin tone and does not tighten the skin.


It seems to me that this is not a scrub, because the exfoliating particles are small and almost not felt. It smells so good and doesn't irritate the skin. I think it can be used as a cleanser.


Pure Line Cleansing Scrub "Apricot Kernels" for normal and combination skin (designed for deep cleansing)
crushed apricot kernels, apricot kernel oil, corn oil, chamomile flower extract
bones cleanse the skin and remove dead cells.
Apricot kernel oil enriches the skin with nutrients,
accelerates the peeling of scales, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Chamomile flower extract has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.
Due to regular use, the skin is evened out, softened and becomes more elastic, as well as its color improves and irritation decreases. If you use a scrub for a long time, it becomes clear that the skin is overdried. However, the worst thing is the apricot pits! Very large sizes can come across, and the sensations during application are as if you are rubbing with sandpaper.


I have been using this scrub for several years now. It is intended, indeed, for deep cleansing of the skin of the face. Because immediately after using it, the skin literally burns. However, the scrub does its job well: the pores are cleansed, and the skin becomes very soft and velvety the next day. It is noteworthy that after applying this scrub, cosmetic skin care products work much better. True, I use this tool infrequently: three to four times a month.

P.S Scrub, in my opinion, is not suitable for those who have sensitive skin.

I have been using this scrub for over a year now. I first bought it in my student years to save money. It cleanses the skin well of all muck and dead cells. And yes, the price is ridiculous.


After use, the pores are slightly tightened, and the skin becomes smooth to the touch. Everything seems to be fine, but immediately after application the skin turns red, and after several procedures it becomes dry.


Clean&Clear daily face scrub for blackheads
salicylic acid, cetyl alcohol, stearyl ether, natural jojoba microgranules, white clay, chamomile extract, aloe gel, panthenol natural
blue jojoba granules gently cleanse the skin and remove dead skin
cells. Salicylic
acid softens the skin and penetrates deep into the pores, preventing the formation of comedones.
Chamomile extract has an anti-inflammatory effect. Aloe softens and moisturizes the skin, and also tightens
With daily use, the ducts of the glands are cleared of sebaceous plugs, and the pores narrow. The skin becomes soft and silky. The scrub is just amazing! He even came to me! Although my skin is prone to all sorts of rashes, but with this scrub, they have become much less. After all, blue granules do not injure the skin at all and gently cleanse it. Therefore, as indicated on the package, the scrub is suitable for daily use. In general, I am very satisfied, so I recommend this scrub to everyone.


I have very problematic skin, prone to flaking and blackheads. So I decided to buy this scrub. And I didn't guess! Indeed, it is very gentle and soft, and the particles do not scratch the skin. And despite this, it does a good job with black dots.

I bought this scrub by accident: after I saw that the girls literally swept it off the shelves in the store. And I am very sorry that I succumbed to emotions. Indeed, after a month of use, the black dots remained in their places, even it seems to me that there are more of them. And the scrub is washed off badly, leaving a film that tightens the skin. Therefore, I immediately want to apply a cream on my face.


Home scrubs to remove blackheads
Name Composition and method of preparation Action of components Expected effect Reviews
Coffee grounds scrub for oily skin Mix a teaspoon of coffee grounds and a tablespoon of yogurt. Coffee exfoliates the epithelium, smoothes and tones the skin, improves blood circulation and metabolism.
Yogurt moisturizes the skin and also enriches it with B vitamins, zinc and calcium.
The skin is cleansed and acquires a healthy color. I have been using this recipe since my student years (1997). And I am very satisfied, so I recommend it to everyone.


This method was suggested to me by a beautician about five years ago. Since then I have been using it regularly. The skin after it is velvety, like a baby's, and the pores are cleansed and narrowed.



Scrub for combination, dry and normal skin Mix a teaspoon of ground coffee with a tablespoon
fat cottage cheese
(if the skin of the face is oily, then mix with cottage cheese, in which there is a lower percentage of fat content).
Curd contains proteins that nourish the skin, as well as antioxidants that slow down the aging process. The skin is cleansed, moisturized, rejuvenated, softened, whitened and refreshed. Liked the recipe very much. I never thought that simple cottage cheese and coffee work wonders! Of course, I didn’t get rid of blackheads forever, but now I’m at least sure that I can deal with them.


Despite the simplicity, the method helps me. And I use it regularly. It’s just inconvenient to always prepare a new portion.


The recipe is good and really helps. However, I use it a little differently: I don’t immediately wash off the mixture, but after 10 minutes. It turns out a scarab + mask. I advise everyone.


