Pubic pediculosis - treatment, symptoms, how do they get infected? Pubic pediculosis: causative agent of the disease, method of infection, methods of treatment Which areas of the skin are most often affected by scabies

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A disease such as pubic lice has become a very common disease of the dermis, the causative agent of which is pubic lice. And today we will consider in more detail the symptoms and causes of pubic pediculosis in women and men, its treatment and diagnosis.

  • crotch;
  • pubis;
  • scrotum.

They also live on:

  • hairs that grow around the anus;
  • axillary hairs.

Read about the causes of pediculosis on the pubic part below.

The specialist will tell about the features of pubic pediculosis in the video below:

Much less often, infection with pubic pediculosis can occur through:

  • towels;
  • bed sheets.

You should be extremely careful when visiting swimming pools, solariums, saunas, public toilets.


The development of pubic pediculosis is indicated by itching on the pubis, sometimes it is felt on the hips, legs, upper body, mustache, and beard. The spread of this type of lice over a significant part of the body occurs more often in those who suffer from increased body hair.

Skin itching can occur in different patients with varying intensity. Some are disturbed by a slight feeling of discomfort, while others suffer from severe itching during the day and at night. In some cases, an infected person may not even feel the symptoms of the disease.

Diagnosis of pubic pediculosis is carried out without any difficulties. Patients come to the doctor with characteristic complaints. In addition, when visually inspecting linen, the affected area of ​​​​the body, it is easy to detect lice and nits. Therefore, examination of the patient is considered the main method of diagnosis. If necessary, health workers use a magnifying glass. Insects are clearly visible after they drink blood.

This video will tell about the treatment of a new and advanced form of pubic pediculosis:

Treatment of pubic pediculosis


After an accurate diagnosis is made, the treatment of pubic pediculosis begins. Treatment involves the use of such means as:

  • medicated shampoos;
  • ointments;
  • sprays.

During the treatment period, it is important to monitor personal hygiene. It is necessary to change underwear, bed linen. It is advisable to boil dirty, worn clothes or at least wash them in a typewriter at maximum temperature. After washing, it must be ironed. It is desirable to carry out the processing of the mattress, bedding, upholstered furniture.

Read about ointments and other drugs for the treatment of pubic pediculosis below.


Drug treatment involves the use of special products that are made in the form of shampoos, solutions, emulsions, soaps. Quite effective are:

  • "Veda-2".
  • "Spray Pax".
  • Vitar.
  • "Pedillin".

We will tell you further about how to treat pubic pediculosis at home.

At home

For the treatment of pubic pediculosis, treatment can be carried out with the following means:

  • vinegar;
  • kerosene. This remedy is rubbed into the skin;
  • sulfuric ointment;
  • kerosene with soap;
  • cranberries. The acid of these berries has a deadly effect on lice.

The most effective way to treat at home is to shave your head. This is how both adults and their eggs, which are firmly attached to the hairs, are destroyed.

Disease prevention

The main preventive method of pediculosis in this area is considered to be early diagnosis of the disease, as well as subsequent immediate treatment. Both the patient and his sexual partner should be treated. This should be done to prevent recurrence.

To avoid infection with pubic lice, you should carefully lead your intimate life, be careful when choosing a sexual partner. Personal hygiene rules must be followed strictly. Underwear, bed linen should always be washed and ironed.

If symptoms of the disease are detected, you should contact a special service for diagnosing and treating the disease. A dermatologist will make the correct diagnosis, recommend the most effective means for treatment.


Due to the incessant itching, the patient constantly scratches the bites. This is how scratching occurs, allergic reactions can occur. On the affected areas of the skin may form.

In the presence of scratching, the likelihood of infection with a secondary infection increases. This complication complicates the course of the disease, its treatment.

If an infected person has pediculosis pubis, the dermis often ceases to act as a natural barrier. This allows various infections to enter the body, especially sexually transmitted diseases. For this reason, a patient with this type of pediculosis is recommended to undergo an additional examination for the presence of such diseases: syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia.


The prognosis for pubic pediculosis is good, subject to early detection of the disease, its treatment with special means.

