Is glossitis treated? How to treat glossitis of the tongue at home? Video - Treatment of glossitis with folk remedies

If glossitis is not treated on time, the disease can lead to swelling of the tongue, which will significantly affect swallowing, chewing and respiratory functions. Inflammation can move to nearby tissues and organs, and this will significantly worsen the prognosis of the disease.

The treatment regimen should pursue the main goals: eliminate the cause of inflammation and remove the inflammatory process itself. To do this, first of all, a sparing diet is prescribed, which excludes from the menu any food that can cause irritation of the inflamed mucosa.

Local treatment consists in rinsing with the use of antiseptic solutions. To do this, you can use furatsilin, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine, etc. To relieve pain, anesthetic solutions are used topically.

If erosion or sores are present on the surface of the mucosa, then they are periodically cleaned of fibrinous or necrotic plaque. This is done with a cotton swab or swab, after which the mucous membrane is smeared with an antiseptic solution.

You can use Sorcoseryl as applications, combining it with retinol, carotenoline, rosehip oil.

To support immunity, you should take multivitamin complexes (with vitamins B and E), immunostimulating drugs (echinacea, ginseng), antihistamines (suprastin, tavegil). If the lack of vitamins has become a factor in the appearance of glossitis, then appropriate replacement therapy is prescribed.

Vinizol with glossitis

The drug Vinizol is often used to treat not only various wound and burn surfaces, poorly healing ulcers, but also to restore the affected inflamed surface of the tongue. This medication is available in the form of a spray and consists of the active components of vinylin, citral, linetol and propellant. The anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect of the drug explains its medicinal properties.

Before applying Vinizol, the tongue should be cleaned of films, plaque and pathological accumulations in the area of ​​ulcerative and erosive elements. The agent is sprayed onto the damaged mucosa for 2-3 seconds, keeping a certain distance. This procedure is repeated from 1-2 times a day to 2-3 times a week, depending on the indications and prescriptions of the doctor.

When applying the drug, it must be borne in mind that Vinizol can cause allergic reactions in people with hypersensitivity of the body. In order not to provoke irritation and allergies, one should be careful not to get particles of the drug into the eye area.

The duration of the course of treatment with Vinizol is determined by the doctor individually.

Solcoseryl with glossitis

Solcoseryl is a stimulator of regenerative processes in tissues, that is, this drug restores damaged tissue:

  • accelerates the healing of injuries;
  • improves local metabolic processes at the tissue level;
  • helps cells overcome the lack of oxygen and nutrients;
  • increases the production of collagen fibers;
  • activates cell renewal.

Solcoseryl creates favorable conditions in the skin structures for the formation of granulation tissues and the elimination of pathological secretions from sores. The drug creates an invisible protective film on the surface of the wound, which creates protection against the ingress of various microbes and viruses into the damaged areas.

Before applying the ointment, the wounds are cleaned of dead tissue, plaque, secretions. Before you start using the drug, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to Solcoseryl.

The ointment is applied directly to the wound area, in a thin layer, up to 3 times a day. Duration of use of the drug - until the formation of visible granulation changes and drying of the sores.

To enhance the effect, you can additionally use injections of Solcoseryl in ampoules. The standard course of therapy involves intramuscular administration of 1-2 ampoules of the drug per day (in severe cases, up to 4 ampoules).

As a rule, in most cases, patients tolerate such treatment well. In rare cases, burning of the mucous membrane is possible, which is not dangerous and does not require suspension of treatment.

Chlorhexidine for glossitis

Antiseptic and disinfectant Chlorhexidine can have both bacteriostatic (stops the growth and reproduction of bacteria) and bactericidal (kills bacteria) properties - this depends on the concentration of the active ingredient.

Chlorhexidine acts on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, has no effect on fungal infection. Allergy to Chlorhexidine is extremely rare. Therefore, the drug is considered hypoallergenic and safe for patients with allergies.

To treat the tongue with glossitis, a solution of the drug is used from 0.05% to 0.5%, for irrigation, rinsing, lubricating the mucous membranes, usually 2 to 3 times a day.

If the solution is accidentally swallowed, it is practically not absorbed orally, however, if necessary, symptomatic treatment is carried out.

With prolonged use, the color of tooth enamel may change, dental deposits may appear and the taste may change.

Treatment of glossitis with antibiotics

Antibiotics are not used in all cases of glossitis. Most often, such therapy is prescribed for a purulent-phlegmonous (deep) inflammatory process, when inflammation covers not only the deeper tissues of the tongue, but also the nearest surfaces of the oral cavity, as well as peripheral lymph nodes. The reason for antibiotic therapy is the deterioration of the general condition of the patient: the temperature rises, the general intoxication of the body is aggravated. Often this condition even requires surgical intervention, also followed by antibiotic therapy.

  • Doxycycline is a tetracycline antibiotic, semi-synthetic. Assign more often inside, at a dosage of 200 mg per day on the first day of therapy, then 100-200 mg 1-2 times a day. It is not used during pregnancy, children under 8 years of age, as well as with a tendency to allergies.
  • Suprax (Cefixime) is a broad-spectrum cephalosporin antibiotic. The average dosage for adults is 400 mg / 1 time per day, or 200 mg / 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is 8-10 days.
  • Rocefin is a cephalosporin antibiotic (Ceftriaxone). It has a wide spectrum of effects, used in adults 1-2 g once a day (maximum 4 g / day). The solution is administered more often intramuscularly, sometimes intravenously. Apply until the normalization of the general condition and the picture of the local inflammatory process.
  • Tetracycline is a well-known antibiotic that affects a large number of bacteria, except for most fungi and small viruses. Assign for adult patients inside 250-500 mg for every 6 hours. Topically used 3 to 5 times a day.

In postoperative therapy, several types of antibiotics (usually two) can be used, which are prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of microorganisms.

Treatment of candidal glossitis

Candidiasis (fungal) glossitis often appears as a result of the treatment of any infectious diseases with strong antibiotics: mucosal dysbacteriosis occurs, intensive growth and reproduction of fungi begins. The characteristic signs of fungal glossitis are swelling of the tongue, a dense white coating in the form of stripes, or furrows.

The treatment regimen for fungal glossitis may include treatment with a 10% solution of borax in glycerin, rinsing with chamomile infusion (you can add a little soda), irrigation with 2% boric acid. Antifungal agents are prescribed inside:

  • Nystatin 250-500 thousand units 3-4 times a day. Tablets are swallowed whole, without chewing or grinding, regardless of the meal. Duration of therapy - from 10 to 14 days;
  • Lamisil 250 mg (1 tab.) once a day. The duration of treatment is selected according to the type of fungal infection, according to the scale of the fungal infection, and usually ranges from 2 to 6 weeks;
  • Exifin (Terbinafine) is an antimycotic agent of the allylamine group, a fungicidal drug. Apply in the form of tablets. As a standard, take 1 tablet (250 mg) once a day. Treatment can take several weeks, depending on the extent of the disease.

Treatment of desquamative glossitis

Desquamative (wandering) glossitis is treated with local and systemic methods.

Systemic measures include the following stages in therapy:

  • normalization of digestive work, simultaneous treatment of concomitant diseases;
  • sanitation of the oral cavity, daily hygiene;
  • help of a psychotherapist (if necessary);
  • sedative therapy (taking valerian, sedative preparations, valocordin, novopassitis, etc.);
  • antiallergic therapy with the use of tavegil, suprastin, fenkarol;
  • taking vitamins of group B for 3-4 weeks;
  • the use of vascular agents, such as cavinton, trental for a month;
  • intramuscular injections of Dalargin 1 mg twice a day (eliminates pain, activates healing processes);
  • biostimulating drug Biotrit-C three times a day, 1 tab. sublingually (under the tongue), for 3 weeks.

local treatments:

  • for pain syndrome, painkillers are used (Pyromecaine solution, Pyromecaine ointment, anestezin 2% based on peach oil or glycerin);
  • with a burning sensation - rinsing with Citral (1% solution, 30 drops per 150 ml of water);
  • rinsing with oil solutions with vitamin A, rose hips, carotenoline;
  • analgesic novocaine blockades (10 procedures);
  • processing with fish oil concentrate - Eikonol;
  • rinsing with a solution of the anti-inflammatory drug Tantum Verde;
  • rinsing with dental elixirs and balms, daily after brushing your teeth;
  • physiotherapy - 10-12 phonophoresis procedures with analgin.

As a rule, complex treatment gives a relatively quick positive result. General strengthening immunostimulating therapy can also be used.

Treatment of catarrhal glossitis

Catarrhal glossitis can have many reasons for its appearance:

  • injuries, including thermal and chemical damage to the tongue;
  • thrush of the oral mucosa;
  • stomatitis;
  • infectious diseases (viruses, bacteria);
  • anemia, beriberi, disorders of metabolic processes, somatic diseases, etc.