Scrub for deep skin cleansing Take one teaspoon of ground beans, oatmeal, and coffee. Add half a teaspoon of fine salt and a tablespoon of sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly. Salt and coffee particles cleanse the skin. In addition, coffee smoothes the skin, and also removes excess moisture from it. Oat flakes improve skin nutrition and help reduce wrinkles. Beans are anti-inflammatory. Sour cream nourishes the skin with proteins, vitamins and microelements. With regular use, the skin is cleansed and moisturized, it becomes smooth and velvety, acquires a soft pink color. In addition, inflammatory manifestations are reduced. The tool is good. It copes with its task perfectly: the skin is cleansed, it becomes soft and velvety. The main thing is regular use.


I don't use it myself. But for my husband (he has problematic skin), I periodically clean with this mixture. Helps, great!


Scrub for oily skin based on black clay Dilute two tablespoons of black clay (without top) with warm water to the consistency of sour cream. Then add a tablespoon of baking soda. Soda and clay microparticles perfectly remove dead epithelial cells. And thanks to the unique composition of clay (iron, calcium, magnesium, an admixture of volcanic rocks), the mineral-salt balance of sebum and skin pH is restored, and inflammation is also relieved. The skin is cleansed of dead cells, tightened, takes on a healthy appearance, and inflammation is reduced. This scrub really cleanses the skin well, restores and dries it. I use this tool no more than once a week, because this is quite enough for me.


I also make a face scrub based on black clay (sometimes I use green clay), but instead of water I dilute the clay with a warm decoction of a string (sometimes chamomile). I like it a lot.


Scrub with salt and soda for deep cleansing of the skin
Take fine salt (you can pass sea salt through a coffee grinder) and baking soda in a ratio of 1: 1, dilute with warm water and stir until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. Salt and soda cleanse the skin. In addition, salt contains minerals that nourish the skin, and soda has antiseptic properties. The skin is cleansed and dried, and its inflammation is also removed. Used only once - it's a hell of a mixture. Didn't like it at all. Since the skin of the face tightened after application and turned red sharply, and the next day some acne also appeared. I do not advise anyone.

The scrub cleanses the skin well. True, the mixture is thermonuclear, so I rarely use it, when everything is already completely running. The rest of the time I prefer softer products.


How to use scrubs?

Unless otherwise indicated on the packaging of a cosmetic product or in the recipe, then, using scrubs, follow these guidelines:

  • wash your face with a cosmetic cleanser (gel, foam)
  • prepare for the procedure: steam the skin of the face over a pot of hot water (you can use herbal decoctions), covered with a towel
  • Apply scrub evenly on clean and damp skin
  • gently massage your face with your fingertips in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes, avoiding the eye area
  • leave the scrub on your face for another 1-2 minutes
  • then wash off the mixture with cool water to shrink the pores
On a note
  • use a scrub in the evening before going to bed so that the skin can recover overnight.
  • if you have oily skin, cleanse your face twice a week; if you have dry skin, then no more than once.

Cosmetic patch for blackheads

There is a so-called problematic T-zone - the skin of the bridge of the nose, nose and chin. In these places, black dots are always formed more. Therefore, a somewhat deeper and at the same time gentle cleansing is needed. For these purposes, there is a cosmetic patch.

The most popular firms producing black dot stripes:

The active substance is fruit acids. The package contains strips for the nose, bridge of the nose and chin.

About the strips of this company most of all positive reviews. They say that the tool is really effective with regular use and easy to use. True, the cosmetic patch of this company is a bit expensive.

The active ingredients are activated charcoal, peppermint and hazelnut extract. Each pack contains six strips. Reviews are mostly positive, and what is even more pleasing - the price is quite acceptable.

Nesura (Nesura)

The active ingredient is activated charcoal. Pack of 10 blackhead removal strips. Moreover, the manufacturer recommends keeping the patch on the problem area of ​​the skin in the summer for 15 minutes, and in all other seasons - 10 minutes. Judging by the reviews, the tool is not very effective.


Available in two versions: classic (active ingredients - activated carbon and green tea), as well as with the addition of licorice. Each package contains six strips. Reviews are divided: some consider the tool to be very effective, while others say that buying this patch is a waste of money. Moreover, after using the strips, the skin peels off.

How to use blackhead removal strips?

  • Wash off make-up and remove sebum from the skin of the face using a cleanser (foam, gel), cleansing milk or lotion.
  • Moisturize lightly water of the localization of black dots. Since this is necessary for a snug fit to the skin of the strip, as well as the activation of the substances that are in it.
  • Take a strip and remove the protective film from it, then glue it to the problem area.
  • Leave the patch on the skin for 10 to 20 minutes(Be guided by the time recommended by the manufacturer!).
  • Carefully remove the strip.
So the skin is clear. It's time to move on to the next cosmetic procedures.