Get rid of pubic lice is now possible even in one day. Special lice remedies are very effective for treating skin, hair, bedding, and underwear.

Elena Malysheva will tell you more about pubic lice in this video:

How can you catch pubic pediculosis?

Outside the human body, the louse can live no more than one day, but the remaining larvae are more dangerous, they remain alive for almost a week. That is why you can catch the disease simply by using someone else's towel, washcloth, or using a tanning bed, swimming pool, or even a public toilet. Pubic lice live only on the human body, it is impossible to get infected from animals.

Symptoms of the disease

Itching arises from the fact that when sucking blood, the insect injects a substance under the skin that simultaneously thins and digests the blood. The immune system reacts with itching. Sometimes it's not very strong, and sometimes it's just unbearable. The most intense itching becomes at night.

As a result, the sick person scratches the skin until it bleeds, which can cause eczema, irritation and infection.

Another characteristic symptom of pubic pediculosis is blue or shadow spots that form on the skin, having a diameter of about 1 cm, they do not last long and disappear quickly. Their occurrence is associated with small hemorrhages from the suction of insects or with the deposition of the secretion of the salivary glands of pubic lice.

In patients, spots are most often found on the abdomen, chest, on the sides of the body, where there is no hairline. They are clearly visible there. Sometimes allergic rashes join the spots.

Well, the most obvious symptom is the larvae and the insects themselves, seen on the body and underwear. You can see them well with a magnifying glass. They resemble microscopic crabs, ranging in size from 1 to 1.5 mm.

If you notice these or any other painful symptoms on your skin, this is a good reason to see a doctor. With pubic lice, you will be assisted by specialists - a dermatovenerologist, gynecologist or. The doctor will conduct an examination, examination, determine the diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

How to treat pubic pediculosis?

It must be said that diseases similar to pubic pediculosis, namely scabies, molluscum contagiosum, etc., are considered markers of other specific diseases that are sexually transmitted. Therefore, in parallel with the appointment of treatment for pediculosis, the doctor will check for the presence of other sexually transmitted diseases.

In the event that pediculosis therapy is started in a timely manner, as well as with careful observance of all medical recommendations, its effectiveness is very high.

Here are the main treatment rules:

All bedding and underwear should be thoroughly washed, boiled and ironed on both sides.

Pubic hair should be shaved during the entire course of treatment.

Prevention measures

In order not to get sick with pubic pediculosis, you should be more selective in choosing sexual partners, and avoid casual sexual contacts.

In addition, you must not forget about the rules of personal hygiene. Keep your body clean, take a shower 1-2 times a day, change your underwear and bedding regularly. If you have to spend the night in hotels, it is better to use your bed linen. Take care of your health and regularly undergo preventive medical examinations.

Symptoms of pubic lice

Good day. My young years, especially student years, passed in such a way that some moments are sometimes inconvenient to remember.

Pubic lice

What is pubic pediculosis? Pubic pediculosis (syn: phthiriasis) is caused by pubic lice (syn: flatheads). The pubic louse attaches itself to the pubic hair. In order to survive, she needs to suck fresh blood twice a day. The laid eggs (nits) are firmly attached to the pubic hair by the female; they cannot be washed off with water.

How can you get lice pubis? Infection in most cases occurs through sexual contact. However, transmission through bed linen, towels and clothing is possible.

What parts of the skin are affected by pubic lice? Pubic lice live mainly on the hair located on the pubis, genitals, around the anus. Sometimes they spread to other areas of the skin covered with hair - chest, abdomen, armpits.

How does pubic pediculosis manifest itself? Characterized by itching, which is usually worse at night. Sometimes the patient does not care. In some cases, pubic lice bites cause an allergic rash at the affected site.

Often, patients with pubic pediculosis independently identify nodules on their pubic hair (nits).

How is lice pubis diagnosed? Diagnosis is based on the clinical picture and the detection of lice or nits.

What is the treatment for pubic pediculosis? A good drug is SPRAY-PAX (aerosol for external use). It is sprayed in the pubic area, genitals, around the anus and left for 30 minutes. The treated areas are then washed with soap and rinsed thoroughly with water.