Due to the fact that catarrhal glossitis can be a consequence of other diseases, the main stages of treatment can be called the following:

  • It is necessary to detect and act on the factor that caused the appearance of the inflammatory process. This stage includes, for example, the treatment of caries, the correction of dentures, the change in bite, which leads to injuries of the tongue, etc. The impact on the cause provides a lasting cure, without repeated exacerbations of the disease.
  • An important point in the treatment is the elimination of painful sensations, for example, by treating the surface of the tongue with 10% lidocaine.
  • It is equally important to get rid of the inflammatory process. To do this, the oral cavity must be treated with antiseptic solutions or herbal infusions (chamomile, sage, calendula).

Compliance with all the doctor's instructions allows you to get rid of signs of inflammation in 4-6 days.

Treatment of folded glossitis

Folded glossitis is most often a congenital anomaly: folds of different depths are located along or across the surface of the tongue. In such folds, various microorganisms, food debris, and plaque elements often gather, which provokes the development of the inflammatory process.

Since the disease is congenital, it does not require special therapy. As a rule, the doctor prescribes the observance of elementary rules of oral hygiene, with brushing the teeth and tongue. Inflamed surfaces are treated with solutions of the antiseptics that we listed earlier - this can be Solcoseryl and Chlorhexidine.

If any additional symptoms are present, such as pain or itching, then appropriate medications for symptomatic treatment may be prescribed.

Treatment of rhomboid glossitis

Diamond-shaped glossitis can accompany chronic diseases of the digestive tract, so the treatment is carried out taking into account the underlying disease.

Flat diamond-shaped glossitis does not need therapeutic measures, it completely disappears after the root cause is eliminated.

  • you should carefully adhere to sanitary and hygienic standards and follow hygiene rules, brush your teeth and the surface of the tongue daily;
  • get rid of bad habits - do not smoke and do not take alcohol;
  • maintain beneficial microflora in the body, treat fungal infections in a timely manner, prevent the appearance of dysbacteriosis, both in the intestines and on the mucous membranes;
  • if necessary, resort to psychotherapy, avoid stressful situations, use sedatives and tranquilizers;
  • take vitamins of group B, in particular, vitamin B5 in the form of Pantothenate, 0.1-0.2 g three times a day for a month.

If papillomatous growths increase, then sometimes it is necessary to apply surgical intervention - excision of the affected tissues with further histological analysis. In some cases, cryodestruction is possible.

Treatment of superficial glossitis

Therapeutic measures for superficial glossitis are based on the elimination of irritating factors and the treatment of the underlying disease. For faster removal of the inflammatory process, it is recommended to exclude irritating foods from the menu: spicy, salty, sour, hot.

Local treatment consists in regular rinsing, irrigation or baths with antiseptic solutions: furatsilin, potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine, etc. To eliminate pain, you can use anesthetics - solutions of painkillers.

If sores or erosions form on the surface of the tongue, the dead tissue on them should be cleaned with a cotton swab. After cleaning, the surface is treated with an antiseptic solution.

To speed up wound healing, you can apply applications using special ointments, or with retinol, rosehip oil or sea buckthorn. In rare cases, keratinized tissue is removed surgically.

Therapeutic procedures for superficial glossitis involve the use of external anesthetics to relieve pain and eliminate discomfort. Anestezin with glycerin, chloral hydrate, emollient oils, and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

Inside, you can take multivitamin complex agents, antihistamines (suprastin, tavegil, calcium chloride), as well as agents that stimulate the immune system (ginseng tincture, echinacea extract).

Treatment of glossitis with folk remedies

Treatment of the inflammatory process in the tongue is best done after consulting a doctor. However, sometimes this is not possible, and you have to resort to the help of traditional medicine. Folk remedies, unfortunately, do not always get rid of glossitis completely, but they can alleviate the condition of the patient.

  • Chamomile infusion - in order to prepare it, brew 1 tbsp. l. flowers in 250 ml of hot water (95°C), leave for about an hour and filter. We use this infusion for rinsing, after each meal, as well as at night.
  • Bedstraw infusion - brew in the same way as chamomile, insist for half an hour, filter. Rinse your mouth several times a day after meals. This infusion can also be drunk, a quarter cup 3 times a day.
  • Sage - preparing the infusion. For 1 st. l. dry sage take 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter. We use for rinsing the mouth, 3-4 times a day.
  • A decoction of basil - 0.5-1 tbsp. l. dried basil pour a glass of water, boil for up to 10 minutes, remove from heat and leave for one hour. Filter and use as a rinse solution.
  • Coriander infusion - 1 tsp. coriander seed, pour 220 ml of boiling water, leave overnight to infuse. Used for rinsing.
  • Infusions can be combined, that is, use not one, but several types of herbs. For example, it is useful to use a medicinal collection of sage, nettle, oak bark, calamus root. Mix everything, pour boiling water and cook for about 20-30 minutes. After half an hour, filter, cool and use for rinsing.
  • You can make an infusion of raspberry leaves, mallow, coltsfoot, sage. For 3 tsp. dry mass of herbs take 250 ml of boiling water.
  • A mixture of calendula color, eucalyptus leaf, colza grass and knotweed helps well. This infusion is also used for rinsing the mouth.
  • Sage, bay leaf, chamomile, celandine in equal proportions are brewed with boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Used for rinsing.
  • Infusion of oak bark with St. John's wort. Fill with boiling water, insist, filter and rinse the mouth several times a day.

In addition to medicinal herbs, the juice of raw freshly squeezed potatoes is considered a good remedy. For rinsing, it is enough to get 100 ml of juice, which should be used to rinse your mouth after eating.

After any rinse, you can not eat or drink for 30 minutes.

Treatment of glossitis at home

You can treat glossitis at home. Of course, it is better to do this under the supervision of a doctor, especially if the course of glossitis is severe, with extensive damage to the tissues of the tongue.

In mild cases, sometimes simpler methods of treatment can be dispensed with:

  • Nutrition - food should only be consumed warm, pureed, boiled or stewed. It is not allowed to add spices, marinades, salt to dishes. Fried and smoked foods are also banned.
  • Drinking - drink a lot. Herbal teas are recommended, in a warm form and with a minimum of sugar, or without it. Mineral water is allowed, but without gas and not cold. Alcoholic drinks are prohibited. Dairy products are allowed.
  • Oral hygiene is mandatory, regular and thorough. The toothbrush should be clean and soft. Toothpaste and elixir (balm) should not contain sodium lauryl sulfate. It is useful after eating and brushing your teeth to rinse your mouth with infusions of chamomile, sage, oak bark. We should not forget about cleaning the dental spaces: for this, dental floss or special interdental brushes are used.

You can also treat glossitis at home, because many herbal preparations have an antimicrobial effect and destroy the pathogenic flora in the mouth. It is advisable, of course, to first consult with your doctor.

Treatment of glossitis in children

You can not treat glossitis in a child on your own. Only a specialist should choose drugs, taking into account the age of the baby, the main cause of the disease, its shape, the severity of the course, the child's allergic tendency, the presence of concomitant diseases, etc.

Treatment should not be one-sided, but combine several methods of exposure:

  • adherence to new principles of nutrition;
  • the use of medicines;
  • sometimes bed rest.

With children's glossitis, the following drugs are most often used:

  • antiseptic drugs, since the main cause of inflammation is a bacterial or viral infection. As antiseptics, herbal remedies can be used, for example, rinsing with infusions of chamomile or oak bark. Antiseptics also include sucking tablets Geksaliz, as well as Hexaspray. They are not characterized by a pungent odor that can scare away children, so these drugs are successfully prescribed to children from 6 years of age;
  • antibiotics - can be prescribed for an inflammatory process of moderate severity, or for a severe course of the disease. As a rule, the use of antibiotics can be justified if the child has a fever (more than 38 ° C) and ulcers form on the tongue, as well as with a pronounced intoxication syndrome (headache, weakness, apathy). Antibiotic therapy should be prescribed only by a doctor;
  • immunomodulating agents - used to maintain a weakened immune system. For this purpose, ascorbic acid, echinacea extract, etc. are prescribed;
  • antihistamines - used in the presence of swelling in the tongue;
  • analgesics - you can use both local and systemic action, but only as directed by the pediatrician.

It is necessary to consult a doctor in time and begin treatment of glossitis in order to prevent an increase in symptoms and the development of complications.

Glossitis is an inflammation of the tissues of the tongue, both infectious and non-infectious.

More often it is a symptom of some general disease of the body (iron deficiency anemia, syphilis, childhood infectious diseases, HIV, autoimmune diseases, chronic diseases of the digestive tract).