Blackhead Remover Masks

masks- Excellent facial treatment. After all, they act much more efficiently than many creams (even very expensive ones) and faster. The main thing is to comply with the preparation conditions (if the mask is homemade), as well as choose the right mask for your skin type and solve your specific problem.

How do masks work?

Depending on the composition, they:

  • nourish, soothe, brighten, purify and refresh the skin
  • increase blood flow to it and prevent its early withering
  • smooth out already formed wrinkles
Blackhead Remover Masks
How and what to cook Effects of active ingredients Mode of application Expected effect Reviews
To the white of one egg, add one teaspoon of aloe juice and lemon juice. Beat the resulting mixture with a mixer.

The mask is suitable for oily and combination skin.

Whiten the skin, tighten pores, smooth wrinkles, reduce inflammation. Apply half of the mixture on the skin of the face where blackheads are present. Wait for the mask to dry a little, then apply the rest of the mixture without washing off the previous layer. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes. Apply at least 2-3 times a week. After 2-3 procedures, the skin becomes more elastic and brighter, the pores are reduced, the number of rashes is reduced. Wrinkles become less noticeable. I have been using this recipe for five years now. True, it is not always possible for me to do a mask 2-3 times a week. However, once a week I definitely pamper my skin with this beauty. As a result, I almost forgot about black dots (although my skin is problematic).


I regularly use this mask, so my "five plus" to her. Really, it helps. The pores were reduced, and some disappeared altogether. The skin is cleansed, no longer shiny, looks rested, fresh and brightened.


Take one salt spoon of oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder, soda on the tip of a knife and 3-4 drops of boric acid. Then add kefir and mix until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. Dissolves sebum, reduces inflammation, improves skin nutrition and reduces wrinkles. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas of the skin. After 15 minutes, when it dries a little, roll it up with your fingertips. Rinse off the rest of the mask with water. Apply at least twice a week. With regular use, pores shrink. The skin is cleared, becomes more elastic and acquires a healthy appearance. I use this mask not so long ago (only about two months). However, the result was noticeable already after the second procedure: the skin was cleansed and became silky, and the pores were noticeably reduced.

Miss Green

Dilute two tablespoons of white clay (kaolin) with warm water until a homogeneous slurry is obtained.

The mask is suitable for all skin types.

Contains zinc, silicon, magnesium, calcium. Thanks to this, it improves metabolic processes in the skin and cleanses it, prevents premature aging and protects against the harmful effects of free radicals. Apply the mask on your face and wash off with cool water after 15 minutes. After 3-4 procedures, the skin is visibly cleansed and becomes more elastic. I have been using white clay for a long time and am very satisfied. True, I mix it with kefir and lemon juice. The result is much better. I recommend to all


Used before and was very satisfied. The skin, indeed, after it becomes like a baby: soft, pink and clean. It is a pity that after 40 years it is no longer possible to use drying masks.

Tamara M

Pass a medium-sized carrot through a fine grater, add half a teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount of vegetable oil (sunflower or olive).
Carrots contain beta-carotene (a precursor of vitamin A), which accelerates the exfoliation of epidermal cells and their replacement with new cells, and also normalizes the sebaceous glands. Lemon juice treats inflammation and evens out skin tone. Vegetable oil nourishes the skin. Apply the resulting slurry on the skin of the face, and cover with a napkin on top. Wash off with cool water after 15 minutes. Apply the mask twice a week. Already after 3-4 applications, a significant improvement in the skin condition is noticeable: it becomes more elastic, its tone evens out.
The amount of sebum is reduced. As a result, black dots do not form again as quickly.
I just did this experiment yesterday. I won’t say that the sensations are super, but I liked the mask. Here I report: in the morning the skin is smooth and does not shine, nothing popped out, the pores narrowed, and some even closed. I take note of the recipe.


After the mask, apply a cream that suits your skin type.

Gelatin in masks to remove blackheads

Every housewife knows that edible gelatin is a natural thickener that is used in cooking for the preparation of certain dishes and desserts (fruit and berry jelly, jelly, marmalade, and others).

However, edible gelatin has proven itself in cosmetology as well. Because it is a natural source of collagen - a protein that our skin needs so much for elasticity. In addition, gelatin helps fight blackheads and normalizes the sebaceous glands.

In cosmetology, transparent or light yellow edible gelatin is used without additives and dyes.