The drug is used 1 time. One vial is enough to treat 2 people. After using the drug, it is necessary to change underwear and bed linen. Old linen should be boiled and ironed on both sides.

Risk of other sexually transmitted diseases. It should be noted that sexually transmitted skin diseases (scabies, pubic lice, molluscum contagiosum) are markers of other sexually transmitted diseases.

Therefore, if a person who is sexually active has scabies, lice pubis or molluscum contagiosum, it is necessary to test for other sexually transmitted diseases.


Epidemic of intimate pediculosis

Pubic lice are controversial animals. On the one hand, they can live for months in suspended animation, being without a host, or rather his skin and hair. They can withstand pressure up to 1.3 kg, live under a 30-cm layer of sand for 4 days, and under water for 2 days.

On the other hand, they cannot stand hunger: if they are suddenly torn from the body, then without food, lice suddenly die within 24 hours. In addition, they are lazy and if they cling to the hair, they do not get off it until their death. And lice live and breed well only at a temperature of + 30-38 ° C.

Scientists cannot yet explain this selectivity, but pubic lice do not eat all people. But if the person seemed tasty, then the insect instantly crawls to the causal place and clings to the hair with three legs on one side of the body. If you try to tear the louse away from its familiar place, it shows signs of life and clings to the hair even more strongly, which is why it can only be removed with great difficulty and most often together with the hair.

Ways of infection

The “ploschitsy” prefer the inguinal region, because there are the most apocrine glands, which secrete a special sweat with a strong, “animal” smell.

But they can live not only "there", but also on the hips, torso, armpits. And if you kill them from these places, then lice can crawl onto a beard, mustache or eyelashes. It all depends on the degree of hairiness of the victim.

Self-diagnosis of an intimate disease

  • Itching. First of all, lice inject a substance that thins the blood and causes a characteristic itching.
  • Spots. After the lice settle on the host's skin, blue or shadow spots appear up to 1 cm in diameter, which quickly disappear. These are either small hemorrhages, or the deposition of the secretion of the salivary glands of pubic lice.
  • Dark dots on linen. On the areas of underwear that come into contact with the inguinal region, small dark dots appear. This means that the lice have settled down: the spots are the products of their vital activity.
  • blisters. Scratching itchy areas leads to the appearance of red bumps, blisters and eczema.
  • Lice themselves. As the hair grows, the nits, along with the hairs, rise above the surface of the skin and are easier to see. And by the height of their location, you can approximately estimate how much they are already “visiting”.

Treatment of pubic pediculosis

Obviously, a normal soapy shower does not kill lice or get rid of nits. But do not pour kerosene, there are modern and trouble-free means.


If there is a lot of hair, it is better to shave them off. This will immediately eliminate many lice and nits and make it easier to inspect the affected areas. To dissolve the sticky substance that holds the nits on the hairs, you need to wash with hot water and vinegar.

Precautionary measures

Dirty laundry must be boiled with a solution of soda for 25-30 minutes to kill nits that can live there for another 6 days. Iron the clothes with a hot iron, especially the folds.

And, the most unpleasant, to be examined for the presence of syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases. You never know whose blood these pests sucked before?


What are pubic lice?

Usually, pubic lice settle on the hairy areas of the body in the genital area, however, they can often be found on the eyebrows, eyelashes, armpits and beard.

Ploshchitsy (another name for pubic lice) are inactive, but multiply quickly enough by laying nit eggs. They feed exclusively on human blood and live for about 24 days.

Reasons for the appearance

The fact is that pubic lice cannot live without a carrier for more than a day, but nits retain the ability to develop much longer.

It is for this reason that some care should be taken in swimming pools, saunas, solariums and public toilets, where the risk of picking up unpleasant neighbors is highest.

What happens when you get infected?

Having moved to the body of a new host, pubic lice attach themselves to the hair and begin their destructive activity. First of all, they pierce the skin of the host and extract the first portion of blood. The salivary glands of insects produce a special enzyme that enters the wound and prevents blood from clotting.

Because of this, pubic lice bites cause a lot of inconvenience. Human skin constantly itches and itches, sometimes allergic reactions appear on the arms, legs and groin. A closer examination of the skin can reveal bluish bite marks.