However, glossitis can also occur on its own, for example, due to mechanical damage (burns, trauma with dentures, sharp edges of teeth, local exposure to fungi, some viruses).

Symptoms of this disease: discoloration of the tongue, its swelling, pain, burning sensation, sensation of a foreign body in the mouth, profuse salivation, bad breath, shortness of breath. What and how to treat glossitis?

Medical treatment

Drug treatment of this disease includes the use of drugs that affect the cause of its development, and symptomatic therapy (pain relief, elimination of swelling, unpleasant odor). In addition to drug therapy, a sparing diet is prescribed.

The list of drugs than to treat glossitis in the tongue in adults and children is reduced to the following list:

  • antiseptics;
  • local anesthetics;
  • oils;
  • antibiotics;
  • antifungal drugs.

Antiseptics for mouthwash

For disinfection of the oral cavity with all types of glossitis, the use of antiseptic preparations is mandatory.

Recommended antiseptics for glossitis include:

  • 0.02% solutionfuratsilina- has a pronounced antibacterial activity;
  • 2% oil solution of chlorophyllipt(for lubrication of affected surfaces);
  • aqueous solution of chlorophyllipt(1 tablespoon of the drug per 200-300 ml of water) - a herbal preparation based on eucalyptus extract, effective in the fight against staphylococci;
  • 0.05-0.5% chlorhexidine solution- effective in infectious glossitis, but useless in the presence of a fungal infection, with prolonged use, it may have a negative effect on the teeth (discoloration, deposition of tartar);
  • methylene blue aqueous solution- a remedy that has proven itself in the treatment of stomatitis;
  • 10% Borax solution- especially effective for glossitis of a fungal nature.

How to treat glossitis of the tongue with medicines? They are applied topically, for irrigation, rinsing and lubrication of the affected areas before and after meals, at least 2-3 times a day. Before applying the antiseptic, existing mucosal lesions are cleaned of necrotic tissues with a cotton swab.

Also as antiseptics you can use:

Anesthetic drugs

Since the pain syndrome is significantly pronounced in some types of glossitis, the use of anesthetics is desirable.

One of the most harmless ways to treat glossitis of the tongue at home is to treat the affected area with oils. An anti-inflammatory, softening, healing, as well as an antibacterial effect can be achieved by lubricating the affected areas with various oils.

So, it is recommended to apply with gloss:

  • tea tree oil;
  • rosehip seed oil (for example, as part of Solcoseryl);
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • almond oil.

Oils can be used separately or in combination with each other in the form of compresses, lubricate the mucous membranes with them or use them to rinse the mouth (in this case, it is recommended to mix a few drops of healing oil with 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable or olive oil and hold the mixture in your mouth for a few minutes).

In the case of a significant severity of the inflammatory process, Solcoseryl can be used additionally and in the form of intramuscular injections.


The use of antibacterial drugs is indicated in the case of advanced forms of glossitis, in the presence of abscesses, phlegmon, the spread of the inflammatory process to nearby tissues, the involvement of regional lymph nodes, severe intoxication.

The most effective are drugs from the group of cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cefodox, Cefotaxime), penicillins with clavulonic acid, which enhances the bactericidal effect (Amoxiclav, Augmentin), macrolides (Azithromycin, Rovamycin, Clarithromycin) and other groups of antibiotics, depending on the type of pathogen.

Antifungal drugs

With glossitis of fungal origin, it is necessary to include antifungal (antimycotic) drugs in the treatment regimen.

  1. Fluconazole- available in the form of capsules, tablets, solution for injection. The drug is used once a day, the dose and form of the drug are determined by the doctor;
  2. Ketoconazole- a distinctive feature of this drug is its high efficiency in the treatment of both local and systemic mycoses;
  3. Nystatin- used to treat glossitis caused by fungi of the genus Candida. It is used in the form of tablets;
  4. Flucostat, Hexal, Diflucan- analogues of the above drugs.

Nutrition for glossitis

Effective treatment of this disease is impossible without observing a sparing diet and the basic principles of nutrition:

Useful video

What kind of disease of the tongue is glossitis, how to treat and how to prevent this ailment - the answers in the video:

Which doctor treats glossitis of the tongue? First of all, you need to visit the LOR. In the presence of caries, periodontal disease, stomatitis, you need to go to the dentist, and in the absence of visible signs of inflammation, you can consult a therapist.

The main thing to remember is that the treatment of glossitis of the tongue with medicines should be carried out after a preliminary consultation with the doctor. The dosage should be calculated strictly according to the instructions described in the preparation.

Treatment of tongue glossitis

Glossitis is an inflammatory process that affects different layers of the tongue, from the top to the deepest, the disease can be complicated by the formation of an abscess or phlegmon. In order to prevent such consequences, which require surgical intervention and pose a certain threat, therapy must be started in a timely manner. Today it will be told what drugs are used to treat glossitis, as well as methods of therapy, depending on the type of pathology.

General principles of treatment

In order to choose an adequate treatment for glossitis of the tongue, it is necessary to make the correct diagnosis in time. In some cases, when the symptoms are severe, and the development of the disease was preceded by external factors (mucosal burns, trauma with braces, prostheses or fillings), only a dentist can determine the diagnosis. But sometimes additional diagnostics is also necessary, which includes laboratory, hardware studies and consultations of narrow specialists, such as an ENT specialist, an endocrinologist, an infectious disease specialist, a gastroenterologist, a hematologist, and others.

If during the examination a concomitant disease of an acute or chronic nature is detected, which provoked the development of glossitis, then the therapy will have two directions - the main and symptomatic. The main therapy aims to improve the functioning of the affected systems and organs, and the symptomatic is intended to stop the signs of glossitis as a comorbidity.

Treatment includes the following items:

  • complete sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • mucosal treatment with antiseptic solutions;
  • applications with painkillers and restorative drugs;
  • treatment with agents for healing and regeneration of the mucosa;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal treatment, depending on the type of pathogen;
  • taking immunomodulators.

During treatment with drugs and external preparations for applications and rinses, the patient is prescribed a sparing diet that excludes spicy, spicy, sour and salty foods, too hot and irritating foods, as well as solid foods. During the treatment period, heavy physical and emotional stress should be avoided in order to increase its effectiveness. Any changes in health status should be reported to the attending physician.

The most effective drugs

Drug treatment of glossitis involves the use of such common remedies as Vinizol, Chlorhexidine and Solcoseryl. Each of these drugs has its own functions, but their complex use can increase the effectiveness of the symptomatic treatment of glossitis. Vinizol is widely used in the treatment of burnt surfaces, ulcerative lesions that do not heal for a long time, as well as for the speedy recovery and healing of tissue.

The release form of the drug is a spray, the composition includes the components vinylin, propellant, citral and linetol, and the product itself has powerful anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. The drug must be sprayed on the inflamed surface of the tongue 1-2 times a day, the duration of the spray is a few seconds. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor, as well as the intervals between use and dosage. Before using Vinizol, dentists advise cleaning the tongue from necrotic plaque that accumulates on the surface of ulcers and in folds.

The next remedy is Solcoseryl, a gel for healing and rapid tissue regeneration. Its useful properties:

  • heals damaged mucosa;
  • improves metabolism in epithelial cells;
  • improves the supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients;
  • increases the amount of collagen fibers produced;
  • stimulates cell renewal.

In addition to the listed properties, Solcoseryl gel creates a thin film on the surface of the mucous epithelium that prevents infectious agents from entering the layers of damaged tissue. Before using the drug, it is also necessary to clean the surface from plaque. Gel treatment is carried out three times a day until a positive effect is obtained in the form of drying of ulcers and healing of cracks in the tongue.

The drug acts on a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative microbes, but is powerless with a fungal infection. Cases of developing an allergic reaction to Chlorhexidine are extremely rare, you need to use the remedy three times a day, it is also suitable for lubricating the mucous membrane and irrigation.

Antibacterial treatment

Taking medications of the antibacterial group is not needed in all cases of treatment of glossitis. The need for such therapy is determined by the doctor, and purulent and phlegmonous processes are considered indications for prescribing antibiotics, when the inflammatory process extends not only to the deep tissues of the tongue, but also to neighboring areas (oral cavity, chin, neck). Also, antibacterial agents are prescribed to patients with high fever, enlarged peripheral lymph nodes and signs of intoxication.