Gelatin mask from black dots

What and how to cook How to use What effect does
Grind two activated carbons, add one teaspoon of dry gelatin and the same amount of milk. You can add a few drops of essential oil for fragrance. Mix everything. Next, place the resulting mixture in a water bath and heat it until the gelatin is completely dissolved, stirring constantly. Or place the container with the components of the mask in the microwave for 10-15 seconds.
Using a brush, apply the composition to problem areas of the skin: bridge of the nose, nose, chin. Then wait until the film is formed (usually it takes 10-15 minutes). Then, with light sipping movements, remove the film, and wash off its remnants with water. The pores are cleansed and narrowed, the skin is tightened and becomes more elastic.

To remove blackheads from forehead and cheeks apply the same mask all over your face. Only in this case do not add activated carbon to it.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How to remove blackheads on nose?

What to apply? Why use? How to cook? How to apply?
Sour cream and coarse salt scrub To cleanse the pores, soften the skin and improve its metabolism. Mix a tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of salt. Apply the resulting mixture to clean and damp skin of the nose. Then massage the skin of the nose in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes and rinse with cool water. Use no more than twice a week.
Aloe leaf lotion To clean and tighten pores, restore skin metabolism, and relieve inflammation and irritation. Peel a wide leaf of aloe from the peel, and grind the pulp to a pulp. Pour two tablespoons of such gruel with a glass of water and place on fire. Bring the mixture to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes. Then remove from heat and cool. Store the resulting lotion in the refrigerator. In the morning and in the evening, wipe the problem areas of the skin.

How to remove blackheads on face?

What to use? Why apply? How to cook? How to use?
Honey for peeling To exfoliate dead skin and cleanse pores, improve blood flow and metabolism. It is better to use candied honey. Apply honey evenly on your face. Then press the pads of your fingers against the skin and quickly remove (a kind of vacuum massage). Repeat these movements for 10-15 minutes, and then wash off the honey.
Kefir mask for oily skin For narrowing pores and cleansing the skin, dissolving excess sebum. Mix one egg white, two tablespoons of kefir and a teaspoon of honey. Apply the resulting mixture on a previously cleansed face, and rinse after 15 minutes.

How to remove blackheads on chin?

What to use? Why apply? How to cook? How to use?
herbal scrub Cleansing pores and reducing inflammation. Take in equal parts the flowers of St. John's wort, chamomile, celandine, calendula and mix. From the resulting mixture, separate one tablespoon and pour a glass of boiling water. Steam your face over herbal steam for 5 minutes. Next, squeeze the cake and mix it with fine salt in a ratio of 1:1. Then apply the mixture on the chin and clean the skin in a circular motion. Wash off with cool water after a few minutes.
Brewer's yeast and milk mask To narrow the pores, reduce the oily sheen of the skin of the face, relieve inflammation. Mix one tablespoon of brewer's yeast and milk until the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the mixture in a thin layer on the skin of the face, and after 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

How to remove black dots on the body?

What to use? Why apply? How to cook? How to use?
coffee scrub To exfoliate dead skin cells and unclog pores. Mix two tablespoons of ground coffee with cream or unrefined vegetable oil. Apply the mixture on the skin of the body and massage it, and rinse after 10 minutes.
Small oatmeal scrub To cleanse the pores and skin of dead cells, as well as reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation. Mix oatmeal with liquid honey. Apply the mixture on the skin and massage it with light circular motions. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.

After using scrubs, it is advisable to apply a nourishing or moisturizing body cream to the skin.

How to remove blackheads on legs?

Black dots on legs ingrown hairs that appeared after the removal of unwanted hair (epilation).


During epilation, only the epidermal part of the hair is removed. As a result, it becomes thinner and weaker, and the skin becomes rough. All this leads to the fact that the growing hair can no longer grow outward and, bending, grows inward.

As you can see, black dots on the legs have nothing to do with comedones. However, scrubs are successfully used to solve this problem, as they exfoliate dead skin cells, releasing ingrown hairs.

What to use? Why use? How to cook? How to use?
Corn flour scrub To cleanse the skin of dead cells, soften it and improve blood circulation. Add a little shower gel and water to the cornmeal and mix thoroughly. Gently massage your feet with the resulting mixture. Wash it off after 10 minutes.
sugar scrub Cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin. Mix sugar with any vegetable oil. Apply the scrub to the skin of the legs and massage it with vigorous movements. Wash off after 5-10 minutes.

Of course, not everyone succeeds in getting rid of black dots once and for all. However, using home remedies and following a diet (limiting fatty, spicy, salty and alcohol) will allow you to cope with the problem many times faster.