After saturation and mating, pubic lice lay eggs (7-9 pieces). They are tightly fixed on the hair with the help of a secret and therefore are not washed off with water during hygiene procedures. Nits develop for about two weeks, and then new pubic lice hatch from them.

Pubic lice - symptoms and consequences

The first signs of pubic lice are observed a month after the appearance of the first individuals. The most characteristic symptom is severe itching at the site of the bites.

Most often it is noted in the pubic region, but sometimes the hips, arms and torso are also itchy. People with abundant hair are especially affected by it, since in their case pubic lice can live literally all over the body.

The intensity of itching depends on the individual anatomical features of the person and the time of day.

If, at the diagnosis of pubic lice, treatment was not carried out or was insufficient, then small damage to the skin develops into eczema and facilitates the penetration of secondary infections into the body.

A sign of pubic lice may also indicate an allergic rash or the detection of lice eggs.

Since secondary infections easily penetrate through damaged skin, all patients with pubic lice are tested for syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment of the disease

More recently, people got rid of lice with the help of kerosene, dust, laundry soap and other improvised means. Fortunately, those days are in the past.

Next, sulfuric ointment or any ointment with benzyl benzoate is applied to the skin. In pharmacies, you can also buy more convenient drugs, for example, nittifor or spray-pax. They can be applied directly to the hair without worrying about shaving the intimate parts of the body.

Since pubic lice can get on bedding or clothes, you should soak clothes in hot water and add bleach to it.


Pubic lice

Much less often, pubic lice can be found in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mustache, beard, eyelashes, eyebrows or hair on the head of a child.

Infection with pubic pediculosis occurs sexually or through bedding.


The first manifestations of pubic lice will be severe persistent itching in the pubic region and in the perineal region. This itching is caused by lice bites and leads to irritation of the skin in these places, which is the result of scratching.

In the center of each such spot there will be a barely noticeable point - the bite site. In appearance, these spots resemble syphilitic roseola. But, these spots disappear on their own after two weeks, and do not leave marks.

With the advanced form of this disease, the patient has an increase in lymph nodes. With a long-term course of the disease, the patient's skin becomes modified - rough, thick, hyperpigmented. And in place of scratching, cicatricial traces of a white tint remain.


Diagnosis of phthiriasis or pubic pediculosis never causes difficulties. The doctor examines and interviews the patient, and if nits and the lice themselves are found, he makes an accurate diagnosis.

In a more advanced state of the disease, the diagnosis is also made when glued hairs are found during the examination - this occurs with the help of serous-purulent discharge and is called "tangled".


Preventive methods of pubic pediculosis or phthiriasis consist in constant medical examinations and individual sexual hygiene.

When detecting and diagnosing pubic pediculosis, it is necessary to disinfect linen, clothes, bedding not only for the patient himself, but also for all his sexual partners or those who had contact with his bed linen.


The skin is washed with sufficiently hot water and medical soap. Now in medicine, the use of a spray is widespread - Pax, a drug that is an aerosol for external use.

After using all these funds, the patient needs to undergo water procedures quite often. All linen must be thoroughly disinfected.

Subject to all the rules of treatment and disinfection, a complete recovery from pubic lice is guaranteed.


Description of the disease pubic pediculosis

Such pubic lice preferentially settle in the genital area (pubis, perineum, scrotum), hair in the anus, armpits.

The reason for this choice is that a significant number of apocrine glands are located in such areas, and the sense of smell of pubic lice is specially oriented towards them. Less commonly, they affect the eyebrows, mustaches, eyelashes, hair on the head of children.


Often, pubic lice are transmitted by sexual contact, then insects from one partner jump to another.

In addition, according to research, a louse that has unhooked from a person lives only no more than a day, but the larvae are able to remain viable for about a week.

Thus, you can become infected with pubic pediculosis through towels or bedding, clothes. Infection is possible in baths, pools, solariums and even toilets.


At first, an incubation period begins, when there are no symptoms, but pubic lice already settle on the human body, lasting about a month.

Then several symptoms appear. The main one is skin itching in the habitat of lice. This is usually itching in the pubic area, but other parts of the body are possible, such as the thighs, torso (for example, in people with increased body hair), or beard and mustache.