What drugs are used according to indications for the treatment of glossitis:

  • Doxycycline is a remedy from the tetracycline group, which is taken at 100-200 mg per day, divided into 2 doses. Contraindications - pregnancy, children under 8 years of age and allergic reactions to the drug.
  • Suprax is an antibacterial drug related to cephalosporins, you need to take it orally at 800 mg per day, in one or two doses, for 7-10 days in a row.
  • Rocefin, an analogue of Ceftriaxone, also belongs to the group of cephalosporins, is administered intramuscularly or intravenously 2–4 g per day until the general condition returns to normal and the inflammatory process subsides.
  • Tetracycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is not prescribed for fungal and viral etiology of the disease, it is taken at 250-500 mg three times a day, the dosage and duration of treatment depends on the severity of the clinical picture.

If glossitis is accompanied by purulent-phlegmonous complications, this is often the reason for surgical intervention. Then antibiotic therapy is carried out in the recovery period, using one or two drugs at once, selecting them after analyzing the flora for sensitivity.

Treatment of the candidal form

Outwardly, the mucous tissue of the oral cavity is treated with a solution of borax in glycerin at a 10% concentration. You should also rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, soda solution and irrigate the mucous membrane with 2% boric acid. Tablets for oral administration with antifungal effect:

  • Nystatin is a rather old, but proven and effective remedy for Candida fungus, tablets with a dosage of 250-500 thousand units. take 3-4 times a day, while they are not recommended to be crushed or chewed beforehand, the course of treatment is 10-14 days.
  • Lamisil - tablets that need to be taken one per day (active substance content 250 mg), the course of therapy depends on the depth of damage to the epithelial layers and the duration of the disease.
  • Terbinafine - a fungicidal agent that will take from a week to 1-2 months to be treated, take one tablet once a day with a dosage of 250 mg.

It must be remembered that candidal glossitis often accompanies long-term infectious diseases in which the patient uses large doses of antibiotics. Sometimes it is enough to cancel antibacterial agents and carry out external treatment of the tongue several times so that the symptoms of glossitis go away on their own.

Anti-inflammatory and painkillers

To reduce the level of inflammation in the oral cavity and eliminate the pain syndrome, drugs from the groups of antimicrobials, NSAIDs, as well as anesthetics in the form of gels and ointments are needed. They are also used for tissue swelling and other unpleasant consequences of pathology. Here is a list of required drugs:

  • Tantum Verde - a spray from the indazole group, has not only an analgesic, but also an antimicrobial effect. Effectively stops the inflammatory process in the oral cavity, stabilizes the state of the cells. Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age and allergy sufferers.
  • Ketoprofen is a drug that reduces the level of inflammation, eliminates pain, and brings down the temperature. Thanks to the complex action, it improves the patient's well-being and relieves the characteristic symptoms of glossitis. It is not used for severe gastrointestinal diseases, pregnancy, lactation and kidney dysfunction.
  • Cholisal is a gel with antimicrobial and analgesic properties, which is applied to the surface of the mucosa 2-3 times a day, until a lasting effect is achieved.
  • Kamistad - gel, which includes chamomile extract to achieve antimicrobial action and the analgesic component benzocaine. The tool cools the damaged mucosa well, relieving pain and healing the affected layers of the epithelium.
  • Hexaspray - used as a spray, thanks to a special spray nozzle. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic effect. The remedy is contraindicated in children under 2.5 years of age and in patients sensitive to the components.

Lizak lozenges are used to cleanse the oral cavity of microbial plaque, reduce inflammation and pain. This fungicidal agent is effective for bacterial, fungal and viral forms of glossitis, but is not prescribed for children under 4 years of age.

Other drugs

In addition to treatment with the listed means, glossitis therapy involves the intake and use of other drugs, depending on the clinical need:

  • antihistamines - with the allergic nature of the disease, these are Claritin, Zirtek, Loratadin, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine;
  • hormonal - with a severe form of the disease, accompanied by shortness of breath and severe swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat, these are Prednisolone and Hydrocortisone;
  • antiviral - Interferon, Cycloferon, Viferon, are used for the viral nature of the disease;
  • immunomodulators - are necessary in cases where glossitis acquires a chronic etiology and is manifested by relapses against the background of a sharp decrease in immunity, these are Immunal, Bronchomunal, echinacea tincture;
  • healing agents - rosehip and sea buckthorn oil, vitamin A;
  • vitamin complexes - are prescribed in almost all cases of glossitis, it is especially necessary to replenish the body's reserves of B vitamins and iron (with concomitant anemia).

In the form of applications that are applied to the tongue, Lidocaine at a 2% concentration, Trimecaine at a 2% concentration and Novocaine are used. These substances are part of many anesthetic gels that are necessary for patients with glossitis, because most often the disease causes acute pain. It must be remembered that the successful treatment of glossitis involves complex therapy, depending on the underlying cause of the disease.

If the pathology has developed simultaneously with dysbacteriosis, a gastroenterologist is involved in the treatment. Blood diseases, and at the same time signs of glossitis, are the prerogative of a hematologist. And so on, depending on the factor that provoked the inflammatory process in the cavity of the tongue. It is strongly not recommended to self-medicate and ignore the symptoms of the disease, since poorly treated glossitis can be complicated by phlegmon, abscess, and even blood poisoning.

Treatment of glossitis of the tongue in adults and children with folk and pharmaceutical preparations, antibiotics

Glossitis - the process of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue, the language itself, as a result of some factors. Explicit symptoms of such a disease may indicate a malfunction of the internal organs. You should know that immediate treatment of glossitis of the tongue with medicines is required. If glossitis is not treated, complications are likely.

Symptoms and causes

There are a lot of causes of glossitis that contribute to the development of inflammation of the tongue.:

  • viral infection;
  • skin diseases;
  • low hemoglobin content in the blood;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • avitaminosis;
  • colds;
  • pathology of language development;
  • rheumatism;
  • injuries, even minor, in the oral cavity;
  • burns (hot water, chemicals, spicy food);
  • the use of lozenges that rub the upper palate and the tongue itself;
  • alcohol, nicotine;
  • poor quality toothpaste, mouth rinses;
  • pregnancy, hormonal disruptions;
  • chewing gum.

The symptoms of the disease may vary depending on the type., but the general features are as follows:

  • change in the color of the tongue, the shade may become darker throughout the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tongue;
  • or spots;
  • uneven coating on the tongue;
  • various foci of inflammation - ulcers;
  • tumor;
  • impossibility of normal functioning;
  • severe poisoning;
  • fetid odor from the mouth;
  • taste buds stop working actively;
  • painful sensations.

Is the disease dangerous? What will happen if not treated?

Lack of proper care and treatment of tongue glossitis with medicines is fraught with development:

  • more complex forms of glossitis;
  • the formation of various kinds of growths in the tongue;
  • the likelihood of suffocation due to edema;
  • loss of appetite;
  • blood infection.

Types of pip determined by the degree and area of ​​damage to the organ:

  • surface(light) - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue;
  • deep- the development of inflammation in the tongue itself, decay develops quickly;
  • phlegmonous- development of inflammation of the lower part of the tongue, accompanied by swelling of the lymph nodes;
  • catarrhal- there is a high degree of swelling, the inability to speak normally, eat food, plaque on the tongue;
  • ulcerative- accompanied by plaque, ulcers throughout the area;
  • bacterial- the formation of purulent ulcers;
  • hunter's- burning sensation, mainly on the tip of the tongue;
  • desquamative- inflammation of the mucosa as a result of improper functioning of internal organs;
  • villous tongue- growth and compaction of papillae, fungal formations - often the result of AIDS;
  • interstitial- manifestation of syphilis, muscle tissue is transformed into connective tissue;
  • diamond-shaped- congenital pathology, formations in the tongue in the form of diamonds;
  • folded- congenital formation of folds.

When should you see a doctor and who treats?

We first find out which doctor treats glossitis of the tongue. At the first manifestations of the disease, you should consult a dentist.

After the examination, the doctor will take the necessary tests:

  • smear for the presence of bacteria;
  • complete blood count, biochemical collection, tests for HIV and other infections;
  • examination by an otolaryngologist (with swelling of the respiratory tract);
  • consultation of a gastroenterologist, immunologist, allergist, therapist.

How to treat?

Consider how to treat glossitis and their root causes:

  • increased immunity;
  • balancing hormones;
  • treatment of diseases of the digestive system;
  • maintaining a good or normal condition in HIV infections;
  • treatment of viral and bacterial infections;
  • treatment of skin diseases.

A special diet will also be offered (soups - mashed potatoes, broths, pureed, soft food).

Treatment with drugs from a pharmacy

Ointments, tablets, creams

If glossitis appeared, how to treat? With this disease hydrocortisone, stomatidine works well. Assign rinsing with disinfecting solutions (chlorhexidine, furacelin). At home, you can use hydrogen peroxide from glossitis.

Antifungal action is provided by drugs for the treatment of glossitis - Diflucan, Nystatin.

Gel Metrodel denta has both antiviral and analgesic effect.