Black dots, as a rule, appear during puberty, at about 12-13 years old and then the teenager first encounters this problem.

At this time, they turn to specialists who explain the reason for the appearance of points, saying that hormones are to blame, and the manifestations on the face will disappear over time, as soon as the body matures sexually.

But not everyone is so lucky, and black dots on the face remain at the age of 20 and at the age of 30. That's it in order to find out how to get rid of them, we will try to describe the whole process in as much detail as possible.

Black dots - causes

Last time we talked about inflammation of the ovaries (see), and now let's figure out why black dots appear. The most important is the ingress of dust and small particles of dirt on the skin of the face. The thing is that dust particles, once on the skin, are closed in the ducts of the sebaceous gland, if the duct itself is clogged.

It becomes clear that the particle will not be able to go outside, and then a formation occurs in the form of a tubercle and a black dot in the middle. Most often, black dots are especially common on the nose, chin, forehead, that is, in those places where the skin is quite oily.

Due to the fact that such skin does not look well-groomed, it is simply necessary to deal with this trouble. And you can do this both on your own and by visiting a beautician.

Improper diet is a common cause of comedones

In addition, it is necessary to monitor the amount of absorbed sweets, starchy and richly salted dishes. But fish is the product that simply must be included in the diet, because fish contains those oils and fats that will put your skin in order.

Also an integral part of the diet are fruits, grains, nuts. This food is rich in vitamins A and E. Very useful for the skin is kefir or any fermented milk products that are best drunk at night. They will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and, consequently, the appearance of the skin.

Insufficient skin care

Black dots also appear when the skin is wrong or insufficient. It happens that scrub and steaming the face 2 times a week, gel and tonic used every day, as well as the obligatory washing off of cosmetics before bedtime, will help get rid of blackheads.

Decorative cosmetics

The fourth is decorative cosmetics. Today it is not easy to choose the right one, because it is represented by a huge abundance. It is best to give preference to more expensive cosmetics, which, unlike cheap ones, do not provoke the production of fat that clogs pores and black dots do not appear for this reason.

In addition, inexpensive cosmetics are not able to dissolve in skin cells, thereby forming plugs during sedimentation.

Hormonal background

In addition to external factors, oily skin type also most often provokes the appearance of black spots. Everything is explained simply: there is an excessive production of fat, which clogs the pores and forms a shiny coating on the face and, as a rule, black dots.

  • Drink 2 or more liters of water per day. Soda, tea, coffee and other drinks are not taken into account.
  • Getting enough sleep and less stress is the best way to keep your skin healthy.
  • Eliminate junk food, eat natural products better, do not give up fruits and vegetables.
  • Let your skin rest. To do this, wash off cosmetics, use skin cleansers.

It is difficult to remove black dots, but with sufficient perseverance it is possible, so do not give up.

Every day, actresses and models watch us from TV screens, and everyone, like one, has perfectly clean faces: no pimples, no redness. Of course, all this is the merit of stylists and video editing operators, in reality, even the first beauties are familiar with such a problem as the appearance of black dots on the skin. Why do they arise? How to treat them? These are the questions that torment - or have tormented at least once - every girl.

To understand why black dots appear on the face, you need to figure out what they are. Black dots have a second name - comedones, and they occur when the ducts of the sebaceous glands are clogged. The tops of such sebaceous plugs accumulate dirt, cosmetic residues and dead epidermal cells, turning black or dark brown. These contaminated outer parts of the sebaceous plugs are just the black dots that are well known to us.

Why black dots appear

Unfortunately, most often black dots appear in girls, because, as a rule, their skin is more oily, and the pores are enlarged. They deliver not only an aesthetic inconvenience, but also subsequently make the skin look like lemon peel, and sebaceous plugs become an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. The causes of the appearance of black dots can be very different.

  • The main reason for the appearance of black dots is the ingress of dirt and dust on the skin and, as a result, clogging of the pores. This happens for the most part due to the fact that the skin is not cared for enough, limited to daily washing. Meanwhile, it is very important not only to wash off cosmetics and dirt with water, but also to periodically do scrubs, masks and other useful procedures. They help to completely remove dirt and dead cells, which are also the cause of clogged pores.
  • Another possible reason for the appearance of comedones is the wrong diet. Excessive consumption of alcohol, sweet pastries, spicy and fatty foods affects the condition of the skin - naturally, not in the best way.
  • Constant touching of the hands to the skin can also contribute to the appearance of comedones, especially on the face - dirt and a huge amount of germs collect on our fingers.