Sometimes a person may not even notice itching, and sometimes, especially at night, such itching is unbearable. The patient begins to comb the skin and its irritation and redness appear, eczema occurs, and secondary infections penetrate through scratching.

Also, a sign of pubic pediculosis is the appearance on the skin of blue or shady soon disappearing spots with a diameter of up to 1 cm. They appear from small hemorrhages from the sucking of blood by lice, or from the deposition of the secretion of the salivary glands.

The symptoms of pubic pediculosis include an allergic rash. An unconditional sign of pubic pediculosis is the detection of pubic lice, as well as their larvae, on the skin or underwear.

How to treat

  • Bed linen and underwear must be thoroughly washed and ironed.
  • It is recommended to shave the pubic hair.
  • The effect of the treatment of pubic lice is very high, subject to all the rules.
  • It is necessary to process clothes, upholstered furniture, bedding, mattresses - upon contact with them, you can get sick again.

Prevention of pubic pediculosis

Compliance with personal hygiene and the exclusion of casual sex.


Since they are very small and often less than 3 mm, they are quite difficult to detect. Most often, these yellow-brown lice, as seen in the photo, choose the hairy groin area for habitat, but can be found on the armpits, eyebrows, beard, eyelashes, etc.

Young, sexually active people get sick more often, since promiscuous sexual relations contribute to infection. In a third of patients, as a rule, other pathologies of a venereal nature are also found.


As previously specified, infection with pubic lice occurs through sexual contact, so the causes of the disease are associated with a promiscuous sex life.

But you can get infected by the household contact method when visiting a solarium, swimming pool, sauna or bath, as well as through underwear or bedding. It often happens that the pathology is epidemic in places where a large number of people live, such as a hostel, barracks, hotel or on a train.

It is not worth remembering the antediluvian grandmother's methods of treatment, today there are many remedies that have proven themselves well in getting rid of pubic lice. To do this, it is enough to use the processing tool several times, following all the recommendations and rules.

To begin with, it is recommended to shave off the hair in the habitats of the pubic louse. This is already a treatment, because with the hair removed, you will also eliminate lice with nits. In addition, the treatment will be much more effective when the ointment and other medicines are applied directly to the skin.

If such a procedure is sickening to the patient, then it is not necessary to shave off the hair. For processing, a remedy such as sulfuric ointment is more often used, the treatment of which lasts no more than 3 days.

If pubic lice move to another habitat, then the treatment can be supplemented with shampoo, gel, spray, etc. To eliminate uncomfortable itching, a rather effective remedy is recommended, such as a saline or acetic aqueous solution.

This remedy is simply rubbed into the skin. Pharmacies offer alternative medicines such as calamine lotion, which is also very good at eliminating itching from pubic lice.

When the treatment is over, clothes, underwear and bedding should be boiled, and after drying, be sure to iron. Since pubic lice are often accompanied by concomitant sexually transmitted pathologies, after the end of treatment, a preventive examination is desirable in order to possibly detect genital infections.


Pubic lice


Lice are quite tenacious - they are able to withstand pressure up to 1 kg, a 30-cm layer of sand and survive in water for two days.

In European countries, the disease is widespread, mainly lice affect young people.

What does a pubic louse look like?

Lice live on average 27 days, during this period one individual lays a huge number of larvae.

How are pubic lice transmitted?

Pubic lice cause phthiriasis (pediculosis pubis), which is considered a sexually transmitted disease.

The main symptom of pubic pediculosis is itching, which appears after the end of the incubation period. In addition to itching, bluish spots (bites) may appear on the body, which disappear rather quickly.

If the itching is not strong, then the person may not know about the lice infestation for a long time.

In advanced stages, blisters, wounds appear on the skin, eczema develops.

Pubic lice can be transmitted to children while sleeping together with parents, when using other people's towels, after visiting public baths, etc.

A patient with pediculosis should carefully wash bedding and underwear, and it must also be ironed without fail.

In addition to underwear and bed linen, it is very important to treat upholstered furniture, a mattress and other items that the patient has come into contact with with special preparations.


When pubic lice are detected, special drugs are prescribed that quickly help to destroy insects.