To reduce pain, any tablets with such an effect are used, they can prescribe a 2% solution of lidocaine, novacaine.

Solcoseryl is used for the speedy healing of wounds.

Hormone therapy, various vitamin complexes are prescribed to increase the level of immunity.


If glossitis appears, antibiotic treatment is used for severe types of the disease (bacterial).

The course of antibiotics must be drunk completely, otherwise there will be no action from them. The dosage and type of antibiotic is prescribed only by a doctor! To do this, certain analyzes are collected.

Amoxiclav, arithromycin, cefodox are well distributed in the treatment of glossitis.

Treatment of glossitis with antibiotics is prescribed for numerous purulent foci, high temperature. Also, if the condition does not improve from other drugs, drug treatment of glossitis is prescribed.

Folk methods

Let's talk about how to cure glossitis in the tongue with folk remedies. In folk medicine decoctions or infusions of various herbs are used. These infusions rinse the mouth.

  1. Infusions of chamomile or calendula do an excellent job with inflammation, soothe.
  2. Tea tree oil is prescribed for inflammatory processes.
  3. A decoction of oak bark is a good healing agent.
  4. Sage and eucalyptus decontaminate problem areas and reduce pain or burning.

Medical Therapies

Well applied in practice electrophoresis- the action of the current when using medicines goes to the fastest assimilation by their body.

Medical therapy is reduced to surgical intervention - the removal of growths or the opening of abscessing ulcers.

In congenital cases, a scalpel is also used. Often laser evaporation of the necessary areas is used. After the actions of a laser or a surgical knife, an antiseptic is treated.

Now you know what glossitis is, symptoms and treatment in adults. What happens to babies? Let's find out further.

If you are concerned about blisters in your mouth, then you should distinguish and know how to treat:

And it is important for parents to find out why blisters appear on the tongue of a child and when to see a doctor.

Therapy in children

Children are most often affected by this disease.- often bite the tongue, burn themselves, put their hands in their mouths.

If a child has glossitis, treatment is prescribed only by a doctor.

Treatment comes down to:

  • maintaining oral hygiene;
  • use of therapeutic toothpaste;
  • rinsing the mouth with herbs;
  • the use of vitamins;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • painkillers.

Treatment is carried out with complaints of the child, sometimes children's glossitis can go away on its own- if there are no signs of dissatisfaction of the child, therapy is not carried out.

Medicines must be chosen with great care, they must be well effective and fast, and the risk of developing allergies must be reduced to zero.

So, we examined the glossitis of the language: photo, treatment of the disease. This disease is a dangerous condition that develops due to various factors. It must be dealt with immediately to avoid complications.

We will also find out with Elena Malysheva what diseases the color of the tongue speaks about in the next video.

Glossitis, how can the disease be treated

Dentists quite often encounter such a disease as glossitis, how to treat pathology can be found and read on the pages of this article. This is an insidious disease that causes the patient a lot of trouble and poor health. There is an acute and chronic form of glossitis. If you do not start during treatment, then with a decrease in immunity, the pathology becomes chronic and more difficult to treat.

Causes of glossitis

Both local and general diseases of the body can cause a disease:
A) frequent trauma of the tongue, which is associated with the following factors:

  • Biting the tongue with defects in the structure of the dentition and in the presence of carious teeth;
  • Food with pointed edges;
  • Cut by a fragment from a hard candy;
  • an injection with a bone from a fish;
  • receiving hot drinks.

B) poor oral hygiene;

C) the use of toothpaste and rinse with sodium laurisulfate, which can reduce local immunity. As a result, conditions may be created for the penetration of pathogens;

D) also cause glossitis in adults and children can be various pathologies of the abdominal organs:

  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Chronic inflammatory processes;
  • Diseases of childhood;
  • Lack of B vitamins;
  • Diseases of the circulatory system;
  • Decrease in hemoglobin and development of anemia;
  • Folic acid deficiency.

E) very often glossitis joins other defects of the oral cavity. For example, with periodontal disease, stomatitis, gingivitis;

E) decrease in general and local immunity;

G) allergic status;

C) the development of dysbacteriosis.

The manifestation of the disease

  1. The occurrence of burning and discomfort in the oral cavity and on the tongue;
  2. There is profuse salivation;
  3. Eating becomes difficult;
  4. It is bad to speak and pronounce words;
  5. Reception of hot and cold food causes painful sensations;
  6. Taste quality is dulled;
  7. Rarely, a perverted taste may develop;
  8. If the inflammatory process in the tongue is associated with the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms on it, then the patient shows all the symptoms of the infection;
  9. When affected by viruses, small bubbles appear on the tongue, and then sores;
  10. If fungi of the genus Candida became the cause of the disease, then a white coating forms on the surface of the tongue, which in its consistency resembles cottage cheese;
  11. If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, phlegmon may develop on the tongue.

All of the above symptoms cannot be treated on their own, using traditional medicine. Only a dentist, after a thorough examination and diagnosis, will be able to prescribe an effective treatment.

The absence of a treatment process threatens with serious consequences and the transition of the pathology into a chronic form.

Types of glossitis

Catarrhal glossitis

The main symptoms of the disease are:

The inflammatory process is localized on the surface of the tongue and does not penetrate deep into the tissues. Pathology develops after previously transferred stomatitis or with mechanical damage to the tongue. To eliminate the cause of glossitis, it is necessary to treat the surface of the tongue with antiseptic, wound healing and bactericidal agents. Also jointly prescribe drugs that are used in the catarrhal form of glossitis.

Candidal glossitis

Basically, this type of glossitis develops after prolonged use of antibiotics. As a result of the use of this group of drugs, the natural intestinal microflora is disturbed. On examination, candidal glossitis is diagnosed equally in adults and children. The patient has a significantly weakened immune system. Symptoms of candidal glossitis:

  1. A white coating appears on the tongue;
  2. Slight swelling;
  3. Feeling of discomfort and burning.

Treatment includes the use of drugs to normalize the intestinal microflora. The affected surface is treated with antifungal agents. Patients take pills to kill the fungus.

Purulent - phlegmonous glossitis

This is the most severe form of manifestation of glossitis. The inflammatory process penetrates deeply into the tongue and spreads throughout the oral cavity. The patient complains of general malaise, fever. The disease can lead to the development of intoxication. It is necessary to treat glossitis with antibacterial drugs, together with means for restoring the intestinal microflora.

If purulent rashes appear on the surface of the tongue, and they interfere with speaking and eating, then they are removed with the help of surgery.

Erosive - ulcerative glossitis

This type of disease manifests itself after suffering stomatitis or in the presence of destructive processes on the gums. Symptoms of glossitis:

  • Small ulcers appear on the mucous surface of the tongue, which bleed;
  • The tongue becomes swollen and hyperemic;
  • The temperature rises;
  • There is pain in the mouth;
  • There is a general intoxication of the whole organism.

The treatment of this form of glossitis is to use Solcoseryl ointment. The drug in the form of applications is placed on the affected part. The ointment will help the rapid healing of wounds on the surface of the tongue.

Median rhomboid glossitis

In the tongue with this form of glossitis, a compacted area of ​​epithelial tissue appears. This deformed piece of tissue resembles a red rhombus or oval. The cause of the development of pathology are chronic diseases of the digestive tract. Treatment of rhomboid glossitis consists of surgical intervention followed by the use of restorative therapy.

Atrophic glossitis

Disease develops due to beriberi in the body and gonorrheal lesions of the tongue. Symptoms of atrophic glossitis:

  1. A spot of bright red color spreads over the entire tongue;
  2. In this case, the organ may decrease in size;
  3. The papillary layer of the tongue swells and pain appears.

Treatment of atrophic glossitis is based on the use of drugs with a high percentage of vitamin E and vitamin A.


Basically, the clinical picture is quite bright and does not cause much difficulty in making a diagnosis. But to clarify the pathogen and the depth of the mucosal lesion, you need to undergo an additional examination. This includes the following methods:

  1. Carrying out cytology;
  2. Histology;
  3. bacteriological analysis;
  4. Serology;
  5. Biochemistry;
  6. Clinical blood test.

Based on the results, the doctor will be able to determine the pathogen and the form of glossitis. All types of diseases require competent and thorough treatment so that the pathology does not become chronic and is not complicated by other diseases.

Another type of glossitis is associated with allergies. Symptoms of the disease can be different, but mostly manifested:

  • There is severe swelling;
  • The tissues become hyperemic;
  • There are problems with breathing;
  • Speech becomes slurred and difficult.

The acute form can affect the respiratory system and cause an asthma attack. The patient is urgently administered antihistamines, which will help eliminate the allergen. In case of severe swelling, hormonal preparations are additionally connected.

Signs of glossitis

At the beginning of the disease, there are no special signs, there is only a slight discomfort in the mouth, which patients do not pay much attention to. With an untimely visit to the dentist, the disease begins to progress, and the inflammation spreads from the tongue throughout the oral cavity. At the next stage, the patient begins to worry about the characteristic symptoms:

  • Discomfort, pain and burning of the oral mucosa;
  • The tongue becomes swollen and hyperemic;
  • A white coating of a dense consistency appears on the surface;
  • While chewing food, and when talking, there are some difficulties;
  • The tongue becomes sensitive to hot and cold food.

The more difficult the disease and its form, the more dramatically the symptoms develop. The easiest is the catarrhal form of glossitis, which affects only the surface of the tongue and the inflammatory process does not spread throughout the oral cavity. Signs of catarrhal glossitis are limited only to plaque on the tongue and not much swelling.

Prevention of glossitis

Dentists recommend following certain rules to prevent the development of glossitis:

  1. Competently and carefully take care of your oral cavity every day;
  2. Try not to eat too hot and spicy food, which can lead to injury to the mucous membrane of the tongue;
  3. Brush your teeth twice a day from plaque and food debris;
  4. During the treatment of carious teeth;
  5. Lead a healthy lifestyle;
  6. Do not smoke or abuse alcohol.

Medical treatment

Before prescribing treatment, it is necessary to correctly establish the diagnosis. To do this, the dentist appoints the patient to undergo a series of diagnostic techniques. According to the results of the study, the doctor prescribes a treatment that corresponds to the form of the disease and the severity of the inflammatory process. The main task of the treatment process is to eliminate the inflammatory process and destroy the pathogen. The course of treatment takes about 10 days. With severe swelling of the tongue and its redness, it is necessary to provide emergency assistance to the patient. Dentists in less serious cases offer to treat glossitis with the following means:

  • Solutions for rinsing the mouth with antiseptic properties;
  • Anesthetic drugs;
  • To heal and strengthen the oral mucosa, sea buckthorn and rosehip oil are used;
  • Antibacterial agents;
  • Antifungal drugs.

It is better to apply all the recommendations for the prevention of glossitis than its treatment will take a lot of time and money. Together with medications, you need to take a course of vitamin therapy. This will help to increase and strengthen the immune system and give high results in recovery.

How to treat glossitis folk remedies

At the first symptoms of glossitis, which are manifested by burning and discomfort in the oral cavity, treatment should be started. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue is fraught with serious complications. The main task of the treatment process are the following actions:

  1. Relieve pain in the affected organ;
  2. Eliminate the development of pathogenic microorganisms;
  3. Allow the mucous membrane to recover quickly.

The use of chemicals is indicated for severe forms of glossitis. In other cases, you can use the methods of traditional medicine. The algorithm of treatment with the help of folk remedies:

  • Food is best taken warm, soft and boiled;
  • It is not recommended to take salty, smoked, spicy foods, some fruits, with a high acid content;
  • You need to drink plenty of water during the treatment period;
  • Suitable herbal teas, sweet and non-carbonated drinks;
  • It is useful to add dairy products to the diet;
  • When brushing your teeth, use a soft and new brush;
  • During the period of illness, do not use mouthwash;
  • You can independently prepare a decoction for rinsing your mouth based on medicinal herbs;
  • Between the teeth with a thread, you also need to clean the oral cavity;

Treatment of glossitis with folk methods is quite effective and efficient.

Nutrition for glossitis

A lot of attention is paid to the diet in the treatment of glossitis. Many dentists recommend eliminating foods that irritate the oral mucosa from the diet. This includes spices, salty, smoked and fried foods. You also need to increase the volume of fluid and drink more herbal teas based on medicinal herbs, unsweetened fruit drinks. To normalize the intestinal microflora, it is necessary to add fermented milk products to the menu, which contain beneficial bifidum bacteria.

Glossitis is a rather insidious dental disease that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. Otherwise, serious complications can develop and the disease becomes chronic. There are several types of glossitis and each form has its own appropriate treatment. Basically, depending on the pathogen, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy, vitamins, drugs, to restore the intestinal microflora.

Together, you can achieve high results in treatment. Also, with a mild catarrhal form of the disease, treatment can be carried out at home. Here, decoctions of medicinal herbs are used to rinse the mouth. Food should be soft and boiled, this will help avoid irritation of the mucous membrane of the tongue.

Glossitis is an inflammatory process that affects different layers of the tongue, from the top to the deepest, the disease can be complicated by the formation of an abscess or phlegmon. In order to prevent such consequences, which require surgical intervention and pose a certain threat, therapy must be started in a timely manner. Today it will be told what drugs are used to treat glossitis, as well as methods of therapy, depending on the type of pathology.

General principles of treatment

In order to choose an adequate treatment for glossitis of the tongue, it is necessary to make the correct diagnosis in time. In some cases, when the symptoms are severe, and the development of the disease was preceded by external factors (mucosal burns, trauma with braces, prostheses or fillings), only a dentist can determine the diagnosis. But sometimes additional diagnostics is also necessary, which includes laboratory, hardware studies and consultations of narrow specialists, such as an ENT specialist, an endocrinologist, an infectious disease specialist, a gastroenterologist, a hematologist, and others.

If during the examination a concomitant disease of an acute or chronic nature is detected, which provoked the development of glossitis, then the therapy will have two directions - the main and symptomatic. The main therapy aims to improve the functioning of the affected systems and organs, and the symptomatic is intended to stop the signs of glossitis as a comorbidity.

Treatment includes the following items:

  • complete sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • mucosal treatment with antiseptic solutions;
  • applications with painkillers and restorative drugs;
  • treatment with agents for healing and regeneration of the mucosa;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal treatment, depending on the type of pathogen;
  • taking immunomodulators.

During treatment with drugs and external preparations for applications and rinses, the patient is prescribed a sparing diet that excludes spicy, spicy, sour and salty foods, too hot and irritating foods, as well as solid foods. During the treatment period, heavy physical and emotional stress should be avoided in order to increase its effectiveness. Any changes in health status should be reported to the attending physician.

Preference is given to food with a semi-liquid consistency, for example, cereals, soups, mashed potatoes

The most effective drugs

Drug treatment of glossitis involves the use of such common remedies as Vinizol, Chlorhexidine and Solcoseryl. Each of these drugs has its own functions, but their complex use can increase the effectiveness of the symptomatic treatment of glossitis. Vinizol is widely used in the treatment of burnt surfaces, ulcerative lesions that do not heal for a long time, as well as for the speedy recovery and healing of tissue.

The release form of the drug is a spray, the composition includes the components vinylin, propellant, citral and linetol, and the product itself has powerful anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. The drug must be sprayed on the inflamed surface of the tongue 1-2 times a day, the duration of the spray is a few seconds. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor, as well as the intervals between use and dosage. Before using Vinizol, dentists advise cleaning the tongue from necrotic plaque that accumulates on the surface of ulcers and in folds.

Carefully need to use the drug for patients with a tendency to allergic reactions, you should be wary of getting the drug on the mucous membrane of the eye.

The next remedy is Solcoseryl, a gel for healing and rapid tissue regeneration. Its useful properties:

  • heals damaged mucosa;
  • improves metabolism in epithelial cells;
  • improves the supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients;
  • increases the amount of collagen fibers produced;
  • stimulates cell renewal.

In addition to the listed properties, Solcoseryl gel creates a thin film on the surface of the mucous epithelium that prevents infectious agents from entering the layers of damaged tissue. Before using the drug, it is also necessary to clean the surface from plaque. Gel treatment is carried out three times a day until a positive effect is obtained in the form of drying of ulcers and healing of cracks in the tongue.

Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic and bactericidal drug, it is used to rinse the mouth with glossitis

The drug acts on a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative microbes, but is powerless with a fungal infection. Cases of developing an allergic reaction to Chlorhexidine are extremely rare, you need to use the remedy three times a day, it is also suitable for lubricating the mucous membrane and irrigation.

Antibacterial treatment

Taking medications of the antibacterial group is not needed in all cases of treatment of glossitis. The need for such therapy is determined by the doctor, and purulent and phlegmonous processes are considered indications for prescribing antibiotics, when the inflammatory process extends not only to the deep tissues of the tongue, but also to neighboring areas (oral cavity, chin, neck). Also, antibacterial agents are prescribed to patients with high fever, enlarged peripheral lymph nodes and signs of intoxication.

What drugs are used according to indications for the treatment of glossitis:

  • Doxycycline is a remedy from the tetracycline group, which is taken at 100-200 mg per day, divided into 2 doses. Contraindications - pregnancy, children under 8 years of age and allergic reactions to the drug.
  • Suprax is an antibacterial drug related to cephalosporins, you need to take it orally at 800 mg per day, in one or two doses, for 7-10 days in a row.
  • Rocefin, an analogue of Ceftriaxone, also belongs to the group of cephalosporins, is administered intramuscularly or intravenously 2–4 g per day until the general condition returns to normal and the inflammatory process subsides.
  • Tetracycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is not prescribed for fungal and viral etiology of the disease, it is taken at 250-500 mg three times a day, the dosage and duration of treatment depends on the severity of the clinical picture.

If glossitis is accompanied by purulent-phlegmonous complications, this is often the reason for surgical intervention. Then antibiotic therapy is carried out in the recovery period, using one or two drugs at once, selecting them after analyzing the flora for sensitivity.

Treatment of the candidal form

Outwardly, the mucous tissue of the oral cavity is treated with a solution of borax in glycerin at a 10% concentration. You should also rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, soda solution and irrigate the mucous membrane with 2% boric acid. Tablets for oral administration with antifungal effect:

  • Nystatin is a rather old, but proven and effective remedy for Candida fungus, tablets with a dosage of 250-500 thousand units. take 3-4 times a day, while they are not recommended to be crushed or chewed beforehand, the course of treatment is 10-14 days.
  • Lamisil - tablets that need to be taken one per day (active substance content 250 mg), the course of therapy depends on the depth of damage to the epithelial layers and the duration of the disease.
  • Terbinafine - a fungicidal agent that will take from a week to 1-2 months to be treated, take one tablet once a day with a dosage of 250 mg.

With the fungal etiology of glossitis, drug therapy should be aimed at destroying the yeast-like pathogen from the Candida group

It must be remembered that candidal glossitis often accompanies long-term infectious diseases in which the patient uses large doses of antibiotics. Sometimes it is enough to cancel antibacterial agents and carry out external treatment of the tongue several times so that the symptoms of glossitis go away on their own.

Anti-inflammatory and painkillers

To reduce the level of inflammation in the oral cavity and eliminate the pain syndrome, drugs from the groups of antimicrobials, NSAIDs, as well as anesthetics in the form of gels and ointments are needed. They are also used for tissue swelling and other unpleasant consequences of pathology. Here is a list of required drugs:

  • Tantum Verde - a spray from the indazole group, has not only an analgesic, but also an antimicrobial effect. Effectively stops the inflammatory process in the oral cavity, stabilizes the state of the cells. Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age and allergy sufferers.
  • Ketoprofen is a drug that reduces the level of inflammation, eliminates pain, and brings down the temperature. Thanks to the complex action, it improves the patient's well-being and relieves the characteristic symptoms of glossitis. It is not used for severe gastrointestinal diseases, pregnancy, lactation and kidney dysfunction.
  • Cholisal is a gel with antimicrobial and analgesic properties, which is applied to the surface of the mucosa 2-3 times a day, until a lasting effect is achieved.
  • Kamistad - gel, which includes chamomile extract to achieve antimicrobial action and the analgesic component benzocaine. The tool cools the damaged mucosa well, relieving pain and healing the affected layers of the epithelium.
  • Hexaspray - used as a spray, thanks to a special spray nozzle. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic effect. The remedy is contraindicated in children under 2.5 years of age and in patients sensitive to the components.

Metrogyl Denta - a gel used to treat most dental diseases, has an antimicrobial and healing effect

Lizak lozenges are used to cleanse the oral cavity of microbial plaque, reduce inflammation and pain. This fungicidal agent is effective for bacterial, fungal and viral forms of glossitis, but is not prescribed for children under 4 years of age.

Other drugs

In addition to treatment with the listed means, glossitis therapy involves the intake and use of other drugs, depending on the clinical need:

  • antihistamines - with the allergic nature of the disease, these are Claritin, Zirtek, Loratadin, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine;
  • hormonal - with a severe form of the disease, accompanied by shortness of breath and severe swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat, these are Prednisolone and Hydrocortisone;
  • antiviral - Interferon, Cycloferon, Viferon, are used for the viral nature of the disease;
  • immunomodulators - are necessary in cases where glossitis acquires a chronic etiology and is manifested by relapses against the background of a sharp decrease in immunity, these are Immunal, Bronchomunal, echinacea tincture;
  • healing agents - rosehip and sea buckthorn oil, vitamin A;
  • vitamin complexes - are prescribed in almost all cases of glossitis, it is especially necessary to replenish the body's reserves of B vitamins and iron (with concomitant anemia).

It is imperative to stimulate the defenses in order to avoid recurrence of inflammation.

In the form of applications that are applied to the tongue, Lidocaine at a 2% concentration, Trimecaine at a 2% concentration and Novocaine are used. These substances are part of many anesthetic gels that are necessary for patients with glossitis, because most often the disease causes acute pain. It must be remembered that the successful treatment of glossitis involves complex therapy, depending on the underlying cause of the disease.

If the pathology has developed simultaneously with dysbacteriosis, a gastroenterologist is involved in the treatment. Blood diseases, and at the same time signs of glossitis, are the prerogative of a hematologist. And so on, depending on the factor that provoked the inflammatory process in the cavity of the tongue. It is strongly not recommended to self-medicate and ignore the symptoms of the disease, since poorly treated glossitis can be complicated by phlegmon, abscess, and even blood poisoning.

Glossitis is an inflammation in the tongue, in which it changes color, and the papillae gradually atrophy. This disease of the tongue is observed in adults and children. Most often it is an infectious disease.

The main causes of the disease are:

  • allergies to toothpaste and dentures;
  • bacteria and viruses found in the mouth;
  • dryness in the oral cavity, where pathogenic microbes multiply;
  • tongue injury;
  • lack of iron and vitamins of the whole group B in the body;
  • burn of the oral mucosa;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The disease can be acute or chronic.

There are common symptoms of the disease:

  • bad breath;
  • pain when chewing; sore throat, sensation of coma;
  • swelling of the mucosa;
  • great salivation;
  • the appearance of red spots on the tongue;
  • uncomfortable in the mouth;
  • the tongue is constantly dry and inactive.

With many of these symptoms, it is difficult to eat, especially salty and spicy foods, and to drink hot food.

What and how to effectively treat glossitis? Treatment of the disease should begin with the diagnosis. To do this, sometimes it is enough to undergo an examination by a dentist, and sometimes it is necessary to undergo a serious diagnosis, including tests, some procedures and consultation with narrow specialists.

With a mild form of the disease, you can try to cure it at home. Folk remedies will help here. It's time to rinse your mouth with herbs, chamomile and calendula, oak bark and sage, aloe juice and plantain. These herbs reduce inflammation and promote wound healing, which is very helpful in this disease. It is also helpful to rinse your mouth with warm soda water with a few drops of iodine or hydrogen peroxide diluted with water. It is good to be treated with honey, you need to hold it in the mouth until it completely resolves. Honey helps fight infection and boosts the body's defenses.

It is very effective to lubricate the oral cavity with propolis, because it perfectly heals wounds. Carrot and potato juices, as well as rosehip oil, also help to heal wounds. It is necessary to lubricate the tongue with tea tree oil. This oil works as an antibacterial agent. For a while, a warm decoction of mint and eucalyptus helps to remove the pain.

In addition to all this, you need to drink decoctions that raise immunity and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to them, you can restore damaged tissues on the tongue and strengthen the body's strength.

If you need treatment prescribed by a narrow specialist, then it will take place in several directions. In this case it is necessary:

  • to carry out a complete sanitation of the mouth;
  • rinse the mouth with antiseptics;
  • for pain relief and rapid healing of wounds, apply applications;
  • treat the affected surface with oil solutions;
  • take vitamins and minerals in the complex;
  • you need to boost your immunity.

Patients need to follow a diet, exclude heavy physical and emotional stress, eat grated food.

The type and duration of glossitis treatment depend on the cause of the disease and its type.

There are the following types of disease:

  • catarrhal;
  • candidal;
  • purulent-phlegmous;
  • erosive and ulcerative;
  • median rhomboid;
  • desquamative;
  • gunther's;
  • atrophic.

Catarrhal glossitis is treated with local therapy, antiseptics, bactericidal and wound healing agents. Be sure to treat the diseases that caused it. Candida is treated with medicines to restore the microflora in the intestines and mouth. The most popular drug is nystatin, which is prescribed in the treatment of this type of glossitis.

Purulent-phlegmous glossitis is the most severe form of the disease, which is treated with antibiotics, and sometimes there is a need for surgery.

Erosive and ulcerative is treated with ointments and therapeutic applications, and the median rhomboid, if it has a neglected condition, requires surgical intervention, although laser therapy and various physiotherapy sometimes help. Desquamative glossitis destroys the tissues of the tongue, creating pits and notches on it. This form of the disease is treated by a gastroenterologist, an infectious disease specialist and an endocrinologist.

Treatment at the dentist consists in cleansing the tongue with various antiseptics and healing agents, and is also designed to restore its tissues.

Treatment of hunter's glossitis is aimed at improving the patient's condition, and for atrophic, vitamins A and E are needed.

If this disease is not treated, then you can get a complication in the form of an abscess and phlegmon, which are very dangerous for the human body. Some of its forms (interstitial glossitis) can lead to cancer.

Any of the forms of glossitis is treatable, the main thing is not to start it. This disease cannot be left to chance, because treatment started on time is the main sign that it will not turn into a chronic form and will not give serious complications.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

under the word glossitis understand inflammation of the tongue of an infectious and non-infectious nature. This condition can occur on its own (primary), or as a symptom of another disease (secondary).

According to the nature of the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease, there are:
1. Acute glossitis- occurs for the first time, as an independent disease, or against the background of another disease.
2. Chronic glossitis - occurs with an unresolved cause of acute glossitis (incorrectly selected prostheses, insufficient oral hygiene, spicy and excessively hot food) and immunity failure.


  • Bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.).
  • Fungi (yeast-like genus Candida).
  • Injuries to the tissues of the tongue (thermal and chemical burns, mechanical damage).
Under the influence of nicotine and alcohol, the risk of developing glossitis increases.

Glossitis is a symptom of certain diseases and conditions of the body:

  • lack of vitamins (A, E, B 12 and folic acid);
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • lichen planus;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • taking antibiotics;


Common symptoms of glossitis include:
  • pain and burning in the tongue;
  • swelling of the tissues of the tongue, limited mobility of the tongue and impaired speech;
  • violation of salivation;
  • discoloration of the tissues of the tongue;
  • change in the sense of taste or its perversion;
  • possible erosion and ulceration on the mucous membrane of the tongue.
Catarrhal glossitis
It develops with various diseases (stomatitis, oral candidiasis, anemia, superficial burns and injuries, etc.). It is characterized by the appearance of tissue edema and plaque on the mucous membrane of the tongue. The lesion affects the upper layers of the tongue, and is not deep.

Ulcerative (aphthous) glossitis
Most often develops with untreated catarrhal glossitis. At the same time, numerous small ulcers (aphthae) appear on the surface of the tongue. Often there are bleeding from ulcers, swelling becomes more pronounced, pain is noted, the general condition of the patient may worsen.

Catarrhal and aphthous forms of the disease are superficial glossitis.
Deep (phlegmonous) glossitis
Inflammation spreads to all layers of the tongue (with an abscess), nearby tissues and lymph nodes (with phlegmon). The patient's condition is deteriorating. There is an increase in body temperature, weakness, headache and throbbing pain in the tongue. The tongue is edematous, especially in the area of ​​abscess formation (abscess). Eating is disturbed, in severe cases there may be difficulty in breathing.

Special forms of the disease

Desquamative (exfoliative) glossitis
Refers to symptomatic diseases. It develops against the background of hypovitaminosis, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, during pregnancy, helminthic invasions and other diseases. It is often referred to as "geographical language". On the mucous membrane of the back of the tongue, striation appears, areas of redness, burning and pain (especially when eating). The affected areas in their outlines resemble a geographical map.

Benign wandering glossitis
This is a desquamative glossitis, in which the mucosal lesions change their shape and location on the back of the tongue within a short period of time.

Rhomboid glossitis
It develops against the background of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often it appears again, a chronic course is characteristic. With this form of the disease, there is a thickening of the epithelium and the appearance of a red area in the form of a rhombus or oval, along the midline on the posterior third of the back of the tongue. The color of the rhombus can change to a bluish tint. There are three forms of rhomboid glossitis:
1. Flat- characterized by the absence of papillae in the focus area, and a smooth surface - as if varnished;
2. Papulose- takes place in the presence of dense tubercles on the surface of the focus;
3. hyperplastic - characterized by the appearance of flat growths on a wide base of whitish color in the area of ​​the lesion.

Folded glossitis
It is an anomaly in the development of tongue tissues. The appearance of folds on the surface of the tongue is characteristic, the deepest of which runs along the center of its back. Usually this is the only manifestation of glossitis. May be associated with desquamative inflammation. Does not lead to violation of the functions of the language.

Atrophic glossitis
It can develop with hypovitaminosis (deficiency of vitamins) A and E, gonorrhea. The appearance of a hyperemic (red) smooth spot on the mucous membrane of the tongue is characteristic. Disease progression is not typical.

Gunther's glossitis (Hunter's)
This type of glossitis is a symptom of anemia, which leads to the development of a lack of folic acid and vitamin B 12. At the same time, the tongue becomes smoothed, as if varnished, the color changes to bright crimson. A burning sensation may be present.

Black hairy tongue (villous glossitis)
The reason for the development of this glossitis is not exactly established. It is noted that this disease can develop for no apparent reason (genetically laid down), under the influence of smoking and certain medications, against the background of a candidal infection of the oral cavity. Manifestations of glossitis are caused by the growth of the filiform papillae of the tongue and their subsequent keratinization. The color of the papillae changes (may darken). Patients complain of a sore throat, a feeling of a foreign body (as if something stuck to the back of the tongue), and sometimes vomiting.

Candidal glossitis
The cause of the disease is a violation of the microflora of the oral cavity during previous antibiotic therapy, most often in the elderly and children against the background of a decrease in immunity. A white coating and striation appear on the back of the tongue, the tongue becomes swollen.

Interstitial glossitis
This glossitis is one of the manifestations of tertiary syphilis. The tissues of the tongue are evenly affected. The tongue looks like a "quilted blanket", its movements are difficult due to the compaction of the tissues. With insufficient treatment, the muscles of the tongue are irreversibly replaced by connective tissue. Malignant degeneration of tissues (cancer) is possible.

Glossitis in children

Simple catarrhal glossitis in children can develop when the tongue is injured by improperly installed fillings and orthodontic structures, with frequent biting of the tongue and eating very hot food, which contributes to the penetration of infection and the development of inflammation. The main complaint in children with this form of glossitis is pain.

Children with helminthic invasions often develop desquamative glossitis. At the same time, young patients may not complain. Often, mothers go to the doctor only when they notice incomprehensible spots on the back of the tongue. The following pathologies can be the cause of desquamative glossitis:

  • diseases of the endocrine glands;
  • infectious diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Children with diabetes, immunosuppressed children, and children treated with antibiotics may develop candidal glossitis.

Glossitis during pregnancy

Pregnant women may develop any form of glossitis. However, against the background of changes in the hormonal background, an increased need for vitamins and trace elements, and their insufficient intake with food, desquamative glossitis most often develops. Its manifestations correspond to its manifestations in other categories of patients. Treatment is carried out taking into account contraindications to prescribing drugs during pregnancy.

Due to some decrease in immunity, pregnant women may develop candidal glossitis.


At the beginning of treatment, special attention should be paid to proper hygienic treatment of the oral cavity: brush your teeth at least 2 times a day, rinse your mouth after meals, and do not neglect preventive dental examinations. It must be remembered that spicy and excessively hot food worsens the course of glossitis. Therefore, for the duration of treatment, such foods should be excluded from the diet. Various purees and mashed soups, viscous cereals are recommended. The mouth during the day must be rinsed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, a solution of furacilin or chlorhexidine. Locally used painkillers (anestezin solution in glycerin, a solution of chloral hydrate, trimecaine or lidocaine) and mucosal restorers (rosehip oil, retinol solution, peach oil, Solcoseryl, vinylin) agents. For the purpose of disinfection, you can rinse your mouth with a solution of Rotokan, Romazulan.

Purulent-phlegmonous (deep) glossitis
The excision (removal) of the abscess or pus of the phlegmon is performed surgically. In the postoperative period, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

Desquamative glossitis
To cure desquamative glossitis, it is necessary to treat the disease that led to inflammation of the tongue.

Rhomboid glossitis
Most often, this type of glossitis does not require special treatment. But with the progression of the disease, the development of papillomatous (hyperplastic form) glossitis, surgical removal of the affected area is carried out in order to prevent the development of precancerous and cancerous diseases of the tongue.

Gunther's glossitis
Since the hunter's glossitis is not an independent disease, but refers to the symptoms of B 12 - folate deficiency anemia, treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of anemia. Thus, the treatment consists in compensating for the deficiency of vitamin B 12 and folic acid, as well as in normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Villous glossitis
Modified papillae are removed with tweezers. After the procedure, the surface of the tongue is treated with a 3% solution of copper sulfate, resorcinol, salicylic alcohol.

Candidal glossitis
Antifungal drugs are used to treat candidal glossitis.

Folk remedies

Don't get carried away with treatment