The most popular drugs are:

Spray for pubic lice. There are several types of sprays for pubic lice on the pharmaceutical market:

Ointment for pubic lice. In the pharmacy you can see a large selection of ointments for pubic lice.

Sulfur-mercury ointment, xylene, nittifor, which contain a natural insecticide, have maximum efficiency.

Before applying the ointment, you need to shave your hair or treat it with vinegar water. The procedure is best done before bedtime.

Treatment at home

Sulfur ointment shows good efficiency, which has a pungent odor, but is almost 100% effective. Also, for the treatment of pediculosis, tar soap is used, with which the affected areas are thoroughly washed.

Modern medicine allows you to get rid of lice quite quickly (some drugs can destroy parasites and their larvae after just one procedure), but there is a high risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

Very often, in places of scratching, a bloody crust forms and dandruff appears. It is worth noting that severe itching in itself is not only unpleasant, but can also cause other concomitant diseases, since an infection can get into the places combed to the blood.

Another less obvious symptom is bluish spots on the skin, which appear for the following reason: the saliva of the pubic louse contains special enzymes that destroy hemoglobin. Hemoglobin, decaying, produces decay products that have a characteristic shade and form those same blue spots (maculae caeruleae). But it is quite difficult to notice such a spot, since in size it usually does not exceed the size of the louse itself.

What do you know about? Read important information about unconventional ways.

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Possible Complications

As already mentioned, due to the disease when combing damaged areas of the skin through which any infection can easily enter the body and cause corresponding complications. As a result, patients with phthiriasis often have pyoderma - pustular skin infections.

But much more serious is the inflammation of the lymph nodes, the formation of abscesses and the development of boils - all this is also facilitated by phthiriasis. And the worst complication that can be in this case is blood poisoning (sepsis). This happens with weak immunity, when the body itself cannot cope with pustular infections.

Diagnosis, symptoms, causes and treatment

Diagnosing phthiriasis in men is not so difficult: for this sufficient visual inspection. However, it must be taken into account: if there is a possibility that the disease is sexually transmitted, doctors always prescribe additional examinations to identify other possible sexual diseases.

As for treatment, phthiriasis is relatively easy to cure. Currently, there are a large number of ointments, sprays, emulsions and other effective remedies for the treatment of phthiriasis. All products are safe (with the exception of some that are contraindicated for pregnant women), but before using them, it is better to consult with specialists.

If we talk about special shampoos, doctors note that very often people treat them as an effective and independent means of combating phthiriasis. Despite this stereotype, Shampoos on their own are ineffective., and they are recommended to be used as an aid along with ointments.

As with any other diseases, the treatment of phthiriasis with medical means is steadily accompanied by folk methods. For some reason, many believe in the power of "grandmother's" recipes and think that traditional medicine is no less, if not more effective.

Once upon a time, pubic lice were really fought with very strange and ineffective methods, but it must be taken into account that this was at a time when the pharmacological industry was undeveloped and there simply were no necessary funds. For example, many used dichlorvos. Of course, dichlorvos kills pubic lice almost instantly, but given the harmful effects of this substance on the human body, it becomes clear that "the game is not worth the candle."

A less dangerous and more natural way is to treat the affected skin with cranberry juice.

Today, doctors do not deny the benefits of this method, but it is more of an aid, besides, cranberry juice can cause local burns and allergic reactions.


Prevention of phthiriasis is primarily hygiene measures and minimizing situations in which the disease can be transmitted. Here are the main provisions for the prevention of phthiriasis:

  1. Attention to personal hygiene.
  2. If possible, use only personal household items and clothing.
  3. This also applies to bed linen: it is not recommended to sleep on someone else's or suspicious linen.
  4. Legitimate attitude towards sexual intercourse.
  5. Regular replacement, washing and ironing of clothes and bed linen.

Of course, in this list, special attention should be paid to promiscuous and suspicious sexual contacts, ideally it is better not to allow them at all. But even after seemingly harmless everyday contacts with unfamiliar or untrustworthy people (for example, after shaking hands or hugs), it is worth taking a shower.

A little about lice and phthiriasis in general, see the thematic video: